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Grade 8 Level 4 Writing Sample © Back to Writing Samples index. Global warming has become a sericuss threat to our planet. Explain what we can do as citizens to tes Ha chiaaibaaae balan Se cleaiay tae reduce the effects of global warming, You may want to consider factors, such 3s: spvresparding benchmark text. + recycing Benchmark Ratings + the impact of oso fuels fa gas and coal) {the impact of cneumers fying tings) Unauistic vooabulary | 4 Staten rina sample BE|E tristiconme | 9 Global warring s = HERBLSshreat t Earth, KRIS ==" TF trossticsynmee 4 FSH! EFPBEE on the environment anc the Gzon=avst (MRE (Bet Coren from harrtul SUnai?s), NRSHESEEBSESR for o/cb! DD © seaaic 4 werringis dorset ony HBS BB They HEH ne it This aad co glob.| ARIA. tha effect of glozal & soso-Lnaustie 4 warming people that Gf vees shcuid FeGlant FEM trees SESE ‘tn MSIE halanice. TREISEEARMINEESSH for global warring is BBB & discourse a garbages. Too much packages around SIGE w2 BEM and too that Bl sos Gls iota varmna BF cstne 2 ‘RRETREIAES. TEBIGEENEEEDE for global warming i fossil UB. FossilfUels aro BURRS for SSRIGS. we BI not BURR the fossil ‘UBIE we will not have the olahal warming. Samak from Factories, indUStHS and main'y AUBIERE plants EBB glcbal warming is not ‘rom ono GSUntTy o.« COURS SIGESERNG Word. sroK0 REGS to stop andthat means no Move tossi‘vels. HEISE aE ‘move foes HEBER arc HAE GE ways to make power Selects from 3 grester range of utility words (aie, country, world, smoke, sun ray’s [sun rays]), cescriptive words (harmful, new, plastic, more, other, alobal), subiect-sceatic ‘words (zane layer, defarestation, fossil fucls, industries, fuel-efficient), academic wares (effect, balance, cause) and ‘words with muticle meanings with inevsased understanding of cunicular coneents, Produces expository and narrative texts wth knowledge cf culturally appropriate forms and style. In respanse ta prompt (Wirites vihat citizens can do ta reduce the effeets of global warming: we need to.) Stop Global Warming Glcbal warming is a serious threat to Earth, causing many harmful effect on the environment and the ozone layer (which protect Earth - from harmful sun ray’s). The first reason for global warming is deforestation. Many trees get cut. They clean the air This leads to global warming. To reduce the effect of global warming, people that cut trees should replant new trees instead to maintain balance. The second reason for global warming is garbages. Too much packages around things we buy and too many plastics bags cause global warming. We must reduce the things we buy, recycle the garbage we make and not use so much things. The last reason for global warming is fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are burned for energies. If we did not burn the fossil fuels we will not have the global warming. Smoke from factories, industries and mainly nuclear plants cause global warming is not from one country but countries all over the world. Smoke needs to stop and that means no more fossil fuels. We need to make more fuel-efficient vehicles and find other ways to make power. If we use everything the proper way, we can reduce global warming and Earth will be saved.

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