Engineering Mathematics I Upto Spring 2019

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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semeser:Spring Year: 2019 Progamme: BE Full Mas 100 (Coarse Engineering Mathematics 1 ass Maks 45 Time? he. Candas are regu ie ter answers in their own word far cs proctable ‘The igre in he margin inate fll marks. Attempt al he quesons. «Define contnity and deretailityof unetion, Shwe thatthe 5 ension fu) dened by pean t) when «OST em toysetned ey SOD) when 15262 Incomtinuos of =I but not dferetale tx oR yr nesf@FF. show at wreynere CA yer aH Verte yO See Lagmnp's mean ae erm, Vey Lagange's Mean Vale er forthe inten) =» Get) 2}. 8) Show thatthe fii x 9 7 1) Wht are the types of esympiotes? Find the asympotes ofthe eve : papaya on Fide a sti a of bei een of gest eee tateabe inetd nas pe ofa Integrate (Any Three) ad Seana eee ose ofer acon 4 8) Find the area betwen the curves ny and 22=- x03. ‘on Find he volume ofthe soi inthe region nthe fist quadrant evolved by the pambolay =the yan andthe line =I revolved abou eine » » » a » Find the approximate area usin simpson's and Trapezoidal rule for the region bounded by the cures y= x22, the xa xis with a=, b= 5 and n= 6 and compare with exact value. Fiadth condition thatthe fine + my +0 stangenttothe parabola =o. Als inthe point of ont. Define eeceticy of conie section, and devi the equation of Define scar and vector product. Show that rb bee eraj=2as a Fin the equation forthe plan tough the points 1, 4,3, and perpendicular tothe ine #2 = 224 = (by vector method. tempt he questions » 1) ind tea length ofthe curve y= 2° from x: ©) Evaluate: x0 4 Find the rai of crate ofthe curve yin snd at x “Transform the equation x? —3y2 + 4x-+ 6 = 0 by transferring the crign tothe point (2, 1) the coordinate axes remaining paral 7 s 1 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bacelor Semetes Progamme: BE ‘Course: Enginerng Mathematics 1 Cds erode thr nee tom or ao crete ‘a fowe emerge mrs Hoseasons a) State Leibnitz's theorem for successive desivative of product of two ite | gy ova ie Loe be ee bs ae he ae( 0m), =0 a Staged Shvtetntnin Joye} 22x fe ica Aete es cnn A fia ofa Cosma area betwoen the curves x= and 29°= = 043 oR os Sho that te vlume of sphere frais! 1) Find the approximate area using Simpsons and Trapezoid '= a2 and 2x (sing n= 6) and compare these ress value, oR Cts the redeton formula for eat and 1) Define eventrcty of «oni the domain td ange for y = VB having foeus (3,0) and cre POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Spring "Year 2018, Programme: BE Full Maks: 100 [Come Bene atest Pass Make 45 Time She, Candas are required 0 give ter anowers in thelr own words a far ca practiable. The flwes in the margin indicate fll marks. Atego the questions. 1.9 Stowe etn) fie by “ahem 0 se0)={e in 2 ‘Trunenrat conn Oa = tt be a Sie and poe hat Cscy's Mean Vie thre. ete theorem sppiableo he anton 4) x ands) #2 ne tera 0.21? Wiy? 1) Brahe: 0 (2) 1) A com isinsstedinaspher ofa, prove thats ome wel ss cave sufi when heats [ oR Find the asymptote othe cure x! +3¢y—4y"—24 y43=0 2 ow fara a tog2 2 4 Meds by summation mtd. 4.2) Flt volume of the soi generated by evolving the eon bounded ty y= A andes y= 64 about thei y=. 1) Approximate he area by using Tpeznidal and Simpsons rl othe legal ff x.n = 6, Also compare with exact 5.) Defnehyperole. Derive the standard equation of ype 1) Find te contin that the Kine y= me +e may touch the cuve : Also ind the point of contac. 6. 8) Define salar and vector product of tre vectors. Prove thatthe salar triple product of tree vectors represent the vlume of pualllepiped. 1) Show tht the vectors dx (6 2).B x (@x@) and 2x (xB) are coplaae. 1. Auer the questions: 2) Fe ts of cova (5) forte cures =Basin 1) Find centre, vertices and foc ofthe lige: x1 03425920 ©) Find the volume of a parllpiped whose concurent edges are reps i+ Jk, 2+} =28 and 31+3)—E © 2 bogsae POKHARA UNIVERSITY Lev: Bachelor Semester: Fall Yer :2018 Programme: BE rll Mars: 100 ‘Course: Engineering Mathematics Pass Mark 4 Time? Shs andes ore redo give tl mowers nth om word a for x prasad. "Theres inthe margin nce al mars Atempt ll the question. 9 Plow thatthe difreniability of funtion at point implies the ontouity of the function a tht post. Give aa cxaple to teon ot on ty = acotlgn) + ain tgs) show tat Cty ad yet td + OD, Stu and rove Lagrange Man ae ern Stow that $< tog 2) by wing Lapang's mean ve ‘ere. 2) rating cosn* &) Pinte apm ofte anes? (e-y) a y!)u, ‘mayo tae teins wie 1a ethene ng we te Sets the ouileae saree cpme ee Soe ssitcia nnsps eatiectionsg noon! ee) » See Srvameans SZ* xy summation eos 9 SB Fy loewvE +1, ° Find the wome of the solid in he region Ia the fist quanta 7 bounded bythe parabola x= >and te line you is revolved about — Fad symone abe of sD) by Sins ant ‘Tepe Rae wit n=6. Capa he elt ith exer ve ©) Find the condition that he ine. + my + n=Omay bea tmgent 97 1) Define vector tiple product IF Bn 7-039, be 2G E anal Abo veity hat dx Bxd)=(4 9B -@. Bye. Artemp al questions. oe 1) Find the radi of curvature ny poet (6) forth eave ) Find the center, verces and foci of he epee #4 tor + 2579 = 9 9 Bae fae (9 Fed he abe of pst he ects Ba jok B= TaD dh and 2 adie gis Sk are coplanar POKWARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Spring eur: 2017 BE ull Maas 100 Course! Engingering Matemats 1 ass Mas 45 Time! Shr, Condetn are required to give thie ners nth own ward fr cs prvtiable ‘ha igure in he margin indicat fll mars Attempt all the questions. 5) amine comin and ssfeeniabilty at x=2 ofthe fnction Hix) e-2esex whendse <2 =x ‘when 2< <4 on State Leonie theorem, Ify = a ersogs) + bsin(oge), show tat x Yon * Bret) Jou (01) yo 0 ) Ste and prove Lagrnge’s mean vale theorem. Vesly it for fcopat3u2 at (02 5) Ste L°Hospitl theorem and evaluate he iit: tim 1 (esa) 0) Fate ages of tr cane #20) —4/-a4y 43-0 ep dee © Sao ps lar » © [Fiontcosaras 6), fete (by summation mead) 1) Find the ares hound hevesn the carve y = 241 and the tne ee) on | Find the volume of paraboloid formed by revolving the partola yfebe andthe Hoe 2-1 about xa, 1) Evaluate; [sina by wsing eapezoid rue, simpson’ rule and ‘ompare the result withthe exact vale taking 5. a) Find the cone, verices, escenticty and foci of the ellipse 9x. #624 18x-96y+9=0, 1) Find the equation of angen © the hyperbola 3x4y=12, which ate perpendicular the ine y=xt2, 6. a) Findby vector method the equstion of the plane dhrough A and perpendicular tthe ine of intersection the planes 2x +y 2 xiayez=2 1) Dela Sealar and Vector Triple Produc. If (,5,é) = 0, show that lax, Buz, 2xa)=0 7. Atempcall questions 4 8) Find herds of cuvatue of =r20s8, y= rind 1) Find the ae length of he curve y= x? fom x= =1 tox =2 ©) Find the center, vertex ofthe hyperbola 9-2) — 413) = 36 ® Detemine the valve of A, so tha 3=20+5+K and i -2] -2F are pepecicua. = POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Yer :2017 Programme: BE Full Mars: 100 ‘Cou: Engineering Mathematics Pass Make 4S Time: 3h Candidates ar required to gve thir answers in ter own words afar as practabe, The figures inthe margin indicate all mars, Altempt ll the questions. ‘Examine the continuity and deivability at x= 0 and x= of the 2 t faction f()=f1+sinx when =) when x6 b.5/) pace" ohen xe bh or ‘State Leitz theorem for successive derivative ofthe produto two functions. y=sin" x then show tat L a-y,- a =x). - Qn + ty, -ny, 20. 5) Ste snd rove Rolle Therm, Veil te thee oh aon 102) = log (222) in a8] whee 0< a ° % Find the verti aympows tothe curve x? + xy + 4, + Find the rads of curvature atthe vigin ofthe curve xy=Sany Babe [ede “enor opr xs hgh epi (.—4) eon tay + 2x—3) POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semeserspring Year: 2016 Progamme:i| Ful Mart: 100 ‘Course! Engineering Mathemsis 1 ass Make 4 Time Shs. Candidates ae reuired to give their anor in helt wn word a fer (3 prasad ‘The fgwe in the margin inate al mars Atemp al the questions Deity atten pea ased 4 (x?cos* forx #0 ontteseoter ty fae fares a Cr cipen stn faye Evaluate, Erato 8) State and prove Cauchy’s Mean ve Theorem 7 5) Aeslinirica tn can closed a both ends wth ven capacity ast be onstrate. Show tt the amount of tn required wl te simu en the Heights egal othe diameter oR Define asymptote. Fin the asymptote ofthe curve x2 ~ y2) — Lars +x Integrate Any thre) as ei 0° Plxdsannae 9) Sf dx. bysing nt summation tds 3) Fite area bounded ty x? y andy = [et 7 1) Use Trapezoid an Simpson's re, estimate the negra 5 aig de withn=6, 4) tive the sandal equation of eps wth ene (0). 8 5) Show tht he ine be + my + m= 0 touches the Aypebala > Sati dP ont ae 8) Find he equation of plane passing though (12,343, 21) which is 7 erpendiulr tthe plane 4-y*22-7 (Use vector method) 1) Define vector ipl product ofthe vectors, Derive fe expression of & ‘ctor triple producto vectors. Awempll: 40s 3) Find he radius of curvature of curve 9? = 4x0 (0,0) ©) Inegte fxsin?x de ©) Ma=1-2)-+8 and B= =2]-i tnd unit vector of xB (© Find the are length ofthe curve y = 2+ 1 mn =f andy =2 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bacbelr Semester: all, Yew :2016 ‘BE ull Marks: 100 CCouse:Engneering Mathematics 1 Pass Maks 45 Time: hs Ccandcate ave required to gve ther answer ther own words a far xr prasteabe ‘Dre figures the margin indicate fll marks Artal he questions. rove thatthe eontnity ofa furction at a pint isthe nssessary but tot the sulicienteondton forthe existence ofthe desiaive of the fasion a tat poi » on Site Leite herem, Hye”, show ht yn ~2%,— 2p = ‘Stat and prove Cauchy's mean vale theorem, sf Sime ere 352) ‘An open tank ove volume wi square base an ver sides ts be conse, Show tht the amount of tn rogue wil be tinimum when the begh ofthe tank shal he side ofthe square tase » 2 » on Fig the apmpotes ofthe euve xx—y)—s"'+ =O. Integrate any three of he folowing peeing ge Tease » ; 4 0 “xoomone os Sissi — — » Teay* 9) Find he ae of the region ofthe cle 3? +.» = By 0-2 inthe first quadrants oR Fig the volume ofthe slid inthe region bounded by the parabola andthe line y=2s inthe ist quadrant about ya, Fn the approximate area using Simpson's and Trapezoial res for the are bounded by curve y= 4, the xaks andthe fines x1 and 4 (using 2-6) and compare thee rests with enact ves. Define ecenticiy of a cone section, and derive the equation of @ hyperbola in its andar form. 1 cut offby the tine a ¥ Find the cent, vertices, foi and equation of det ofthe elise 25e+9y°-100x+ Sty 44=0. Find ty Yer method th ettion of plane perpedclar to 4 ya-0 and pssing though 32,2). Defoe ar ile rd. Give is gnome inerpretation I the vecwrs21— 7+ 2E, T+ 4]+ 2h and + 6F ar coplns, Find be value of 2 Anemptal 3 fare » » » 40 9(x-2)'-4(943)'=36 Ao POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level. Bach Semeser:Sping Year 2018, Proganme: 32 Fall Mars To Course: Eagiseing Mathes Paw Maks 18 Time Ths Conder are required gi her answers thir un rd for ‘as procteale he gues in he marin nde fll orks : Atal the questions. 2) afuetion 9 5 dete by fo) 82 for 2 mS for xed ‘Show tats continous atx bt at leet at 2, on y= sin show that 1 xen Hie Nee Ont) ya by Sate LE Hopat Rule tor indermiante form i vanes Sa) 1) Alto wa is be mid in he oa ght iran 9 contin ve qa ofl Wha ines of ec il gu et onou of mtr on Fide asymp ofthe can Soest 0 1) Stand prove Ua Laprang's Mean value theorem. What is eametrcl meaning? Inga ay THREE of the fling frentrcote as » ieee o Seem 2 Bat oe mtn tis I" ns ter te on rsimon to ong ATS wah mg ape and Simpson's ale ‘Find he aren of the elo in he int quads at is Bound bore yy Le andbelowty the ai th ney = <2 48) Find by vector method the equation ofthe plane tough te pois 245,157 and 168). 1) Define yar tiple prodict faH-2)-3h, Boho kRe™ He 5) mead aed) Also ven thata xb 6)=(a-€) D(a. Be. 2) Define scent of «core section, and done the aqation of «| ae ae 1) Find the cniton forthe fine Y= MA € to be tangent tthe lise Weston nts: 2) Find herds of curate cave y= 44,0), 1b) Find emer and vers of hesone secon = y¥ = 28 +49 = 4 & yperota in its tana fm. o, Bron j ©) Lat to fononr ROR and ERR cad a Ja)ar02, ge) 3e, FoR Find as) and POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: all Yeu 2018 Programe: BE Fl Mas 100 (Coase: Engineering Mathers | ass Maks: 45 Time 3h Candies are required to pve their answers i their own words far x pratcabe he fwes nthe margin nts all mars Aenea he questions. amine the comtinity and ifirentibilty at x =2 ofthe funtion {defined as follows #0) =2x for O< KD Stier for 2S xed on ia" show tat i (xt -0 BURY Boe eye ed site Lagange's Mean Value heoren. ts Lagangés mem value ‘hore splcable othe fron (3) = [xin the neal [—1.3)? ‘Give so ©) Fndthe aymptates ofthe curve 2p) e2ty-ay? Hayy" se on ‘etna can asda bth ends wit ven capaho be src. Show tt the amount of requis wl be minimum sent eigen. 1) Evaluate si (8) Inept Amy three) ole 4 ° » » » Serax Find tie ylume of th solid peered by revolving the region teoeen he parabola = y? +1 andthe pe 3 about the ine x=. ‘Using Traperdal nd Simpon' rule esimate the ntega : op pecninrttea Find the volume of teahedion whose one vertex st he origin and the other thee vere are 32,1), 23-1) and 1,23) Find the equation of pine passing tough (24,5, (15.7) and 1,6, Find the condo that the Tine bx + my + 0, may touch tothe en) ste flog Find trai uate fy Pot (4) ease ay Find the scalar projection of j-2]+K onb «i +2) {pox uopouns (pompous onmumuns £4) xp {4 oe sou, Say eon OR Met hee 4 here Me * smpajo ay tno ones amare Jo aoa am 84 9 J, 20 aun ajo soda ‘2 pu np se pw sano w yo spd aoc, ¢. 0 so ng on Hs a+ pon 9 4 samosas yo puso ans son Jo apn 9M PLLC +=, (Se) 63) in seq 1 Son po op mg sm} aBEpE aa Ce tea wa) = (2) wong $ Wojagesde nom ayo OH a0 HIS Oars tae) +e) = (t= 12) 4 KGr +1) 1 :u oy Tene pe 4 * vont ssmoo 19 Snaguos sod ¥-(xj won # Jo SHENAE 82 Je MONS ‘woNsUR © Jo CyNgENUOMAND pee ¢ 4 wH moyS "wonN © Jo AGEN puE AyD aM Ce ‘suonsonb yy any “aya jf among ao ayy Saf 4 “ygoouzoat 0 sof sptow uno aw ios 09 nfo spuon uno 04 1 asin soy aut 0 posnbas aa spp) ne: om ‘sme: om, Sp syn ssa 1 Spey ated 1 sjewoxpeyy Buoug 95103 or =HpU na symm ‘ag summon plc: MBA Sad uotouns ALISUaAINA YEVHOg “4 pw @ ‘poy ornapeadind dopas mm e puy +z + I= g PUG f+ iz= 2 Te 28 ups op = #aaano aya 4043's) 2 soa nn 40s) swamisamojo supe © reifo sada eel ma @ 2a x01 = xuoifye =k sun nj 8a} am op pan (© 0 2} BOWS =H ‘carey ound oo soxpeadid gone (€2'D pow (171) wBOnN aumd of Jo VopENba amp puny sooo ase 2 pus p soon amt (2% g) xP =2% (GX DD en os sone rnp adi} paw ees ude. -prmoo yo aod om py “oy “0 = Kx 2m 2 mpan 3 0asaO 3 UON 9 x0 wotar sm ypirBony x= 1 =k que sin mmouque pm ysfspag aafcti=s 6x9 0SSEf eto nt emg spxzasxf ssn (en mry = Connoagjoamean pigeon pad . stone} 8-505 spn Jomo apt stogund a spot gut Aaya oa 2m HRD 9D Jo wags xp aniap pun “won af #30 A yor 1¢+ 164453 2m om np po (2) mod ap anon oud ag Jo vowwnbs om pu (4 2qP)- 409) = (2x g) xP ww Sues ony 2x (QxB) uy ye —le+!=2 poe y L422 = ¢ ye —fe—2= pp adi a8 saya ‘ange xs un ess gn ssn) suv xp p =X] = sown ,(1+X2)= ano oy usaneg wae op aouroudde on 9 = qu au sosdts pu Teprozadeay ssn) (a we= Xa yn noge Suqouss |=€ ou 2m pu se — Ko * x = Cogezd 9 ‘4 pp espe sa wwe a9 pos ap Jo SUNOS Pa 40 a = pu dy = omy xe os x> Zam x4 e= (iy swopeyse pauyen iy won a jo 0 = niqsienyyp pu Aynunoos a sue Sh Sam sta eng Busou 5:05 ont see 0. ‘ae sung floc: 2K Buds sorouNs HHA PHT ALISMBAINA YEVHDIOG [-2 Ayuqo209 po {poe sansa (072) ston) qu uoRDes ooo 8 Jo uo aM pay CP 059) 9) eH megs HEM Eos ame? "AT 291 = A+ eX soNRES o1H09 rroqeied ap Soystoyoup Ans 2 (sp) non sased aud mo wormnbo ow puly (4 oyu Jadouda uC, 2G0)- 90) = (2x9) xP mi moys ‘semen soup Jo sompaudsnoan ama ‘nn Sy is au pus 6 moe “>= Ka p9punog ase aM, POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semeser—Fall Year: 2012, Progamne: BE Full aris: 100 (Gorse: Engines Mathers | Pass Maks: 45 Time Sh. Cantdoes are requir ve ti onewer i tr own word far ‘x pracabe ‘The flgres in the margin inde ell marks Aner al the questions. |. a) State and prove the Cavsty’s Mean Value theorem. Does te 7 ‘theorem appeal the factions ier (0.22 Why? 1b) Stat Lit’ theorem fr sucesive derivative of product of wo 8 functions y= uv If» sin(nsin® 3) show tat LaF y= +m'y=0 Wg —QN+ Dy “0 —m Yy = on Show that he fnctionfdtine as flows is continous t ® xn2. a for “rel f= |2-2 for Vsxs2 -2eae—2 for x32 Also show tha fis derivable ax = 2 hut ot at x= ing 7 > eer): 1) Thestrength of bear vais only i's brent and sque of he pth Fin he dimension ofthe stonget beam that ean bee fom cular wooden logo ads on : Find the asymptotes of the curve y"+x'y+2xy"-y+1=0. 2. gate ay THREE of eave 1s [ier-sex flsmerconeas » Giese teinticeal isin eae 7 x2 » » » a » Fed te reat fia ty SFA ferrets tnd then vale or grin tgs TE n= ta ingens le Difie veer tiple pod a= 1=2)-34, b= 214) be ent +H 2 fd x 0) xe Abo vey tat axOx9=(-08- (0.06 Find asc ores estocof sing Trapezoid a-8e5-E Avtpall he esos: » » ° 0 ° Cost vase h THF Find he i of curv eine y? = 42280,0, Inept esin? xa Find the centr, vest and foci of the elipse 2+ tor + 2597 = 0 atte [ee soosdans posi as ovens +0) og C+ granne an Jo sosinoe om ety 25H 29 04 sopouny 2 wor uy ssoud x um = Ao) TT son io soy se na) soa “ygoonzoal 0 anf spun si. un 04 ut 9 pandas BaD FRPPPTD psyq Susnooex -sm69 ‘ja sgamanseng soieeg 981 ogy po 09 wp wag saTuan 30 ESO om pan" | frgo oot pas ppeen re Apso souca weg jOWpBESNS L(G | + dupmon: eaucst sy 5 wry “ease anyeA MIL SaumsTU] shoal pL OAM (@ ier oe Gog | Gardor won oven | xupe=(F sno 8 pouyap Hora z ay joS= x poe o-= x Sige pe AN oa rol -efnornn on 00 (H/'2 moe womb PEE UL © : BOOL+ Ie= gw y+f—se=v Agouoy 30 voypofaud ona on Pau Des + ga wou a0 oe pe TS451= eld oumaonzo wi om: as weamdsy op seo = + he + om ap omy mons O=F+9~298% Ap x6 ‘seh AMACTO J Apso jo srapsp9 ‘ana Soanee oN wERD. (° -npdonsie (5% 2) puo(oxa)x4 ax 9) <3) por ‘mod oi hax auejd jo aopmnbs =p some em proce, Bsn you cp spf peton xy ayunondy uO | ee Lx mew 8 og fl ive uns Lee nee rote mem gaa er Ne anon ces ok manpage gion, 6 to

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