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Entrepreneurship and University Technology Mike Wright1

Sue Birley2
Transfer Simon Mosey3

ABSTRACT. This paper argues that it is important to devote roles of all parties (the academics, the university,
greater attention to the study of entrepreneurship in technology and the commercial organization) during the
transfer in the light of greater government attention, the growth
in the phenomenon, the need to identify how wealth can be transfer process, and subsequently, are clear. In
created from spin-outs, changes in the cultures of universities particular, the academic will normally continue
and differences with technological entrepreneurship in general. with the research whilst possibly having a con-
The paper summarizes the contributions made by the papers sultancy arrangement with the commercial com-
presented in the special issue in terms of their levels of analysis. pany. However, forming an independent company
At the spin-out level, issues are raised concerning identification
of typologies of spin-out firms, the evolution of spin-outs and is a different matter. Here both the university and
external resources. At the university level, issues concerning the scientist must agree that spinout is the most
policies, internal resources and processes are discussed. An viable option for technology commercialization
agenda for further research is elaborated which relates to the and must negotiate a spinout deal. This may
need to examine further levels of analysis: the academic
include questions of, for example, equity split,
entrepreneurs themselves and how they recognize
opportunities and shape their ideas to meet the market; the
royalties, academic and university investment in
nature of internal university environments, processes and the new venture, academic secondment, identifica-
resources; and the nature of the scientific discipline which tion and transfer of intellectual property and use
may have implications for the process of creation and of university resources in the start-up phase. In
development of spin-out ventures. short, it is complicated. What is clear, however, is
JEL Classification: N13, O31, O32 that there is more than one route to the
commercialization of university intellectual prop-
erty (IP) but that, whatever the route, core to its
success will be the role played by the creator of the
IP, the individual scientist or engineer. The need to
1. Introduction know more about these spin-out companies and
the entrepreneurial processes behind them is
The creation, and sharing, of intellectual property
driven by a number of factors.
is the core role of a university—the prime asset.
First, a growing policy debate has led to
Managing it for commercial profit is a serious
increasing pressure from governments to manage
challenge. Most universities with large research
university IP and to realize investments in IP to
contracts understand how to license. After all, the
generate wealth for both universities and the wider
Center for Management Buy-out Research
economy (HM Treasury and DTI, 1998). This
Nottingham University Business School applies particularly to the United States and
Jubilee Campus increasingly across Europe and beyond. To
Nottingham NG8 1BB promote spin-outs, the U.K. government estab-
England lished the £50 m ‘‘University Challenge’’ venture
Until 2003 at Imperial College capital fund and created 12 Government spon-
E-mail: sored ‘‘science enterprise centers’’ (SECs). Also in
University of Nottingham Institute for Enterprise and Innovation the United Kingdom, the Lambert Report on
Nottingham University Business School university–business collaboration published at the
Jubilee Campus end of 2003 drew attention to the scope for wealth
Nottingham NG8 1BB
England generation from the transfer of technology from
E-mail: universities (Lambert, 2003).

Journal of Technology Transfer, 29, 235–246, 2004

# 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
236 Wright et al.

Second, the culture in universities is changing. between pursuing a venture or remaining as an

From being quite varied and in some cases openly academic and need to make choices in terms of
hostile, there is greater acceptance of and a more committing full time to one or the other or
positive attitude towards entrepreneurship across working part-time at both; this may have implica-
science departments in universities. tions for the development of the venture.
Third, while universities’ strategies have tradi- This special issue was motivated by the need to
tionally focused on licensing as the predominant learn more about university start-up companies
mode of technology transfer and the general body of and particularly those created on the basis of
research has reflected this emphasis (e.g. Siegel et al., technology developed in universities in the light of
2003; Sine et al., forthcoming), more recently there these pressures and issues. Reflecting the diffusion
has been greater emphasis on spin-out activity. of the concept of entrepreneurship and university
Fourth, the role and extent of spin-out activity is, technology transfer, we received submissions from
however, in a state of flux. The number of spin-outs a range of countries including the United King-
created in the United Kingdom in 2001 accounted dom, the United States, Belgium and Sweden. All
for 31% of all spin-outs formed in the five year submissions were double-blind reviewed. We
period 1996–2001, representing a remarkable extend our thanks to the reviewers for their timely
increase over the average annual rate of creation and constructive responses.
over the previous four years (Wright et al., 2002). In We were encouraged that the papers we received
contrast, in 2002, the number of spin-outs created adopted a range of methods, from large scale
fell by a third compared to the previous year quantitative studies that tested hypotheses to small
(Wright et al., 2003). The Lambert Review and scale case based studies that aimed to develop
other commentators have observed that there is a conceptual frameworks. Reflecting the newness of
distinction between the creation of spin-outs per se the area and the paucity of online databases on this
and the creation of spin-outs that create significant topic, the studies typically engaged in extensive and
wealth (Lambert, 2003; Clarysse et al., 2004). Few pain-staking collection of field data.
spin-outs in the United Kingdom, for example, have In this Introductory paper we discuss the key
been sold or floated on a stock market. It is easier for themes in understanding entrepreneurship and
technology transfer officers (TTOs) to create a legal university technology transfer represented in the
entity that contains the IP related to a new special issue and then consider areas for further
technology than it is to develop that technology research.
into a venture generating positive cash flows.
Recognition of this point focuses attention on the
need to understand more about the processes, 2. Themes and contributions of papers in this issue
resources and capabilities required to develop
spin-out companies and how this may be different The papers in this special issue address the
from other new technology ventures. phenomena from two points of view. First,
Fifth, there are important differences between considering the spin out itself, typologies are
spin-outs from universities (USOs) and new identified based upon differing resource configura-
technology based firms (NTBFs). These differ- tions, how these evolve over time and how external
ences generally concern the environment in which resources can influence spin out performance.
USOs are created and the entrepreneurs involved Second, from the university perspective, different
in their creation. The university environment raises strategies and processes are proposed to influence
a number of potential issues. For example, as entrepreneurial behavior.
universities have traditionally been non-commer-
cially oriented various organizational barriers may
be erected to frustrate the development of entre- 3. The spin-out
preneurship. The IP may not be owned by the
Typologies of spin-outs
academic inventor but by the university, creating
issues relating to its exploitation through a spin- Researchers are beginning to recognize that spin-
out. The academic inventor may also face tensions outs are not homogeneous. Nicolaou and Birley
Entrepreneurship and University Technology Transfer 237

(2003) identified a trichotomous typology of spin- teristics of the industry that the firm targets at
outs. Clarysse et al. (2004) identified three distinct start-up is also linked to different starting resource
types of spin-out models adopted by research and configurations. However, the causality here is
development organizations, each highlighting the unclear. For instance, is it the characteristics of
existence of different organizational goals and the resource configuration that attract venture
different environments and strategies. Two papers capital funding or does the acquisition of funding
in this special issue develop this theme. subsequently dictate a resource expansion?
Heirman et al. (this issue) examine the initial
resources on which new research based start-ups
are based and how these resources interact with
Evolution of spin-outs over time
the institutional origin and market environment.
Using a unique hand-collected dataset of research- This issue is addressed in Druilhe and Garnsey’s
based start-ups, they test how technological, research which suggests a further way of consider-
financial and human resources relate to each other ing the heterogeneity of spin-outs with respect to
to form distinct starting resource configurations. the characteristics of each entrepreneurial project.
They find four different starting configurations: They explore typologies of companies originating
‘‘Venture Capital-backed start-ups,’’ ‘‘Prospec- in universities, using a Penrosean conceptualiza-
tors,’’ ‘‘Product start-ups’’ and ‘‘Transitional tion of entrepreneurial activity. They propose
start-ups’’. The results show that VC-backed three types of spin-out, yet see each evolving
start-ups are a minority while half of the firms through a range of business models First develop-
start as prospectors. Market complexity and ment companies are based on some novel scientific
growth prospects influence the probability of breakthrough where resource creation and oppor-
starting with venture capital. A lack of clarity of tunity recognition are interdependent. Second,
the product market at founding characterizes product companies involve opportunity recogni-
prospectors, while product start-ups mostly have tion that builds directly on the scientist’s knowl-
an almost market-ready product targeted at an edge and connections. Third are software
international niche market. Transitional starters companies, making up a quarter of the sample.
initially commercialize technical know-how They appear distinct as they benefit from lower
through consulting and become product oriented scale up costs and the relative ease of switching
later on. from service to product business models. Long-
They suggest that financial and human itudinal case studies show how the business models
resources can reinforce or substitute each other of new ventures are modified as entrepreneurs
depending on the maturity, innovativeness and improve their knowledge of resources and oppor-
scope of the product technology. Research based tunities. This modification may imply that the
start-ups that develop early stage, innovative and ventures shift from a research contract company to
broad technologies are more likely to raise venture a licensing company, or that the entrepreneurs
capital, which goes hand in hand with larger reconsider starting a product company and
founding teams and the ability to attract experi- develop a technical consultancy instead. Through
enced managers during the first year. Those engagement with others and involvement in
focusing on a concrete product opportunity, on entrepreneurial activities, academic entrepreneurs
the contrary, are typically financed with debt develop relevant knowledge and experience. This
rather than venture capital and don’t attract allows them to improve their perception of
professional management. They suggest that opportunities, while gaining a better understand-
entrepreneurs with many years of experience prefer ing of the resource configurations required to
business models with short-term revenue streams pursue the refined or newly perceived opportu-
(through consulting or product sales) and financial nities. In the case of development companies, these
independence, that is without venture capital. may initially be set up to commercialize a
Starting resource configurations are also linked technology for licensing but may later aim at
to the firms’ history in terms of the parent institute downstream services and production. A reverse
that spun off the firm. Heterogeneity in the charac- mutation may occur as the objectives of the
238 Wright et al.

business model change from production to licen- an industrial partner, may be a means of over-
sing, thereby offering a plausible alternative to the coming some of the potential problems associated
transitional type identified in the previous paper. with managing resource weaknesses and inade-
Academics who provide research-oriented services quate capabilities that may be difficult to achieve
benefit from a ready-made productive base from as a free-standing spin-out company with or
which to operate and can secure returns more without venture capital backing. Nevertheless the
easily than those with generic technologies far- question remains: how do academic entrepreneurs
from-market. Academic entrepreneurs who are identify a suitable partner?
sufficiently motivated, skilled and market focused
can create a productive base in-house that delivers
products of high value to customers and secures External resources
them very high level of returns.
Spin-outs and the universities supporting them
This study is consistent with other recent
may lack sufficient internal resources to develop
research that views spin-out development as an
the venture. As a result, it may be necessary to seek
iterative, non-linear process (Vohora et al., 2004).
external resources. Central to the findings of
The differences between the studies concern their
Wright et al. is the identification of the surrogate
perspectives on whether the process of develop-
entrepreneur as a mechanism to leverage external
ment involves clear breaks (junctures) or is a
resources into the nascent spin out. Partnering
continuous one, and on whether all spin-outs pass
with an industrial corporation may be a means to
through the same phases. Druilhe and Garnsey
access key resources where this is not possible.
suggest that the phases that a spin-out passes
Löfsten and Lindlehof (this issue) examine
through are a function of the maturity of the
external resources in terms of the network benefits
entrepreneurs’ initial resources and the business
of Science Parks. They argue that the NTBF-
model selected. What is more, they suggest a route
specific co-operative resources to be found on
to maximize the potential of spin out opportu-
university Science Parks will provide the firm with
nities. A path dependency is implied where
a competitive advantage. Proximity between
learning processes may substitute for lack of direct
NTBFs and universities promotes the exchange
commercial experience. It appears that through
of ideas through both formal and informal net-
working on collaborative research projects or
works. Based on a survey of 273 (NTBFs) located
consultancy with industrial partners, academic
on and off Science Parks they find that the level of
entrepreneurs can learn skills such as negotiating
interaction in the innovation process between firms
with firms and market intelligence gathering. This
located on Science Parks and local universities is
may help subsequent attempts to learn from
generally low, but it is higher than the level of
industrial partners the sector specific knowledge
interaction exhibited by firms that are not Science
necessary to exploit their technologies.
Park firms. Statistically significant differences
Wright et al. (this issue) provide an alternative
between Science Park NTBFs and off-Park
business model to facilitate this process. They
NTBFs were recorded with regard to product
adopt an RBV perspective to explore the joint
development in the last three years.
venture route to commercializing university owned
intellectual property. They present comparisons
between two spinouts formed as joint ventures
4. The university
between universities and industrial partners and
two spinouts where this was not the case. Their Perceptions of the nature of environmental sup-
comparative examination of the evolution of these port have been found to be associated with
two different modes of exploitation show that entrepreneurial behavior (Birley and Westhead,
spinouts typically lack the financial and human 1993). The ‘‘rules of the game’’ for entrepreneur-
capital (managerial) resources and capabilities ship (Baumol, 1990) as reflected in the environ-
they need in order to fully exploit the commercial ment both of universities and individual
potential of their technologies. They argue that departments (the incubator organizations) will
creating a spinout company as a joint venture with vary. A potential issue is that there may be gaps
Entrepreneurship and University Technology Transfer 239

between the declared strategies of both policy- structures have been weak. They explore whether
makers and university management, and how the the policies could explain the lack of growth
academic faculty views the entrepreneurial envir- potential of spin-off ventures that academic and
onment. policy studies have repeatedly observed. Taking
Kassicieh et al. (1996) identified a number of the case of Belgium, they obtain data from nine
institutional variables that might affect academic cases of spin-off policies in the eight largest
entrepreneurship. These include formal policy and academic institutions and in 47 firms. Examining
support for entrepreneurial activity from manage- policies in terms of the extent to which they
ment; perceived seriousness of constraints to engaged in origination, concept testing and start-
entrepreneurship, for example IPR issues; and up phase activities, they identify four archetypes of
the incidence of successful commercialization, spin-off policy: an absence of proactive spin-off
which demonstrate feasibility and provide role policy; minimalist support and selectivity; inter-
models. From a survey of 778 life scientists mediate support and selectivity; and high support
working in 40 U.S. universities Seashore Louis et and selectivity. They propose that spin-off policies
al. (1989) concluded that developing formal in academic institutions do affect the growth
policies may send a signal, but the effect on potential of ventures and suggest that environ-
individual behavior depends very much on ments with weak entrepreneurial infrastructure
whether these policies are reinforced by behavioral and culture require academic spin-off policies
expectations. Indeed, they suggest there are involving high selectivity and high support in
entrepreneurial universities, rather than isolated order to generate growth oriented ventures. How-
entrepreneurial academics. However, the precise ever, they note that high selectivity and high
relationship between formal institutional policy support spin-off policies represent an ideal to
and individual performance remains unclear. achieve rather than an immediate accessible policy
Samsom and Gurdon (1993) share this view. since such a policy requires considerable resources
They studied twenty-two biomedical spin-offs which individual academic institutions seldom
founded by university scientists and confirmed have access to in these environments. Most
the need to acknowledge the potential conflict individual academic institutions may not, there-
between the pursuit of knowledge and its com- fore, be suited to select and support spin-off
mercial exploitation, and the dual risks of demo- ventures with high growth potential in such an
tivation of potential entrepreneurs and lower environment. They suggest that their framework
research standards. This, they conclude, argues can be used to assess spin-off policies targeting the
for explicit guidelines for the conduct of business creation of growth oriented ventures and as a
in a university management tool to link each stage with the
A recent survey of TTOs in the United King- resources necessary to fulfill each of its functions.
dom undertaken by one of the authors identified This study has parallels with the pan-European
the main internal promoters of spin-out activity study conducted by Clarysse et al. (2004) who
within universities as: incentives and rewards for identify three broad types of spin-off incubator.
academics; the level of marketing, technical and Clarysse et al. (2004) argue that an alternative
negotiating skills of staff involved in IP exploita- policy approach in the light of both difficult to
tion; internal processes for conducting IPR due surmount resource constraints and variability in
diligence; internal processes for spinning out new spin-off opportunities is for universities to match
companies; and internal processes for conducting their objectives for spin-offs to their contexts. This
business development (Wright et al., 2003) in approach may be preferable to engaging in a futile
addition to environmental factors including uni- attempt to create high growth spin-offs where they
versity facilities, dual employment, and financial have neither sufficient resources nor the science
ownership. base to generate potential high growth ventures.
DeGroof and Roberts (this issue) analyze the Universities should, however, adopt multiple but
characteristics of academic spin-off policies in separate spin-off policies where they have new
environments outside high tech clusters and where spin-off opportunities that range from modest self-
technology transfer and entrepreneurship infra- employment to high growth potential cases.
240 Wright et al.

Markman et al. (this issue) shed light on 5. Agenda for further research
whether financial incentives to scientists, their
The papers reviewed here reflect the predominant,
departments and UTTO personnel affect entrepre-
and logical, trend of considering the spin out as the
neurial activity using both qualitative data (struc-
unit of analysis. This has highlighted a number of
tured interviews with 128 UTTO directors) and
important avenues for further research, that may
quantitative data from surveys and databases
be understood more clearly from differing levels of
available on the web. This interesting combined
analysis such as the academic entrepreneur, the
methodology shows a surprising result that is
university and the scientific discipline. First, with
opposite to theoretical predictions that incentives
regard to the academic entrepreneurs themselves,
to scientists and to their departments are nega-
how do they recognize opportunities and shape
tively related to entrepreneurial activity. They
their ideas to meet the market? Second from the
speculate that this may be related to the quality
spin-out perspective there are questions relating to
of staff in that high quality staff who make
the factors that influence the stage of progress and
breakthrough discoveries may either be less con-
the choice of stand alone versus joint venture
cerned with its commercialization or not moti-
mode of development. Third from the university
vated by financial rewards to identify such
perspective, how does the nature of internal
opportunities. In addition they find that pay to
university environments, processes and resources
TTO personnel is positively related to entrepre-
influence entrepreneurial behavior? Finally, from
neurial activity but that experienced TTOs are
the scientific discipline level, how does the nature
significantly but negatively related to entrepre-
of the technological opportunity vary between
neurial activity. They attribute this finding to
scientific disciplines and how do differing scientific
possibly capturing the effect of more traditional
research networks influence the process of creation
TTOs being focused on licensing rather than spin-
and development of spin-out ventures?
outs. This raises an interesting and important
conundrum. Is this the result of inertia or is it
linked to their greater expertise which leads them
Academic entrepreneurs
to recognize that in many cases licensing may be
the more appropriate route to exploitation of IP? There remains little evidence on the nature of
A potential answer may be found within entrepreneurs and their behavior in university
Lambert’s (2003) review of U.K. business-univer- technology transfer. In the entrepreneurship field
sity collaboration. This report suggests that generally, several studies suggest that individual
technology transfer activity should not necessarily traits can influence the decision to start a business
be solely evaluated via economic returns to the (Gartner, 1985). However, doubts have been
University but should be considered by wider raised as to whether individual motivations are
social and economic benefits such as the diffusion the key determinants influencing the supply of
of knowledge. Such metrics would be more entrepreneurs (Birley and Westhead, 1994). More-
consistent with the current Research Assessment over, the view that entrepreneurs are by definition,
Exercise evaluation of research activity and would relatively uneducated is no longer valid. For
therefore reduce potential conflicts between example, Kassicieh et al. (1996) study of 237
research and commercialization activities if scientists working in three large national labora-
adopted by Universities as a strategic goal. tories in the United States found clear differences
Examining the relative effectiveness of different between the levels of education in inventors in
technology transfer methods by using different national laboratories and those in a study of
output measures would provide more insight into technical entrepreneurs from MIT (Roberts, 1991).
this area. Designing metrics to cover different aims The Kassicieh et al. (1996) study also found
may be problematical. The number of licences and significant differences between entrepreneurs and
spin-outs created are fairly clear objective mea- non-entrepreneurs in terms of situational variables
sures, although setting objectives in terms of the such as the level of involvement in business
wealth generation from spin-outs in particular is activities outside the laboratory or the receipt of
perhaps less straightforward (Lockett et al., 2004). royalties from past inventions. Beyond this, there
Entrepreneurship and University Technology Transfer 241

remains very little data on the characteristics of with departments and academics to proactively
those academics involved in creating new ventures. identify opportunities that may have significant
This may, of course, be because the ‘‘rules’’ within market applications. We need to know more about
which they have operated (Baumol, 1990), parti- these processes of opportunity realization.
cularly as they apply to IPR and equity sharing, Extending these issues, it is an empirical
has meant that many have been unwilling to question whether leading scientists are homoge-
identify themselves. It is also probable that this is neous with regard to their ability to identify
compounded by inadequate university data cap- commercial opportunities.1 There is increasing
ture systems. There is, therefore, a need for evidence that the phenomenon of habitual entre-
research that fills this gap. preneurs, i.e. those individuals who undertake
A second issue concerns understanding of the multiple entrepreneurial ventures, is widespread in
behavior of academic entrepreneurs. Opportunity the general economy (Birley and Westhead, 1993;
identification is central to entrepreneurship. Westhead and Wright, 1998). Issues arise both in
Knowledge (and information), cognitive and terms of understanding the behavior of habitual
behavioral differences help explain why certain entrepreneurs versus first time (novice) entrepre-
individuals recognize opportunities while others neurs and the nature of support for entrepreneur-
do not (Venkataraman, 1997). Shane (2000) found ship (Ucbasaran et al., 2003; Westhead et al.,
that prior knowledge of markets, ways to serve 2004). We know little about the extent to which
markets and customers’ problems influence the habitual entrepreneurs exist in universities. To the
discovery of opportunities. The ability to connect extent that these individuals do exist, there may
specific knowledge and a commercial opportunity also be implications here for the development of
requires a set of skills, aptitudes, insights, and university processes regarding technology transfer.
circumstances that are neither uniformly nor
widely distributed (Venkataraman, 1997). Entre-
preneurial cognitive processes may enable indivi-
duals to build on specific information to make new
leaps in the identification and development of new The findings from the papers presented in this
discoveries and opportunities. Entrepreneurs with special issue emphasize issues concerning the
strong entrepreneurial cognition may be more evolution of different types of spin-out. While
likely to quickly develop new hunches about how there is some work on this process, further
a new piece of information such as that relating to research is needed that examines such issues as
a technological breakthrough will impact a specific the stage of development at which spin-out
project idea long before it can be methodically and companies are formed and at what stage spin-out
rationally explained. The creation of significant companies fail to develop further. For example, to
scientific breakthroughs by university researchers what extent is the problem a failure to develop
may require leaps of intuition rather than deter- beyond initial alpha prototypes or a lack of human
ministic logic. Leading researchers may also be capital expertize or finance or market?
entrepreneurial in identifying new research areas The studies presented here also indicate that
and sources of funds. But to what extent are they there may be important network links between
able to identify opportunities with commercial academic entrepreneurs, TTOs and existing cor-
market applications? Evidence is limited on the porations, yet these links are not well-understood.
extent to which academic entrepreneurs themselves There would appear to be a need for more
recognize opportunities or whether TTOs and longitudinal studies considering potential aca-
surrogate entrepreneurs have an important role demic entrepreneurs and their interactions with
to play (Lockett et al., 2003). industry. By following such academics as they
There is also growing appreciation in the explore different networking and partnering
general entrepreneurship literature that opportu- options it should be possible to investigate the
nity recognition and exploitation or realization are influence of different paths upon entrepreneurial
distinct. Some universities have adopted behavior. A particular issue arises with respect to
approaches whereby TTOs work very closely whether ventures become stand alone spin-outs or
242 Wright et al.

joint ventures with other corporations. The cases personal values and behavior. Second, peer
studied suggest that the partners emerged through pressure or behavioral socialization may result in
contract research arrangements. What is not clear a convergence of personal values and behavior.
is whether the partners explicitly saw contract What is not clear is whether these are immu-
research agreements as a precursor to a joint table or whether they change with changes in
venture or whether these evolved passively out of the environment relating to academic
the research process. If the former is the case, there entrepreneurship. Although there is anecdotal
may be issues here concerning whether universities evidence that science departments are becoming
need to be more proactive at the contracting stage more positive towards entrepreneurship we still
in searching for the appropriate industrial partner know little about whether and to what extent this
and the conditions in the initial contract concern- varies across disciplines and universities and
ing the future exploitation of the research. according to the research strength of the
Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) propose that the department.
formation of such alliances requires the develop-
ment of dynamic capabilities within the firm. They Business schools as an internal resource. The de-
argue that learning processes are necessary for the bate on technology transfer and entrepreneurship
sustained identification and exploitation of part- in universities has very much focused on science
nerships within markets where the boundaries are faculties. Issues concerning resource constraints on
blurred and successful business models unclear, a the development of spin-out ventures has links to a
situation common to many nascent spin-outs. The parallel debate on the relevance of research in
implication here is that spin-outs with a manage- business schools (Starkey and Madan, 2001) and
ment capability to change and refine their resource raises the question about the role business schools
configurations to meet the emerging needs of the can play in the development of entrepreneurship in
market will outperform those who do not. Never- universities.
theless to investigate this area is methodologically In principle, business schools may be able to play
challenging as it involves consideration of the indirect and direct roles. With respect to indirect
relative success of different management processes roles, universities can provide generic tools such as:
acting upon heterogeneous resource configura- courses on entrepreneurship for undergraduates
tions. and post-graduates; courses for academics in
Science Departments; courses on general market-
ing, financial, etc. dimensions of business. For
example, at the University of Nottingham, the
Institute for Enterprise and Innovation has devel-
Internal University Entrepreneurial Environment. oped an M.Sc. program in Entrepreneurship for
The Kassicieh et al. (1996) study referred to earlier science and engineering graduates, a ‘‘germinator’’
found that local norms or ‘‘culture’’ provided a where students are provided with support to
strong mediating effect between the institutional develop ideas for new ventures, and a range of
context and individual perceptions. Seashore undergraduate courses on entrepreneurship. Such
Louis et al. (1989) found that individual courses are prevalent across a large proportion of
characteristics and local norms appear to be research active Universities in the United Kingdom
equally effective predictors of entrepreneurial through the government funded SECs. Never-
activity, but only provided ‘‘weak and theless, any long term impact upon entrepreneurial
unsystematic predictions of the forms of behavior has yet to be established. There is also an
entrepreneurship’’ (p. 128). Owen-Smith and increasing emphasis upon technology transfer
Powell (2001) found differences in the extent and fellowships. For instance, the Medici scheme
nature of commercialization between scientists in (, funded by HEFCE,
different subject areas. There are two explanations provides one year fellowships for fifty academics
for the existence of local norms. First, there may across five U.K. Universities. Here the focus is ‘‘on
be self-selection during recruitment at the the job’’ training where the fellows perform a
departmental level resulting in staff with similar dual role to facilitate the commercialization of
Entrepreneurship and University Technology Transfer 243

biomedical research. Many are engaged in com- Scientific discipline

mercializing their own research and thus benefit
from experiential learning supported by a cross- Much of the research on the commercialization of
university network of academic and TTO mentors. technology has been based on the experience of
Others focus upon culture change initiatives where specific technical disciplines. For example, the
they raise awareness of the benefits and limitations experience of life sciences in the United States
of commercialization within their own faculty and suggests spinouts are the preferred route, whereas
introduce systems and procedures appropriate to licensing agreements are more commonplace in the
their own context. The rationale behind such electronics sectors. However, there is unlikely to be
schemes is that culture change is a slow and ‘‘one best way’’ to manage commercialization as
painstaking task that is best achieved by education disciplines will differ in terms of technological
based initiatives sensitive to local values and opportunity and commercial potential (Tidd,
norms. Clearly, there is a need to evaluate the 1997). Moreover, organization-specific character-
relative effectiveness of this and similar initiatives istics are likely to undermine the notion of a
with a consideration of ‘‘softer’’ output metrics universal formula for the successful commerciali-
such as awareness and attitudes in addition to the zation of research. For example, some institutions
‘‘harder’’ metrics of invention disclosures and have experience and expertise in licensing, but not
patents filed. joint ventures. Organizational context is, there-
Research in business schools may also have an fore, a potentially important influence on the
indirect impact on start-ups and spin-offs from development of spin-outs as are industry dynamics
universities in terms of identifying for entrepre- on the generation and commercialization of
neurs and technology transfer officers as well as innovations (Drazin and Schoonhoven, 1996;
policymakers the barriers at a systemic level to the Tidd et al., 1997).
development of companies from universities. A further implication of these findings is the
In terms of a direct role, business school potential effect of technological differences upon
academics may be able to provide resources and growth strategy. From the papers in this issue it
capabilities by acting as non-executive directors on appears that particularly software-based firms are
spin-off company boards or acting as consultants distinct in terms of requiring different resource
on particular business plans. At an institutional configurations and business models due to their
level, business school academics may serve on the differing market, financial and technological
boards of universities’ technology transfer opera- requirements. It seems that software firms are
tions. able to make more use of a service business
A number of potential problem areas arise in model to test the market, are able to develop
the role of business schools in filling the knowledge products for niche markets and subsequently
gap by transferring knowledge. First, there may be expand into broader markets in a relatively fast
a mismatch of the language used by business and low cost manner. These options are some-
school faculty and faculty in science departments. what more limited for most novel biotechnology
There is a gap between the provision of courses and material based technologies. Also, the type
and what it is really like to be involved ‘‘hands on’’ of technology will influence the extent of the
in the creation of a spin-off. As with academic need for external funding. For example, most
scientists and TTOs there are issues to do with the biotechnology-based new ventures have higher
incentives to undertake such activities. There is a initial capital requirements than electronics or
question relating to the comparative advantage of software. Nevertheless, an electronics or soft-
business school academics vis-à-vis other providers ware-based venture will also demand high initial
such as TTOs and outside consultants, especially funding if a strategy of aggressive growth is to be
for specific knowledge required for TT. achieved. Oakey’s (1995) study of technology
Further research is required to examine the start-ups in the United Kingdom shows that both
extent and nature of business schools’ involvement the amount and source of initial funding vary
in the development of entrepreneurship related to considerably by field. For example, software-
the transfer of technology in universities. based ventures typically require less start-up
244 Wright et al.

capital than either electronics or biotechnology resources upon start up or even at an early
ventures, and therefore it is more common for stage but are heavily influenced by learning
such firms to rely solely on personal funding processes such as networking and partnering.
whilst biotechnology firms tend to have the This appears consistent with the papers in this
highest R&D costs, and consequently most issue. Here it is illuminating to consider
require some external funding. This implies that research into spin-out activity within the private
research should be conducted at the department sector. Broadly speaking the trend is for the
or technology discipline level in order to isolate development of joint ventures and strategic
critical differences between the human, financial alliances between leading corporations to
and technological resource requirements in these develop discontinuous technologies (see Leifer
different domains. et al., 2000; Dyer and Singh, 2000). The
Technical fields also differ in the amount of justification is that only by such mechanisms
resources devoted to R&D, and in the rate of can the cross-disciplinary and cross-market
technological advance, whatever measure is used. options be fully explored. It appears that the
These differences in technological opportunity University spin-out may be able to benefit from
have a significant effect on the potential for such strategies and therefore for Universities to
commercialization (Geroski, 1994). Although dif- maximize the benefits from their technologies
ficult to measure and model, three potential they should engage in cross-disciplinary com-
sources of technological opportunity have been mercialization as a natural development to the
identified (Klevorick et al., 1995): advances in many instances of cross-disciplinary and cross-
scientific understanding; technological advances in institutional research. One such initiative within
other, related industries; and positive feedback the United Kingdom is the investment company
from prior technological advances. IP2IPO. It has made a number of deals with a
At any time the relative importance of these portfolio of United Kingdom universities includ-
different mechanisms varies by technical disci- ing Oxford, Southampton, Kings College Lon-
pline. For example, the pharmaceutical and don and the University of York. Investigations
semiconductor sectors both have strong links of this and similar partnerships may offer
to basic science; the former to a narrow range insight into the strengths and weaknesses of
of scientific fields, the latter to a much wider the approach but investigation of this phenom-
range of fields. In the food and electronics enon requires consideration of networks and
industries, material suppliers and equipment technologies as units of analysis and also
manufacturers are important sources of innova- comparisons between different network strate-
tion. Customers are important sources of inno- gies (see Galambos and Whittaker, 1993).
vation in the machinery, electrical equipment There are also significant disciplinary differ-
and medical instrument sectors. Pavitt (1990) ences in the degree and nature of faculty interac-
develops a similar taxonomy based on the tion with industry, and these differences are not
primary sources of innovation: science-based; only field-dependent but also reflect technology life
scale intensive; information intensive; and sup- cycles (Peters and Etzkowitz, 1991). For example,
plier-dominated. differences are apparent between chemical process
This is further complicated by the influence engineering and life sciences. Such differences will
of strategic choice upon firm growth. For new influence the local norms and behavior noted
technology based spin-outs Tidd et al. (1997) earlier, and are likely to contribute to differences
distinguish between the two desired outcomes of between the degree and type of entrepreneurial
superstar and specialized supplier. Superstar activity of departments and research centers within
firms grow extremely quickly by pursuing broad a single university.
based global markets whereas specialized sup- This discussion suggests that there is a need for
pliers are more restrained in their ambitions, more fine-grained analysis of the both the nature
focussing upon smaller market niches. They of academic entrepreneurship and the manner in
argue that these outcomes are not predeter- which ventures are framed and developed between
mined by technological, financial and human different disciplines.
Entrepreneurship and University Technology Transfer 245

Policy implications Galumbos, L. and E. Whittaker, 1993, ‘Global; R&D Net-

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