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Design of Cadets Administration System for

Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy Based On

Written by:

1. Muhammad Fahrul Rozi

2. Muhammad Naufal

Class : 4 ISA 1

Faculty : Mhd Idham Khalif, S.Kom

Faculty of Engineering

University of Indonesia
Futsal App

Developed by :
1. Muhammad Fahrul Rozi
2. Muhammad Naufal
Futsal App

Batch Code : 4 ISA 1

Start Date : 24 July 2022

End Date : 24 July 2022

Date of Submission : 24 July 2022

Name of Cordinator : Mhd Idham Khalif, S.Kom

Names of Developer :

1. Muhammad Fahrul Rozi

2. Muhammad Naufal

This is to certify that this report titled “Codeigniter” embodies the original work done by
Muhammad Fahrul Rozi and Muhammad Naufal. Project in partial fulfillment of their course
requirements at NIIT.

Coordinator : Mhd Idham Khalif, S.Kom


First of all, we would like to thank God because of His blessings and guidance, writers can
compose and present a paper that contains about Design of Cadets Administration System for
Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy Based On Website. Writers also thanked Mhd Idham Khalif as
a lecturer that has provided guidance to the writers in the process of preparing this paper. Not to forget
the writers thank the various parties who have given encouragement and motivation.

The authors realize that in the preparation of this project there are still many shortcomings and
far from being perfect. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestion to
improve this paper and can be referenced in preparing the papers or subsequent tasks.

The authors also apologize if in writing this paper there are typos and errors that confuse the
reader in understanding the authors’ intens.

We said thank you to the Online Learning Computer Science Study Program, Bina Nusantara
University for funding research publications and to lecturers who have guide me from the start to the
completion of the research.

The system development method used is the waterfall model. The programming language used is PHP
with a MySQL database and CodeIgniter framework. Evaluation methods are using BlackBox testing
for the system and eight golden rules for the user interface. The result of this research is the
development of a website-based management system for the Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy.
This research concludes that the Cilacap Nusantara Maritime Academy's administrative system can
increase the efficiency of time for filing permits and writing letters.

Submitting permits and registering for scholarships are activities often conducted by cadets at the
Cilacap Nusantara Maritime Academy. All activities carried out are still conventional, with the cadets
having to come straight to the permit and scholarship registration. To overcome this, a website-based
management system was set up by the Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy. The system development
method used is the waterfall model. The programming language used is PHP with a MySQL database
and CodeIgniter framework. Evaluation methods are using BlackBox testing for the system and eight
golden rules for the user interface. The result of this research is the development of a website-based
management system for the Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy. This research concludes that the
Cilacap Nusantara Maritime Academy's administrative system can increase the efficiency of time for
filing permits and writing letters

In today's world of work, technology is the main principle in carrying out all work activities
using existing resources, namely computers and internet networks. Universities that use information
technology to manage archives on the web are still minimally applied. In this case, an information
system is needed to manage information accurately and precisely. In educational institutions, especially
tertiary institutions, it is also inseparable from the role of information technology which is indispensable
along with its development. With the development of a university, the number of students, and the
growing knowledge, the university must improve its services and the quality of existing human

Nusantara Maritime Academy is an educational institution operating in the maritime sector that
organizes Diploma III (D-III) higher education consisting of three (three) study programs including
Engineering Study Program (TMK), Port Management Study Program (PP), and the Nautical Study
Program (NTK). The Cadets Department of the Nusantara Maritime Academy is one of the primary
work units for providing services to cadets. All activities related to the cadets' correspondence services
such as a certificate of good behavior, a certificate of passport creation, a bank account creation
certificate, a license to wear a sword, an official passport, and a ceremony permit will be served by the
security sector. Currently, the letter submission and letter writing service is still performed traditionally,
meaning cadets must come directly to campus to meet the required letter writing requirements. As a
result, files accumulate in the retirement area, which in turn leads to archiving errors. Based on the
above data and problems, what is needed is a system that can solve these problems. Therefore, the
researcher intends to build a web-based administrative information system for the management of
information systems and make it a study called Design of Cadets Administration System for Nusantara
Cilacap Maritime Academy Based On Website.

The results of the research on the design and construction of the correspondence management
information system Banyuwangi Education Office, Malang, using the spiral model method. The test
results showed that the designed application ran well. The suggestions for application development
can, among other things, provide notifications in the form of SMS via registered numbers, display
letter attachments and run on the Android system

The results of the research on the design and construction of the correspondence management
information system Banyuwangi Education Office, Malang, using the spiral model method. The test
results showed that the designed application ran well. The suggestions for application development
can, among other things, provide notifications in the form of SMS via registered numbers, display
letter attachments and run on the Android system

The results of the study with the title "Design of web-based information systems for letter
archiving in the XYZ district" using the waterfall method in the form of a not yet implemented web-
based application design for letter archiving information systems. Therefore, in this study, it is
proposed to implement a system designed to find out the shortcomings of the designed system and to
be able to develop it even better.

The results of the study with the title "Design of web-based information systems for letter
archiving in the XYZ district" using the waterfall method in the form of a not yet implemented web-
based application design for letter archiving information systems. Therefore, in this study, it is
proposed to implement a system designed to find out the shortcomings of the designed system and to
be able to develop it even better

The research with the title "Web-based Digital Outgoing Mail Filing System" uses the SDLC
(Systems development life cycle) method in the system development procedure while the system
design uses the UML (Unified Modeling Language) method. The results of this study can produce a
system that suits user needs and can run well. The suggestion from this research is that it needs to be
evaluated with a certain period to find out whether new features need to be added according to user

To be able to create applications that meet the needs of Nusantara Maritime Academy's users, the
authors need to develop a mindset to maintain a clear workflow in the research process.

With this in mind, the authors developed a software development method using the waterfall
method, so the phases carried out in this study.

To find out the problems in the Cilacap Nusantara Maritime Academy, it is first necessary to
collect data to analyze a problem. The methods used in data collection are interviews, observations,
literature studies, and questionnaires.
The problems in the Cilacap Nusantara Maritime Academy based on the fishbone diagram above
can be divided based on the problems faced by the visually impaired administrative officer and cadets.
The problems facing administrators in the narrative field are the system that is currently running to
manage incoming and outgoing e-mail has not been grouped and there is no classification as it is still
processed manually, making documents difficult to find and processing documents inefficiently,
bounded office storage resulting in stacking of documents which causes errors, lack of human resources
who understand the management system so this is the reason why a web-based management system has
not yet been created.

A. Software Design

From the results of the analysis of the problems carried out, the author develops software designs
using use case diagrams. The use cases that can be performed by the administrator are as follows:

1. Log in to access the application.

2. Log off, this use case is used by actors to terminate the application.
3. Profile update to manage personal information.
4. Letter data is used to manage the system-generated certificate and to update the status of the
5. Submission of letters to report applications that have just been sent by the cadet and are used to
accept or reject applications from cadet.
6. Scholarship Submission is used to manage scholarship information, manage cadet scholarship
applications, and view data on scholarships submitted.
7. Manage User, used to manage cadet accounts that can access the application and update cadet
account information.
8. Website settings used to manage information in the Cadet Administration System application at
Nusantara Cilacap Maritime Academy.

While the use cases that can be done by Cadet are as follows:

1. Log in to access the application

2. Log off, this use case is used by actors to terminate the application.
3. Registration is used to register a new account in the system if it is not already registered in the
4. Forgot password, used when the actor forgets the registered password.
5. Update profile, is used to manage personal information and to view the progress of the submitted
6. Update profile, is used to manage personal information and to view the progress of the submitted
7. The submission of scholarships is used to apply for scholarships.
8. Scholarship information is used to display information about scholarships.

B. User Interface Design

This page is the initial view when the application is first opened. On this page, users can access the
scholarship information feature without having to login first. To log in, users can use the “Please Login”
button at the top right of the page. When the button is pressed, the option to log in as a cadet or admin
will appear. The cadet dashboard display is as follows:

On this page, cadets who have not registered in the Maritime Nusantara Academy Youth
Administration System application will register. The cadets enter the required data such as nik, nit, full
name, email, password, and password confirmation. If the cadet does not fill in one of the fields, an error
message will appear such as “please fill out this field.” After registering, the cadet will automatically log
in and go to the home page. After that, the cadets can access the following features: apply for a letter,
apply for a letter of good conduct, apply for a cadet travel certificate, apply for an account opening letter,
apply for a letter carrying a sword, and view the cadet's personal data.
C. Evaluation

Researchers evaluate the system and user interface. The results of the evaluation of the system
using the Blackbox testing method can be seen that the application functions run according to the design,
both the admin display and the cadet display. Evaluation is done by testing the features contained in the
application in two stages. The results of testing the Website-Based Application of the Archipelago
Maritime Academy Youth Administration System, it turned out that the first application gave a
successful status of 13 of the 17 features that were tried by the cadets at the Nusantara Maritime
Academy Cilacap. With the failure of the feature, improvements were made so that on the second test all
features can be accessed as expected.
The paper entitled “Design of Cadets Administration System for Nusantara Cilacap Maritime
Academy Based On Website” reads as follows:

1. This web-based administration system application can be used by cadets who wish to apply
for permit and scholarship registration
2. This web-based administration system application can be used by cadets who wish to apply
for permit and scholarship registration.
3. This web-based administration system application has data management and features that are
easy to understand for cadets and the administration department.

When creating the Design of Cadets Administration System for Nusantara Cilacap Maritime
Academy Based On Website, still many things that can be developed, such as:

1. The need to develop a management system based on mobile apps for the Nusantara Maritime
Academy Cilacap
2. Internet technology makes it easier for everyone to access information from anywhere.
Therefore, security issues must always be considered so that the system can be protected
from other unauthorized parties.
3. The approval of electronic file technology can make it easier for the approver to approve
letters, making the administrative process faster and reducing paper consumption so that no
paper is used at all.

Hardware : DEKSTOP, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz 8GB

Operating System : Windows 11

Software : Android Studio, Firebae, Android Virtual Device


S.No File Name Remarks

1. Futsal App.docx Microsoft word that contains report

2. Futsal App.pptx Microsoft power point that contains


3. Futsal App PHP project that contain codes

4. 4 ISA 1_Kelompok 6 A video the describe application that we create

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