Essays To Discuss Different Viewpoint

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Introduction [Lead in]

[Introduce topic]
[thesis statement]... I complete agree/ disagree with...
Body Para 1 Discuss reason 1
Body Para 2 Discuss reason 2
Conclusion Summarise/ restate your view


Introduction [Lead in]

[Introduce topic]
[thesis statement]... I complete agree/ disagree with...
Body Para 1 Discuss your REASONS
Body Para 2 Explain why the opposite view is wrong (phản biện)
Conclusion Summarise/ restate your view

*) How to write a refutation: 3 steps

counter-argument (state quan điểm của đối Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that
phương) students who wear school uniforms cannot
express their individuality.
Concession (nhượng bộ, công nhận đối phương This point has some merit on the surface.
cũng có lý)
Refutation (phản bác lại, nhấn mạnh quan điểm However, as stated previously, school is a place
của mình mạnh hơn, thuyết phục hơn) to learn, not to flaunt wealth and fashion.

*)Here are several useful expressions to write the counter-argument

Counter-argument Opponents of ...may argue/ say that ...
It is understandable that some of us may consider that...
Concession This point has some merit on the surface.
This view seems/looks/sounds convincing/plausible/persuasive/etc. at first,
Refutation However, recent evidence actually demonstrates that…
However, there has been no evidence supporting this.
In reality, this is not the case.

Introduction [Lead in]
[Introduce topic]
[thesis statement] ….While I agree that...I also believe that…
Body Para 1 On the one hand, I accept that …
On the one hand, I agree that …
There are several arguments in favour of …..
Body Para On the other hand,I also believe that...
Having said that, there are also….

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