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Six Steps of Kaizen

The Six Steps of Kaizen articulates the six improvement steps that are practiced by Toyota Motor
Corporation during the past few decades. It focuses on the skills, methods and analysis techniques.
Please note that this process is not about running western-style five-day Kaizen "events" or "blitzs,"
selecting areas for Kaizen or detailing best practices for running such workshops. Five-day
implementation workshops were in reality quite rare during the development of Toyota's production
system and are virtually non-existent today inside Toyota.

In this presentation, the focus is to articulate the basic six-step Kaizen improvement skills pattern that
was taught inside Toyota. The steps are similar to other improvement programs in the past as well as
problem solving and the scientific method. It is hoped that this simple and powerful process will help
practitioners of Kaizen to improve their own skill level and confidence with this topic.

The Kaizen skills concepts described in this presentation should be of value to you whether you choose
to use a five-day workshop model for implementation or some other vehicle (e.g. 5S, standardization,
waste elimination) for improvement.

Implementing the Six Steps of Kaizen will facilitate your company or organization to achieve a new
standard or level of performance and enhance your competitiveness.

In this highly detailed Six Steps of Kaizen PPT training presentation, you will review the same methods
and techniques that are harnessed by generations of Toyota supervisors, managers and engineers. They
include techniques for uncovering waste, waste analysis and generating ideas for improvement. Mastery
of these timeless techniques will improve your ability to conduct improvement in almost any setting and
generate improvement results for your organization.

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