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Revolutionize Your Network

The Reciprocity Ring is a dynamic, one-time exercise

that encourages generosity, trust, and connection.
• Applies the “pay-it-forward” principle to your team or group
• Creates and cements high-quality connections
• Builds lasting relationships
• Solve real problems, personal and professional
• Energize your group
• Benefits both organizations and individuals
• Can be done in person or virtually
• Takes 1.5-4 hours
Proven Performance
• Since 1999, 100,000+ people in 15 countries have participated
Used in 17 of the top 20 business schools
• A single session typically generates $150k-480k in realized value
• Participants save 1600 hours, on average, per session

Anyone can facilitate using our
training package and orientation.

The Reciprocity Ring can be done in

person or virtually.

Supporting materials include PPT

slides, written instructions, training
videos, and more.


Happy Customers
Suite of Solutions
• The Reciprocity Ring is a one-time, face-to-face exercise.
• The Virtual Reciprocity Ring was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
as a one-time exercise for remote teams using videoconferencing.
• Givitas is a knowledge sharing platform built for exchanging help, advice, and
connections every day, and takes less than 5 minutes a week to use.

All three solutions increase efficiency, effectiveness, generosity,

trust, gratitude, and connection.
The The Virtual
• In-person, group exercise Reciprocity Reciprocity Givitas
Ring Ring
• Requires group participation
One-time exercise ✓ ✓

Requires in-person participation ✓

Dynamic group exercise for events ✓ ✓

Builds or reinforces a giving culture ✓ ✓ ✓

Improves relationships ✓ ✓ ✓

Increases efficiency ✓ ✓ ✓

Improves knowledge sharing ✓ ✓ ✓

Makes asking for help easy and safe ✓ ✓ ✓

Enables efficient helping ✓ ✓ ✓

Continuous, ongoing knowledge sharing ✓

Appropriate for remote groups ✓ ✓

Captures organizational memory ✓

Implants habits of giving + gratitude ✓

Takes less than 5 min/week ✓

On-demand usage + network analytics ✓ ✓

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