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‘ POKHARA UNIVERSITY — Level: Bachelor Semester Spring Year: 2019 Programme: BE Fall Mars: 100 (Couse: Progamming in Pass Masks 45 Time She, Candidates are reqired to give thei neers thrown word fr as provide. ‘The grein he margin indicat fll mars Altempt all the questions. 5) What do you mean by insetons and sofware? Explain various ypes 7 software 1 Difetentae between algorithm and flowchart. Wate an algorithm and 8 ‘owt ofind the number even by one divisible by 2,3 and 6 oF 1) Define operator and opera. List the types of operators and explain 7 say fre of hem. 1) Write recasve program to rise umber X to power nie X" 8 ') Waite program to ganeate the following pater by lng the 7 sting ist PROGRAMMING PROORAMMIN PROGRAMM! PROGRAMM PROGRAM. PROGRA PROGR PROG PRO PR P ‘ 1) Enplsin the runtime and compile ne ination ofan aay wit amples f 1) Write program to find the transpose dt 43 mats 7 15) What do you mean by recusion faction? What arth advantages and Alsadvaninges of using recursive factions? Wrie 2 program to find ‘vere te amber prime or nol using wer defined fncion 5 1) Diferentaetetneen sae memory allocation and Dynami Memeary 8 Alloeson? Explain wih asutable example program. Write program to pas aray elemento auction sing pointer, 1) Cena ests forthe folowing data. Emp] Emp. Name | Adiess| Department Dat of i an] [9 ‘Anil wits & progam To Tap 100 epee records ad ily ‘whose Departments "Sales 1) What is sigifieance of file poimer in Mle handing? Consider a 8 following srure Roll No. | Name ‘dire | ty [Dae OF Bich mm | aa | yy ea program to ees nde” ile sre te above records for 100 tasers Wit short notes on: Any tv0) as 4) Pregrocesordestives Union ©) Break and contin statements 2) What eft cl by a ad al yee? Exp with 9 GaCOamtacO ~ ™~ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Love: Bachelor Semester: Spring "Year :2018 Programme: BE Full Mars 100 CCoae: Progamming nC Pass Mai: 45 Tine 3h. Candidates are required to give tel answers intr own word for ‘os proctcabte. ‘The fees inthe margin indict fal marks Abtempt ail the questions. 2) Draw block diagram ofa igtal computer. Explain ech component in twist 1b) Dene he role ff chat in efient program maintenance with its Cfaracte, Also develop a flow chit io rat the Armstong numbers ‘tween 1501050. 4) How can you declare following variables using suitable datatypes? ‘Mobile phone numbers, addres, body temperate, slay. Also expan tach memory eccupaey siz and ange. 1) Why you use contin" and break” statement in your program? Explain ‘with sufable example program. 4 Difleretate re-set and poses Joop. Wile a progmam to generate Fibonce numbers as per use’ choice. * 1b) Write progam to ead a one dimensional aray, srt the numbers in tseending order and display sorted numbers 2) Write a program to ad wo 3x3 matic Display the sum stored in third 1) List the mor advantages of secursive funtion. Write a recive Progr o generate the 10 terns Fibonacci sequence staring from 2. 2) What ace he advange of wing dyamie memory allocation over stag ‘memory allocation? Explain wih sutable example progam. 1) How ean fection rea lip values? Explain with example. 2) Wftea program o srt N numbers in nary daria 1). What ssgificance of ile poiter in le handling? Conse a olowin srucure Roll Ne, [Name [Adds [Focully | Dae OF Binh ‘wm | 48 | oy Wie progam oct ude flee store the above ears for Tod siden. Also ply these records of sidents who ae not rom Kethman ‘Wit shot nots on Any Tw} 2s «) Docunetation wo polter ©) Generation of Computers. POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor ‘Semester: Fl Year: 201 Programme: BE all Mars: 100 (Course: Programming in © Pass Mask 45 Tine 3h. Candidates ae required to give thelr answers ther own words as far os practicable re figures inthe margin indict fl mars Atept all the questions. 5) Whats computer software? Explain different types of software sed in today’s ie b) We algorithm ard draw flowchart generate Fbonacl sequence of eight ers. 2) “What ae ifereat daa types avalabe in CP Explain ther type's quae, conversion character, range of aloe and storage size In ‘pemory oecpied by each pe by Difeeste between beak and comlnue sttemens witha suluble example Progra, 8) What do you mean by faneson? Differentiate bemen fnction cl ty vale adel by reference with sulabl rogran. b) Write a meno diver progam to work folowing cases, take propria input wherever equie re Revere a mumber AL Findsum of individual ig fi Cheek fo prime i Ext What i dynamic memory alloation? Explain dire functions used Indyeamie memory allocation b) Deserve sting. Explin ary shee sing handing fection with examples. 1) Whyary is impor in programing? How can you inline citerens types of rays? Explain? cimensonal aay in 1b) What sa function petotyge? Find the sum of fist natural number sing cuivefncion What ae preprocessor directives? Differentiate between mse and function wih deserting necessary example, | 6 \ = 2) Diet ween al aoa able, Wie & pogrm 7 Ausra the we of state variable 1b) Writ program to crest ttre forthe folowing data fr cricket ne (Country name, Player name plying tp Ce Btn, balling ‘rth , Number of matches played by player a Slr. Sve the lnfomation ins file named "evckete” and displ the information ‘ofthore piers ho ha played more than 10 matches Write shor nates on: (Any 0) 1) Program testing and deboeting 1) Opertr Preedence and Ascii ©) Sofware Developmen Life Cle aes POKHARA UNIVERSITY OS Level: Babel pa al Bias pata mess 2) Why C is caled structured programming language? Compare und ons ih elgg an Low evel nga What ou ean yg sd ow cat? Wea ecm sweet ' POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year: 2017 Programme: BE Full Mars 100 ‘Course Programming a C ass Maks: 45 Tine Shes, Candidates are required give thelr answers ther own words afar as pratcabi The ques th margin indicate full marks Attempt all the questions. 8) What do you mean by propramming language? Disouss on machine language, ascmbly language and high-level langue. 1b) Define algorithm and flowean. Draw a owehart to read 3 nambers ‘hom the we and find he seaest one 2) What isan opereor? Explain the conditional operator wit suitable 8) Waite pogra o pit he folowing poten 1 12 1b) How can you intlize an one dimensional aay? Write a program to search an clement in one-dimensional aay conning five integer When and how a function wl osate wth uabl examples, ig call by valve and call by 28) Explain the relationship between arays and pointers. How can ¢ pointer variable be used to access and modi single-dimensonal and ‘multidimensional rays? “FRc ater rm Unio? Give expe codes 1b) What ar the diferent modes of. fle? Wate a program to 7 create 2 file “bllsnt, write dat info the fine and finaly read the ‘ita fom the file Wit short notes on: (Any 0) » POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor SemesterSpring Year: 2016 Progammene Fall Mars: 100 ‘Couse:Prgzaning nC ass Maks 45 Time Shs. Candidates are required tive thet answers intr own won for ‘aprotic he flares in he mari ici fl marks Attmpal he questions. 1. a) Whats programming langage’? Why is High Level Language( refered to Low Level anguage(LLL)? 1) Whats the significance of algorithm and flows in programming? ‘Write an algorithm and éraw a neat Dowchart fing a number ad heck itis palindrome urbe or nat{Not; Paindvome numer ‘remains same even atte revere suchas 99] 20) What is operator? Describe about the unary oper, binary operator and tmary operate with examples, 1) Difzeate beeen while lop and do while lop. Write program {0 prin the sum ofthe digits of number 3. a). Why are functions usee? Explain feton ell by valu and cll by reference with xampes, 1) Define function, function defistion, fiction cling, function evan wth code example 4.) Define oc variables and plobal variables. Explain differen storages clases with examples, 1) How dynamic memocy allocation can be achieved? Explain wih a suitable example. What are the advaniages of dynamic memory alleaton? 5.8) What do you mean by ary’? How can you ialize one dimensional ray t compile time and at ran tine? Explain with suitable example 1) Userecusive anc calls to evaluate foyax-F+E Ee 6) What smenu driven suture explain with suitable programs b 1) Why isle handing necessary in popramming? Write a program input name, adress, ful, program and. GPACi maximum 0) of| 500 students and store them in "RESULT.DAT" dat fie and display the records of those siden whose faculty i “Engineering” and PADS, Write sh notes on: (Any tv) as 8) The Pointer antici 1) Differences between scr and union ©) Testing and debusing POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bscelor Semester: all Yeu :2016 Propamme: BEVArctecure Full Mais 100 ‘Course: Programming in acs Matt 45 Time 3h Candidates are reguired to give thei ners in hr on word for erpracticable The fires inthe margin indict fal mars Atenpt all the questions. 2) What ae funcional diteretee beeen primary and secondary 31243 ‘memory? Explain the function of conze unt wth the hep of Block flagrsmof digit computer. 1) Define the role of ow chart in efcen program maintenance withits 344 character. Alo develop 2 flow chart 10 pit the even numbers between 150100, 8) What isan operator? Explain the arithmetic, relaonal,logial and 245 asignnent operators in language. 1») Explain entry conlled snd exit contolled oops with examples, 44 ‘Compare continu and break statements. 1) Why anay i called static dia type? Wie a programs w find sum of 246 agonal elements of mn mati 1) Define sting Explain he string landing funeton with suitable 245 example 42) List he major advantages of recusve function. Write a recursive 246 rogram to generate the 10 rms Fibonace! sequence starting rom 2. ») Whar do you mean by tomge css? Define is types with sutable 245 examples 1) Wee's program som he aray sing dynamic memory allcaton. 8 1) Dintererite pass by vale and puss by reference with suitable 7 example 1) Write a program fo crete structure for the following das for student § (RN, Name, phone, adress and semester). Read the 10 stadente by user and write only thse stienss whose semester is 1 in file aden ~ ~ 1) Dinereatate seucure and union. How the members of Nested 7 SSuctre are accessed? Show it with example, ‘Wit shot ots on: Amy two) aes 2) Void poiner 1b) Escape Sequence ©) Gorosiatement 2 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bacbelor Semester Spring = Year 2018 Progamme: BE Fall as: 100, ‘Cou: Progamming inc Pass Ma «S| Time Shs. Candas crerequred 0 give tar avers ine onward fr ew prectcable The figtres inthe margin indicate full mars Atenpt ll the questions. 8) What & progamming guage? Difrentiate between high Bevel 7 language ad To evel aging, 1b) Wate te igideance of igritm and fowchnt in pogmmiing. § Draw amet och to inp nimber ad checks pe numer 8) Desc the ouput genemted by each ofthe Hllowing pops. 7 ‘inchede atdio> tata =100,0=200; int inet Gt sain) ¢ Int count for(count= 1; count = 10; Heoun)_( Par, tne cop ) fot et) c 5-64 <309 @-2): B45 setume 1) Anclecticiy bound ches aconing fo the flowing mts. : Rs. 40 perwnit Forth next 200 unis — Rs. SO perunit Beyond 200i Rs. 60 perunit All wem am ao hamged ‘mow change, which equal 1 Rs. 50 ‘Writes complete C program fed the humber of unis consuned and pint out betta charges. 19) Wht do jou mean by anay? How ean you inalize one dimersonal ray comple tine and at ra tie? Explain wit sue example. 1b) Why’ ave fictions used? Explain fnction call by value and call by freace wih exams. 1) What do you mean by dynamic memory alain? Explain about memory ek? 1) Wnt © nested stnctor? Welle © progam to input the Slowing rmconts of ay 0 employees sing stneture and display them repent. = ae [Far 5) What ar de diteeot fl opening modes 2 Wate a progam to inp ras, ass, sgstmton no, Bully and academic year of tdnksion in inbexiy’ of "x" number of suns of Pokta Unive and append ther ine dat fle calle ‘STUDENT.DAT ‘Then dply th Reon of hare tens by wading he woes fom ‘STUDENTDDAT dat Sle who got admision in 2016 ') How dynamic meiory allocation canbe achieved? Explain with Suimble example. Wht aw the adianuges of dynamic meno lca? 4) Use meusivefancton alt eval ‘Mest [Day [Yeu Sy 1) Whatis 20 amy? Wale pogaim nC wad the clemens ofa 3*4 ‘tec and Ste biggest al sales element ofthe mat. ‘Wate sho notes on (Any two) 2)" Paeutocoie 1) Seltmernialsinctue 2) Maem aay POKHARA UNIVERSITY Love: Basher Semester: Fall Yer 2018 Progamne: BE Full Marks 100, ‘Cou! Programming in C Pass Mark 45 Time Shes Candidates are required give ther answers in sir own words for ‘practable he fires the margh taal marks. Attempt al he questions. ©) What is flowchart? Write an sloth and daw a Nowehart to Aislay whether x manber spine ono 1) Why header ils in is ince in program? Give reasons Also is cout fret header ils you know, Tsteate the progam showing the we of header le 2) Define operator in List ou diferent types of operators wed in Explain thee of them with example by Antec board charges acorn othe flowing rts Tor the fist 100 nits =~ Rs 4 Pr Unit Forth ext 200 nis Rs 50 Per Unit Forth Beyond 300 urits-——Rs 60 Per Unit ll users re lo chare meter charg, whichis equal Rs $0, Wit ‘program to rad muer of waits consumed and print ou the total charges. 1) Wit program to ead a mal and find the sum ofl the digs in maining 1b) Define funtion prototype? Wate a program to rea an integer munber nd find he sum ote digs using recursive function. on \Whetis preprocessor dietive? Different between macro and function with deseribingnecetary example. ') What pointer? Expsiameory allocation in programming, Why mPIPID sme + ou, Sh smn ea 1 SHH 8 poe: A, ALISWBAINA VYHDIOd | sound pea © | nary onsemHod @ wauan 0109 {ons Sy) 00 SoU HONS BHA wa uosss aaoqe 3 | te «| =| | 110 1 sepsu0g, Buypumy og} wt svHOd Hy JO “ Jo agun sy an sce Jo Suey NID oH | {Pad pu sey 0s 2g oqe vou! PEs! 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