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The solution is based on Binary Number Systems concept :


To test 10 bottles we need only 3 servants because by using 3 servants there will be a total of 8

possibilities i.e., 23

So if we go from case to case we can see that:

Case 1: If all the 3 servants live then all the bottles are safe.

Case 2: If only A dies then only bottle 2 is poisoned.

Case 3: If only B dies, then bottle 3 is poisoned.

Case 4: If only C dies, then bottle 5 is poisoned.

Case 5: If both A & B dies, then bottle 4 is poisoned.

Case 6: If A & C dies, then bottle 6 is poisoned

Case 7: If B & C dies, then bottle 7 is poisoned.

Case 8: If all three i.e., A, B, and C dies, then bottle 8 is poisoned.

Hence we can conclude that by using 3 servants we can find the defective bottle within 8.

Thus, by using only 10 servants, we can find the poisoned bottle among all the 1000 ones as a

possibility after using 10 prisoners will be 210 = 1024, and there are only 1000 bottles.
Alternate Method :
Number the bottles from 1 to 1000, and write the number in binary format.

bottle 1 = 0000000001

bottle 250 = 0011111010

bottle 1000 = 1111101000

Now take your servant’s 1 through 10


Let servant 1 take a sip from every bottle that has a 1 in its least significant bit.

Let servant 10 take a sip from every bottle with a 1 in its most significant bit. etc.

servant – 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Bottle 924 – 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

In this, bottle #924 would be sipped by 10,9,8,5,4 and 3

That way if bottle #924 was the poisoned one, only those servants would die.

After four weeks,

line the servants up in their bit order and read each living servant as a 0 bit and each dead

servant as a 1 bit.

The number that you get is the bottle of wine that was poisoned.
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