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Directions: Give the differences and similarities of the following using the table below.

another sheet for your answers.


Freud's Psychosexual vs. They both developed The relevance of basic wants and
Erikson's Psychosocial theories about how biological forces is emphasized in
personalities change and Freud's psychosexual theory,
develop whereas Erikson's psychosocial
theory is centered on social and
environmental elements. Erikson
also extends his theory into
maturity, whereas Freud's theory
ends sooner.
Piaget's Cognitive vs. They both make the The primary distinction between
Behavioral Child essential premise of behavioral and cognitive learning
mechanism. Cognitivism theories is that behavioral
goes beyond behaviorism learning theories focus solely on
by extending mechanical externally visible behavior,
assumptions to the mind as whereas cognitive learning
well as behavior. theories focus on interior mental

Behaviorism and cognitivism are

two ideas that explain the human
learning process. John B. Watson
and B. F. Skinner established the
behaviorist approach. F. Skinner
in the early twentieth century,
whereas Jean Piaget developed
cognitive development theory as
a counter to Behaviorism. The
behavioral approach is concerned
with behaviors, whereas the
cognitive approach is concerned
with cognitive processes such as
memory and decision making.
Directions: Identify what type of learner are you. At the same time, identify the multiple
intelligence/s that you have, and the learning styles you prefer. Incorporate all of this by making
a poster about yourself as a learner. Below your poster output, write a reflective essay
explaining your work.

As a student, we have different ways on how to learn easily. As I go further with my

studies, I can say that I am a kinesthetic learner and also an auditory learner. I easily
understand the topic very well when it is performed like acting or dancing and I prefer listening
than to read a topic or a lesson. I am a bodily- kinesthetic intelligent and also an interpersonal
intelligent. I like to dance and knows what are the good movements of a body. Interpersonal
because I can easily get the point of one’s motivation and intentions through his/her actions. I
can easily sense the emotions they feel.

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