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2426 Original article

The b-lactam antibiotic, ceftriaxone, dramatically improves

survival, increases glutamate uptake and induces
neurotrophins in stroke
Christa Thöne-Reinekea, Christian Neumanna, Pawel Namsollecka,
Kristin Schmerbacha, Maxim Krikova, Jan H. Schefea, Kristin Luchta,
Heide Hörtnagla, Michael Godesb, Susanne Müllerc, Kay Rumschüssela,
Heiko Funke-Kaisera, Arno Villringerc, U. Muscha Steckelingsa,1
and Thomas Ungera,1

Objective Ceftriaxone has been reported to reduce increase GLT1 expression, but increased GLT1 activity
neuronal damage in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (P < 0.05).
and in an in-vitro model of neuronal ischaemia through
increased expression and activity of the glutamate Conclusion Ceftriaxone causes a significant reduction in
transporter, GLT1. We tested the effects of ceftriaxone on acute stroke mortality in a poststroke treatment regimen in
mortality, neurological outcome, and infarct size in animal studies. Improved neurological performance and
experimental stroke in rats and looked for underlying survival may be due to neuroprotection by activation of
mechanisms. GLT1 and a stimulation of neurotrophins resulting in an
increased number of surviving neurons in the penumbra.
Methods Male normotensive Wistar rats received J Hypertens 26:2426–2435 Q 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health |
ceftriaxone (200 mg/kg intraperitoneal) as a Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
single injection 90 min after middle cerebral
Journal of Hypertension 2008, 26:2426–2435
artery occlusion (90 min with reperfusion).
Forty-eight hours after middle cerebral artery Keywords: b-lactam antibiotic, mortality, stroke
occlusion, infarct size (MRI) and neurological
Abbreviations: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BDNF, brain derived
deficits were estimated. GLT1 expression was neurotrophic factor; CBF, cerebral blood flow; dbcAMP, Dibutyryl cyclic AMP;
determined by real time RT-PCR, immunoblotting and ECA, external carotic artery; GLT-1, glutamate transporter 1; IL-6, interleukin
6; MCAO, middle cerebral artery occlusion; MRI, magnet resonance imaging;
promoter reporter assay, astrocyte GLT1 activity by NT3, neurotrophin 3; RT-PCR, reverse transcription polymerase chain
measuring glutamate uptake. Bacterial load in various reaction; TrkB, tyrosine receptor kinase B
organs was measured by real time RT-PCR, neurotrophins a
Center for Cardiovascular Research (CCR)/Institute of Pharmacology, bInstitute
and IL-6 by immunoblotting. of Physiology and cClinic and Polyclinic for Neurology, Charité –
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Results Ceftriaxone dramatically reduced early (24-h) Correspondence to Professor Thomas Unger, MD, Center for Cardiovascular
Research (CCR)/Institut für Pharmakologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
mortality from 34.5% (vehicle treatment, n U 29) to 0% Hessische Straße 3-4, 10115 Berlin, Germany
(P < 0.01, n U 19). In a subgroup, followed up for 4 weeks, Tel: +49 30 450 525 001; fax: +49 30 450 525 901;
mortality persisted at 0%. Ceftriaxone strongly tended to e-mail:

reduce infarct size, it significantly improved neuronal

Received 17 July 2008 Accepted 6 August 2008
survival within the penumbra, reduced neurological deficits
(P < 0.001) and led to an upregulation of neurotrophins See editorial commentary on page 2274
(P < 0.01) in the peri-infarct zone. Ceftriaxone did not

Introduction tective agents with the ability to increase the number of

Stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability in surviving neurons after stroke, in particular within the so
industrialized nations [1]. Preventive measures such as called penumbra, the tissue at highest risk of delayed cell
antihypertensive or anticoagulant treatment or antifibril- death surrounding the necrotic infarct core [4]. Although
lation have become very effective during recent years [2]. a number of such agents proved to be effective in animal
However, acute therapeutic intervention is still basically models, most clinical studies testing these agents in man
limited to the attempt of rapid reperfusion [3]. In recent have been rather disappointing [4].
years, there has been an extensive search for neuropro-
A number of recent publications suggested antibiotics to
This work has been presented only at scientific conferences.
act neuroprotective by mechanisms exceeding their anti-
Both authors contributed equally to this work. microbial properties [5–9]. Two of them, minocycline
0263-6352 ß 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e328313e403

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reduced mortality in stroke by ceftriaxone Thöne-Reineke et al. 2427

and dapsone, have very recently been tested in clinical Resonance Imaging’ below). Eight animals of the stroke/
pilot-studies in stroke patients, and both were effective in ceftriaxone group were followed up for 4 weeks to assess
improving neurological outcome [10,11]. long-term mortality. In a second approach, six (sham-
groups) or ten (stroke-groups) animals per group, respect-
Beta-lactam antibiotics represent another class of anti- ively, were followed up for 7 days to determine long-term
biotics that have lately been reported to possess neuro- neurological outcome and a putative effect of ceftriaxone
protective features [5,9,12,13]. Ceftriaxone, which was treatment on stroke-induced immunodeficiency-related
the most effective of several b-lactam antibiotics bacterial infections. Finally, two additional groups of
screened, reduced neuronal damage in in-vitro models animals were included to examine GLT1 expression in
of ischaemia and motor neurone degeneration and noninfarcted brains of healthy rats after a 5-day appli-
delayed loss of neurons in an animal model of amyo- cation of ceftriaxone (200 mg/kg per day; n ¼ 7) or vehicle
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [5]. Ceftriaxone-related (n ¼ 6), respectively.
neuroprotection was reported to be due to an increase
in expression and activity of the glutamate transporter Middle cerebral artery occlusion with reperfusion
GLT1 [5]. As excessive release of glutamate from nerve Focal cerebral ischaemia was induced by right MCAO
endings into the extracellular interstitium seems also with subsequent reperfusion after 90 min as described
causative for neuronal damage in brain ischaemia [14], previously [15–17]. Briefly, under general anaesthesia
we tested the effectiveness of ceftriaxone on neurological with chloral hydrate (400 mg/kg), the right cervical
outcome, infarct size and acute mortality in transient carotid bifurcation was exposed through a midline neck
focal cerebral ischaemia in rats. Furthermore, defined incision. A 4–0 silicon-coated nylon monofilament (Ethi-
areas of the brains were examined for the impact of con, Belgium) was gently inserted through the proximal
ceftriaxone treatment on the expression of GLT1, the external carotid artery (ECA) into the internal carotid
neurotrophins BDNF and NT3, the neurotrophin recep- artery and finally into the middle cerebral artery. After
tor TrkB and the cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6). These 90 min, the filament was withdrawn into the stump of the
in vivo and ex vivo studies were complemented by the ECA to allow reperfusion. Sham-operated rats underwent
measurement of the effect of ceftriaxone on GLT1 the same surgical procedures except insertion of the
expression and activity in cultured primary rat astrocytes. occluding monofilament. Body temperature was main-
Finally, to exclude that the effect of ceftriaxone was due tained at 37  0.58C by a heating pad.
to any antibacterial actions, bacterial load was measured
in relevant organs 2 and 6 days after middle cerebral Cerebral blood flow
artery occlusion (MCAO). Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was monitored from the
beginning of surgery until 30 min after reperfusion with
Methods a probe attached to the skull above the supply territory of
Animals and treatment the MCA (2 mm caudal to bregma and 6 mm lateral to
Male normotensive Wistar rats (180–200 g; HARLAN midline) by laser-Doppler flowmetry (Periflux system
Winkelmann, Borchen, Germany) were kept in a SPF 5000, PERIMED, Sweden). The procedure was con-
(specific pathogen free) barrier under standardized sidered successful if an over 75% drop in CBF was
conditions with respect to temperature and humidity, observed after MCAO.
and were housed on a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle in
groups of 4–5 with food and water ad libitum. Animal Blood parameters and body temperature
housing, care, and applications of experimental pro- Blood samples were taken by retro-orbital puncture to
cedures complied with the Guide for the Care and Use of determine oxygen-partial pressure and carbon dioxide-
Laboratory Animals of the State Government of Berlin, partial pressure, pH, haematocrit, glucose-concentration,
Germany. sodium-concentration and potassium-concentration
before and after MCAO. Data were quantified using a
Animals were randomly assigned to the following four RADIOMETER ABL 555 SERIES (Radiometer
treatment groups: vehicle/sham (n ¼ 8), ceftriaxone/sham medical A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark).
(n ¼ 13), vehicle/stroke [n ¼ 29 (19 survivors 48 h after
MCAO)], ceftriaxone/stroke (n ¼ 19). The dose we used Body temperature was monitored in all animals during
for ceftriaxone was identical to that used by other studies MCAO. In those animals followed-up for 7 days in order
looking at the neuroprotective potential of ceftriaxone to detect putative bacterial infections, body temperature
in vivo [5,9]. Ceftriaxone (200 mg/kg bodyweight i.p.) was was measured during MCAO and once on each consecu-
administered as a single injection 90 min after MCAO. tive day.
The majority of animals were followed up for 2 days
including evaluation of their neurological status on day 1 Neurological score
and estimation of infarct size on day 2 (for details see Neurological evaluation was performed by a blinded
chapters ‘Neurological score’ and ‘T2 weighted Magnetic observer 24 h and 7 days after MCAO using the 18-point

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2428 Journal of Hypertension 2008, Vol 26 No 12

neurological scoring system of Garcia et al. [18]. This Germany) with pGL3-basic including a 1.5 kb GLT1
neurological score tests spontaneous activity, motor promoter-fragment or an empty control plasmid, respect-
impairments and sensorial function. Severe impairments ively, and pRL according to the manufacturer’s guide-
were graded 0 or 1, and no observed deficits were lines. After transfection, the cells were treated with
graded 3. 100 mmol/l ceftriaxone for 5 days or 200 mg/ml dbcAMP
for 3 days. Luciferase activity was determined in cell
T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging lysates using the Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System
MRI was performed 48 h after MCAO on a 7 T Bruker (Promega, Germany) and a Monolight 3010 luminometer
scanner (Pharmascan 70/16 AS; Bruker Biospin, Ettlin- (Pharmingen, Germany).
gen, Germany). Isoflurane anaesthesia was controlled
using a Biotrig Animal Life Monitoring 9M CPL device Immunoblotting
and Bio Trig BT1 software. Cerebral ischemic areas were Membranes were incubated with goat anti-GLT1
visualized with a T2-weighted, fat suppressed 2D turbo (1 : 200), rabbit anti-TrkB (1 : 200), goat anti-IL6
spin-echo sequence (TR 5218.7 ms; TEeff 65.2 ms, (1 : 200), mouse anti-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-
RARE factor 8 and 6 averages). Thirty-five axial slices drogenase (GAPDH) (1 : 100.000) polyclonal antibodies
with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm and no interslice distance (all from Santa Cruz, Heidelberg, Germany) or rabbit
were positioned to cover the whole brain. The field of anti-BDNF (1 : 300) or rabbit anti-NT3 polyclonal anti-
view (FOV) was 3.5  3.5 cm and the matrix was bodies (both from Chemicon, Schwalbach, Germany),
256  256 resulting in an inplane resolution of 137 mm. respectively, followed by an incubation with rabbit
Calculation of lesion volume was carried out with the anti-goat (1 : 2.000), donkey anti-rabbit (1 : 2000) or rabbit
program Analyze 5.0 (AnalyzeDirect, Inc., Lenexa, anti-mouse (1 : 3.000) horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-
Kansas, USA). conjugated secondary antibodies (DAKO, Denmark
and Amersham Biosciences), respectively. Target
Preparation of brain areas proteins were detected by enhanced chemiluminescence
Brains of animals having received a single dose of cef- detection system (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech).
triaxone after MCAO were dissected into three parts: the
peri-infarct cortex, the infarct core, and the thalamic Nissl staining
region. For estimation of GLT-1 expression after 5 days Rat brains were coronally sectioned into slices of 7 mm
of ceftriaxone treatment, frontal cortex, amygdala/piri- thickness in a cryostat and, subsequently, fixed in acetone
form cortex, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus and for 5 min. Sections were incubated with NeuroTrace
brain stem were dissected from frozen brains. (diluted 1 : 50 in PBS) followed by DAPI staining (both
from Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon, USA) according
All preparations were preformed on a cold plate (108C) to the manufacturer’s instructions. The area for counting
according to Paxinos and Watson [19]. the positively stained neurons was determined by com-
paring HE-stained section and MRI sections of all
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR animals of this experiment to choose an area of approxi-
Quantitative Real-time RT-PCR was conducted using a mately 1 mm2 that was part of the penumbra in all
Stratagene Mx 3000 P cycler. Data analysis has been animals. In this experiment, this area was in a periven-
performed using Gene Expression’s CT Difference tricular location. Cells were counted by a blinded inves-
method with 18S rRNA as normalization standard [20]. tigator.
Primer sequences were as follows: 18S rRNA (forward,
50 -CCG CAG CTA GGA ATA ATG GAA TA-30 ) and Glutamate uptake assay
(reverse, 50 -CT AGC GGC GCA ATA CGA AT-30 ). Primary astrocytes were seeded into 12-well plates and
GLT1 (forward, 50 -GC CAT CTT CAT AGC CCA incubated for 5 days with vehicle (NaCl), ceftriaxone
GA-30 ) and (reverse, 50 -AT ACT GGC TGC ACC (1 mmol/l, 10 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l) or 200 mg/ml dbcAMP
AAT GCT-30 ). (positive control). Subsequently, cells were incubated for
another 10 min with 1 mCi/ml L-[G-3H]-glutamate
Primary cell culture (Amersham, Little Chalfont, UK), washed, and lysates
Primary astrocyte-enriched cultures were prepared from forwarded to determination of intracellular content of
cerebral tissue of 2-day old Wistar rats [21]. After 10–14 L-[G-3H] glutamate by scintillation counting.
days of culture, cell composition was 95% astrocytes and
5% microglia. Quantification of bacterial load in tissue samples
For estimation of bacterial load, lung and kidney were
GLT1 promoter reporter assay collected 7 days after MCAO and bacterial 16 s rRNA
GLT1 promoter activity was studied in rat primary gene quantified by real-time PCR as described by Millar
neonatal astrocytes. 24 h after seeding in 12-well plates, et al. with P11P(f) and P13P(r) primer and addition of
the cells were transfected using GeneJuice (Novagen, SybrGreen to the master mix [22].

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Reduced mortality in stroke by ceftriaxone Thöne-Reineke et al. 2429

Quantification of bacterial load in plasma samples 24 and 48 h after MCAO when compared with vehicle-
For determination of endotoxin concentration in plasma, treated rats (Fig. 1d). Seven days after MCAO, vehicle-
the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) Pyrochrome assay treated rats presented with a pronounced, spontaneous
(Associates of Cape Cod, E. Falmouth, Massachusetts, recovery – as described in the literature [23] – which
USA) was performed according to the manufacturer’s obliterated any differences to the drug-treated group
protocol with diazo endpoint option. (Fig. 1d).

Statistics Mortality
Data were analysed using SPSS 12.0 software (SPSS, Inc., The most striking finding of our study was that ceftri-
Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results are expressed as mean axone treatment dramatically and significantly reduced
 standard error of the mean (SEM). Differences mortality (Table 1). As within the first 24 h after MCAO,
between groups were compared by Mann-Whitney U- mortality in control rats amounted to 35%, a single
Test, ANOVA, and student’s t-test. Significance of differ- injection of ceftriaxone 90 min after MCAO totally pre-
ences in mortality was calculated by chi-squared test and vented any fatalities. There were no further deaths
Fisher exact test. All tests were two-sided, and P < 0.05 during the 7-day or 4-week follow-ups, respectively.
was considered significant.
Expression of neurotrophins and interleukin-6 ex vivo
Results Expression of the neurotrophins, BDNF and NT3, or the
Cerebral blood flow neurotrophin receptor, TrkB, and of the proinflammatory
During MCAO, all animals showed a significant cytokine, IL-6, was measured by immunoblotting 48 h
(P < 0.01) and greater than 75% reduction in CBF in after MCAO in defined regions of the brains (infarct core,
comparison to baseline conditions (data not shown). After peri-infarct cortex, thalamic region) of ceftriaxone-trea-
the withdrawal of the occluding filament, ipsilateral blood ted animals and vehicle-treated animals. BDNF and
flow was restored to approximately 90% of baseline TrkB were significantly upregulated by ceftriaxone treat-
levels. Reduction in CBF during MCAO and during ment when compared with vehicle treatment in the
reperfusion was identical in vehicle-treated groups and cortical peri-infarct zone of ischaemic brains
ceftriaxone-treated groups. (Fig. 2a,c). NT3 also tended to be upregulated by cef-
triaxone (P ¼ 0.05) (Fig. 2b). Stroke as such significantly
Blood parameters increased TrkB and tended to upregulate BDNF or NT3
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, glucose, haematocrit, expression in stroke/vehicle animals (Fig. 2d). However,
sodium and potassium showed no significant differences ceftriaxone treatment led to a pronounced additional
at any time point between all four treatment groups (data increase in neurotrophin expression clearly exceeding
not shown). the effect of ischaemia alone (Fig. 2d). Neurotrophins
or TrkB were not upregulated by ceftriaxone in sham-
Infarct size operated animals (Fig. 2d). In contrast to neurotrophin
Infarct size was measured 2 days after MCAO by MRI pattern, IL-6 concentrations were not altered by ceftriax-
and computer-powered image analysis (Fig. 1a). Ceftriax- one (data not shown).
one treatment tended to reduce infarct size as compared
with vehicle-treated animals, but this effect did not reach GLT1-mRNA and -protein expression ex vivo
significance (Fig. 1b). GLT1 protein expression was measured 48 h after MCAO.
In contrast to neurotrophin/cytokine pattern, there was
Estimation of surviving neurons by Nissl staining no alteration in GLT1 expression, neither by cerebral
Counting of Nissl-positive and, thus, viable neurons in ischaemia, nor by ceftriaxone treatment (Fig. 3a).
the periventricular area of the penumbra revealed that
48 h after focal cerebral ischaemia, the number of viable Additionally, GLT1 mRNA and protein expression was
neurons was significantly reduced, and that this loss of determined after 5-day treatment in healthy rats. GLT1
neurons could be partly and significantly restored by mRNA expression was measured by real-time PCR in
ceftriaxone treatment (Fig. 1c). specific brain regions of vehicle compared with ceftri-
axone treated animals (Fig. 3b). Ceftriaxone did not alter
Neurological evaluation GLT1 expression in hippocampus (a brain region known
Neurological evaluation was performed 24 h and 7 days to sensitively react to any disturbances in brain function
after MCAO, respectively, using an 18-point neurological including ischaemia [24]), frontal cortex, amygdala/
score [18]. Successful induction of focal cerebral ischae- piriform cortex, striatum, hypothalamus or brain stem
mia led to a significantly reduced test score 24 h after (Fig. 3b). These results were verified on protein level
MCAO in vehicle or ceftriaxone treated rats, respectively by western blotting (Fig. 3c). Again, no alterations in
(Fig. 1d). Postinsult treatment with ceftriaxone resulted GLT1 expression were seen in response to ceftriaxone
in a significant improvement of neurological outcome treatment.

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2430 Journal of Hypertension 2008, Vol 26 No 12

Fig. 1

Infarct volume and neurological outcome after MCAO. (a) Representative brain MRI (T2) images; left: sham-operated rat; right: focal cerebral infarct
48 h after MCAO; : ischemic area. (b) Infarct volume (MRI 48 h after MCAO) in animals treated with vehicle or ceftriaxone (single dose of 200 mg/kg
i.p. 90 min after MCAO). Ceftriaxone tended to reduce infarct volume but this difference was statistically not significant (n.s.), (c) Number of Nissl-
positive, viable neurons per mm2 in the penumbra 48 h after MCAO (P < 0,05), (d) Reduced neurological score in stroke vs. sham-operated animals
at all time points (P  0.001). Improved neurological outcome by ceftriaxone treatment 24 and 48 h after MCAO when compared to stroke/vehicle
(P < 0.05, P < 0.0001). 7 days after MCAO, vehicle-treated animals showed a profound spontaneous recovery, and the distinction between
vehicle and ceftriaxone-treated animals was not significant anymore. (b, c and d) are mean þ SEM. MCAO, middle cerebral artery occlusion; n.s., non

GLT1-mRNA and GLT1-protein expression and

Table 1 Acute stroke mortality GLT1-promoter activity in vitro
Treatment Animals per group (n) Mortality (n) Mortality (%)
We also tested the effect of ceftriaxone on GLT1 synthesis
in primary rat astrocytes in vitro. Astrocytes were chosen
Vehicle 29 10 34,5 because they are known to express GLT1 [25]. Incubation
Ceftriaxone 19 0 0MM
of astrocytes with 100 mM ceftriaxone for 5 days did not
P < 0.05, MM
P < 0.001 vs. vehicle, chi-squared test. change GLT1 mRNA or protein expression levels,

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reduced mortality in stroke by ceftriaxone Thöne-Reineke et al. 2431

Fig. 2

Densitometric analysis of immunoblotting. Protein levels of neurotrophins, BDNF (a) and NT3 (b), and of the neurotrophin receptor, TrkB (c), in
different areas of the rat brain 48 h after MCAO. Ceftriaxone treatment significantly induced BDNF and TrkB expression and tended to increase NT3
(P ¼ 0.05). d) Note that ischaemia as such led to a slight increase in BDNF- (n.s.), NT3- (n.s.) and TrkB-expression (P < 0.05), which was even more
pronounced in response to ceftriaxone administration. (P < 0.05, P < 0.001; n ¼ 3, three independent experiments). BDNF, brain-derived
neurotrophic factor; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.

respectively (Fig. 4a,b). Additionally, incubation of astro- cause of severe disability in adults [1], therapeutic inter-
cytes with ceftriaxone did not induce GLT1-promoter vention is basically limited to rapid revascularization or
activity as estimated by luciferase assay after transient measures for prevention [2]. Numerous studies have
transfection of a GLT1-promoter-construct (Fig. 4c). established that in the event of cerebral ischaemia, the
Accuracy and reliability of methods were ensured using extent of neuronal damage is a dynamic process that
dibutyryl-cAMP as a positive control (Fig. 4a–c). offers a window of a few hours for therapeutic interven-
tion and tissue rescue [14]. As neuroprotective agents are
Glutamate uptake in vitro still a substantial unmet need in the acute poststroke
Glutamate uptake was measured in primary astrocytes situation [3], there has been an intensive search for
in vitro as an indicator of GLT1-activity. Ceftriaxone at neuroprotective concepts and substances in recent years.
concentrations of 10 and 100 mmol/l caused a significant As a result, a number of promising compounds have been
increase in L-[G-3H] glutamate uptake; an effect which identified which improved neurological outcome in
was comparable in strength with the effect of the positive animal experiments, but none of these agents has proven
control, dbcAMP (200 mg/ml) (Fig. 5). to be effective in clinical trials [26–29]. Moreover, none
of these agents reduced acute mortality – neither in
Body temperature and bacterial load animal, nor in clinical studies [26–29].
There were no differences in body temperature between
treatment groups over a period of 7 days after MCAO However, most recently, two clinical pilot studies have
(data not shown). Bacterial load in plasma (estimated by confirmed evidence from animal studies in favour of
LPS), lung and kidney (estimated by 16s-rRNA detec- neuroprotective features of antibiotics (minocycline, dap-
tion) also did not differ between treatment groups. sone) in stroke [10,11]. Although the outcome of these
Neither the induction of stroke, nor ceftriaxone treat- clinical studies has to be regarded with caution because of
ment caused any changes in bacterial colonization (data the relatively small number of patients enrolled, they
not shown). strengthen the concept of antibiotics as neuroprotective
agents for acute treatment in stroke.
Although stroke is a major medical burden in Western Regarding b-lactam antibiotics, a retrospective case-
civilization as third leading cause of death and leading control analysis (1888 cases, 9440 controls) revealed a

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2432 Journal of Hypertension 2008, Vol 26 No 12

Fig. 3

(a) GLT1 protein levels in various regions of infarcted brains measured by western blot. There was no increase in GLT1 expression by ceftriaxone
(n ¼ 3 vehicle, n ¼ 3 ceftriaxone). (b) GLT1 mRNA expression in various regions of noninfarcted brains measured by real time PCR. 5 days treatment
with ceftriaxone (n ¼ 7; light bars) did not alter GLT1 mRNA expression compared with vehicle treated animals (n ¼ 6; dark bars). (c) GLT1 protein
levels in various regions of noninfarcted brains measured by western blot (n ¼ 3 vehicle, n ¼ 4 ceftriaxone). Again, no change in GLT1 expression by
ceftriaxone. BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

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Reduced mortality in stroke by ceftriaxone Thöne-Reineke et al. 2433

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

L-[G-3H] glutamate uptake in primary rat astrocytes. Significant

increase in glutamate uptake in cells treated with 10 mmol/l and
100 mmol/l ceftriaxone, respectively, or with the positive control,
dbcAMP (200 mg/ml). mean  SEM, P < 0,05, 3 independent

It is noteworthy that ceftriaxone treatment improved

mortality and neurological outcome without significantly
reducing infarct size (although infarcts tended to be
smaller). However, cerebral infarct volume as estimated
by MRI does not necessarily correlate with functional
deficits in rats [30]. Moreover, despite no reduction in
infarct volume as estimated by T2W-MRI, the number of
surviving neurons within the penumbra was significantly
increased by ceftriaxone. There may be three reasons,
why the increased number of surviving neurons did not
translate into a significantly reduced infarct size: infarct
size measured by T2W-MRI as early as 48 h after ischae-
In-vitro experiments in primary rat astrocytes. (a) dbcAMP (200 mg/ml;
positive control), but not ceftriaxone increased GLT1 mRNA mic insult may mainly illustrate the area of oedema and
expression, P < 0.001. (b) dbcAMP, but not ceftriaxone increases not the area of necrotic tissue, the surviving neurons seem
GLT1 protein levels. (c) dbcAMP, but not ceftriaxone increases GLT1 to be evenly distributed over the whole area of the
promoter activity as estimated by luciferase assay, P < 0.01. a and c
are mean  SEM, three independent experiments, three independent penumbra and not to be increased in number towards
measurements. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. the outer edges thus not resulting in a reduced area of
infarction on an MRI image, and there even was a reduc-
tion in mean infarct size in ceftriaxone-treated animals,
protective association between penicillin intake and the but this reduction was statistically not significant – not
risk of stroke [13]. Furthermore, b-lactam antibiotics because the mean reduction was minor, but because of
have recently been demonstrated to act neuroprotective the high variability in infarct sizes between animals of the
in animal experiments of ALS and in a prestroke treat- same group.
ment protocol [5,9].
A time interval of 24 h for estimation of mortality was
In our study, we tested the effectiveness of the approved chosen in our study, because, in our hands, more than 90%
cephalosporin ceftriaxone as a therapeutic option for the of the mortality in the stroke model of 90 min MCAO with
acute treatment of stroke. We found that a single injec- reperfusion in rats occurs within the first 24 h. This obser-
tion of ceftriaxone (200 mg/kg i.p.) 90 min after MCAO – vation is based on data acquired in a total of about 400
a protocol, which resembles the clinical situation of a animals undergoing MCAO in our previous studies, in
stroke patient being treated by an emergency doctor in which the therapeutic effect of ACE-inhibitors, angioten-
the field – significantly improved neurological outcome sin-AT1-receptor blockers or glitazones in stroke was
and – most strikingly – completely abolished mortality. tested [15–17,31]. In this context, it is of interest to note
There were also no fatalities in the ceftriaxone-treated that in all these other studies, we did not find any effect of
animals monitored over longer intervals (7 days or drug treatment on mortality (as observed in this study),
4 weeks). although most of these compounds reduced neurological

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2434 Journal of Hypertension 2008, Vol 26 No 12

deficits [15–17,31]. In our hands, total mortality in vehicle- area including the penumbra, which represents an area in
treated animals in the model of 90 min MCAO is around which cells may either survive or demise within the first
30% and therefore in the range of what is reported by hours after ischaemia, may be an important neuroprotec-
others [6,15–17,26,32]. tive mechanism by increasing the number of surviving
cells through their antiapoptotic actions.
For a long time, it has been speculated that ceftriaxone
may have neuroprotective properties beyond its antibac- Protection from infections resulting from the recently
terial effects, and this hypothesis has been examined in a described ‘stroke induced immunosuppression syndrome’
variety of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models [9,12,33–35]. (SIDS) may be discussed to represent another potential
Three years ago, Rothstein et al. reported a beneficial mechanism responsible for the dramatically reduced
effect of ceftriaxone in an animal model of amyotrophic mortality in ceftriaxone-treated rats. SIDS is characterized
lateral sclerosis (ALS) as well as in an in-vitro model of by a stroke induced, rapid and long-lasting suppression of
cerebral ischaemia (neuronal cultures under glucose-oxy- the cellular immune response [37]. It is thought to be
gen-deprivation) [5]. They suggested that the molecular responsible for the increased incidence in life-threatening
mechanism underlying the beneficial effect of ceftriax- infections in stroke patients, in particular pneumonia,
one consists in an enhanced expression of the glutamate which represents the most frequent cause of death in
transporter GLT1 coinciding with an increase in GLT1 the postacute phase. Consequently, the effectiveness of
transporter activity. As an activation of GLT1 transporter preventive antibacterial therapy (600 mg/kg moxifloxacin)
activity by ceftriaxone was confirmed by Lipski et al. and has been tested in a mouse model of experimental
our study [12], data on the impact of ceftriaxone on stroke [6]. Moxifloxacin treatment resulted in a significant
GLT1 expression are controversial. Rothstein et al. reduction of mortality and neurological deficits, which was
reported an increase in GLT1 expression by ceftriaxone apparent 5 or 3 days after MCAO, respectively [6]. This
in organotypic spinal cord slice cultures, the spinal cord of delayed beneficial effect can most likely be explained by
G93A mice (ALS model), neuronal cultures under glu- the prevention of serious, SIDS-related, infections. In
cose-oxygen-deprivation, human fetal astrocytes, and in contrast, the reduction of mortality and neurological def-
the rat brain ex vivo [5]. This observation was corrobo- icits by ceftriaxone therapy, as observed in our study, was
rated by Ouyang et al. in hippocampal slice culture [34], significant as early as 24 h after MCAO pointing to a
and by Chu et al. in rat brain ex vivo [9], but it was neither different protective molecular mechanism of b-lactam
substantiated in our model in a series of ex vivo and in antibiotics with an earlier onset compared with chinolones.
vitro experiments including GLT1-mRNA and GLT1- Moreover, we did not find any differences in body
protein expression studies and GLT1 promoter reporter temperature, plasma LPS or bacterial load in lung and
assay, nor in experiments performed by the ALS Therapy kidneys between vehicle or ceftriaxone-treated animals
Development Institute (ALSTDI) or by Lipski et al. in 48 h and 7 days after MCAO which again speaks against an
hippocampal slices [12,35]. antibacterial effect of ceftriaxone as the main mechanism
responsible for the better survival rate after MCAO.
It has to be noted that all studies having examined GLT1
expression so far used noninfarcted brains of healthy rats The lack of change of IL-6 concentration after ceftriax-
and a 5-day application protocol (200 mg/kg ceftriaxone one treatment in our model and in the study by Chu et al.
per day) [5,9,12]. GLT1 expression in the infarcted brain also supports the notion that the immediate neuropro-
has so far only been examined by our study, demonstrating tective actions of ceftriaxone do not involve anti-inflam-
no changes in GLT1 expression in response to ceftriaxone. matory, antibacterial mechanisms [9].
But even under those conditions used by the other groups
(5 day treatment of healthy rats), our present results show Since b-lactam antibiotics are a long-established and well
no effect of ceftriaxone on GLT1 expression. tolerated class of drugs, the clinical relevance of our data
for acute poststroke treatment can and should be tested in
Still, a reduction of tissue glutamate levels by GLT1 may humans in the near future. If ceftriaxone should turn out
play a role in ceftriaxone-related neuroprotection through to be as effective in humans as it was in our study, it might
an increase in GLT1 activity as observed by others and us have the potential to become a novel, well tolerated, life-
[12]. saving, first-line therapeutic option in acute stroke.

Apart from the neuroprotective mechanism of glutamate Acknowledgement

reduction in stroke, we found that in ceftriaxone treated There are no conflicts of interest.
animals with cerebral ischaemia, the neurotrophins,
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[36]. Elevated levels of neurotrophins in the peri-infarct Subcommittee. Circulation 2006; 113:e85–e151.

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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