Isc 2010,11 Maths QPS

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Section – A
(All questions are compulsory in this part)

Question 1.

(i) If the matrix A=⎡⎣⎢62−10x−15222⎤⎦⎥ is a singular matrix, find the

value of x. [3]
(ii) Solve: cos−1[sin(cos−1x)]=π/3 [3]
(iii) Show that the liney = x + √7 touches the hyperbola 9x2 – 16y2 = 144. [3]
(iv) Evaluate: limx→π/2[xtanx−π2secx] [3]
(v) Evaluate: ∫x(x+1)2dx [3]
(vi) Evaluate: ∫3−3|x+2|dx [3]
(vii) A fair die is thrown once. What is the probability that either an even
number or a number greater than three will turn up? [3]
(viii) If the regression equation of x on y is given by mx – y + 10 = 0 and the
equation ofyonx is given by -2x + 5y = 14, determine the value of ‘m’ if the
coefficient of correlation between x and y is 110√ [3]
(ix) If 1, ω, ω2 are the three cube roots of unity, then simplify: (3 + 5ω +
3ω2)2 (1 + 2ω + ω2) [3]
(x) Solve the differential equation: cosec3x dy – cosec y dx = 0 [3]

Question 2.
(a) By using properties of determinants, prove that the
determinant ∣∣∣∣a−sinxcosxsinx−a1cosx1a∣∣∣∣ is independent of x. [5]
(b) Using matrix method, solve the following equations: [5]
5x + 3y + z = 16
2x + y + 3z = 19
x + 2y + 4z = 25
Question 3.
(a) Using Rolle’s theorem, find a point on the curvey = sinx + cos x –
1, x∈[0,π2] tangent is parallel to the x- axis. [5]
(b) Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (-1, -2) and the equation
of the directrix is given by 4x – 3y + 2 = 0. Also find the equation of the axis.
Question 4.
(a) Prove that: [5]
(b) x, y and z represent three switches in an ‘ON’ position and x’ y ‘and z’
represent the same three switches in an ‘OFF’ position. Construct a switching
circuit representing the polynomial (x + y) (x’ + z) + y(y’ + z’).
Using the laws of Boolean Algebra, show that the above polynomial is
equivalent to xz + y and construct an equivalent switching circuit. [5]
Question 5.
(a) Using a suitable substitution, find the derivative of tan−1a−xa+x−−

−√ with respect to x. [5]

(b) A closed right circular cylinder has volume 5392 cubic units. Find the radius
and the height of the cylinder so that the total surface area is minimum. [5]
Question 6.
(a) Evaluate: [5]
(b) Draw a rough sketch of the curve y = x2 – 5x + 6 and find the area bounded
by the curve and the x-axis. [5]
Question 7.
(a) Find the equations of the two lines of regression for the following
observations: [5]
(3, 6), (4, 5), (5, 4), (6, 3), (7, 2)
Find an estimate of y for x = 2.5
(b) Calculate Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation from the following
data and interpret the result: [5]

Question 8.
(a) Akhil and Vijay appear for an interview for two vacancies. The probability
of Akhil’s selection is 14 and Vijay’s selection is 23. Find the probability that
only one of them will be selected. [5]
(b) There are two bags. One bag contains six green and three red balls. The
second bag contains five green and four red balls. One ball is transferred from
tire first bag to the second bag. Then one ball is drawn from the second bag.
Find the probability that it is a red ball. [5]
Question 9.
(a) Solve the differential equation: (y + log x) dx – x dy = 0, given that y = 0,
when x = 1. [5]
(b) Find the locus of a complex number z = x + iy, satisfying the relation |3z –
4i| ≤ |3z + 2|. [5]
Illustrate the locus in Argand’s plane.
Section – B

Question 10.
(a) Find the value of λ for which the four points with position
yeptors 2i^+5j^+k^,−j^−4k^, 3i^+λj^+8k^ and −4i^+3j^+4k^ are
coplaner, then find λ. [5]
(b) In any ∆ABC, prove by vector method that cosB=c2+a2−b22ca [5]

Question 11.
(a) Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are:
r⃗ =(4i^−j^+2k^)+λ(i^+2j^−3k^) and r⃗ =(2i^+j^−k^)
(b) Find the equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of
the planes x + 2y + 3z – 4 = 0 and 3z – y = 0 and perpendicular to the plane
3x + 4y – 2z + 6 = 0. [5]
Question 12.
(a) A factory has three machines A, B, C producing 1500, 2500 and 3000
bulbs per day respectively. Machine A produces 1.5% defective bulbs,
machine B produces 2% defective bulbs and machine C produces 2.5%
defective bulbs. At the end of the day, abulb is drawn at random and is found
to be defective. What is the probability that this defective bulb has been
produced by machine B? [5]
(b) Five bad eggs are mixed with 10 good ones. If three eggs are drawn one
by one with replacement, find the probability distribution of the number of
good eggs drawn. [5]
Section – C

Question 13.
(a) A company produces two types of items, P and Q. Manufacturing of both
items requires the metals gold and copper. Each unit of item P requires 3 gms
of gold and 1 gm of copper while that of item Q requires 1 gm of gold and 2
gms of copper. The company has 9 gms of gold and 8 gms of copper in its
store. If each unit of item P makes a profit of Rs 50 and each unit of item Q
makes a profit of Rs 60, determine the number of units of each item that the
company should produce to maximize profit. What is the maximum profit? [5]
(b) At the beginning of each quarter, a sum of Rs 1,500 is deposited into a
savings account that pays 12% per annum compounded quarterly. Find the
amount in the account at the end of four years. [5]

Question 14.
(a) A bill of exchange for Rs 722 was drawn on the 3rd April 2009, payable
three months after date. It was discounted on 15th April 2009 at 4.75% per
annum. What was the discounted value of the gift? [5]
(b) The average cost function AC for a commodity is given
by AC=x+5+36x in terms of output x. Find the:
(i) Total cost and the marginal cost as the functions of x. [5]
(ii) Output for which AC increases.
Question 15.
(a) The index number for the following data, for the year 2008, taking 2004 as
the base year was found to be 116. The simple aggregate method was used
for calculation. Find the numerical values of x and y if the sum of the prices in
the year 2008 is Rs. 203. [5]
(b) Consider the following data: [5]

Calculate three days moving averages and display these and the original
figures on the same graph.


Section – A
(All questions are compulsory in this part)

Question 1.
(i) If A=[34−2−2], find x such that A2 = xA – 2I. Hence find A-1. [3]

(ii) Find the values of k, if the equation 8x2 – 16xy + ky2 – 22x + 34y = 12
represents an elhpse. [3]
(iii) Solve for x: sin (2 tan-1x) = 1 [3]
(iv) Two regression lines are represented by 2x + 3y – 10 = 0 and 4x + y – 5 =
0. Find the line of regression of y on x. [3]
(v) Evaluate: [3]
(vi) Evaluate: [3]
(vii) Evaluate: [3]
(viii) Find the modulus and argument of the complex number 2+i4i+(1+i)2 [3]
(ix) A word consists of 9 different alphabets, in which there are 4 consonants
and 5 vowels. Three alphabets are chosen at random. What is the probability
that more than one vowel will be selected? [3]
(x) Solve the differential equation: [3]
Question 2.
(a) Using properties of determinants, show that pα2 + 2qα + r = 0, given that p,
q and r are not in GP and [5]

(b) Solve the following system of equations using matrix method: [5]

Question 3.
(a) Prove that: [5]
(b) P, Q and R represent switches in ‘ON position’ and P’, Q’ and R’ represent
switches in ‘OFF position’. Construct a switching circuit representing the
polynomial: [5]
P(P + Q)Q(Q + R’)
Use Boolean Algebra to show that the above circuit is equivalent to a
switching circuit in which when P and Q are in ‘ON position’, the light is on
Question 4.
(a) Verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem for the function f(x) = sin x – sin 2x
in the interval [0, π]. [5]
(b) Find the equation of the hyperbola whose foci are (0, ±13) and the length
of the conjugate axis is 20. [5]
Question 5.
(a) Evaluate: [5]
(b) Draw a rough sketch of the curves y = (x – 1)2 and y = |x – 1|. Hence, find
the area of the region bounded by these curves.
Question 6.
(a) If the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and a side of a right-angled
triangle is given, show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the
angle between them is π3 [5]
(b) If y = xx, prove that: [5]
Question 7.
(a) The following observations are given:
(1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 2), (4, 12) (5, 10), (6, 14), (7, 16), (8, 6), (9, 18)
Estimate the value of y when the value of x is 10 and also estimate the value
of x when the value of y = 5. [5]
(b) Compute Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation between sales and
expenditures of a firm for six months. [5]

Question 8.
(a) A purse contains 4 silver and 5 copper coins. A second purse contains 3
silver and 7 copper coins. If a coin is taken out at random from one of the
purses, what is the probability that it is a copper coin? [5]
(b) Aman arid Bhuvan throws a pair of dice alternately. In order to win, they
have to get a sum of 8. Find their respective probabilities of winning if Aman
starts the game. [5]
Question 9.
(a) Using De Moivre’s theorem, find the value of: [5]
(b) Solve the following differential equation for a particular solution: [5]
Section – B

Question 10
(a) Prove that: [5]
[a⃗ +b⃗ b⃗ +c⃗ c⃗ +a⃗ ]=2[a⃗ b⃗ c⃗ ]
(b) If D, E, F are mid-points of the sides of a triangle ABC, prove by vector
method that:
Area of ∆DEF = 14 (Area of ∆ABC). [5]
Question 11.
(a) Find the vector equation of the line passing through the point (-1, 2, 1) and
parallel to the line r⃗
 =2i^+3j^−k^+λ(i⃗ −2j^+k^). Also, find the distance
between these lines. [5]
(b) Find the equation of the plane passing through the points A (2, 1, -3), B (-
3, -2, 1) and C(2, 4, -1). [5]
Question 12.
(a) A box contains 4 red and 5 black marbles. Find the probability distribution
of the red marbles in a random draw of three marbles. Also find the mean and
standard deviation of the distribution. [5]
(b) Bag A contains 2 white, 1 black and 3 red balls, Bag B contains 3 white, 2
black and 4 red balls and Bag C contains 4 white, 3 black and 2 red balls. One
Bag is chosen at random and 2 balls are drawn at random from that Bag. If
the randomly drawn balls happen to be red and black, what is the probability
that both balls come from Bag B? [5]
Section – C

Question 13.
(a) The price of a tape recorder is ₹ 1,661. A person purchases it by making a
cash payment of ₹ 400 and agrees to pay the balance with due interest in 3
half-yearly equal instalments. If the dealer charged interest at the rate of 10%
per annum compounded half-yearly, find the value of the instalment. [5]
(b) A manufacturer manufactures two types of tea-cups, A and B. Three
machines are needed for manufacturing the tea-cups. The time in minutes
required for manufacturing each cup on the machines is given below:

Each machine is available for a maximum of six hours per day. If the profit on
each cup of type A is ₹ 1.50 and that on each cup of type B is ₹ 1.00, find the
number of cups of each type that should be manufactured in a day to get
maximum profit. [5]

Question 14.
(a) If the difference between Banker’s discount and True discount of a bill for
73 days at 5% per annum is ₹ 10, find
(i) the amount of the bill
(ii) Banker’s discount. [5]
(b) Given that the total cost function for x units of a commodity is: [5]
(i) Find the Marginal Cost (MC)
(ii) Find the Average Cost (AC)
(iii) Prove that: Marginal Average Cost (MAC) = x(MC)−C(x)x2

Question 15.
(a) The price quotations of four different commodities for 2001 and 2009 are
as given below. Calculate the index number for 2009 with 2001 as the base
year by using a weighted average of price relative method.

(b) The profit Of a soft drink firm (in thousands of ₹) during each month of the
year is as given below:

Calculate four monthly moving averages and plot these and the original data
on a graph sheet.


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