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1) For the first procedure, I’m going to prepare and assemble needed materials such as with
cotton balls and cleansing solution, which is a betadine solution, a pitcher with sterile warm
water, kidney basin for soiled cotton balls and then the bedpan and pick up forcep.

2) Next is performing hand hygiene. This is done to minimize the spread of microorganisms
3) Put on gloves.
4) Then, explain the procedure to the patient so that the patient will cooperate
5) Next is, offer the client a bedpan or assist her to the bathroom before starting. IF you have
assistance, pwedeng ipahawak yung legs or if kaya naman ng patient, you instruct her like “
maam pwede po ba pataas ng pwet nyo maglagagay lang po ako ng bedpan” then isupport ko
lang using my arm, then pasok, isslide
6) Okay, after that provides the client with privacy.
7) Then position the client supine with knees slightly flexed.
8) Place a rubber under the client’s hips.
9) Next is, Drape the client with a towel or sheet.
10) Then, I’m going to expose the perineal area.
11) So afterward, we must clean the perineal area using 7 cotton balls with a cleansing solution,
the principle is to clean first the cleanest to dirtiest. We must clean first the labia majora and
labia minora and then urethra going down the anus
▪ We must clean the labia majora first doon sa far side natin to prevent cross contamination, so
labia majora first from the mons pubis, isang stroke lang then pababa going to perineum and then
the anus. After that we must discard the cotton ball
▪ For step 2 we must get another cotton ball to clean labia minora, so labia minora going to
perineum and anus and then discard the cotton ball
▪ Next is on my near side, so mauuna pa din ang labia majora, from mons pubis to anus then
▪ Then labia minora,so from mons pubis to anus, isang stroke lang then after that we discard
▪ The 5 cotton ball will be used in the middle. So, from the mons pubis going down to urethra,

vaginal orifice, going to perineum then anus and discard

▪ For the 6 cotton ball, we need to use it for the far groin first, from taas pababa, one stroke lang

then discard the cotton ball

▪ Okay another cotton ball is for the near side, one stroke lang pataas then pababa then discard
12) Next, is to flush thoroughly with sterile warm water
13) Gently opens all skin folds and washes inner labia from front to back. Then the outer labia
from front to back. And lastly the anal area
14) Once it's done. We should observe odors and vaginal discharge that may indicate infection.
Then, notify the physician if present.
15) Then Pats the perineal area dry with towel.
16) Removes rubber mat. Then position the client in a comfortable position
17) Afterwards, I’m going to remove and dispose of my gloves.

1) First, we should check the doctor’s orders.
2) Next, I'm going to position the PERTILITE (heat lamp with a 25-watt bulb) approximately
14 inches from the perineum.
3) Expose the perineal area to the heat lamp for approximately 20 minutes (depending on
doctor’s orders).
4) Then next is I will Instruct the client. So, ma’am you should maintain your position during
the procedure and not to touch the heat lamp.
5) Then we’re going to check the exposed area at 5-minute intervals throughout the duration of
the procedure.
6) Remove the heat lamp and towel/sheet drape
7) After that, positions the client comfortably.
8) And performs aftercare. This is to clean and store equipment
9) And lastly, I will document procedures conducted and record observations.


1) For the first procedure, I’m going to prepare the client’s record
2) After nyan iccheck natin yung condition ng perineum at anus
3) Then, I’m going to prepare the equipments such as sterile bedpan, Thermometer, Warm
water for healing, Blanket, Footstool, Chair, Over bed table, Towel, Disposable gloves,
sterile dressing
4) Next is I will now introduce myself to the client. So, Good Morning Ma’am. I’m gonna be your
nurse for today, can I see your ID wristband ma’am? This is to v erify the client’s identity.
5) Then explain to the patient what we are going to do to reduce anxiety
6) After that, I’m going to wash my hands. This is done to minimize the spread of
7) Next is I will fold the towel now and put it on the chair. (isasampay sa taas ng chair)
8) And pour warm water with the desired temperature into the sterile bed pan and place on
the chair
9) Then I will now put on my gloves
10) Next thing that I will do is to remove the dressing of the wound of the patient. As I do
this, I will assess the condition of wound or inflammation.
11) Now, I’m ready to assist the patient to get out of bed. Undress the lower part of the body
then allow the patient to sit on a bedpan that lasts 20 minutes. ( papaupuin sa upuan na
may bedpan)
12) Then, place a footstool under the patient’s feet.
13) And drape shoulder to lower extremities of the patient. Keeping the patient comfortably
sitting( kukumutan hanggang paa)
14) Then put a folded towel against the patient’s lower back( lalagyan ng sandalan na towel )
15) While the patient is sitted we should regularly ask the patient about the water
temperature. If the patient feels that temperature has significantly dropped, add warm
water with desired temperature.
16) After the treatment, help the patient to stand slowly and assist back to bed.
17) Then cover the wound with a sterile dressing. This is the the time that we are going to
assess for the inflammation, discharges or foul odors
18) After that I am now going to dispose of all materials that I have use
19) Then lastly, I will now document the procedure that I have done

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