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Demo Company INVOICE

Demo Company Phone : 111-222-3333 Invoice No. I1083

1234 Main Street E-Mail : 333-444-4444 Account # C1006
Ashland, KY 41102 Web : Date 08-14-2008
Due By 08-31-2008
Terms None
PO No. PO1234
Sales Rep SalesPerson1

Bill To Ship To

Test Customer Test Customer

1234 Main Street 1234 Main Street
Ashland, KY 41101 Ashland, 41101

Description Line Total

Test Import Name - Description Goes Here $10.00

Labor - Example labor item. Quantity is number of hours spent, price is hourly rate. Quantity accepts $150.00
decimal values.

Subtotal $160.00
UPS Ground Tax $0.78
An invoice note can go here. Multi-line and even multi-page notes are supported. Total $170.78
Payments (-) $0.00
Balance Due $170.78

An invoice footer can go here

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