Assignement S 15

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After reading chapter 21, language assessment1: basic concepts in test development
[TBP21], have a look at the following test:

Would you say it is a ˝good˝ test based an practicality, reliability, context validity and face

After going through the mentioning above test I can say that ,this test can apply within
appropriate administrative constraints ,it is easy to design ,to administer and to score .It
measures what you are trying to measure ,the test is clear about what is going to be tested ,also
be score by different teachers and yield similar results this means that the test will give the
same results for similar groups of students and with different people marker .simply I can say
the test is based on the criteria for testing a test practicality ,reliability ,context and face

2- Distinguish between context and construct validity. If content validity is absent, why
does construct validity assume greater Importance Explain the fact that there is no final,
absolute and objective measure of validity. Why does validity ultimately go back to the
rather subjective opinion of testers and theorists?

Context validity means the test measures appropriate content ,in other words a test that asks
students to answer paper and pencil multiple choice questions requiring grammar judgement
does not achieve context validity ,a test that requires the students actually to speak with in
some sort of authentic context does .In most situations we are best tested in something when
we are required to perform a sampling of criterion behavior ,but there are few highly
specialized and sophisticated testing instruments that does not have high content validity yet
nevertheless valid

Projective personality tests are a prime example the thematic apperception test have little
content validity yet they have been shown to be accurate in assessing certain types of deviant
personality behavior .Construct validity means the test measures the skills ,abilities that should
be measure ,one way to look at construct validity is to ask the question does this test actually
tap into the theoritical construct as it has been defined .teachers need to be satisfied that a
particular test is an adquate definition of construct ,let ‘s say you have been given a procedure
for conducting an oral interview, the scoring analysis for the interview weighs several factors
into final score ,pronunciation, fluency ,grammar, accuracy, vocabulary use and sociolinguistic
appropriateness ,the justification for these five factors lies in as theoritical construct that
claims those factors as major components of oral proficiency, on the other hand ,if you were
asked to construct an oral proficiency interview that accounted only for pronunciation and
grammar you could be justifiably suspicious about construct validity of such test

After reading chapter [TBP22], please answer the following:

3-Teaters play dual roles in the classroom-one as coach and guide, the other one as a
judge who administers tests and assigns grades, That do you think are ways to lessen the
potential conflict between both roles

Tests can be useful devices among other procedures and tasks designed to assess
learners .Whenever a student responds to a question ,offers comments ,or tries out a new word
or structure ,teacher makes an assessment of the student ‘s performance, good teacher never
ceases to assess whether those assessment are incidental or intended .learners must have the
freedom in classroom to experiment ,to try out their own hypotheses about language without
feeling that their overall competence is being judged in terms of these trials and errors ,so
learners must have ample opportunities to play with language in classroom without being
graded formally .teaching sets up the practice games of language learning the opportunities
for learners to listen ,think ,rake risks ,set goals and process feedback from the coach and then
recycle through ,whatever it is that they are trying to set in place

4-what is meaning of informal , formal , formative and summative testing and what are
examples each of the four categories in what way do summative tests provide
constructive feedback to the student

Formal assessment are the systematic data based tests that measures what and how well the
students have learned ,formal assessments determine student ‘s proficiency or mastery of the
content, and how can be used for comparisons against certain standard for example

Standardized tests ,criterion referenced tests ,norm referenced test ,achievements tests

Informal assessment are those spontaneous forms of assessment that can easily be
incorporated in the day to day classroom activities and that measure the student ‘s performance
and progress ,informal assessment are content and performances driven for example

Checklist ,observation, rating scale ,time sampling ,event sampling

Formative assessment the goal here is to monitor students learning to provide ongoing
feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve
their learning more specifically formative assessment help students identify their strengths
and weaknesses and target areas that need work for example asking students to draw concept
map in class to represent then understanding of the topic ,submit one two sentences identifying
the main point of a lecture

Summative assessment the goal is to evaluate students learning at the end of an instructional
unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark ,summative assessment often high
stakes ,which means they have high point value for example midterm exam ,final project ….

5-Look at the list of strategies for test takers what strategies could you add to this list ?

The first principle is to offer learners appropriate useful strategies for taking a test with some
preparation in taking strategies ,students can allay some of their fears and put their foot
towards during a test ,through strategies based test taking they can avoid miscues due to the
format of the test alone ,they should also be able to demonstrate their competence through an
optional level of performance. Consider the before ,during and after test options ,before the
test ,give the students all the information about the test ,encourage them to do systematic
review of material for example skim the textbook, hotline major points ,give them practice
tests during the test tell students to quickly look over the whole test in order to get a good
grasp of its different parts ,remind them how much time they will need for each part ,advise
them to concentrate as carefully as possible ,after test include feedback on specific things
students did well, encourage question from students and advise to make plan to pay special
attention on the future to points that they are weak on

6-Look at the oral test devised by Tim Murphey figure 22.1/page416.That are the
strengths and weaknesses of this test How practical are such tests for contexts that you
are familiar with

Tim Murphey offered an innovative example of self and peer assessment of oral
production ,the test utilizes interactive work with a partner and promotes respect between
teacher and students in grading process. The best tests of oral proficiency involve a one on one
tester / test taker relationship ,live performance ,a careful, specification of tasks to be
accomplished during the test and a scoring rubric that is truly descriptive of ability ,the oral
proficiency interview is carefully designed to elicit pronunciation ,fluency, integrative ability
,sociolinguistic and cultural knowledge ,grammar and vocabulary performance is judged by
the interviewer ,through a detailed checklist

Watch the video ˝ Writing˝ and complete the pwcs analytic rubric Level 3 Writing Task
about Pedro[the student who reads his letter].Observe his performance throughout the
entire class. Then complete the rubric about him. Once you have finished this unit, send
the completed analytic rubric to us. If you need more information about rubric use, please
read the following PWCS rubric explanation:

After going, through the mentioning website ,and watching the video I understand that the
students study models writing complaint letters to businesses ,the form and the style are
explored through the analysis of different letters ,then the students wrote their own letters
following the samples .

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