Sheet 2 Controlled HWR

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Ahram Canadian University Level 4 – Power

Faculty of Engineering EPC403 Power Electronics

Electrical Engineering Dep. Sheet 2 – Controlled HWR

Part 1. Controlled half wave rectifier with Resistive Load

1.1. Show that the controlled half-wave rectifier with a resistive load in Figure 1.1 has a
power factor of

1 𝛼 sin(2𝛼)
𝑝𝑓 = √ − +
2 2𝜋 4𝜋

Figure 1.1

1.2. For the controlled half-wave rectifier with resistive load, the source is 120 V rms at 60
Hz. The resistance is 100 Ω, and the delay angle 𝛼 is 45°.
Determine the average voltage across the resistor.
Determine the power absorbed by the resistor.
Determine the power factor as seen by the source.

1.3. A controlled half-wave rectifier has an ac source of 240 V rms at 60 Hz. The load is a
30Ω resistor.
Determine the delay angle such that the average load current is 2.5 A.
Determine the power absorbed by the load.
Determine the power factor.

Part 2. Controlled half wave rectifier with R-L Load

2.1. A controlled half-wave rectifier has a 120 V rms 60 Hz ac source. The series RL load
has R = 25 Ω and L = 50 mH. The delay angle is 30°. Determine
An expression for load current
The average of load current
The power absorbed by the load.
Ahram Canadian University Level 4 – Power
Faculty of Engineering EPC403 Power Electronics
Electrical Engineering Dep. Quiz 2 – 15 minutes

2.2. A controlled half-wave rectifier has a 120 V rms 60 Hz ac source. The series RL load
has R = 40 Ω and L = 75 mH. The delay angle is 60°. Determine
An expression for load current
The average of load current.
The power absorbed by the load.

Part 3. Controlled half wave rectifier with RLE load

3.1. A controlled half-wave rectifier has a 120 V, 60 Hz ac source. The load is a series
inductance, resistance, and dc source, with L = 100 mH, R = 12 Ω, and Vdc = 48 V. The
delay angle is 50. Determine
The power absorbed by the dc voltage source.
The power absorbed by the resistance
The power factor.
3.2. A controlled half-wave rectifier has a 240 V rms 60 Hz ac source. The load is a series
resistance, inductance, and dc source with R = 100 Ω, L = 150 mH, and Vdc = 96 V. The
delay angle is 60°. Determine
The power absorbed by the dc voltage source
The power absorbed by the resistance
The power factor.

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