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2014 Catalog

Classes Conducted Online in Live Web Meetings

560 South State Street, Suite F3

Orem, UT 84058
Phone: 801 765 7677
Fax: 801 221-4882
Hours of operation: 9 am – 6 pm Mountain Standard Time
ONLINE SCHOOL FOR THE WORLD OF 3D ANIMATION .................................................................................................................... 4
FOUNDER AND MISSION ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
OUR INSTRUCTORS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ENROLLING IN AnimSchool ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
SIGNING UP FOR A CLASS AT AnimSchool ........................................................................................................................................ 5
CLASS STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
CLASS INTERACTION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
FACE TIME WITH INSTRUCTOR ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
CLASS SIZE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
INSTRUCTOR RATINGS SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
WATCHING CLASS RECORDINGS AND VIDEOS .................................................................................................................................. 7
21 – 24 MONTH PROGRAMS............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3D ANIMATION PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
3D CHARACTER PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
REGISTRATION STATUS ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
WHAT A CERTIFICATE AT AnimSchool WILL OFFER YOU ................................................................................................................. 11
CLOCK HOURS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
EXPLORE! IF A PROGRAM DOESN’T WORK OUT FOR YOU, SWITCH TO ANOTHER ......................................................................... 11
GRADING SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
GRADUATION CEREMONY .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
EXPRESS CLASSES: Take a single class at AnimSchool .................................................................................................................... 12
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO AnimSchool.......................................................................................................... 13
ENROLLMENT DENIAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
SITE USE AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
WITHDRAWAL AND CANCELLATION ............................................................................................................................................... 13
TAKING A BREAK WHILE TERM IS UNDERWAY ............................................................................................................................... 14
CLASS CANCELLATION OR INSTRUCTOR SUBSTITUTION ................................................................................................................. 14
CLASS SWITCHING........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
INSTRUCTOR ABSENCE.................................................................................................................................................................... 14
UNPLANNED INSTRUCTOR ABSENCE .............................................................................................................................................. 14
INSTRUCTOR WITHDRAWAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
LEAVE OF ABSENCE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
STANDARDS OF PROGRESS ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
PROBATION..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
TERMINATION/DISMISSAL .............................................................................................................................................................. 15

2|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
ATTENDANCE AND ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 15
ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
USE OF AnimSchool CHARACTER RIGS, TOOLS, AND WEBSITE ....................................................................................................... 16
PLACEMENT SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
INCOME-BASED SCHOLARSHIP: "GLOBAL ACCESS" ........................................................................................................................ 16
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 18
INTERNET BROWSER ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
INTERNET BROADBAND REQUIRED ................................................................................................................................................ 19
MICROPHONE AND WEBCAM REQUIRED ....................................................................................................................................... 19
AnimSchool COSTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
TEXTBOOK COSTS............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
PROGRAM COSTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
MONTHLY INSTALLMENT OPTION .................................................................................................................................................. 21
EXPRESS CLASS COSTS..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
GLOBAL ACCESS INCOME-BASED SCHOLARSHIP COSTS ................................................................................................................. 21
FINANCIAL AID ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
EASY-PAY PROGRAM....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
LATE PAYMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
TRANSFER OF CREDITS TO AnimSchool / Bypassing Classes ........................................................................................................... 23
APPLY AT AnimSchool.COM ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

3|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
AnimSchool is the online school devoted to teaching the skills used in 3D productions from gaming to commercials to film. We
specialize in teaching students who want to make characters (modeling and rigging), or make them move and act (animation).
Most of our instructors currently work at the best animation studios and teach part-time with us, after hours. A few are recent

Appealing, convincing characters are the heart of AnimSchool.

AnimSchool has two programs, in the 3D Character program you learn how to make characters, modeling their shape and
putting in the structure to make them bend and move and have expression. In the 3D Animation program, you learn how to
make them move and act. AnimSchool's instructors are some of the best practitioners of these arts in the world.

AnimSchool is all online--on your computer, over high-speed internet. Using the latest in web conferencing technology,
students can learn the crafts of 3D computer animation right from home. Maybe you recently graduated from high school or its
equivalent: you can launch a career in the world of 3D animation from where you already live, for a fraction of the cost of most
other schools. Or maybe you already have a full time job and family responsibilities. You can take a new direction in life, and
finally pursue the passion for 3D animation after hours.


AnimSchool was founded in 2010 by David Gallagher, animator, rigger, and former Character Development
Supervisor at Blue Sky Studios. With nearly 20 years of industry experience, David animated on three Ice
Age movies, Horton Hears a Who, and Robots. He rigged the face of the beloved Ice Age character Scrat. He
oversaw the quality of character rigs for each film, and on several, oversaw the performance ability of
character models.

AnimSchool is the premiere online school for the broader world of 3D animation. AnimSchool provides the very best
characters for animation students to use. And we teach the very best modeling and rigging practices to make the most
appealing 3D characters. Our mission is to give our students all the skills they need to become successful in the industry.

AnimSchool characters are known around the world as the gold-standard for flexibility, performance and appeal. AnimSchool
characters like "Malcolm" and the AnimSchool Picker Maya plug-in are used by more than 20,000 users worldwide, and have
been used to win numerous animation contests and for commercial needs. AnimSchool is known as the most trusted name for
appealing 3D characters.


To learn the world of 3D Animation, students should learn from the best in the industry. Our instructors work (or recently
worked) at the top film studios, and are ready to teach you live in-person each week to help you improve your abilities the
fastest way possible. To see the current listing, visit our instructor page.


To enroll in AnimSchool, go to and click on the “apply now” button. There the applicant will enter
information to begin the enrollment process. Upon applying, students will be admitted based on these qualifications: their 3D,
drawing, or aesthetic abilities and/or their drive and commitment to complete the course of study.

There is a one-time enrollment fee of $125. This is non-refundable unless the student cancels their application within three
business days or is not admitted to AnimSchool. In either case, students are eligible to have their application fee refunded.

Cancelling can be done by emailing: with a clear written request for cancellation. Any cancellation or
withdrawal refund payments will be issued within 30 days.

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Students who cancel their enrollment at AnimSchool after the three-day period must petition the Review Board to return to


Once a student has enrolled in AnimSchool and has been accepted into a program, they can choose which class to take.
Program students have a prearranged set of courses, but can choose which instructor, day, and time. These options are shown
at the Class Listing section at

The schedule and the instructor for the selected class will be consistent
throughout each term. There may be infrequent exceptions, such as
when the class falls on a federal U.S. holiday or if an instructor is away
and cannot hold class. On holidays, the class will be held at the same time
on the next day, unless the instructor arranges another time and day. If
an instructor has a planned or sudden-but-known absence another
qualified instructor may substitute for that class session, but more
commonly the session is rescheduled.

The class will also list "Critique Time", a time when the instructor will be
available for 1-3 additional hours solely for reviewing the students' work.

Students repeat this class selection process each term to get entry into the class of their choosing (sometimes only one session
of a given course is available). Electronic messages are sent out to notify active students when the class times of an incoming
term are available.

Students not wanting to enroll in a full 21-month AnimSchool program have the option of signing up for an individual
AnimSchool class, to further their education and open new doors. See the section Express Classes: Continuing Education at
AnimSchool for more information.


Once a student is accepted into a program, they are then able to register for a class. When they are registered in that way, or
as an Express class, they will gain access to the class page. The class page includes a description and confirmation on which day
the class is to be held, and at what time. Classes are held one day per week as discussed, on any day but U.S. federal holidays
(when AnimSchool is closed). For most classes there is also a Critique Time on a different day and/or time. (Only very small
classes merge the Class and Critique sessions into a single longer session.)

AnimSchool is an online school only, with all instruction received over high-speed internet. There are no classes offered at the
AnimSchool physical location.

Prior to the designated time, students go to the AnimSchool website and sign in. On their Student Home Page, the class is
listed. When the time is nearing for that class session, students click on the "Go To Class" button to enter a class session.


See the academic calendar for a list of holiday dates. As mentioned, classes held on a major holiday date, will automatically
get shifted to the next day, unless otherwise arranged by the instructor. Major holidays are: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day,
New Year’s Day, and the 4 of July.

Classes are usually scheduled for 1.5 to 2 hour blocks. During class time, the instructor teaches the students through lecture
and live workflow demonstrations. (This time may be reduced for smaller classes.)

During Critique Time, the instructor reviews each student's assignment. Students do not need to stay for other students'
critiques, but it is recommended.

5|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
For small classes, the Critique Time may combined with Class Time, since lecture and
critiques can be accomplished within the Class Time.


AnimSchool uses the latest in web conferencing technology to allow the instructors
and up to 12 students in a class to interact simultaneously. This ability to talk to and
see each other adds to the social experience of being a student at AnimSchool.

Students can enable their microphone when they want to speak. Students can
interact via chat as well. After some group interaction, the instructor may enable only
their own video stream and a single student's so they can review their work.

After, an instructor may disable all other video streams to give a lecture or
presentation, showing their desktop. The instructor may show drawing, film clips, or
workflow approaches in Maya (or Zbrush).

Although there are pre-recorded videos for the earlier classes, and students may watch class recordings from different
instructors as well, the best learning comes from this face time with the instructor, getting direct feedback on the student's
work and how to improve it. Someone can get one-way instruction by watching videos and reading books, but there is a greater
potential for growth when a student's own work is critiqued by a top working animator, modeler, or rigger and receives that
specific direction.

Before Critique Time is to be held (or Class Time for small classes), the student should upload their assignments to their own
student page at least two hours before their class is scheduled to begin. This gives the system enough time to upload and post
the materials, so they will be available for the instructor and other students to review the work during Critique Time (or Class

In the event an instructor doesn't appear for class at the scheduled hour, an unanticipated technical or personal problem may
have occurred with the instructor, and students should call or text the AnimSchool emergency phone line 845 612-1715. The
class will probably be rescheduled soon.


AnimSchool is designed to offer the student lots of time to interact with the instructor. The instructor is available for
approximately 1-1.5 hours for Class, and approximately 1-3 hours for Critique Time (depeding on the number of students in a
class). Students are only required to attend Class Time and their section of Critique Time for the week if that is all that is
desired. This system is designed to give the student the greatest opportunity to learn directly from the instructor, while not
requiring the students to be there for all the other students' critiques. The critiques session however are extremely valuable
time to get more feedback from you instructor, and to learn from the critiques of your fellow students. This is a practice
embraced by the most successful AnimSchool students.

All the classes are recorded. Students may watch them at any time in the future, so long as they are an active student or
graduate of AnimSchool.

To keep the class experience personal and encourage participation by all students, class sizes are limited to 12, with some
exceptions (such as having a single student left after other classes are filled). Most classes are smaller, a size of 7 students is


6|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
All our instructors are world-class talents in their fields, and have knowledge and experience that will help in the industry. To
help AnimSchool improve, surveys are held in the latter part of the term so that students can comment on the class and
instructor and rate the instructor's performance anonymously.


AnimSchool offers some pre-recorded video lectures and demonstrations of concepts, more commonly for the earlier classes.

Most of the instruction we offer occurs live with the instructor during class.

No lecture or instructional videos are intended to be downloaded, and should never to be redistributed or passed along to

AnimSchool offers two different courses of study in computer animation. Each program is designed to be seven 11-week terms,
or 21 months long (minus two week breaks in-between terms). If a student needs to take the Introduction to Maya class before
starting a program, they will need 24 months to complete their program.


In the 3D Animation Program, students learn

the craft of 3D animation, how to move
characters and make them perform and act in
a convincing way. Students learn about
posing, drawing, appeal, principles of motion,
acting, and the classical principles of
animation. Each week, animators from the
best studios in the world work with the
students one-on-one, giving the students the
best opportunity for growth.

AnimSchool programs are designed to give

the students some exposure to the other
disciplines. In the 3D Animation Program,
animators learn animation at the highest level, but also take one class where they choose to learn either modeling, rigging, or
lighting. If they already have sufficient knowledge in one of those fields, they can apply to bypass that course through the
AnimSchool Review Board.

The broad skillset AnimSchool offers will be even more helpful at smaller studios, broadcast studios, game companies, or if the
animator later aspires to work on their own short film at home. Even film animators benefit by having knowledge of modeling,
rigging, and lighting; they are able to customize their shots, light them, apply in-shot deformers and achieve flexibility and
appeal in ways their peers are unable to.

After being accepted into the 3D Animation program, students will take the courses below in sequence. For each of these
classes, at students can choose which instructor and time/day work best for them. The earlier classes are
prerequisites to later ones.

Some students are able to bypass classes based on their prior work and student experience. To be considered for that, email
your reel to

0 Introduction to Maya 11 Weeks Learn the basics of Maya: the Maya interface, working with objects, modeling
basics, how to animate objects, apply textures, and use lights and cameras to
render your scene.

7|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
1 Introduction to 3D 11 weeks Introduction to the principles of animation, applied to simple objects and
Animation scenarios. Students animate with balls of different weight, a tow truck, and hips
& legs of a simple character to learn about timing, arcs, spacing, ease in and out,
weight, gravity, drag, secondary action, overlap, follow through, squash and
stretch, and exaggeration. Students learn software concepts such as projects,
workspace, AutoKey keyframing, hotkeys, graph editor editing, tangents, curve
cycling, and playblasting.
2 Animating Characters 11 weeks The principles of animation applied to character motion and locomotion.
Students use our skeleton character, BoneApart, in separate exercises to learn
the concepts required for motion and locomotion, including balance, weight,
center of gravity, posing, hand posing, shape reversals, anticipation, motivated
action, secondary action reaction, silhouette, caricatured motion, twinning,
asymmetry, and staging. Technical concepts such as gimbal lock, rotation order,
euler filter, constraints, breakdowns, avoiding counter-animation, Tween
Machine are covered. Blocking techniques are discussed.
3 Introduction to 3D 11 weeks Animators take either Introduction to 3D Modeling OR Introduction to Rigging
Modeling, OR Introduction to 3D Lighting. This allows animators to gain a more rounded
Introduction to education, enhancing their ability to excel in the studio environment.
Rigging, or
Introduction to 3D
4 Body Acting 11 weeks Body kinematics are explored in the context of acting. Students learn rhythm,
solidity, beats/phrasing, appeal, personality, structure, solid and malleable parts,
simplicity of form, straights and curves, texture in timing, moving holds, and
pantomime. Multiple shot assignments will focus on hookups, screen space, and
cameras, knowing shot context and importance. Students begin to use the more
advanced character rigs during this term.
5 Character 11 weeks Advanced acting and facial acting course, including lip synch animation. Students
Performance apply all the learned principles of animation, internalize and tune them to create
performances that show acting ability. The focus is on making character appear
like thinking, alive beings. Multiple character assignments teach students about
acting and reaction, choreography, and controlling the audience's attention.
6 Facial Performance 11 weeks Advanced Acting course, focusing on facial animation. How to imbue a character
with life by making the face acting believable.
7 Animating Appeal and 11 weeks A masterclass in getting that extra spark of life and appeal in your animation.
Entertainment This class is taught by the AnimSchool instructors most accomplished in
animation acting.


In the 3D Character Program, students learn the

crafts of modeling and rigging. This is where the
characters are made.

Once the student has a design sketched on paper,

modeling students create the shape in 3D
dimensions in the software. Modelers create
beautiful sculptures in the 3D software. But it not
only has to look beautiful, the arrangements of
points and edges also have to facilitate what
happens next—articulation. In rigging, students
place bones into the body to bend it properly and
control the shaping of the form in the myriad of possible poses. Students also articulate the face, segmenting the muscles and
motions of the face and head to make the character talk and emote in a convincing and appealing way.
Each week, modelers and riggers (Character TDs) from the best studios in the world work with the students one-on-one to give
them the best opportunity for improving their own work.

8|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
In the 3D Character Program, for the first 4 terms, students focus on modeling and rigging equally. Then 3D Character students
gain some experience in animating their characters, so they are able to understand the perspective of the users of their
characters, and pre-emptively solve problems that would otherwise only be noticed later. This insight gives them a great
advantage: riggers and modelers who also have aesthetic and animation knowledge are in demand.

After the two courses on modeling, two on rigging, and class on animation, the student focuses more specifically on their area
of greater interest, selecting two of several electives covering the technical, tools side of rigging, or the sculpting and facial
expression side of modeling.

After being accepted into the 3D Character program, students will take the first five courses below in sequence, afterwards they
choose two of the four for the remaining two terms. Students take a total of 7 – 8 terms of 11 weeks each.

For each of these classes, students can choose which instructor and time/day work best for them. The earlier classes are
prerequisites to later ones.

0 Introduction to 11 weeks Learn the basics of Maya: the Maya interface, working with objects, modeling
Maya basics, how to animate objects, apply textures, and use lights and cameras to
render your scene.
1 Introduction to 3D 11 weeks Introduction to the principles of polygon/subdivision-surface modeling, applied to
Modeling simple objects and scenarios. Topology layouts in theory and practice, achieving
desirable shaping, modeling workflows, and the best rest state for riggability.
Concepts include manipulator, isolate selection, primitives, history, loft, bevel,
extrusion, duplication, transformation space, soft selection, reflection editing,
lattices, converting geometry types, projects, and workspace.
2 Introduction to 11 weeks Introduction to the principles of rigging, applied to simple objects and
Rigging scenarios.Students use their modeling assignment to learn basic rigging concepts,
including hierarchies, constraints, skinning, blendshapes, connections, joints,
orientation, inverse kinematics, expressions, math operators, xray, curve controls,
custom attributes, sets, Set Driven Keys, and hypergraph connections.
3 Intermediate 11 weeks Course on making great character models. Students use the polygon/subdivision-
Modeling surface modeling tools mastered to make a character model, based on a chosen
character design. Through iterations and direction from the instructor, the
students learn to build models for maximum appeal and usability. Concepts like
Normals, UV's, texture projections, smoothing are discussed.
4 Intermediate 11 weeks Students build on the basic concepts and begin complete body rigging. Students
Rigging use the rigging concepts to place joints into their character model and skin the
parts. Rigging controls like forward/inverse kinematics, twisting, and world/local
constraints are added for ease of use during posing. Then shapes and
customizations are applied to refine deformations. Concepts such as multiplier
attributes, lattices, wrap-, nonlinear-, and wire deformers, beginning Python
scripting, gimbal avoidance are covered.
5 Introduction to 3D 11 weeks Characters students' introduction to the principles of animation. Character
Animation and students join in the class with animation students, but have a different set of
Character assignments in a Character Evaluation module.
Evaluation Students now get to use the character they've been building, posing and animating
them. Students learn how to use the experiences to inform the modeling and
rigging process. This gives the 3D Character student a well-rounded education,
being able to experience the end-result of their labor from the users' point of view.
This insight enables them to take their character work to a higher level, faster.

9|A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Electives. Students take two of the following (The class “6”s are prerequisites to the class “7”s of the same type.):
6 Introduction to 3D 11 weeks Learn the basics of 3D lighting in Maya from working pros, in live classes. Learn the
Lighting principles of light, shadow, color, composition, and staging. How to render great
images using Maya's tools.
6 Advanced Modeling 11 weeks In this course, students learn the best modeling workflows and practices to make
appealing characters, learning digital sculpting techniques.
Students sculpt a character in Zbrush, then topologize and finish the character in
Students tackle advanced facial modeling and learn the landmarks to include, how
to evaluate a model from multiple vantage points, and how to simplify lines.
What to look for to reveal model problems, and how face geometry should be
properly neutralized of expression in the default, and what will deform best when
Students also model and environment or prop for their character.
COURSE. (currently about $450.)
6 Advanced Rigging 11 weeks Students learn facial rigging techniques. How to break up facial articulation into the
most usable set of functions and shapes. Students learn how to make appealing
facial shapes, to make the best performing characters.
Students take their deformation work to a higher level of refinement, and develop
their grasp of complex rigging issues.

7 Environmental 11 weeks Course in Modeling Environments.

Modeling Students learn how to model environments and texture them.
7 Rigging Automation 11 weeks Modern rigging does not rely on hand-making rig parts for each character. Auto-
& Tools rigging scripts and tools make many tasks easy. They take data like input positions
Development and number of spine joints needed and then build a control rig in a few mouse
clicks. With the control rig built, optimally, Character TD’s spend most of the
rigging effort per character on the deformation rig. Building those tools and
modifying them for a production’s needs is a large part of the rigging process. This
requires a rigger/Character TD be proficient at scripting languages.

For more details on classes, see Class Listings at There

you can choose a particular timeslot and instructor for a given class.



Registration under the Utah Postsecondary Proprietary School Act does not mean that the State of Utah supervises,
recommends, nor accredits the institution. It is the student's responsibility to determine whether the credits, degrees, or
certificates from the institution will transfer to other institutions or meet employers' training requirements. This may be done
by calling the prospective school or employer.

AnimSchool is not accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of

Accordingly, you should not expect AnimSchool class credits to transfer to other schools. You should apply to AnimSchool only
if you believe it will offer the education you seek, and not with the intent to transfer credits later to a different college or

10 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Accreditation is an important educational component, which trade schools like AnimSchool do not offer. However, for some
employers in the world of 3D animation, the most important component of your employability is the skills you display in your
3D animation portfolio.


AnimSchool offers a Certificate of Completion upon graduation from a

Graduating from an AnimSchool program will prepare you for employment in

fields where 3D imagery and animation is used, primarily for the
entertainment industries of feature film, visual effects, broadcast, computer
gaming, advertising, and illustration. Many of the skills may also be used in
these less-related fields: medical, aeronautics, litigation, virtual-reality
simulation, architecture, and web design.

AnimSchool makes no guarantee that you will find employment upon being
awarded an AnimSchool Certificate of Completion. However, because all the
instructors are top industry professionals, you can be sure you'll be accessing
some of the best potential learning opportunities you can find in an online

Typical jobs our graduates will seek include animator, modeler, character technical director, rigger, and game artist.

For each class, there is an approximately 1.5 hour web conferencing Class session per week, and a separate "Critique Time"
session of 1-3 hours per week. Students should spend at least one hour per week interacting with other students and
instructors on the forums/student Facebook group, and in comments to others' assignments on their assignment pages, and
likely more hours will be appropriate. Clock hours of direct school involvement per class term: approximately 64 hours

In addition, students are expected to devote approximately 15-20 hours per week to the homework assignments per class.
More time is recommended.

Total hours of expected homework per class term: approximately 200 hours


You're excited about the field of 3D animation! Because there are two programs, AnimSchool will help you discover where you
can best contribute in the world of 3D animation.

If you discover you aren't excelling in the 3D Animation program, you can switch to the 3D Character program, to learn
modeling and rigging. Or, if it isn't working out the in the 3D Character program, you can easily switch to the 3D Animation

Students declare their participation in a program upon enrollment. To switch to a different program, send a message to
administration or email to


Students are graded according to their performance for every graded assignment. Most weeks will have an assignment, but not
every week's assignment will be graded. Often an in-progress multi-week assignment will be closely monitored and commented
upon but not graded until completion.

11 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
The grading system is a U.S. standard A through F letter grade, with a C or higher course grade being required to continue to
the next course. If a student fails to receive a C grade or higher, they will be required to retake that course or an equivalent, at
their expense, to continue to the next course toward graduation.

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
Numeric 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0. 7 0
Percentage 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-59

To graduate, a student must first be enrolled in the Animation or Character program and complete all required courses and the
required number of elective classes, each with a C grade or higher.

In addition, students must abide by the standards of conduct and resolve any such issues, probation status, or non-payment

Upon graduation, students retain full access to the AnimSchool website, and the right to use all AnimSchool character rigs and
all future AnimSchool characters as well.


At least once per year, AnimSchool will hold a graduation ceremony to honor the graduates completing the course of study
during the past two terms. The venue and proceedings will be determined several months prior to the event, depending on the
number of graduate. Past graduations have occured at the CTN Expo in Los Angeles in November.

EXPRESS CLASSES: Take a single class at AnimSchool

Many animators, modelers or riggers need only to

take an intermediate or advanced course to
supplement their current knowledge and make them
more marketable to companies. For them, taking an
entire AnimSchool program isn't needed.

At AnimSchool, we offer the unique opportunity to

directly apply to a particular class and instructor of
your choice, to get just the leg up you need to open
new doors.

The "Express" option allows students to take

individual classes a la carte style to supplement their
education at any point in their career. Students
don't have to be accepted into a full AnimSchool
program to apply but they must apply to the school,
and agree to the terms of service. But Express
students must be accepted into the class. The student submits their work to the AnimSchool staff to be considered.

A student taking an Express class can also choose to enroll in a full program. However, any Express student wishing to graduate
from AnimSchool will need to have completed at least four classes while enrolled in a program.

Any student who does not enroll in a class upon finishing an express class will be offered three months of Extra Access to the
recordings of their class for free. If that student wishes to keep the Extra Access to their recordings afterwards the cost will be

12 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
$200 dollars per year. The student may also choose Extra Access Plus for $600 dollars per term; this gives the student access to
their class recordings, as well as the General Reviews and the Art Class.

To take a class "Express" go to


To apply for AnimSchool, prospective students need to (1) be 18 years or older the first week of class, (2) have a High School
diploma, a G.E.D., or its foreign equivalent, (3) have basic computer skills on Windows or Mac.

In addition, if students do not have a working knowledge of Autodesk Maya they need to become very familiar with the
software before their first term begins. Otherwise, they need to enroll in our Introduction to Maya course for their first term.

If a student is not admitted to a program after applying, they will receive a full refund of the application fee. Students may
reapply the next term to be admitted, if desired.


Prospective students should go to and review the enrollment agreement during the enrollment process
to apply.


Students must abide by the provisions described in the AnimSchool website Terms and Conditions of Use, available at


After registering for the school and paying the otherwise non-refundable $125 registration fee, students have three business
days to change their mind and withdraw from the school. They are then eligible for a full refund of all fees and any tuition paid,
including the otherwise non-refundable registration fee.

After the three day period, students may withdraw before they participate in AnimSchool classes (including General Reviews
and drawing classes) until two weeks before classes begin, for a full refund, minus the non-refundable registration fee.

At any point in a term: Once enrolled in a term, students have until two weeks before classes begin to opt out of the term.
After that point, because AnimSchool has already employed their instructors for the term, students are obligated to pay at least
2/3 of the agreed upon tuition, even if they cannot participate in the term.

While a term is underway, students wanting to switch out of a term and re-enter next term may do that, but will forfeit at
minimum 2/3 of the tuition for that term (If it is beyond the 7th week of the term, there is no refund issued).

At any point during a term, students may withdraw from AnimSchool. Regardless of the payment method, students are
obligated to pay for that term's tuition. If they have paid for the term already, they may be eligible for a maximum refund of 1/3
of the tuition for the term, minus a $75 withdrawal fee.(If it is beyond the 7th week of the term, there is no refund issued). (This
assumes additional class sessions were not attended after the withdrawal request). Registration or other fees will not be
refunded. Withdrawal can be initiated by emailing: with a clear written request for withdrawal. Any
cancellation or withdrawal refund payments will be issued within 30 days.

Students who withdraw from a program after the initial three-day period must petition the Animschool Review Board to be
considered for acceptance into a program again.

13 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Students enrolling in a term need to stay with the class during that term, regardless of how their work schedules change, or
their job situations change. When they enroll in a term, they should be sure that they can fully commit, and complete that
term. Students should be sure to have the time and resources to fully participate for the 11 weeks.

While a term is underway, students wanting to switch out of a term and re-enter next term may do that, but will forfeit at
minimum 2/3 of the tuition for that term (or more if they are beyond the 7th week). Once a student enrolls in a term, they are
committing to that term. If you are unsure about your ability to participate, students have until the final application date per
term, which is the Monday before classes begin.


The school may cancel a class when the number of students scheduled is too small, or the instructor withdraws. AnimSchool
may also retain a class but substitute another instructor if an instructor withdraws before the start of the term or during a term.

Students will receive a recommendation for an alternative class.


Students desiring to change classes to a different time slot and/or instructor may sign up for a different class at any point until
the day before the second class session. (If the student misses the second class session of the new class as a result of any
switch, they are not entitled to a refund.) If a different instructor has been substituted during that first week, students may
switch to another class with an empty spot.


At times instructors may have a planned absence. Most often the class will simply be rescheduled for the following day or soon
thereafter. In rare cases, a substitue instructor may teach that class. Students may not request a refund or credit of any kind as
a result of the instructor substitution.


If an instructor does not attend a scheduled class due to any reason, intentional or unintentional, students are entitled to a
rescheduled class substitution. The instructor or substitute instructor will make every effort to accommodate the students at
the most convenient replacement time and day, however AnimSchool makes no guarantee that the substitution will in fact be
at a particular time or day necessary for a student to participate. Remember that students have access to the recordings of
each class as well. If a student is not able to attend the substitute class, they are not eligible for a corresponding fractional


On rare occasions, instructors may withdraw from teaching a class due to personal circumstances. In such circumstances, a
suitable replacement instructor will be found to substitute for the remainder of the term. Students will not be eligible for a
refund in that scenario.


Admitted students may take a leave of absence for any reason, but only for three terms, consecutive or nonconsecutive. After
that, non-participation will lead to automatic withdrawal as a registered student. (This applies to program students, not
students taking Express classes only.)

To take a leave of absence, please email:

14 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Students wishing to take an unexpected leave of absence during a term may do so by emailing with a
request, but as stated above, will still be obligated to pay at least 2/3 the term's tuition, of after the 7th week, the entire term's

In the event of a leave of absence granted during a term, the in-progress letter grade for the class is removed from overall
grade calculation. Also, upon reentry, the student must retake that course or its equivalent.

Students must maintain a C grade or above each term to count the term's class as a fulfilled prerequisite for another class.
Elective classes are not prerequisites, so a passing grade of any kind fulfills the requirement toward graduation.

Students who receive below a C grade on a required course, wishing to graduate, must retake the class or an equivalent class at
their own expense to maintain eligibility.

This does not apply to classes taken as Express. Express students will receive a grade, but it does not make them more or less
eligible to take another class. Students wanting to take express classes in sequence must have either a passing grade from a
prerequisite class or an approval from the AnimSchool Review Board for that specific class.


Students are expected to maintain professional standards of behavior in their interactions between other students and
between them and instructors. If some conduct is unprofessional, or would be inappropriate in the workplace, students should
avoid it. AnimSchool will not tolerate harassment, illegal discrimination, derogatory speech or actions toward another
AnimSchool party or any other person, using AnimSchool communications. Students should avoid offensive content in the
forums, messages, and in their school assignments, including crude language, sexually explicit material, or derogatory intention,
or jokes that could appear derogatory toward others. No cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated and may result in dismissal
from AnimSchool. This applies especially to the use of another student's assignment. Any attempts to circumvent AnimSchool
systems to attend a class or watch class recordings for which the student is not authorized may also be met with dismissal from
AnimSchool depending on the circumstances. Failure to comply with the standards of conduct may result in Academic
Probation, up to and including dismissal.

Students should read the Terms of Use statement in the application for AnimSchool and abide by the terms.


Students must agree to and abide by the terms of the enrollment agreement to continue in a program. Failure to comply may
lead to a probation status. Students will be informed what steps they must take to avoid dismissal from AnimSchool, and will be
given ample opportunity to resolve any issues.

Any students that fail to abide by the terms of admission, the standards of conduct, the terms of use for the website, fail to resolve probation status, or fail to resolve any non-payment issues may be considered for
dismissal from AnimSchool. Students should phone or email to resolve any problem issues.

Depending on the nature of the dismissal, students may or may not be allowed to reapply to AnimSchool at a later time or to
take Express classes in the future.


Students should strive to attend all the class sessions in which they are enrolled, and submit their assignments weekly. Not
every weekly assignment is graded, so failure to submit an assignment may or may not directly impact the upcoming
assignment's grade. Students who fail to submit any ungraded weekly assignments will likely fall behind

15 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Students who are unable to attend any class session must send a message to their instructor explaining the absence. Unexcused
absences are a factor in calculating students' term grades.

Students are advised that much of the opportunity for learning comes from the direct interaction with the instructor during
class sessions, so they should be attended live when possible, or catch up using the class recordings. Students are expected to
communicate with their instructor about any absence, and failure to do so will impact their grade.

Each week, students should submit their assignments two hours before their class is scheduled to begin. This gives the system
enough time to upload and post the materials, so they will be available for the instructor and other students to review the work
during class time. Assignments submitted after that time will be graded as late, which lowers it 10%.


Students may use AnimSchool character rigs and any assets provided for their courses or ones available in the Characters and
Tools section while they are students. Students withdrawing from AnimSchool (provided their payment accounts are current),
may continue to use those AnimSchool character rigs and assets.

Student access to the AnimSchool website and class recordings is limited to the time they are enrolled in a course. Students
withdrawing from AnimSchool do not have continued access to the AnimSchool website or class recordings.

Students taking a term break from AnimSchool do not have continued access to the AnimSchool website or class recordings.
Students may pay for "break access", however, to retain access to General Reviews, class recordings, and art classes during
their break. Students may request "break access" by contacting

Students who graduate from an AnimSchool program may use all character rigs and assets and all future character rigs yet to
be released. They also retain access to class recordings.

Students in an Express class (a single class, not as a program student) may continue to use the character rigs and assets
provided for that course, as well as those in the Characters and Tools section, after the course is completed (provided their
payment accounts are current). But Express students do not have access to all future character rigs. Express students do not
have continued access to the AnimSchool website or class recordings.


AnimSchool offers services to place students in industry positions upon graduation. Services include job listings and information
from contacts with industry recruiters, and a demo reel review with a member of the AnimSchool Review Board.

AnimSchool cannot guarantee employment upon graduation from a program. AnimSchool has a 69% job placement rate with


AnimSchool is an English language school. Class instruction is in English.


At AnimSchool, we want to help people all over the world with animation education, regardless of economic status. For people
with lower-incomes, we provide a special need-based scholarship program, "Global Access," with the lowest possible price to
access the best 3D animation talent in the world. Global Access tuition is approximately ½ the usual cost. Paired with the
EasyPay program, the monthly payments can be very low.

Students are granted the Scholarship for a certain number of terms. Partial Scholarships may be for a limited number of terms,
not necessarily the entire 7 term program.

16 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Global Access is a scholarship program for AnimSchool program students with income-based financial need. The program is
intended for those in lower-than-Western-middle-class levels of income (we currently consider applicants with less than
$18,000 of yearly income). We accept a limited number of Global Access students, and the most qualified will be admitted.
Applicants are evaluated based on three criteria: Financial Need Based on Income, Drive to Succeed, and Ability to Sustain
Payments. Students generally pay for the tuition using automated repeating credit card payments by term or monthly.

We accept a limited number of applicants during the Spring and Fall Terms only.

The Global Access program is available for complete program students only. It is not for classes taken individually ("Express").

Students who feel they may qualify should apply at the earliest opportunity since these slots will be filled quickly. The "Last Day
to Register" date listed on the Academic Calendar is the final cutoff, but all slots may be already filled by that time. Students are
chosen by the timing of their submission and their relative qualification.

Once admitted to Global Access, students must maintain a C or above Grade Point Average to remain in the program.

(Financial need is demonstrated by relevant income tax returns or international equivalent. More details provided during the
application process at


AnimSchool operates on a quarterly system of 11 weeks each. Students can apply for the first class any quarter of the year. The
AnimSchool website continues to operate on U.S. Federal holidays and Sundays, but AnimSchool offices are closed.

th th
December 30 – March 15 2014 Winter Term

October 3 LAST DAY TO START MONTHLY EASY-PAY PAYMENTS (without makeup payments), Winter Term

December 27 LAST DAY FOR NEW STUDENTS TO APPLY TO AnimSchool, Winter Term


th th rd
December 30 – January 4 FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES WINTER TERM. Monday classes start on the 3 .

th th
March 9 -15 LAST WEEK OF CLASSES. No new assignment given.


th th
March 30 – June 15 2014 Spring Term

January 3 LAST DAY TO START MONTHLY EASY-PAY PAYMENTS without makeup payments, Spring Term

March 18 LAST DAY students may withdraw, Spring Term


March 25 LAST DAY FOR NEW STUDENTS TO APPLY TO AnimSchool, Spring Term

th th nd
March 30 – April 5 FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES SPRING TERM. Monday classes start on the 2 .

May 26 MEMORIAL DAY. Instructor OPTION to move Monday classes to Tuesday. Contact your instructor.

17 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
th th
June 9 - 15 LAST WEEK OF CLASSES. No new assignment given.


th th
June 29 – September 14 2014 SUMMER Term

April 1 LAST DAY TO START MONTHLY EASY-PAY PAYMENTS without makeup payments, Summer Term

June 16 LAST DAY students may withdraw, Summer Term


July 4 U.S. INDEPENDANCE DAY. Friday classes move to Thursday or Saturday. Contact your Instructor.

th th st
June 29 – July 5 FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES SUMMER TERM. Monday classes start on the 1 .

September 1 LABOR DAY. Monday classes move to Tuesday or arranged day.

th th
September 7 – 13 LAST WEEK OF CLASSES. No new assignment given.


th th
September 28 – December 14 2014 Fall Term

July 1 LAST DAY TO START MONTHLY EASY-PAY PAYMENTS (without makeup payments), Fall Term


September 15 LAST DAY FOR NEW STUDENTS TO APPLY TO AnimSchool, Fall Term

th th rd
September 28 – Oct 4 FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES FALL TERM. Monday classes start on the 3 .

November 28 THANKSGIVING DAY. Thursday classes move to Wednesday, Friday or arranged day.

th th
December 7 -13 LAST WEEK OF CLASSES. No new assignment given.



Students are responsible for providing their own computer hardware and software, as well as purchasing any of the required
school books, per class (not a frequent requirement).

Students need a Windows Vista or higher PC (personal computer), or Mac OSX 10.5.7 or higher.

Students should have a computer than meets the needs of the 3D software Autodesk Maya: see As an
example, Maya lists these system recommendations for running version 2013 on Windows:

Operating System: Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business (SP2 or higher), Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional, Microsoft®
Windows® 8, Mac OSX.5.7 or higher

Intel® Pentium® 4 or higher, AMD Athlon™ 64, AMD Opteron™ processor, AMD Phenom™ processor

18 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
4 GB free hard drive space
Qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card (see for graphics card recommendations)
Three-button mouse
DVD-ROM drive

AnimSchool does not provide installation or technical software support for getting your computer running with the animation

AnimSchool program students are eligible for Autodesk's free software program. Students may download a free educational
version of Autodesk Maya and other software for free while they are a student.

You may use any other comparable 3D software of your choice. However, in the 3D Animation program, remember you will
need to use a suitably advanced character rig with which to animate. And in the Character program, rigging classes include
more software-specific instruction.

Autodesk Maya is the industry standard in high-end productions.

AnimSchool is designed and tested on all major browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera; on both Macs
and Windows. Students should use the latest version of the browser when possible.


Fast "basic broadband" internet access is absolutely required. For best results, students will want download speeds of 1200
kbps or more and upload speeds of 200 kbps or more.

To find out the speeds you are experiencing on your computer and connection, go to a website such as and
hit the Begin Test button.


You need to use a microphone and webcam to talk to the instructors and students. Online classes work best with headphones
as well.

A webcam is also used to take a picture of drawn assignments, and record live planning for animated scenes.

AnimSchool COSTS
There is a one-time enrollment fee of $125, which is non-refundable under most scenarios. An applicant who is denied
enrollment into a program is entitled to a full refund of the application fee.

Students must supply their own computer hardware and 3D animation software. The personal computer can cost a few
hundred to over a thousand dollars.

The 3D animation software can now be obtained free through Autodesk's free educational software program. Instructions for
purchasing will be issued after a program student is admitted.

AnimSchool does not collect tuition for longer than the 11 week term in which a student is currently enrolled. Tuition is due
approximately 10 days before the start of the first week of classes. Refer to the Academic Calendar for the exact day.

In accordance with state registration requirements, AnimSchool may not collect more than four months of tuition payments at
any one time.

19 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Tuition payments with the discount can be used on any of the 3 payment schedules:

Pay Per Term: $1800 per term ($1590 under the current discount)

Students can choose to pay each term. This is not an automatic payment; students must submit payment separately each term.
The 1st Term’s tuition is due at time of acceptance to AnimSchool. Future Terms are due the 25th of the month before the
Term begins [Dec25 for Winter Term, Mar25 for Spring Term, Jun25 for Summer Term, Sep25 for Fall Term]

Pay Monthly: $600 per month ($530 per month under the current discount)

Students have the option of paying month to month, instead of per term. There are no extra fees for this service. Students are
required to set up an eligible repeating credit card payment to apply.

Students on the monthly payment option must maintain a valid credit or debit card on the account. Upon acceptance to the
program, Monthly payment students pay 1 month's tuition Deposit which is held on account for the student's final month of
classes. Their 1st monthly tuition payment is then due on the 25th of the month before the term begins. Payments will be
drawn each month automatically, unless paused or stopped. Monthly payments are due on the 25th of each month prior: Jul25
for Aug, Aug25 for Sept, Sept25 for Oct, etc. [21 total payments for 7 classes/terms.]

Deposit payment hardship: Students enrolling in the month before classes begin may be unable to pay both the Deposit and the
1st monthly tuition. In that case, the Deposit can be paid over the 1st term. Currently $530 + $177= $707 for the 1st 3 monthly
tuition payments.

EasyPay: $400. (Currently discounted to $356 -- subject to change).

3 EasyPayments of $400 (currently $356) are due before you begin your classes. If you enroll less than 3 months before the
term begins, and are unable to pay the 3 PrePayments plus your 1st monthly tuition, the PrePayments can be split up over the
1st term. Monthly tuition is due Jan25 for Feb, Feb25 for Mar, Mar25 for Apr etc. [33 mo payments for 7 classes/terms with
your 3 PrePayments and 3 Recess]


Students should buy the required textbooks, and should consider recommended textbooks. Recommended textbooks may be
listed when you sign up for an individual class.

Animation Program:
The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas $40
The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams $20
Recommended :
Character Animation Crash Course! By Eric Goldberg $23
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes, Volume 1 and 2 by Walt Stanchfield $40
The Visual Story by Bruce Block $23
Film Directing Shot by Shot by Steven Katz $20
Draw the Looney Tunes by Dan Romanelli $23
Timing For Animation by Tom Sito $20
Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behavior by Desmond Morris $12
Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life by Paul Eckman $11

Character Program:
The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression by Gary Faigin $17

20 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Constructive Anatomy by George Bridgman $9
Human Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form by Eric Goldfinger $51
Python in a Nutshell by Alex Martelli $27
Complete Maya Programming - Part I $35
Complete Maya Programming - Part II $51 free
Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right by Jason Osipa $32



AnimSchool tuition costs are among the lowest in high-end U.S. animation education. The listed prices do not include the non-
refundable $125 application fee.

If students do not pass a core class with a C grade or higher, they will be required to retake that class at their expense. This will
raise the cost of the overall program.

The programs require 7 courses, each class lasting a term of 11 weeks.

Cost per 11 Week Term Cost per calendar month (3.66 weeks of instruction)

Tuition ............................................................................... $1800 ............................................ $600 (minus discounts)

A program at AnimSchool is designed to take 21 months (7 terms) and costs $12,600. (Minus discounts)


Students have the option of paying month to month, instead of per term. Students are required to set up an eligible repeating
credit card payment to apply. A one-month DEPOSIT is required to begin this payment method, which amount is applied to the
final month's tuition.

Cost per 11 Week Term Cost per calendar month (3.66 weeks of instruction)

Tuition ............................................................................... $1800 ............................................ $600 (minus discounts)

If paid in per term or monthly installments, an AnimSchool program costs $12,600. (Minus discounts)


The "Express" option allows non-program students to take individual classes ala carte style.


Students accepted into the Global Access income-based scholarship program pay greatly reduced fees. See the website for
more details.


21 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
Due to recent changes in the U.S. loan environment, private student loans are not available for our students through
AnimSchool. Please check at for updates. Students or their families should borrow from other sources, or
as an alternative, see the Easy-Pay Program instead:

We at AnimSchool do not want students to be unable to attend due to finances. What could be easier than getting an advanced
education from top 3D professionals for $403 (currently discounted to $356) dollars per month?

Students enrolling in a program may participate in the AnimSchool EasyPay Program. In this program, students take twelve
months longer to go through the AnimSchool program (33 months total if no classes are repeated), but pay only $403
(currenltly $356) per month for the first 27 months, beginning three months before classes begin, then the last 6 months are
only $303 (currently $268) per month [with 7 classes].

Three times during the program, the student takes a three month break, called an "EasyPay Recess," during which they
continue to pay the $403 (currently $356) per month. During the recess, students continue to access the AnimSchool website
and resources. They can attend General Reviews to get help (critiques), access class recordings, and attend art classes. They get
help from the community and instructors in the forums and student/teacher facebook group. They continue animation or
character exercises and prepare for the next term.

On EasyPay, the tuition payments for 2 classes/terms are spead over 3 terms resulting in 9 lower monthly tuition payments
rather than 6 regular monthly payments.

EasyPay students will have a special recess when they reach class 7 in the program to ensure that all tuition payments are
complete when the finish school. The monthly payments are reduced at that time to 6 payments of $303 (currently $268)

There are 4 EasyPay Recesses to take 7 Classes at AnimSchool. Repeating classes increases the overall cost, so extends the
payments and may necessitate another EasyPay Recess.

Tuition Payments begin three months before classes begin. On this payment option, assuming no classes need to be repeated,
there are 33 installments, and the 7 class Program costs the usual $1800 (now $1,590 dollars) * 7 (classes) = 12,600 ($11,130
with current discounts) plus an $8 service fee per paying term, totalling 12,688 (now $11,220). There is an $8 per term service
fee included in the EasyPayments.

EasyPay Schedule Tuition Amounts (and with Current Discounts):

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Term 7 Term 8 Term 9 Term 10 Term 11
PrePay Class 1 Class 2 Recess 1 Class 3 Class 4 Recess 2 Class 5 Class 6 Recess 3 Class 7
$403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $403/mo. $303/mo. $303/mo.
$356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $356 now $268now $268now

Students will need to appy for the EasyPay Program well in advance to begin their three monthly payments before the term
begins. See the academic calendar for the cutoff date. If the student wishes to begin immediately, they must pay the three pre-
paid portions plus the first month to avoid having to wait for the following term.

Students are required to set up an eligible repeating payment credit card to apply, express intention to complete the program,
and upon any withdrawal from AnimSchool, agree to continue payments until all enrolled classes have been paid for.
AnimSchool will send the Certificate of Completion only after the complete tuition under the Easy-Pay program is paid.

Students may selectively avoid any EasyPay Recess by pre-paying the additional amounts due during the break.

To apply for the EasyPay payment option, apply as a student three months before the term begins, select the EasyPay option
and agree to the terms of service. Students that desire to withdraw and receive refunds may receive according to the normal
refund policy.

22 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4
New students pay before the term begins in order to enroll. Enrolled students must keep their payments current to maintain
status at the school and retain access to the AnimSchool student website and assets. To register in a particular class for the
following term, existing students must pay the tuition for that upcoming term.

Existing students must pay for the upcoming term by the posted "Last Day to Register For Classes" on the Academic Calendar,
approximately one week before a term begins. Students who fail to pay by that date will be subject to a $35 late fee and have
their access to the student AnimSchool website restricted. Students should then call or email to bring
their account current and resume student status. Existing students who fail to pay for the current term must contact the
Student Administrators and arrange payment to avoid being placed on Academic Probation.

Students on the monthly payment option must maintain a valid credit or debit card on the account. Monthly payments will be
withdrawn automatically on the 25th of each month for the next month's tuition. If a card is denied during the attempt at
processing, the transaction may be recharged the following day until successful. Otherwise. the student will be notified by
email and they will have seven days to provide a replacement card, or be assessed a $35 late fee. Following the seven days,
monthly payment students must contact the Student Administrator and arrange payment to avoid being placed on Academic

Students on the Easy-Pay program must also follow these same guidelines, but payments are make during active terms and
during the scheduled Easy-Pay Recesses.

TRANSFER OF CREDITS TO AnimSchool / Bypassing Classes

Students wishing to transfer credits from another school to apply to a particular course, bypassing courses should send a
detailed written request to

If a student already has the skills, they may be allowed to bypass a particular course. Send a request to to be considered.

To start your education at AnimSchool, visit, email, use our Live Chat, or call 801

23 | A n i m S c h o o l C a t a l o g 2 0 1 4

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