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a ~ | POKHARA UNIVERSITY ( Love: Bacher «Semester Sng "Your 2019 | Propane: BE al Matsuo Cou Pye Pos Mink Te ts, Condes are repre age et anes nih om words anfr —[ Scale “he eres te margin indi mors Atemp al the estons » » » » a » a » » » ‘Why isteally SM rae? Dede th expression forthe ime pid of ‘compound pend and radi of gyration of compound pedal. ‘Aten claps his bands once every seeond and hears the echo from a 6 Gist bulling, He hear the echo ofeach clap midway between i Sethe nent lap Ifthe veloc of sound is Omi, what & he | ‘stance ofthe bling fom th Body? | ‘Wnt i diction? Diente betveen Fresnel and Frauboter 9 ‘Sractionpstem, Dscis thefts dsrbuton in the difation pater du single si { ‘Rewon' ring that ae formod by sodium light between heft glass 6 ‘lt and conve lens a viewed orally fom aove, What wil be ‘nde ofthe dak ing, which wil ave dbl the damete of 40 ark ring? 7 | Discus the types of opi fiber and explain the working prisiple of 9 opti fiber. Bria os volume 26S. ts total absorption i equivalent 19 6 Sdn! of open window. What wl be tees of reverberation ine if and anne file the ball and thereby increase the absorption by snotar 9291? ‘Show tnt the magne ofelecic pote along axial ne dew 9 Tear qndrpol is double than the potential long equa ine. (finn the charzng fine constant ofa capacitor in a RC cia such 6 ‘St cree hough the estar is eeeased by bao its peak vale Ssccon. 7 ° ‘Sts and explain Bit Savat’s law Use it find the expression for 9 Image field on the xi of eurent caring col. Find he sength of mag i tthe center of rectangular cil of 6 Teng and with which eas cue oe] a) Wile the Maxwells equation in diferent frm and thir 9 z, sistance, Using Maxwells eqaons prove ht = C, Whee symel cary wal mean vp BONS tin’ oil obin te xpresion fr gowth and 6 teeny of sound ene in 00 1. wrth ote on (ABY #90) bs SiS slid on the bi ofan hor of soils 1) Tune eect a ©) Leen forse POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Programme: BE Course: Pysies Candidates ar reir to hve tel anewersin ir on word a fer ca provticadle ‘he figures in he margin inate fal marks, Aterpt al the questions. erences between Intrerence and difaton of igh? ‘he fraunhoterdifaton through single sit and hence \ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2018, \. Programme: BE Fall Mars: 100 ‘Couse: Pais ass Mak 45 Tine 3h Candidates are rue fg ter answers in thir own words a far ca practiahle ‘The fgues ne margin indicate fal marks tempt ll the questions. 8) Difeetne between damped osilaion and fore escilaon. Show tat center of oseilition of compound pendulum les beyond the xnter of avi 1) A strche sting hs tnar mae deny ofS gem and a tension ‘oF ION. A wave onthe sing bis amplinde of 012 am and a frequney of 100 Ha is eavelng in negative x-reton. |, Write the wave equation with appopite units. 1 Atwhat average rte deste wave anspor exery? 28) Define Newton's Ring ad expan why centr of Newton's Ring i ‘dark. Also, dtemine the expression to find the unkown wavelength ‘of monochromatic light using Newton's Ring appara. 1b) A class room has dimensions 2018S m. Th reverberation time | 35 see eae th otal absorption ofits srfoes andthe average absorption coefcea, 4) Define lactic quarinpole. Hence detemine the expression for lec potential due wo guard a point sch tht the pin ot lying along the axis of qurdupole 1) Lipht of wavelength 5000 A" is incdemt nomally on 2 plane transmission grating. Find the diference inthe angle of deviation in the fist an thie onder specu. The number of Hines prem on grating ‘86000, 8) Ste Blots and Saves lw. Find the expression of magnetic fed {song dv oa straight conductor which eres some cent on it |, (ese Bits and Soar aw) b) A paral plate eapocitor has a capsctance of 100810" F, pat of| a a2 a Ms 8 aa ex of 100 cn? mica (ke) fed select, a 5 vols pote Aierence Calle the else eld intensity and magnitude of induced change 2) Enlist the Maxwells electromagnetic wave equation, with derivation in fret form 1) A wire of sistance 61s stretched by 20% whats the resistance of| wins Asume tat resist mains sare. 8) Deve the expression fr scrodinge tine dependent wave euation 1) 110m indutr and two capacitors of WF and 2 ae given, id the wo resonant fequencies that an be obtalned by connecting these lemons indifferent was, ‘it short notes on: Amy tO) 4) Semiconductor ners of Band theory. 1) Optical ber ©) Laven free ° ° 6 as 1 7 ~ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Lave: Baer Semeser Fal Yer 2018 Propane Be Cote’ Pps Candidates are required t0 give the & Spaces. The fies nthe margin fl mart “Atenp al he quero 1. 2) Point ute diftrences beeen Sipe near monic motion and 267 |. » «| 6 2» a |? POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Yewr_ 2017 Programme: BE Full Mas: 100 ‘Course Physi ass Mais: 45 Tine 3k, Candidates are reared together anewer i thir om word as for (as protcable ‘ha figures he margin dicate fll marks Atempt l the questions. 4) Discus diferent pes of osiliions an henes determine the tie ‘etod of compound pendulum and compare it with tine period of simple pendain 1») Two progressive waves of qual amplitude and foquncy travelling in opposite direction superinpas to each ote 0 sto form a standing wv of equation y= Acoeksinwt, Where A=Inim,K=1 Tem and STS See Find: 1 Veloty of rogsssve wave |i Node closet tothe origin, 0 i. Antiode closet to he origin, X>0 jm. Ampiitie ofreslant wave when, X=233em, 1) What are the diference between itereence and diction? Explain the phenomenon of nerfrence i thin fim by reacted ys 1) A ditaction gating 0.0mm wie bs 6000 rings i, Calcite gating element 1 At what angles wil inensity maxima occur on a viewing scren if the ton incident on the rating as wave length of s8Pnm? 8) Wile the cist equation fra charging RC elcul. Salve it Find charg and curent Explain the meaning of time constant Provide ‘qualativ sketch for charge a current varying with time. '») Show tat electric potentials point duet shor dipoles inversly proportional the sare of distance om cere of pole 1) Deserbe about Hallet wit ts appliztion. Deve an expression {or Hall eoeticeat, Hall Volage ard establish the relation with ‘mobility of charge caries and conductivity ofthe material of wie ‘Using Biot Saves find the mgt Feld stength atthe center facing po wi ong. hat do you mean by electromagnetic osciltion? Derive the ‘fequency of electromagnet silo in LCR iret Ase a ti Won sy of 1020 At int some distance from the tans, the maim magnetic eld ‘fhe electomagnetic wave emits is ound w be 1.6% 10°, |, Whats the speed of popagution of wave? Whats the wavelengh? i, What ste maximum elected? ‘What is wave fonction? Derive the expression for Schrodinger time independent wave equation, wig ime dependca wave equation ‘Wint do you mean by semiconductor? Explain the ena nose and tinsic semicondoctr. Clasify extnsic semicondactors on faton iy cond the Wit short nots on: (Any two) 8) Protstion of ukrsound by mignetosicton method ) Working principle of optical fiber ©) Loren force with an example » » a » POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year: 2017 Programme: BE Full Mark: 100 Conse ysis ass Maks 45 Time: Sh Candidates are required ve their answers in ther own words as far” aspraccaie >) Show that ratio of electric id strength and magnetic Fld suength is 6 ‘ual to speed of ight hence calclnte maximum value of magnetic POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor SemeserSpring Year 2016 Propamme Be Full asks: 100 Course’ Pies Pas Marks: 45 Tine Shes. Candidates are rue to gether ane in hi own word a for es praicable The igures in the margin indicate fall marks Altenpt all the questions, 8) Whats SHLMP Disuss he theory of mas-spring sytem and dive ‘he expression or tme period and feqeney. Abo state the enone of esonance 1) A transverse simsoidal wave is generated at one en! of a fong hovional sing by a bar, Which moves up and down though a distance of 5m. The main is continuous and repeated regully ‘ae each second Ifthe srng hs linea mass deny of 0.008 ky fd is kept under tension of 2N. Find the sped. ample, tne tid and wave length ofthe wave motion, 8) What is the diction of light? Discuss taunt’ iaction pater in asinge st. 1b) The eqiconvex lens of focal length 4 cm ad eftctve inden 15 is ‘ced int plas pla. The combination i used in Newto'’s Hing experiment, if the light of wavelength $890 A" is used forthe periment hen what theater of 2 bright ing? 8) Discus Gauss law in eecuosatics and use the lw t determine lei eld intensity de o change sphere and charged plane set ofa conductor 1) Find ekctic fed intensity atthe centre of a square of side 5 cm consisting of2 1 charges neath veren 8) Stte Biot Savan's law. Use 10 find the magnetic felt due 1 an infinitely ong stat wire on ‘Why did Masel moity Ampete’s lw? Explain with mathematical eis, Hence explain the signteance of ipcement caren. 8-40 mi inductor and 1000 uF capacitor fom oseitlaing circu, ‘Whats the pak valu of current ifthe ntl charge is 40 yc? 8) Derive all the four Maxwells wave equations and write physical sigiience of each equation 1) White the Maxwells equation in diffeeniat form and. their slgiicane. Using Maxwells eqns prove that £= = C, Where z. symbol cary wu meaning 8) What isthe sigifeance of wave fimction y? Dexve the time lndependetSehrodinge wave equation fora fie particle 1) Discuss the types af semiconductor by considering hand theory of sol Wit shor notes on: (Any tw0) 8) Lase characteristics and advantages 1) Reverberation of sound ©) Mallee [ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fal Year 2016 Programe: BE ll Marks 100 Css! Pais Pass Maks 05 Tine Shr Candidates are required give ter answers In thi wn words 2 for os procteable The igure in he margin indicat al mars Attmp al he questions. For compound pendulum prove tat the minimum tne period is ‘btuined Ifthe poim of suspension and point of exile equisiance fom C.0. Also expan how can we get the vale of acceleration de to gravity 1b) Cateulte the wave length, frouancy, speed of the wave ead the ‘maximum price velocity inthe wave represented by, = 10sin ( (089). The value of x and yar in CGS system, 8) Discuss the conitions fr sstain nerferece of light wave. Explain the interference on hin Sls eto ansmited a, 1») A room has dimensions I0em=1Sem* 20cm. The reverberation tine for an empty room is 0.4 sec Find the average abeorgton coefficient ofthe rom. I'he room is provided with curin cloths of ebsorption eefTicient 0.5, what are is covered by te cots? 1) Define elec dipole. Prove tht electri id due to shor dipole at xi point is wie that at equator ne ») Ifthe charge on eapactor is invested by 2 coulomb, the energy stored in it insessed by 219% Find the egal charge on the capcior. 8) Give the method of Bot and Start aw to clelate the magnetic it ue to current earying conductr. Obtain an expesion for meget fel intensity due solenoid eaying coment, 1) The growth othe current in LR cheats given by 1 162 —e°%%]. ind ne grow euret atone tine conse: with ea graph ~ ~ 8) Write Maxwell egustion for nan condctng medium. Using these ‘untions to determine the eleromagnetie wave equation in tems of ‘magna fed non conducting and an isotope medium. Hence prove that he velocity of eeetomagneic wave i agua to velocity of light Ine space. 1) Prove tha, a any point in elecwomsgnetic Fl energy density stored inclecve eld is qua energy desi stored in magetic eld 8) Discs the du str flight Show tha the el waves ae complex ave by showing the wave has group velocity rather than sinle phase velocity 1) The thickness of lee pate to prodoe plane polarized lights 8.36 x 10* em, the principal refietive indices ae ya 1.658, a= 1.486 and ‘= 5890 A° Find the ype of wave plate Wht Shr notes on: (Any two) 8) Types ofopcl fiber 2D) Clusty solids on he basis of and theory of sls ©) Lorenz force with example, 2s ' \ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor SemerterSpring Year, :2015 Progamme: BE ull Mas 100 Conse: Pais Pass Ma 4 Time? Shs. Candas cre requredto give ther were bth own word a fir a pactoable ‘he fre nthe marghn indict full mars. Anenpr all the questions. 2) SHIM ear in matue, why? Desive the tine pei of br pendulum td laces abot feng of euivalen simple pendula. 1b) Apmerssive ands tatonary, simple hamoale wave having fequency 280 Hz and each having same veloc 30 ms. 1 Detamine the phase difrence betwen to vibating pons ina progrssive wave ats dunce of 10m. |i. Wave equation of progressive wave famine s 0.03 m. i, Distnee been aodes ia stony wae. 18) Define coho sures and write condions fr swan interrenc. Deve te maximum and hsm itermity wid the help of sa teatnent of inererece of light wave. by if end b be the sit width and opaque width spectively in Fru’ double lit ditfaction experiment, dedie the missing ones. 1) Define term popustion lavesion and optical pumping. plain comstrcton a the working pscipe of He-Ne Laser. ) Detve the expmasion for Schrdinger time independent ave eqn 1) Define quadnpol? Fad potential ant eld due to eectte quadnpole ‘ata pola no ying along the quadnpoe. 1b) Whats the potntal atthe center ofthe square ofthe figure. Asurbe Qa six10" oy = 2al0%e, Qes3x10" e, Qu 2x0% and a sim ©) Disciss Maxwell equation in difereniai form. Ako show dt Ctecromagretc wave teks wih el veloiy of ight in vaccum. 5) Prove te egtonofeontay 97+ 2 2) Dicuss shou Loe . ‘With ample fd Sela Ha Agni ote eg enact nce at the centre of the loop, the magnitude i one mpi of mame . siven by, B = 42a 7 . Wit shor notes on: (Amy to) Difference bemeen Reveboation ofsouy and echo ©) Biasing rune doce ©) Magnetic enemy density bs I POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester all You 2015 BE Full Mass: 100 Course: Pysies ass Mais: 45 Time 3h. Candidates are required together anewersin thr own word for a proctable ‘he figures in the margin indicate fll marks Ate al he questions. |) Define pont of osilation andthe radius of gyration in compound vu, Also, prove tht time-period of any pple! pend ‘iim, aot maximum when the length of pendulim i equal to radius of gyration 1b) Calle fresuancy’of vibration ofa parle in ple progressive ‘wave ofemplitae 2 1841010 m and Intensity 10 10 wn’2, he ‘locity of sound in ire 340 mt and density of aes 0.00129, emect 4) What lnterfrece? Disass Newton’ rings and hence derive an expression forthe rads of mh dark rag de to refeted Hight. Ad opin wy cea ng ie dark. 1) soap fl 5 X10 > cm thik is viewed tan angle of 38° 1 he ‘nonmal Find the wavelength of light in the visible spectrum which ‘wll be absent om the reeted Hight ithe reactive index of the sp fm is 133. 18) Discs the design of opal er and explain its working principe >) Find th potential atthe centre of the square having carzes 2 : 135 10-0C, 4 10"HC and —4 10°17 at four cores, 1 ©) Show tat pti, V «ior lett monopole wheres ¥ for ec ple, Where isthe stance which poten be determined. 1) Whats the inal rate of increase of eure an fi station arent in RL ciel with L=ISmH, R24 Ohm an emg=10 vol? — ~ 2) Sate Bice Soars, Use 1 fd he mage flue oan inf ong ait wie. 1) Ali eam ving in dro is diced by ele ld 5, = 300%/msinw|¢ ction wth seed 23107 m/s, id mama clei and igre oa ston. 2) Wt he Maxwes quien ning fom. comer hm nts ‘ite > Theft moving neon fas wave sci with, whote De Bogie wevelegh 210". Fd plate vel, Oop ‘ely an net ener. (Given asf nexton 1.6710") instr nts on any) 2) Prowl oltt and Magnetron est. 5) Band ry of ©) Leet clesonagnti foe. 2] An eeron cind omove ay Ms POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2014 Programme: BE ll Maks: 100 Course: Physics ase Barks: 45 Time: Shs Candidates are required giv ther answers in their own words a far as procticable. ‘The fgures inthe margin india fl marks Aten al the questions. + 8) Define the terms fequeney and tie perio in SHM. Derive the time period of compound pendulum in ters of equivalent length of simple pendulum, by A stretched sting has linear density 52m and is under tension {I5N, We Send a sinusoidal wave with a frequency 1208 and ‘amplitude 8 5mm slag the string from one end, At what average rate oes the wave transport energy? 2) What is polarization of light? Explain the construction of caete crystal and show how it produces double refaton. tb) Ifthe earth had. net charge equivalent to 1 electron’? of surface iL What willbe the earth's potenti? fi, What would the else fed due to earth be just ouside its surface? 2) Define BiotSavart law, Use it to ind the magnetic field stenath along the axis of eeular erent carrying loop. tb) Atsome distance fom transite of radio station, the magnetic eld of electromagnetic wave emitted by radio station is found to be {L6ui0" 7. If frequeney of broadest is 1020 KHz then find sped, wavelength and maximum electric field of electromagnetic wave, uss the charging and discharging phenomenon of & capacitor through esistor. . 1b) What isthe intial eof noreseofcurent and final sturtion current in RD circuit with L=ISmH, R-24 Ohm and emF=10 vol? 8) Write the Maxwells equation in-differentat form and. ther Bs significance. Using Maxwelfs equations prove that $* = C, Where symbol cary usual meaning 1) A patcle is moving in ne dimensional box of infinite probability of ‘ding the parte within the range 1°A atthe cere of box when it isin lowest energy state 8) Define solid in terms of band theory and discuss about knee voltae and breakdown voltage 1) Newtons ing re observed in reflected light of h~5.9*10%em, The {ameter of Tube dak ring i Sem, Find the radius of curvature of the lens andthe thickness of sir film. ete short notes on: (Any to) 1) Absorption co-efficient and reverberation 1b) LASER and is application, ©) Lorentz electomgnati force Bs 1 40 Ayscep say om ames 01 fle pur MET SamABSoHR AIMS Ce ‘nu ams 751 ae punos mH NS, 40 spuo3e§¢ ut nei yd su Jo 0&9 passion oj pop LEN 3) @ ssauheo wo yjeweIod onsoN=A| Ag KON HE eH (© oer09 UF poo uays > 7 09 POE ‘moqeanbe Jo op aHeWaNE wo suIDY YH SSH HY pe @ © "00S 0 Wo|say Japan aa 509 Bu} wope p09, 30 adar w ul ayn stoasuen 50 poo @ qesBumyuqu az usd Jo a9 pat © -suopsonb og 0 scary “yun pf pgp a yu nf ap gnonseal 0 fm pao uso eons 44) 208 0 pana ap PIP) same = amy Sh SEN sud srs uno ot SHH in sya :ourmsong foc: mK, eg rang J9pH28 TTT ALISUBAINN VEVHDIOd t sysop Sw voenbs svc 30 many psa ap usauoD zuogENbo saws aE aN CE pep 40 surou 6, ¥ 0009 Asus Jo WAH BHAEINNDOUOLL oor oq Ams yan ponds spo SHY om TIAL (4 3040} ap S3p9}98 ase 10 sous ssn cau wowegneas poe @ sda yp pa ap ume pare wonaoys 0 ap Sm UD Uf 2500 © ‘nn 30 dp 0 a pg 30 dontsp008 pi pu yng w woxou auodEY 2s Jo -suogsonb oy 0 wry yan fp Bao 2 sauna 2goayaud s0 spas uno ag a stain ays 498 0 poanbas 200 SmOPIP) an oun te so1siya251n09 ‘aa satay ofoH>eE 171 Buds sors ALISWBAINA VEVHYOd asig YON ‘ypstsatyo as 1009 spyos uA pure © @ rm se ay nwo S00 YOHS 2H, ‘ws0sc0= aon om pulxaz wz Bao wae Uy ‘uso Bay vom a, =A wimg asbu sol oem 20 sri 0-4 woo “)uevet nun te une at an nemON as Noto fron pr soonapans an mt pu one sm J soa 40 opeoyde 65 paw ara rondo ¥ Jo SarjOM Jo ojomd oq yoge aqo=9C scum © SumDSy ROH OT HO ‘wonenbo ype jo oueayeuts anya puso 6 Jo swim uy sons say 7 women ase s,ouep4 ano UTERO ‘uaa 30 py apoutew moj 1 u poojd uy y, vor euosos Sto9 pu, Yio] Jo o}npuo>| Suyanea wasino iq pounds ooxah apauBew omy =IOIED, 40 "Wt ,O1-2L1 9 KHNNSS port ora'8 8 oumON uma 10 Jag ap 3! “AIG eH (1) poe son 89 “das pw dmss YQ Jo MOEN wT" 1 PIO oon st yor wg‘ pu py g yo ds sony uno asada aun aij sio}npies Bares wang ‘nmr omy woawng U3, yun Jad so} 295 wos om aang 0 2 ay Jo oy sag 30 38 WE © oop PIA opoueut 139} poan 94 sronpto9 soronpoa wens Bo, ay puauins yuousnesic (@ ‘woumpe Jo wuss pons pe soko ‘sa u25G0 ng Sarno Samos ssw o2mnes ng Sus0u998G0, 430 x09 uopsuauyp suo one pI 9 ua pe ssnosc ft uosuny anne Jo across Susu pense sag) se noise 9 ye ee amare (4 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Love: Becher Semeser=Fall Year :2012 Progamme: BE Ful Masts: 100, (Course! Pais ass Mars: 4 Time She Candidates ae rquived ove hie arr in ir own words afr cas procticable ‘Pheigures nthe margin indica ull mara. Atenpt all he questions. 4 Dive the exition of mation of simple hamenic motion (nt in| erential form) se discuss the energy consereaton in simple ‘monic maton Caleulate the fequency of vibration of aie particle in 2 plane progressive wave of amplitude 218 = 10" m and intensy 10 Wim’, he velo of Sound ina 30 is and deny ofr 130.0012 pen” What shin fl? Discuss the imtereence de oreecton on thin fi, 1b. Whit dance shoul he plies each of aren 02m-0.1m ofan ir apc bs pls inorder to ve same capaci as spherical ‘conductor of aus 0S? What l reverberation? Deve Sabine's reverberation formula and explains lnicance aye, 1b. Prove hate equation a comity 2) * 3e = {Whit do you mean by capacitance? Deve an exression for current Jn RCs forbs charging and clschargng of apace. 1b. Cabulte the energy in electon vot of an lecton wave of deal, Given B= 52410", Derive the Mel's third and founh eutins and write is significance > Inte Bot medel of Helo, the elton ereultes around the ces in pth of rte S.x10"" my ata fequeney of 6.810% revise, What the vale of magnet ald athe center of tit? 1. Sate Bits ana starts nwa se 0nd he magnetic ld at 8 ointon the xf eo al b. Describe abi he spatasous and stimulated emission. Wee shr notes on ay ta ‘Extrinsic semiconductor 1. Displacement cert, Halli: ' Rae ay utp apmaeut uy sap sionge sp afi pooapuy Ayn wide sounder 4 pe snypes ayn pa 2a veri Hot souls feupur so Jp anurjondts jo egssud49 a uaop =I) gpuMIoode SEAL Ce woo ou s0quin ag sm2}2 02 Jo AFUE we pauso a iy a, ues v uo Aso Inoptou st ¥0009 wiusjonen jo wy ONPOUDN Jo UNE YC ouous Jo yiUayo4ea 30 19 ni go auosapn srk (8 syed adisiud 4Jo womsod pov Boul jo uorsod ayy pg He] anasto tp wos, tao gy Jo cap pea st nago UY ‘ued us gf Ajere0> oon a 0 pur pg sia] a0) 3 Ssun, Huuanu09 om, (4 am sit saugo ing Fueu eames wh su xounan Bash onmupingp 365 uonpu0> 24 ‘Saou ue sssqo pe somos sera aanotiaqZuMOW OMG con won| ayes wage sotddec ui Ce ‘1 optou pu suonypuoe 2am fx 0} Bap A304 aod mp gp 0 tbs} uyapuad oy ext mous pl anmpund penodano> wf pote ata si 2} esd pov opus uoantog wsunsil (© soso ony yo aan yao nf oye anne ay sari 24 sgvoroesd 0 nfo spud uno so ansn ay 9805p a0 samprp Un aye sou Sromuenr ed serstyg i009) oot seman aq :suiesiong ac! 8A eg —sssmes JoHeE 97 ALISuanine waving pursiu ogc s Sie 298 83H wapsnb 29 0 vy you nf pu aa yw su sof 0 spam una 04 Sins sn 2801 peas auo saepp) sag: ou, Sp suey sed of) Sd ge!" 994, ALIsuaainn vurHnod sorsaaBupuog “> } soutewomss jo me shred “q i i Pp saminaie 3 os ow Ke uo SB HOU BAt i ‘saqg xu pape jo sleuepy (© 3 ; ont aunsaed ants panos) (9 ete ee ae f nponpay anon 0 sm 5 epe= oe sou Gi 40 5100 YON a, 1a ne 19 “seen sn 89 ng a 59 ce ona sin ME = inp aoat ‘openbe sey Bas rT * ro avoyn TE = im youre Bas) sad a0 ss dsp, 6 jo soeoboyg yp wosseuho uw ania © ‘ aio a0 a9 3 8/8 01 aly ee we gtaTs Me 3o ed © . 9. sroone Si Tew J ePOw FOR ME yomos om bree ue pay aan am seas pH LURIOE (© oye yucot jo suede a. 520 “Hons dP suse pastes ay fee! i ase pues 0 peuwe9 Tonio an yaroewoonp Sug vey Ay BUEN A JoAnn vox gangs sso oot ¥

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