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Nombre y apellido: Dilianny Moreno



Facultad: facultad de odontología (FACOLUZ)


“You know it!”: Show us what you know

 Who are more concerts about their teeth?

Los odontólogos fomentan a la población para mantener una buena higiene dental para que
cada persona sea la responsable sobre su propia higiene bucal.

 What can you do to prevent cavities?

Tener buena higiene bucal, cepillarse los dientes 3 veces al día, no comer muchos dulces y
utilizar hilo dental.

I. After you read the text, let’s answer these questions.

 How many types of electric toothbrush have been created?

We Know today Over 150 different types have been created since that first one.

 Who invented the electric toothbrush?

Innovator Philippe-G. Woog invented the electric toothbrush

 Where was the first electric toothbrush produced?

An early electric toothbrush was produced in Switzerland

 What did people use to clean their teeth before using toothbrush?

Ancient people used twigs and sticks to clean their teeth, chewing the wood until

It was softer and brush-like.

 When was the first electric toothbrush shown in the market?

The first actual toothbrushes were invented by Chinese people and brought back to Europe in
the 1400s. These brushes were Made of a bamboo or bone handle to which the people
adhered hairs from the Siberian wild boar.

II. Now, tell us, if is it true or false? Find it out by checking out carefully in the text.

a. The prototype was created in 1954= TRUE

b. 15 different types of toothbrush have been created= FALSE
c. Shelley Moore invented the electric toothbrush= TRUE
d. People felt comfortable using a toothbrush attached to an outlet=TRUE
e. People used twigs and sticks to clean their teeth=TRUE
f. An early electric toothbrush was produced in EEUU= FALSE

III. You can do it! Arrange, by numbering the phrases according to the sequence
given in the Text.

6 study was published in 2005

1 The first electric toothbrush with the bristles

3 electric toothbrush offers more benefits over manual brushing

5 toothbrushes offer a great advantage for people with limited movement

4 Electric toothbrushes have incorporated a variety of actions

7 found no benefits from other brushes when compared to manual


2 introduced the first rotary action in 1987

IV. And now look for the simple past of the following verbs from the text, and
complete the

Following chart.

Be : was/were

Introduce: Introduced

Go: went

Increase: increased

Use: used

Bring: brought

Make: made
Become: became

Brush: Brushed

Find: found

V. let’s read some more, and then fill in the blanks with the verbs below in simple past

Go Be (x 2) Use Produce Invent

Increasev Create Introduce

 After the rechargeable model _introduce on the market, sales __increase__ significantly.

 An early electric toothbrush was produce___ in Switzerland in 1939.

 Philippe G. Woog ____invented____ the electric toothbrush in 1954. Squibb _introduce the

motorized contraption.

 Consumers __were_______ not take to the electric toothbrush until General Electric

_introduce_____ a cordless model.

 People ____used____ twigs and sticks to clean their teeth, chewing the wood ubtil it

___GO___ softer and brush like

VI. Signal words are necessary to connect paragraphs as the links of a chain. Let’s

learn more about it

The important idea is that things happen in a certain order. Some signal words or linking

for the sequence: First, next, last, after, at last, finally, later, before, while – at

the same time.

Other signal words for the pattern are: date years, times of the day seasons and plain


a. Let’s write a little, rewrite the events that follow each signal word:

1400s The first actual toothbrushes were invented by chinese people and brought back to

1600s .next Europeans were mass-producing toothbrushes

1800. Last Americans began doing So in the late 1800s.

1930s after wallace Carothers invented nylon at the E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company

b. Finally!!!!! Show us what you learned, Using the linkers (first, then, after that…),

write a short paragraph about what was the history of toothbrush invented. For

First ancient people used twigs and sticks to clean their teeth, then in the 1400s brushes were

made of a bamboo or bone handle to which the people adhered hairs from the

Siberian wild boar. This style of toothbrush went basically unchange after that Europeans were

mass-producing toothbrushes by the late 1600s, next the Americans began doing

so in the late 1800s.

Finally Wallace Carothers invented nylon at the E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company

in the 1930s, the first toothbrushes using nylon bristles appeared--Dr. West's

Miracle Toothbrush in the United States, and another from the Addis Company in


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