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As a nation, is the Philippines better off economically and politically isolated from the rest of the

world, or are they being hurt more by globalization?


The interchange of commodities and services, capital, technology, human resources, and culture

throughout the world is what we mean when we talk of globalization. It is helpful while carrying out

business on an international scale. Infrastructure, education, and health care are all improved as a result

of this. It ultimately results in the integration of global culture, politics, and the economy. In the

Philippines, it has shown to be quite successful. Since 1995, it has brought about a fundamental shift in

the economic landscape. Because of the country's entry into the agreement with the WTO, a large

number of businesses and labor organizations have stepped forward to assist the economy. The

Philippines and its people have not suffered any negative consequences as a result of their country's

participation in global economic and political integration. Globally active multinational firms often have a

network of satellite offices and branches throughout the world to better serve their customers around the

clock. Western companies who have workplaces in the Philippines may have a significant competitive

advantage over their competitors that operate in offices that are located closer together. Setting up a

foreign office in the Philippines is made far simpler than it has ever been before as a result of the various

tax cuts, rewards, and other advantages provided by the government of the Philippines. The fact that a

rising number of international organizations have their headquarters in the Philippines is nothing short of

a little miracle. The region with the most rapid economic growth in the country. It generated an

astounding $8.9 billion in 2010, $11 billion each and every year in 2011 and 2012, and $15 billion in

2013 and 2014, and it is expected to reach $21.2 billion this year 2015. According to some estimates, it

will reach $25 billion by the end of 2016, and it might reach as high as $28.1 billion by the end of 2017.

At that time, the region may have outperformed the settlements that OFWs have traditionally brought

into the country, and it might contribute another 10% to the GDP of the nation. Any business process
outsourcing (BPO) corporation should seek to capitalize on conditions that allow for such development

and speed. In contrast, the most widely recognized barrier posed by the proliferation of global

organizations is the surrender of national sovereignty. The financial power of international organizations

is astounding. They ignore the needs of the general population, which is the interface in the internal

difficulties of the host country. The architects of the impact strategy in order to protect their advantages.

There is a risk that the host nation may lose both its influence and its independence. Many multinational

corporations have tremendous financial ambitions for the development and expansion of their respective

markets. They present domestic businesses, which often succeed, with competition. In general, they will

obtain the authority to constrain others through the use of infrastructure. Profits from benefits, interest

payments on credits, sovereignties on licenses, expenses for the board, and other services are taken

out of the economies of having nations by multinational corporations as payment for various costs and

services. Work opportunities at multinational corporations (MNCs) are often short-term in nature. The

trade-off generally has an effect on more modest organizations operating in the private sector. This is

due to the fact that the incorporation interaction essentially provides more prominent organizations that

are establishing foundations with a significantly higher opportunity to contribute to international trade.

One further thing to take into consideration is the fact that the assurance of better vacant employment is

often reserved for professionals rather than normal workers, the latter of which the Philippines has an

abundance of. It is possible to see how the departure of MNCs affected the situation during the Asian

Financial Crisis. The Philippines saw some decline. GMA was able to seize power as a result of the

closure of Chinese-backed multinational corporations (MNCs), which caused a slight decline in financial

stability. However, despite the numerous modernizations that have been adopted by the country, the

Philippines is ranked 138th (out of 185 economies) by the World Bank and the International Finance

Corporation (IFC) to simplify working together, highlighting the significance of nearby information. Other

than the inclusion of private departments, the Philippines positions poorly on all lists, followed by the

World Bank and the International Finance Corporation to simplify the process of obtaining credit.

Another concerning area is the assurance of financial backers, which places the nation at position 128
on the global scale.

Reason 1

The globalization of the economy promotes the sharing of different ideas, as well as culture,

education, tourism, and new technologies. Additionally, globalization has the potential to assist in the

further improvement of the education system in the Philippines. When it comes to education, the

Philippines continues to make strides toward improvement and is home to a number of exceptionally

gifted people. At the moment, instruction in the Philippines is considered to take place outside of the K-

12 educational system. This is done with the intention of enhancing the students' ability in the areas of

mathematics, science, and language. The Department of Education (DepEd) has pledged to provide an

education of a higher quality using the new curriculum's track system. Students who choose one of the

tracks will have sufficient time to become proficient in that profession and to improve their talents. In the

end, graduates of K-12 schools will be able to compete successfully on a worldwide scale and will be in

a position to secure a position in the country's competitive job market. In addition, many people from

other parts of the world come to study in this region since the standard of education is so excellent. At

the same time, the costs are reduced, and this makes it possible to accommodate any and all visitors

from outside the country who need to focus in the Philippines. The reduced average cost of vital things

when concentrated here is also another factor for this phenomenon. The general populace of the

Philippines possesses a high level of intelligence and holds intelligent conversations with a variety of

foreigners. Due to the fact that English is taught in schools across the Philippines, the majority of the

population is fluent in this language. In the present day, the Philippines is experiencing a significant

increase in the re-appropriating of foreign organizations, particularly in Metro Manila. The development

of new data processing methods is helped along by globalization. When it comes to data innovation in

the Philippines, it functions well as a whole and ensures that Filipinos have access to information and

updates regarding the most recent design that is utilized by all nations. Innovation as a result of
globalization's impact on the Philippines brings about more positive results than negative ones because

it contributes to the growth of the country's economy. Because of the data innovation that has been used

most recently and currently, it enhances the progression of all organization items and further limits that

have been crafted by each Filipino. People are now better able to comprehend the mentalities, beliefs,

and practices of people who live in various parts of the world as a result of globalization. Mr. Kenneth

Cobonpue or Ms. Monique Lhuillier. They are Filipinos whose concepts and schemes have garnered

praise from people all over the world and caught the attention of people from other countries and

Hollywood celebrities. The artist Apl d Ap of Black Eyed Peas has achieved worldwide success in music

and entertainment with his tunes, but this success has led to an underestimate of our regional dialects.

Counterargument 1

On the Because of globalization, the traditional way of life of a Filipino has been adversely affected. It

has become a prerequisite for any person who is interested in elevating their social level in today's

culture. Like certain values that the typical Filipino person has ignored. There are now some younger

people in the Philippines who are free to live their lives like other young people in other countries do. A

significant number of them, in particular those couples, are cohabitating alongside their marriages. One

more question: is there anyone who doesn't recognize Avatar, Barney, Glee, Rain, Wonder Girls, or

Kobe Bryant? Because of globalization, it is now possible for us to be wired and linked to the television

shows, movies, news, lifestyles, and other forms of entertainment that are broadcast from other

countries. As a consequence of this, many Filipinos, particularly younger generations, have forgotten

about traditional Filipino activities such as Moro-Moro, Kundiman, and Sarsuela, amongst others,

because of the proliferation of access to the internet. The vast majority of young Filipinos would rather

spend their time playing video games on their computers and checking Facebook or Twitter rather than

engaging in physical activity or getting useful tasks done around the house. Because of globalization,

the effects of these on all Filipino people, here and there, are not acceptable. This is especially true in
Filipino's strength of Filipino, such as the rapid spread of AIDS, which often originates from outside the

nation. It is possible for Filipinos to have this illness if they have sexual contact with a foreigner. It can

rapidly spread to others without those people being aware of it. The proliferation of sex tapes and digital

transgressions have both been significantly influenced by social media's enormous impact as a result of

this development. Since 2011, detractors have been quite vocal about the principal issues that concern

them. They maintain that the government is not yet prepared to implement the K-12 system and that this

will place an additional burden on kids as well as the parents of those pupils.

Reason 2

Boost the authority and freedom held by nations, organizations, and non-governmental parties. The

relaxation of restrictions on the free movement of goods across the borders of ASEAN member nations

is one of the primary factors driving the Philippines' desire to join the ASEAN Free Trade Area. This not

only enables a wider variety of services and other similar products to be transported between ASEAN

members, but it also ultimately results in more open positions for all of the parties involved. The

equilibrium of exchange terms of fare and import between the ASEAN member nations was optimal and

typically good for the Philippines. This was because the terms of fare and import were generally

favorable. This would imply that the nation's foods have advanced to the point where they are

substantially comparable to those of the other ASEAN member states. The interaction of political

reconciliation would regularly result in the country becoming a member of global associations that focus

on the prosperity of each and every one of its subjects on a more extensive scale. The Philippines is a

member of a number of international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development (OECD). The WHO is primarily concerned with general health, and the UNODC is

primarily concerned with assisting governments in managing crimes such as illegal intimidation and

unlawful drug use. Integration on a political level typically results in significant nations gaining the ability

to exert political influence within their economic group. A country with a fragile economy can be easily
pressured into passing orders and laws that put effectively more grounded countries at a benefit, which,

in essence, makes the more fragile country incendiary. One example of this would be China's supposed

influence over the World Health Organization's reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The postponed

reaction by all legislators worldwide was attributed to the who's chief general reiterating the allegations

of the CCP in relation to the underlying event that occurred in China. These allegations sparked debate

over the degree to which the mandates of an important association, such as the WHO, may be easily

altered by the interests of another nation. Integration on a political level should, over the course of time,

lead to a reduction in the likelihood of confrontations with potentially hostile nations. An armed conflict

between nation-states is frequently thwarted by the presence of political allies, particularly those vested

with extraordinary military and defensive capabilities. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a prime

example of an organization that was established with the dual goals of preserving peace and

contributing to the advancement of economic recovery. Reconciling political differences increases the

likelihood of receiving direction and support from nations and organizations that were previously

complicit. Despite the fact that Filipinos are well-known for their adaptability, they are not immune to the

effects that catastrophic events can have on their finances. When it comes to assisting individuals, the

public sector frequently requires additional assets; however, the available supply of materials is typically

restricted. Unmistakable nations such as the United States, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates had all

contributed billions of dollars in the form of financial guidance for the reconstruction of Tacloban, which

was the area of the Philippines that was hit the hardest by Typhoon Yolanda. During the eruption of the

Taal Volcano, many countries in Southeast Asia, including China and Korea, offered assistance in the

form of provisions.

Counterargument 2

When it comes to political integration, coordination between nation-states can be difficult. This is

especially true when dealing with nations that have different agendas or governments that have such a

significant power gap between them. The dispute between China and the Philippines over the West
Philippine Sea is one example of an incident related to this. China has rejected the decision of the

council and continues to demand that a case be made for the West Philippine Sea and the islands that

are associated with it, despite the fact that the worldwide nation decided in favor of the Philippines. The

power that China has shown against Filipino sailors and anglers in recent years is evidence that they

rightfully own the West Philippine Sea. It turns out that upholding strategies, such as council

administering, becomes problematic when another country, particularly an incredible one, rejects the

approach and will not collaborate with other countries on it.


The Philippines may be considered a "global country," but their participation in the economic and

political integration that occurs on a global scale does not come without associated dangers. On the one

hand, it is detrimental to the economy of the Philippines because it gives foreign actors a means to

harass local companies and force them to shut down. The integration of global politics may also make it

possible for outside actors to have an impact on the results of elections in the Philippines. On the other

hand, there are arguments that can be made that are beneficial to the economy as well as the politics of

the nation of the Philippines. It is possible that certain foreign actors will be able to improve the

Philippines' economic status and provide political support if the government makes deals with other

countries. On the other hand, certain factors enable Filipinos to vote for their candidate without any

intervention from foreign actors. If you are a Filipino and want to assist the government in its efforts to

improve the economy, you can do so by purchasing local goods and engaging in the consumption of

local content. In the realm of politics, the fact that the presidential elections for 2022 are still taking place

means that you may still have the opportunity to vote for a candidate who exemplifies Filipino values and

provides solutions to the many problems that face our nation. The only question that can be asked is this

one: will global integration still help the people of the Philippines, or will it be messed up by other

countries and cause major chaos in the country? To summarize everything, Positive effects are brought
to both the Philippines and the Filipino people as a result of global economic and political integration.

Trade is improved, which in turn increases the flow of capital into foreign companies, which in turn

increases leading growth. It broadens new pleading with future, which ultimately contributes to the

improvement of the economy. Globalization of the economy results in production taking place on a

global scale, and there is unrestricted movement of financial capital across national borders. In addition

to having an impact on the culture of the nation, it helps to preserve the equilibrium that exists between

developing and developed countries. Political concepts such as human rights and liberal democracy are

discussed back and forth between the two countries. Both the globalization of the economy and the

integration of the country's political system have resulted in some difficulties for the country. If the

national government intends to begin the process of integration, then they are responsible for ensuring

that partnerships with other nation-states are formed sensibly and with consideration given to what is in

the nation's best interests.

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