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Chapter 12: Reflections from Practice - also called EXPRESSIVE OPENNESS.

FOUNDATION ▪ Participative is useless if u do not understand

what have been shared and contributed.
Reflections From Practice
Reflective Openness occurs when
- Taking a systems view involves looking at how
organizational members allow themselves to
dysfunctional behaviors result from interactions
hear and understand what others are saying.
among the parts of a system over time.
- based on skills
▪ Look systems as a HOLLISTIC APPROACH Reflective openness starts with the willingness
to challenge our own thinking, to recognize that
any certainty we have is, at best, a hypotheses
about the world.
- better than participative openness.

Robert Saillant, Senior Executive, Ford Motors


• If you can get connected with what's inside of

you, you can be fearless in your openness.
PROTOTYPE is use generally to evaluate a • The core problem is that learning together
design or precision of a process. Used in variety starts when we actually listen to one another
of concepts like grammars and semantics. rather than just talk at one another. And
- also used as metaphor. listening is not easy.

FOUNDATIONS • Building an environment of reflectiveness

starts with our own willingness to open
Shaping A Culture of Reflectiveness and Deeper ourselves, to be vulnerable to be "exposed".
Conversation: Change through Conversation
Shaping A Culture of Reflectiveness and Deeper
Vivienne Cox, Executive VP, BP Alternative Conversation: Growing People
Energy Ltd.
Rich Teerlink, former CEO, Harley-Davidson
• The best way to people get the new
organizational model to work is to just get • Being truly committed to growing people is
people talking to one another. an act of faith

• If each person could get better understand • You have to believe in your heart that people
what others did, we would begin to get a sense want to pursue a vision that matters, that they
of the possibilities, and the right structure and want to contribute and be responsible for
design would flow from that. results, and that they are willing to look at
shortfalls in their own behavior and correct
Shaping A Culture Of Reflectiveness and Deeper problems whenever they are able.
Conversation: Reflective Openness
Shaping A Culture Of Reflectiveness and Deeper
Participative Openness exists when Conversation: A Purpose Worthy of
organizational members have the freedom to Commitment
express themselves.

1 l yssa ପଓ
• Creating an environment where people can "Seeing a business as a living system simply
grow starts with "having a purpose worthy of means seeing it as a human community."
people's commitment”. -Arie de Geus' book The Living Company

• "Making money for a company is like oxygen VISA - Inspired by abandoning our old
for a person, if you don't have enough of it perspective and mechanistic model of reality
you're out the game." - Peter Drucker and embracing principles of living systems as
basis for organizing.
Shaping A Culture of Reflectiveness and Deeper
Conversation: Transformative Relationships • One of the business world's best-kept secrets
• Doesn't look like a typical global corporation;
• Transformative Relationships - naturally
it has no publicly traded stock because it is
grounded in presence and engagement,
owned by its 20,000 member organizations
authenticity, compassion, and the honoring of
• Has no large corporate headquarters
personal power.
• Lacks a typical high-profile CEO
• It was inspired by an image different from the
- Relationships are the container for a potential
machine imagery accompanying most
of transformation

VISA – Digital payment company, they

abandoned their own perspective

The source of all the problems today comes

from the gap of how we think and and how it

Organizations as Living Systems: How The Work

Gets Done
Organizations as Living Systems
Anne Murray Allen, former Head of IT and
Two distinct intellectual traditions behind the strategy for the Ink Supply Organization at
systems viewpoint: Hewlett-Packard

1. Engineering Theory of Systems - provides • Knowledge is Social

practical tools like system archetypes and • Knowledge is what we know how to do, and
computer simulation models for making sense we do things with another.
of complex, interdependent problems. • Collaboration is the flip side of knowledge
2. Understanding of Living Systems - helps us • Knowledge Networks, Networks of
appreciate the capacities of teams, • Collaboration, how people work together to
organizations, and larger systems to learn and create value and to create new sources of value.

- Combination of being practical and - Organizational heritage

understanding - Collaborate rather than competing
Organizations as Living Systems: Machine Age

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Chapter 13: Reflections from Practice Adaptive – once the problem is there, you
IMPETUS can easily find a solution; being reactive

IMPETUS - the force that makes something Generative – continuous learning, even
happen or happen more quickly without a problem, you are devising ways
- energy or driving factor that pushes you to and means to learn
do something
Two things standout in seeing a business as
• Building learning-oriented cultures is hard in a whole:
any work setting. 1. Extraordinary level of connectedness of
• Building learning-oriented cultures is
the organizations we are creating
demanding because learning stretches us 2. Interdependent and volatile
personally, and it is always easier to stay in our environments we are operating in
comfort zone.
"Systems modelling, collaboration and
dialogue, and looking for instances of too
A Different Approach to Change
much variability are the analogs in the
Dorothy Hamachi-Berry, VP of Human organizational system. If the can all be
Resources at the International Finance combined effectively, they foster
Corporation, part of the World Bank that invests innovations."
in private enterprise in developing countries

• Building aspiration and Capacity for Dialogue Archetypes are timeless

and Inquiry
• People learned to be candid, to openly AMBIGUITY – Changes in environment
disagree and to be intentional about surfacing
conflicts rather than skating around them. Building Adaptive Organizations: An
Adaptive Police Force
Ad hominem
Khoo Boon Hui, Commissioner of Singapore
Balance the advocacy and inquiry, hence Police Force
you can produce a generative learning
strategy • As with other core problems, their interest
is in not only reacting but diagnosing the
You need to develop dialogue, mental sources of these problems through working
model, systems thinking closely with the community patterns.
• Trust and focusing on how people in the
Building Adaptive Organizations: The organization relate to one another form the
Future of It basis of their core theory of success.
• As the quality of relationships
Marv Adam, CIO of Ford Motors Company strengthens, the quality of thinking
Adaptive Organizations - organizations with improves.
greater capacity to deal with ongoing • As the members of a team consider more
change facets of an issue and share a greater

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number of different perspectives, the
quality of their actions improves, which CHAPTER 14:
ultimately improves the results that they
can achieve.
Performance and Happiness
Vivienne Cox: getting people to talk with
one another in order to rethink a complex Learning has 2 levels:
organizational structure. LEVEL 1: Learning is assessed through
Hamachi-Berry: quality of relationships has performances and products
improved a lot
Adams: people feel more creativity and LEVEL 2: Learning Competency
satisfaction of accomplishment in situations *Level 2 is higher than Level 1
where they previously felt there was no way
to change the systems
Allen: it's all about productivity, personal
and organizational productivity
When people become more engaged in and
committed to their work, they are usually
willing to confront more difficult issues.
They are willing to risk doing things beyond
their comfort zone. They are even willing to
fail in pursuit of goals that really matter to
*Deep learning cycle – psychology, mental
them, rather than being trapped in avoiding
models, individual level, how do you enter
organizational actions

People have one thing in common: THEY *Relationships – learn though constant
ARE NOT VERY HAPPY dialogue with other people

If we live our lives in pursuit of what *Beliefs and assumptions – mental models
matters most to us, and we do our work used in practice, personal biases
with people whose friendship we value, we
*Strategic Architecture – how it is envision
will have all the happiness we need.
Happiness is simply a by-product of a life
well lived.

4 l yssa ପଓ
- The power of conversation
7. Working with “the others”
- The power of embracing
- *amplifying voices, echoing
8. Developing learning infrastructures
- The power of forever
- *Life long learning

First Step Matters

Learning Organizations are not
1. Guiding Ideas - constitutes why an built overnight. Most successful
organization exists (purpose), what we examples are the products of
seek to accomplish (vision), and how we carefully cultivated attitudes,
intend to operate (values) commitments, and
2. Theory, Tools, & Methods – refers to management processes that
how things work and the practical have accrued slowly and
means in applying theories, solving steadily over time. Still, some
problems, negotiating differences and changes can be made
immediately. Any company that
monitoring progress
wishes to become a learning
3. Innovations in Infrastructure
organization can begin by taking
a few simple steps.
LEARNING ORGANIZATION Starting is always the hardest.
1. Integrating Learning and Working
Finishing what you have started
- The power of reflection and is always the sweetest.
2. Starting where you are with
whoever is there
- The power of initiative and the
- *job mismatch
3. Becoming Bicultural
- The power of openness and
4. Creating Practice Fields
- The power of play
5. Connecting with the core of the
- The power of connection
- *Top management is the core
of the business
- * if united, the better impact
6. Building learning communities

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• Expanding our capability, it is about
LEADER’S NEW WORK creating not just coping

THE PROBLEM • Anticipatory learning

Traditional view of leadership • Motivation is intrinsic - the energy for

change comes from the vision, form what
 Heroes occasion - great men who we want to create, juxtaposed with current
rise to the occasion reality
 Reinforces a focus on events and
charismatic control of those events
 Based on assumptions of people's GENERATIVE LEARNING
powerlessness, their lack of personal
vision and inability to master the Grasping fundamental source of problems
forces of change not just symptoms vision

Current Management System Leaders are responsible for everyone's

 Let the leaders do the thinking
Leader creates tension between where you
 Leadership by control
are and where you need to be
 Leadership by force of reward
Creative Tension
comes from seeing clearly where we
- Human Beings
want to be (vision) and telling the truth
According to Confucius, “to become a about where we are (current reality)
leader, you need first to become a human
Leader’s new roles
1. Leader as Designer
- Builds foundation
• Coping with responding to the - Designs learning
environment infrastructures - can
integrate working and
• Maintenance learning
• Motivation is extrinsic - the energy for - Designs technology for
change comes from attempting to get away communication
from an aspect of current reality that is - Designs guiding ideas - the
undesirable purpose, vision, and core

6 l yssa ପଓ
values by which people will
- * the first one who sets the
standard for execellence
2. Leader as Teacher
- Helps people gain insight into
current reality - seeing the
- serves as coach
- helps learners develop
difficult new skills
- begins as a learner
- * Always practices
benevolence and care
3. Leader as Steward
- Advocates
servant leadership - serve
first by creating
opportunities for people to
contribute to organizational
purpose Vague Interdependence
- Serves & protects the others,
 Globalization and Future are alien to us
the people, and the purpose
- We can define but the impacts
- Commits stewardship - doing are unknown
what is right for the whole  Networks of Mutuality
which requires courage.  We have never been here before
- Embracing new culture
- Xenocentrism
1. Building shared vision  Lack of concern about how our
decisions affect people and larger living
2. Surfacing and testing mental models systems thousands of miles away
- Interdependent but lack of
3. Developing systems thinking
- Oblivious
- If people will create policies
that will divide society, it will
soon vague.
- Religious (going to church
regularly) there are criticisms
because they try to divide

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- Spiritual (its within you,
connection with God)

Societies Waking Up
 Kyoto Protocol
- Started in Japan
 OEU's Extended Producer Responsibility
- Part of corporate social
What Does All This Mean for Leadership?
 China's Circular Economy - A kind of leadership that calls
- Minimize waste, upcycling(form for:
of recycling but transforming - Systems intelligence
into a better one)
- Building Partnership across
- Lean innovation (eradicating
the unnecessary processes)
- Openness of Mind, Heart,
Insurers, Consumers, and Investors Taking and Will
A Stand
Systems Citizenship
 The terms of global trade often unfairly
favour the rich  Systems Intelligences
 Corporate Social Responsibility - Seeing patterns of
- Sustainability of sources interdependency
- Sources are growing - Seeing into the future
“Once people start to see systemic patterns
Business Discovering They Cannot Go It and understand the forces driving a system,
Alone they also start to see the systems is headed
 The global food system is the world’s
if nothing changes”
greatest generator of poverty  Building Partnerships with “The
 Race to the Bottom Other”
- Because of being competitive
- Takes time and real
- Octopus way
 Sustainable Food Lab
- Strength comes from
*unity in diversity, multiple
- Myth of the Management

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*opinions clash, results to a
synthesis, management
should understand both
- Organizations are coercive
*lessen being coercive
 Openness
- No “right model” for a
complex system
- Judge based on usefulness,
not absolute accuracy
*not all things are used in all
- We are all part of the
*hence, we are all part of

“To become a leader, first

become a human being”

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