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Group 8

Human Flourishing
2. Example of a Story of a child and his mother. They went to a
store, the mother bought clothes and shoes, and the boy wants a
toy, but he never told his mother. The mother and her child then go
to the park to eat and buy ice cream. Until the boy told his mother
to buy the toy, but the mother have no money left, the boy did not
feel sad, because he felt happy when he was spending time with his
We feel joy in our bodies because of the
release of dopamine and serotonin, two
types of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Both of these chemicals are heavily
associated with happiness
One of the biggest issues we saw in our area is the effects of
poverty on every individual in physical, mental, and emotional
aspects of life. Sometimes because of so much hardships, a lot
of people forgot that there are lots of reasons to be happy and
thankful for. And I think that issue can be resolved by the
unique individual characteristics of my group mates. Just like
sharing positive energy and good vibes, sharing what they can
give, showing their care and love that can somehow change the
heavy feeling or burden of someone.
Eastern philosophy places more emphasis on the group
than the individual. They would sooner make a
sacrifice for the group than for themselves. The
individual is the focus here for western philosophy
since they discover the purpose of life through self-
centeredness, which gives them significant importance
as a human being.

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