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A photoelectron velocity map imaging spectrometer for experiments

combining synchrotron and laser radiations

P. O’Keeffe, P. Bolognesi, M. Coreno, A. Moise, R. Richter et al.

Citation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3563723

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A photoelectron velocity map imaging spectrometer for experiments

combining synchrotron and laser radiations
P. O’Keeffe,1 P. Bolognesi,1 M. Coreno,1 A. Moise,2 R. Richter,2 G. Cautero,2 L. Stebel,2
R. Sergo,2 L. Pravica,3 Y. Ovcharenko,4 and L. Avaldi1
CNR-IMIP, Area della Ricerca di Roma 1, Monterotondo Scalo, Italy
Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, Area Science Park, I-34149 Basovizza (Trieste), Italy
The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia
Institute of Electron Physics, 88017 Uzhgorod, Ukraine
(Received 5 January 2011; accepted 16 February 2011; published online 24 March 2011)
A velocity map imaging/ion time-of-flight spectrometer designed specifically for pump–probe exper-
iments combining synchrotron and laser radiations is described. The in-house built delay line detector
can be used in two modes: the high spatial resolution mode and the coincidence mode. In the high
spatial resolution mode a kinetic energy resolution of 6% has been achieved. The coincidence mode
can be used to improve signal-to-noise ratio for the pump–probe experiments either by using a gate
to count electrons only when the laser is present or by recording coincidences with the ion formed in
the ionization process. © 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3563723]

I. INTRODUCTION nation with the centroiding and event counting methods14, 15 )

and furthermore, it is an intrinsically multihit technique in
Since its initial introduction in 1997 (Ref. 1) the veloc- which numerous particles can be detected simultaneously.
ity map imaging (VMI) technique has become one of the However, this type of detector has the disadvantage that the
most extensively used methods for the investigation of pho- timing information related to the arrival of the charged par-
toionization and photodissociation dynamics of atoms and ticle cannot be correlated with the position on the detector
molecules.2 Indeed, the number of publications based on the with a greater timing resolution than the phosphorescence
use of this technique has been constantly increasing since that lifetime of the phosphor screen which is usually on the or-
date. VMI is based on the projection of 3D distributions of der of tens of nanoseconds (although some fast phosphors
charged particles onto a position sensitive detector (PSD) by can reach lifetimes of less than 10 ns at the expense of effi-
inhomogeneous electrostatic fields which have the property ciency). To overcome this problem numerous detectors mak-
of mapping particles of the same initial velocity to the same ing use either of split anodes (e.g., see Ref. 16) or of delay
point on the detector, independent of the point within the in- line anodes have been developed (e.g., see Refs. 17 and 18).
teraction zone at which the particle was born. The original 3D These types of detectors have the advantage that they can be
distribution can then be recovered from this 2D projection by effectively used in coincidence type of experiments, where
a mathematical inversion procedure, provided the system has it is necessary to correlate the position of the particle to the
cylindrical symmetry around the axis parallel to the face of position or arrival time of another particle arriving either on
the detector.2 the same or indeed on an entirely different detector. On the
This technique has been applied to the measurement of other hand this type of detector does have limits on the num-
the kinetic energies and angular distributions of photofrag- ber of particles which can be detected simultaneously. New
ments produced by the photodissociation of molecules as detectors such as the in-vacuum pixel detector recently de-
well as photoelectrons emitted, following photoionization of veloped aim at combining the advantages of these two types
atoms, molecules, and clusters. Furthermore, the method has of detectors providing a multihit, time- and position-sensitive
been coupled to numerous sources such as intense femtosec- detector.19
ond lasers,3 high harmonic generation sources,4 synchrotron In this paper we will describe the development of a new
light sources,5–9 free electron lasers,10, 11 and nanosecond VMI instrument designed specifically for use in experiments
lasers in combination with resonant multiphoton ionization combining laser and synchrotron radiation sources. As
and even electron impact sources.12 The most common type mentioned above, the VMI technique is widely used in
of PSD used in these experiments is the microchannel plate laser laboratories throughout the world; however, it is still
(MCP)/phosphor screen/CCD camera setup which was used relatively rarely used at synchrotron light sources. There are
in the original VMI paper.1 These PSDs work by amplify- of course some notable exceptions such as the experimental
ing the signal using the MCPs and then accelerating the elec- setups developed at ALS,7, 9 Soleil,5 SLS,6 and Hefei8 in
tron bunch thus formed onto a phosphor screen. The position recent years. The main limitation for the use of the VMI
of arrival of the charged particle on the detector is recorded technique at synchrotron light sources is due to the range of
by imaging the light produced on the phosphor screen onto a kinetic energy of the particles which can be analyzed using
CCD camera. The advantages of this method are that it is pos- this technique. For example, the highest energy electrons
sible to achieve very high spatial resolution13 which in certain which have been analyzed to date using this method are of
cases is only limited by the pore size of the MCPs (in combi- 40 eV although simulations suggest that with certain setups it

0034-6748/2011/82(3)/033109/8/$30.00 82, 033109-1 © 2011 American Institute of Physics

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033109-2 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

should be possible to analyze electrons with kinetic energies ing a 1800 l/s magnetically levitated turbo molecular pump
of up to 100 eV.10, 11 Nonetheless, these kinetic energies are (Adixen ATP 2300 M) and the working pressure in this ex-
quite limited with respect to the traditional hemispherical pansion region was on the order of 5 × 10−5 mbar. Optimiza-
analyzers used at synchrotron sources. However, in the case tion of the overlap of the two light beams with the supersonic
of experiments combining synchrotron and laser radiations beam was possible by fine adjustment of the position of the
and, in particular, when the laser is used as the ionizing entire experimental chamber along all three axes. The dimen-
radiation, the kinetic energy of the particles (in this case sions of the electrostatic optics used in these experiments are
electrons) is limited by the energy of the laser (less than 6 eV shown in Fig. 1(b).
for most commonly used lasers) and, therefore, is amenable The entire setup is surrounded by a 2 mm thick μ-metal
to the analysis using the VMI technique. This VMI type of shield in order to mask the effects of the earth’s magnetic
analyzer has the significant advantage over the hemispherical field. The residual magnetic field in the interaction zone was
type of analyzer that it collects all electrons produced in not measured; however, it was sufficiently suppressed in or-
the interaction zone (i.e., 4π collection efficiency). This last der to allow the measurement of the angular distribution of
characteristic is especially important for synchrotron + laser electrons with kinetic energies as low as 13 meV.21
experiments in which the necessity to ionize a dilute sample The geometry of the electrostatic lens used near the ion-
of synchrotron excited intermediate states results in a low ization region is similar to that used in the original VMI
number of ionization events per second. Furthermore, this setup,1 although it should be noted that the TOF for elec-
characteristic is also very important for coincidence exper- trons is significantly shorter. Gold meshes with 70 lines/in.
iments in which the overall efficiency of the coincidence were placed over the apertures on the ion side of the spec-
experiment is a function of the product of the detection effi- trometer. It should be noted that two meshes separated by
ciency of each particle involved in the coincidence. In most 1 mm and operating at the same voltage were used in order to
experiments performed to date using synchrotron radiation as prevent penetration of the voltages of the ion electrostatic op-
the pump and laser radiation as a probe ions were detected. tics into the interaction zone which would have perturbed the
One exception to this is the work of Mitsuke et al.20 who electron images. This region is pumped by a 1000 l/s pump,
used a hemispherical analyzer to collect electrons from the while a 70 l/s pump is mounted almost orthogonal to the prop-
laser ionization of synchrotron excited Rydberg argon atoms. agation direction of the supersonic jet and acts as a beam
In that work the quoted acceptance angle was ±8.5◦ which catcher in order to reduce backscattered gas. The operating
when taken in proportion to the full solid angle yields a ratio pressures in the main chamber with and without the super-
of 1:100. This means that with all other experimental param- sonic beam were of the order of 5 × 10−7 and 7 × 10−8 mbar,
eters being equal a VMI analyzer would have 100 times more respectively.
counts than such a hemispherical analyzer. However, a higher
efficiency is accompanied by a larger background signal and
much of this work concentrates on methods to deal with that B. Synchrotron light source
The apparatus outlined above has been installed at the
In this paper we will describe the first experiments com-
branch line of gas phase beamline at Elettra, the Italian syn-
bining a VMI analyzer with synchrotron + laser. In Sec. II we
chrotron light source. As this beamline has been described in a
will make a description of the experimental apparatus, while
previous publication,22 only the salient characteristics will be
in Sec. III we will describe some demonstrative results taking
outlined here. The light source is an undulator with a period of
care to illustrate the advantages of this technique over tradi-
12.5 cm and 4.5 m long. The linearly polarized radiation from
tional methods used in experiments combining synchrotron
the undulator is deflected to a variable-angle-spherical grating
and laser radiations.
monochromator by a prefocusing mirror. The monochromator
consists of two optical elements: a plane mirror and a spher-
ical grating. Five interchangeable gratings allow the energy
range between 13 and 1000 eV to be covered. Two refocusing
A. Apparatus mirrors after the exit slit provide an approximately circular
focus of diameter 300 μm at the interaction region in the ex-
The experimental chamber houses a VMI setup opti-
perimental chamber.
mized for photoelectron detection mounted opposite to an
ion time-of-flight (TOF) tube [see schematic in Fig. 1(a)].
The synchrotron and laser beams are focused and overlapped
C. Laser light source and synchronization
(both spatially and temporally) at the center of the chamber
in a counter-propagating geometry. At this point they inter- The laser light is generated by a mode-locked Ti:Saphhire
act with the atoms or molecules under investigation which laser which is tunable in the range 670–1000 nm (1.25–
are introduced into the chamber via a continuous super- 1.85 eV). This light source has also been described quite ex-
sonic beam formed by expanding a 1–2 bar of gas through a tensively in a previous work23 and again only the most rele-
50 μm nozzle. This nozzle is mounted on an XYZ-manipulator vant characteristics of this source will be outlined here. The
in order to allow the nozzle to be centered on a 0.5 mm skim- Tsunami (Spectra Physics) laser can be operated either in the
mer, the tip of which is placed at a distance of 12 cm from continuous wave mode or as a mode-locked laser at a fre-
the interaction zone. The expansion chamber is evacuated us- quency of 83.3 MHz. The temporal width of the laser can

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033109-3 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Schematic overview of the experimental setup showing the VMI spectrometer for electrons mounted opposite to an ion time of flight.
(b) Dimensions of the electrostatic optics used in the spectrometer: a = 15 mm, b = 20 mm, d = 70 mm, c = 29 mm (active diameter of PSD), L ion = 127 mm),
and L elect = 210 mm.

be chosen to be either in the picosecond (12 ps FWHM) or rors and transporting it to a wavelength spectrometer via a
in the femtosecond range (50 fs FWHM). In the experiments fiber optic. Finally, the temporal width of the laser pulses was
outlined in this paper the laser has been operated in the pi- monitored using an autocorrelator.
cosecond mode in order to provide the best temporal overlap
with the synchrotron light bunches (70 ps FWHM).23
D. Position sensitive detector
The laser pulses are synchronized to one in every six syn-
chrotron light pulses (83.3 MHz is exactly one sixth of the The position sensitive detector employed in this veloc-
synchrotron repetition frequency of 500 MHz) using a com- ity map imaging apparatus was designed and constructed at
mercial lok-to-clock module (Model 3930, Spectra Physics), the Instrumentation and Detectors Laboratory of Sincrotrone
while the ring frequency has been divided using a commercial Trieste.18 The detector consists of two resistance matched
(clock distribution board AD9510, Analog Devices) timing MCPs behind which is placed a cross delay line anode with
board. All measurements have been performed in the stan- two meander lines. This detector can be operated in two dis-
dard multibunch operation of Elettra. In this mode the time tinct modes.
separation between consecutive bunches is 2 ns, with ∼95%
of the ring filled.
1. High spatial resolution mode
The two light sources are focused to the center of the ex-
perimental chamber in a counter-propagating geometry [see This mode is illustrated in Fig. 2(a). When an electron ar-
Fig. 1(a)]. The focused spot of the synchrotron light is a circle rives on the front of the MCP an electron cascade takes place,
of diameter 300 μm, while the laser is focused with a 50 cm which eventually causes a localized shower of electrons to
planoconvex (thus giving a spot size of ∼250 μm) and over- arrive at specific X, Y positions on the delay lines. The four
lapped with the synchrotron light at the center of the chamber. signals, taken from each end of the delay lines, are amplified
A small angle was introduced between the directions of prop- immediately at the air-side of the detector in order to mini-
agation of the two light sources in order to reduce the quantity mize the noise pickup. Furthermore, to minimize the inaccu-
of IR laser light propagating inside the beamline. This was racies of the measured arrival times of the signals due to the
necessary to avoid problems related to heating of the beam- variation of their amplitudes, they are fed to constant frac-
line optics by the laser light. tion discriminators (CFDs). Subsequently, the signals are dig-
The axis describing the linear polarization of the light is itized by two time-to-digital converter (TDC) boards (ACAM
rotated around the direction of propagation of the laser light TDC-GPX operated in R-mode) with a time resolution of
using an achromatic half-wave plate. Furthermore, the wave- 27 ps. The results are collected on a field programmable gate
length of the light was monitored throughout the experiments array (FPGA) motherboard (Altera Cyclone II FPGA) which
by collecting some stray light from one of the alignment mir- manages the flux of events, their logical consistency, and the

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033109-4 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

time difference between one end and external trigger we ef-

fectively double the spatial resolution. This can be understood
by considering the arrival of a particle slightly off the center
of the delay line with respect to a particle arriving at the ex-
act center of the delay line; the time for propagation of the
signal to one end will be increased by t, while to the other
end it will be decreased by t. It is therefore clear that the
difference signal changes by 2t, and since this value must
be compared to the resolution of the TDC we have gained a
factor of 2 in the spatial resolution.

2. Coincidence mode
The second mode is different in approach as the electron-
ics and both TDC starts are now triggered by a pickoff pulse
from the microchannel plates of the PSD. To do this the sig-
nal must be decoupled from the high voltage. This is achieved
by a pickoff circuit on the high voltage line to the MCP con-
sisting of a high voltage capacitor, pulse amplifier, and CFD.
For a schematic illustration of this mode of operation, see
Fig. 2(b).
It is sufficient to take the signal from only one extrem-
ity of each of the delay lines in order to be able to determine
the position of arrival on the detector. This approach although
degrading the spatial resolution frees up two channels of the
TDCs so that the electron position can be recorded in coinci-
dence with the arrival time of the ions at the ion TOF detector
and with respect to the ring clock (1.15 MHz). This latter sig-
nal can be used to identify the arrival time of the electron with
respect to the laser pulse (see Sec. III B) and thus to determine
whether the electron was generated in the presence of the laser
field or not. We have chosen the ring clock (the frequency of
FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of the two operative modes of the delay line arrival of a given bunch—1.15 MHz) over the bunch clock
detector used in this work: (a) high spatial resolution mode and (b) coinci- (the frequency of arrival of all the bunches—500 MHz) in or-
dence mode. See text for details.
der to reduce the number of events recorded and thus the size
of the resulting data files.
transfer of the digitized data via a SCSI II cable to a home- As will be shown below this technique allows a signifi-
made PCI interface board on a standard personal computer. cant reduction of the background signal during the detection
The main difference between the operation modes lies in of photoelectrons from two-color experiments using the VMI
how the four stops (two stops for each ACAM TDC) are used: apparatus. It does, however, result in a factor of 2 loss in reso-
in the case of the high-resolution mode all stops are employed lution, for the reasons explained in Sec. II D 1, i.e., due to the
for the position decoding, while in the coincidence mode two fact that we are only taking signal from one side of the delay
of the four stops are used for correlating other external events line. In this mode of operation each start event is written out
with each electron collected. In both cases the “TDC starts” to a file with all associated stop events. Postprocessing is then
can be triggered internally or externally (with the MCP pulse performed on the data to extract the images and the coinci-
or pulse generator provided) so that TDCs work in “multi- dence data.
hit mode.” In the high-resolution mode the two stops of each Results from both of the above modes of operation of the
of the TDCs are the two ends of the delay lines. The X and detector will be illustrated in Sec. III.
Y positions are then calculated from the differences between
these two “stop” times. When the internal trigger is used all
the “hits” are accumulated on the ACAM and transferred to
E. Image inversion software
FPGA every 1 to 10 μs, depending on the trigger frequency
chosen (by means of a LABVIEW software controlling the The photoelectron images consist of a projection of the
electronics). original 3D distribution of electrons emitted from the target
The position of each hit is then binned into an image onto a 2D surface. The photoelectron angular distribution of
which can be accumulated and stored by means of a dedi- electrons emitted in an n-photon process involving linearly
cated LABVIEW software. The main advantage of this method polarized light, when the polarization of all photons is paral-
is that measuring the time interval between the arrival time of lel, is completely described within the dipole approximation
the signal at the two ends of the delay lines rather than the by the following formula:24

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033109-5 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

⎡ ⎤
σ ⎣

= (β2 j P2 j (cos θ ))⎦ , (1)
d 4π j=0

where dσ/d is the differential photoionization cross section,

n is the number of photons involved in the process, σ is the
total (angle-integrated) cross section, P2 j (x) are the Legendre
polynomials of order 2 j, θ is the angle between the polariza-
tion of the incident photons and the direction of the ejected
electron, and β2 j are the asymmetry parameters.
The goal of the measurement of the angular distribu-
tion of charged particles emitted from a photoinitiated event
is to extract these asymmetry parameters from the images
recorded. The method adopted here is the pBasex routine in-
troduced by Garcia et al.25 The pBasex method works by re-
constructing the original 3D distributions of the emitted elec-
trons by fitting a set of basis functions with known inverse
Abel integral to the 2D projected image. The β2 j parameters
can then be extracted from the coefficients of the analytical
We have ported the original code of Garcia et al.25 into a
Windows compatible program and have added extensive im-
age processing capabilities such as the possibility to rotate
the image, stretch it along one of the axes, and subtract back- FIG. 3. (Color online) Photoelectron image produced by ionizing argon
atoms with synchrotron photons of 16.262 eV. The left-hand side shows the
ground images.26
raw image, while the right-hand side shows the inverted image. The photo-
electron spectrum extracted is shown in the lower part of the figure.


In this section the first results obtained by combining field vector of the ionizing light. Indeed, upon inversion of
all of the above components will be described. First, images the image we have extracted values of β = −0.05 ± 0.06 and
produced via direct photoionization of atoms with the syn- β = −0.05 ± 0.07 for the parameters describing the angular
chrotron light will be discussed, while in Sec. III B the results distribution of electrons emitted, following the ionization
obtained by combining the synchrotron light and laser radia- of Ar leaving behind the 2 P3/2 and 2 P1/2 states of the
tion to image electrons emitted from polarized atoms will be ion, respectively. This value is consistent with the work of
described. Southworth et al.27 on the angular distribution of the electrons
produced by photoionization of Ar with radiation of energy
16.31 eV, in which they presented a value of β = −0.17
A. One-color experiments ± 0.11 for photoionization to the 2 P3/2 state of the ion.
Figure 3 shows the photoelectron image collected fol-
lowing photoionization of a beam of argon atoms with syn-
B. Timing and two-color experiments
chrotron light of photon energy 16.262 eV. The photoelec-
trons produced on absorption of a photon of this energy can To illustrate the performance of this experimental setup
have a kinetic energy of either 503 or 338 meV depending for pump–probe experiments, results on the ionization of
whether the residual ion is left in the 2 P3/2 or 2 P1/2 state. The aligned states of helium atoms prepared by absorption of a
figure shows the raw data on the left-hand side of the image, photon of linearly polarized synchrotron radiation and then
while the inverted image is on the right-hand side. Finally, the ionized by a laser photon are presented. The examples chosen
photoelectron spectrum extracted from the image is shown in are electron images recorded by photoionization of aligned
the bottom part of the figure. The measured relative inten- He 1s3 p 1 P1 atoms.
sity of the two peaks in the photoelectron spectrum is given First, however, it is necessary to demonstrate the general
by a ratio of 2.08:1, which principally reflects the degener- operation of the coincidence mode of the detector outlined in
acy of the 2 P3/2 :2 P1/2 states. Fitting a Gaussian to the 2 P3/2 Sec. II D and in particular the use of the ring clock of the
peak with the FWHM as a free parameter yields a value of storage ring as a marker for the presence of the laser. To do
30 meV which corresponds to a E/E of 6%. This image was this we present a histogram [shown in Fig. 4(a)] of the ring
recorded while operating the detector in the high-resolution clock stops with respect to the starts given by electrons ar-
mode outlined above. riving on the MCP (pickoff pulse) in the case of single pho-
Furthermore, as can be seen from the image the β ton ionization of helium [see schematic illustration shown in
parameter describing the one-photon angular distribution of Fig. 4(c)]. The important point to note is that this histogram
electrons emitted is negative, i.e., electrons are preferentially clearly maps out the bunch structure of the electrons in the
emitted perpendicular to the polarization axis of the electric synchrotron storage ring in the multibunch mode. In the mode

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033109-6 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

FIG. 4. (Color online) Histogram of ring clock stops with respect to electrons arriving on the detector (MCP pickoff pulse) for (a) one-photon ionization of
helium atoms [see schematic in (c)] and (b) two-photon resonant ionization of helium atoms via the He 1s3p 1 P1 intermediate state [see schematic in (d)].

of operation of the synchrotron at Elettra used during these “sawtooth” shape to the signal as the half life of the inter-
experiments the electron bunches have a FWHM of ∼70 ps mediate states is just less than the time spacing between the
and are separated by 2 ns. Therefore, it is clear that using the synchrotron bunches. Other contributions arise from scattered
ring clock as a stop with respect to the arrival time of the elec- synchrotron light and back reflected synchrotron light from
tron on the MCPs of the VMI apparatus maintains the electron the laser input window which lies on the opposite side of the
bunch structure in the storage ring. Indeed, fitting these peaks interaction zone with respect to the beamline. Again, in both
with a Gaussian leaving the FWHM as a free parameter leads of these cases, the electrons are created at surfaces near the
to a value of 250 ± 30 ps. The photoelectrons are formed by a interaction zone as verified by the disappearance of the back-
synchrotron light pulse of FWHM of 70 ps in the interaction ground signal when the extraction voltages are switched off.
zone; this further implies that once we have deconvoluted the By recording the image signal in correspondence to the
temporal width of the light pulses we are left with a apparatus two-color experiment it is possible to eliminate almost 96% of
response of FWHM of 240 ps (assuming Gaussian functions the background (for a “laser-on” gate of 500 ps and a “laser-
for both the light pulse and the apparatus response). The ap- off” gate of 11 500 ps). The 500 ps gate was chosen in order
paratus response function is due to the spread of the electrons to include all of the two-color signal. To demonstrate this we
during their flight from the interaction region to the detec- have performed this operation on two photoelectron images
tor, the temporal resolution of the MCPs themselves, and the produced, following photoionization of He 1s3 p 1 P1 atoms
temporal response of the electronics. However, the principal with laser light of wavelength 750 and 698.5 nm, thus pro-
contributions are the first two of these. It is somewhat surpris- ducing ensembles of electrons with kinetic energies of 175
ing that the spread of the electrons during their flight time is and 275 meV, respectively.
so small as they have to fly 210 mm to the detector which The process is illustrated in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) for the the
takes about 100 ns (depending on the extraction voltages) but case of ionization of the He 1s3 p 1 P1 atoms with laser light
can be understood if one considers the pancaking effect of the of wavelength 750 nm, where the image in (a) is the image
VMI electrostatic optics on the electron trajectories. integrated over all times while that shown in (b) is the gated
The timing structure of the signal is not of great use image. As is well known the cross section for ionization of
for one-color experiments involving direct ionization, but be- the p state into the continuum decreases with photon energy
comes an extremely effective filter in the case of pump– above the ionization threshold.29 As the fluorescence that pro-
probe studies. This can be illustrated by examining the his- duces the electron background remains constant this means
togram ring clock stops with respect to electron starts shown that the signal/background ratio gets smaller when increasing
in Fig. 4(b) for the case of the two-photon excitation scheme the photon energy of the laser. This effect can be clearly seen
shown in Fig. 4(d). In contrast to the case of direct ioniza- from the lower signal-to-noise ratio of the image in Fig. 6(a).
tion with one photon where electrons are only produced in the The gating process is, nonetheless, able to extract the image.
presence of the synchrotron radiation, in this case the interme- It is possible to compare the above method of cleaning up
diate state, which is produced by absorption of a synchrotron the image to the more direct method of simply recording two
photon, has a half life of 1.7 ns. In this case the histogram images; one with the laser and the other without, for approxi-
consists of a contribution from the two-photon signal (the mately the same time and then subtracting one image from the
signal we are interested in), thus forming peaks every 12 ns other. In this case there is no need for coincidences with the
and another contribution from a background signal which ring clock and therefore can be performed in the high spatial
varies much less markedly on time. The background signal resolution mode of the detector. In Fig. 7 the images recorded
in Fig. 4(b) consists mainly of electrons created by fluores- in this way in the same conditions (same hνSR and hνlaser ), as
cence photons hitting surfaces in the vicinity of the interac- those recorded in the coincidence, are presented.
tion zone thus creating electrons which are accelerated to the The main difference which is immediately visible
detector by the VMI electrostatic fields. This signal gives the is the higher resolution of the images recorded in the

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033109-7 O’Keeffe et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 033109 (2011)

FIG. 5. (Color online) Raw photoelectron images corresponding to the pho-

toionization of aligned He 1s3p 1 P1 atoms with laser light of wavelength
750 nm thus produced electrons of kinetic energy 175 meV. Image (a) is FIG. 7. (Color online) Photoelectron images recorded in the high spatial res-
the time integrated image, while image (b) is the time-filtered image with olution mode of the detector. Image (a) corresponds to ionization of He 1s3p
1 P atoms with laser photons of wavelength 698.5 nm (i.e., same conditions
a laser-on bin of 500 ps. Images (c) and (d) are 3D representations of the 1
images generated by the software developed in Ref. 28. This representation as the image reported in Fig. 6). Image (b) is taken without the laser beam
illustrates more clearly the signal-to-noise ratio of the unfiltered and filtered present and images (c) and (d) are two different ways of portraying the sub-
images. tracted image (a)–(b).

noncoincidence mode. The FWHM of the peak in the coin- age it is possible to extract a background image taken under
cidence spectrum is 33.4 ± 0.1 meV, while that taken in the exactly the same conditions and to subtract this from the fil-
high-resolution mode is 20.3 ± 0.5 meV which correspond tered image, thus further improving the signal to background
to E/E of 12% and 7%, respectively, thus experimentally of the final image.
demonstrating the 50% loss in kinetic energy resolution on Another way to filter the image in order to improve
passing from the high resolution to the coincidence mode of signal-to-noise ratio is by recording coincidences with the
the detector (as discussed in detail in Sec. II D). However, if He+ ions formed during the ionization process, i.e., by us-
we compare the photoelectron spectra extracted from the im- ing photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO). This pro-
ages in Figs. 6(b) and 7(c) (see Fig. 8) one can see that the cedure has also been performed in the same conditions as in
signal to background ratio of the coincidence-filtered image the case of the images presented in Fig. 6. A similar image to
is much better. Obviously in the case of the coincidence im- that shown in Figs. 6(b) and 6(d) is obtained, however, with
∼50% less intensity in comparison to the time-filtered im-
age. The reason for this is that the transmission of the ion

FIG. 6. (Color online) Raw photoelectron images corresponding to the pho-

toionization of aligned He 1s3p 1 P1 atoms with laser light of wavelength
698.5 nm thus produced electrons of kinetic energy 275 meV. Image (a) is
the time integrated image, while image (b) is the time-filtered image with
a laser-on bin of 500 ps. Images (c) and (d) are 3D representations of the FIG. 8. (Color online) The photoelectron spectra extracted from the velocity
images generated by the software developed in Ref. 28. This representation mapped images shown in Figs. 6(b) and 7(c). The dotted line corresponds to
illustrates more clearly the signal-to-noise ratio of the unfiltered and filtered the image recorded in the high spatial resolution mode (Fig. 6), while the full
images. line corresponds to the image recorded in coincidence mode (Fig. 7).

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