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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University Mohamed Kheider Biskra

Faculty of Letters and English Language

Department of Letters and English Langua


: Prepared by
Aid Abdelhafid
Group : 01

Academic year 2022/2023


The idea itself was originally dreamt up by Dr. Aleko Novakov and then
popularized, developed, expanded and promated by Dr. George Zozamov. He called
the method Suggestopedia , because he defined that suggestion is all the micro-
messages that come to a person when you are paying attention. It's the micro-
.message that makes us feel safe and open or else closed and defensive

Suggestopedia is a method of teaching method,wich makes it possible for people

to learn three times as fast as they can under normal circumstances.It involves the
creation of a very safe environment in which students are allowed to explore, but they
have to feel safe. People can learn fast when they allow them selves to be a little out of
.there confort zone

A suggestopedia teacher creates an environments where anything that is negative is

banned fo the space and the students get enough lot of positive reinforcement through
.the use the suggestions

: Some principales of this method are

.The students must never been afraid of making mistakes *

.Every piece of information has to be liked to a positive emotion *

.Suggestopdia work with peripheral preception *

.We alwyas stimulate the information before we analyse it *

:Some of qualities needed in a suggestopedia teacher

.Must be an expert in communication *

.He has to know how to motivate the students *

.He has to know how give a positive reinforcement *

.Must not be afraid of taking risks*

He must not be a control freak, but who can adopt with the movement in a class while *
.maintaining control

.The teacher must be involved *

Practical Ways to Incorporate Suggestopedia in Your Classroom

Despite these drawbacks, there are a lot of benefits to using Suggestopedia. Here are
some practical workarounds to help you reap the benefits of this unusual method.
Experiment with different kinds of music Before turning your classroom into a full-blown
concert, try playing music in the background during various learning activities and take
note of how students respond. Do students perform better if a classical piece is played,
or does a pop song get them more motivated? One of my favorites is this three-hour
playlist of Mozart piano pieces. Another good choice is to play simple noises in the
background, like this 12-hour track of water and bird sounds. Also, notice which types
of activities lend themselves well to background music. Your students may find it helps
them focus during paired dialogues, but background music could become a distraction
as they read silently. Pay attention to physical elements of your classroom If you’ve
never given the setup and decor of your classroom much thought, now’s a great time
to do it. Remember that every detail matters: the seating, lighting, decorations and
even the location of objects like bookcases and pencil sharpeners. Everything needs to
be arranged in a way that’s comfortable and welcoming—try to avoid clutter. While it
may not be practical to give every student an armchair to sit in, you might consider
creating a comfy corner with a bookcase and a few beanbag chairs. Check out these
reviews of affordable and classroom-friendly furniture to get some ideas. Read
expressive dialogues in the target language Bring out your inner thespian and give
your language life by using theatrical voices, gestures and exaggerated emotions. This
will make the vocabulary vivid and memorable, as well as create a fun learning
environment for you and your students. If you have a textbook that you already use,
you may find some good dialogues there. Or you can expose your students to classic
plays in the target language written by renowned playwrights like Shakespeare, Miguel
de Cervantes and Molière. Encourage your students to reach bigger goals One of the
core principles of Suggestopedia is that students will be able to learn large amounts of
vocabulary in little time. In fact, Dr. Lozanov insisted that this method would result in
students learning the language three to five times faster than they would through other
methods. While his claim was never backed up by evidence, the method has helped a
lot of students improve their language-learning capabilities. When using
Suggestopedia, always be realistic about your classroom objectives and mindful of
your students’ capabilities, maintaining and communicating high expectations shows
that believe in your students. By encouraging learners to set more challenging goals,
you promote a positive learning you environment that can motivate the class to work

Suggestepdia is most commonly used in foreign language learning and at

primary level, but it could be used for a lot of other subjects however, we would need
specialists in those fields to take the philosophy behind suggestepdia and work with
.the subject matter that they know well

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