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A traffic stream is moving at a steady state when entering a mountain grade.

Upon entering the grade, the speed, density and flow are 72 km/h,
25 veh/km and 1800 veh/hr respectively. On the grade, a truck drops to a speed
of 15 km/h causing traffic to bunch up to a density of 85 veh/km. When the truck
pulls over, traffic accelerates to the maximum flow until steady state flow
conditions resume.

Calculate (a) the flow of traffic behind the truck on the mountain grade
(b) the jam density and free flow speed for this road
(c) the density and speed when traffic resumes a steady state flow
(d) the maximum flow

v2 = 15
v1 = 72 k2 = 85
k1 = 25 q2 = ?
q1 = 1800

(a) q = vk = 15(85) = 1275 veh/hr

v 72 15
k 25 85

72  15
v – 72 = (k – 25)
25  85
v – 72 = – 0.95 (k – 25)
v = 72 – 0.95k + 23.75

v = 95.75 – 0.95k  v  vf  k

v f = 95.75 km/h  Free flow speed

= 0.95

= 0.95

k j = 100.79 veh/km  Jam density

(c) Given that steady state flow is achieved when flow is maximum.

Therefore, the speed and density when steady state flow is achieved
refers to vm and km.

vm  = 95.75 / 2 = 47.88 km/h

km  = 100.79 / 2 = 50.4 veh/km

(d) qmax = 47.88  50.4 = 2413 veh/hr

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