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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semeser:Sping Year: 2019, Programme: BE Fall Mars: 100 Course: Basie Compute and Programing Pass Masks 45 Time 3hn, Candas are reuired to give tr anowers in thir 1m word as fer ‘as proccable The fein the margin indcat fal marks Altempt ll th questions. 8) Whats Digital Computer? Distinguish between analog ant digital compar 1b) Whats Software? Explain about the yes of software ‘Wate the steps to conver ater uber systems to Decimal Number system and Decal to ter number systems. Subtet he given numbese: 1) (CDEF) 4 GABCD) sing 15's complement i) GOTT x sing I's complement 1) Apply DeMorga’s theorems to each ofthe ellowing expressions ) ABECD+ EF wareesaeth : 8) Whats gi ate? Realize X-NOR gate using NOR gt. 1b) Wate the Boolean exresson for he ouput X ofthe combinations ogi rut given below and redraw ta minimum frm? 7 1) Wt an algorithm o find the factor of {raw th ower ofthe algorithm ‘5 8) Wee an algorithm to convert terperare in degre centigrade to Fabenbet 1b), What arth looping stuctres? Explain ayone with an example (6. a) What arth sc data pes in C? Explnin each 1) Write a program find the sum of" numberof ems ofthe sere: 1419-16125. 11. Wet shot nots on: Amy two) 4) Header es |b) Straue ©) Software and clasfiation ven pose number. Also Ds POKHARA UNIVERSITY evel: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year :2019 Programme: BE Fall Mas: 100 ‘Course Basi Compute nd Programming ass Maks: 45 Time: Shr. Candidates are required to give thelr answers theron words far a proctcebie ‘The furs in the margin indcate fal mars Atempt ll the questions. 8) Draw a lock diagam of «dial computer system and explain in 7 desis, ') List the pes of computer based on size. Explain each in bre 4) plain Number system ant ned for compute 1) Subeact he given umber. 4 ii, (12450) ~ (ABCD) using 8's complement jv. CGO10TT. (7. tsng I's complement 8) Define universal gat, What the advantage of wing universal gates? Implement X-OR ene using NAND gate {Using common sens and the rules of Boolean Alger, simpli the 7 following: fi, NBC + D)+A'B'C(D'+D)+ ABCD! + ABD (C+C) |v. A'BIC'+ A'B'C~A'BCFARC" AC 4) Wt isan algo? Wet an algo o find the simple interest. 7 ') What ae the basi tps of problem solving? Expl in bit 5 8) raw the low chart testa given number is Armstrong's umber OR 7 Nor. 1») What selection statement? Explain wth some suitable example, 8 8) Whats operate? Explain difrent pe of operator. 5 5) Write program in to find he fctoril of given integer umber. 7 ‘Wei short notes on: (Any wo) as 4) Entry and Exiteontole loop ) Rules for declaring Viable ©) Datatypes in svomyos soll wai mola pur awemyes sua (@ ‘aye ayo> jo suovodues a weiss Kyou gun. SEH (“I ‘suns 2 soy sonpsonp wesenndad po ag .0PE (9 : ro “ys pn oo So Auisuzaiun vayiod e ayo 9 | omnis -eoxd a9 Fud99ap 248 ot 8 Fsnbas ny eg noua Saye @ “ONO 1 SANV Pr Aa aq8Ip 5 sue HN 88 oF UES Mo BP SE, i 9360 audooap wap oda 24g8 gan Ss oss 8 on aq ay dno sp puy pov usa wae04 3 PU] (e 5 'T YONX ue HOX TMU J 2} pT Lua yon Ban om GW et siouenpesp pot Sage qu wee jo uowetuss yuna pu pu IG (P -suoonb om nuony sym pf apn sow a 008 4h -geansead 3 nfo sm uno say sons toy 2480 panos on sone) amuBong pus seo 5 er seruas oe Sa ALISUBAINN VAVH¥Od “sda ages pd pu oq wong atenuac| MRK an Inoge owas san Susy =H yes + OEY + GO.AY + G.gAV wee oy sda gn oe unpom poe Soyo “mow pf enone bam ym 208 4 ‘yqapzead 50 [50 spon uno 424 sane ayn 28 1 paanbos dt opp) sme: oun, Served Study pur sanded Jo ats4:=4N0) oot eH ‘aqua ee A dg stsueg 4904 BAT AUSMBAINA YEYHNOE sui © ox (on ny) 80 S00 OHS ALL 1 t * fll Banoysop asda soy} ume FTA 1 EU OAAQOGAPOHANE A 0.2804) CORADLOEVKGHEY) wowsax9 9 sy 00.90 tno ays ay 2 ed sag ALISuBAINA YaYH¥Od ys ‘Bawezaug pre oyndue 0.15280. ‘34 suo) peH eT 8 or wiposte we any wouerap wRIoxd wy posn sds et FT yoo um up doo fstna 989 pe jostos Ke uRowing aM 4 Soyuursoxd yy susuams james uosse MAP MI Ce '9 ‘UsuaAINN uVHDIOg fooolal) ee 6 eee al ALisaainn vavHyod POKHARA UNIVERSITY Lee Bacher (asbyna anya ) Define opertor an c eof gua equation ‘Syste softs Vs apc sonar sod in png declan, Wet an loin to 8 “aon Soyaue 54 Jnana eB oot eu pt doy ay vaoug amma ud gum fend eno} poe senor ont spend eyo 0322 580] 90 MOD ZA + AIK + ZAK Zh rhat rae y poieu wouo|dus 2 £4 uo ALISARIN YUYHON POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level; actor Semester: Spring Year: 2014 rope: BE Fall Maris: 100, (Course Basi of Computer & Programming Pass mark 43 Time: 3h Condides are required ove thelr answers nthe own words as far ss practicabte heures the margin bdleat fal mark, Adept ll he questions 4) Deseribe brefy about the generations of computer with their spcile characteris, What you me by computer? Describe the base organization What is software? Explain the types of computer software with examples. How do you present data in compuer? Explain, Desribe the Aiferant ype of number sytem with suitable example 8) Find he decimal equivalent of the following numb » » % 100Lotts ii 24765 i * A2BDte 1) Explain about the addive method of binary subtraction Shirat 1000: rr 1010using complementary method 8) What do you mean by Boolean algebra? Prove the following by perfect induction method (OBL ABIHAB SBA by) Define gate, Show tht NAND gate i universal gate 8) Define program. Explain the steps use in program development. by) Define algorithm and flowchart. Write an algorithm to find the freitest among thee numbers. Also draw its flowchart Define operator and operand. Describe different typeset operators sed € programing | ') Define branching and looping, Differentiate between ear contol ee nd exit conto oop with an example Sort note oh ay v0 4). Analog Ve Digtal computer 1) Program desian tools ©} Variable declaration and variable declaration 2p Jo syn yeuonoxny ax ores creep YpoqG 30 doy BATE ‘suopsonb 29g wlan “yun pf poy a yg soa ay 2gouseud 50 af 2 spon un a exaust a8 1 peanbed a on) sme: sum Shesymyertd Sued pur indo 30 soNey No) oa eer ai sues ioe?" egg ere BT ALISuaninn WavHHod sea bow (@106 am moudoFrop aeAYS) 9108 (P sty) @ as pn paw sm sion 8c sed sp oygnop pur wos sua sz sous Hurwonoy amu oo (gon pen 0 51198 5902 oe z 18 9 OF HmDIEG SO IFO, 0 so sy oy UES] 5135195 IO, 20 3 08 512131 ,935 24H), ‘yd porwoeod eo se pnt cvetind pesamponay wane Ay { ‘(ous 1.94 = coven op = Aime Ed pees

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