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Questions on Phonetics and Phonology

I. Test Format
Part 1: Theory (6pts; Content: 4 points; Example: 2 points)
Part 2: Practice (4 points) (follow the syllabus of the subject)
II. Review Questions on Phonetics and phonology
1. What is a phoneme? How are phonemes classified?
2. What is allophone? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
3. How does phonology differ from phonetics?
4. What is a consonant? How are consonants classified?
5. What is a vowel? How are vowels classified?
6. In what cases are consonants syllabic? Give illustrative examples.
7. What is the difference between vowels and consonants?
8. Show the difference between phonemic and phonetic transcription of the sounds in the
English language. Illustrate your answer with examples.
9. What is stress? What are the rules applied for affix-words? What are the rules applied for
two- syllable verbs? What are the rules applied for three- syllable nouns?
10. How does the stress help to make the difference between compound words and free word
11. What is linking? When does linking occur? Illustrate your answer with examples.
12. What is elision? What are cases of elison? Illustrate your answer with examples.
13. What is assimilation? What are kinds of assimilation? Illustrate your answer with
14. According to place of articulation, how are consonants classified?
15. According to manner of articulation, how are consonants classified?
16. How does a stressed syllable differ from an unstressed one? Illustrate your answer with
17. What are main articulators?
18. What are the functions of intonation? Illustrate your answer with examples.
19. How are tones used in different kinds of sentences according communicative functions?
20. What is a rhythm unit? Give examples for your answer.

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