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Chapter 1
The Labour Organization Law
1.1 Purposes

1.2 Definitions
1.3 Establishment of the Labour Organizations
1.4 Registration
1.5 Right and Responsibilities of the Labour Organization
1.6 Lock-out and Strike
1.7 Prohibitions and Penalities
Key Terms
Assignment Questions
Short Questions

Chapter 1
The Labour Organization Law

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1.1 Purposes
The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby enacts this Law, in accord with section 24 of
the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, to protect the rights of the
workers, to have good relations among the workers or between the employer and the
worker, and to enable to form and carry out the labour organizations systematically
and independently. This Law was enacted the 11th October 2011 and came into force
on March 9, 2012 prescribed by notification no.22/2012 by the President. The law is a
unique one because most laws do not include the enforcement date.

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1.2 Definitions
Section 2
The expression contained in this Law shall have the meanings given hereunder:

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(a) Worker means a person who relies on the labour to engage in economic
activity or to generate a livelihood, includuing a daily wage earner, temporary worker,
worker engaged in agriculture, domestic worker, government employee and
apprentice, but does nort include the Defence services personnel, member of the

Myanmar Police Force or membet of the armed organizations under the control of the
Defence Services.

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(b) Employer means a person who carries out by hiring one or more worker on
wages of mutual consent in any trade under the relevanrt employment agreement,
including a person who manages, supervises and administers directly or indirectly and
is responsible to pay wages to the worker. These expressions include the legal
managerial agent of the employer.

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(c) Trade or activity means the State- owned or private- owned factory, workshop,
establiahment and their production business, construction business, renovation
business, industry, transportation business, service business or any other vocational
works in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. This expression also includes
Government departments and organizations.

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(d) Utility service includes public utility services and non- public utility services.

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(e) Public utility service means the following businesses;

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(i) transportation business;
(ii) port business and port cargo handling business;
(iii) postal, telex or fax business;
(iv) business relating to information and communication technology;
(v) petroleum or petroleum products distribution business for the publicp;
(vi) night soil disposal or sanitation business;
(vii) business of production, transmission and distribution of electricity or
fuel energy to the public;
(viii) business of public financial service;
(ix) business which is stipulated by the Union Government as the public
utility service, from time to time.

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(f) Lock- out means the temporary closing of the work place of any trade,
suspension of work or refusal by the employer to allow in consequence of the
situation of any dispute of the employer and workers which remains in dispute.

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ဆ င င ဆ ။
(g) Strike means collective action taken by decision of some or all workers
resulting in a suspension of work, a refusal to work or to continue to work, or a slow -
down or other collective actions thart are designed to limit production or services
relating to social or occupational matters in any dispute. This expression does not
include worker's exercise of their right to remove themselves, having reasonable
justification to believe that the worke situation presents a sudden and serious danger
to theitr life or health.

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(h) Labour Organization means the Basic Labour Organization, Tow nship Labour

Organization, Region or State Labour Organization, Labour Federation and Myanmar

Labour Confederation formed under this Law.

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1.3 Establishment of the Labour Organizations

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Section: 3
Every worker, who has attained the age prescribed in respective existing
Law to work in any trade or activity, shall have the right to;
(a) join as a member in a labour organization and to resign form a
labour organization according to their own desire;
(b) join as a member only in a labour organization formed according
to the category of trade or activity relating to them.

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Section: 4
In forming the various levels of labour organization to enable to carry out the
interest of the workers and employers;
(a) (i) Basic Labour Organization may be formed by a minimum
number of 30 workers working in the relevant trade or activity according to the
category of trade or activity. If it is a trade or activity having less than 30 workers, it
may form so jointly with any other trade of the same nature;
(ii) In so forming, it shall be recommended by not less than 10 percent of
all workers of the relevant trade or activity;

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(၂) င စ င ဆင င ဆ င
စစ င (၁၀) င ။
(b) Township Labour Organization may be formed if it is recommended

by not less than 10 percent of all Basic Labour Organizations in the relevant township
according to the category of trade or activity;

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(c) Region or State Labour Organizations may be formed if it is

recommended by not less than 10 percent of all Township Labour Organizations in

the relevant Region or State according to the category of trade or activity;

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(d) Labour Federation may be formed if it is recommended by not less

than 10 percent of all Region or State Labour Organizations according to the category
of trade or activity;

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(e) Myanmar Labour Confederation may be formed if it is recommended

by not less than 20 percent of all Myanmar Labour Federations according to the
category of trade or activity.

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Section 5
The Labour Organization shall have the right to carry out its activities under
its own name and common seal and perpetual succession and the right to sue and be


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Section 6
The Myanmar Labour Confederation and the Labour Federations are entitled
to make mutual contace with other organizations or other Labour Federation and the
labour confederations or federations of any foreign country and to affiliate with
international labour confederations and federations.

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Section 7
(a) The Executive Committee of the Basic Labour Oranizations shall be elected
and formed with at least five members or any higher "odd" numbers.

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ဆင င ဂ င စ ။
(b) The Township Labour Organization, Region or State Labour Organization and
the Labour Federation shall form its executive committee with "odd" number from a
minimum of 7 to a maximum of 15 members.

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(c) The Myanmar Labour Confederation shall be formed with "odd" number of
Executive Committee members from a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 35 members.

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ဆ (၁၅) ဆ (၃၅) ဂ င
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Section 8
The employers may organize in parallel structures under this law.

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1.4 Registration င င
Section 9
(a) The Chief Registrar shall be a person assigned duty by the President of the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

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(b) The Township Registrar shall be a person assigned duty by the Chief

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Section 10
The relevant labour organization shall, subject to the provisions contained in
this Law, draw the constitution or rules of the labour organization containing the
following facts with the approal of the majority of its members;

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(a) name of the labour organization;

(b) object of the formation of labour organization;

(c) matters relating to scrutinizing the membership of labour organization,
granting membership, issuing recognition certificate, resigning from the
membership of labour organization;
(d) matters relating to election an assigning duty to the Executive
Committee members,
(e) matters relating to holding of meeting;
(f) matters relating to the establishment of fund, maintaning and
expending of such fund;
(g) matters relating to monthly and annual auditing of the fund.

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Section 11
(a) The Executive Committee of any Labour Organization other than Myanmar
Labour Confederation and the Labour Federation shall submit to the relevant

township registrar in accord with the stipulation, attached with the rules of its
organization and register as labour organization according to the category of trade or

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(b) In registering under sub-section (a), if it is a Basic Labour Organization, it
shall be attached with the form signed by the executive committee members of the
relevant labour organization that they have agreed to the relevant rules.

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Section 12
The Executive Committee of Myanmar Labour Confederation and any Labour
Federation shall submit constitution and any Labour Federation shall submit
constitution of the Labour Federations and Myanmar Labour Confederation to the
Chief Registrar in accord with stipulation and register as Myanmar Labour
Confederation and Labour Federations according to the category of trade or activity.
In so registering, the form signed by the executive committee members of the relevant
labour organizations that they have agreed to the constitution, shall be attached.

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1.5 Right and Responsibilities of the Labour Organization

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Section 17
The loabour organizations shall have the right to carry out freely in drawing
up their representatives, in organizing their administration and activities or in
formulating their programmes. The Labour Organizations have the right to negotiate
and settle with the employer if the workers are unable to obtain and enjoy the rights of
the worders contained in the labour laws and to submit demands to the employer and
claim in accord with the relevant law if the agreement cannot be reached.

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Section: 18
The labour organization has the right to demand the relevant employer to
reappoint a worker if such worker is dismissed by the employer and if there is cause

to believe that the reasons of such dismissal were based on labour organization
membership or activities, or were not in conformity with the labour laws.

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Section: 19
The labour organizations have the right to send representatives to the
Conciliation Body in settling a dispute between the employer and the worker.
Similarly they have the right to send representatives to the Conciliation Tribunals
formed with the representatives from the various levels of labour organizations.

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Section: 20
In discussing with the Government, the employer and the complaining
workers in respect of worker's rights or interests contained in the labour laws, the
representatives of the labour organization also have the right to participate and

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Section: 21
The labour organizations have the right to paritcipate in solving the collective
bargains of the worders in accord with the labour laws.

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Section: 22
The labour organizations shall carry out peacefully in carrying out holding of
meetings, going on strike and carrying out other collective activities in accord with
their procedures, regulations, by-laws and any directives precribed by the relevant
Labour Federation.

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Section: 23
The labour organizations shall assist in making agreements relating to
managemetn of works, individual employment agreements, bonds and other
individual agreements between the employer and the workers.

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1.6 Lock-out and Strike

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Section 37
The employer desirours of locking-out the publi utility service or service
which is not included in the public untility service shall inform the starting day and
period of lock-out of the work in accord with the stipulation, at least 14 days in
advance before the lock-out of the relevant township labour organization and relevant
conciliation body and lock-out the work only after receiving the permission of the
relevant conciliation body.

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ဆင င င င ။
Section 38
The labour organization desirous to go on strike in a public utility service
shall, by the desire of the majority of the member worders;

၃၈။ ဆင ဆ င င င င
စ စ င စ ဆ
(a) inform the relevant employer and the relevant conciliation body i naccord with
the derective of the relevant labour federation by mentioning the date, place, number
of participants, manner ans the time of strike at least 14 days in advance.

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(b) negotiate, discuss and decide on the minimum service, prior to the dispute,
which shall be such as to meet the basic needs of the publicwhile not impacting the
right of strike of worders. In doing so, the employers and the labour organizations
shall seek to reach agreement on the number and kind of posts that need to be filled in
the event of a strike and the persons who will be requered to remain at work. If they
fail to reach agreement, the minimum service shall be determined by the competent

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ဆ ။
Section 39
The labour organization desirous to go on strike in service which is not
included in the public utility service shall, by the desire of the majority of the member
worders, inform the relevant employer and the relevant conciliation body in accord
with the stipulation with the permission of the relevant labourfederation by
mentioning the date, place, number of participants, manner and the time of strike at
least three days in advance before the day of strike at least three days in advance
before the day of strike.

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၍ င ဆင င င ဆင င
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Section 40
(a) The relevant conciliation body shall reply in time to the relevant

employer whether it is permitted or not relating to the submission to lock- out work;
(b) The relevant labour federation shall reply to the relevant labour
orvanization in time whether it is permitted or not relating to the submission of any
labour organization to go on strike.

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Section 41
The lock-out or stride shall be illegal lock-out or stride if it is involved with
any of the followings;

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(a) being the following essential services, those whose interruption are loable to

endanger the life, health or security of the people in any segment of the population'
(i) water services:

(ii) electricity services:

(iii) fire services:
(iv) health services:
(v) telecommunications services.

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Explanation: A non-essential service may become an essential service if the strike
affecting it exceeds certain duration so as to give rise to damage whcih are irreversible
or out of all proportion to the occupational interests of those involved in the dispute.

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(b) going on strike by labour organizations without permission of the relevant labour

( ) စ ဆင င
(c) failing to inform in advance in accord with the provision of this Law in respect
of lock-out or strike:

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(d) not being relevnt to the labour affairs such as wages, salaries, welfare and
working hours or other matters relating to the occupational interest of the workers;

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(d) the strike not being in conformity with the date, place, time, period, number of
participants and manner as obtained permission in advance.

(င) င င င ၊ ၊
၊ င ၊ င င။
Section 42
If it is an illegal lock-out or illegal strike, it may be prohibited in accord with
the existing law.

၄၂။ င ဆ င င ငဆ င
င စ ဆ င ဆ င ။
1.7 Prohibitions and Penalities

စ င စ
Section 43 Lock-out
No employer shall, without permission of the relevant conciliation body, lock-out a
public utility service or service which is not included a public utility service.

၄၃။ င ဆင င င
ဆင ဆ င င င င၊ ဆင
ဆ င င င င င င င င


Section 44 Lock-out and Dismiss

င င င
No employer shall:
(a) lock-out a work due to such dispute during the pendency or a trade dispute

၄၄။ င -
( ) ငင စ ဇ င စ င င
ငင င ၍ င ။
(b) carry out an illegal lock-out which is involved with any provision contained in

sub-sections(a)and (c)of section 41:

( ) ၄၁၊ ( ) င(ဂ) စ င င
ငဆ င င ။
(c) dimiss a worker who opposes an illegal lock-out which is involved with any

provision contained in sub-sections (a) and (c)of section 41:

(ဂ) ၄၁၊ ( ) င(ဂ) စ င င

ငဆ င င ငင ဆ
စ င ။
(d) dismiss a worker for his membership in a labour organization for the exercise of
organizational activities or participating in a strike in accord with this Law.

(ဃ) င စ စ ဆ င
စ စ င င စ င င
င င ဆ င င င စ စ
င ။

Section 51
Any employer who violates any prohibition contained in sections 43 and 44 shall, on
conviction, be punished with a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand kyats or with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or with both.

၅၁။ င ဆ ၄၃၊ ၄၄ စ စ
င စ င စ င င င စ
င စ စ၊ စ စ င စ စ၊ စ
စ စ ။

Section 45 Strike င
No worker shall go on strike, without informing in advance to the relevant employer
or to the relevant conciliation body that a strike in a public utility service will be
carried out in accord with the stipulation contained in section 38.

၄၅။ ဆင ဆ င င င
င င ၃၈ င ဆင င
င၊ ဆင င င င
င င င ။
Section 46
.No worker shall go on strike without informing in advance to the relevant employer
or to the relevant conciliation body that a strike in service which is not included in the
public utility service will be carried out in accord with the stipulation contained in
section 39.

၄၆။ ဆင ဆ င င င င
င င င င ၃၉
င ဆင င င၊ ဆင င
င င င င င ။

Section 47
No worker shall:
(a) go on strike based on such dispute during the pendency of a trade
dispute settlement for any dispute;
(b) go on illegal strike which is involved with any provision contained in
section 41.

၄၇။ -
( ) ငင စ ဇ င စ င
င ငင င ၍ င ။
( ) ၄၁ စ င င ငဆ င
၍ င ။
Section 52
Any worker violates and prohibition contained in sections 45, 46 and 47 shall, on
conviction, be punished with a fine not exceeding thirty thousand kyats.

၅၂။ ဆ ၄၅၊ ၄၆ င၄၇ စ စ

င စ င စ င င င
င င ။

Section 48 Fund င
The fund of the labour organizations shall not be used for any other purpose than the
matters provided in their constitutions and rules such as social welfare, education,
health, culture, sports, and training courses relating to skill etc. or those adopted by
the majority of the members at a general meeting of that organization called for such

၄၈။ စ င င စ စ င
င ၊ ၊ ၊ ၊
စ ၊ င ဆင င စ စ င င စ

င ဆ စ
စ င င စ စ
စ င ။
Section 53
Any person who violates any prohibition contained in section 48 shall, on conviction,
be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or with fine or with

၅၃။ ဆ -၄၈ စ စ င
စ င စ င င င စ စ င စ စ၊
င စ စ၊ စ စ စ ။
Section 49 Illegal means
No person shall coerce, threaten, use undue influence or seduce by illegal means any
worker to participate or not to participate in a labour organization.

၄၉။ စ စ င င စ
င စ င င၊ င၊ ဇ င
င ဆ င င င ။
Section 50
No person shall:
(a) interfere or obstruct the executive committees in performing duties and
powers contained in this law;
(b) in respect of labour affairs, carry out demonstrations within 500 yards from
hospitals, schools, religious buildings, airports, railways, bus terminals, ports or
diplomatic missions and military or police installations.

၅၀။ -
( ) ဆ င င င င ဆ င
င င စ င င င ။

( ) စ ငစ ၍ ဆ ၊စ င င၊
ဆ ၊ ဆ ၊ ၊ င စ ၊ဆ
စ ၊ ငင ဆ
စ ၅ င ငဆ င ။
Section 54
Any person who violates any provision contained in section 49 and sub-section (a) of
section 50 shall, on conviction, be punished with a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand kyats or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or with both.

၅၄။ ဆ ၄၉ င ၅၀ ( ) စ စ
င စ င စ င င င စ
င စ စ၊ စ စ င စ စ၊ စ
စ စ ။
Section 55
In violating the provision contained in sub-section (b) of section 50, it shall be taken
action under the relevant law in the matter of committing violence against person,
causing damage to property or infringing other rights seriously.

၅၅။ ၅၀ ( ) စ ၌ ဂ
င၊ စ စ စ င င
င စ င စ င ဆင င ။

Key terms
trade or activity - င ဆ င
utility service - ဆ င င
public utility service - ဆင ဆ င င
Lock- out- င
Strike- င
Labour Organization- စ
Registration - င င
Lock-out and Strike- င င င
Prohibitions - စ
Penalities- စ
Fund- င

Assignment Questions
1. What are the purposes of the Labour Organization Law?

2. Define the following terms.

(a) Utility service
(b) Public utility service
(c) Employer
3. Define the following terms.
(a) Employee
(b) Trade or activity
4. What do you understand by the term Strike and Lock -out?
5. What are the rights and responsibilities of the Labour Organization?
6. State the formation of the various levels of labour organization under
the Labour Organization Law.
7. Describe the prohibitions and penalties under the Labour
Organization Law.

Short Questions
1. What are the objectives of Labour Organization Law?
2. What is the meaning of "Labour Organization"?
3. Define the term "Worker ".
4. What do you understand by the term "employer"?
5. Define the term "Trade or activity"?
6. What is Lock- out under the Labour Organization Law?
7. What is strike under the Labour Organization Law?

The Settlement of Labour Dispute Law
Chapter 2
2.1 Purposes- ရညံရးယံခ့ကံ

2.2 Definition- အဓိပ္ပာယံေဖာံျပခ့ကံ

2.3 The Settlement of Labour Dispute Bodies

ို ငံဵေသာအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ
2.3.1 Formation of the Workplace Coordinating Committee
အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာလုပံငနံဵ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.2 Formation of the Conciliation Body
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.3 Settlement of Dispute under the Conciliation Body
ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴကအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.4 Formation of the Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.5 Settlement of Dispute under the Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴကအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.6 Formation of Dispute Settlement Arbitration Council
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ
2.3.7 Settlement of Dispute under the Dispute Settlement Arbitration Councial

ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵျခငံဵ

2.4 Prohibitions and Penalties for Employer and Worker

အလုပံရ္ငံ န္ငဴံအလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ

2.4.1 Prohibitions and Penalty for Employer

အလုပံရ္ငံ အတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ

2.4.2 Prohibitions and Penalties for Worker

အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ

Key Terms
Assignment Questions
Short Questions

Chapter 2
The Settlement of Labour Dispute Law

2.1 Purposes ရညံရးယံခ့ကံ

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby enacts this Law for safeguarding the right of
workers or having good relationship between employer and workers and making
peaceful workplace or obtaining the rights fairly, rightfully and quickly by settling the
dispute of employer and worker justly.

အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ အခးင ံအ
ဴ ေရဵကို ကာကးယံေစာငဴံေရ္ာကံရနံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊
အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအြကာဵ၊ဆကံဆဳေရဵေကာငံဵမးနံွပီဵ လုပံငနံဵခးငံ
ေအဵခ့မံဵသာယာေစရနံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵအျငငံဵပးာဵ
မှုအာဵတရာဵမျှတစးာေျဖရ္ငံဵ ေဆာငံရးကံေပဵျခငံဵျဖငဴံ ရပိုငံခးင ံမဴ ့ာဵကို မျှတမ္နံ
ကနံစးာန္ငဴံျမနံဆနံစးာရရ္ိခဳစာဵနိုငံေစရနံလညံဵေကာငံဵျပညံေထာငံ စုလွှတံေတာံ သညံ
ဤဥပေဒ ကို ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵလိုကံသညံ။

2.2 Definitionအဓိပ္ပာယံေဖာံျပခ့ကံ

Section 2
The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given

၂။ ဤဥပေဒတးငံ ပါရ္ိေသာ ေအာကံပါစကာဵရပံမ့ာဵသညံ ေဖာံျပပါအတိုငံဵ

အဓိပ္ပာယံ သကံေရာကံ ေစရမညံ -

(a) means that employers, workers Taking charge for using the intellectual
worker. This expression, apprentice During the trial and dispute includes
victims or workers stopped work. However, the government, military
personnel, Myanmar police, Under the command of the army and armed
groups are not included.
(က) အလုပံသမာဵ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံထဳ ကာယအာဵ၊ ဉာဏအာဵ အသုဳဵျပု၍
အခေြကဵေငးရယူွပီဵ လုပံကိုငံသူကို ဆိုသညံ။ ယငံဵစကာဵရပံတးငံ အလုပံသငံ၊
အစမံဵခနနဴံ ္ငဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုျဖစံပးာဵေနစဉံအတးငံဵ အလုပံမ္ရပံစဲခဳရသူ သို ဴမဟုတံ

အလုပံထုတံခဳရသူ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵလညံဵပါဝငံသညံ။ သို ဴရာတးငံ နိုငံငဳဴဝနံထမံဵမ့ာဵ၊

တပံမေတာံသာဵမ့ာဵ၊ ျမနံမာနိုငံငဳရဲတပံဖးဲ ဴဝငံမ့ာဵ၊ တပံမေတာံ၏ကးပံကဲမှု
ေအာကံရ္ိလကံနကံကိုငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ မပါဝငံ။
(b)Labour Organization means the Basic Labour Organization, Township Labour
Organization, Region or State Labour Organization, Labour Federation and Myanmar
Labour Confederation formed under this Law;

(ခ) အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံသမာဵ အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ ဥပေဒ

အရဖးဲ ဴစညံဵေသာ အေျခခဳအလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ၊ ွမို ဴနယံ အလုပံသမာဵ အဖးဲ ဴ
အစညံဵ၊ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ အလုပံ
သမာဵအဖးဲ ဴခ့ုပံန္ငဴံ ျမနံမာနိုငံငဳလုဳဵဆိုငံရာ အလုပံသမာဵ ေရဵရာအဖးဲ ဴတို ဴကိုဆို သညံ၊၊

(c)employer means to obtain his industry labor labor fees, said the
official. He inherited this expression or its legal
representative, Authorized Representative, Myanmar companies are
legally established company that includes the chief and members of the
Board of Directors of Supervisors.

(ဂ) အလုပံရ္ငံ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ မိမိ၏လုပံငနံဵအတးကံ လုပံအာဵကိုရရ္ိရနံ

အလုပံသမာဵအာဵအခေြကဵေငးေပဵရနံ တာဝနံရ္ိသူကို ဆိုသညံ။
ယငံဵစကာဵရပံတးငံ လုပံငနံဵအေမးဆကံခဳသူ သို ဴမဟုတံ ၎ငံဵ၏
တရာဵဝငံကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံ၊ အခးင ံရဴ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံ၊
ျမနံမာနိုငံငဳကုမ္ပဏီမ့ာဵဥပေဒအရ တညံေထာငံေသာ ကုမ္ပဏီျဖစံပါက လုပံငနံဵကို
ှကီဵြကပံအုပံခ့ုပံမညဴံ အှကီဵအကဲန္ငဴံ ဒါရိုကံတာဘုတံအဖးဲ ဴဝငံမ့ာဵလညံဵ

(d)Employer Organization means the employer organization formed under this Law or
any existing law;

(ဃ) အလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ ဤဥပေဒအရျဖစံေစ၊ တညံဆဲဥပေဒ

တစံရပံရပံ အရျဖစံေစ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညဴံ အလုပံရ္ငံ အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵကို ဆိုသညံ။
(e) Trade means any business, trade, production, construction, industry,

agriculture, service or any other vocational words owned by the State, cooperative,
private or joint venture within the Republic of the Union of Myanmar;

(င) လုပံငနံဵဆိုသညံမ္ာျမနံမာနိုငံငဳအတးငံဵရ္ိနိုငံငဳပိုငံ၊ သမဝယမပိုငံ၊ ပုဂ္ဂလိ

ကပိုငံသို ဴမဟုတံဖကံစပံပိုငံျဖစံသညဴံ စီဵပးာဵေရဵ လုပံငနံဵ၊ ကုနံသးယံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊
ကုနံထုတံလုပံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊ေဆာကံလု ပံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊စကံမှုလကံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊စိုကံပ့ိုဵ
ေရဵလုပံငနံဵ၊ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အျခာဵအသကံေမးဵဝမံဵ ေက့ာငံဵ
(f) Essential Services means the following essential services,those whose

interruption are liable to endanger the life, health or security of the public;
(i) water supply services;
(ii) electricity services;
(iii) fire services;
(iv) health services;
(v) telecommunication services;

(vi) essential services by the Ministry of the activities specified in

the notification issued.

(စ) မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညဴံ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵဆိုသညံမ္ာ လုပံငနံဵလုပံကိုငံ

ေဆာငံရးကံ မှု ျပတံေတာကံ ရပံဆိုငံဵေစျခငံဵျဖငဴံ အမ့ာဵျပညံသူ၏ အသကံ၊
က့နံဵမာေရဵန္ငဴံ လုဳျခုဳေရဵကို ထိခိုကံေစနိုငံေသာေအာကံပါဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ
ကိုဆိုသညံ -
(၁) ေရေပဵေဝေရဵလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၂) လျှပံစစံဓာတံအာဵလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၃) မီဵသတံလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၄) က့နံဵမာေရဵဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၅) တယံလီကးနံဵဆကံသးယံေရဵလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၆) မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညဴံ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုမဟုတံေသာလုပံငနံဵမ္
မရ္ိမျဖစံ လိုအပံသညဴံဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵအျဖစံသို ဴေျပာငံဵလဲလာေသာလုပံငနံဵ။
(g) Public Utility Service means the following businesses;

(i) transportation business;

(ii) port business and port cargo handling business;
(iii) postal, telex or fax business;
(iv) business relating to information and communication
(v) petroleum or petroleum products distribution business for
the public;
(vi) night soil disposal or sanitation business;
(vii) business of production, transmission and
distribution of electricity or fuel energy to the public;
(viii) business of public financial service;
(ix) business which is stipulated by the Union Government as
the public utilityservice, from time to time;

(ဆ) အမ့ာဵျပညံသူဆိုငံရာဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ ေအာကံ ေဖာံျပပါ

လုပံငနံဵ မ့ာဵကို ဆိုသညံ -
(၁) သယံယူပို ဴေဆာငံေရဵလုပံငနံဵ
(၂) ဆိပံကမံဵလုပံငနံဵန္ငဴံ ဆိပံကမံဵကုနံတငံကုနံခ့လုပံငနံဵ၊
(၃) စာတိုကံ၊ တဲလကံစံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ဖကံ (စံ)လုပံငနံဵ၊
(၄) သတငံဵအခ့ကံအလကံန္ငဴံဆကံသးယံေရဵနညံဵ ပညာဆိုငံ
(၅) အမ့ာဵျပညံသူတို ဴအတးကံေရနဳ သို ဴမဟုတံ ေရနဳထးကံပစ္စညံဵ
ျဖနျဴံ ဖူဵသညဴံ လုပံငနံဵ၊
(၆) အညစံအေြကဵသိမံဵဆညံဵေရဵသို ဴမဟုတံက့နံဵမာ သနရဴံ ္ငံဵ
(၇) အမ့ာဵျပညံသူတို ဴအာဵလျှပံစစံဓာတံအာဵသို ဴမဟုတံ ေလာငံ
စာစးမံဵအငံ ထုတံလုပံပို ဴလွှတံျဖနျဴံ ဖူဵသညဴံလုပံငနံဵ၊
(၈) အမ့ာဵျပညံသူဆိုငံရာေငးေြကဵ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ၊

(၉) ျပညံေထာငံစုအစိုဵရကအမ့ာဵျပညံသူဆိုငံရာေငးေြကဵ
(h) Lock-out means the temporary closing of the workplace of any trade,

suspension of work or refusal by the employer to allow the workers at the work site to
continue to work in consequence of the situation of any dispute of the employer and
workers which remains in dispute;

(ဇ) အလုပံပိတံျခငံဵဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံ၊ အလုပံသမာဵအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုတစံခု

ခုတးငံညှိနှိုငံဵ၍ မရနိုငံသညံ့ အေျခအေန၌ အလုပံရ္ငံက လုပံငနံဵတစံခုခု၏
အလုပံလုပံ ေသာေနရာကို ယာယီပိတံျခငံဵ၊ အလုပံကို ေခတ္ထ ရပံဆိုငံဵထာဵျခငံဵ
သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံခးငံရ္ိ အလုပံသမာဵ မ့ာဵအာဵ ဆကံလကံအလုပံလုပံခးင ံ ဴ မျပုျခငံဵကို

(i)strike which means that the employer can not negotiate with any labor
dispute. Relating to conditions of employment or social issues and
workers. All Work related to labor organizations to work through the
suspension, Both work I refuse to continue to operate, The majority of the
work to delay or labor agreements with the production, The service,
which undermines teamwork. The expression on the life or health of
workers suddenly seriously believe the moment logical reason left
လုပံငနံဵခးငံမ္ exercised their rights are not included.
(စ့) သပိတံေမ္ာကံျခငံဵ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵအျငငံဵပးာဵမှု
တစံခုခုတးငံ ညှိနှိုငံဵ၍ မရနိုငံသညဴံ အေျခအေန၌ လူမှုေရဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ
အလုပံအကိုငံဆို ငံရာ ကိစ္စမ့ာဵန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ အလုပံသမာဵအခ့ို ဴကျဖစံေစ၊
အာဵလုဳဵကျဖစံေစ၊ လုပံငနံဵခးငံန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံသညဴံ အလုပံသမာဵ
အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵကျဖစံေစ ဆုဳဵျဖတံ၍အလုပံရပံဆိုငံဵျခငံဵ၊ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံရနံျဖစံေစ၊
အလုပံဆကံလကံ လုပံကိုငံရနံျဖစံေစ ျငငံဵဆနံျခငံဵ၊
အလုပံေန္ာငဴံေန္ဵေစရနံ ျပုလုပံျခငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵအမ့ာဵစု သေဘာတူညီမှုျဖငဴံ
ထုတံလုပံမှုကိုျဖစံေစ၊ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုကိုျဖစံေစ ထိခိုကံက့ဆငံဵေစသညဴံ
စုေပါငံဵလုပံေဆာငံျခငံဵကို ဆိုသညံ။ ယငံဵစကာဵရပံတးငံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ အသကံ
သို ဴမဟုတံ က့နံဵမာေရဵအေပ် ရုတံတရကံျပငံဵထနံစးာ အန္တရာယံက့ေရာကံမညံဟု
ယုတ္တိတနံစးာ ယုဳြကညံသညဴံ အေြကာငံဵေြကာငဴံ လုပံငနံဵခးငံမ္ထးကံခးာသးာဵနိုငံေသာ
ယငံဵတို ဴ၏အခးင ံအဴ ေရဵကို က့င ံသ ဴ ုဳဵျခငံဵမပါဝငံ။

(j) Employment Agreement means the bilateral written or oral agreement

concluded by employer and worker in respect of employhment and working in accord

with the stipulations;

(ည) အလုပံခနထဴံ ာဵမှုဆိုငံရာ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံခန ဴံ

ထာဵမှု၊အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှုန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံအလုပံသမာဵတို ဴ နှုတံျဖငဴံ
ျဖစံေစ၊စာျဖငဴံျဖစံေစ သတံမ္တံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငံ့ အညီျပုလုပံသညံ့ သေဘာတူညီ

(k) demand collective negotiations means the employer or employers'

organizations and workers or between labor organizations, employment
terms and conditions Their labor relations or dispute prevention and
solution to occur in order to set a collective manner through dialogue,
collective agreement process.
(ဋ) စုေပါငံဵေတာငံဵဆိုေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵမှု ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံရ္ငံ
အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵအြကာဵ
အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှု အေျခအေနန္ငဴံ စညံဵကမံဵခ့ကံမ့ာဵ၊ ယငံဵတို ဴ၏အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ
ဆကံဆဳမှုမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမျဖစံပးာဵေစရနံကာကးယံမှုန္ငဴံ ေျဖရ္ငံဵမှုမ့ာဵကို
စုေပါငံဵေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵွပီဵ စုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံခ့မ္တံနိုငံရနံ
ေဆာငံရးကံသညဴံလုပံငနံဵစဉံကို ဆိုသညံ။
(l) The collective agreement is a call for collective negotiations setting up the
workplace and working conditions of workers, Employers and
workers, Set the terms of the relationship between their respective
organizations, Labor organizations to recognize the legality of the service
and guarantee social protection for workers on Promoting employment.
With respect to the provisions, including a letter signed by mutual
(ဌ) စုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံ ဆိုသညံမ္ာ စုေပါငံဵေတာငံဵဆိုေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵမှုအရ
အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ လုပံငနံဵခးငံန္ငဴံ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှု
အေျခအေနမ့ာဵသတံမ္တံျခငံဵ၊ အလုပံရ္ငံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၊ ယငံဵတို ဴ၏
သကံဆိုငံရာအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵအြကာဵတးငံ ဆကံဆဳမှုဆိုငံရာ စညံဵကမံဵခ့ကံမ့ာဵ
သတံမ္တံျခငံဵ၊ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ၏ တရာဵဝငံရပံတညံမှုကို
အသိအမ္တံျပု ေဆာငံရးကံျခငံဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအတးကံ
လူမှုကာကးယံေစာငဴံေရ္ာကံမှု အာမခဳခ့ကံမ့ာဵကို ျမှငဴံတငံျခငံဵတို ဴ အပါအဝငံ

အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှုဆိုငံရာ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ စာျဖငဴံခ့ုပံဆိုသညဴံ

န္စံဖကံသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံကို ဆိုသညံ။

(m) Dispute Whether the employer or employers' organization and the

worker or workers or labor organizations, employment Work, With
respect to the termination of a job, either. Seniority, Including the cost of
labor and, either in connection with the employment or service. Work
related harm, A workplace accident, Deaths or regarding compensation
for occupational diseases caused workers either. Labor With respect to
the other issue, including the issue, either. Labor's most worthy of your
interest issues with either an employer or employers or their employer
and a labor organization that represents or

(ဍ)အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵန္ငဴံ

အလုပံသမာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵ
အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ၏ အလုပံခနထ ဴံ ာဵျခငံဵ၊ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံျခငံဵ၊
အလုပံရပံစဲျခငံဵတို ဴန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊ လုပံသကံဆု၊ လုပံအာဵဆု
န္ငဴံစရိတံ အပါအဝငံ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှု သို ဴမဟုတံ
ဝနံေဆာငံမှုန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊ အလုပံန္ငဴံသကံဆိုငံသညဴံ
ထိခိုကံနစံနာမှုမ့ာဵ၊ လုပံငနံဵခးငံအတးငံဵ မေတာံတဆ ထိခိုကံဒဏံရာရရ္ိမှုမ့ာဵ၊
ေသဆုဳဵမှုမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ လုပံငနံဵခးငံေြကာငဴံျဖစံေပ်ေသာေရာဂါမ့ာဵအတးကံ
ေလ့ာံေြကဵန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ နာဵရကံ၊
ခးင ံကဴ ိစ္စအပါအဝငံ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ
အျခာဵကိစ္စတစံရပံရပံန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊ အလုပံသမာဵအမ့ာဵစု၏
ရသငဴံရထိုကံေသာ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာ ကိစ္စရပံမ့ာဵန္ ငဴံေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ
အလုပံရ္ငံတစံဦဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံရ္ငံမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ
ယငံဵတို ဴအာဵကိုယံစာဵျပုသညဴံ အလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵတစံဦဵ
သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ယငံဵတို ဴအာဵကိုယံစာဵျပုသညဴံ
အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵတို ဴအြကာဵ ျဖစံပးာဵေသာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု သို ဴမဟုတံ
သေဘာထာဵကးဲလးဲမှုကို ဆိုသညံ။

(n) rights dispute whether the employer or the workers' labor rights dispute.
(ဎ) အခးင ံအ
ဴ ေရဵဆိုငံရာအျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ
အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ အလုပံသမာဵဥပေဒပါ ရပိုငံခးင ံဆ ဴ ိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုကို ဆိုသညံ။

(o) interest dispute is a dispute regarding the collective agreement Labor

rights and no coverage of the majority of workers are related to your
interests worthy of disputes regarding relations and workplace disputes.
(ဏ) အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ဆိုသညံမ္ာ စုေပါငံဵ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံန္ငဴံ
စပံလ့ဉံဵေသာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု၊ အလုပံသမာဵ ဥပေဒပါ ရပိုငံခးင ံမဴ ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အက့ုဳဵဝငံမှု
မရ္ိေသာံလညံဵ အလုပံသမာဵ အမ့ာဵစု၏ ရသငဴံရထိုကံေသာ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵန္ငဴံ
သကံဆိုငံသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ လုပံငနံဵခးငံ ဆကံဆဳေရဵန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵေသာ
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵကို ဆိုသညံ။

(t) Tribunal means the Tribunal formed by the Arbitration Council in accord with

the stipulation to make decision on each of the disputes.

(န) ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴဆိုသညံမ္ာအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုတစံမှုခ့ငံဵအလိုကံဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံခ့မ္တံရနံ

ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံ စီက သတံမ္တံခ့ကံန္ငံ့အညီ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညံ့ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴကို ဆိုသညံ။
(u) Decision means the decision made by the Arbitration Council or Arbitration

Body or the Tribunal in respect of the dispute.

(ပ) ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံဆိုသညံမ္ာအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငံ့ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသို ဴ

မဟုတံခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴမဟုတံခုဳအဖးဲ ဴကခ့မ္တံေသာဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကိုဆိုသညံ။
(ဘ)Department means the Department of Labor Relations.
ဦဵစီဵဌာန ဆိုသညံမ္ာ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ ဆကံဆဳေရဵဦဵစီဵဌာနကို ဆိုသညံ။
2.3 The Settlement of Labour Dispute Bodies

ို ငံဵေသာအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ
According to the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law, there are four kinds of settlement
dispute bodies. They are Workplace Coordinating Committee, Conciliation Body,
Arbitration Body and Arbitration Council. These formation of bodies and methods of
settlement can be study as follows:

2.3.1 Formation of the Workplace Coordinating Committee

အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာလုပံငနံဵ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ


Section 3

Workers 30 and older working to obtain collective agreement discussed at

any employer -
(A) If Labor demand collective negotiations to ensure that Labor
Coordinating Committee during the period in accordance with the criteria
set must be formed as follows -
(1) Labor three representatives proposed by each employee,
(2) number of labor representatives and representatives of the same

၃။ အလုပံသမာဵ ၃၀ ဦဵန္ငဴံအထကံ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံေနေသာ လုပံငနံဵတစံခုခုတးငံ

စုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီ ခ့ကံကို ေဆးဵေနးဵရရ္ိနိုငံရနံ အလုပံရ္ငံသညံ -
(က) အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵရ္ိလျှငံ စုေပါငံဵေတာငံဵဆိုေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵမှု
ျပုလုပံနိုငံေရဵအတးကံ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ လုပံငနံဵညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီကို
သတံမ္တံခ့ကံန္ငဴံအညီ သတံမ္တံကာလအတးငံဵ ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ -
(၁) အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵတစံခုခ့ငံဵက အဆိုျပုသညဴံ
(၂) အလုပံသမာဵကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံဦဵေရန္ငဴံ အေရအတးကံ တူညီသညံ့ အလုပံရ္ငံ
(B) Without Labor Labor Coordinating Committee during the period in
accordance with the criteria set must be formed as follows -
(1) workers, which is selected, three workers
(2) three employer representatives
(ခ) အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ မရ္ိလျှငံ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ လုပံငနံဵညှိနှိုငံဵ ေရဵ
ေကာံမတီကို ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ -
(၁)အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵကေရးဵခ့ ယံေပဵေသာအလုပံသမာဵကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံသုဳဵ ဦဵ
(၂) အလုပံရ္ငံကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံသုဳဵ ဦဵ။
Section 4
In the Coordinating Committee formed under section 3, if vacancy of representative
occurs from the side of employer or worker, it shall be filled as required by the
concerned party. The term of the Coordinating Committee is two year.

၄။ (က)ပုဒံမ ၃ အရ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညံ့ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီတးငံ အလုပံရ္ငံ ဘကံ

မ္ျဖစံေစ၊အလုပံသမာဵဘကံမ္ျဖစံေစ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံလစံလပံပါက သကံဆိုငံ
ရာဘကံမ္လိုအပံသလို ျဖညံ့ စးကံရမညံ
(ခ) ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီ၏ သကံတမံဵသညံ န္စံ န္စံျဖစံသညံ။
Section 5 Function of the Coordinating Committee

အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာလုပံငနံဵ ညှနှိုိ ငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီ၏လုပံပိုငံခးငံ့မ့ာဵ

The Coordinating Committee shall promote the good relationship between the
employer and worker or labour organization, negotiation and coordination on the
conditions of employment, terms and conditions and occupational safety, health,
welfare and productivity.

၅။ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီသညံ အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငံ့ အလုပံသမာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံအလုပံ

သမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵအြကာဵတးငံ ဆကံဆဳမှုေကာငံဵမးနံေစေရဵ၊ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံမှု
အေျခအေန၊ စညံဵကမံဵခ့ကံ မ့ာဵ ေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏
လုပံငနံဵခးငံအန္တရာယံ ကငံဵရ္ငံဵေရဵ၊ က့နံဵမာေရဵ၊ သကံသာေခ့ာငံခ့ိေရဵန္ငဴံ
ကုနံထုတံလုပံမှု တိုဵတကံေရဵတို ဴကို ျမှငဴံတငံ ေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။
Section 6
(a) If the worker or labour organization or the employer, by themselves or

by representative, request and complain their grievanes to the Coordinating

Committee, it shall be negotiated and settled by the Coordinating Committee within
five days, not including the official within seven days, from the day of the receipt of
the request.

(b) The Coordinating Committee shall keep the record of settlement and

shall send report on the situation of performance in accord with the stipulation to the
relevant Conciliation Body.

၆။ (က) အလုပံသမာဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵကျဖစံေစ၊

အလုပံရ္ငံကျဖစံေစ ၄ငံဵတို ဴ၏နစံနာခ့ကံကို ညှိနှိုငံေရဵေကာံမတီသို ဴ ကိုယံတိုငံ

သို ဴမဟုတံကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံျဖငဴံေတာငံဵဆိုတိုငံြကာဵလာပါကညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီ
သညံေတာငံဵဆိုခ့ကံကိုလကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္ ခုနစံရကံအတးငံဵ ေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵ
(ခ) ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီသညံ ေဆာငံရးကံမှုအေျခအေနကို ေျဖရ္ငံဵမှု
မ္တံတမံဵေရဵသာဵထာဵရ္ိ၍ သကံဆိုငံရာ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴ သတံမ္တံ
ခ့ကံ န္ငဴံအညီ အစီရငံခဳစာေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။
Section 7
In trades that is not forming the Coordinating Committee because of the number of
worker is less than 30, if the grievance is requested to the employer, the employer
shall negotiate, coordinate and settle with the workers or with their representatives
within seven days, from the day of receipt of request, and keep the record of
settlement and send it to the relevand Conciliation Body if requested.

၇။ အလုပံသမာဵ၃၀ဦဵမျပညံ့သျဖငံ့ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ မရ္ိ

သညဴံလုပံငနံဵတးငံ နစံနာခ့ကံကို အလုပံရ္ငံထဳေတာငံဵဆိုပါက အလုပံရ္ငံသညံ
အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵသို မ
ဴ ဟုတံယငံဵတို ဴ၏ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ေတာငံဵဆိုခ့ကံ ကို
လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံ မ္ ခုန္စံရကံအတးငံဵ
ေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵေျဖရ္ငံဵွပီဵေျဖရ္ငံဵမှုမ္တံတမံဵ ေရဵသာဵ ထာဵရ္ိ၍ သကံဆိုငံရာ ညှိနှိုငံဵ
ဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴက ေတာငံဵခဳသညံ့ အခါ ယငံဵမ္တံတမံဵကို ေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။
Section 8
Where there exists in the same undertaking both labour organization
representatives and elected representatives, the employer shall not use the existence of
elected representatives to undermine the position of the labour organization concerned
or their representatives.

၈။ လုပံငနံဵတစံခုတညံဵတးငံ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵ

န္ငဴံအလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵက ေရးဵခ့ယံေပဵေသာ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵပူဵတးဲရ္ိေနခဲဴလျှငံ
သကံဆိုငံရာအလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵန္ငဴံယငံဵတို ဴ၏ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵအေန

အထာဵေလ့ာဴပါဵေစရနံ အလုပံရ္ငံသညံသကံဆိုငံရာ အလုပံသ မာဵမ့ာဵက ေရးဵ

ခ့ယံေပဵေသာ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵကို အသုဳဵျပု၍ ေဆာငံရးကံျခငံဵမျပုရ။
Section 9

In accordance with Section 6 or Section 7 consultations -

(a) if the employer and the workers' collective agreement summary
relevant coordination shall send a copy of the mediation team.
(B) settlement of the benefits of mediation in relation to the dispute. If you
want to continue receiving team to negotiate with the employer or
employee concerned mediator complaint.
(C) does not comply with collective agreement negotiations for losses
related mediation team report.
(D) must be a year during the term of the collective agreement. With respect
to the items during the term of the agreement. Shall not be again
(က) ေျပွငိမံဵမှုရရ္ိပါက အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံအလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵသညံ
စုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံခ့ုပံဆိုွပီဵ သကံဆိုငံရာညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴ မိတ္တူေပဵပို ဴ
(ခ) ေျပွငိမံဵမှု မရရ္ိသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ဖ့နံေျဖေရဵကို ဆကံလကံ
ခဳယူလိုပါက အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵသညံ သကံဆိုငံရာ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ
အဖးဲ ဴသို ဴ တိုငံြကာဵနိုငံသညံ။
(ဂ) စုေပါငံဵ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံကို လိုကံနာမှု မရ္ိပါက နစံနာသူသညံ သကံဆိုငံရာ
ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ အဖးဲ ဴသို ဴ တိုငံြကာဵနိုငံသညံ။
(ဃ) စုေပါငံဵ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံ၏သကံတမံဵကာလမ္ာ တစံန္စံ ျဖစံရမညံ။ အဆိုပါ
သကံတမံဵ ကာလအတးငံဵ သေဘာတူညီထာဵသညဴံ အခ့ကံန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ ၍ ထပံမဳ
ေတာငံဵဆိုျခငံဵ မျပုရ။

2.3.2 Formation of the Conciliation Body

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ

Section 10

Sec 10 (a) A) of the Region or State Government and Nay Pyi Taw
regions or states and the union to negotiate the disputed area townships
mediation team should be formed as follows –
(1) Relevant Region or State Government and Nay Pyi Chairman

Taw or Self-Administered Division or Self-

Administered Zone Leading Group, is one of those
The suburbs with the employer organizations,
(2) which is selected based, three township-level member
representatives of employer organizations
Based suburbs employer organizations, which is
(3) selected based on, and three representatives from member
the township level Labor
(4) A township-level government agency concerned, member
(5) The ministry has assigned a victim. Secretary
(B) of subsection (a) to negotiate the formation of the mediation board
plant Workshops, The number of labor disputes and can be formed by
people with more than a necessary.
၁၀။ (က) တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ အစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴန္ငဴံ ေနျပညံေတာံ
ေကာငံစီသညံ သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံန္ငဴံ ျပညံေထာငံစု
နယံေျမအတးငံဵရ္ိ ွမို ဴနယံမ့ာဵတးငံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ အဖးဲ ဴကို
ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ -

(၁)သကံဆိုငံရာတိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴန္ငဴံ

ေနျပညံေတာံေကာငံစီ သို ဴမဟုတံ ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ တိုငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ဥက္ကဋ္ဌ
ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ ေဒသဦဵစီဵအဖးဲ ဴက တာဝနံေပဵအပံျခငံဵခဳရသူ တစံဦဵ၊

(၂)အေျခခဳန္ငဴံ ွမို ဴနယံအလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵက ေရးဵခ့ယံေပဵေသာ

အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ
အေျခခဳန္ငဴံ ွမို ဴနယံအဆငဴံအလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံ သုဳဵဦဵ၊

(၃)အေျခခဳန္ငဴံ ွမို ဴနယံအလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵက ေရးဵခ့ယံေပဵေသာ

အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ
အေျခခဳန္ငဴံ ွမို ဴနယံအဆငဴံအလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံ သုဳဵဦဵ၊

(၄)သကံဆိုငံရာ ွမို ဴနယံအဆငဴံအစိုဵရဌာနဆိုငံရာ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံ တစံဦဵ၊ အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ

(၅)ဝနံှကီဵဌာနကတာဝနံေပဵအပံျခငံဵခဳရသူတစံဦဵ။ အတးငံဵေရးမ္ူဵ
(ခ) ပုဒံမခးဲ (က) အရ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညဴံ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴကို စကံရုဳ၊ အလုပံရုဳမ့ာဵ၊
အလုပံသမာဵ ဦဵေရန္ငဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵျပာဵေသာ ွမို ဴနယံမ့ာဵတးငံ လိုအပံပါက
တစံဖးဲ ဴထကံပို၍ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵနိုငံသညံ

Section 12
The mediator negotiating team -
(A) receiving a complaint or dispute settlement in accordance with the terms
set for mediation during the process. Taking such action, the rights or
interest dispute dispute classification set up and carried out in accordance
with the provisions of this Law.
(B) The group's tasks, and Invalid arguments, Rights and labor disputes to
be reported to the Coordination Committee because there are no
collective agreement compliance factors are existing labor rights issues
relevant Departments, Jurisdiction of the relevant employer, in order to
apply to the court Workers must be notified.
ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသညံ -
(က) တိုငံြကာဵလာသညဴံ သို ဴမဟုတံ လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ
ေျပွငိမံဵေစေရဵအတးကံ သတံမ္တံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အညီ သတံမ္တံကာလ အတးငံဵ
ဖ့နံေျဖ ေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။ ယငံဵသို ဴ ေဆာငံရးကံရာတးငံ အခးင ံအ ဴ ေရဵဆိုငံရာ
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု သို ဴမဟုတံ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု အမ့ိုဵအစာဵ
ခးဲျခာဵသတံမ္တံ၍ ဤဥပေဒပါ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အညီ ေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။
(ခ) ယငံဵအဖးဲ ဴ၏ လုပံငနံဵတာဝနံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အက့ုဳဵမဝငံသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵ၊
အခးင ံအဴ ေရဵဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵ
ေကာံမတီ၏ စုေပါငံဵ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံကို လိုကံနာမှု မရ္ိ၍ တိုငံြကာဵလာသညဴံ
အခ့ကံမ့ာဵသညံ တညံဆဲအလုပံသမာဵ ဥပေဒပါ ရပိုငံခးင ံဆ ဴ ိုငံရာ ကိစ္စရပံမ့ာဵ
ျဖစံပါက သကံဆိုငံရာ ဦဵစီဵဌာနမ့ာဵ၊ စီရငံပိုငံခးင ံရဴ ္ိေသာ တရာဵရုဳဵသို ဴ
ေလျှာကံထာဵနိုငံရနံ သကံဆိုငံရာ အလုပံရ္ငံ၊ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵထဳ အသိေပဵရမညံ
Section 13
Region or State Government concerned and Nay Pyi Taw Council is
formed in accordance with Article 10, coordinated mediation Board
Reconstitution Cessation of the membership, including specifying the
duties and carry out other necessary matters.
သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴန္ငဴံ ေနျပညံေတာံ
ေကာငံစီသညံ ပုဒံမ ၁၀ အရ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညဴံ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ အဖးဲ ဴမ့ာဵကို
ျပငံဆငံဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ၊ အဖးဲ ဴဝငံအျဖစံမ္ ရပံစဲျခငံဵန္ငဴံ လုပံငနံဵတာဝနံမ့ာဵ
သတံမ္တံျခငံဵ အပါအဝငံ အျခာဵလိုအပံသညဴံ ကိစ္စရပံမ့ာဵအာဵ ေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။
Section 14

Myanmar also established special economic zone in solving disputes

negotiated in separate legislation, if relevant Region or State Government
and Nay Pyi Taw, according to Article 10 must be formed groups to
negotiate special mediator.
၁၄။ျမနံမာနိုငံငဳအတးငံဵ တညံေထာငံထာဵရ္ိသညဴံ အထူဵစီဵပးာဵေရဵဇုနံတးငံ
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမ့ာဵ ညှိနှိုငံဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵအတးကံ သီဵျခာဵဥပေဒ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံ မရ္ိလျှငံ
သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴန္ငဴံ
ေနျပညံေတာံေကာငံစီသညံ ပုဒံမ ၁၀ ပါ အတိုငံဵ အထူဵညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ
အဖးဲ ဴမ့ာဵကို ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ။

Section 15
The dispute of interest that cannot be settled by negotiating and coordination
between employer and the labour organizations, the employer may appoint the
representative of the employer or the labour organizations may appoint the
representatives of the workers before the period of conciliation. Where no labour
organization exists, the workers shall elect their representatives.

၁၅။ အလုပံရ္ငံန္ငဴံအလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵအြကာဵေဆဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵျခငံဵ

ျဖငဴံေျပွငိမံဵမှုမရရ္ိသညဴံအက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုကို ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵ
အဖးဲ ဴကဖ့နံေျဖျခငံဵမျပုမီကာလအတးငံဵ အလုပံရ္ငံသညံ အလုပံရ္ငံ ကိုယံစာဵ
လ္ယံအာဵလညံဵ ေကာငံဵ၊ အလုပံသမာဵ အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵသညံ အလုပံသမာဵ
ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵအာဵ လညံဵေကာငံဵခနအဴံ ပံနိုငံသညံ။ အလုပံသမာဵ အဖးဲ ဴ
အစညံဵမရ္ိလျှငံ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵသညံ ၄ငံဵတို ဴ၏ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံမ့ာဵကို
2.3.3 Settlement of Dispute under the Conciliation Body

ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴကအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵျခငံဵ

Section 23

23. The other side of the employer or labor rights in connection with the
dispute itself in dissatisfaction. The official will assign a representative
of the relevant Departments or jurisdiction may apply to the court
၂၃။ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵတစံဖကံဖကံသညံ အခးင ံအ ဴ ေရဵဆိုငံရာ
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ မေက့နပံသူကိုယံတိုငံျဖစံေစ၊
တရာဵဝငံလွှဲအပံထာဵေသာ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံျဖငဴံျဖစံေစ သကံဆိုငံရာဦဵစီဵဌာနမ့ာဵ
သို ဴမဟုတံ စီရငံပိုငံခးင ံရဴ ္ိေသာ တရာဵရုဳဵသို ဴ ေလျှာကံထာဵနိုငံသညံ။

Section 24

. Of the other side of the worker or the employer in connection with the
dispute. According to the complaint, According to the ministry
informed, According to informed the Region or State Government or Nay
Pyi Taw Council Or by any other means to make known the interest
received in dispute in the relevant negotiations conducted mediation team
is as follows -
(a) With respect to the dispute within seven days from the day we received
or learned. To make peace mediator,
(b) of subsection (a) if the mediation settlement negotiations before the
mediation team should have signed a bilateral agreement,
(c) negotiating a direct violation of the agreement the two sides signed a
mediation before the Board assigned to the Department must be
prosecuted to violate the official side.
၂၄။ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵတစံဖကံဖကံ၏
တိုငံြကာဵခ့ကံအရျဖစံေစ၊ ဝနံှကီဵဌာန၏ အေြကာငံဵြကာဵခ့ကံအရျဖစံေစ၊
တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ ေနျပညံေတာံေကာငံ စီ၏
အေြကာငံဵြကာဵခ့ကံအရျဖစံေစ၊ အျခာဵနညံဵလမံဵတစံခုခုအရျဖစံေစ သိရ္ိသညဴံ
သို ဴမဟုတံ လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုကို
သကံဆိုငံရာညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသညံ ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ -
(က) အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ သိရ္ိသညဴံ သို ဴမဟုတံ လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္
ခုနစံရကံအတးငံဵ ေျပွငိမံဵေစရနံ ဖ့နံေျဖေပဵျခငံဵ၊
(ခ) ပုဒံမခးဲ (က) အရ ဖ့နံေျဖရာတးငံ ေျပွငိမံဵမှုရရ္ိပါက
ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴေရ္ ဴေမ္ာကံတးငံ န္စံဖကံ သေဘာတူစာခ့ုပံ ခ့ုပံဆိုေစျခငံဵ၊
(ဂ) ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴေရ္ ဴေမ္ာကံတးငံ ခ့ုပံဆိုသညဴံ န္စံဖကံသေဘာတူစာခ့ုပံ
ေဖာကံဖ့ကံလျှငံ ဦဵစီဵဌာနမ္ တာဝနံေပဵအပံသညဴံ
အရာရ္ိကေဖာကံဖ့ကံသညဴံဘကံကို တရာဵစးဲရမညံ။
Section 25

The Conciliation Body shall refer the interest disputewhich does not reach
settlement to the relevant Arbitration Body and inform the persons relating to the

၂၅။ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသညံ ေျပွငိမံဵမှုမရရ္ိေသာ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာ

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ကိုသကံဆိုငံရာ ခုဳသမာဓိ အဖးဲ ဴသို ဴလွှဲေျပာငံဵေပဵပို ဴွပီဵ ထိုသို ဴ လွှဲေျပာငံဵ
ေပဵပို ဴေြကာငံဵကိုအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံသူမ့ာဵထဳ အသိေပဵအေြကာငံဵြကာဵရ မညံ။
Section 26
Negotiations mediation team for mediation to end the processing of data
for review with a detailed report containing recommendations on the
case and legal holidays shall be transferred to the relevant arbitration
team in two days
၂၆။ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴသညံ ဖ့နံေျဖေရဵေဆာငံရးကံရာတးငံ ေျပွငိမံဵမှုမရသညဴံ
အခ့ကံမ့ာဵအေပ် သုဳဵသပံအြကဳျပုခ့ကံပါဝငံေသာ အေသဵစိတံ အစီရငံခဳစာန္ငဴံအတူ
အမှုတးဲအာဵ တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵမပါ န္စံရကံအတးငံဵ
သကံဆိုငံရာခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴ လွှဲေျပာငံဵေပဵအပံရမညံ။
2.3.4 Formation of the Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ

Section 16

Ministry of the region or state or union territory of dispute resolution

arbitration agreement with the Union Government shall be formed as
follows –
Relevant Region or State Government, or one of
(A) Chairman
those assigned to Nay Pyi Taw
Region or State or States concerned areas region or
state, Township and employer members of the
(B) Member
organization based on one of five representatives
chosen by the vote,
Region or State or States concerned areas region or
state, Township and one of the Labor members of the
(C) Member
organization based on five representatives elected by
the vote,

Three relevant regional or state-level government

(D) Member
(E) The ministry has assigned a victim. Secretary

၁၆။ ဝနံှကီဵဌာနသညံ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ

ျပညံေထာငံစုနယံေျမတးငံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴကို
ျပညံေထာငံစုအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴ၏ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံျဖငဴံ ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ -

(က)သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ အစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ

ေနျပညံေတာံေကာငံစီက တာဝနံေပဵအပံျခငံဵခဳရသူ တစံဦဵ၊

(ခ)သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံေထာငံစု

နယံေျမရ္ိ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ၊ (ဂ)ွမို ဴနယံန္ငဴံ အေျခခဳအလုပံရ္ငံ
အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ
အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံမ့ာဵက အဆိုပါအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံမ့ာဵထဲမ္ ဆန္ဒမဲျဖငဴံေရးဵခ့ယံေသာ

(ဂ)သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံေထာငံစု

နယံေျမရ္ိ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ၊ ွမို ဴနယံန္ငဴံအေျခခဳ
အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ
အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံမ့ာဵက အဆိုပါ အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵဝငံမ့ာဵထဲမ္
ဆန္ဒမဲျဖငဴံေရးဵခ့ယံေသာ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံငါဵဦဵ၊

(ဃ)သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအဆငဴံ အစိုဵရဌာနဆိုငံရာ

အဖးဲ ဴဝငံ

(င)ဝနံှကီဵဌာနက တာဝနံေပဵအပံျခငံဵခဳရသူတစံဦဵ။ အတးငံဵေရဵမ္ူဵ


(b)The Ministry may form the Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body in any
Union territoryincluding Nay Pyi Taw1or Self-administered Division or Self-
administered Zone with the approval of the Union Government

(ခ)ဝနံှကီဵဌာနသညံ ေနျပညံေတာံအပါအ၀ငံျပညံေတာငံစုနယံေျမတစံခုခုသို ဴမ
ံ ိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံ ခးင ံရဴ တိုငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ကိုယံပိုငံ အုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ ေဒသမ့ာဵတးငံ
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴကိုျပညံ
ေထာငံစုအစိုဵရ အဖးဲ ဴ၏ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံျဖငဴံ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵနိုငံသညံ။
Section 17
If the office of the member formed under section 16 becomes vacant, the vacancies
shall be filled as required by the concerned party. The term of the Arbitration Body is
three years.

၁၇။ (က) ပုဒံမ ၁၆ အရ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညဴံ အဖးဲ ဴဝငံလစံလပံပါက ယငံဵလစံလပံ

သညဴံေနရာမ့ာဵကို သကံဆိုငံရာဘကံက လိုအပံသလို ျဖညံ့ စးကံရမညံ။
(ခ) ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ၏ သကံတမံဵသညံ သုဳဵ န္စံျဖစံသညံ။
Section 18
The Arbitration Body shall carry out in accord with the working methods,
procedures and programmes stipulated by the Arbitration Council.

၁၈။ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသညံခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီကသတံမ္တံေသာလုပံငနံဵနညံဵလမံဵ

မ့ာဵ၊လုပံထုဳဵလု ပံနညံဵမ့ာဵ၊လုပံငနံဵအစီအစဉံမ့ာဵ န္ငဴံအညီ ေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။
2.3.5 Settlement of Dispute under the Dispute Settlement Arbitration

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴကအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵ ျခငံဵ

Section 27
Relevant arbitration team consultations under Article 26 which the
mediation team from the conflicting interests must be received within

Sec (4)of the Settlement of Labour Dispute Amending Law,2014 ,the Pyidaung Hluttaw Law No 40

seven days of the date decision-making and legal holidays shall be sent to
the relevant dispute resolution within two days. Essential services or
Ministry of Public Service and the relevant decision is, and shall send a
copy to the respective region or state governments.
၂၇။ သကံဆိုငံရာခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသညံ ပုဒံမ ၂၆ အရ ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴက
လွှဲအပံေသာ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္
ခုနစံရကံအတးငံဵ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံခ့မ္တံရမညံျဖစံွပီဵ တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵမပါ
န္စံရကံအတးငံဵ သကံဆိုငံရာအျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵထဳ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။
မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညဴံ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ အမ့ာဵျပညံသူဆိုငံရာ
ဝနံေဆာငံမှု လုပံငနံဵန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံသညဴံ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံျဖစံပါက ဝနံှကီဵဌာနန္ငဴံ
သကံဆိုငံရာ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴမ့ာဵသို ဴ
မိတ္တူေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။

Section 28 Procedure for Other Services

If either party is not satisfied with the decision of the Arbitration Body, except for a
decision in respect of essential services, the following options may be exercised;

(A) within seven days from the day of receiving the decision of the
arbitration team dispute arbitration Council decision forms to apply for
the other side,
(B) striking off work or by applicable law.
၂၈။ မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညံ့ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵန္ငံ့ သကံဆိုငံသညံ့ ဆုဳဵျဖတံ
ခ့ကံမ္တစံပါဵခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ၏ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကိုမေက့နပံပါကအျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵ သညံ
ေအာကံပါတို ဴအနကံ တစံခုခုကို ေဆာငံရးကံနိုငံသညံ။
(က) ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္ ခုနစံရကံအတးငံဵ
ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ အဆုဳဵအျဖတံခဳယူရနံ အျငငံဵပးာဵသူတစံဖကံဖကံမ္
(ခ) အလုပံပိတံျခငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ သပိတံေမ္ာကံျခငံဵကို သကံဆိုငံရာဥပေဒအရ

Section 29 Procedure for Essential Services

မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညဴံ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵအတးကံ လုပံထုဳဵလုပံနညံဵ

Any relevant party who is not satisfied with the decision of the Arbitration
Body in respect of the essential services shall apply to the Arbitration Council within
seven days, not including the official holidays, from the day of receipt of such

၂၉။ မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညံ့ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵန္ငံ့ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ခုဳသမာဓိ

အဖးဲ ဴ၏ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကိုမေက့နပံသညံ့ သကံဆိုငံရာအျငငံဵပးာဵသူ တစံဦဵဦဵ
သညံယငံဵဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကိုလကံ ခဳရရ္ိသညံ့ ေန ဴရကံမ္ တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵ မပါ
ခုန္စံ ရကံ အတးငံဵ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသို ဴ ေလျှာကံထာဵ ရမညံ။
Section34 Decisionof the Arbitration Body

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ၏ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ
If you dispute the decision of the arbitration team sides agreed during the
set or the other side, arguing that without an application submitted to
arbitration council approved from the date of the decision makers.
ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို န္စံဖကံအျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵက သေဘာတူလျှငံ
သို ဴမဟုတံ အျငငံဵပးာဵသူတစံဖကံဖကံက သတံမ္တံကာလအတးငံဵ
ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသို ဴ တငံျပေလျှာကံထာဵျခငံဵမရ္ိလျှငံ ယငံဵဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံသညံ
ခ့မ္တံသညဴံေန ဴမ္စ၍ အတညံျဖစံသညံ။
2.3.6 Formation of Dispute Settlement Arbitration Council

အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵျခငံဵ

Section 19
The Ministry shall, with the approval of the Union Government, form the
Dispute Settlement Arbitration Council with 15 qualified persons of good
standing from legal experts and experts in labour affairs.
(a) They are five persons selected by the Ministry.

(b) The region or state or union territory Self-Administered Division or

Self-Administered area's employers federation, Choose a region or
state or township employer organizations, five persons,
(c) All Burma Labor Organization, Labor, Region or State or Union
Territory, Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered local
labor organizations, Five township labor organizations in the
chosen person.
According to Article 19, formed one of the arbitration council chair
a rotating members must be chosen from among persons selected
by the Ministry of the vote.
ဝနံှကီဵဌာနသညံဥပေဒေရဵရာကျွမံဵက့ငံသူမ့ာဵန္ငံ့ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရ

ကျွမံဵက့ငံသူမ့ာဵထဲမ္ကိုယံက့ငံ့တရာဵေကာငံဵမးနံသညံ့ ပုဂ္ဂိုလံ၁၅ဦဵပါဝငံသ
ော အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီကို ျပညံေထာငံ စုအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴ၏
သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံျဖငံ့ ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရမညံ။
(က) ဝနံှကီဵဌာနက ေရးဵခ့ယံေသာ ပုဂ္ဂိုလံငါဵဦဵ၊
(ခ) တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံေထာငံစုနယံေျမ၊
ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခး ငဴံရတိုငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ ေဒသရ္ိ
အလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴခ့ုပံ၊ တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ
ွမို ဴနယံအလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵက ပူဵေပါငံဵေရးဵခ့ယံေသာ ပုဂ္ဂိုလံ ငါဵဦဵ၊

(ဂ) ျမနံမာနိုငံငဳလုဳဵဆိုငံရာ အလုပံသမာဵေရဵရာအဖးဲ ဴ၊ အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴခ့ုပံမ့ာဵ၊

တိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံနယံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ျပညံေထာငံစုနယံေျမ၊
ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ တိုငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ ေဒသရ္ိ
အလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵ၊ ွမို ဴနယံအလုပံသမာဵအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵမ့ာဵက
ပူဵေပါငံဵေရးဵခ့ယံေသာပုဂ္ဂိုလံ ငါဵဦဵ။
၁၉-က။ ပုဒံမ ၁၉ အရ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵသညဴံ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီဝငံမ့ာဵထဲမ္ အလ္ညဴံက့
သဘာပတိတစံဦဵကို အဖးဲ ဴဝငံမ့ာဵ၏ ဆန္ဒမဲျဖငဴံ ဝနံှကီဵဌာနက ေရးဵခ့ယံေသာ
ပုဂ္ဂိုလံမ့ာဵထဲမ္ ေရးဵခ့ယံရမညံ။

Section 20
(a)The vacancies in the Arbitration Council shall be filled as required by the
concerned party.
(b)The term of the Arbitration Council is three years.

၂၀။ (က)ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီတးငံလစံလပံသညံ့ ေနရာမ့ာဵကို သကံဆိုငံရာဘကံ က

လိုအပံသလို ျဖညံ့ စးကံရမညံ။
(ခ) ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံ စီ၏ သကံတမံဵသညံ သုဳဵန္စံျဖစံ သညံ။
Section 21 Duties of the Arbitration


The duties of the Arbitration Council are as follows:

(a) standing and carrying out as the organization which is independent and
impartial based on social justice, decent work and principles of equity in making

(b) receive a check for hearing the dispute, Article, representing a total of
19 persons, consisting of one person from each organization first formed
in accordance with the terms of the Tribunal and decided to check them,
(c) prescribing the working methods, procedures and programmes to be
performed by the Arbitration Body and Tribunal.

၂၁။ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ တာဝနံမ့ာဵမ္ာ ေအာကံပါအတိုငံဵျဖစံသညံ။

(က) ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ ခ့မ္တံေဆာငံရးကံရာတးငံ လူမှုေရဵတရာဵမျှတမှု၊
သငဴံေလ့ာံေကာငံဵမးနံသညဴံအလုပံအကိုငံန္ငံ့ သာတူညီမျှျဖစံေရဵ သေဘာတရာဵ
မ့ာဵအေပ်အေျခခဳကာသီဵျခာဵလးတံလပံွပီဵဘကံလိုကံမှုမရ္ိေသာ အဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ အျဖစံ
(ခ) လကံခဳရရ္ိသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ြကာဵနာစစံေဆဵရနံ ပုဒံမ ၁၉ ပါ
ပုဂ္ဂိုလံမ့ာဵ အနကံမ္ ကိုယံစာဵျပုအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵတစံခုစီမ္ ပုဂ္ဂိုလံတစံဦဵစီပါဝငံေသာ
သုဳဵဦဵပါ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴကို သတံမ္တံခ့ကံန္ငဴံအညီ ဖးဲ ဴစညံဵေပဵျခငံဵန္ငဴံ

(ဂ) ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴန္ငဴံခုဳအဖးဲ ဴတို ဴကေဆာငံရးကံရမညဴံလုပံငနံဵနညံဵလမံဵ မ့ာဵ၊

လုပံထုဳဵ လုပံနညံဵမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ လုပံငနံဵအစီအစဉံမ့ာဵကို သတံမ္တံျခငံဵ။
Section 22

(A) The Council of the Ministry arbitration procedures to be carried out

should be defined in accordance with the existing labor laws.
(b) The Arbitration Council shall carry out in accord with the procedures
stipulated by the Ministry.

၂၂။ (က) ဝနံှကီဵဌာနသညံ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီက ေဆာငံရးကံရမညဴံ

လုပံထုဳဵလုပံနညံဵမ့ာဵကို တညံဆဲအလုပံသမာဵဥပေဒမ့ာဵန္ငဴံအညီ သတံမ္တံရမညံ။
(ခ) ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသညံ ဝနံှကီဵဌာနက သတံမ္တံေသာ လုပံထုဳဵ
လုပံနညံဵမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ အညီေဆာငံရးကံရမညံ။
2.3.7 Settlement of Dispute under the Dispute Settlement Arbitration

ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုအာဵ ေျဖရ္ငံဵျခငံဵ

Section 30
The Arbitration Council shall form and assign duty to a Tribunal to try the
case and make decision in respect of the application made under sub-section (a) of
section 28 and section 29.

၃၀။ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသညံ ပုဒံမ ၂၈ ပုဒံမခးဲ (က)န္ငဴံ ပုဒံမ ၂၉ တို ဴအရ

ေလျှာကံထာဵခ့ကံန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ စစံေဆဵဆုဳဵျဖတံနိုငံရနံ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴကိုဖးဲ ဴစညံဵ၍ တာဝနံ
Section 31 Functions of theTribunal

ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴ၏လုပံပိုငံခးင မဴံ ့ာဵ

The Tribunal shall make decision on the dispute applied under sub-section (a) of
section 28 within 14 days, not including the official holidays, from the day of receipt
of collective dispute and send the decision to the relevant parties within two days, not
including the official holidays.

၃၁။ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴသညံ -

(က) ပုဒံမ၂၈ပုဒံမခးဲ(က)အရ ေလျှာကံထာဵသညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵ မှု ကို လကံခဳရရ္ိ
သညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္ တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵမပါ ၁၄ ရကံ အတးငံဵ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ
(ခ) ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵမပါ န္စံရကံအတးငံဵ
သကံဆိုငံ ရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵထဳ ေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။
Section 32

The team -
(A) Section 29 of the application must be received within seven days of
the date the dispute resolution.
(B) the decision of official holidays shall be sent to the relevant dispute
within two days.
၃၂။ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴသညံ -
(က) ပုဒံမ ၂၉ အရ ေလျှာကံထာဵ သညဴံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုကို လကံခဳ
ရရ္ိသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္ခုန္စံရကံအတးငံဵ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ ခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(ခ) ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို တရာဵဝငံရုဳဵပိတံရကံမ့ာဵအပါ န္စံရကံအတးငံဵ
သကံဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵထဳေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။
Section 33
The arbitration council under section 32, According to sub-section
(a) with the Ministry of the Tribunal, a copy of that decision to adopt the
relevant Region or State Government, Nay Pyi Taw, including Self-
Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone Leading must be sent
to groups.
ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီသညံ ပုဒံမ ၃၂၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (က) အရ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴက ခ့မ္တံေသာ
ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံမိတ္တူကို ဝနံှကီဵဌာနန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံရာတိုငံဵေဒသှကီဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ

ျပညံနယံအစိုဵရအဖးဲ ဴ၊ ေနျပညံေတာံေကာငံစီအပါအဝငံ ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ တိုငံဵ

သို ဴမဟုတံ ကိုယံပိုငံအုပံခ့ုပံခးင ံရဴ ေဒသ ဦဵစီဵအဖးဲ ဴမ့ာဵထဳ ေပဵပို ဴရမညံ။

Section 35
The decision of the Tribunal shall be deemed as the decision of the Arbitration
Council. Such decision shall come into force on the day of its decision.

၃၅။ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံအျဖစံမ္တံ

ယူရမညံ။ ယငံဵဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံသညံ ခ့မ္တံသညဴံ ေန ဴရကံမ္စ၍ အတညံျဖစံသညံ။
Section 36
The relevant parties may agree to amend the decision of the Arbitration Body
or Arbitration Council after 90 daysfrom the day of coming into force. In such
circumstances, the new agreement shall supersede the relevant part of the Arbitration

၃၆။ သကံဆိုငံရာ အျငငံဵပးာဵသူမ့ာဵသညံ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ ခုဳသမာဓိ

ေကာငံစီ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံ ခ့ကံ အတညံျဖစံသညဴံေန ဴရကံမ္
ရကံေပါငံဵကိုဵဆယံ ေက့ာံလးနံပါက ယငံဵဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံကို ျပငံဆငံ ေျပာငံဵလဲရနံ
သေဘာတူညီနိုငံသညံ။ ယငံဵ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံအရ ျပငံ ဆငံေျပာငံဵလဲခ့ကံသညံ
ခုဳသမာဓိဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ၏ သကံဆိုငံရာအပိုငံဵကို လွှမံဵမိုဵေစရမညံ။
Section 37
The following persons shall be complied with the decision which had beeb come into
(a) all of the persons relevant to the dispute;
(b) legal successors of the employer involved in the dispute;
(c) all of the workers working in the trade at the time of the dispute or

၃၇။ အတညံျဖစံွပီဵသညဴံ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံတစံရပံကို ေအာကံပါပုဂ္ဂိုလံမ့ာဵက လိုကံနာ

ရမညံ -
(က) အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံသူအာဵလုဳဵ
(ခ) အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုတးငံ ပါဝငံေသာ အလုပံရ္ငံ၏ ဥပေဒအရ တရာဵဝငံ
(ဂ) အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုျဖစံပးာဵေသာအခ့ိနံတးငံသို ဴမဟုတံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု ျဖစံ
ွပီဵေနာကံလုပံငနံဵတးငံအလုပံလုပံကိုငံေနြကေသာ အလုပံသမာဵ
မ့ာဵ အာဵလုဳဵ ။
2.4 Prohibitions and Penalties for Employer and Worker

အလုပံရ္ငံ န္ငံ့ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ

2.4.1 Prohibitions and Penalty for Employer

ံ ္ငံ အတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငံ့ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ
Section 38
. With respect to the complaint requesting any employer or labor
negotiations to resolve negotiation., The day of the mediation team
appointments At the time, Representative shall not have failed to attend a
valid reason.
(a) Any employer or employee in accordance with the provisions of
Section 3 Coordination Committee shall not have failed
to. Failure to establish that the relevant court within 60 days
from the date of conviction shall not have failed again to form.
မညံသညဴံ အလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမျှ
ေတာငံဵဆိုတိုငံြကာဵခ့ကံန္ငဴံ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ေဆးဵေနးဵညှိနှိုငံဵေျဖရ္ငံဵရနံ
ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴ၏ ခ့ိနံဵဆိုသညဴံေန ဴရကံ၊ အခ့ိနံတးငံ ကိုယံတိုငံျဖစံေစ၊

ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံျဖငဴံျဖစံေစ ခိုငံလုဳေသာအေြကာငံဵျပခ့ကံမရ္ိဘဲ တကံေရာကံရနံ

ပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵ မရ္ိေစရ။
၃၈-က။ မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမျှ ပုဒံမ ၃ ပါ
ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံန္ငဴံအညီ ညှိနှိုငံဵေရဵေကာံမတီဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရနံ ပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵ မရ္ိေစရ။
ထိုသို ဴဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရနံ ပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵေြကာငဴံ သကံဆိုငံရာတရာဵရုဳဵမ္
ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံသညဴံေန ဴမ္စ၍ ရကံေပါငံဵ ၆၀ အတးငံဵဖးဲ ဴစညံဵရနံ
ထပံမဳပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵ မရ္ိေစရ။
Section 39

Any employer no jury or panel while scanning dispute before the dispute
imposed consecutive time workers staff the benefit of workers adversely
affect the terms related to a sudden change, to do such a thing or not a
valid reason to block.
(a) Any labor dispute resolution or reduce productivity while
remaining no other damage to the interests of workers.
၃၉။ မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံမျှ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴက
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုစစံေဆဵေနစဉံ ထိုအျငငံဵပးာဵမှုမစမီ တစံဆကံတညံဵ
အခ့ိနံကခ့မ္တံထာဵေသာ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ သကံဆိုငံသ ညဴံ
ဝနံထမံဵစညံဵကမံဵမ့ာဵကို ယငံဵအလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ အက့ိုဵထိခိုကံေစရနံ
ရုတံတရကံေျပာငံဵလဲျခငံဵ မျပုရ သို ဴမဟုတံ ခိုငံလုဳေသာ
အေြကာငံဵျပခ့ကံမရ္ိဘဲ အလုပံပိတံျခငံဵမျပုရ။
၃၉-က။ မညံသညဴံ အလုပံသမာဵမျှ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုေျဖရ္ငံဵေနစဉံ
ကုနံထုတံလုပံမှု က့ဆငံဵေစရနံ ေဆာငံရးကံျခငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ က့နံရ္ိေသာ
အျခာဵ အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ အက့ိုဵစီဵပးာဵ ပ့ကံစီဵေစရနံ

Section 46

46. (A) Any employer or employee under section 38 violates the

prohibitions conviction him at least three hundred thousand to a
maximum of up to ten thousand shekels shekels fine shall be imposed.

(B) any employer or employee violates the provisions of Article 38-

conviction him at least three hundred thousand to a maximum of up to ten
thousand shekels shekels fine shall be imposed.
(C) any employer violates the provisions of Article 39 conviction him at
least ten lakh kyat to be set up to a maximum of 30 K fine.
(D) any employee violates the provisions of Section 39 of conviction at least
one Lakh him up to a maximum of three shekels fine shall be imposed.
(E) anyone violates the provisions of Article 45- conviction from him at
least one Lakh two Lakh maximum fine shall be imposed.
provision history
46-. (A) Section 46, According to sub-section (a) conviction by the victim to
commit further crimes conviction him at least ten lakh kyat to be set up to
a maximum of 30 K fine.
(B) in section 46, Subsection (b) the conviction by the victim to commit
further crimes conviction him at least ten lakh kyat to be set up to a
maximum of 30 K fine.
(C) in section 46, According to sub-section (c) conviction by the victim to
commit further crimes conviction him a minimum amount to be set up to
a maximum of 100 K to 30 fine.
(D) in section 46, According to sub-section (d) conviction by the victim to
commit further crimes conviction him at least three hundred thousand to a
maximum of up to ten thousand shekels shekels fine shall be imposed.
(E) Section 46, According to sub-section (e) conviction by the victim to
commit further crimes conviction from him at least two Lakh maximum
five lakh fine shall be imposed.
၄၆။ (က) မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမဆို ပုဒံမ ၃၈ ပါ
တာဵျမစံခ့ကံတစံရပံရပံကို ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ
ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵက့ပံသုဳဵသိနံဵမ္
အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵက့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵအထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(ခ) မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမဆို ပုဒံမ ၃၈-က ပါ
ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ
ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသုဳဵသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵအထိ
(ဂ) မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံမဆို ပုဒံမ ၃၉ ပါ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို
ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို

အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၃၀ အထိ

(ဃ) မညံသညဴံအလုပံသမာဵမဆို ပုဒံမ ၃၉-က ပါ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို
ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို
အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသုဳဵသိနံဵအထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(င) မညံသူမဆို ပုဒံမ ၄၅-က ပါ ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ
ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီ ရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ
က့ပံန္စံသိနံဵအထိ ေငးဒဏံ ခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
၄၆-က။ (က) ပုဒံမ ၄၆၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (က) အရ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရသူသညံ
ယငံဵျပစံမှုကို ထပံမဳက့ူဵလးနံသျဖငဴံ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို
အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၃၀ အထိ
(ခ) ပုဒံမ ၄၆၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (ခ) အရ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရသူသညံ ယငံဵျပစံမှုကို
ထပံမဳက့ူဵလးနံသျဖငဴံ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ
က့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၃၀ အထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(ဂ) ပုဒံမ ၄၆၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (ဂ) အရ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရသူသညံ ယငံဵျပစံမှုကို
ထပံမဳက့ူဵလးနံသျဖငဴံ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ
က့ပံသိနံဵ ၃၀ မ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၁၀၀ အထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(ဃ) ပုဒံမ ၄၆၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (ဃ) အရ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရသူသညံ ယငံဵျပစံမှုကို
ထပံမဳက့ူဵလးနံသျဖငဴံ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ
က့ပံသုဳဵသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံတစံဆယံသိနံဵအထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(င) ပုဒံမ ၄၆၊ ပုဒံမခးဲ (င) အရ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရသူသညံ ယငံဵျပစံမှုကို
ထပံမဳက့ူဵလးနံသျဖငဴံ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ
က့ပံန္စံသိနံဵမ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံငါဵသိနံဵအထိ ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညံ။
provis ion his tory

2.4.2 Prohibitions and Penalties for Worker

အလုပံသမာဵမ့ာဵအတးကံ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံမ့ာဵန္ငဴံ ျပစံဒဏံမ့ာဵ

Section 41
No person shall carry out lock-out or strike to amend such decision or agreement
within the effective period of the decision of the Arbitration Body or the Arbitration
Council or any collective agreement.

၄၁။ မညံသူမျှ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴမဟုတံ ခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံစီ၏ ဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံ

သို ဴမဟုတံစုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံတစံခုခု အက့ိုဵသကံေရာကံမှုရ္ိစဉံကာလ

အတးငံဵအဆိုပါဆုဳဵျဖတံခ့ကံသို ဴမဟုတံသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံကို ျပနံလညံျပငံဆငံ ရနံ

အလုပံပိတံျခငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ သပိတံ ေမ္ာကံ ျခငံဵမျပုရ။
Section 42
No person shall prohibit the right to work independently of the workers who are not
desirous to neither participate in the strike nor impede the right of a worker to strike.

၄၂။ မညံသူမျှသပိတံေမ္ာကံျခငံဵတးငံပါဝငံေဆာငံရးကံလိုျခငံဵမရ္ိ သညဴံအလုပံ

သမာဵမ့ာဵ၏ လးတံလပံစးာ အလုပံလုပံကိုငံခးင ံက
ဴ ို တာဵျမစံျခငံဵ ေသာံလညံဵ
ေကာငံဵ၊အလုပံသမာဵ၏သပိ တံေမ္ာကံျခငံဵျပုနိုငံသညံ့ အခးငံ့ အေရဵကို ေန္ာငဴံ
ယ္ကံဟနတ ဴံ ာဵျခငံဵေသာံလညံဵေကာငံဵ မျပုရ။
Section 47
Any person who violates any prohibition contained in sections 41 and 42 may,
on conviction, be punished with a fine not less than 20 lakh.

၄၇။ မညံသူမဆို ပုဒံမ ၄၁ န္ငံ့ပုဒံမ ၄၂ တို ဴပါ တာဵျမစံခ့ကံတစံရပံရပံကို

ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရ ငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ ထိုသူကို က့ပံသိနံဵ
၂၀ေအာကံ ခ့မ္တံနိုငံ သညံ။
Section 40
No person shall proceed to lock-out or strike without accepting negotiation,
conciliation and arbitration by Arbitration Body in accord with this law in respect of a

၄၀။ မညံသူမျှ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုတစံခုန္ငံ့ စပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ဤဥပေဒန္ငဴံအညီ ေဆးဵေနးဵ

ညှိနှိုငံဵျခငံဵ၊ ဖ့နံေျဖျခငံဵန္ငဴံ ခုဳသမာဓိ အဖးဲ ဴျဖငဴံ ဆုဳဵျဖတံျခငံဵတို ဴကို ခဳယူျခငံဵ
မျပုဘဲ အလုပံပိတံျခငံဵ သို ဴမဟုတံ သပိတံေမ္ာကံျခငံဵမျပုရ။
Section 43
. With respect to any employer or labor dispute negotiations.Terms of the
agreement, which was signed before the mediation board fails to perform
or comply with any wrongdoing.

မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမျှ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍

ညှိနှိုငံဵဖ့နံေျဖေရဵအဖးဲ ဴ ေရ္ ဴေမ္ာကံတးငံခ့ုပံဆိုခဲဴသညဴံ သေဘာတူစာခ့ုပံပါ
စညံဵကမံဵခ့ကံတစံခုခုကို လိုကံနာရနံ သို ဴမဟုတံ ေဆာငံရးကံရနံ ပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵ
(a)No person who shall be complied with sec 37,shall fail to abide the decision
of the Arbitration Body or Arbitration Council.2

(က)ပုဒံမ၃၇ပါလိုကံနာရနံတာ၀နံရ္ိသူမညံသူမျှခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴမဟုတံခုဳသမာဓိေကာငံ

Section 44
No person, after having informed in advance by the Arbitration Body or
Tribunal for settling the dispute, shall fail to arrange to enable to examine the trade
under dispute or to produce the documents which is considered by the Arbitration
Body or Tribunal that it concerns with the dispute or to appear as a witness when he is
so summoned.

၄၄။ မညံသူမျှ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုကို ေျဖရ္ငံဵေဆာငံရးကံရနံခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴသို ဴမဟုတံ

ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴက ှကိုတငံအေြကာငံဵြကာဵ ျခငံဵခဳရွပီဵေနာကံ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုျဖစံပးာဵသညဴံ
လုပံငနံဵသို ဴ ဝငံေရာကံ စစံေဆဵနိုငံေရဵအတးကံ စီစဉံေပဵရနံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊
အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံသကံဆိုငံသညဴံ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴက ယူဆသညဴံ
စာတမံဵအမ္တံအသာဵကိုျပသရနံန္ငဴံမိတ္ထူမ့ာဵေပဵရနံလညံဵေကာငံဵ၊ သကံေသ
အျဖစံဆငဴံ ဆိုရာတးငံ လာေရာကံရနံ လညံဵေကာငံဵ ပ့ကံကးကံျခငံဵ မရ္ိေစရ။
Section 45
No person, if he is sent notice for examination before the Arbitration Body or
Tribunal, shall fail without sufficient cause to appear in person or the send legal
representative within the stipulated period.

၄၅။ မညံသူမျှ ခုဳသမာဓိအဖးဲ ဴ သို ဴမဟုတံ ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴ၏ ေရ္ ဴေမ္ာကံတးငံ စစံေဆဵခဳ ရနံ
အေြကာငံဵြကာဵ စာေပဵပို ဴခဳရပါက သတံမ္တံထာဵသညဴံ အခ့ိနံအတးငံဵ၌ ကိုယံတိုငံ

Sec (5)of the Settlement of Labour Dispute Amending Law,2014 ,the Pyidaung Hluttaw Law No 40

လာေရာကံရနံျဖစံေစ၊ တရာဵဝငံ ကိုယံစာဵလ္ယံေစလွှတံရနံျဖစံေစ၊ ခိုငံလုဳေသာ

အေြကာငံဵျပခ့ကံမရ္ိဘဲ ပ့ကံ ကးကံျခငံဵမရ္ိေစရ။
(a). Nobody instruction According to this law, Notification, Do not violate
the orders and instructions
၄၅-က။ မညံသူမျှ ဤဥပေဒအရထုတံျပနံသညဴံ နညံဵဥပေဒ၊ အမိနေဴံ ြကာံျငာစာ၊
အမိနနဴံ ္ငဴံ ေွှနံြကာဵခ့ကံမ့ာဵကို ေဖာကံဖ့ကံျခငံဵမျပုရ။

Section 48
Any person who violates any prohibition contained in sections 40, 43, 44 and
45 shall, on conviction, be punished with a fine for not less than ten lakh kyats.

၄၈။ မညံသူမဆို ပုဒံမ ၄၀၊ ပုဒံမ ၄၃၊ ပုဒံမ ၄၄ န္ငဴံ ပုဒံမ ၄၅ တို ဴပါ တာဵျမစံ
ခ့ကံတစံရပံရပံကို ေဖာကံဖ့ကံက့ူဵလးနံေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵ ခဳရ လျှငံ
ထိုသူကိုက့ပံ တစံဆယံသိနံဵေအာကံ မနညံဵေသာ ေငးဒဏံ ခ့မ္တံရမညံ။

48-. (A) With respect to the dispute contract before solving

negotiations. Any employer or employee of any failure to comply with
the provisions of Article 43 conviction, most of whom at least 50 K up to
100 K fine to be imposed as well as the financial benefits to workers in
order to encourage workers to be adopted.
(B) anyone who is responsible for compliance with Article 37 for failing
to comply with the provisions of Article 43- conviction him a minimum
amount to be set up to a maximum of 300 K to 100 fine as well as the
financial benefits to workers in order to encourage workers to be adopted.
၄၈-က။ (က) အျငငံဵပးာဵမှုန္ငဴံစပံလ့ဉံဵ၍ ညှိနှိုငံဵေျဖရ္ငံဵေရဵအဖးဲ ဴ ေရ္ ဴေမ္ာကံတးငံ
စာခ့ုပံခ့ုပံဆိုသူ၊ မညံသညဴံအလုပံရ္ငံ သို ဴမဟုတံ အလုပံသမာဵမဆို ပုဒံမ ၄၃ ပါ
ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို လိုကံနာရနံ ပ့ကံကးကံ ေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ
ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၅၀ မ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၁၀၀ အထိ
ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညဴံအျပငံ အလုပံသမာဵရရနံရ္ိသညဴံ ေငးေြကဵအက့ိုဵခဳစာဵခးင ံက ဴ ို
အလုပံသမာဵအာဵေပဵေခ့ရနံ အမိနခဴံ ့မ္တံရမညံ။
(ခ) ပုဒံမ ၃၇ ပါ လိုကံနာရနံ တာဝနံရ္ိသူ မညံသူမဆို ပုဒံမ ၄၃-က ပါ
ျပဋ္ဌာနံဵခ့ကံကို လိုကံနာရနံပ့ကံကးကံေြကာငံဵ ျပစံမှုထငံရ္ာဵစီရငံျခငံဵခဳရလျှငံ
ထိုသူကို အနညံဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၁၀၀ မ္ အမ့ာဵဆုဳဵ က့ပံသိနံဵ ၃၀၀အထိ

ေငးဒဏံခ့မ္တံရမညဴံအျပငံ အလုပံသမာဵရရနံရ္ိသညဴံ ေငးေြကဵအက့ိုဵခဳစာဵခးင ံက

ဴ ို
အလုပံသမာဵအာဵေပဵေခ့ရနံ အမိနခဴံ ့မ္တံရမညံ။

Key Terms
Employer Organization- အလုပံရ္ငံအဖးဲ ဴအစညံဵ

Trade - လုပံငနံဵ

Essential Services - မရ္ိမျဖစံလိုအပံသညဴံ ဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ


Public Utility Service - အမ့ာဵျပညံသူဆိုငံရာဝနံေဆာငံမှုလုပံငနံဵ

Employment Agreement - အလုပံခနထဴံ ာဵမှုဆိုငံရာ သေဘာတူညီခ့ကံ

Collective Bargaining - စုေပါငံဵေတာငံဵဆိုမှု

Collective Agreement - စုေပါငံဵသေဘာတူညီခ့ကံ

Dispute - အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု

Individual Dispute - တစံဦဵခ့ငံဵ အျငငံဵပးာဵမှု

Collective Dispute- စုေပါငံဵအျငငံဵပးာဵမှု

Tribunal - ခုဳအဖးဲ ဴ

Assignment Questions
1. State the objectives of the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law
2. Define the following terms.
(a) Individual dispute
(b) Collective dispute

3. Define the following terms.

(a) Essential service
(b) Public utility service
(c) Dispute
3. State briefly the settlementsof dispute under steps of organizations.
4. Describe the formation of Concilation Body and how about settlement of dispute
under Concilation Body.
5. Describe the formation of Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body and how about
settlement of dispute under Dispute Settlement Arbitration Body.
6. State the formation of Dispute Settlement Arbitration Council and how about
settlement of dispute under Dispute Settlement Arbitration Council.

Short Questions

1. What are the Purposes of the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law?

2. What is Trade under the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law?

3. Define the term "Lock-out".

4. How many kind of Settlement of Labour Dispute bodies?

5. What is tribunal under the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law?


Chapter 3
Law Relating to Overseas Employment

3.1 Objectives
3.2 Definition
3.3 Formation of the Central Committee
3.4 The duties and functions of the Central Committee
3.5 Formation of the Supervisory Committee
3.6 The duties and functions of the Supervisory Committee
3.7 Registration
3.8 Service Agent Licence
3.9 Appeal
3.10 The Duties and Rights of Workers
3.11 Duties and Rights of Service Agent Licence Holder
3.12 Offences and Penalties
Key Terms
Assignment Questions
Short uestions

Chapter 3
Law Relating to Overseas Employment
ည ငဆင
The State Peace and Development Council enacted the Law Relating to
Overseas Employment in 1999.

ငင င ငစ ည ည င
ဆင ၉၉၉ စ င ၉၉ င ါ ည။
3.1 Objectives ည
Section 3
The objectives of this Law are as follows:-

။ ည ါ င စ ည။
(a) to enable the beneficial and systematic utilization of human resources
of the State for builiding a modern and developed State:

( ) ငင ငင စ စ စ
စ င ။
(b) to enable those seeking overseas employment to get employment
opportunities and to secure such employment systematically:

( ) ည င င ည င င
စ ည စ စ င င ။
(c) to ensure that there is no loss of the rights and privileges of workers and
that they receive the rights they are entitled to:

(ဂ) င င င င စ ဆ စ င
င ည င စ င စ ။
(d) to enable the systematic utilization within the country of the knowledge
experience and skills gained abroad; according to the type of overseas
employment undertaken.

(ဃ) ည င စ င ည
၊ ည ည င င စ စ ည ဆ င င
င ။

3.2 Definition

Section 2
The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings
given hereunder –

၂။ င ါ ါစ ည ါ င ါ
စ ည။
(a) ''Overseas Employment" means employment in any foreign conutry for a
limited period of time other than the following employments. The said expression also
includes employment in the United Nations Organization and any of its Specialized

( ) ည ငဆ ည ါ င
င ည င ည င စ ဆ
ည။ ငစ င ည ဂ စည င င
စည င ဂ င င
င ည ါ င ည-
(i) employment of seafarers:

( ) င င။
(ii) employment in a foreign country of any Government servants or
experts assigned by any Government department or organization.

(၂) စ ဌ ၊ စည စ စ
င င ည င ည င။
(b) "Worker" means a worker in any overseas employment or worker
appointed to join overseas employment or a person appointed as an apprentice.

` ( ) ဆ ည ည င စ င င
ည ၊ င င ည င
င စ င ဆ ည။
(c) "Service Agent" means a person or organization, who/which for a
prescribed service fee acts an agent in securing employment for those who seek
overseas employment;

(ဂ) ဆ ငဆ ည ည င
ည ဆ င စ စ ဆ င ည
ဂ စည ဆ ည။
(d) "Central Committee" means the Overseas Employment Central Committee
formed under section 4 of this Law.

(ဃ) ဆ ည -၄ စည ည
ငဆင ဆ ည။
(e) "Supervisory Committee" means the Overseas Employment
Supervisory Committee formed under section 7 of this Law.

(င) ဆ ည -၇ စည ည
င ဆင ဆ ည။
(f) "Department" means the Department of Labour under the Ministry of

(စ) စဌ ဆ ည ဌ
စဌ ဆ ည။
3.3 Formation of the Central Committee စည င
Section: 4
The Ministry of Labour shall, with the approval of the Government, form the
Overseas Employment Central Committee comprising with the Minister of the
Ministry of Labour as a Chairman, Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Labour as
Members, Deputy Ministers from the relevant Ministries as Members, Heads of

Government Department and Organizations related to Lanour Affairs as Members,

Luminaries inrespect of Labour Affairs as Members, Suitable Citizens as Members,
Director Generalof Department of Labour as Secretary.

၄၊၊ ဌ ည-
( ) စ ည င ါ ဂ ါ င ည
ငဆင စည ည-
( )


( ) ဆင ဌ င

(၄) င င
ဆင ည စ ဌ ၊
(၅) င င
စ င ည ဂ
(၆) င ည ငင င
(၇) င
(b) may reconstitute the Central Committee formed under sub-section (a) as may
be necessary.

( ) ( ) စည ည ငဆင စည င

Section 5
A non-government Central Committee member is entitled to receive such
remuneration as may be prescribed by the Ministry of Labour.

၅။ စ င ည
ဌ ည င င စ င ည။
3.4 The duties and functions of the Central Committee

Section 6
The duties and functions of the Central Committee are as follows:-

၆။ င ါ င စ ည-
(a) laying down policy relating to Overseas Employment for the sysyematic and
beneficial utilization of human resources of the State.

( ) ငင စ စ စ စ င ည
င ါ င၊
(b) communicating and coordinating with local and foreign government departments,
organizations and persons concerned, to implement the policy laid down in respect of
securing overseas employment opportunities and obtaining employment;

( ) ည င င ၊ င င င
စ ါ င ည င ည ဆ င င ၊
ည င င ဆင စ ဌ ၊ စည ၊ ဂ ငဆ
ည င ဆ င င၊
(c) communicating and coordinating with Government departments organizations
and persons concerned to ensure that there is no loss of the rights and privileges of
workers and that they receive the rights they are entitled to.

(ဂ) င င င င စ ဆ စ င င
ည င စ င ဆင စ ဌ ၊
စည ၊ ဂ ငဆ ည င ဆ င င၊
(d) giving guidance and supervision for the systematic utilization withnthe country
of the knowledge, experience and skills gained abroad according to the type of
overseas employment undertaken.

(ဃ) ည င စ င ည
၊ ည ည င င စ စ ည င
င၊ င၊
(e) determining and declaring the countries, employment organizations and types of
work for which overseas employment is not allowed;

(င) ည င င င ည ငင ၊ င
စည ည င င စ ည င၊
(f) giving guidance on matters relating to the issuance, cancellation or revocation
subject to a time limit of the licence of Service Agents;

(စ) ဆ င ငစင င၊ ဆ င ငစင င င

ဆ င ငစင င င ဆင စ င
စ င၊
(g) prescribing in accordance with the type of overseas employment the amount of
service fee which the Department may collect and the amount of service fee the
Service Agent is entitled to;

(ဆ) ည င စ ဆ င စဌ
င ည ဆ င င ဆ င င ည ဆ င
(h) performing other duties and functions which the Government may assign from
time to time.

(ဇ) စ ါ စ ည င ဆ င
င စ ည။
3.5 Formation of the Supervisory Committee

စည င
Section 7
The Ministry of Labour -
(a)shall form the Overseas Employment Supervisory Committee with the Director
General of the Department of Lanour as the Chairman, suitable persons from the
relevant Government departments and organizations as well as persons who are expert
in Labour matters as members to supervise the systematic functions of overseas

၇။ ဌ ည-
( ) ည ငဆင င စ စ စ စ င
စဌ စ ည င၊ ဆင စ
ဌ စည င ဂ င င င
စ င ဂ င စ ည င ါ င ည
ည ငဆင စည ည။
(b) informing under sub-section (a), may determine a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary
as may be necessary.

( ) ( ) စည င ါ င င
င ည။
(c) may reconstitute the Supervisory Committee as may be necessary;
(ဂ) ငဆင စည င ည။
(d) may prescribe the honorarium which a Supervisory Committee member who is a
non-government servant may receive.

(ဃ) စ င စ ည င င
င ည။
3.6 The duties and functions of the Supervisory Committee

င ၀
Section 8
The duties and functions of the Supervisory Committee are as follows:-

၈။ င ၀ ါ င စ ည-
(a) implementing in accordance with the policy laid down by the Central
Committee in respect of overseas employment;

( ) ည င ငစ ါ င ည
င ည ဆ င င၊
(b) communicating with local and foreign government department, organizations
and persons, in order to avoid difficulties regarding access to overseas employment
opportunities, securing rights and privileges of the workers and damages arising out
of employment.

( ) ည င င ၊ င င င င
၊ င င စ စ ငစ
စ ည င ည စ ဌ ၊ စည ၊ ဂ ငဆ
ဆ င င၊
(c) recruiting and selecting workers for overseas employment under arrangements
of the Department and providing them with skill and training with the assistance of
the Government departments, organizations and other persons;

(ဂ) စဌ ည င စစ
စ ဆ င င၊ င င င င င
စ စ ဌ ၊ စည င ဂ ည င
ည င၊

(d) coordinating and correlating job proficiency training for overseas employment
conducted by Government departments and organizations or any Service Agent, and if
necessary conducting such training under arrangements of the Department;

(ဃ) စ ဌ ၊ စည စ စ စ၊ ဆ င င စ
စ စ င စ ဆ င ည င င စ ည င
င ဆင င ည င ါင စ င၊ င ါ
စဌ စ စ င င င င စ င၊
(e) giving decisions on matters relating to the issuance, cancellation or revocation
subject to a time limit, the licence of Service Agents;

(င) ဆ င ငစင င၊ ဆ င င စင င၊
ဆ င ငစင င င ငစ ဆ
(f) forming and assigning duties to sub-committees for inspecting the functions of
Service Agencies or Workers who are about to undertake overseas employment;

(စ) ဆ င င စစ ဆ စ င ည ည
စစ ဆ စ စစ စစ ဆ င
စည င င၊
(g) communicating and coordinating with the relevant Goverment departments
and organizations to prevent workers from taking up overseas employment without
having registered under this Law;

(ဆ) င င ည င
င င စ ဆ စ ဌ ၊ စည င
ဆ ည င ဆ င င၊
(h) coordinating with the relevant Government departments and organizations to
faciliate the obtaining of passports and entry visas for workers;

(ဇ) ည င စ၊ ည င ဇ စ ဆင
စ ဆင စ ဌ ၊ စည ငည င ဆ င င၊

(i) preventing workers who are found unsuitable for overseas employment by the
Inspections Sub-Committees, from departing to take up such employment;

(ဈ) ည စစ စစ ဆ င စစ ဆ
ည င င ါ င င၊
(j) giving assistance for facilitating the systematic utilization within the country of the
experience, knowledge and skill gained in the respective overseas employment.

(ည) ည င စ င ည
၊ ည ည င င စ စ ည င စ
ည င၊
(k) informing the relivant Government departments, organisations and Service Agents
of overseas employment opportunities;

(ဋ) ည င င င စ င
ဆင စ ဌ ၊ စည င ဆ င
(L) supervising the collection of service fees prescribed by the Central Committee;
(ဌ) ည ဆ င င၊
(m) performing the functions and duties assigned by the Ministry of Lanour from
time to time.

(ဍ) ဌ ါ စ င
ည ဆ င င။

3.7 Registration င င
Section 9
(a) Overseas employment seekers shall register themselves as overseas employment
seekers at the Department for the type of overseas employment for which compulsory
registration is required by the Department.

(b) The Department shall communicate with local and foreign governments,
organizations and persons to seek overseas employment opportunities for persons
registered as overseas employment seekers.
(c) If a person registered as an overseas employment seeker obtains overseas
employment, he shall be registered as a worker with the Department.

၉။( ) ည င ည စဌ င ည
ည င စ စ င စ ါ ည
င စ စဌ င င ည၊
( ) စဌ ည ည င စ င
ည င င စ ည င၊ ည စ
ဌ ၊ စည ၊ ဂ ၊ ဆ င င ဆ ဆ င
(ဂ) ည င စ င ည ည
င စ င ည င င
စ ည င ည စ ဌ ၊ စည ၊ ဂ ၊
ဆ င ငဆ ဆ င ည။
Section 10
An overseas employment seeker who obtains overseas employment other than
those for which the Department requires compulsory registration as overseas
employment seeker, shall register as worker with the Department.

။ ည င စ စဌ င ည
ည င စ ည င စ
င င ည စဌ င စ င ည။
Section 11
A person, who prior to coming into operation of this Law, has been in any
overseas employment, after temporarily returning home, continues with the overseas

employment, shall be registered as a worker with the Department, in accordance with

the stipulations.

။ ည ည င စ င
ည ည င ည ည င စ ဆ
င ါ င ည စဌ င စ င
Section 12
The Department shall open separately the Overseas Employment Seekers
Register, the Workers Register and effect registration in accordance with the
stipulations and issue a certificate of registration to a worker prior to his departure.

၂။ စဌ ည-
( ) ည င ငစ ည င၊
ငစ ည င င င ည
င ည။
( ) ည င င

3.8 Service Agent Licence ဆ င ငစင

Section 13
A person who wishes to carry out service agency business shall apply to the
Department for issue of Service Agent Licence in accordance with the stipulations.

။ ဆ င င င ည ဆ င ငစင
စဌ င ည ည။
Section 14
The Department - စဌ ည-

(a) may after scrutinizing the application for Service Agent Licence, issue a
service Agent Licence or refuse to issue the said licence with the confirmation of the
supervisory Committee.

( ) ဆ င ငစင စစစ ည
င ဆ င ငစင င ( ) ဆ င ငစင
ငင င၊
(b) shall, prior to issue of the Service Agent Licence, cause the prescribed
Service Agent Licence fee to be paid, and after stipulating the conditions, issue he
licence to the applicant.

( ) ဆ င ငစင င ဆ င
ငစင င စ စည
ငစင ည။
(c) may form, if necessary, an investigation committee, or may appoint any
appropriate officer to make the necessary investigations with regard to application for
Agent Licence.

(ဂ) ဆ င ငစင င ငစ င စစ စစ ဆ
င စစ စစ ဆ င စည စ စ၊ င ည
စ စ စ င ည။
Section 15
If a Service Agent Licence holder is found to have infringed any of the
following, the Department may, with the confirmation of the Supervisory Committee,
cancel the licence or revoke it subject to a time limit:-

၅။ ဆ င ငစင ါ စ င ငစ င
င စဌ ည ည င ဆ င
ငစင င ဆ င ငစင င
င င ည-
(a) violation of any condition of the Service Agent Licence;

( ) ဆ င ငစင စည စ င၊
(b) failure to perform as promised by the Service Agent for the employment
seeker or for the worker;

( ) ဆ င င စ စ၊
စ စ ဆ င ည င ဆ င င၊
(c) transferring the Service Agent Licence without the permission of the

(ဂ) စဌ င ဆ င ငစင င င စ င၊
(d) charging service fees in excess of the prescribed amount;

(ဃ) ည ဆ င င င၊
(e) failure to submit to the Department the accounts and information regarding
overseas employment in accordance with the stipulations.

(c) ည င ဆင စ င င
င ည စဌ င။
Section 16
The supervisory Committee may, with regard to cancellation of the Service
Agent Licence or revocation subject to a time limit, form if necessary, an
investigation committgee or appoint a suitable officer to make the necessary

၆။ ည ဆ င ငစင
ဆ င ငစင င စ ငစ င
စစ စစ ဆ င စစ ဆ စည စ စ၊ င ည
စ စ စ င ည။
Section 17
The Ministry of Labour shall determine by notification the Service Agent
Licence tenure, licence fee, late fee, penalty and security deposit.

၇။ ဌ ည ဆ င ငစင ၊ ငစင ၊
၊ င င စ

3.9 Appeal င
Section 18
A person who is not satisfied with the following order or decision may appeal to the
Minister of the Ministry of Labour within 60 days from the date of the order or the
decision –

၈။ ါ ဆ ည င
ဆ ါင (၆ ) င
ဌ ၊ င ည-
(a) the order or decision of the Department made with the confirmation of the
Supervisory Committee issuing or refusing to issue the Service Agent Licence.

( ) စဌ ည င ဆ င ငစင
င ၊ ငင င ည ဆ ၊
(b) the order to decision of the Supervisory Committee cancelling the Service
Agent Licence or revoking the Service Agent Licence subject to a time limit or
prohibiting a worker from going abroad.

( ) ဆ င ငစင င
ဆ င ငစင င င
ည င င င ည ဆ ၊
Section 19
The decision of the Minister for Labour shall be final and conclusive.

၉။ ဌ ၊ ဆ ည စ စ ည။

3.10 The Duties and Rights of Workers

င င ၀
Section 20
A worker before going abroad: -

၂ ။ ည ည -
(a) shall undergo a medical examination as derected by the Supervisory
Committee, and obtain a health certificate;

( ) စစ ည င စစ ဆ
င ည။
(b) shall have obtained a certificate of registration issued by the Department as
supporting evidence.

( ) င င စဌ
စ ည။
Section 21
A registered worker who has gone abroad and has been working there shall
report any unusual condition of work to the Service Agent in accordance with the
stipulations. If it is not a case of working there after communicating with the Service
Agent he shall report to the Myanmar Embassy or to the Consular Office in
accordance with the stipulations. If there are no such offices he shall report to the

၂ ။ င ည င ည ည
ည င င စ ည င ဆင
ဆ င င ည င ည။ ဆ င ငဆ
င င ါ ဆင
ငစစ င ည င ည။ ဆ ါ င
စဌ င ည။

Section 22
A worker who has returned to Myanmar and is about to go abroad to join
overseas employment other than the present one he has been working in, shall depart
only after compluing with the provisions of section 20.

၂၂။ ည ငင ည င
ည င ည င စ
င ည ညဆ င -၂ င ည ဆ င
ည ည။
Section 23
A worker shall pay the service fees determined by the Central Committee
either to the Department or to the Service Agent.

၂ ။ ည ည ဆ င စဌ
စ စ၊ ဆ င စ စ ည။
Section 24
A worker –

၂၄။ ည-
(a) has the right to claim through the Service Agent full compensation or
damages to which he is entitled for injury sustained at a foreign worksite.

( ) ည င င င ည ၊ စ
ည စ ဆ င ဆင ဆ င စဆင
ငဆ င ည။
(b) has the right to take civil or criminal action for loss of his rights and privileges
relating to overseas employment.

( ) ည င ငစ င င င င စ ဆ
င စ စ၊ စ င စ စ စဆ င ည။

3.11 Duties and Rights of Service Agent Licence Holder

ဆ င ငစင င င
Section 25
A Service Agent Licence holder –

၂၅။ ဆ င ငစင ည-
(a) shall observe the conditions of the Service Agent Licence;

( ) ဆ င ငစင စည ည။
(b) shall pay the Service Agent Licence fees in accordance with the stipulations;

( ) ဆ င ငစင င ည ဆ င ည။
(c) shall, where there is a written agreement, carry out his duties, as agreed upon
in the document, for the worker;

(ဂ) စ ါ ငစ ါ ည
ဆ င ည။
(d) shall communicate with the overseas employer concerned and undertake
responsibility for obtaining in full the rights and privileges in the case of loss of rights
and privileges of workers;

(ဃ) င င င င စ ဆ စ ါ
ဆင ည င င င ဆ င င င င င
ည စ င ဆ င ည။
(e) shall submit to the examination by the investigation committee or a person
assigned by the Supervisory Committee or by the Department;

(င) စ စ၊ စဌ စ စ စစ
စစ ဆ စ စစ ဆ ည။
(f) shall submit the accounts and information relating to overseas employment to
the Department in accordance with the stipulations;

(စ) ည င ငစ စ င င
င ည စဌ ည၊
(g) shall inform in writing to the Department of any change of address of place of
work or any change of his deputed administrative manager;

(ဆ) င င င စ စ၊ စ
င င စ စ င င စဌ စ င
င ည။
(h) shall work for obtaining enhanced overseas employment opportunities;

(ဇ) ည င င ဆ င ည။
(i) has the right to conduct private training courses, with the approval of the

Department, to give workers work experience and proficiency. If necessary he may

communicate and work with the Department;

(ဈ) င င င စ စဌ
င င င င င ည။ ါ စဌ င
ဆ ဆ င င ည။
(j) shall abide by the rules, procedures, orders and directives issued under this Law;
(ည) ည ည ၊ ည ၊ င
(k) has the right to charge the worker service fee, as prescribed by the Central
Committee for securing overseas employment from the worker;

(ဋ) ည င ည ည
ဆ င ငဆ င ည။
(I) has the ritht to advise the relevant Government departments and organizations
regarding overseas employment opportunities.

(ဌ) ည င င င ဆင စ ဌ ၊
စည ဉ င ည။

3.12 Offences and Penalties စ င စ

Section 26
Whoever performs the Service Agent functions without the ServiceAgent
Licence, shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to 7 years and shall also be liable to a fine.

၂၆။ ည ဆ ဆ င ငစင ဆ င င င င
စ င စ င င င င (၇) စ ည င
င ည င ည။
Section 27
Any Service Agent Licence holder, who charges service fees in excess of the
amount prescribed by the Supervisory Committee, shall, on conviction by punished
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years and shall also be liable to a

၂၇။ ဆ င ငစင ည ဆ ည
ဆ င င င စ င စ င င င
င ( ) စ ည င င ည င ည။
Section 28
Any Service Agent Licence holder, who transfers the Service Agent Licence
without the permission of the Department, shall, on conviction be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years and shall also be liable to a fine.

၂၈။ ဆ င ငစင ည ဆ စဌ င
ဆ င ငစင င င စ င စ င စ င င င
င ( ) စ ည င င ည င ည။
Section 29
Any Service Agent Licence holder, who violates any of the rules, procedures,
orders or directives issued under this Law shall, on conviction be punished with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 year or with fine of kyats 5,000 or
with both.

၂၉။ ဆ င ငစင ည ဆ ည ည
၊ ည ၊ စ
င စ င စ င င င င ( ) စ စ စ၊
င ၅ စ စ၊ စ စ စ ည။

Key Terms
Overseas Employment - ည င
Service Agent - ဆ င
Central Committee -

Supervisory Committee -

Department - စဌ
Revocation - င
Reconstitute - ငဆင စည င
Service Agent Licence - ဆ င ငစင
Appeal - င

Assignment Questions
1. State the objectives of Law relating to Oversea Employment.
2. Define the following terms under Law relating to Oversea Employment:
(a) Oversea Employment
(b) Service Agent
3. What are the duties and functions of the Central Committee under Law relating to
Oversea Employment?
4. Explain about registration of oversea employment under Law relating to Overseas
5. When does the department issue Service Agent Licence to a person in accordance
with the stipulations Law relating to Oversea Employment?

Short Questions
1. What do you understand by the term Overseas Employment?

2 Define the following terms under the Law Relating to Overseas

(a) Supervisory Committee.
(b) Department.
3. Define the follow terms under the Law Relating to Overseas Employment.
(a) Worker.
4. What are the Offences and Penalties of Overseas Employment?

Chapter 4
The Leave and Holidays Act, 1951
4.1 Definition
4.2 Earned leave
4.3 Casual Leave
4.4 Leave on medical certificate
4.5 Combination or Continuation of Leave
4.6 Grant of leave where work is not carried on continuously for twelve month
Key Terms
Assignment Questions
Short Questions

Chapter 4
The Leave and Holidays Act, 1951

င င
(Act No. 58 of 1951)
The Leave and Holidays Act aims at providing paid leave and holidays for
workers covered by it. It applies to workers of factories, railways, ports, oil fields,
mines, shops and other stipulated establishments.

င င
င စ င ဆ င ဆင
င ဆ
င ဆင
င င င င
The Law provided that workers covered by the Act are entitled to 10 days paid
leave (called earned leave) for every 12 months of service as well as six days paid
casual leave and up to a maximum of thirty days of paid medical leave per year.

င င စဆ
ဆ စ င င င င င င င
စ စ င င င ဆ
င င င စ
Leave and Holidays Act was enacted and came into force on January 1,1952
prescribed by notification No.58 by Parliament. The State Peace and Development
Council amended this law by notification No. 6, in 2006. Then, The Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw amended this law by notification No.30 in 2014.

ငစ ငင င
၍ စ ဇ စ၍ ငင စ င စ
ငင င ငစ င

င ငဆင ငစ
င စ င ငဆင

4.1 Definition
Section 2(4)
"Employee" means any person who relies on the labour to engage in economic
activity or to generate a livelihood,including a daily wage earner, temporary worker
and permanent worker but does not include the followings;-
(a)If any employer is carrying in his own trade, industry or economic activity
or establishment, parents, wife,husband, children, brothers and sister of that emoloyer;
(b)persons who are remunerated out of the profits of the trade or industry or
economic activity and establishment in the shape of shares;
(c)cook, maid, nanny and care taker;
(d)subject to the existing law, Government Servants who have the rights to get
Leave and Holidays provided to pay wages or salaries as consequences; 1

ဆ စ
င ငစ င စ င စ စ
င စ စ
င ဆ င င -
) င ငစ င
စ င င င စ င
င င ဇ စ င စ င
င င င
) စ စ စ င စ စ
စ င စ စ စ စ စ
င စ စ င

Sec 2(c),the law Amending the Leave and Holidays Act, 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw No 30, 2014.

ဂ) င င င စ င

ဃ ဆ စ င စ င င
င စ င င င င င

Explanation င င
Member of the family of an employer mean parents, husband, wife, children,
brothers and sister of the employer.

င စ ငဆ င င ဇ
စ စ င
"Employer" includes anybody of persons whether incorporated or not and
managing agent of an employer and the legal representative of deceased employer.

ငဆ စ င၍ စ စ စ
စ' ၍ င စ စ (Managing agent) ဆ
င င စ င

4.2 Earned leave င

Section 4 (1) Every employee who has completed a period of twelve months
continuous service shall be granted earned leave with average wages or average pay
for a period of ten consecutive days by him employer during the subsequent period of
twelve months-

င စဆ ဆ စ င
ဆ စ င င ဆင
င င စ စ စ င င စ စ င
ဆ စဆ င
(2) Earned leave shall be granted after completion of a period of twelve
months continuous service, during which an employee has worked at least twenty
days in every month:

င စ င င စ
စဆ ဆ
Provide that an employee shall forfeit one day from his earned leave for every
month in which he has not worked twenty days.

၍ စဆ င
စ စ င င စ
An employee shall be deemed to have completed a period of twelve months
continuous service notwithstanding any interruption in service during those twelve
months brought about by sickness, or accident, absence, duly authorized under this
Act, which, counted together, does not exceed ninety days, or by a lockout or a strike
which is not an illegal strike or by intermittent period of involuntary unemployment
which, counted together, does not exceed thirty days.

င င စ စဆ
င ၍ င င စ
စ ဆ င စ စ င
င စ စ စ င
င င စ စ င င
င စ စ စစ င စ
စ စဆ င

(3)An employer shall fix the time which earned leave may be taken by his
employee within three months from the last date of the period of twelve months in
respect of which the earned leave is the to be granted. Accumulated earned leave
admissible may, however, by mutual agreement between the employer and the
employee concerned be granted to the employee at any time during any period not
exceeding three years.

င င င စ
င င ဆင စဆ စ စ င
ဆ စ၍ င င
ဆင င င င င င စ
င င စ င၍ င ဆ

(4)An employee who has been granted earned leave shall, before is earned
leave begins, be paid the wages or pay as the case may be due for the period of earned
leave allowed. Such payment shall be made to the employee or his authorized
representative at the place where wages or pay are or is usually paid.

င င င
င ဆင စ င င စ
စ င င
စ င -
င င
(5)If an employee, who is entitled to earned leave resigns, or is discharged by
his employer or dies before he has taken his earned or accumulated leave, the
employer shall pay him or his legal representative wages or pay as the case may be in
lieu of earned leave at a rate equivalent to the daily average of the wages or pays as
the case may be for the days on which he had worked during the thirty days
immediately preceding his resignation, discharge or death. Such payment shall, in the
case of resignation or discharges, be made within two days, and in case of death as
soon as possible after a claim is made for such payment.

င င
စ င -

င စ င င

ဂ ဆ င
စ စ င စ
စ စ င စ
င ဆ စဆ စ င
င ဆင င စ င
စ င စ င င ၍
င - င
စ င စ င
င စ င
င ဆ ဆ
စ င င ငဆ ဆ င င ဆ ငစ

4.3 Casual Leave င င င

Section 5 (1) 1 An employee shall be admissible to casual leave with wages or
pay as the case may be aggregating six days in a year.

င င င င င င
စ စ င စစ င စ င စ င -

Provided that he shall only be admissible to a maximum casual leave of three
days at any one time.

င င င င င စ စ
င စ စ င စ
စ င င စ စ င
ဆ ၍ င င စ ၍ - င
င စ င
(2) Casual leave shall not be combined with any other kind of leave.

င င င င ဆ င
င င င စ င ငစ ၍

(3) If the employee does not take the casual leave which he is entitled to
within the year, it shall lapse.

င င င ဆင စ
င င င ၍ င -
င င

4.4 Leave on medical certificate - ဆ င

Section 6 (1) An employee shall be admissible to leave on medical certificate
with wages or pay as the case may be not exceeding thirty days in a year.

င ဆင င စ င င စ စ စ စ
င င င ဆ င
င င စ
Provided that leave on medical certificate shall not be admissible to an
employee until he has been in service for at least six months. If however, an employee
has not been in service for at least six months, he shall be admissible to leave on
medical certificate without pay.

ဆ င
င ဆ င င စ င
င ဆ စ
င င စ - င
(2) Leave on medical certificate shall be granted on production of a
certificate in order or priority, from the medical officer of the trade, industry or
establishment concerned, or a doctor approved but the trade, industry or
establishment, or from a Government medical officer in the case of Government

employees or from the Railways medical officer in the case of Railway employees or
from any other registered medical officers practitioner.

ဆ င င င ဆ
င င ဆ
င င ငဆ င
စ ဆ င ဆ င င င
င င င

(4) An employee, who has been granted leave on medical certificate shall,
if so requested by him, be paid the wages or pay as the case may be due to him
weekly during the period of leave on medical certificate. Such payment shall be made
to the employee or his authorized representative at the place where wages or pay are
or is usually paid.

ဆ င င င
င င င ဆင င စ င
စ ငဆ င ငဆ င င
င င င င စ
င - င င
(5) If the employee does not take the medical leave which he is entitled to
within the years, it shall lapse.

ဆ င ဆင စ
င င စ - င

4.5 Combination or Continuation of Leave

င င၍ စ စ ဆ ၍ စ စ င
Section (7) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (5) of Section (6) leave on
medical certificate may be granted in continuation of earned leave.

င ဆ င စ
ဆ င င င စဆ င င
- င
င င င င င ငစ ၍

Sec 7(a) Pregnant woman work shall be granted as maternity leave
of six weeks before confinement and eight weeks after confinement with
wages or salaries. Maternity Leave may be granted in continuation of
leave on medical certificate.2
ဆ င
င စ ဆင
င င စ စ စ င င စ စ င စ င င
င ဆ င ငဆ စ စ င င

4.6 Grant of leave where work is not carried on continuously for twelve

စဆ ဆ စ ငစ င
Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Section (4), (5) and (6), an
employee who works in any trade, industry or establishment where work is not carried
on continuously for twelve months , shall be granted by his employer earned leave,
casual leave or leave on medical certificate proportional to his period of service.

င င င င င
ဆ င င စ င စ
- င

Sec 8,the law Amending the Leave and Holidays Act, 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw No 30, 2014.

ဆ စ
င စ -
စ ဆ စ စ စ

Key Terms

Employee -

Earned leave - င

Casual Leave - င င င

Leave on medical certificate - ဆ င

Combination - င င င

Continuation of Leave- ဆ ၍ စ စ င

Assignment Questions

1. Discuss the provisions of employee under the Leave and Holiday Act.

2. Explain about earned leave for employee under the Leave and Holiday Act. 3. How
many days for casual leave are there in the Leave and Holiday Act?
4. Describe the medical certificate and medical leave according to the Leave and
Holiday Act.

Short Questions
1. What is the objective of Leave and Holidays Act 1951?
2. How many kinds of leave are there under the Leave and Holidays Act 1951?
3. Describe the combination or continuation of leave under the Leave and Holidays
Act 1951.

Chapter 5
The Factories Act 1951
5.1 Definition
5.2 Concerning Works
5.3 Notice by occupier
5.4 Provision for Health
5.5 Provision for safety measures
5.6 Welfare
5.7 Working Hours

5.8 Employment of young person

Key Terms
Exercise Questions
Shorts Questions

Chapter 5
The Factories Act 1951

အလပ မ အ ပ ဒ
Act No. 65
The Factories Act 1951 is the principal Labour Law dealing with Safety,
Health, Welfare and Hours of work of industrial workers in Myanmar. Under this
Law, a factory is defined as any premises where a "manufacturing process" is carried
on by 10 or more workers using power or 20 or more workers without using power.

၉၅ အလပ မ အ ပ ဒသ အဓ အ ဖ တ အတ ရ
အလပ မ မ အလပသမ မ အလပ နမ ရ၊ ဘအ ရ ယ
ရ ရ ၊ အလပ သ သ ရ အလပ နသတမတ ရ တ ပတသ
၍ ရ ရန အ ရ ပ န ပ ဖ သ ။ အလပ မ အ ပ ဒ
ပ န မ အ ဝ သ နထတလပသ အလပ မ မ အလပသမ
ပ ဝ ယ အထ ရ ပ ''အ '' (လ ပ ဓ တအ ) အသ ပ သ အလပ
မ အလပသမ ပ ၂ဝ ယ အထ ရ ပ ''အ '' အသ မ ပ သ
အလပ မ ဖ သ ။
The provisions relating to health and safety aim at ensuring a healthy and safe
workplace for workers. They include provisions for ensuring cleanliness, adequate
workspace, adequate lighting and ventilation, adequate supply of whole-some
drinking water, adequate sanitary facilities proper disposal of waste and effluence,
absence of injurious dust and fumes at the workplace, fencing and guarding of
dangerous machinery and places, precaution to be taken with regard to work in
confined spaces, safety of lifting machinery, prevention of explosion and fires etc.

နမ ရ လ ရ ရ ပ န မ သ အလပသမ မ
အတ ဘ လ သ အလပ နရ နမ အလပလပ ရန ရ ရယ
ထ ပသ ။ ထ ပ န မ တ သနရ ယမ၊ အလပလပ သ
နရ လ လ ထ ရမ အလ ရ လ လထ အ မထ

ရမ၊ သ ရလ လ ရရ မ၊ နပ ပ မ ယ မမ သ
တ ဖယရ ၍သနရ မ၊အလပ နရ တ အ ရ ယရ သ အမန အ အ
မ အ လ မန ဖယရ မ၊ ဘ အ ရ ယရ သ ယ ရ မ နရ
မ ရနထ ရမ၊ သတမတ သ နရ မ တ အလပလပရန အ အ ယ
မ ရယမ၊ မ မ ဘအ ရ ယ ယမမ မ လ တတ
သ သမဟတ ပ တတ သ အရ မ အ အ ယယ မ
ရ ပ န မ ပ သ ။
The stipulations relating to welfare include provision of suitable cleaning and
washing facilities for workers, place for taking meals and rest, first-aid facilities,
place for care of infants of working mothers, among other things. The provisions
regarding hours of work and days of rest, include limiting hours of work to 8 hours a
day and 44 hours a week, granting a weekly holiday and rate of payment for overtime

သ သ ရ ပ န မ တ သနရ ရ ဖပ လ
အတ လယ မမ ၊ အန ယ သ ရန နရ ၊ ရ သန ပ
ရ လယ မမ ၊ အလပသမမ သ သမ မ ရ ရန နရ
အ သ ရပမ ရ ပ န မ ပ သ ။ အလပအ န န ရ ရ
ပ န မ တ အန ယသ နရ မ ၊ တ နလ အလပ န (၈) န ရ၊
တ ပတလ (၄၄) န ရအပ အဝ အ လပရ သတမတ အ နပ လပအ
ရ ပ န မ ပဝ သ ။
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw enacted the law amendment of the Factories Act 1951 in

January 20, 2016.

ပ ထ လတ တ သ ၉၅ ၊အလပ မ အ ပ ဒ ပ
သ ပ ဒ ၂ ၆ နန ရလ၂ ရ နတ ပ ထ လတ တ ပ ဒအ
မတ ၂ ဖ ပ ပ န သ ။
The followings are useful Section in the Factories Act, 1951.

အလပ မ အ ပ ဒတ အသ မ သ ပဒမမ အ တ ဖ ပ
ထ ပသ ။

5.1 Definition အဓပ ယဖ

Section.2 (a)
'Child' means a person who has completed his 14th but has not completed his 16thyear
and has been permitted to work by a Registered Doctor.1

လ သ မ အလပလပ ရနမတပတ ရ န ပသ အ
သ တ ယ လ ပ ပ အသ တ ယ မပ သသ လသ ။
(b) 'Adolescent' means a person who has completed his sixteenth but has not
completed his eighteenth year.2

လရယ သ မ အသ တ ယ ပ ပ ဖ လ ၊အသ ၈
မပ သသ လသ ။
(c) 'Young person' means a person who is either a child or an adolescent.

လ ယ သ မ လ လရယ လသ ။
(d) 'Adult' means a person who has completed his eighteenth year.

လ သ မ သ မ အသ ၈ ပ ပသ လသ ။
(I) 'Worker' means a person employed, whether for wages or not, in any
manufacturing process, or in cleaning any part of the machinery or premises used for
a manufacturing process, or in any other kind of work whatsoever incidental to or
connected with, the manufacturing process, or the subject of the manufacturing
process but does not include any person solely employed in a clerical capacity in any
room or place where no manufacturing process is being carried on;
The term also, includes Supervisors, Security Guards, Drivers, Cooks,
Messengers, Gardeners, General Workers in any place not concerned with a
manufacturing process or in any place related to a manufacturing process. 3

sec 3(a) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.
sec 3(b) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.
. sec 3(f) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

( )အလပသမ သ မ ပ လပမလပ န တ တ ဖ ၊ ပ လပမ

လပ န အတ အသ ပ သ သတ မဟတ အ အ အ တ
အပ တ ယ အ တ တရ တ ဖ ၊ ပ လပမလပ န ၌၊
သတ မဟတ ထလပ န မထ သ အရ ၌ ပ သ အလပတ တ ဖ
၊ ပ လပမလပ န သတ မဟတ ထလပ န မ ထ သ အရ
သ သ အလပတ တ ဖ အ သ လ ၊အ မ သ လ
ရ သ သ လသ ။ယ ရပတ ပ လပမလပ န မ
သ သ နရ သမဟတ ပ လပမလပ န ပ သ နရ တ တ
ပသ၊လ ရ ၊ယ မ ၊သနရ ရ ၊ထမ ၊ ပသ၊ ယ လပသ
အ ထ ထလပသ သ တလ ပ သ ။
(m) “Factory” means any premises including the precincts there of
whereon five or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the
preceding twelve months and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being
carried on with the aid of power or is ordinarily so carried on and also includes such
premises whereon ten or more worker are working, or were working on any day of the
preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being
carried on without the aid of power or is ordinarily so carried on, and also includes
workshops for repairing the motor vehicles, workshops for painting motor vehicles,
printing presses, oil mills where on one or more workers are working and also if
necessary any other workshops which may be stipulated by the Ministry of Labour,
Immigration and Population by notification.4
Provide that this does not include a mine subject to the operation of the Mines Act.

(ဍ) အလပ သ မ ၊အလပသမ ၅ အထ အလပလပ နသ

သမဟတလန သ ၂လအတ မ သ ရ တ မ ၊ လပ န သ အ ပ ၊

sec 3(g) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

ပ လပမ လပ န အတ ရ သ အ တအပ တ တ ၊ အ
အ အ ဖ လပ နသ ၊ သမဟတ သ မနအ ဖ လပ န ရ သ
အ အအတ တ ၊ ပ ပ လပ အလပသမ
အထ အလပလပ နသ ၊ သမဟတ လန သ ယ လအတ ၊
မ သ ရ တ မ ၊အလပလပ န သ အ ပ ၊ ပ လပမလပ န အတ
ရ သ အ တအပ တ တ ၊အ အ အ မရဘ လပ နသ ၊
သမဟတ သ မနအ ဖ ၊ ယ သ လပ သ အ အအတ
တ ပ လ ပ သ ။ထ ပ အလပသမ တ အထ အလပလပ သ
မ တ ယ ပ ရ န၊ မ တ ယ သတရ န၊ ပ ပ န
တ နမ ပ သ အ ပ လအပပ အ အလပ နမ လ အလပသ
မ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န နအလပအ လမဖလ ရ
န န အမန ထတ ပန၍သတမတ သ ။သရ တ မနမ သတ
တ ပ ဒ သ သ သတ တ မပ ။
(n) “Occupier” of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the

factory and the affairs of the factory.

(ဎ) လပ န ပ ရ သ မ အလပ အလပ တ လပသ လပ န

ရ မ ပအပ ပသ လသ ။
Provided that where the affairs of a factory are entrusted to a managing agent
or other person nominated under section 93 and prior notice of such nomination has
been given to an inspector, such agent or nominee shall be deemed to be the occupier,
of the factory.

သရ တ အ ပ မ ပသ ယ လယအ လအပထ လ
သတ မဟတ ပဒမ-၉၃အရ နထ မ ဟ ရ အရ ရအ ၊ တ
အ ၍ နထ သအ လအပထ လ ၊ ယ သ သ ယ
လယသ သတ မဟတ နထ ရသသ လပ န ပ ရ ဖ သ ဟ၍
မတယရမ ။

5.2 Concerning Works သ သ လပ န မ

The following are works concerning Section 2(m), 58 and 4(1) of this Factory
Act. A factory in which the manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of
power and with ten or more than ten workers. A factory in which the manufacturing
process is being carried on without the aid of power and with twenty or more than
twenty workers.

အလပ မ အ ပ ဒပ န မ အ ဝ သ အလပ မ
မ ၄ ပ ဒပဒမ-၂ ပဒမ (ဍ) အရအလပသမ ပ ဝ ယ အထ ရ ပ
''အ '' (လ ပ ဓ တအ ) အသ ပ သ အလပ မ အလပသမ ပ ၂ဝ
ယ အထ ရ ပ ''အ '' အသ မ ပ သ အလပ မ ဖ သ ။
Any warehouse or storage depot in which not less than one hundred persons are

သ လ (သမဟတ) ဒ တ အလပသမ ထ လ န
မရဘ အလပလပ ၊
Any dock, wharf or quay, including any warehouse used in connection therewith in
which mechanical power is used.

န လ တ ပ သ သ ဘ ၊ ပ ဘ တတ ၊ တတ မ
တ အ အ အသ ပ မ ၊
The operation of loading, unloading, fuelling of a ship in any dock or harbor or wharf
or quay.

ပ မ နတ န နရ ၊ ပ ဘ တတ ၊ သ ဘ မ တ
နတ ၊ န ၊ ဖ အသ ပ မ ၊
In addition, according to the notification dated 29th November, 1954 of the
Department of Labour ,the following works shall be deemed to be works concerning
the Factory Act, regardless of the number of workers employed.

ထအ ပ ၉၅၄ ၊ ဝ ဘ လ၂၉ ရ န န ပ အလပသမ န

အရ အ ပ အလပ နမ အလပသမ မ မ ပ လပ မ
အလပ အ ပ ဒ အ ဝ သ ဟ ပ ရပ သ ။ ၄ တမ
Workshop for repairing the motor vehicle.

မ တ ယ ပ ရန န၊
Workshop for painting the motor vehicle.

မ တ ယ သတ န၊
Printing Press

ပ ပအလပ န၊
Oil mill.

တအလပ နမ ဖ သ ။

5.3 Notice by occupier လပ န ပ ရ ပသ တ

Section 8 (1) The occupier shall, at least fifteen days before he beings to
occupy or use any premises as factory, send to the General Director of the Factory and
Labour Law Inspection Department a written notice containing:

လပ န ပ ရ သ အလပ အ ဖ မ သ အ အ ၌ မ တ ၍
လပ န လပ ၊ သတ မဟတ အ အ အသ ပ မ ပ မ၊ အန
ယ ရ တ ၍အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န
ရမ ပထ အ ပအ မ လ ၍ တ ပ ပရမ ။
(a) The name and situation of the factory.

( ) အလပ အမ တ ရ အရပ၊
(b) The name and address in full of the occupier.

( ) လပ န ပ ရ အမ နရပအ ပ အ ၊
(c) The address in full ,contact address, Phone No, Fax No and Email address
to which communications relating to the factory may be sent.5

. sec 8(a) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

( )အလပ ပလ သ အ မ ပ ပရမ
နရပအ ပ အ ၊ သယရနလပ ၊ဖန နပ တ၊ဖ ( )နပ တ၊အ မ လ
(d)The nature of the manufacturing process-

(ဃ) ပ လပမလပ န အမ အ -
carried on in the factory during the last twelve months in the case of factories
in existence on the date of the commencement of the Act, and to be carried on in the
factory during the next twelve months in case of all factories.

အ ပ ဒအ ဏ တ သ နတ ရ နပ ဖ သ အလပ မ ပ
လ ၍ ထအလပ တ လန သ ယ လအတ လပသ ပ လပ မ လပ န
ပလ ၍ န လ မ ယ လအတ လပသ ပ လပမလပ န ။
(e) Nature of the industry, the electric power and mechanical power to be

( )လပ န အမ အ ၊အသ ပ ရမ လ ပ နအ မ

(f) The name of the manager of the factory for the purposes of this Act;
( ) အ ပ ဒအလ အလပ မန န ဖ သ အမ ၊
(g) The number of workers likely to be employed in the factory;
( ) အလပ တ ဖယရ ရသ အလပသမ အ ရအတ ၊
The average number of workers per day employed during the last twelve
months in the case of a factory in existence on the date of the commencement of this

. sec 8(b) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

အ ပ ဒအ ဏ တ သ နတ ရ နပ ဖ သ အလပ မ ပ
လ ၍ လန သ ယ လအတ ပ မ မ အ ဖ တ နလ သ
အလပသမ အ ရအတ ၊
(h) Any other promulgated factors.

( ) ပဠ န သ အ အ အရ မ ၊
(2) In respect of all factories which come within the scope of the Act for the first

time, the occupier shall send to Director General of the Factory and Labour Law
Inspection Department a written notice containing the particulars specified in sub-
section (1) within thirty days from the date of the commencement of this Act.

(၂) အ ပ ဒ ပထမအ မသ လ သ အလပ အ လ ပလ

၍ လပ န ပ ရ သ ပဒမ ( )တ ဖ ပထ သ အ အရ မ ပ ရ သ
တ အ ပ ဒအ ဏ တ သ နမရ ပ သ ယအတ
အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပထ ပ ပရ
မ ။
(3) Before a factory engaged in a manufacturing process which in ordinarily
carried on for less than one hundred and eighty working days in the years resumes
working, the occupier shall send the Director General of the Factory and Labour Law
Inspection Department a written notice containing the particulars specified in sub-
section (1) within thirty days before the date of the commencement of work.

(၃) တ လ အလပလပသ ရ ပ ၈ အ လ ၍ သ မနအ ဖ

လပ သ ပ လပမလပ န အသ ပ သ အလပ တ အလပ ပနလ မ တ မ
လပ န ပ ရ သ ပဒမ ( ) တ ဖ ပထ သ အ အရ မ ပ ရ သ
တ အလပ တ မလပမ ရ ပ သ ယအတ အလပ
အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပထ ပ ပရမ ။
(4) Whenever a new manager is appointed, the occupier shall send to the Director
General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department a written notice
within seven days from the date of the commencement of duties by such person.

(၄) မန န အသ နထ သ အ တ လပ န ပ ရ သ မန န အသ
အလပ တရ တ ရ သ နမ န ရ အတ အလပ
အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပ ထ တ
ပ ပရမ ။
(5) During any period for which no person has been appointed as manager of a
factory, or during which the person so appointed, does not manage the factory, if there
be no acting manager or a person acting as such ,the occupier himself shall be deemed
to be the manager of the factory for the purposes of this Act.

(၅) မ သ မ အလပ မန န အ နဖ နထ မရ သ သ လအပ

အ အတ သ လ ၊ မန န အ နဖ နထ ရသသ အလပ
အပ ပ မပသ လအပ အ အတ သ လ ၊ မန န
အဖ တလပ နသ၊ သတ မဟတ ယ သလပသမရလ လပ န ပ ရ
ယတ ပ အ ပ ဒအလ ထအလပ မန န အ နဖ ဖ သ ဟ၍
မတယရမ ။
(6) Whenever a factory, except as required by law, is required to be closed down
temporarily or indefinitely, the occupier of the factory shall send to the Director
General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department a notice stating the
reasons for such clasure at least one month prior to the closing of the factory. If for
any reason one month's notice cannot be given, prior intimation shall be sent to the
Director General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department as early as
possible before the factory is closed down. Provided that if the factory has to be
closed down due to some unforeseen and sudden emergency or breakdown of
machinery, the fact shall be intimated to the Director General of the Factory and
Labour Law Inspection Department within forty eight hours after closing down.7

sec 8(c) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

(၆) ပ ဒအရ ပတရသ အ မတ ပ အလပ တ တ သတ မဟတ

အ နအ နအသတမရဘ ပတထ ရန လအပသ အ တ လပ န ပ ရ သ
အလပ မပတမအန တ လ တ ၍အ ပ မ ပရ သ တ
အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပထ
ပ ပရမ ။ အ တ တ တ လ တ ၍မ ပပ လ
အလပ မပတမ လ သမ လ အလပ အလပသမ
ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပထ တ အ ရမ ။
သရ တ မ မ လ ဘ တတ ရ အ ဖ ပလ သ
အ ဖ ၊ ရယ မ ယ ပ သ ဖ
အလပ ပတရလ ယ သပတသ အ နမ ၄၈န ရ အတ
အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပအ
အ ရမ ။
(7) The occupier of a factory referred to in Sub „section (6) shall, within fifteen
days before work is resumed send written notice of this fact to the Director General of
the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department. 8

(၇) ပဒမ (၆)တ ရ နသ လပ န ပ ရ သ ၊ အလပ ပနလ မလပမ

ယ ရ အတ အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊
န ရမ ပထယ သ ပနလ လပမ ဖ တ ပ ပရမ ။

sec 8(d) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

5.4 Provision for Health

အလပ နမ ရ ရ ပဠ န မ
အ ပ ဒ အ န (၃)တ နမ ရ ပတသ ပ ပ နထ
ပသ ။
Cleanliness သနရ ယမ
Section 13 (1) Every factory and the compound thereof shall be kept clean and
kept free from effluvia arising from any drain, privy or other nuisance.

သနရ ယမအတ ၊ အလပ တ ၊ အလပ ဝ တ သနရ

ယ ထ ရမ အ ပ ရ မ မ သမဟတ ယ နသ နရ မ
သမဟတ အ န သ အရ မ ထ သ အန လ ရမ ဟ၍
ပဒမ- ၃( ) တ လ ၊

Disposal of wastes and effluence

နပ သ ပ မ ယ သ အရ မ
Section 14 (1) For the purpose of disposing of wastes and effluence, every
factory shall manage the disposal of waste, effluence ,fumes, dust, and odours in a
manner that does not cause harm to the natural environment.9

နပ သ ပ မ ယ သ အရ မ တ သတသ ရ လ ရ အတ
အလပ တ တ ပ လပမလပ န အရ နပ သ ပ မ ၊ ယ
သ အရ မ အ အ မ ၊အမနအမ မ ၊ အနအသ မ ရ လ
သန ရ တ သဘ ပတ န ထ မမရ ရန မ
ရ ထ ရမ ဟပဒမ ၄( )တ လ ဖ ပထ သ ။

sec 13(a) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

Ventilation and equable temperature

လဝ လထ ရရရန အပအ အ မ တ ရ
Section 15 (1) Effective and suitable arrangement shall be made in every
factory for securing and maintaining in every workroom adequate ventilation by the
circulation of fresh air, and such equable temperature as will secure workers therein
reasonable conditions of comfort and health.

လဝ လထ ရရရန အပအ အ မ တ ရ အတ အလပ အ နတ

တ လ လသန လ လ ရရရန အလပသမ တ ရ
န မ ရ အတ အပအ အ မ တရနသ လ လ လ သ မ မ ပ လပ
ပ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ- ၅ တ လ ၊

Dust and fume အမနမ အ အ မ

Section 16 (1) In any factory, there is given off any dust, fume or other
impurity of such a nature of in such substantial quantity as is likely to be injurious to
workers employed in connection with the manufacturing process carried on therein,
effective measures shall be taken to prevent its inhalation and accumulation in any
workroom, and if any exhaust in necessary for this purpose it shall be provided to the
nearest possible point of origin of the dust, fume or other impurity, and such point
shall be enclosed as far as possible.

အမနမ အ အ မ ရ အတ အလပ တ ပ လပမလပ န

ပလ ၍ အလပသမ မ ဘ အ ရ ယ ဖ ဖယရ လ ဏ ရသ အမန၊
အ အ သမဟတ အ အ အ မ အမ အ ပ ထ လ ထအ အ
သ တ မရ မ ရန အ အ မ ဝမ န ရန ထ ပ မ
ထ ရရမ ဟ ပဒမ ၆ တ လ ၊

Artificial humidification လ ထ
Section 17 (1) In respect of all factories in which the humidity of the air is
artificially increased the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population may make

ပဒမ ၇( ) လ ပမ ထ အ ဖနတ ရသ အလပ အ လ တ

အလပသမ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န န အ ပတ ပ
တသ ၍န ပ ဒမ ပ သ ။
Prescribing standards of humidification;

ထ သ လအတ နသတမတရန၊
regulating the methods used for artificially increasing the humidity of the air;

လ ပမ ထ အ ဖနတ ရနအသ ပ သ န လမ မ သတမတရန၊

Directing prescribed tests for ascertaining the humidity of the air to be carried out and

လ ထ မ ရမ မ ရ အမနရရရန မတတမ တ ရနအတ

သတမတထ သ မ သပမမ ရ ရမ ဟ ရန
and prescribing methods to be adopted for securing adequate ventilation and cooling
of the air in the work-rooms.

အလပ န မ တ လလ လ ဝ ရန အလပ န တ ရ လ အ
အ ပ ရနအတ ရ ရမ န လမ မ ပ န ရန၊

Overcrowding လထထပ
Section 18. (1) No room in a factory shall be overcrowded to such an extent as
to be injurious to the health of the workers employed therein.

လထထပ ပတသ ၍ အလပ ရအ န တ ရသ အလပသမ

မ နမ ရ ရ ပ။အ န တ ရသအလပသမ အသ သ အတ
ဗအ ယအဝန သ ဗ ပ ရ အ မန ရ။ ဗ ပအ ယအဝန
ထ ရနအလ မ ပ မ ယ လ ပအထ မ သ အ ယအဝန ထ
သ မ ပ ရဟ ပဒမ ၈ တ လ ၊

Lighting artificial အလ ရ ရရ ရ
Section 19. (1)In every part of a factory where workers are working or
passing, there shall be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable lighting,
natural or artificial.

အလ ရ ရရ ရ အတ အလပသမ မ အလပလပ န သ သမဟတ

ဖတသန သ လ န သ အလပ အ တအပ အသ သ တ သဘ ဝအလ
ရ သမဟတ ဖနတ ထ သ အလ ရ သ လ လ လ ရရ ရန
မထ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ- ၉ တ လ ၊

Drinking Water သ ရရရ ရ

Section 20 (1) In every factory, effective arrangements shall be made to provide
at points conveniently situated for all workers employed therein sufficient supply of
wholesome drinking water.

သ ရရရ ရ အတ အလပ တ တ သ လ သ အသ အလ
လယ သ နရ မ ၌အလပသမ အ လ အတ သနရ ယ သ သ
ရ လ လ ထ ရရန မ ရ ပ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ- ၂ဝတ လ ၊
Latrines and Urinals

အမသ မ ယ နရန နရ မ
Section 21 (1) In every factory-
As prescribed in relevant plans, sufficient latrines and urinals conveniently situated
and accessible to workers at all times, shall be provided.

အမသ မ ယ နရန နရ မ အတ အလပ တ တ အလပ

သမ မ အ နမ ရ လယ သ လ သ နရ မ ၌ အမသ မ
ယ နရန နရ မ သတမတထ သ ပ အတ လ လ ထ ရရမ ဟ
ပဒမ-၂ တ လ ၊

5.5 Provision for safety measures

ဘအ ရ ယ ရ ရ ရ ပ န မ
Section 23 Fencing and machinery

ရယ မ ရ
(1) In every factory the following, namely-
(a) every part of an electric generator, a motor or rotary convertor;
(b) every part of transmission machinery; and
(c) every dangerous part of any other machinery; shall be securely fenced by
safeguards of a substantial construction which shall be constantly maintained and kept
in position while the parts of machinery they are fencing, are in motion or in use:

ရယ မ ရထ ပတသ ၍ အလပ တ တ ရ သ
အ ပ မ ၊အ ပ ရယ မ အ ရယ မ ထ ရယ
မ လ န သမဟတထ ရယ မ အသ ပ န အ အ လပ
ထ သ အ အရမ ဖ လ ရထ ရမ အ ပ ထအ အရမ အ
ပ ပ ၍ နရ တ ထ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၂၃တ လ ၊
Section 24 Work on or near machinery in motion

လ န သ ရယ အန ၌အလပလပ
(1) Where in any factory it becomes necessary to examine any part of machinery
referred to in section 23, while the machinery is in motion, or, as a result of such
examination, to carry out-
(a) in a case referred to in clause (i) of the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 23,
lubrication or other adjusting operation; or
(b) in a case referred to in clause (ii) of the proviso aforesaid, any mounting or
shipping of belts or lubrication or other adjusting operation,
while the machinery is in motion, such - examination or operation shall be made or
carried out only by a specially trained adult male worker wearing tight fitting clothing
(which shall be supplied by the occupier) whose name has been recorded in the

register prescribed in this behalf and who has been furnished with a certificate of his
appointment, and while he is so engaged,-
(2) No woman or young person shall be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any part
of a prime-mover or of any transmission machinery while prime-mover or
transmission machinery is in motion, or to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of any
machine if the cleaning, lubrication or adjustment thereof would expose the woman or
young person to risk of injury from any moving part either of that machine or of any
adjacent machinery.

လ န သ ရယ ၌သမဟတ ရယ အန ၌ အလပလပ
ပတသ ၍ ရယ အ တအပ ထ ရယ လ န ရန
လအပလ ထသ ပ ရယ လ န သ ရပတ တပ သမ
ဟတ ၊ ထ ၊ ပ သ အလပမ ထအလပသမ
အတ အထ သ ထ သ အလပသမ ( ယ )မ သ ယ ပအဝတ
အ မ ဝတ လ ရ ရမ ။ ထသ အမ သ အလ
ပ နသ မတပတ အပတ ရသ ပ ဖ ရမ ။ ပ သတပထ သ
အ တအပ လ န သ အ တအပ ပ တ အလပလပရန မ ပ ရဟ
ပဒမ ၂၄တ လ ၊
Section 25 Employment of young persons on dangerous machine

ဘ အ ရ ယဖ တတ သ ရယ မ ၌လ ယမ
(1) No young person shall be required or allowed to work at any machine to which
this section applies, unless he has been fully instructed as to the dangers arising in
connection with the machine and the precautions to be observed, and-
 (a) has received sufficient training in work at the machine, or
 (b) is under adequate supervision by a person who has a thorough knowledge
and experience of the machine.
(2) Sub-section (1) shall apply to such machines as may be prescribed by the of the
Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population , being machines which in its

opinion are of such a dangerous character that young person's ought not to work at
them unless the foregoing requirements are complied with.

ဘ အ ရ ယဖ တတ သ ရယ မ ၌ လ ယမ
ပတသ ၍ သ ဘ အ ရ ယမ လ န ရ ရမ
တ ယမမ အ အလ သရန လ ပ ဖ သ အပ ၌ လပရမ
အလပ လ လ သ တ မ ပ ဖ သ လ ယ သမဟတ
ပလ ၍ တတ မန လ ပ အလပရ ဝသတ ပ မ
ရသ လ ယမ တ ပ အ မ သ လ ယမ ပဒမ သ သ
၌ အလပမလပရ၊ မ ပ ရဟ ပဒမ -၂၅ တ လ ၊
Section 34 Floors, passages stairs and means of access

မ ပ ၊သ လမ ၊ လ ၊သ လ မ လမ
In every factory-
all floors, steps, stairs, passengers and gangways shall be of sound
construction, and properly maintained and shall be kept free from obstructions and
substances likely to cause persons to slip and where it is necessary to ensure safety,
steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be provided with substantial handrails.

မ ပ သ လမ ၊ လ သ လ မ လမ ပတသ ၍ အလပ
တ တ မ ပ ၊ လ ထ ၊ လ သ လမ အ လ မန
လပ၍ နရ တ ပ ပ ထ ရမ ။ ထ ပ ဘ ရန ရ အ ပ ရန
လအပလ လ သ လ ရန မ မထ ပ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၃၄ တ
လ ၊
Section 35 Pits, sumps, opening in floors, etc

တ မ ပ သ မ
In every factory every fixed vessel, sump, tank, pit or opening in the ground or
in a floor which, by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents, is or may
be a source of danger, shall be either securely covered or securely fenced.

တ မ ပ သ တ ပလ ၍ အလပ တ တ ပ သတပ
ထ သ ၊ လ တ ၊ လ န၊တ ၊ မ ပ သမဟတ တ ပ
အသ သ န အ နအထ တ ထ ပ သမဟတ ထ သ ထ သ အရ
မ ထ အ ဖ ဘ အ ရ ယ ဖ ဖယရ အ ရလ ထတ ၊
န၊ ၊အ ပ သ မ လ အပထ ရမ သမဟတ ရထ
မ ဟပဒမ ၃၅ တ လ ၊
Section 36 Excessive weights

အလန လ လ သ ဝန န
(1) No person shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry or move any load so
heavy as to be likely to cause him an injury.
(2) The Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population may make rules prescribing
the maximum weights which may be lifted, carried or moved by adult men, adult
women, adolescents and children employed in factories or in any class or description
of factories or in carrying on in any specified process.

အလနအမ လ လ သ ဝန န တယလပ ပတသ ၍

အလပတ မ သ မန မ၊ လရယ သမဟတ လ မ လ လလန သ ဖ ထ
န မ လ ဏ ရ သ ဝန န ပ ရန၊ သယယရန သမဟတ ရ ပ ရန
မ ရဟ ဖ ပထ သ အ ပ လတ ယ မ သ အမ အ လ န
ပလ ၍အလပသမ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န န န
ပ ဒဖ ပ န သ ဟ ပဒမ- ၃၆ တ လ ၊
(3) The occupier shall make arrangements in accordance with the
specified stipulations for a woman worker at the time of her
menstruation if she can show a certificate issued by a registered doctor
certifying that she is incapable of working due to health reasons.10

sec 17 of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

ပဒမ (၃)အမ သမ အလပသမ မ အ မန မသဘ ဓမတ လ အ နမ တ

လပ န ၌ န မ ရ အရလပ မ မရ မတပတ ရ န
တ တ ပလ ပ လပ န ပ ရ သတမတ မ အ
ရ ပ ရမ ။
(4) Pregnant woman workers shall not be employed at night. And also
shall be employed only with lighter duties without prejudice to their
original wages, salaries and benefits.11
(၄) ယ န အမ သမ အလပသမ မ အ အ နတ မ ပ ရ။
ထ ပ မလလပ လ မ မထ ဘ ပ ပ သ တ နမ သ
ရမ ။

Section 37 Protection of eyes

မ ယ
In respect of any such manufacturing process carried on in any factory as may be
prescribed, being a process which involves-
 (a) risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments thrown off in the
course of the process, or
 (b) risk to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light, the Director
General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department may by orders and
directives require that effective screens or suitable goggles shall be issued for the
protection of persons employed on, or in the immediate vicinity of, the process.12

မ ယ ပတသ ၍အလပလပရ မထ သ အမနမ အပ

အ မ မ လ ထ သ လပ န မ သမဟတ အလ ရ
sec 17 of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

sec 18 of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

အလနအမ ထ သ ဖ မ အ ရ ယဖ သ လပ န မ တ လပ
နရ သ အလပသမ မ အတ မ အ ရ ယမ ယ ရန အလ
မ မနမ မထ ပ ရန အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ
န၊ န ရမ ပ အမန န မ ထတ ပန သ
ဟပဒမ၃၇တ လ ၊ ဖ ပထ သ ။
The following shall be added as Section 37 (a),to Sec 37 of the Factory
Act 1951;
The owner of a factory shall make suitable arrangements in accordance
with specifications ,so that the health and sense of hearing of the workers
are not injured by the volume of noise produced during the process of
manufacture and that accidents do not occur. 13

Section 39 Explosive or inflammable dust, fume, etc

ပ တတသ (သမဟတ)မ လ တတသ အမန အ

အ မ
Where in any factory any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume or vapour
of such character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition, all
practicable measures shall be taken to prevent any such explosion by-
(a) effective enclosure of the plant or machinery used in the process;
(b) removal or prevention of the accumulation of such dust, gas, fume or
(c) exclusion or effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition.

sec 19 of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

ပ တတသ သမဟတမ တ တတသ အမန၊ အ ၊ အ

သ မ ပတသ ၍အလပ တ လပ န တ ဖ သ အမန၊
အ ၊ အ သ မ လ ပ သ အမ အ ဖ ၍
ပ လ အ မ ပ လ သ မဖ ရနတ မအ အမမ ဖ
မ ပ လပထ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၃၉တ လ ၊
Section 40 Arrangement to be made against cases of fire

မ လ လ ရ ရမ မ မ
In every factory, all practicable measures shall be taken to prevent outbreak of
fire and its spread, both internally and externally, and to provide and maintain-
 (a) safe means of escape for all persons in the event of a fire, and
 (b) the necessary equipment and facilities for extinguishing fire.

မ လ လ ရ ရမ မ မ ပတသ ၍ အလပ တ
အ ယ၍ မ လ လ လ မ ရန န လမ မ ပ န သ အတ
မထ ရရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၄ဝတ လ ၊

5.6 WELFARE သ သ ရ
Washing Facilities ဖပ လ ရန လယ မ အ အလမ
Section 44 (1) In Every factory adequate and suitable facilities for washing
shall be provided for the use of the worker's therein. Separate and adequately screened
facilities shall be provided for the use of male and female workers: and such facilities
shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept clean.

အလပ သ သ ရ ရ ပ န မ ဖပ လ
ရနလယ မ အ အလမ ပတသ ၍ အလပ တ တ အလပသမ မ
ဖပ လ ရန သ လ လ လ သ လယ မအ အလမ မ
မထ ရရမ ။ ထလယ မ အ အလမ ယ မန မ အလပသမ
အတ သ သနရ ထ ရ ရထ ရမ ဟပဒမ-၄၄တ လ ၊

Facilities for sitting အလယတ ထ ရန အ အလမ မ

Section 46 (1) In every factory suitable arrangements for sitting shall be
provided and maintained for all workers required to work in standing position, in
order that they may take advantage of any opportunity for rest which may occur
during the course of their work.

အလယတ ထ ရန အ အလမ မ ပတသ ၍ အလပ တ တ

မတတပရပ အလပလပ သ အလပသမ အ လ သ မမတ အလပလပ န
အ န ပ န ရနအလ ထ ရန အ အလမ မ သ လ အ
မထ ပ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၄၆တ လ ၊

First Aid and Appliances သန ပ ရယ မ

Section 47 (1) In every factory the manager shall provide and maintain a first-
aid box or a cupboard equipped with the prescribed contents in suitable places as may
be directed by the inspector so as to be readily accessible during all working hours,
and where more than one hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed, an
additional box or cupboard shall be provided and maintained for every additional one
hundred workers or part thereof.

သန ပ ရယ မ ပတသ ၍ အလပ တ တ သန ပ သတ
သမဟတ ဗ ထ ရရမ ။ အလပသမ တ ရ ယထ ပ၍ လ
န ထပ အလပသမ တ ရ အတ န ထပ သတ သမဟတ ဗ
တ လ ထ ရရမ ။ အလပသမ ရ ယအထ အလပလပလ ရ သ
အလပ တ တ ပ န ထ ရမ ပ မ တ ပ နသ အ ယအဝန
ရ သ နတ ထ ရရမ ။ န ပ နသ ရ ဝန သန ပ ရ
မမ ပ မရ မ ဟ ပဒမ-၄၇တ လ ၊ ဖ ပထ သ ။

Rest rooms and Lunch rooms

န န န မ သ နမ
Section 49 (1) In every factory, wherein more than one hundred workers are
ordinarily employed adequate and suitable rest- sheds or rest rooms and adequate and
suitable lunch rooms with drinking water facilities, where workers can take meals
brought by them, shall be provided and maintained for the use of the workers.

န န နမ ၊ သ နမ ပတသ ၍ အလပသမ တ ရ အထ ရ သ
အလပ တ တ အလပသမ မ အသ ပ ရန န န နမ ၊
အလပသမ မ ယ လ သ အ အ ရန သ ရ တ
သ နမ မထ ရရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၄၉တ လ ၊
Provided that any canteen maintained in accordance with the provision of
section 48 shall be deemed to be part of the requirement of this Sub-section.
Provided further that were a lunch room exists no worker shall take any food
in the work room.

သရ တ ပဠ န မ အ ဖ ထ သ သ ပဒမ အရ
လအပသ မ တ တတ ဒသ ဖ သ ဟယ ရမ ။
ထပ အ န ရလ အလပ န ၌ မ သ အလပသမ မ အ မ ရ။
(2) The rest-sheds, rest rooms or lunch room to be provided under Sub-section (1)
shall be sufficiently lighted, ventilated and maintained as far as practicable in cool and
clean condition,

(၂) ပဒမ ( )အရ မထ ရရမ န န နမ ၊ သတ မဟတ

သ နမ အလ ရ လလ လ ရရ အ လ
မထ ရရမ ။ ထပ ထ န န နမ ၊ သ မ တတ သမ အ၍
သနရ ယ အ ထ ရမ ။
The Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department may prescribe the plans
of rest sheds, rest rooms and lunch room to be constructed and the methods of
accommodation, furniture and other equipment to be provided therein under this

section and by notification exempt any factory or class of factories from the
requirements of this Section.

အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ နသ -
ပဒမအရထ ရရမ အလပန မ ၊အလပန နမ အ နမ
လပရမ ပ ၊ နရ ထ ထ ရရမ န ၊ ထအလပန သ မ တ
ထ ရရမ ပရ ဘ အ ပ မ ပ န သ ပနတမ တ
အမန ထတ ပန၍အလပ တ သ လ ၊ အလပ
အမ အ တ သ လ ၊ ပဒမရ လအပ မ
သ မ လတ ပ သ ။

5.7 Working Hours အလပ နန ရမ

Working Hours of Adults ရ သတပတအလပ နန ရမ

Section 59 (1) No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a
factory for more than forty-four hours in week.
Provided that an adult male worker in a factory engaged in work which for
technical reasons must be continuous through the day, work may be allowed for
forty- eight hours in a week.

ရ သတပတ အလပ နန ရမ ပတသ ၍ လ အလပသမ မ

ရ သတတ ပတလ (၄၄) န ရထ ပ အလပမလပ ရ၊ လပ လ မ ပ ရ။
သ သ လ လပ န သ ဘ အရလအပလ ရ သတပတ အတ (၄၈)န ရ အထ
အလပလပ သ ဟ ပဒမ-၅၉တ လ ၊

Weekly holidays ရ သတပတအလပပတရ မ

Section 60 (1)No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a
factory on a Sunday unless-he had or will have a full holiday on one of the three days
immediately before or after that Sunday, and the manager of the factory has, before
that Sunday or the day substituted therefore under clause (a),whichever is earlier
,delivered at the office the inspector a notice of his intention to require the worker to

work on Sunday and of the day to be substituted therefore, and displayed in the
factory a notice to that effect of not less than 24 hours before any of such days
whichever is earlier and until the expiry of such day whichever is later.

ရ သတပတ အလပပတရ မ ပတသ လ အလပသမ မ

ရ သတပတ ပတရ အ ဖ တန နမ အလပမလပ ရ။ လပ လ
မပ ရ။ အ ယ၍ တန နမ တ အလပလပ လလ တန န အတ မ
(၃)ရ အန တ ရ ရ တ ဖ ၊ တန နအ ရ အ အန ပ ရမ ။
လ အလပသမ မ တန နတ အလပလပ ရန ရယလ
ရ အရ ရ သ တ ပ ပရမ အ ပ ရယ တ (၂၄) န ရ
တ ပ အလပ တ မ သ သ နရ ၌ ပထ ရမ ။
Provided that no such substitution shall be made, which will cause any worker
to work for more than ten consecutive days without a full holiday.

သ သ အလပပတရ တ ရ လ မရ ဘ ( ဝ) ရ ထ ပ၍ အလပ
သမ မ အ အလပမလပ ရဟ ပဒမ-၆ဝတ လ ၊
(2) Notices given under Sub-section (1) may be cancelled by a notice
delivered at the office of the Inspector and a notice displayed close to notice of
working period put up under section 67, not later than the day before Sunday or the
holiday to be cancelled whichever is earlier.

(၂) ပဒမ ( )အရ ပသ တ မ တန န၊ သတ မဟတ

ပယဖ မ ဖ သ အလပပတရ ၊ ထ နမ အန အလ သ နမတ မ
ရ တ ရ ထ န မ ဘ၊ ရ အရ ရ သ ပ အပသ
တ ဖ လ ၊ ပဒမ ၆၇ အရ ပထ သ အ န တ အန တ
(မ သ အ ပထ သ တ ဖ လ ) ပယဖ သ ။
(3)Where, in accordance with the provisions of Sub- section (1), any worker
works on a Sunday and has had a holiday on one of the three days immediately
before the same, that Sunday shall, for the purpose of calculating his weekly hours of
works, be included in the preceding week.

(၃)ပဒမ ( ) ပ ပဠ န မ အ အလပသမ သ တန န၌
အလပလပ၍ ထ နမတ မ သ ရ အန တ ရ ရ တ အလပပတရ ရ ပ
ဖ သ အ တ ထတန န ထအလပသမ ရ သတပတ အလပလပ
သ အ နတ ရန အလ လန သ ရ သတပတတ ထ သ ရမ ။

Substituted Holidays အ ပ သ အလပပတရ မ

Section 61 (1) Whereas as a result of the passing of an order or the making of
a rule under the provisions of this Act exempting a factory or the workers therein
form the provision of Section 60 a workers is deprived of the weekly holidays for
which provision is made in Sub-section (1) of that Section, he shall be allowed, within
the calendar month in which the holidays were due to him or within the two calendar
months next after that month, substituted holidays equal to the number of holidays so

( ) အ ပ ဒပ ပ န မ အရ အလပ သတ မဟတ
အလပ တ အလပလပသမ ပဒမ၆ ရ ပ န မ မ လတ ပ
သ အမန မတ ဖ ၊ န ပ ဒပ ဖ ၊ ထပဒမရ
ပဒမ ( ) ဖ ပ န ထ သ ရ သတပတအလပပတရ မ အန တ ရ ရ
အလပသမ အ မ ပလ ထသအ အလပ ပတရ မ ရသ သ
ပ ဒနလအတ တ ဖ ၊ န လ မ ပ ဒန လ လအတ တ ဖ ၊
(2) The Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population may prescribe the
manner in which the holidays mentioned in sub-section (1) shall be allowed.

(၂)အလပသမ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န နသ ပဒမ
( )တ ပဠ န ထ သ အလပပတရ မ မ သမ ပ ပ ရမ ဟ ပ
န သ ။

Daily working hours န အလပ နန ရမ

Section 62 (1) Subject to the provisions of section 59 no adult worker shall be
required or be allowed to work in a factory for more than eight hours in any day.

န အလပ နန ရမ ၊ အ လပ နမ န အလပ န အ အ
နသတ ပတသ ၍ လ အလပသမ မ တ ရ လ အလပ န
(၈)န ရ ထ ပ၍ အလပမလပ ရ၊ လပ လ မ ပ ရ။
Section 63 (1) The periods of work of adult workers in a factory during each
day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed five hours and that no worker shall
work for more than five hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least of half
an hour.

ထပ တ တ အလပလပ သ အ နအပ အ သ (၅) န ရ

ထ မပ ရ။ တ န သ အန န ရဝ အ လပ နမ ပ ဘ (၅) န ရ
ထ ပ၍ တ တ အလပမလပ ရ။
Explanation The period of work, without an interval at least of half an hour,
shall be considered as a period of work at a stretch.

ရ လ ။ ။အန န ရဝ အ လပ န ဖ မ န သ အလပ
လအပ အ တ တ လပ သ အလပ လအပ အ ဟယ ရ
မ ။

Spread over ရ သတတ ပတလ အလပလပရန သတမတထ သ

န ရ ပ မ ဖမ မ
Section 64 The periods of work of an adult worker in a factory
inclusive of intervals for rest under Section 63, shall be so arranged that such periods
shall not spread over more than ten hours in any day, save with the permission of The
Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population given either generally or in the case
of any particular factory, and without contravening the conditions imposed by the
President of the Union, arrangements can be made to exceed the said number of

လ အလပသမ မ တ နအလပလပရ သ လအပ အ

အ လပ နမ သ ( ဝ) န ရ ထ မပ ရ။ သရ တ
အလပသမ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န ပ ဖ
ယဘယ အ ဖ ဖ ၊ သ ဖ သ အလပ အတ ဖ ၊
တ သမတ ပ နသ မ မ မ န ဘ
ထန ရ ပ ထ မထ သ ။

Wages for overtime အ နပလပ

73. (1) where a worker in a factory works for more hours than those specified
in Section 59 and, 62 he shall be paid at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of wages
and shall also be entitled to C.L.A, if any, at the usual rate for the days he has so
worked overtime.

အ နပလပရသ အတ အ ပ ပတသ ၍ အ နပမလပလ မဖ

သ အလပမ လပ ရနအလ အ နပလပ ပ သ အတ အလပရ
အ န တ ပ မန တ ပ မလပ ရသ ။
အ နပလပ အတ သ မနရရ သ အ န ပ မ န အတ
ရ ပ ရတ ပ ရမ ဟပဒမ-၇၃တ လ ။
(2) Where workers in a factory are paid on a piece rate basis, The Director
General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department, in consultation with
the employer concerned and the representative of the workers, shall fix time rates as
nearly as possible, equivalent to the average rate of earnings of those workers, and for
the purposes of this section, the rates so fixed shall be deemed to be the ordinary rates
of wages of those workers.

(၂) အလပ တ အလပသမ မ ပတ ပတ န ပ တ အ ပ၍

အ ပ လ အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပ
သ ရ အလပရ အလပသမ ယ လယမ တ ပ ၍ ပဒမ
အလ အ နန ရအလ အ နမ ထအလပ သမ မ လပ၍ရသ

ပမ မရ န တ သမ တ အ သတမတ ရမ ။ ထပ ယ သ
သတမတသ အ နမ သ ။ ပဒမအလ ထအလပ သမ သ မန
အ နမ ဖ သ ဟ၍ မတယရမ ။
(3) The Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department may prescribe the
registers to be maintained in a factory for the purpose of securing compliance with the
provisions of this section.

(၃) အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ နသ ပဒမရ

ပဠ န မ လ န ရန အလ အလပ တ ထ ရရမ
မတပ အပမ ပဠ န သ ။
Where , in accordance with the provisions of Sec 59 and 62, a case
arises regarding the failure to pay a worker the overtime payment he is
entitled to under Sub-Section (1),the Court shall order the person
responsible to make such payment to the worker.14
(၄)တရ သ ပဒမ၅၉ ၆၂တအရအလပသမ အ ပ ရနပ သ
ပဒမ ( ) ပ န ပ အ နပလပ ပထ သ အ ပ ပ ပ ရ
ထ သ အ နပလပ ပ ရနတ နရသ ထအလပသမ အ ထတ ပ ရနအ
မန မတရမ ။

ရ လ ။ ။ ပဒမအရ ပ ရမ အ ပ တ ရန အလ အ
သ မ မ သ ရတမ မပ သ အ သ သ ဖ သ ဟ မတယရမ ။
အ နပလပရသ အတ အ ပ ပတသ ၍ အ နပမလပ လ မ ဖ သ
အလပမ လပ ရနအလ အ နပလပ ပ သ အတ အလပရ
အ န တ ပ မန တ ပမ လပ ရသ ။ အ နပလပ

sec (29) of the amendment of the Factory Act 1951, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No-12,2016.

အတ သ မနရရ သ အ န ပ မ န အတ ရ ပ ရတ
ပ ရမ ဟ ပဒမ-၇၃ တ လ ပ နထ သ ။
5.8 Employment of young person

လ ယမ အ
Prohibition of employment of young children

ယရယ သ လမ တ မ
Section 75 No child who has not completed his thirteenth year shall be
required or allowed to work in any factor.

လမ အလပလပ ပတသ ၍ အသ ၃ အ လ
မ အလပ တ အလပမလပ ရ။ လပ လ မ ပ ရ။

Working hours for children လ မ အလပလပသ အ န

Section 79 (1) No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any factory
for more than four hours in any day and between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

( )မ သ လ မ အလပ ၌
( )မ သ ရ တ မ ပ လ န ရထ ပ၍မ ရ၊ သတ မဟတ
အလပလပ မ ပရ။
( ) န န ရမ နန န ရ အ နအတ မ ရ၊ သတ
မဟတ အလပလပ မ ပ ရ။
(2) The period of work of all children shall be limited to shift which shall not
overlap and which shall not exceed five hours inclusive of intervals if any. Each child
shall be employed in only one of the relay groups of workers which shall not, except
with the consent of the Director General of the Factory and Labour Law Inspection
Department, be changed more than once on a month.

(၂) လ အ လ တ အလပလပ န လအပ အ အလ မ

ထပ သ အလ နထ ရမ အ ပ တ လ အ လပ န ပ လ ထအ လပ
န အလပ န ပ မ န ရထ မပ ရ။ လ အသ သ အလ

လ တ သ ရမ ။ထ ပ ရ သ လပ လပ သ အလ
လ အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ န၊ န ရမ ပ
(အလပ ရ အရ ရ ပ) သ ဘ တ မရရဘ
တ လလ တ မထ ပ၍ ပ လ မ ပ ရ။
(3) The provisions of Section 60 shall apply also to child workers and no
exemption from these provisions shall be granted in respect of any child.

(၃)ပဒမ ၆ ရ ပဠ န သ ၊ လ အလပသမ မ လ သ
ရမ ။ ထ ပ လ ပတသ ၍ ထပဒမရမ သ ပ န မ လတ
မ ပ ရ။
(4) No child shall be required or allowed to work in any factory on any day on
which he has already worked in another factory.

(၄) မ သ လ မ အလပ တ ၌ အလပလပ ပ ဖ သ ရ တ

အ အလပ တ ၌ မ ပ ရ သတ မဟတ အလပလပ မ ပ ရ။
Notice of period of work for children

လမ အလပလပရန လအပ အ ရ တ
Section 80 (1) There shall be displayed and properly maintained every day in
every factory notice or notices of periods of work for children, in which children are
employed, in accordance with the provisions of Sub-section (2) of Section 99 showing

clearly the periods during which children may be required or allowed to work

for every day.

( ) လ မ အလပလပရန လအပ အ ရ တ န
မ သ လအပ အ တ လမ အ အလပလပ မ ၊ သတ
မဟတ အလပလပ ပမ အ ရ လ ဖ ပလ ၊ ပဒမ ၉၉ ၊ ပဒမ
(၂)ပ ပ န မ အ လမ သ အလပ အသ သ တ
မ သ အ ပထ ရမ အ ပ မန န လ ထ ရရမ ။

(2) The periods shown in the notice required by Subsection (1)shall be fixed in
advance in accordance with the method laid down for adult workers in Section 67 and
shall be such that children working for those periods would not be working in
contravention of any of the provisions of Section79.

(၂) ပဒမ ( )အရ လအပသ တ တ ဖ ပထ သ လအပ

အ မ ပဒမ ၆၇ တ လ မ အတ ပ နသ န လမ အ
တ သတမတရမ ပ ထ လအပ အ မ အတ အလပလပ နသ
လမ သ ပဒမ ၇၉ ပ ပဠန မ န ၍ အလပလပရ မ ရ
အ လ သတမတထ ရမ ။
(3) The provisions of Sub- section (9) and (10) of Section 67 shall apply also
to the notice or notices required under Sub- section (1) of this Section.

(၃) ပဒမ ၆၇၊ ပဒမ (၉) ( )ရ ပ န မ သ ၊ ပဒမ ပဒမ

( )အရ လအပသ တ လ သ ရမ ။
(4) The Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population
may makes rules prescribing forms for notice or notices of periods of works
for children and the manner in which they shall be maintained.

(၄)အလပသမ ၊လ နမ ပ ရ ပ သအ အ န နသ
လ မ အလပလပရန လအပ အ ရ တ အတ ပ မ
ထ တ ထ ရရမ န လမ ပ န သ န ပ ဒမ ပ သ ။

Register of child workers - လ အလပသမ မ မတပ အပ

Section 81 (1) The manager of every factory in which children are employed
shall maintain a register of child workers to be available to the Inspector at all times
during working hours or when any work is being carried on in a factory, showing-

လမ သ အလပ မန န အသ သ သ -
The name of each child worker in the factory and the names of parents;

လ အလပသမ အသ သ အမ မဘအမ ၊
The kind of his work;

ထ လ လပသ အလပအမ အ ၊
The group, if any, in which he is included;

ထ လပ သ လ ရလ ၊ ထလ ၊
Where there is a relay group that he works in, the relay group to which he is

ထ လပ သ လ သ ၊ အလ အလပလပလ ၊ထ လအ
မ သ အလ လ သ သတမတ ထ ၊
The number of his medical certificate of fitness granted under Section 77, and
such other particulars must be prescribed, in a child workers register which shall be
maintained and be available to enable the Inspector to inspect the same at all times
during working hours.

ပဒမ ၇၇ အရ ထတ ပ သ ထ လ အလပလပရနသ လ
မတပတ ရ န ထ လတမတ အမတ ၊ ထအ ပ
ပဠ န ထ သ အ အရ မ ဖ ပသ လ အလပသမ မတပ အပ
ထ ရရမ အ ပ ထမတပတ အပ အလပ နအတ ရ အရ ရ
အ နမ ရ ရနထ ရရမ ။
(2)The Factory and Labour Law Inspection Department may prescribe the
form of the register of child workers, the manner in which it shall be maintained, and
the period for which it shall be preserved.

(၂)အလပ အလပသမ ပ ဒ ရ နသ ၊
လ အလပသမ မတပ အပပ ၊ ထမတပ အပ ထ ရရမ န လမ ၊
ထ ပ ထမတပ အပ မပ အ သမ ထ ရမ လအပ အ
ပ န သ ။
Period of work to correspond to notice or notices displayed under Section 80
and register maintained under section 81.

အလပလပသ အ နန ရမ သ ၈ အရ ပထ ရမ တ လ
၊ ပဒမ ၈ အရထ ရရမ မတပ အပ လ တ ။

Section 82 No child shall be employed otherwise than in accordance with the

notice or notices of periods of work for children displayed and the entries made in
advanced against his name in the register of child workers.

မ သ လ မ မ သ အ ပထ သ လ မ အလပလပ
လအပ အ ရ တ န လ လ ၊ ထပ လ
အလပသမ မတပ အပတ ၊ ထ လ အမ ယ လ တ ရသ
ထ သ ရသ မ န လ လ ၊ မ ပ ရ။

Key Terms

Factory- အလပ မ

Adolescent - လရယ
Young person - လ ယ

Adult - လ

Factory- အလပ

Occupier- လပ န ပ ရ

Concerning Works -သ သ လပ န မ

warehouse or storage depot -သ လ (သမဟတ) ဒ

wharf - ပ ဘ တတ

Provision for Health- အလပ နမ ရ ရ ပဠ န မ

Cleanliness - သနရ ယမ

Disposal of wastes - နပ သ ပ မ

effluence - ရ ၊ မ မ ၊ပ လယသ နပ ပ

Ventilation - လဝ လထ ရရ
Dust - အမန

fume - အ အ
Artificial humidification - လ ထ

Overcrowding - လထထပ
Latrines- အမသ မ

Urinals - ယ နရန နရ မ

Floors - မ ပ

passages stairs - သ လမ ၊ လ
opening in floors - မ ပ

Excessive weights - အလန လ လ သ ဝန န

Explosive - ပ

Inflammable -မ လ တတ သ

WELFARE - သ သ ရ

First Aid and Appliances - သန ပ ရယ မ

Rest sheds - အလပန မ

rest rooms - အန ယ န မ
lunch rooms -အ နမ

Working Hours of Adults - ရ သတပတအလပ နန ရမ

Weekly holidays - ရ သတပတအလပပတရ မ
Spread over - ရ သတတ ပတလ အလပလပရန သတမတထ သ န ရ

ပ မ ဖမ မ

Wages for overtime - အ နပလပ


Chapter 6
Shops and Establishments Law, 2016

၂ဝ၁၆ခနှစ်၊ဆိင်များနှင်အလပ်ဌာနများဥပ ဒ

6.1 Definition
6.2 Purposes
6.3 Duties and powers of the Inspector General and the Inspectors
6.4 Provisions on working hours
6.5 Duties of employees
6.6 Duties of the employer
6.7 Safety of the workplace and health
6.8 Offences and penalties

Chapter 6
Shops and Establishments Law, 2016
ဆိင်များ နှင့် အလပ်ဌာနများဥပ ဒ (၂၀၁၆)

Shops and Establishments Law, 2016 was enacted by the

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law NO.18 in 2016. This Law regulates the hours of
work and rest of workers of shops and establishments covered by it. The
Law limits the working hours of workers of shops and establishments
concerned of eight hours a day and 48 hours a week. It also provides for
week rest day for workers.
ဆိင်များနှင့်အလပ်ဌာနများဥပ ဒတွင် အလပ်အချိန်နာရီ၊ အလပ်သမားများ၏
အားလပ်ရက်များအကျုးဝင်ပါသည်။အဆိပါဥပ ဒတွငအ
် ကျုးဝင် သာအလပ်သမားမျာ
းအ နြဖင့်တစ် န ့လ င်အလပ်ချိန(် ၈)နာရီနင
ှ ့
် တစ်ပတ်လ င်အလပ်ချိန်စစ ပါင်း(၄၈
)နာရီသတ်မှတ်ထား ပီးတစ်ပတ်အားလပ်ရက်ကိလည်းသတ်မှတ် ြပဠာန်းထားပါသည်။
The following are important sections in this Law;
ဥပ ဒ၏အ ရး ကီး သာပဒ်မများကိ အာက်တွင် ဖာ်ြပထားသည်။

6.1. Definition
အဓိပာ္ပ ယ်
Section 2(a)
(a) “Shop” means any premises where goods or objects are either
entirely sold or partly sold against cash payment or on credit or against
payment in installments or as a wholesale or retail business.
This expression includes barber-shops, beauty salons, services for the
health and beautification of the body, goldsmiths, radio, television and

phone services, book-binding services, copying services, photo shops,

pawn shops, upholstery sewing shops, laundries, cobbler shops, tailor’s
shops, commercial services consisting in the repair and installation of
computers and electronic devices, and any place so specified by a
notification promulgated by the ministry under this law. However, this
expression excludes commercial establishments, public entertainment
establishments, workshops and industrial establishments.
ပဒ်မ ၂ (က)
"ဆိင်" ဆိသည်မာှ ၊ ကန်စည် ပစ္စည်းများကိ သိ ့တည်းမဟတ် ၀တ္ထုပစ္စည်းများ
ကိလက်ငင်း သာ်လည်း ကာင်း၊ အ ကး သာ်လည်း ကာင်း၊ အရစ်ကျ
စနစ်ြဖင့် သာ်လည်း ကာင်း၊ လက်ကား၊ သိ ့တည်းမဟတ် လက်လီ ရာင်း
ချရန်အလိ ့ငှာ၊ လး၀ြဖစ် စ၊ တစ်စိတ်တစ် ဒသအားြဖင့်ြဖစ် စ၊ အသးြပု
သည့် နရာတစ်ခခကိဆိသည်။ ယင်းစကားရပ်တွင် ဆသလပ်ငန်း၊ အလှြပု
ြပင်ြခင်းလပ်ငန်း၊ ကိယ်ခန္ဓာကျန်းမာ ရးနှင့်အလှြပုြပင်ြခင်းလပ်ငန်း၊ ပန်းထိမ်
လပ်ငန်း၊ ရဒီယိ၊ တီဗွီ၊ တယ်လီဖန်းြပင်လပ်ငန်း၊ စာအပ်ချုပ်လပ်ငန်း၊
မိတ္တူကူးလပ်ငန်း၊ဓါတ်ပဆိင်၊ အ ပါင်ဆိင်၊ ထပ်ပိးခွချုပ်ဆိင်၊ ပင်မင်းဆိင်၊
ဖိနပ်ချုပ်ဆိင်၊ အပ်ချုပ်ဆိင်၊စီးပွား ရးအလိ ့ငှာ လပ်ကင်
ိ သည့်ကွနပ
် ျူတာနှင့်
အီလက်ထ ရနစ ်စနစ်သးပစ္စညး် ကိရယ
ိ ာများ ြပုြပင် တပ်ဆင်ြခင်း
လပ်ငန်းသည်လည်း ကာင်း၊ ဝန် ကီးဌာနက အမိန့် ကာ်ြငာ စာထတ်ြပန်၍
ဤဥပ ဒနှင့် အကျုးဝင်သည့် နရာတစ်ခခသည် လည်း ကာင်းပါဝင်သည်။
သိ ့ရာတွင်ယင်းစကားရပ်၌ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာန၊အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာန၊အလပ်
ရသိ ့မဟတ် စက်မလက်မအလပ်ဌာန မပါ၀င်။
Section 2(b)
(b) “Commercial establishment” means advertisement services,
commission services, goods transportation agency services and the

establishments of commercial agency services. This expression includes

industrial establishments and commercial establishments, insurance
companies, companies, private banks, service agencies, advertisement
services, private job searching services, servicing businesses, private
schools, private clinics, hotels, motels, guesthouses and tour services,
places for doing sports, toll gates which collect town admission fees,road
using fees or bridge admission fees, and any place so specified by a
notification promulgated by the ministry under this law. However, this
expression excludes shops and public
entertainment establishments.
ပဒ်မ ၂ (ခ)
ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာနဆိသည်မှာ ကာ်ြငာလပ်ငန်း၊ ကာ်မရှင်လပ်ငန်း၊ကန်စည် ပးပိ ့ ရ
းကိယ်စားလှယ်လပ်ငန်း၊ကန်သွယ် ရးကိယ်စားလှယ်လပ်ငန်းများ ဆာင်ရွက်သည့်
အလပ်ဌာနတိ ့ကိဆိသည်။ယင်းစကားရပ်တွင်စက်မလက်မအလပ်ဌာန (သိ ့မဟတ်)
ဆာင်လပ်ငန်း၊ ကာ်ြငာလပ်ငန်း၊ပဂ္ဂလိကအလပ်အကိင်ရှာ ဖွ ရးလပ်ငန်းများ၊
ဝန် ဆာင်မလပ်ငန်း၊ပဂ္ဂလိက ကျာင်း၊ပဂ္ဂလိက ဆးရ၊ပဂ္ဂလိက ဆးခန်း၊ဟိတယ်၊
မိတယ်၊တည်ခိခန်းနှင့်ခရီးသွားဝန် ဆာင်မလပ်ငန်း၊ကျန်းမာ ရး လ့ကျင့်မအားက
စားရ၊ မို ့ဝင် ကး၊လမ်းအသးြပုခ၊တတားြဖတ်သန်းခ ကာက်ခသည့်ဂိတ်များသည်
လည်း ကာင်း၊ဝန် ကီးဌာနကအမိန့် ကာ်ြငာစာထတ်ြပန်၍ဤဥပ ဒနှင့်အကျုးဝင်
သည့်ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာနဟသတ်မှတ်သည့် နရာသည်လည်း ကာင်းပါဝင်သည်။
သိ ့ရာတွင်ယင်းစကားရပ်၌ဆိင် (သိ ့မဟတ်) အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာနမပါဝင်။

Section 2(c)
“Public entertainment establishment” means cinemas, theatres, clubs,
entertainment halls, video rooms, karaoke rooms, amusement arcades,
recreational places parks, gardens and playgrounds
ပဒ်မ ၂ (ဂ)
“အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာန”ဆိသည်မာှ ရပ်ရှင်ရ၊ဇတ်ရ၊ ကလပ်၊ ဧည့်ခ ဖျာ်
ြဖပွဲများကျင်းပသည့်ခန်းမ၊ ဗွီဒီယိရ၊ ကာရာအိ ကရ၊ ကွန်ပျူတာနှင့် အီလက်ထ
ရာနစ်စနစ်အသးြပုသည့် ကစားရများ၊ အပန်း ြဖကစားကွင်း၊ ပန်းြခ၊ ဥယျာဉ်၊
က လးကစားကွငး် တိ ့ကိဆိသည်။

Section 2 (d) “Industrial establishment” means any industrial business

which is not covered by the Factories Act, 1951.
စက်မလက်မအလပ်ဌာနဆိသည်မှာ ၁၉၅၁ ခနှစ်၊ အလပ်ရများအက်ဥပ ဒနှင့်
အကျုးမ၀င် သာစက်မလက်မလပ်ငန်းလပ်ကိင်သည့်လပ်ငန်းတစ်မျိုးမျိုးကိဆိလိ
Section 2 (e) “Establishment” means commercial establishments,
entertainment establishments, industrial establishments and any other
establishment so specified by a notification promulgated by the ministry
under this law.
ပဒ်မ ၂(င)
“အလပ်ဌာန”ဆိသည်မှာ ကန်သယ
ွ ်အလပ်ဌာနနှင့် အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာန၊
စက်မလက်မအလပ်ဌာနအြပင်ဝန် ကီးဌာနကအမိန့် ကာ်ြငာစာထတ်ြပန်၍ဤဥပ ဒနှ
င့်အကျုးဝင်သည့်အလပ်ဌာနအြဖစ် ကြငာထားသည့်အြခားအလပ်ဌာနများကိဆိ

Section 2(f)
“Employer” means the owner of a shop or establishment, or the
administrator or official representative of the employer managing that
shop or establishment, or the heir if the owner passed away, or anyone to
whom shares were officially transferred.
ှ "် ဆိသည်မာှ ဆိင် သိ ့မဟတ် အလပ်ဌာနကိ ပိင်ဆိင်သူ သိ ့မဟတ်
အပ်ချုပ်သူ သိ ့မဟတ် အဆိပါ ဆိင် သိ ့မဟတ် အလပ်ဌာနကိ အရပ်ရပ်စီမ ကီး ကပ်ရာ၌
အလပ်ရှင်၏ တရားဝင်စီမခန့်ခွဲ မဆိင်ရာ ကိယ်စားလှယ် သိ ့မဟတ် အလပ်ရှင်
် န
ွ ်ပါကယင်း၏ အ မွဆက်ခသူနှင့် အစရှယ်ယာ တရားဝင ်လဲ ြပာင်း
Section 2 (g) “Manager” means a person who is officially employed to
decide and perform according to this law on behalf of the employer of the
shop or establishment and whose name has been notified to the inspector.
မန် နဂျာဆိသည်မှာဆိင်(သိ ့မဟတ်)အလပ်ဌာနတွင်အလပ်ရှင်ကိယ်စားဤဥပ ဒပါကိ
စ္စအလိ ့ငှာဆးြဖတ် ဆာင်ရွက်ရန်အလပ်ရှင်ကတရားဝင်ခန့်ထား၍စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိ
ထသိ ့နိ ့တစ်စာ ပးပိ ့ထားသူကိဆိသည်။
Section 2 (h) “Employee” means a worker who works either entirely or
primarily for a business if the business is a shop or establishment. This
expression includes clerks, postmen, treasurers, watchmen, security
personnel, cleaners, drivers, motor vehicle assistants and cooks.
However, the expression excludes the employer and the employer’s
husband, wife, son, daughter, parent, brother and sister.

အလပ်သမား ဆိသည်မာှ ဆိင် (သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်ဌာနြဖစ်လ င ်ထိလပ်ငန်း
် စပ်လျဉ်း၍ လးဝြဖစ် စ၊ မူရင်းအားြဖင့့်ြဖစ် စအလပ်လပ်သူကိဆိသည်။
ထိ ့အြပင် ထိအလပ်ဌာနတွင ်စာ ရး၊ စာပိ ့သူ၊ ငွထိန်း၊ အ စာင့်၊လြခု ရး၊
သန့်ရှင်း ရး၊ ယာဉ် မာင်း၊ ယာဉ် နာက်လိက်၊ ထမင်းချက်အြဖစ် အလပ်လပ်သူတိ ့
လည်း ပါဝင်သည်။ သိ ့ရာတွင်ယင်းစကားရပ်၌ အလပ်ရှင် သာ်လည်း ကာင်း၊
အလပ်ရှင်နှင့်အတူ နထိင်၍ အလပ်ရှင ်အ ပ မှီခိ နသည့် အလပ်ရှင်၏ ခင်ပွန်း၊
ဇနီး၊သား၊သမီး၊မိဘ၊ညီအစ်ကိ(အရင်း) (သိ ့မဟတ်) မာင်နမ
ှ (အရင်း)တိ ့မပါဝင် ချ။
Section 2(i)
“Ministry” means the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social
ဝန် ကီးဌာနဆိသည်မာှ ြပည် ထာင်စအစိးရအလပ်သမား၊အလပ်အကိင်နှင့်လူ
မဖူလ ရးဝန် ကီးဌာနကိဆိသည်။
Section 2(j)
“Department” means the Factories and Labour Law Inspection
ဦးစီးဌာနဆိသည်မှာအလပ်ရနှင့်အလပ်သမားဥပ ဒစစ် ဆး ရးဦးစီးဌာနကိ
Section 2 (k) “Inspector General” means the Director General of the
Factories and Labour Law Inspection Department.
စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိချုပ်ဆိသည်မှာအလပ်ရနှင့်အလပ်သမားဥပ ဒစစ် ဆး ရး
ဦးစီးဌာန၏ညန် ကား ရးမှူးချုပ်ကိဆိသည်။

(l) “Inspector” means any inspector who is appointed by the Factories

and Labour Law Inspection Department.
စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိဆိသည်မှာအလပ်ရနှင့်အလပ်သမားဥပ ဒစစ် ဆး ရးဦးစီ
းဌာနမှတာဝန် ပးအပ်ထား သာစစ် ဆး ရးအရာရီတစ်ဦးဦးကိဆိသည်။

6.2 Purposes
Sec (3)
The following are the purposes of this law:
The objectives of this law are as follows.
(a) To fix the working hours of the employees of shops and
(b) to assure that wages are paid correctly
(c) to have a safe workplace;
(d) to protect the right to stay healthy.
ဤဥပ ဒ၏ရည်ရွယ်ချက်များမှာ အာက်ပါအတိင်းြဖစ်ပါသည်။
(က) ဆိင်များနှင့်အလပ်ဌာနများရှိအလပ်သမားများ၏အလပ်လပ်ချိန်သတ်မှတ်ရန်၊
(ဂ)လပ်ငန်းခွင် ဘးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှင်းရန်၊
(ဃ) ကျန်းမာ ရးအတွက်ရပိင်ခွင့်များကိကာကွယ် စာင့် ရှာက် ပးရန်၊

6.3 Duties and powers of the Inspector General and the Inspectors
စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိချုပ်နင
ှ ့်စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိများ၏တာဝန်နှင့်လပ်ပိင်ခွင့်များ
Sec 4.
The ministry may appoint inspectors to implement the objectives of this
law in accordance with the composition of the employees .
ဝန် ကီးဌာနသည်ဤဥပ ဒပါရည်ရွယခ
် ျက်များအ ကာင်အထည် ဖာ် ဆာင်ရွက်ရန်စစ်
ဆး ရးအရာရှိများကိဝန်ထမ်းဖွဲ ့စည်းပနှင့်အညီခန့်အပ်နိင်သည်။
Sec 5.
The Inspector General may use the following vested powers as well as the
powers of the inspector throughout the Union of Myanmar.
(a) Ability to assign the relevant area to the inspectors
(b) Giving permission to shops, establishments and public entertainment
establishments which need to open 24 hours per day.
(c) Giving permission to prosecute, and instructing any inspector to
prosecute, a person who violated the provisions of this law.
ပဒ်မ ၅
စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိချုပ်သည်ဤဥပ ဒအရမိမိအားအပ်နှင်းထား သာ အာက်ပါလပ်ပိင်
် များအြပင်ြပည် ထာင်စသမ္မတြမန်မာနိင်ငတစ်ဝန်းလးတွငစ
် စ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိ၏
လပ်ပိင်ခွင့်များကိသးစွဲ ဆာင်ရွက်နိင်သည်-
(က) စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိများအားနယ် ြမသတ်မှတ်တာဝန် ပးနိင်ြခင်း၊
(ခ)တစ်ရက်လ င်(၂၄)နာရီဖွင့်လှစ်လပ်ကိင်ရန်လိအပ်သည့်ဆိင်၊အလပ်ဌာနနှင့်အ
များ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာနများအားခွင့်ြပုမိန့်ထတ် ပးြခင်း၊
(ဂ)ဤဥပ ဒပါြပ ာန်းချက်များကိချိုး ဖာက်သူမည်သူကိမဆိတရားစွဲဆိရန်စစ် ဆး
ရးအရာရှိတစ်ဦးဦးအားတရားစွဲဆိခွင့်ြပုမိန့်ထတ် ပးြခင်းနှင့်တာဝန် ပး

Sec 6.
Any inspector -
(a) May enter a place believed to be a shop or establishment within his
district for cases under this law, showing the inspector identity card. The
inspector shall enter with two witnesses if it is night. In addition to
inspecting the records and documents, electronic records and notices, he
may take and copy picture and video records regarding the work
procedures, and may make other necessary enquiries.
(b) May, with a warrant and two witnesses, seize the documents of a, and
evidence and other
technology-based evidence at, a shop or establishment as exhibit in court.
(c) However, nobody shall, according to this section, be required to give
an answer or evidence
which may cause him to be accused of a crime.
ပဒ်မ ၆
စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိတစ်ဦးဦးသည်-
(က)မိမိအား ခန့် ထားသည့်နယ်နမ
ိ ိတ် အတွင်း ရှိဆိင်နှင့် အလပ်ဌာနြဖစ်သည်
ဟယ ကည်ရန် အ ကာင်းရှိသည့် နရာသိ ့ ဤဥပ ဒပါကိစ္စများ အလိ ့ငှာ စစ် ဆး ရး
အရာရှိသက် သခကတ်ြပားကိြပသ ပီးဝင် ရာက်နိင်သည်။ညဉ့်အချိန်ထိသိ ့ဝင် ရာက်
ပါ က သက် သနှစ်ဦးနှင့်အတူဝင် ရာက်ရမည်။ထိ နရာရှိ မှတ်တမ်းများနှင့်
စာရွက်စာတမ်း အ ထာက်အထားများ၊ အီလက် ထ ရာ နစ်စနစ်သးမှတ်တမ်း၊
အ ကာင်း ကားစာများ ကိ ကည့်ရစစ် ဆးရမည့် အြပင်လပ်ငန်းစဉ်များ၏
် မ်းနှင့
် စပ်လျဉ်း၍ဓာတ်ပနှင့်ဗွီဒီယိမှတတ
် မ်းများရယူြခင်း၊ကူးယူြခင်းနှင့်အ
ြခားလိအပ် သာစစ် ဆး မးြမန်းြခင်းများကိ ဆာင်ရွက်နိင်သည်။

(ခ)ဤဥပ ဒအရအကျုးဝင်သက်ဆိင် သာဆိင်နှင့်အလပ်ဌာန၏မှတ်တမ်းများ၊စာရွ

က်စာတမ်းအ ထာက်အထားများ(သိ ့မဟတ်) ခတ်မီနည်းပညာသးအြခားအ ထာက်အ
ထားများကိလိအပ်ပါကသက် သနှစ်ဦးနှင့်အတူရှာ ဖွပစြဖင့်သက် သခပစ္စည်းအြဖ
(ဂ)သိ ့ရာတွငမ
် ည်သူ ့ကိမ ရာဇဝတ်ြပစ်ဒဏ်ထိက်သင့် စနိင်သည့်အ ြဖကိ ပးရမည်
ဟူ၍လည်း ကာင်း၊ရာဇဝတ်ြပစ်ဒဏ်ထိက်သင့် စနိင်သည့်သက် သခချက်ကိထွက်
ဆိရမည်ဟူ၍လည်း ကာင်းဤပဒ်မအရ တာင်းဆိပိင်ခွင့်မရှိ စရ။

6.4 Provisions on working hours

Sec 7. The employer -
(a) Shops and commercial establishments shall be closed from 11:00 pm
to 5:00 am in general.
However, it is, during the 30 minutes that follow, possible to sell to, or
serve, a customer who is waiting to purchase, or to be served, at 11:00
(b) Shall violate no provision of sub-section (a).
ပဒ်မ (၇)
အလပ်ချိန်ဆိင်ရာြပ ာန်းချက်များ
(က)ဆိင်နှင့်ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာနများကိသာမန်အားြဖင့်ည (၁၁)နာရီနှင့်နနက်
(၅)နာရီ ကားပိတ်ထားရမည်။သိ ့ရာတွင်ည(၁၁)နာရီအချိန်တွင်ဆိင်၌ဝယ်ယူရန် စာင့်
ဆိင်း နသူအား(သိ ့မဟတ်)ဝန် ဆာင်မရယူ နသူအားအဆိပါအချိန်ကန်လွန် ပီး နာက်
တစ်ဆက်တည်းြဖစ် သာမိနစ်(၃ဝ)ကာလအပိင်းအြခားအတွင်းတွင် ရာင်းချဝန် ဆာင်
မ ပးနိင်သည်။

(ခ)ပဒ်မခွဲ (က)ပါ ြပ ာန်းချက်ကိ ဖာက်ဖျက်ြခင်းမြပုရ။


Sec 8.
The employer -
(a) Public entertainments excluding theatres, entertainment shows and
free entertainments shall be closed from 1:00 am to 5:00 am.
(b) Shall violate no provision of sub-section (a).
ပဒ်မ ၈
(က)အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာနပါဇာတ်ရ၊ ဖျာ် ြဖပွဲများနှင့်ဝင် ကးအခမဲ့ဗလာပွဲမ
ျားကျင်းပသည့် နရာများမှလွဲ၍ကျန်အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာနများကိနနက်
(၁)နာရီမှနနက် (၅)နာရီ ကားပိတ်ထားရမည်။
(ခ)ပဒ်မခွဲ (က)ပါြပ ာန်းချက်ကိ ဖာက်ဖျက်ြခင်းမြပုရ။
Sec 9.
The employer -
(a) Shall request in advance permission from the ministry for a shop,
establishment or public entertainment establishment which has to open
for 24 hours according to the nature of the business type, but shall
observe section (11).
(b) Shall not open for 24 hours without permission under sub-section (a).
ပဒ်မ ၉
(က) ပဒ်မ (၁၁)ပါြပ ာန်းချက်များမှအပလပ်ငန်းသဘာဝအရတစ်ရက်လ င်
် လှစ်ရန်လိအပ်သည့်ဆိင်၊အလပ်ဌာနနှင့
် အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာန
များအတွက်ဦးစီးဌာနသိ ့ ကိုတင်၍ခွင့်ြပုချက် တာင်းခရမည်။
(ခ)ပဒ်မခွဲ (က)အရခွင့်ြပုချက်မရရှိဘဲ (၂၄)နာရီဖွင့်လှစ်ြခင်းမြပုရ။

Sec 10.
The employer may inform the ministry in advance and act accordingly if
it is necessary to open for 24 hours according to the nature of the business
type of the following shops, commercial establishments and publish
entertainment establishments.
(a) Shops, toll gates, hotels, motels, guest-houses, lodging houses and
clubs in the area of an airport, harbor, bus-station or railway station
(b) Hospitals, clinics, shops which sell medicine and pharmaceutical
(c) Services consisting in the distribution of electricity, liquefied gas or
water to the public, communication services, and services, shops and
establishments essential to the public which are exempt by notification of
the ministry.
အလပ်ရှင်သည် အာက် ဖာ်ြပပါဆိင်၊ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာန၊အများ ပျာ်ရင် ရး
အလပ်ဌာနများကိလပ်ငန်းသဘာဝအရတစ်ရက်လ င်
် လှစ်လိပါကဦးစီးဌာနသိ ့ ကိုတင်အသိ ပးအ ကာင်း ကား၍လပ်ကိင်နင်

(က) လဆိပ်၊သ ဘာဆိပ်၊အ ဝး ြပးကားဂိတ်နှင့်ဘူတာရများရှိဆိင်၊လမ်းတတားအ
သးြပုခ ကာက်ခ ရးစခန်း၊ဟိတယ်၊မိတယ်၊ဧည့် ဂဟာ၊တည်းခိခန်းနှင့်ကလပ်
(ခ) ဆးရ၊ ဆးခန်း၊ ဆးနှင့် ဆးပစ္စည်းကိရိယာများ ရာင်းချသည့်ဆိင်များ၊
(ဂ)ြပည်သူတိ ့အားလ ပ်စစ်ဓာတ်အား (သိ ့မဟတ်) ဓာတ် ငွ ့ရည် (သိ ့မဟတ်)
ရ ပး ဝ သာလပ်ငန်း(သိ ့မဟတ်)ဆက်သွယ် ရးလပ်ငန်းများနှင့်ဝန် ကီးဌာနကအ

မိန့် ကာ်ြငာစာြဖင့်ကင်းလွတ်ခွင့်ြပုသည့်အများြပည်သူအတွက်မရှမ
ိ ြဖစ်လိအပ်
ောဝန် ဆာင်မလပ်ငန်း၊ဆိင်နှင့်အလပ်ဌာန။

Sec 11
(a) No worker working at a shop or establishment shall be requested to
work more than 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week. Nevertheless,
with the agreement of the worker, he may work more than 8 hours per
day or 48 hours per week under the law.
(b) Total hours for overtime shall not be more than 12 hours in any week.
However, the total overtime shall not be more than 16 hours within a
week where required in special cases. Furthermore, an employee shall not
work past 12 o’clock midnight.
(က)ဆိင်(သိ ့မဟတ်)အလပ်ဌာန၌အလပ်လပ် သာအလပ်သမားတစ်ဦးကိတစ်ရက်လ င်
(၈)နာရီထက်ပိ၍လည်း ကာင်း၊ရက်သတ္တ ပတ်လ င်(၄၈)နာရီထက်ပိ၍လည်း ကာင်းအ
လပ်မလပ် စရ။သိ ့ရာတွင်တစ်ရက်လ င်(၈)နာရီထက်ပိ၍လည်း ကာင်း၊ရက်သတ္တ ပတ်
လ င်(၄၈)နာရီထက်ပိ၍လည်း ကာင်းအလပ်သမား၏သ ဘာဆန္ဒရယူ၍ဥပ ဒနှင့်အ
(ခ) အချိန်ပိလပ် သာနာရီစစ ပါင်းသည်မည်သည့်ရက်သတ္တပတ်တစ်
ပတ်လ င်(၁၂)နာရီထက်မပိ စရ။သိ ့ရာတွင်အထူးကိစ္စရပ်အ နြဖင့်လိအပ်ချက်
ရှိပါကရက်သတ္တ ပတ်၌(၁၆)နာရီထက်မပိ စရ။ထိ ့ြပင်ညဉ့်သန်း ခါင်(၁၂)နာရီ
ထက် ကျာ်လွန်လပ်ကိင်ြခင်းမြပုရ။

Sec 12.
(a) No worker working at a shop or establishment shall be required or
allowed to work for more than 4 consecutive hours without a rest of at

least 30 minutes. Furthermore, the total of the break time and the working
hours shall not be more than 11 hours per day including overtime and 1
hour of break time at a shop or commercial establishment or public
entertainment establishment.
(b) A person who works as watchman or security guard may not be given
break time to take rest under sub-section (a).
(က) ဆိင် (သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခတွင ်လပ်ကိင် သာအလပ်
သမားတစ်ဦးဦးကိမည်သည့် န ့ရက်၌မဆိအနည်းဆးမိနစ် (၃ဝ) အနားမ ပး
ဘဲတစ်ဆက်တည်း (၄)နာရီထက်ပိ၍အလပ်မလပ် စရ (သိ ့မဟတ်) လပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။
ထိ ့အြပင်နားချိန်နှင့်အလပ်လပ်ချိန်စစ ပါင်းသည်ဆိင်နှင့်ကန်သွယ်အလပ်ဌာန၊အမျ
ား ပျာ်ရင် ရးအလပ်ဌာနအတွက်ြဖစ်ပါကအချိန်ပိနှင့်နားချိန်တစ်နာရီအပါအဝင်တ
စ်ရက်လ င် (၁၁)နာရီထက်မပိ စရ။
(ခ)အ စာင့်၊လြခု ရးအြဖစ်ြဖင့်အလပ်လပ်သူတိ ့အတွကပ
် ဒ်မခွဲ(က)ပါအနားယူရန်
အားလပ်ချိန်မ ပးဘဲ နနိင်သည်။
Sec 13.
(a) Nobody under the age of 14 shall be allowed or required to work at a
shop or at an establishment.
(b) Nobody under the age of 16 shall be allowed to work more than the
designated work time at a shop or at an establishment.
ပဒ်မ (၁၃)
(က)အသက်(၁၄)နှစ်မြပည့် သး သာမည်သူ ့ကိမဆိဆိင်တစ်ခခ၌ြဖစ် စအလပ်ဌာန
တစ်ခခ၌ြဖစ် စအလပ်မလပ် စရ (သိ ့မဟတ်) လပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။
(ခ)ဆိင်တစ်ခခ၌ြဖစ် စ၊အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခ၌ြဖစ် စအသက်(၁၆)နှစမ
် ြပည့် သးသူအ
ားသတ်မှတ်အလပ်ချိန်ထက် ကျာ်လွန်၍အချိန်ပိလပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။

Sec 14.
(a) Anyone who is over 14 and under 16 may work with the permission of
a doctor stating in a recommendation letter that the person is fit to work.
However, this person shall not be allowed to work more than 4 hours per
(b) Nobody over 14 and under 16 shall be allowed or required to work
from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am.
(c) Nobody over 14 and under 16 shall be allowed or required to work at
another shop or establishment on the same day after working at a shop or
(d) No worker under 18 shall be allowed or required to perform work of a
dangerous type or work at a dangerous workplace.
(e) Anyone between 16 and 18 shall, with the recommendation of a
doctor, be allowed to work at workplaces where it is safe and there is no
impact on the mental and physical development, provided that this person
has finished proficiency training for the relevant job, is able to understand
and follow the directives for health and safety at the workplace, and is fit
and healthy.

(က)အသက်(၁၄)နှစ်ြပည့် ပီး၊အသက်(၁၆)နှစမ
် ြပည့် သးသူများကိအလပ်လပ်ရန်သ
င့် တာ် ကာင်းလက်မှတထ
် တ် ပးခွင့
် ရှသ
ိ ည့်တာဝန်ခဆရာဝန်၏ခွင့
် ြပုချက်ရယူ
လပ်ကိင် စနိင်သည်။သိ ့ရာတွင်တစ်ရက်လ င် (၄)နာရီထက်ပိ၍လပ်ကိင်ခွင့်မြပုရ။
(ခ) အသက်(၁၄)နှစ်ြပည့် ပီးအသက်(၁၆)နှစ်မြပည့် သးသည့်မည်သူ ့ကိမ ညဉ့်
(၆)နာရီမှနနက် (၆)နာရီအချိန်အတွင်းမခိင်း စရ (သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်လပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။

(ဂ) အသက် (၁၄)နှစ်ြပည့် ပီးအသက် (၁၆)နှစမ

် ြပည့် သးသည့်မည်သူ ့ကိမ ဆိင်
(သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခတွင်အလပ်လပ် ပီး သာရက်၌အြခားဆိင် (သိ ့မဟတ်)
အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခ၌ခိင်း စြခင်းမြပုရ (သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်လပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။
(ဃ)အသက်(၁၈)နှစ်မြပည့် သး သာမည်သည့်အလပ်သမားကိမ အန္တရာယ်ရှိသည်
ဟသတ်မှတ်ထား သာလပ်ငန်း (သိ ့မဟတ်) လပ်ငန်းခွင်တွင်အလပ်မလပ် စရ
(သိ ့မဟတ်) လပ်ခွင့်မြပုရ။
(င)အသက်(၁၈)နှစ်မြပည့် သး သာ်လည်းအသက်(၁၆)နှစ်ြပည့် ပီးသူများအနက်မှ
သက်ဆိင်ရာလပ်ငန်းအလိက်အသက် မွးဝမ်း ကျာင်းသင်တန်းများတက် ရာက် အာင်
ြမင် ပီးသူြဖစ်ြခင်း၊လပ်ငန်းခွင် ဘးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှင်း ရးနှင့်ကျန်းမာ ရးဆိင်ရာည
န် ကားချက်များကိနားလည်သိရှိလိက်နာနိင်သြူ ဖစ်ြခင်း၊ကျန်းမာ က့ခိင်သူြဖစ်ြခင်းတိ ့နှ
င့်ြပည့်စသူများအား ဘးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှင်း ပီး၎င်းတိ ့၏ဖွ ဖ
့ ိုးတိးတက်မနှင့်စိတ်ဓ
ာတ်ကိမထိခိက် စနိင်သည့်လပ်ငန်းများတွင်အလပ်လပ်ရန်သင့် တာ် ကာင်းတာ
ဝန်ခလက်မှတ်ထတ် ပးသည့်ဆရာဝန်၏ ထာက်ခချက်ြဖင့်လပ်ကိင်ခွင့်ြပုနိင်သ
Sec 15.
The employer -
(a) Shall designate at least one day per week as off-day for the worker at
the respective shop or establishment.
(b) Shall not deduct the rightful salary of the worker for the off-day under
sub-section (a).
ပဒ်မ ၁၅။


(က)ဆိင်နှင့်အလပ်ဌာနအသီးသီး၌ရက်သတ္တပတ်လ င်အနည်းဆးတစ်ရက်ကိ
အလပ်သမားနားရက်အြဖစ် သတ်မှတ် ပးရမည်။

(ခ) ပဒ်မခွဲ(က)ပါ နားရက်တစ်ရက်အတွက် ထိအလပ်သမား၏ ရသင့်

သာအခ ကး ငွကြဖတ်
ိ တာက်ြခင်းမြပုရ။
Sec 16.
The employer shall pay the salary not later than 7 consecutive days after
the salary payment period of the worker at the shop or establishment.
အလပ်ရှင်သည်ဆိင်နှင့်အလပ်ဌာနအသီးသီး၌အလပ်သမား၏အခ ကး ငွ ပ
းရန် ကာလအပိင်းအြခား ကန်ဆး ပီး နာက် တစ်ဆက်တည်းြဖစ် သာ ခနှစ်ရက်
ထက် နာက်ကျ၍ ထတ် ပးြခင်းမြပုရ။
Sec 17.
The employer -
(a) Shall calculate and pay the overtime fees in compliance with the
agreed overtime payments based on the worked overtime hours.
(b) Shall not request overtime work without paying overtime fees
according to sub-section (a).
(က)ဆိင်နှင့်အလပ်ဌာနအသီးသီး၌အလပ်သမား၏သ ဘာတူညီချက်အရအချိန်ပိလပ်
ရလ င်အချိန်ပိနာရီအလိက်သတ်မှတ်ချက်နှင့်အညီအချိန်ပိအခ ကး ငွကိတွက်ချက်
ေး ချရမည်။
(ခ)ပဒ်မခွဲ(က)အရအချိန်ပိအခ ကး ငွကိတွက်ချက် ပး ချြခင်းမြပုဘဲအချိန်ပိခိင်း စ

6.5 Duties of employees

Sec 18.
The employee -
(a) Shall comply with the employment contract which was concluded
according to the Employment and Skill Development Law.
(b) Shall maintain the goods and the facilities in a way that they do not
break, get lost or get wasted.
ပဒ်မ ၁၈ အလပ်သမားများ၏တာဝန်များ
(က)အလပ်အကိင်နှင့်က မ်းကျင်မဖွ ့ဖိုးတိးတက် ရးဥပ ဒအရချုပ်ဆိ သာအလပ်ခန်
့ထားမဆိင်ရာသ ဘာတူစာချုပ်ပါအတိင်းလိက်နာ ဆာင်ရွက်ရမည်။
(ခ)ကန်ပစ္စည်းများနှင့်လပ်ငန်းသးပစ္စညး် များကိမပျက်စီး၊မ ပျာက်ပျက်၊မ လလင့်
Sec 19.
The employee -
(a) Shall work with full effort in order to fulfill the specified function and
in order to improve.
(b) Shall systematically claim his rights and entitlements under the law
from the employer.
ပဒ်မ ၁၉။
(က)မိမိလပ်ကိင်ရန်သတ်မှတ်ထားသည့်လပ်ငန်းပမာဏကိြပည့်မီ စရန်နှင့်

တိးတက် စရန်ကာယ၊ညာဏစွမ်းအားရှိသမ စိက်ထတ်လပ်ကိင် ဆာင်ရွက်ရမည်။

ဥပ ဒနှင့
် အညီစနစ်တကျတင်ြပ တာင်းဆိရမည်

6.6 Duties of the employer

Sec 20.
The employer shall send a notice in the specified form to the inspector
together with a copy of the permit from the relevant department or
committees within 10 days from the date of opening the shop or
establishment, moving and opening the shop or establishment at another
place, changing the type of business, enlarging the business, changing the
owner, closing down the shop or establishment, employing an employee
or making changes to the employment.
ှ ၏
် တာဝန်များ
အလပ်ရှင်သည်ဆိင်(သိ ့မဟတ်)အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခကိစတင်ဖွင့်လှစြ် ခင်း၊ နရာ
ြပာင်း ရ ့ဖွင့်လှစ်ြခင်း၊လပ်ငန်း ြပာင်းလဲလပ်ကိင်ြခင်း၊လပ်ငန်းတိးချဲ ့လပ်ကိင်ြခင်း၊
လပ်ငန်းပိင်ရှင် ြပာင်းလဲြခင်း၊လပ်ငန်းပိတ်သိမ်းြခင်း၊ဝန်ထမ်းခန့်အပ်ြခင်းနှင့်အ ြပ
ာင်းအလဲြပုလပ်ြခင်းတိ ့ကိြပုလပ်သည့် န ့ရက်မစ
ှ ၍(၁ဝ)ရက်အတွင်းသတ်မှတ်ထား
သာပစြဖင့်စစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိထသက်ဆိင်ရာဌာန ကာ်မတီအသီးသီးမှခွင့်ြပုထတ်
ပးထား သာလိင်စင်မိတ္တူနှင့်အတူအ ကာင်း ကားစာ ပးပိ ့ရမည်။
Sec 21.
In the cases of this law, the employer -
(a) Shall arrange the respective documents, lists, contracts, evidence,
forms and samples to be inspected by the inspector.
(b) Shall, upon request, submit the registration book kept under this law
and the rules, evidence of being the owner or documents regarding the
business of any shop or establishment to the inspector.

ပဒ်မ ၂၁
အလပ်ရှင်သည်ဤဥပ ဒပါကိစ္စရပ်များအလိ ့ငှာ-
(က)ထားရှိရမည့်စာရွက်စာတမ်း၊စာရင်းဇယား၊စာချုပ်၊သက် သခအ ထာက်
ထားများ၊ပစများ၊နမူနာပစ္စညး် များကိစစ် ဆး ရးအရာရှိက ကည့်ရစစ် ဆးနိင်ရန်စစ

(ခ)ဆိင်(သိ ့မဟတ်)အလပ်ဌာနတစ်ခခ၌ဤဥပ ဒနှင့်ဤဥပ ဒအရြပုသည့်န
ည်းဥပ ဒများနှင့်အညီမိမိထားရှိသည့်မှတ်ပတင်စာအပ်၊အလပ်ရှင်ြဖစ် ကာင်းအ
ောက်အထား(သိ ့မဟတ်)လပ်ငန်းနှင့
် သက်ဆိင် သာစာချုပ်စာတမ်းများကိစစ် ဆး
ေးအရာရှိက တာင်းဆိသည့်အခါတင်ြပရမည်။
Sec 22.
The employer shall post a notice of the different work times at a visible
space in the workplace.
အလပ်ရှင်သည်လပ်ငန်းခွင်တွင်ြမင်သာ သာ နရာ၌အလပ်လပ်ရန်ကာလအပိင်းအြခား
နိ ့တစ်စာကိချိတ်ဆွဲထားရမည်။
Sec 23
The employer shall inform the employees of their rights and entitlements.
လပ်သမားများကိအသိ ပးထားရမည်။

6.7 Safety of the workplace and health

Sec 24.
The employer shall comply with the following at every shop and

(a) Shall arrange for cleaning, good ventilation, and health.

(b) Shall arrange for fresh air and sufficient light.
(c) Shall arrange for it not being louder than the specified noise level.
(d) Shall arrange for the prevention of overheating [literal translation] and
the prevention of fire hazards.
(e) Shall arrange for sufficient first aid boxes and medicine for the
employees according to the provisions.
ပဒ်မ ၂၄။ လပ်ငန်းခွင် ဘးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှငး် ရးနှင့
် ကျန်းမာ ရး
အလပ်ရှင်သည်ဆိင် (သိ ့မဟတ်) အလပ်ဌာနတိင်းတွင် အာက်ပါတိ ့ကိလိက်နာရမည်-
(က)သန့်ရှင်း ရး၊အန ့အသက်ကင်းရှင်း စ ရး၊ကျန်းမာ ရးနှင့်ညီညတ
ွ ် ရးတိ ့အတွ
က် ကာင်းမွန်စွာစီမထားရမည်။
(ခ) လဝင် လထွက် ကာင်းမွန် စရန်နှင့်လ လာက် သာအလင်း ရာင်ရရှိ စရန်စီမ
(ဂ)သတ်မှတ်ထားသည့်ဆူညသထက်မပိ စရန်စီမထားရမည်။
ွ က
် မ
ဲ မရှိ စရန်နှင့်မီး ဘး ကိုတင်ကာကွယ် ရးကိစီမ ဆာင်ရွက်ထား
(င)အလပ်သမားများအတွက် ရှးဦးသူနာြပု ဆး သတ္တ ာနှင့် ဆးဝါးများကိသတ်မှတ်
ချက်များနှင့်အညီလ လာက်စွာစီမထားရမည်။

6.8 Offences and penalties

Sec 25.
Any employer convicted of having violated any provision of section (7)
or (8) shall be punished with a fine of least Ks. 100,000 and at most Ks.

် ြပစ်ဒဏ်များ
မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်မဆိပဒ်မ၇နှင့်၈တိ ့ပါြပ ာန်းချက်တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ ဖာက်ဖျက်ကျူး
လွန် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိအနည်းဆးကျပ်တစ်သန
ိ ်းမှအများ
ဆးကျပ်ငါးသိန်းအထိ ငွဒဏ်ချမှတ်ရမည်။
Sec 26.
Any employer convicted of having violated any provision of section (9),
(10) or subsection (a) of section (12) shall be punished with
imprisonment of not more than 3 months or with a fine of at least
Ks.1,000,000 and at most Ks. 3,000,000 or with both.
် ပဒ်မ၁၂၊ပဒ်မခွဲ(က)တိ ့ပါြပ ာန်းချက်
တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ ဖာက်ဖျက်ကျူးလွန် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိသး
လထက်မပိ သာ ထာင်ဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊အနည်းဆးကျပ်၁ဝသိန်းမှအများဆးကျပ်သိန်း၃ဝ
အထိ ငွဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ဒဏ်နှစ်ရပ်လးြဖစ် စချမှတ်ရမည်။
Sec 27.
Any employer convicted of having violated any provision of section (13)
or (14) shall be punished with imprisonment of not more than 6 months
or with a fine of at least Ks. 5,000,000 and at most Ks.10,000,000 or with
ပဒ်မ၂၇။မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်မဆိပဒ်မ၁၃နှင့်၁၄တိ ့ပါြပ ာန်းချက်တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ ဖာ
က်ဖျက်ကျူးလွန် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရာှ းစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိ ြခာက်လထက်မပိ
ော ထာင်ဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊အနည်းဆးကျပ်သိန်း၅ဝမှအများဆးကျပ်သိန်း၁ဝဝအထိ ငွဒ
ဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ဒဏ်နှစရ
် ပ်လးြဖစ် စချမှတ်ရမည်။

Sec 28.
Any employer convicted of having violated any provision of section
(15), (16) or (17) shall be punished with imprisonment of not more than 3
months or with a fine of at least Ks. 3,000,000 and at most Ks.7,500,000
or with both.
ပဒ်မ၂၈။မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်မဆိပဒ်မ၁၅၊၁၆နှင့်၁၇တိ ့ပါြပ ာန်းချက်တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ
ောက်ဖျက်ကျူးလွန် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိသးလထက်မပိ
ော ထာင်ဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊အနည်းဆးကျပ်သိန်း၃ဝမှအများဆးကျပ်၇၅သိန်းအထိ ငွ
ဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ဒဏ်နှစ်ရပ်လးြဖစ် စချမှတ်ရမည်။
Sec 29. Any employee convicted of having failed to comply with the
provisions of subsection (b) of section (18) shall be punished with not
more than 3 months imprisonment or with a fine or with both.
ပဒ်မ၂၉။မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်မဆိပဒ်မ၁၈၊ပဒ်မခွဲ(ခ)ပါြပ ာန်းချက်ကိလိက်နာရန်ပျက်
ကွက် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိသးလထက်မပိ သာ ထာင်
ဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ ငွဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ဒဏ်နှစရ
် ပ်လးြဖစ် စချမှတ်ရမည်။
Sec 30.
Any employer convicted of having failed to comply with any provisions
of section (21), (22) or (23) shall be punished with imprisonment of not
more than 3 months or with a fine of at least Ks. 300,000 and at most Ks.
500,000 or with both.
မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်မဆိပဒ်မ၂၁၊၂၂နှင့်၂၃တိ ့ပါြပ ာန်းချက်တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိလိက်နာရန်
ပျက်ကွက် ကာင်းြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င်ထိသူကိသးလထက်မပိ သာ ထာင်ဒ
ဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊အနည်းဆးကျပ်၃သိန်းမှအများဆးကျပ်၅သိန်းအထိ ငွဒဏ်ြဖစ် စ၊ဒဏ်နှစ်ရ
ပ်လးြဖစ် စချမှတ်ရမည်။

Sec 31.
Any employer or employee convicted of recidivism after having been
convicted of a violation of any provision of this law or a failure to comply
with an obligation shall be punished with twice the specified highest
An employer convicted of failing to comply with the provisions of sec 7
and 8 shall be punished with a fine of a minimum of Kyats One Lakh up
to a maximum of Kyats Five Lakh.
ပဒ်မ ၃၁
မည်သည့်အလပ်ရှင်နှင့်အလပ်သမားမဆိ ဤဥပ ဒပါ တားြမစ်ချက် တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ
ထပ်မ၍ ဖာက်ဖျက်ကျူးလွန် ကာင်း (သိ ့မဟတ်) တာဝန်တစ်ရပ်ရပ်ကိ လိက်နာရန်
ပျက်ကွက် ကာင်း ြပစ်မထင်ရှားစီရင်ြခင်းခရလ င် ထိသူကိထပ်မ၍ ကျူးလွန်သည့်

Assignment Question
1. Mention the definitions regarding shops and establishments under
the Shops and Establishments Law 2016.
2. Describe the provisions regarding hours of work under the Shops
and Establishments Law 2016.
3. What are the Offences and Penalties under the Shops and
Establishments Law 2016?
4. Describe the provisions regarding working hours and Overtime
under the Shops and Establishments Law 2016.

Short Questions
1. Define the term “shop” under the Shops and Establishments Law
2. Define the term “employee” under the Shops and Establishments
Law 2016.
3. Define the term “employer” under the Shops and Establishments
Law 2016.

4. What do you understand by the term “hour of work” under the

Shops and Establishments Law 2016?
5. State the wages for overtime work under the Shops and
Establishments Law 2016.
6. What are the purposes of the Shops and Establishments Law 2016?
7. Define the following terms;
(a) Commercial Establishment
(b) Establishment for Public Entertainment
(c) Industrial Establishment
Chapter 7

The Workmen’s Compensation Act

အလ ပ  သမလ
မလ ကအကဥပဒ

7.1 Definitions
7.2 Employer's Liability for Compensation
7.3 Schedule III
7.4 Amount of Compensation
7.5 Method of calculating wages
7.6 Notice and Claim
7.7 Reviews under the Order of a Commissioner
Key Terms
Assignment Questions
Shorts Questions

Chapter 7
T he Workmen’s C ompensation
ompensation A ct

အလ ပ  သမလ
မ လ ကအကဥပဒ
7.1 Definitions အဓAပB ယဖEပခကမ
Section 2(1)
In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
adult and ''minor
minor mean respectively a person who is not and a person who is
under the age of fifteen years;

ငTက လ
T လဟNသ စကရပကပ
A ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(က)တ[င ခ[E\ ခဖEပထ
- အသက၁၅QRစ အထကရသ
AR က
N A လNOကPဟ လညကင၊
- အသက၁၅QRစ အက ရRသ
A က
N A ကလဟ လညကင ဖ[ငဆ
T ထ
A သည။
(b) ''dependant
dependant means any of the following relatives of a deceased workman: namely-

P သ
P သ
A N''ဟNသညသဆ dသNအလ ပသ
 မ၏ အကဖEပပf ဆ[မAgတစဦဦ ကAဆ

ကငပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(ဃ)တ[င ရRငလငထသည။ ၄ငတA TမR-
(i) a widow, a minor legitimate son and unmarried legitimate daughter, or a
widowed mother; and

(က) သဆ dသNယက၏ဇနP မ ဆ Aမ

(ခ) အရ[ယမ
 ရကသသ တရဝင သအရင
(ဂ) လကမထပရသသ တရဝင သမPအရင
(ဃ) မ ဆ AမEဖစနသ မAခင

အထကဖEပပf ဆ[မAgတA Tသည သဆ dသN၏ အထကအပdက

T A ခdရကင
အထကအထEပရန မလAသ

N Eဖစသညဟ ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(ဃ)(၁)တ[င Eပဌန ထ
(ii) if wholly or in part dependant on the earnings of a workman at the time of his
death, a widower, a parent other than a widowed mother, a minor illegitimate son, an
unmarried illegitimate daughter, a daughter legitimate or illegitimate if married and a
minor or if widowed, a minor brother, an unmarried or widowed sister, a widowed
daughtrer-in – law , a minor child of a deceased son, a minor child of a deceased
daughter where no parent of the child alive, or where no parent of the workman is
alive, a paternal grand parent.

P သ
A N'' ဟNသစကရပQင
R T ပတသက၍ ပ ဒမ-၂(၁) (ဃ) (၂) တ[ငဆကလက၍
အလ ပသ
 မ သဆ dခAနတ
[  ၄ငလ ပက
A ရရRA သ င[ကပrတ[င လ dဝ Eဖစစ၊
A တ
 စဒသ EဖစစမRခ
P  A နရသ ဆ[မAgမEဖစကငQRငT ၄ငတA Tသည
သဆ dသN၏ အထကအပdက
T A ခdယNရကင အထကအထEပကရမညEဖစသည။
၄ငတA TမR-
(က) မ ဆ AဖA (သဆ dသN အလ ပသ
 မ၏ ခငပန
[ )
(ခ) မAခငမဆ
AမမRလ\[၍ မAခင၊ ဖခင
(ဂ) အရ[ယမ
 ရကသသ တရမဝငသညသ
(ဃ) အAမ ထငမEပgရသသ တရမဝငသမP
(င) အAမ ထငရ၍
AR အရ[ယမ
 ရကသသ တရ၀ငသ A Tမဟ တတ
(စ)မ ဆ AမEဖစနသ အရ[ယမ
 ရက သသညတရဝင သA Tမဟ တ တရ
(ဆ) အရ[ယမ
 ရကသသညT ညP
(ဇ) အAမ ထငမEပgရသသ သA Tမဟ တ မ ဆ AမEဖစသညT အမ၊ ညPမ
(ဈ) မ ဆ AမEဖစနသ ခuမ

(ည) သဆ dvပPEဖစသသ၏အရ[ယမ

T လ၈ဦ
(ဋ) မAဘQRစဦ
 စလ dမရRAတTသညT သဆ dvပPEဖစသသမP၏ကလ
(ဌ) အလ ပသ
 မ၏ မAဘQRစဦ
 စလ d အသကရင
R လ
 က မရRပ
A fက ဖခငဘကမR
အဘA  ၊အဘ[ တA TEဖစပfသည။
ဤပ ဒမ
 ၂(၁)(ဃ)သည အလ ပခ
[ တ
[  သဆ dသ အလ ပသ
 မ၏ဆ[မAg တစဦဦ
d QAင
ရန မညသN Tအ အထကအပdT ပရမည ကA ရင
R လငစ[
EပဌနပထသEပဌနခကEဖစသEဖငT EဖရRငပQAင

{ သTခကEဖစသညက A
သတAEပgကရ မညEဖစသည။
(c) ''Employer'' includes anybody of persons whether in corporated or not and any
managing agent of an employer and the legal representative of a deceased employer
and, who the service of a workman are temporarily led or let on hire to another person
by the person with whom the workman has entered into a contract of service or
apprenticeship, means such other person while the workman is working for him and
also includes the owner of any vehicle or vessel the use of which is obtained from the
owner thereof for the purpose of implying for hire with the said vehicle under any
contract other than a hire purchase agreement in consideration of the payment of a
fixed sum or share in the earnings or otherwise;

အလ ပရင
''အလ ပရင
R '' ဟNသ စကရပက A ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(င)တ[င''စ ပfင၍ဖ[\ Tစညထ သ၊
ဖ[\ TစညမထသလNတစစ ''ပf ၍ အလ ပရင
R ၏ စPမခ
d န Tခ[သ
\ N ကAယ

  လRယ သဆ d
vပP အလ ပရင
R ၏
A စ
 လRယ၊ အလ ပသ
 မQRငT လ ပင
 နသA Tမဟ တ
အလ ပသ
 င သဘတNညခ
P က Eပgလ ပထ
 သNက အလ ပသ
 မ၏ လ ပအ
အEခသNတစဦအ ခတ| ခငRထEခင၊ သA Tမဟ တ အခက င[Eဖငင
T R ရမ
EခငEပgထပfက အလ ပသမက၄ငအတ[ကအ
 လ ပ လ ပ နစ} တ[ငအ
 လ ပ စခAင
၄ငတA Tတ[ငယ
 } သA Tမဟ တ ရယ}ကင
A R ရမဝယယN သ သဘတNညခ
P ကEဖငT
Eပဆ[\ရရRA သ အခကင[အပrတ[င ဝစ ယ၍
N Eဖစစ၊ သတမRတထ

င[ကပ၍Eဖစစ၊ အEခနညEဖငET ဖစစ ငRရမထသNမလ

R [၍
\ ပAင
R ထ
d R
အခက င[ယ၍
N Eပဆ[\ရနအတ[ကင
 R ရမ ထသNပfဝငသညဟE ပဌနထသည။
အလ ပရင
R ဟ
 N သ စကရပက A နလညမသ
R လ~င လကမ{ခငကAစက
  A EဖရRင

 ညEဖစလသည။ လကမ{ခငကAစတင
[  လကပရန တဝနရသ
AR မ
အလ ပရင
R E ဖစသည။ ထA Tကငမ
T ညသသ
N ည အလ ပရင
R E ဖစသညဆသ
A ညမR အရOကP
(d) ''managing agent'' means any person appointed or acting as the representative
of another person for the purpose of carrying on such other person's trade or business,
but does not include an individual manager subordinate to an employer.

d နခ[Tခ[T သ
\ က
N ယ
A စ
 ၂(၁)(စ)တ[င အEခသNတစဦ၏က နသ
[  ရသA Tမဟ တ
စPပ[ရလ ပင
 နကA လ ပ ဆငခန TအပထEခင ခdရသNသ A Tမဟ တ ကAယ

 N ကAဆ

A ည။ သA Tသ အလ ပရင
R ၏
d နနဂ မပfဝငပဟN၍
(e) ''Partial disablement'' means, where the disablement is of the temporary nature,
such disablement as reduces the earning capacity of a workman in any empoyment in
which he was engaged at the time of the accident resulting in the disablement, and,
where the disablement is of a permanent nature, and where the disablement is of a
permanent nature, such disablement as reduces his earning capacity in every
employment which he was capable of undertaking at that time; provided that every
injury specified in Schedule I shall be deemed to result in permanent partial

A တ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{
A တ
[ မ{' ဟNသည ယယPEဖစပfက ထAမ
[ မ{EဖစစသညT
မတတဆ ထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစစ}က လ ပက
A  နသညT လ ပင

[ ထ
 Aအလ ပသ
၏ဝငင[ရR QAင

[ ကA လTနညသ[စသညT မသနမစ[မEဖစမE{ ဖစသည။ ၄ငEပင
[ မ{သည အvမ\တမEဖစပfက ထAစ
}ကလ ပက
A သ
 ညT လ ပင
ဝငင[ရR QAင
[  လTနညသ[စသညT မသနစမ
[ မ{ Eဖစသည။ဇယ(၁)တ[င

ဖEပထသ ထAခက
A မ
{ င
A လည အvမ\တမတစ စAတတ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{

R ယ
N ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(ဆ) တ[င ဖEပ ထသည။
(f) ''total disablement'' means such disablement, whether of a temporary or
permanent nature, as incapacitates a workman for all work which he was capble of
performing at the time of the accident resulting in such disablement: provided that
permanent total disablement shall be deemed to result from the permanent total loss of
the sight of both eye or from any combination of injuries specified in Schedule I
where the aggregate percentage of the loss of earning capacity, as specified in that
Schedule against those injuries, amounts to one hundred percent;

လ dဝ မသနစမ
[ မ{
'လ dဝမသနစ[မမ{'ဟNသည မသနစမ
[ မ{Eဖစစသည မတတထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစ ပ[စ}က
အလ ပသ
 မတစဦလ ပကင
A သ
T ပ

 နကA လ dဝမလ ပQ
A  အင အEခအန
EဖစစသညT ယယP သA Tမဟ တ အvမ\တမမသနစ[မဟ ခr သည။ ခငခကအEဖငT
မကစA၂လ dအvမ\တမ က[ယသ
 [ ပfက သA Tမဟ တ ဇယ(၁)တ[င ဖEပထသ ထA
မ မ
{ QRငT ယR}၍
T ငင[ ရRQAင
[ (လ ပအ
 ဆ d‚{dမ{) ဆ d‚{dမ{ စ စ
ပfငသည ၁ဝဝရခAင
 {န EပညT အင ထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစပfက 'အvမ\တမလ dဝ မသနစမ
မ{Eဖစသည'ဟ ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁) (ဌ)တ[င Eပဌန ဖEပ ရRင လငထသည။
(g) ''workman'' means any person who has entered into or works under a contract
of service or apprenticeship, with an employer, whether by way of manual labour
clerical work, or otherwise, and whether the contract is expressed or implied, is oral
or in writings and also includes a person engaged implying for hire with any vehicle
or vessel the use of which is obtained from the owner thereof under any contract
(other than a hire purchase agreement) in consideration of the payment of a fixed sum
or a share in the earnings or otherwise.

အလ ပသ
'အလ ပသ
 မ'ဟNသညအလ ပရင
R  တစဦထdတင
[  ကယအလ ပက
 E A ဖစစ၊ဉဏ အလ ပ
(စရစခP)ကAE ဖစစ၊သA Tမဟ တအ
 လ ပသ
 ငEဖစစ၊ လ ပက
A ရနအတ[က အတAအလင
သလညကင၊ သ[ယဝ
A ၍
 သလညကင၊ စEဖငT သလညကင၊
Q{တE ဖငT သလညကင သဘတNညခ
P ကEဖငT လ ပက
A  နသN တစစd တစဦ ကAဆ
သည။ထA TEပငယ} သA Tမဟ တ ရယ}တစခခ
က A ငRရမဝယယNသည သဘတNညP
ခကမAgEဖငT(a hire purchase agreement) မဟ တဘ
\ တမတ
R ထ
 သ အခကင[
ကA ပ၍Eဖစစ၊ ရရRA သဝငင[ထမ
d R ဝစ ပ၍Eဖစစ၊ပAင
R ထ
d R သဘတNညခ
P က
T R ရမEပဆ[လ
\ ပ
A သ
N A TEဖစသညဟ၍
N ပ ဒမ
 ၂(၁)(ဎ)တ[င ဖEပရRငလငထ
but does not include-

[ ဆ
 ကလက၍ ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁) (ဎ) (၁)၌''အလ ပသ
 မ'' ဟNသ စက
ရပသည အကပfတA Tမပfဝငခဟ တAကစ[Eပဌနထ သည။
(i) any person employed otherwise than by way of manual labour whose
wages exceeds four hundred rupees per month; or

ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(ဎ)(၁)အရအလ ပသ
R မ
T သကဆင
A  မပf ၀ငသN
မမR -(၁)တစလလ~င င[၄ဝ၀၀၀/-ထကပမ
A AရသညT ကယ အလ ပသ
ဟ တ သ အEခအလ ပသမ(၄ဝဝဝ၀/-အထကရသညဉ
T ဏ အလ ပ သမ)
(ii) a person employed in agriculture, that is to say, the cultivation of crops
other than those grown on any estate which is maintained for the purpose of
growing cinchona, rubber, coffee or tea and on which on any one day in the
preceding twelve months, twenty-five or more persons have been so
employed; or

(၂) လ[နခ
 T\ သ၁၂လအတ[င ကလ၏ န Tတစန T၌ ၂၅ယက သA Tမဟ တ
A လ ပက
A  ကသညT ကကပfငစ၊ ကဖP၊ လကဖကEခက၊ စင

၊ စAက

 Agရလ ပင
 နမမRလ ပက
A  နကသ လ ပသ
 မ မR တစပf

 Agရ လ ပကင
A သ
N ။
(iii) a person whose employment is of a casual nature and who is employed
otherwise that for the purposes of the employers' trade or business, not being a
person employed for the purposes of any game or recreation and engaged or
paid through a club; or

(၃) ကလတစခမ

R R ရမ၍ သလညကင၊ အခကင[ပ၍ သ
လညကင၊ ကစခ နစမ{ အတ[က သA Tမဟ တ အပနEဖမ{ အတ[က ခA င စ
ထသNလည မဟ တသ
T Eပင အလ ပရင
R ၏
 က နသ
[  ရ သမနလ ပင
သဘအရ လ ပက
A သ
 N။ လNတစဦ၏ သရ၊ နရ အလ ပက
A  တစခ တင
လNတစဦက စတနအလက လAအ
ပ၍ ဝငရက ကNညလ
P ပ
A  ပသNဟ
Aရင Eဖစသည။
(iv) any person working in the capacity of a member of the naval, military
or air forces of the Union of Myanmar; or

(၄) ကည၊ ရ၊ လ တပဖ\[ TဝငမအEဖစ အမ{ထမနသN၊

(v) a member of police force; or

(၅) EပညသN Tရ\တပဖ\[ TအဝငEဖစ အမ{ထမသN၊

(vi) an outworker; or

(၆) Eပငပလ ပသ
(vii) a member of the employer's family dwelling in his houses.

(၇) အလ ပရင
R ၏
 အတNန မAသစ တA TEဖစကသည။
(ff) “outworker'' means a person to whom articles or materials are given out to be
made up, cleaned, washed, altered, or namented, , finished or repaired. For sale in his
own home or on other premises not under the control or management of the person
who gave out the materials or articles.

Eပငပလ ပသ
 သည 'ပစညကAရယ
A မကA ပအပသ သN၏ အ ပခ
{ A Tမဟ တ
OကPကပမ{ အကတင
[  မဟ တသ
 ညT မAမ၏
A နအAမ သA Tမဟ တအ
 Eခ နရသA Tသယယ၍

သန TရRငရန၊ ဖ[ပ လ~ရန၊ Eပငလ\ရန၊ EပgEပငရန၊ Eပငဆငရန၊ သA Tမဟ တ ရင

ခရန အတ[က ပအပ EခငခdရသN' ကAဆ

A သ
A ည ဟ ပ ဒမ
 -၂(၁)(စစ)တ[င ရRငလင

7.2 Employer's Liability for Compensation

လကပရန အလ ပရင
R ၏
Section 3
(1)If person injury is casued to a workman by accident arising out of and in
the course of his employment, his employer shall be liable to pay compensation in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

ပ ဒမ
 -၃(၁) ''အကယ၍ အလ ပသ
 မတစဦသည အလ ပလ
A  နစ}အတ[င၌
လ ပ မREဖစပrသညT ထAခက
A ဒဏရရမ{ Eဖစပfက ၄င၏အလ ပရင
R သ
 ည ဥပဒပf
Eပဌနခကမ အတAင
လကပရန တဝနရAR စရမည။''
Provided that the employer shall not be so liable in respect of any injury, not resulting
in death, caused by an accident which is directly attributable to -

''သA Tသ သဆ dသ ဒဏရရမ{မဟ တလ

 ~င အကဖEပပf အခကမကငT
မတတဆ ထAခက
A ဒဏရရမ{အတ[က Eဖစပfကအလ ပရင
R ၌ လကပရနတဝန
မရRA စရ။''
(i) the workman having been at the time thereof under the influence of
drink or drugs, or

(က)အလ ပသ
 မသည ထAခက
A ဒဏရရသညT အခAနတ
[  မNယစစတတသ
အရက၊ဘAန၊ဆEခက အစရRသ
A ညမကငT မNယစနEခင၊
(ii) the wilful disobedience of the workman to an order expressly given, or

to a rule expressly framed, for the purpose of securing the safety of workmen

(ခ) အလ ပသ
 မ၏ ဘအQ|ရယက A မEဖစပ[စရနအတ[က အတAအလင
ကညထသအမAန T၊Žန ကခကမကA အလ ပသ

(iii) the wilful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or
other device which he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing
the safety of workman.

(ဂ)အလ ပသ
 မ၏ ဘအQ|ရယက A ကက[ယရနအတ[က Eပgလ ပထ

A ကQင
R T ဖယရR ပစEခင၊ လစလ‚{EခငတA TEဖစသည။
အထကဖEပပf (က)၊(ခ)၊(ဂ) အခက၃ခကကငT ထAခက
A ဒဏရရလ~င
သဆ dမ{ မဟ တ သ အလ ပသ
 မ၌လက ရပAင

[ T မရRA ခဟ ပ ဒမ
တ[င Eပဠနထသည။
(2) If a workman, whilst in the service of an employer in whose service he has
been employed for a continuous period of not less than six months in any employment
specified in List A of Schedule III, contracts any disease specified therein as an
occupational disease peculiar to that employment, the contracting of the disease shall
be deemed to be an injury by accident within the meaning of this section and, unless
the employer proves the contrary, the accident shall be deemed to have arisen out of
and in the course of the employment.

ပ ဒမ
 ၃(၂)တ[င ''အလ ပသမတစဦသည အလ ပရင
R တ
 စဦထd၌ ဇယ(၃)စရင
(က)တ[င ဖEပထသညအ
T လ ပတ
 စခ ခက
A Eခကလထကမနည တစဆကတည
လ ပက
A ခ
T\ ~င ၄ငအလ ပ၌
AR ညT ထAစ
ရင၌ ယR}တ
 \[ ဖEပထသညT
ရဂfဝဒန စ[က
\ ပလပfက ထA ရဂfဝဒနသည ဤပ ဒမ
 တ[င ဖEပထသညT
A မ
{ မRတယ
 Nရမည။ အကယ၍ အလ ပရင
R သ
 ည ထAသ
A Tမဟ တ ကင

 fက မတတဆ ထAခက
A မ
{ ည အလ ပလ
A  နစ}အတ[င၌
လ ပမ
 R EဖစပrEခငEဖစသည ဟ မတ
R ယ
 Nရမည'' ဟN၍ Eပဠနထသည။
Explanation For the prupose of this sub-section a period of service shall be deemed to
be continuous which has not included a period of service under any other employer.

ရRငလငခက။ ။ ဤပ ဒမ
\ တ[က လ ပသ
 ကကလသည အEခအလ ပရင
တစဦဦ ထdတင
[ လ
A ခ
T\ ညT လ ပသကမပfဝငသ လ ပသ
သညဟ မRတယ
N ဒမ
 ၃(၂)တ[င ရRငလငထသည။
(3) If a workman contracts any disease specified in List B of Schedul III, and it is
certified by a qualified medical practitioner that the disease is directly due to the
nature of any employment in which the workman was employed at any time within
the twelve months previous to the date of disablement, the contracting of the disease
shall be deemed to be an injury by accident within the meaning of this section, and
unless the employer proves the contrary, the accident shall be deemed to have arisen
out of and in the course of the employment aforesaid.

ပ ဒမ  မတစဦသညဇယ(၃) စရင(ခ)၌ ဖEပထ သည

 ၃ (၃) တ[င ''အလ ပသ
ရဂfဝဒန တစခခ

\[ကပလ၍ အရညအခငEပညဆ
T ရဝနက ထAမ
ပ[သညT န T၏မတAင

P ၂လအတ[င၌လ ပက
A ခ
T ညအ
T လ ပတ
 စခ ခ ကငT ထA ရဂf
Eဖစပ[ ရသညဟ ထကခပ
d f ကထA ရဂfဝဒနသည ဤပ ဒမ
\ င
[  ဖEပထသညT
A မ
{ မ

R ယ
 Nရမည။အကယ၍အလ ပရင
R သ
 ည ထAသ
A Tမဟ တ ကင

 fက မတတဆ ထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစသညဟ မRတယ
 Nရမည။ အထက
ဖEပပf အလ ပလ
က A  နစ} အတ[င၌ထA အလ ပမ
 င  EဖစပrEခငEဖစသညဟ မRတယ
မည။ ထA ရဂfဝဒန Eဖစပ[ စသညအ
T လ ပက f၁၂လအတ[င၌ အလ ပသ
 A အဆAပ  မ
အနကဆd လ ပ စသN အလ ပရင
R ထ
d R လကင[Eပနလညတငခdစ ရမည''ဟ
Provided that the compensation shall be recoverable from the employer who last
employed the workman during the said twelve months in the employment to the
nature of which the disease was due.

ထA ရဂf ဝဒနEဖစပ[ စသညT အလ ပက

 အ f၁၂လအတ[င၌ အလ ပသ
A ဆAပ  မအ
နကဆd လ ပ စသN အလ ပရင
R ထ
d R လကင[Eပနလည တငခdစရမည'' ဟ Eပ

7.3 SCHEDULE III ဇယ(၃)


(အလ ပQ
R ဆA
A  သရဂfမစရင)
List A
Occupational Disease Employment

Anthrax Handling of wool, hair, bristles, animal

carcases or parts of such, carcases, or the loading,
unloading or transport of any merchandise or any
work in connection with animals in flected with

Lead poisoning or its sequelae Any process involving the use of lead or
its preparations or compounds.

Mercury poisoning or its sequelae Any process involving the use of mercury
or its preparations or compounds.

Phosphorus poisoning by Any process involving the production,

phosphorus of its compound, and liberation or utilisation of phosphorus or its
its sequelae. compounds.

Arsenic poisoning by arsenic or its Any process involving the production,

compounds, and its sequelae liberation or utilisation of arsenic or its

Poisoning by benzene or its Any process involving the production,

homologues, their nitro-and liberation or utilization of benzene or its
amido-derivatives, and its homologues, or their nitro-and amido-derivatives.

List A Contd

Occupational Disease Employment

Poisoning by nitro-and amido- Handling any nitro- and amida

derivatives of benzene and its derivatives of benzene or any of its homologues

homologues (trinitrotoluene, anillin or any process in the manufacture, or involving

and others) or the sequelae the use, thereof

Poisoning by nitrous fumes on its Any process in which nitrous fumes are
sequelae involved.

Dope poisoning (that is, poisoning Any process involving the use of any
by any substances used as or in substances used as or in conjunction with a
conjunction with a solvent for solvent for acetate of cellulose
acetate of cellulose) or its sequelae.

Poisoning by carbon bisulphide or Any process involving the use of carbon

its sequelae. process bisulphide or its preparations or

Poisoning by nickel carbonyl or its Any process in which nickel crobonyl

sequelae. gas in involved

Epitheliomatous cancer or ulceration Hindling of use of tar, pitch bitumen,

of the skin due to tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil or paraffin or any compound
mineral oil or paraffin, or any product or residue of any of those substances
compound , product or residue of
any those substances.

Ulceration of the comeal surface of Handing or use tar, pitch, bitumen,

the eye due to tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil or paraffin or any compound
mineral oil, or paraffin or any product or residue of any of those substances
compound product or residue of any
of those substances.

Chrome ulceration or its sequelae Any process involving the use of chromic
acid or bichromate of ammoniun, potassium, or
sodium, or their preparations.

Compressed air illness or its Any process carried on in compressed air.


Cataract in glass worker Any process in the manufacture of glass


involving exposure to the glare of molten glass.

Cataract caused by exposure to rays Any process normally involving exposure

from molten or red-hot metal. to rays from molten or red-hot metal in the
manufacture of iron or steel, including
reheating and rolling iron or steel.

Substanceous cellulities of the hand Mining.

( beat hand)

Substanceous cellulities, or acute Mining

bursitis over the elbow (beat elbow)

Inflammation of the sinovial lining Mining

of the wrist joint and tendon sheaths

Glanders Care of any cauine animal suffering from

glanders, handling the carcase of such animal.

Telegraphist's cramp Use of telegraphic instruments

Silicosis with or without pulmonary Industries or processes recognized by the

tuberculosis, provided that silicosis laws or regulations of the Union of Burma as
is an essential factor in causing the involving exposure to the sick of silicosis
resultant incapacity or death.

Poisoning by the halogen derivatives Any process involving the productions

of hydrocarbons of the aliphatic liberation or utilization of halogen derivatives
series of hydrocarbons of the aliphatic series
designated by the laws or regulations of the
Union of Burma

List B
Dermatisis produced by dust or liquids
Ulceration of the skin produced by dust or liquids
Ulceration of the mucous membrance of the nose or mouth produced by dust
Writer's Cramp

Writer's Cramp caused by twisting of Cotton or Wollen (including worsed)

yarns Pathological manifestation due to -
(a)Radium and other radio-active substances.


 န အမAgအစအလAက
 အလ ပ ကငT
Eဖစတတသ ရဂfဝဒနမကA ဖEပထသည။ ဥပမ(၁)စရင (က)၌
တAရ စ˜နအမ[အမRငမ
 ကA ကAင

[ လ
A  ပA Tဆငရသလ ပင
Anthras ရဂfEဖစပ[ တတEခင။ ဥပမ(၂)ခ\Qင
R ဓ
T တပfင လ ပင
\ ပ
တကသ ရဂfEဖစပ[ တတEခင။ ဥပမ(၃) ထင သA Tမဟ တ ကကမPသ[
T ရည၊ အစAင

 ခ\၊ စကဆP၊ ဓတဆQ
P င
R ပ
T fရဖင သA Tမဟ တ ဓတEပg
d စ[လ
\ ပ
 ကင  နမ တ[င Eqitheliomatou ရဂf သA Tမဟ တ
A ရသလ ပင
အရEပတ[င အနရဂf EဖစEခင။
ဥပမ(၄)စရင(ခ)၌ အမ{န TမQRငT အရညမကA ကAင

[ လ
A ရ သ
လ ပင
 နတA Tတ[င Dermatitis သA Tမဟ တ အရEပအနပfကEခငပfစပQင
T R ခfင
အရEပတ[င အနပfကEခင EဖစတကEခင။
ဥပမ (၅)စရင(ခ)၌ဝfဂ[မ၊သA မ၊ခညမ~ငလပ

 နမတ[င writer's cramp
R အ
T EခဓတEပgပစညမအAပစရရငEခည
မကA ကAင

[ လ
 Aငရသ လ ပင
 နမတ[ငE ဖစ ပrတတသညT ရဂfမ စ
သညတ A TEဖစသည။
ပ ဒမ
 ၃ပ ဒမခ[\(၄)QRငT(၅)တA Tတ[င QAင

 d တသမ™တသညဇယ(၃) စရင(က)QRငT
(ခ) တA T၌ဖEပထသညT အလ ပအ

 ရငတ[င ၃ထကမနညOကAgတင၍Eပနတမ
ထ တE ပန ကညvပPနက Eဖညစ
T က
[ Q
A  ကင၊ ထAE ဖညစ
T က
[ သ
 ညTအလ ပအ

မတ[င မညသ A Tသ ရဂfဝဒန EဖစတတကငQRငT ဤအကဥပဒအရ ကည
ထသညT အလ ပအ

A ရ ရဂfEဖစဘသ
A က\သ
T A T ပ ဒမ
 ခ[\(၃)တ[င ပfရRသ
A ညT Eပဌန
R T သကဆင
A  စရမညဟ၍
N ဖEပထသည။

ပ ဒမ
 ၃ပ ဒမခ[\(၆)တ[ငE ပဌနထသညမR အဆAပ
fပ ဒမ၃ပ ဒမ
 ခ[(\ ၂)QRငT(၃) တ[ငE ပ
R \[၍အလ ပ ကငT Eဖစပ[ သညT ရဂf (Occupational Disease)
မဟ တလ
 ~င မညသညT ရဂfတစခခ

 ~ အလ ပသ
 မအ လကမပရ
A ည။
ပ ဒမ
 ၃ပ ဒမ
 ခ[\(၇)တ[င အလ ပသ
 မတစဦသည အလ ပရင
R  သA Tမဟ တ အEခ
တစဦဦအ တရမ‚ dတစခတ

[  ထAခက
A ဒဏရရမ{အတ[က နစနကမ ရရRA
\ v A ပPပfက ဤဥပဒပf မညသညT EပဌနခကမဆA ထAသ
ရန တရစ[ဆ အ
N လက

[ T ပသညဟမ
 N ကငQRငT အလ ပသ
 မ တစယကတည တရ‚ d
မတ[င အကပf ထAခက
A ဒဏရ ရမ{မအတ[က နစနကရရန တရစ[ဆ
\ ခ
A င
[ T
လည မရRA ခ။
A ဒဏရရမ{အတ[က လကမငOကP(လကစAစစရကမ
[  လကရရRAရန တငဆAလ
 တငထvပPEဖစEခင၊ (ခ) ဤအကဥပဒ
T ညP လကပရန အလ ပသမQRငအ
T လ ပရင
R ဦ
 က သဘတNညခ
P ကရရRvA ပPEဖစEခငတA TEဖစသည။
ထA TကငT အထကမR ဖEပ လTလခ\T ကသ ပ ဒမ၂QRငT၃ ကAန
လညရနQRငT အသ dEပg
တတရနမစ[ အရOကPသည။
ပ ဒမ
 -၃(၁) (ဃ)တ[ငပ
A ညT မRခ
P Aသ
N၊ ပ ဒမ
A ညT အလ ပရင
R ၊
ပ ဒမ
A ညT အလ ပသ
 မဟNသ အဓAပB ယဖEပခကမကA ကင
စ[ နလညvပPမRလညကင၊ပ ဒမ
 ၃ပ ဒမ
 ခ[\(၁)(၂)(၃)တA TကAန
ဥပဒတဝနက A ကငစ[ဆင ရ[ကQ
A  ပလAမTမည။ အဘယကငဆ
T  A သအလ ပ
သမတစဦသည အလ ပလ
A  နစ}တင
[ လ
 နကငT ထAခက
A E ခင၊ သဆ d
Eခင ဟ တသ
 ညမဟ တ သညဆသ
A ညT EပဿနမR က နထ

 ငနနယပယ တ[င‚
ထ[သည၊ နကနပ
\ fသည။

7.4 Amount of Compensation

Section 4
(I) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the amount of compensation
shall be as follows, namely:

 -၄(၁) ဤအကဥပဒအရ လကင[ပရမညT င[ကပမဏမR အကပf

ပ ဒမ
Where death results from the injury-

A ဒဏရရမ{ကငT သဆ dပf က
(i) in the case of adult, a sum equal to 36times thewokman's monthly
wages calculated in accordance with this Act and the amount of
compensation prescribed by notification made by the Ministry of
Labour, with the approval of the Government.

A လ ပသ
 မ၏ တစလအတ[က ပမမ~လစင[၏၃၆ဆ
QRငT ညPမ~သင[က။
ပ~မမ~လစ x ၃၆ ဆ = လက
ခငခက။ ။အခfအလစ[ အလ ပသ
 မဝနOကPဌနမR ထ တE ပနသအမAန T
ကEင စပfQ{နထQRငအ
T ညP သတမတ
R ရနEဖစသည။

A မ
 Agတ[င အနညဆ dQRငT အမဆ dပရမညT င[မR ၁၅ဝဝဝဝA/-QRငT ၄၅ဝဝဝဝဝA/
အသPသPEဖစရမည။ (အလ ပသ
 မဝနOကPဌန အမAန TကEင စအမRတ၁/၂ဝဝ၅)အ
လ ပသ
 မတစဦ လ ပင
[  လ ပငနကငT မတတဆ ထAခက
A ဒဏရရ၍
သဆ dသ လကင[မR အနညဆ d၁၅ဝဝဝဝA/-QRငT အမဆ d ၄၅ဝဝဝဝA/Eဖစစ
A ည။

Where permanent total disablement results from the injury-

(ခ) ထAခက
A ဒဏရရမ{ကငT အvမ\တမလ dဝ မသနစ[မမ{ Eဖစပfက-

(i) in the case of an adult, a sum equal to 60 times 140 percent of

the workman's monthly wages calculated in accordance with this Act
and the amount of compensation prescribed by notification made by
the Ministry of Labour, with the approval of the Government.

(၁) လNOကPEဖစလ~င ၄င၏တစလပမမ~လစင[၏ ၁၄ဝရခAင

Q { ၆ဝဆQRငT
ပ d သနညEဖငET ပရသ

တစလပ~မမ~လစ x ၁၄ဝ x ၆ဝ
ခငခက။ ။ အခfအလစ[ အလ ပသ
 မဝနOကP ဌနမRထတ
E ပနသ အမAန Tက
Eငစပf Q{နထQRငအ
T ညP သတမတ
R ရနEဖစသည။
ထAက A မ
စ  Agတ[ငအ
 နညဆ dQRငအ
T မဆ dပရမညTင[မR ၂၀ဝဝဝဝA/-QRငT ၆ဝဝဝဝဝA/
အသPသPEဖစရမည (အလ ပသ
 မဝနOကPဌန အမAန TကEငစ အမRတ ၁/ ၂ဝဝ၅)။
C. Where permanent partial disablement results from the injury-

A ဒဏရရမ{ကငT အvမ\တမတစစတ
A တ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{Eဖစပfက-
(i) in the case of an injury specified in Schedule I, such percentage of
the compensation which would have been payable in the case of
permanent total disablement as is specified therein as being the
perecentage of the loss of earning capacity caused by that injury, and

(၁)ဇယ (၁) တ[င ဖEပထသညT ထAခက

A ဒဏရရမ{ မAgEဖစလ~ငအvမ\ တမ
လ dဝ မသနစမ
[ မ{အတ[က ပရမညT လကင[ကမ
A တ
N ည၍ ထAဇ
ယ ပf
 ဆ d‚{dမ{ ရခAင
လ ပအ Q
{  အလAက

[ ၍
 ပရသလကQ{န Eဖစ
ပ d သနညEဖငET ပရသ-
၁၄ဝ x ၆ဝ x လ ပအ
 ဆ d‚{dမ{ရခAင

= တစလပမမ~လစ x
၁၀၀ ၁၀၀
(ii) in the case of an injury not specified in Schedule I, such percentage of
the compensation payable in the case of permanent total disablement as is
proportionate of the loss of earning capacity permanently caused by that

(၂)ဇယ(၁)တ[င ဖEပမထသညT ထAခAက

ဒဏရ ရမ{မAgEဖစလ~ငအvမ\တမ
လ dဝ မသနစ[မမ{အတ[က ပရမညT လကကA မNတညလကအခAgက လ ပ
အ ဆ d‚{dမ{ရခAင
{  အလAက

[ ၍
 ပသလ ကQ{န (အမအ
EဖငT အသAအမRတE ပg ဆရဝန၏ ထကခခ
d ကအရ ဆ dEဖတသည)
Explanation. Where more injuries than one are caused by the same accident, the
amount of compensation payable under this head shall be aggregated but not so in any
case as to exceed theamount which would have been payable if permanent
totaldisablement had resulted from the injuries.

ရRငလငခက။ ။ မတတဆ ထAခက

A ဒဏရရမ{တစခထ
A Eဖစပfကအvမ\တမ
A တ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{အတ[က ပရမညT လကင[မ ကA ပfငရမည။
သA Tရတ[င ထA လကင[ပfငသည ဒဏရရမ{မကငT အvမ\တမလ dဝ မသန
T\ ~ငပရမညT လကင[ထက မညသညန
T ညQRငမ
T ~ မပA စရဟNEပဌန
D.Where temporary disablement, whether total or partial, results from the injury a
half-monthly payment payable on the sixteenth day from the date of the disablement
and thereafter half-monthly during the disablement or during a period of five years,
whichever period shorter,-
(i) in the case of an adult- of a sum equivalent to one-third of the workman's
monthly wages, calculate in accordance with this Act, and
(i) in the case of a minor- of one half of his monthly wages.

ပ ဒမ
 -၄(၁)(ဃ)ပf Eပဠန ခကက A Eခgd၍ ရသဖEပရသ-ယယP မသနစမ
[ မ{
(လ dဝEဖစစ၊ တစစတ
A တစဒသEဖစစ) EဖစခT\လ~င လကမကA မသနစမ
မ{EဖစသညT န TမR (၁၆)ရကEမကသ န Tတ[ငလ
 ညကင၊ ထA Tနကလဝက
 ညကင ထ တ ပရသည။ ထA လ ကမကA မသနစမ
[ မ{Eဖစန
သမ~ထ တ ပရမညEဖစသည။ သA Tသ ၅QRစထ
 က ကလန
[ ၍
(၁) လNOကPEဖစလ~င သN၏ ပမမ~လစင[၏ ၃ပ d ၁ပ d၊
(၂) ကလEဖစလ~ငသ၏
N ပမမ~လစင[၏ထကဝက(သA Tသ၃ဝဝ/ -ထက)
မပA စရ။ အဆAပ
fယယP မသနစမ
[ မ{အတ[က လကမပရတ[င အကပfအ
ခက မကAလ
A န
Provided that - သA Tရတ[င

(a) there shall be deducted from any lump sum or half- monthly payments to
which the workman is entitled the amount of any payment or allowance which
the workman has received from the employer by way of compensation during
the period of disablement prior to the receipt of such lump sum or of the first
half-monthly payment, as the case may be and

(က) အလ ပသ
 မရသငTသ လကင[ကတ
A စလd တည (Lump Sum)
သA Tမဟ တ လဝကတစOကAမ (Half monthly) ထ တမ
 ပမP အလ ပရင
R က အလ ပ
သမအလက သဘEဖငယ
T ခငက ထ တ ပထသ င[ကQ
A တ

(b) no half-monthly payment shall in any case exceed theamount,if any, by
which half the amount of the monthly wages of the workman before the
accident exceeds half the amount of such wages which he is earning after the
accident; and

(ခ) မတတဆ ထAခက

A မ
{ EဖစမP တစလအတ[ကလ
 စင[၏ တစဝကသည ထA

 E{ ဖစvပP နကရရRသ
A ညT တစလအတ[က လစင[၏တစ

နည။ လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပသ င[သညအဆAပ
င[ ထကမပA စရဟN၍ Eပဌနထသည။
E. In case where the injury results in incapacity of such a nature that the injured
workman must have the constant help of another person, additional compensation
equivalent to twenty-five per cent of the compensation payable in respect of the injury
shall be paid to the injured workman; and

ပ ဒမ
 ၄(၁)(စ)တ[င ဒဏရရသ အလ ပသ
 မသည အEခလNတစယက၏ အကN
အညPက A အvမ\ယNရလကအင မသနစမ
[ Eဖစပfက ထAအ
လ ပသ
 မ အသNရသငT
သလကင[၏ ၂၅%QRငည
T မ
P ~သ အပA လကကA ထပEဖညT ပရမညဟN၍
(3) Where the injury sustained is of such a nature as would entile the injured workman
to the supply and renewal by the employer of such artificial limbs and surgical
appliances as are recognized to be necessary, the injured workman shall be paid a
lump sum compensation representing the probable cost of the supply and renewal of
such appliances. This sum, which shall not exceed ten per cent of the compensation
payable in respect of the injury, shall be decided at the time when the amount of
compensation payable in respect of the injury is settled or revised.

ပ ဒမ
 ၄(၁) (စ) (၃)တ[င ဒဏရရသ အလ ပသ
 မအ Eခတ လကတ အစရRA သ
A မ၊ ထ တ ပရန(သA Tမဟ တ) အသစလ\လယ
R  ပရန လAအ
ပပfထA ကAရယ
A မ
အတ[က က နက
T ရAတက
 A အလ ပသ
 မအ တစလd တည ထ တ ပရမည။
ဤင[သည အလ ပသ
 မရသငT သ လကင[၁ဝ%ထက မပA စရပဟNလည
ကင Eပဌနထသည။
အထကပf ပ ဒမ
 -၄ကA မRနက
 နစ[ တ[ကခ
A ရန ပ ဒမ
 -၅တ[ငE ပဌနထသ
တစလ ပမမ~လစင[ တ[ကခ
 ကနညကA တ[၍
\ နလညရန အရOကPပသည။ ထA T
ကငT ပ ဒမ
 - ၄QRငT ၅တA TကA အတNတက[နလညရပမည။

7.5 Method of calculating wages


လစင[ တ[ကခ
 ကနည (တစလပမမ~လစ တ[ကခ
Section 5
(I) In this Act and for the purposes thereof, the expression ''monthly wages'' means the
amount of wages deemed to be payable for a month's service (whether the wages are
payable by the month for by whatever other period or at piece rates), and calculated
as follows, namely:

တစလအတ[က လစင[ (monthly wages) ဟNသ စကရပတင

[  လစ}ပ သည Eဖစ
စ၊ ရကသတ| ပတ ပသညEဖစစ၊ ပစညQ{နEဖငT ပ သညEဖစစ တစလအလ ပ
လ ပသ
T တ[က ပရမညT င[က A ဆAလ

A ည။ တစလအတ[က လစင[ ဟNသ
စက ရပက A ပမမ~လစင[ (Average Pay) ရREခငဟ သ dQ{နကသည။
(a)Where the workman has, during a continuous period of not less than twelve
months immediately preceding the accident, been in the service of the
employer who is liable to pay compensation, the monthly wages of the
workman shall be one-twelth of the total wages which have fallen due for
payment to him by the employer in the last twelve months of that period;

(က) အလ ပသ
 မသည လကပရန တဝနရသ
AR ညT အလ ပရ
R ထ
မတတဆ ထAခက
A မ
{ Eဖစပ[ မP တစဆကတည ၁၂လထကမနည အလ ပ
လ ပက
A ခ
T\ fက အလ ပသမ၏ တစလအတ[က လစင[ (ပမမ~လစ) သည
၂လအတ[င၌ အလ ပရင
R က
 အလ ပသ
 မကA ပ ရမညလ
T စင[ စ စ ပfင
၁၂ပ d၁ပ Ed ဖစစရမည။
၁၂ လအတ[င ရရRခ
A T\ သ လစစ စ ပfင
တစလပမမ~လစ =
(b)Where the whole of the continuous period of service immediately preceding
the accident during which the workman was in the service of the employer
who is liable to pay the compensation was less than one month, the monthy

wages of the workman shall be deemed to be the average monthly amount

which, during the twelve months immediately preceding the accident, was
being earned by a workman employed on the same work by the same
employer, or, if there was no workman so employed, by a workman employed
on similar work in the same locality.

(ခ) အလ ပသ
 မသည လကပရန တဝနရသ
AR ညT အလ ပရင
R ထ
d င
တစဆကတည လ ပသ
 က၁လ ထကနညပfက ထAအ
လ ပသ
 မ၏ တစလ
အတ[က လစင[(ပမမ~လစ)သည ၄ငQRငအ
T လ ပခ
 ငတNသ အEခ အလ ပ
သမ (၁၂လလ ပv ပPသN) ၏တစလအတ[က လစင[က A၄င၏ တစလအတ[က
လစင[ဟ မRတယ
(c)In other cases, the monthly wages shall be thirty times the total wages
earned in respect of the last continuous period of service immediately
preceding the accident from the employer who is liable to pay compensation,
divided by the number of days comprising such period.

(ဂ) အလ ပသ
 မ၏ တစဆကတညလ ပသ
 ကသည တစလEပညသ
T ည၊ သA T
သ ၁၂လမEပညလ
T ~င ၄င၏တစလအတ[က ပမမ~လစင[သည ၄ငတစ
ဆကတည လ ပသ
 ကအတ[င ရရRခ
A T\ သ လစင[စစ
 ပfင ကAထ

A ပ

ရကပfငQRငT စvပPနက၃ဝQRငT EမŸက၍ရသ င[Eဖစသည။
၁၂ လအတ[င ရရRခ
A T\ သ လစစ စ ပfင
ပမမ~လစ = x၃၀
လ ပသ
Explanation- A period of service shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to
be continuous which has not been interrupted by a period of absence from work
exceeding fourteen days.

(တစဆကတည လ ပသ
A ညမR တစဆကတည ၁၄ရကထက ပA၍
အလ ပပ
ရကမရRA သ လ ပသ
 ကက A ခrသည။)

T ညTပ ဒမ-၄ QRငT ၅ကA ပNတ[န
\ လညရန လAသ
ညဟ ရသရRင
T ညမR ပ ဒမ

R တ
T စခ ဆကသယ
[  နEခငကငET ဖစသည။ အလ ပ
သမလက အကဥပဒပ ဒမ
 ၄ ပf လကင[ပမဏကA အလ ပသ
ဦသည အလ ပခ
[ တ
[  အလ ပ ကငT မတတဆ ထAခက
A ဒဏရရ၍သဆ dလ~င
သA Tမဟ တ အvမ\တမလ dဝ မသနစမ
[ လ~င သA Tမဟ တ အvမ\တမတစစတ
A  တစဒသမ
[ မ{Eဖစ လ~ငတက
[ ခ
A ရန တစလပမမ~ လစတ[ကခ
 ကနည ကA ဖEပ
ထသ ပ ဒမ
 -၅ (၁)(က)(ခ)(ဂ)ကA နလညမသ
R  Eဖစသည။
ထA TကငT လကင[ပမဏ မညမ~ရရRမ
A ညက A တ[ကခ
ပမမ~ လစ တ[ကခ
 ကနညကA နလညမသ
R လ~င တ[ကခ
A  ပမည။
7.6 Notice and Claim

ငT လကတငခdEခင
Section 10
(1) No proceedings for the recovery of compensation shall be maintainable before a
Commissioner unless notice of the accident has been given, in the manner hereinafter
provided as soon as practicable, after the happening thereof and before the workman
has voluntarily left the employment in which he was injured and unless the claim for
compensation with respect to such accident has been instituted within twelve months
of the occurrence of the accident or, in case of death within twelve months from the
date of death.

အလ ပသ
 မတစဦသည မတတဆ ထAခက
A ဒဏရရသအခfဒဏရကငကA
အလ ပရင
R သ
 A စရန အစဆ d အကငကရသည။ ထAခက
A မ
{ တ[က လက
ရလA ကင တငခdလ ကA ထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစvပP ၁၂လအတ[င သA Tမဟ တ သဆ dမ{တင
သဆ dမ{EဖစသညT န TမR ၁၂လအတ[င မEပgလ ပလ~င မညသညT လက တငခdမ{
~ လကမငOကP၏ ရR TမRကတင
[  အရယNဆငရက
[ ခ
[ T မရRA စရ။ အကယ
၍ ထAခက
A v ပPနက ၁၂လအတ[င တငခdလ မတငသင
[ QAင
ပf ကထAသ
A Tမတင

 T\ရEခင အEဖစအပက အကငအခက တA TကAခ

A လ
d [ ဖEပ ထQAင


ကငEပခကက A လကမငOကP ကကနပလ~ငအမ{က A လကခစ
d စဆQAင

N ပ ဒမ
Provided that, where the accident is the contracting of a disease in respect of which
the provisions of sub-section 2 of section 3 are applicable, the accident shall be
deemed to have occurred on the first of the days during which the workman was
continuously absent from work in consequence of the disablement caused by the

အလ ပသ
 မသည ပ ဒမ
T ဒမ
 ၃ EပဌနခကမQRငT ပတသကသ ရဂfEဖစ
ပfကအလ ပသ
 မသည တစဆကတည အလ ပပ
 ကသညTရကမ၏ ပထမရကတင
A မ
 E{ ဖစသညဟ မRတယ
Provided further that the want of or any defect or irregularity in a notice shall not be a
bar to the maintenance of proceedings-

သA Tရတ[င အကငကစတစခတ

[  နညလမတကမရRမ
A { သA Tမဟ တ ခAg Tယ[ငခက
A {(သA Tမဟ တ) လAအ
ပခက ရRမ
A တ
{ A TကငT တရစ[ဆ
\ မ A က
{ A အဟန TအတမEဖစ စရဟ
Eပဌနထသည၊ ထA TEပင -
(a) if the claim is made in respect of the death of a workman resulting from an
accident which occurred on the premises of the employer, or at any place
where the workman at the time of the accident was working under the control
of the employer or of any person employed by him, and the workman died on
such premises or at such place, or on premises belonging to the employer, or
died without having left the vicinity of the premises or place where the accient
occurred, or

(က) အလ ပရင
R ၏
 ဥပစတ[ငE ဖစပf[ သထAခက
A မ
{ အ
R လ ပသ
 မအသဆ d
EခငကAE ဖစ ပrစလ~င (သA Tမဟ တ) အလ ပရင
R ၏ OကPကပကပ
[ က
\ { အက
 လ ပလ
 နစ} ထAခက
A မ
 E{ ဖစပr သညမ
T ညသညT နရ သA Tမဟ တ ထAသ
၍ အလ ပလ
ရသN မညသမ
N ဆA အလ ပသ
 မကA သဆ dမ{Eဖစ ပrသည။
ထA နရ (သA Tမဟ တ) အလ ပရင
R  ပAင

A  သ ဥပစတ[ငE ဖစစ (သA Tမဟ တ)

A မ
 E{ ဖစပrရနရ (သA Tမဟ တ)ဥပစအနPအန မဟ တ သ နရတ[င
သဆ dEခငEဖငT ထAသ
A Tသ သဆ dမNအတ[က လကတငဆAလ
(b)if the employer had knowledge of the accident from any other source at or
about the time when it occurred:

အလ ပရင
R က
 လည အခငEဖစပ[ သညT အခAနQ
T ခ
A က
A မ
 { EဖစပrရသညT အ

A ~င-
Provided further that Commissioner may admit and decide any claim to compensation
in any case, notwithstanding that the notice has not been given, or the claim has not
been instituted, in due time as provided in this sub-section if he is satisfied that the
failure so to give the notice or institute the claim, as the case may be, was due to
sufficient cause.

အလ ပသ
 မ လကမငOကPအနEဖငT QA Tတစမပဘ\ နစကမN လညကင၊
N A တရစ[ဆ
\ E A ခင မရRခ
A T\ စကမNလညကင၊ဤ ပ ဒမ
\ f အခAနက
T\ ~င ၎ငအနEဖငT လ d လကသ အကငရR၍
A တငဆAမ
{ ကAစ

\[ A
A ET\ ခင (သA Tမဟ တ) QA Tတစစမပခ\ET ခငအပr ကနပပfကလက တင
{ ကAခ

[ ET ပg၍ ဆ dEဖတခကခQAင

 ည ဟ Eပဌန ထရအခAန ကလသတမတ
ထစကမN လ d လကသ အကငရRပ
A f ကလကမငOကP အနEဖငက
စညကမသတ ကAခ

[ ET ပgQAင
 ကင တ[ T ရပfသည။
(2) Every such notice shall give the name and address of the person injured and
shall state in ordinary language the cause of the injury and the date on which the
accident happened, and shall be served on the employer or upon anyone or several
employers, or upon any person directly responsible to the employer for the
management of any branch of the trade or business in which the injured workman was

တ[င ထAခက
A ဒဏရရရRသ
A ၏
N အမည၊ နရပ လAပစ
 ၊ ထAခက
မ{EဖစသညT ရကစQ
\[ င
R Tအကငရင တA TကA ရင
R လငစ[ ရသ ဖEပရသည။ ထAအ


ကငကစကA အလ ပရင
R ထ
d A T လညကင၊ သA Tမဟ တ လ ပင
 နအ ပ ခgပသN
ထdသ A T လညကင၊ ပရမညဟ ပ ဒမ
 -၁ဝ(၂)တ[င လညကင၊
(3) The President may require that any prescribed class of employers shall
maintain at their premises at which workmen are employed a notice-book, in the
prescribed form ,which shall be readily accessible at all reasonable times to any
injured workman employed on the premises and to any person acting bona fide on his


 d တအOကPအက\ (သမ™တ) သညသတမတ
R ထသညT အလ ပရင
R (အလ ပ) အမAg
အစ မတ[င စခAင
ထသ အလ ပသ
 မမအတ[က Eပဌနထ သပ စ
d d
A ညT အကငကစ စအ ပတ
 စခ ရARရမညဟ Žန ကQAင

 ည။ ထAစ
အ ပသ
၄ငဥပစအတ[င အလ ပလ

 ညT ဒဏရရသN အလ ပသ
 မ QRငT၄ငကAယ
 နစ[ ဆငရက
[ သ
 N တစဦဦသည လ[ယက
N [ ကည‚
T { QAင
 စမညဟ ပ ဒမ
(4) A notice under this section may be served by delivering it at, or sending it by
registered post addressed to , the residence or any office or place of business of the
person on whom it is to be served, or where a notice-book is maintained, by entry in
the notice-book.

ဤပ ဒမ
\ ရ ပထသ အကငကစကA ပရနEဖစသသN၏ နအAမ
သA Tမဟ တ ‚ d သA Tမဟ တ အလ ပဌ
 နသA T ကAယ

A E ဖစစ၊ စတAက

 R မRတပ
 d တင ၍Eဖစ
စ၊ အကငကစ စအ ပထ
A fက ထAစ
အ ပထ
\ င
[  ရသ[င၍Eဖစစ ပQAင

သညဟ ပ ဒမ-၁ဝ(၄)တ[င Eပဌနထသည။

Section 10(A) ပ ဒမ
(1)Power to require from employers statements regarding fatal accidents

A  သဆ dမ{မအတ[က အလ ပရင
R ထ
d R အကင က
စမ တငခdQင
A  သအဏ
Where a Commissioner receives information from any source that a workman has
died as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, he
may send by registered post a notice to the workman's employer requiring him to
submit, within thirty days of the service of the notice ,a statement, in the prescribed
form , giving the circumstances attending the death of the workman, and indicating
whether, in the opinion of the employer he is or he is not liable to deposit
compensation on account of the death.

(၁) အလ ပသ
 မတစဦ သညအလ ပက
 A အကငEပg၍ တဝနထမဆငနခAန
A  သဆ dကငကA လကမငOကPသည မညသညT နရက
မဆA ကသAပfက သကဆင
A ရ အလ ပရင
R ထ
d A T သတမတ
R ထ
 သညT ပ စ
d အ
d တAင

သဆ dရပ d အEဖစအပက ကAလ
ညကင၊အလ ပရင
R ၏
 ယNဆခကအရ ထAအ
လ ပ
သမ သဆ dမ{အတ[က လကင[ တငသင
[ ရနတဝနရAR/မရRက
A လ
A ညကင၊အ
ကငကစပA TသညT န TမRရကပfင (၃ဝ)အတ[င မAမထ
A d Eပနလညတငသင
[ ရန စ

 R မRတပ
d ငEပgလ ပvပP ပပA TQAင

(2) If the employer is of opinion that he is liable to deposit compensation, he shall
make the deposit within thirty days of the service of the notice.

(၂)အကယ၍ အလ ပရင
R သညမမ
A ၌
A လကင[တငသင
[ ရန တဝနရARသညဟယ

ပfကအကငကစပA TသညT န TမRရကပfင (၃ဝ)အတ[င လကင[ တငသင
(3) If the employer is of opinion that he is not liable to deposit compensation, he
shall in his statement indicate the grounds on which he disclaims liability.

(၃) အကယ၍အလ ပရRငသ

 ည မAမ၌
A လကင[ တငသင
[ ရန တဝနမရRဟ
A ယNဆ
A ၏
A ထ[ကဆ
 E A ပနကစ၌ တဝနမရRA ကင EငငဆA သညအ
T ကင Eပခက
ကA ဖEပရသည။
(4) Where the employer has so disclaimed liability, the Commissioner after such
inquiry as he may think fit, may inform any of the dependants of the deceased
workman that it is open to dependants to prefer a claim for compensation, and may
give them such other further information as he may think fit.

(၄) အလ ပရင
R က
A Tလကပရန တဝနမရRAကင EငငဆAလ
~င လ
က မငOကPသည မAမAသငT လသညဟ ထငEမငသညစ
T စ
d မမ{က A Eပgလ ပv ပP သဆ d
သN အလ ပသ
 မ၏ မRခ
P Aသမ
N အ လကတငရန အခ[ငTအရ ရRA ကင

 ည။ ၄ငEပင မAမထ
A ငEမငယဆ
N သငT သ အEခအကငEခင
ရသတငကA လညပQAင

Section 10 (B)
(1) Reports of fatal accidents
(2) သဆ dမ{Eဖစသ မတတဆ ထAခက
A မ
{ အတ[က အစPရငခdစမ ၁ပ ဒမ
Where, by any law for the time being in force, notice is required to be given to any
authoiry, by or on behalf of an employer of any accident occurring on his premises
which results in death, the person required to give the notice shall, within seven days
of the death, send a report of the Commissioner,giving the circumstances attending
the death:

ပ ဒမ
 -၁ဝ(ခ)ပ ဒမ
\ ယ (၁)တ[င EပဌနထသညမR -
(၁) အလ ပရင
R က
A တ
A Eဖစစ၊၄င၏ ကAယ

 Eဖစစ အဏပAင

 စဦဦ ထd၄င
၏ဥပစအတ[င၌ သဆ dမ{Eဖစသ မတတဆထAခက
A မ
{ A အကငကစ ပ
ရနအတ[က သဆ dမ{EဖစvပPခ Qစ
R ရကအတ[င သဆ dမ{ Eဖစပကပd မကA ဖEပပf ရRA
သ အစPရငခdစတစစငက A လကမငOကPထd တငသင
[ ရသည။

Provided that, where the President of the Union has so prescribed, the person required
to give the notice may instead of sending such report to the Commissioner, send it to
the authority to whom he is required to give the notice.

သA Tသလည အကငကစ ပရမညသ

T သ
N ည ၄ငအစPရငခစ
d ကA လက
မငOကPထd ပပA TရမညTအစ QAင

 d တသမ™တက မညသညအ
T ဏပAင
ထd ပပA TQAင

သညဟE ပဌနထပfက ၄ငအကငကစကAထ

A ဏ ပAင

 d ပပA T QAင

(2) The President of the Union may, by notification in the Gazette, extend the

provisions of sub-section 1 to any class of premises other than those coming within
the scope of that sub-section, and may, by such notification, specify the person who
shall send the report to the Commissioner.

(၂)သA Tသလည အကငကစ ပရမညသ

T သ
N ည ၄ငအစPရငခစ
d  ကA လ
က မငOကPထdပပA Tရမညအ
T စ QAင

 d တသမ™တက မညသညအဏ ပAင

 d ပ
သညဟ Eပဌနထပfက ၄ငအကငကစကA ထA အဏပAင

 d ပပA TQA င
7.7 Review under the Order of a Commissioner

လကမငOကP၏ တဝနQင
R T အခ[ငအ
T ဏမ Eပနလညစစ
A စEခင
(ပ ဒမ-၆)
Section 6
(1) Any half-monthly payment payable under this Act, either under an
agreement between the parties or under the older of a Commissioner, may be reviewd
by the Commissioner on the application either of the employer or of the workman
accompanied by the certificate of a qualified medical practitioner that there has been a
change in the condition of the workman or subject to rules made under this Act, on
application made without such certificate.
(2) Any half-monthly payment may, on review under this section, subject to
the provisions of this Act, be continued, increased, decreased or ended, or if the
accident is found to have resulted in permanent disablement, be converted to the lump

sum to which the workman is entitled less any amount which he has already received
by way of half-monthly payments.

အလ ပသ
 မလက အကဥပဒပ ဒမ
 -၆ တ[ငဤ
 အကဥပဒQRငT အညPပ
ရနEဖစသ လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပင[က A လကမငOကP ကEပနလည စP
A  ကငQRငT ဤသA TEပနလည စAစစသအခf မညသညလဝက တစOကAမထ
A ဆA ဥပဒပf EပဌနခကမQRငT မဆန Tကငစလက ဆကလကတညစEခင၊
တA EမŸငET ခင၊ လ~TခEခင၊ ရပစE\ ခင Eပgလ ပQင
A သ
 ည။ သA Tမဟ တ မတတဆ
A မ
{ ည အvမ\တမမသနစမ
[ မ{ Eဖစသ[ ကင တ[ Tရပfကလဝက တစOကAမ
ထ တ ပင[အEဖစ ရရRခ
A T\vပPသင[က A Q တ၍
 သ တစလd တစခတ
\ ည
င[အEဖစEပငလ\ QAင

 ညဟ Eပဌနထသည။
Commutation of half-
half- monthly payments

လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပင[မကA Eပငလ\Eခင (ပ ဒမ-၇)

Section 7
Any right to receive half-monthly payments may, by agreement between the parties
or, if the parties cannot agree and the payments have been continued for not less than
six months, on the application of either party to the Commissioner, be redeemed by
the payment of lump sum of such amount as may be agreed to by the parties
determined by the Commissioner, as the case may be.

ပ ဒမ
 ၇တ[င QRစဖ
 ကသဘတNလ~င သလညကင၊ Eခကလကထက မနည
ဆက၍ င[မထ တ ပvပPပfက တစဖကဖကမR လကမငOကPထd လ~ကထ
လ~ငသလညကင လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပင[မ ရပAင

[ က
A Rစဖ
 က သဘ
တNညP သ သA Tမဟ တ လကမငOကPက ဆ dEဖတသ ပမဏရRAသညT တစလd 
\ ည ထ တ ပသင[အEဖစသ A T Eပငလ\Qင
A သ
 ညဟ Eပဌနထသည။

Distribution of Compensation

လကင[ခ\[ ဝပEခင၂ (ပ ဒမ
Section 8
(1) No payment of compensation in respect of a workman whose injury has resulted
in death, and no payment of a lump sum as compensation to a womanor a person
under a legal disability, shall be made otherwise than by deposit with the
Commissioner, and no such payment made directly by an employer shall be deemed
to be a payment of compensation.

ပ ဒမ
 ၈ တ[င လကင[ခ\[ ဝပEခငQRငT ပတသက၍ Eပဌနထသည။ ပ ဒမ
မ၏ လA ရငအဓAပfB ယမမR- (၁) သဆ dသN အလ ပသ
 မအတ[က လကင[က A
လညကင၊ အမAgသမP သA Tမဟ တ ဥပဒအရမစ[မဆင QA င သသNအ
တစလd  တစခတ
\ ညပသညT လကင[က A လညကင လကမငOကPထd
[  အပQEdR ခငမRလ၍
\[ အEခနညEဖငမ
T ပရ။ အလ ပရင
R က
A ထ

ပEခင ကA လကပသည ဟ မမRတယ
(2) Any other sum the amount of money prescribed by notification made by the
Ministry of Labour, with the approval of the Government which is payable as
compensation may be deposited with the Commissioner on behalf of the person
entitled thereto.

(၂) အလ ပသ
 မဝနOကPဌနမR အခf အလစ[ အမAန TကEငစEဖငT သတမတ
သင[က A လကရထAက
သ ၏
N ကAယ

  လကမငOကPထd အပQdRQင
A သ
(3) The receipt of the Commissioner shall be a sufficient discharge in respect of
any compensation deposited with him.

(၃) လကမငOကP၏ င[ရရRA ကငEပစသည အပQထ

dR သ လက
T တသက၍ လ d လကသညT ဆငရက
[ ခ
 ကEဖစ သည။
(4) On the deposit of any money under sub-section 1 as compensation in respect
of a deceased workman the Commissioner shall deduct therefrom the actual coast of
the workman's funeral expenses, to the amount of money prescribed by notification

made by the Ministry of Labour, with the approval of the Government, and pay the
sum to the person by whom such expenses were incurred, and shall, if he thinks
necessary cause notice to be published or to be served on each dependant in such
manner as he thinks fit, calling upon the dependants to appear before him on such date
as he may fix for determining the distribution of the compensation. If the
Commissioner is satisfied, after any inquiry which he may deem necessary, that no
dependant exists, he shall repay the balance of the money to the employer by whom it
was paid. The Commissioner shall, on application by the employer, furnish a
statement showing in detail all disbursements made.

(၄) သဆ dသNအလ ပသမအတ[က လကအEဖစ အပQင

R  င[ ရရRA သအခf
လကမငOကPသည သဆ dသNအလ ပသ
 မ၏ အသ ဘစရAတက
 A က နက
သNအ ရRငပEခင၊ မRခ
P သ
A ထ
d A Tတစစ ထ တ ပEခင၊ လကင[ ခ[\ ဝပရန
 A ဆ dEဖတရနအတ[က မAမထ
A d မRကသ A T လရကရနခr ယNEခင လ ပင
လ ပက
A ရသည။ ထA TEပငလအ
A ပသ စ စ
d မမ{မEပgလ ပv ပPနက မRခ
P သ
A N မရRဟ
A ယ

N ပf
ကလက င[ပသ[ငထ သNအလ ပရင
R အ
  ကနင[ကE A ပနလည၍ ပရသညT
ခ[\ ဝမ{မကA အသစAတ ဖEပထသညT စရငကA ပရသည။
(5) Compensation deposited in respect of a deceased workman shall, subject to any
deducation made under sub-section 4, be apportioned among the dependants of the
deceased workman or any of them in such proportion as the Commissioner thinks fit,
or may, in the discretion of the Commissioner , be allotted to anyone dependant.

(၅) သဆ dသN အလ ပသ

 မအတ[က လကင[က A လကမငOကPက
အထကပf ပ ဒမ
\ Rငအ
T ညP Q တယ
AR ညက A Q တယ
N မRခ
P သ
A မ
N ကAE ဖစစ၊ မRခ
P သ
အခAg TကAE ဖစစ မAမသ
A ငT လသညဟ ယNဆသအခAgအတAင
 ခ[\ ဝပQAင

 ည သA Tမ
ဟ တ မRခ
P သ
A တ
N စဦဦကA ထ တ ပQAင

(6) Where any compensation deposited with the Commissioner is payable to any
person, the Commissioner shall, if the person to whom the compensation is payable is

not a woman or a person under a legal disability, and may in other cases, pay the
money to the person entitled thereto.

(၆) လကမငOကPထd အပQထ

dR သ လကင[က A တစစတ
d စဦ
T စ
A ၌
 ထA သသ
N ညအမAgသမP သA Tမဟ တ ဥပဒအရမစ[မ ဆငQင
A သ
မဟ တလ
 ~င လကမငOကPသည ထA င[ကထ
A သ
A အ
N  ထ တ ပရမည။ အEခ
 တ[င ထA င[က A ထAသ

N ထ တ ပQAင
(7) Where any lump sum deposited with the Commissioner is payable to a woman
or a person under a legal disability, such sum may be invested, applied or otherwise
dealt with for the benefit of the woman, or of such person during his disability, in
such manner as the Commissioner may direct; and where a half-monthly payment is
payable to any person under a legal disability, the Commissioner may, of his won
motion or on an application made to him in this behalf, order that the payment be
made during the disability to any dependant of the workman or to any other person
whom the Commissioner thinks best fitted to provide for the welfare of the workman.

(၇) အမAgသမP သA Tမဟ တ ဥပဒအရ မစ[မဆငQင

A  သသNက A ထ တ ပမည
fက၄ငတA T၏ အကAgငRလကမငOကP Žန ကသညT အတA င ရငQRP
 EdR ခင၊ အသ dခEခင၊ စPမEd ခင Eပgလ ပQ
A သည။ ၄ငEပင ဥပဒအရ မစ[မဆင
 သသNအတ[က လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပရနရပ
AR fက လကမငOကPသည မAမA
သဘအရEဖစစ၊ လ~ကထခကအရ EဖစစထA င[က A ထAမ
A မ
 { ကလ
အတ[င ၄ငအလ ပသမ၏ မRခ
P သ
A တ
N စဦဦ အထ တ ပရမညဟ အမAန Tထ တ ပ

 ည။ သA Tမဟ တ ၄ငအလ ပသ
 မ၏ သကသခငခAမအ
{ တ[က မAမထ
A ငEမင
သသNတစဦဦအ ထ တ ပရမညဟ အမAန Tထ တQ
A သ
(8) Where, on application made to him in this behalf or otherwise, the
Commissioner is satisfied that, on account of neglect of children on the part of a
parent or on account of the variation of the circumstances of any dependant or for any
other sufficient cause, an order of the Commissioner as to the distribution of any sum
paid as compensation, or as to the manner in which any sum payable to any such

dependant is to be invested applied to otherwise dealt with, ought to be varied, the

Commissioner may make such orders for the variation of the former order as he thinks
just in the circumstances of the case:
Provided that no such order prejudicial to any person shall be made unless
such person has been given an opportunity of showing cause why the order should not
be made, or shall be made in any case in which it would involve the repayment by a
dependant of any sum already paid to him.

(၈)၄ငကAစရပအတ[က အကငတစခခ
 ကငT လကမငOကP ထ တE ပနခT\
သအမAန Tတစရပရပ ကAE ပငဆငရနသငသ
T ညဟ ယ d ကညထငEမငပf ကအမ{အEခ
အန အလAက
A ရမ~တသညဟ ထငEမငသညအ
T တAင
 ၄ငအမAန TကA Eပငဆငရန
A သ
 ည။ သA Tသ တစစတ
d စဦအ ထAခက
A မညအ
T ဆAပ
fအမAန TကA အဘယ
ကငT မခမRတသ
 ငT ကင ထAသ

N  အခ[ငအ
T ရမပဘ\ မခမRတရ၊ သA Tမဟ တ မRP

N စဦဦအ ပထvပPသ င[ကE A ပနပစရမညဟ မညသညTကစ
A တ
[ မ
မAန TကA မခမRတရ။
(9) Where the Commissioner varies any order under sub-section-8 by reason of
the fact that payment of compensation to any person has been obtained by fraud,
impersonation or other improper means any amount so paid to or on behalf of such
person may be recovered in the manner hereinafter provided in section 31.

(၉) တစစတ
d စဦအ ထ တ ပသင[သည လAမလ
 ညEဖယင၍ မမRနန
လမEဖငT ရယNခET\ ခငEဖစလ~င လကမငOကPသည ထAသ

N d ပထသ င[က A
T ညP (ပ ဒမ
 ၃၁အရ) EပနလညတငခdQင
A သ

Power of Commissioner to require further deposit in cases of fatal accident

သဆ dမ{Eဖစသ နကထပင[တငရန လကမငOကP၏

အခ[ငT အဏ၁
အဏ၁ (ပ ဒမ
Section 22 A
(1) Where any sum has been deposited by an employer as compensation payable
in respect of a workman whose injury has resulted indeath, and in the opinion of the
Commissioner may, by notice in writing stating his reasons, call upon the employer to
show cause why he should not make a further deposit within such time as may be
stated in the notice.

(၁) ထAခက
A ဒဏရရခ\vT ပPနက သဆ dသ[သညT အလ ပသ
 မအ ပရနလ
ကင[အEဖစ င[တစစတ
d စရကA အလ ပရင
R O ကAgတင ပသ[ငvပPEဖစ၍ လက
မငOကP၏ ထငEမငယNဆခကအရ ထA င[သည လ d လကEခငမရRA ပfကလက
မငOကPသည မAမအ
A ကငEပခကမကA စEဖငTရသvပP လ~ငထအ
A ကငက
စတ[င ထပမ၍
d မတငသ[င သငT ကငကA အကငEပရနအတ[က အလ ပရင
R အ
ဆငT ခrQAင

(2) If the employer fails to show cause to the satisfaction of the Commissioner,
the Commissioner may make an award determining the total amount payable and
requiring the employer to deposit the deficiency.

(၂) အကယ၍ အလ ပရင

R သ
 ည လကမငOကP၏ စAတ ကနပမ{ရAR အငအ
ကင မEပQAင
ပfက လကမငOကPသည စ စ ပfငပမညT င[ကတ
A ငသင
[ အပ
QRdရနအမAန TခမRတ QAင

Section 23
A Commissioner shall have all the powers of a Civil Court under the Code of Civil
Procedure for the purpose of taking evidence on oath (which such Commissioner is
hereby empowered to impose) and of enforcing the attendance of witnesses and
compelling the production of documents and material objects and a Commissioner

shall be deemed to be a Civil Court for all the purposes of section 195 and of Chapter
XXXV of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

လကမငOကP၏ အဏQRင
ငT လ ပထ
 d လ ပန
 ည၁ (ပ ဒမ
လကမငOကPသည ကမကAနသ
 ကသခdခက ရယNရနကစ
A အ
 တ[က သလည
ကင၊ သကသမလရန ကAစအ
 တ[က သလညကင၊ စရ[ကစ
ပစညမ တငEပရနအတ[က သလညကင တရမကငထ
T d ဥပဒအရ တရမ
တရ‚ d၏ အခ[ငTအဏအလ d ရRA စရမည။ ၄ငEပင Eပစမဆ
{ င
A ရကငထ
T d  ဥပဒ
ပ ဒမ
T င
A သ
 ညT ကAစအ
 လ dအတ[က သလညကင၊ အခန(၃၅)QRငT ဆAင

T စ
A  အလ dအတ[က သလညကင လကမငOကP ကAတ
‚ dEဖစသညဟ မRတယ
N ပ ဒမ
 -၂၃ တ[င Eပဌနထသည။
Appearance of parties

gA¥ လမ (အမ{သညမ) လရကEခင (ပ ဒမ
Section 24 Any appearance application or act required to be made or done by any
person before or to a Commissioner (other than an appearance of a party which is
required for the purpose of his examination as a witness) may be made or done on
behalf of such person by a legal practitioner or other person authorized writing by
such person.

gA¥ လမ (အမ{သညမ) လရကEခင (ပ ဒမ
 ၂၄) တစဦဦ ကလက
မငOကPထdသ A T လရကEခင၊ လ~ကလ တငEခင မ{ခငကAစ ဆငရက
[ E ခင Eပg
လ ပရန ၄င၏ကAယ
စ  ရR Tနတစဦဦကသလညကင သA Tမဟ တ ထAသ
စEဖငT အဏလအ
\ ပထသ အEခသN တစဦဦကသလညကင Eပgလ ပQ
သညဟ ပ ဒမ
 -၂၄တ[င Eပဌနထသည။
Method of recording evidence

N ည၂ (ပ ဒမ
Section 25 The Commissioner shall make a brief memorandum of the substance of
the evidence of every witness as the examination of the witness proceeds, and such

memorandum shall be written and signed by the Commissioner with his own hand
and shall deem part of the record.
Provided that, if the Commissioner is prevented from making such memorandum he
shall record the reason of his inability to do so and shall cause such memorandum to
be made in writing from his dictation and shall sign the same, and such memorandum
shall form part of the record:
Provided further that the evidence of any medical witness shall be taken down as
nearly as may be word for word.

လကမငOကP သညသကသတAင
၏ ထ[ကဆ
A က လA ရငအတAခ
gပ ကAစ
 ရမည။ ထAမ

R တ
 မကA မAမလ
A ကရEဖငT ရသ၍လကမတ
R  ထA
ထ ရမည။ ထA ရမRတထ
 ခကသည မRတတ
 အEဖစပf ဝငစရ
သည။ အကယ၍ လကမငOကPသည ထAသ
A TEပgလ ပQ
 Aင EခငမရRAပfက ထAသ
A TမEပg
လ ပQ
A E ခင၏ အကငရငကA မRတသ
 ထရသည။ ၄ငEပငထ A ရ မRတခ
သညလည မRတတ
 မ၏ အစAတအ
 Eဖစစရသည။ သတAEပgရနမR ဆဘကဆင
ရ သကသထ[ကဆ
 A ခကမကA မNလd စTပတစT အနPစပဆd ရရRA အင ရမRတထ
ရ မညEဖစသညဟ ပ ဒမ
 - ၂၅တ[င Eပဌနထပသည။
Power to submit cases

[ ရနအဏ၁ (ပ ဒမ-၂၇)
Section 27
A Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, submit any question of law for the decision of
the High Court and, if he does so, shall decide the question in conformity with such

လကမငOကPသည မAမသ
A ငT လသညဟ ယNဆပfက ဥပဒEပဿန တစခခ

ကA ဆ dEဖတခကပရန တရ‚ dခgပသ A T တငသင
[ QAင

 ည။ လကမငOကPသည
A Tတငသ[ငပfက ထAဆ
d EဖတခကQင
R T လညစ
P [ EပဿနကA ဆ dEဖတရမည ဟN၍
ပ ဒမ
 -၂၇ တ[ငE ပဌနထသည။


အယNခEd ခင (ပ ဒမ
Section 30(1)
An appeal shall lie to the Hight Court from the following orders of a Commisioner,

လကမငOကP၏ အကဖEပပf အမAန TမEဖငT တရလတ တသ A T အယNခဝ

d င

(a) an order awarding as compensation a lump sum, whether by way of
redemption of half-monthly payment or otherwise, or disallowing a cliam in
full or in part for a lump sum;

လကမငOကP၏ လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပင[ သA Tမဟ တ တစလd တစခ\

တညထ တ ပင[Qင
R T ပတသကသ Eပငလ\သညT သA Tမဟ တ Eငငပယ
သညTအမAန T၊
(b) an order refusing to allow redemption of half-monthly payment;

လဝကတစOကAမ ထ တ ပင[အတ[က ခ[ငET ပgရနEငငဆAသ

ညT အမAန T၊
(c) an order providing for the distribution of compensation among the
dependants of a deceased workman, or disallowing any calim of a person
alleging himself to be such dependant;

[ သ
 N အလ ပသ
 မ၏ မRခ
P သ
A Nမအ ဝငRပရနအမAန TQRငT ၎ငကAယ


N အEဖစတငဆA ရတ[င ခ[ငမ
T EပgသညTအမAန T၊
(d) an other allowing or disallowing any claim for the amount of an indemnity
under the provisions of sub-section 2 of section 12; or

ပ ဒမ
 ၁၂ ပ ဒမ
 ခ[\(၂)ပf EပဌနခကမQRငအ
T ညP လကင[ပမဏ အတ[က
{ တစစတ
d စရ ခ[ငET ပgEခငQRငT ခ[ငမ
T EပgEခင ကAစရပမ၊
(e) an order refusing to register a memorandum of agreement or registering the
same or providing for the registration of the same subject to conditions.

P က မRတတမတ[င မRတပ
d ငရန EငငဆA သအမAန T သA Tမဟ တ
အလတN မRတပ
d ငEခငဆAင
ရ အမAန T သA Tမဟ တ မRတပ
d ငEခငအတ[ကစ
R ရန အလတNကစ
A ရပမတ[င ခမRတသ
T မAန T စသညT
အမAန Tမ အပfအဝငအယNခမ
d { တငသင
[ QAင

[See sections 2(1) and 4]
list of injuries deemed to result
result in permanent parital disablement.
injury of loss ofearning capacity Percentage

Loss of right arm above or at the elbow 70

Loss of left arm above or at the elbow 60
Loss of right arm below the elbow 60
Loss of leg at or above the knee 60
Loss of left arm below the elbow 50
Loss of leg below the knee 50
Permanent total loss of hearing 50
Loss of one eye 30
Loss of thumb 25
Loss of all toes of one foot 20
Loss of one phalanx of thumb 15
Loss of index finger 15
Loss of great toe 10
Loss of any finger other than index finger 5

Note: Complete and permanent loss of the use of any limb or member referred to in
this Schedule shall be deemed to be the equivalent of the loss of that limb or member.

ဇယ (၁)
အvမ\တမ တစစတ
A တ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{Eဖစစသညဟ
ဟ ယNဆရမည
TထခA က
A ဒဏရရမ{ ဝငင[ရR QAင

[ ဆ d‚{dမ{ %
(လ ပအ
 ဆ d‚{dမ{ %)
တdတငဆစအထက သA Tမဟ တ ညလကမင
ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၇၀
တdတငဆစအထက သA Tမဟ တ ဘယ
R ၍ ညလကမငဆ d‚{dမ{ ၆၀
R ၍ သA Tမဟ တ ဒNဆစအထကမစ
R ၍ ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၆၀
R ၍လကဝဘ
\ ကလကမငဆ d‚{dမ{ ၆၀
R ၍ Eခထကဆd ‚{dမ{ ၅၀
မvမ\တမ လ dဝ နမကမ{ ၅၀
A စဖက ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၅၀
လကမဆ d‚{dမ{ ၃၀
Eခထကတစဖက Eခခငကလမအလ d ၂၅
ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၂၀
လကမတစဆစဆd ‚{dမ{ ၁၅
လကညgAŸ ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၁၅
Eခမဆ d‚{dမ{ ၁၀
လကညgAŸ မRလ၍
\[ အEခလကခငကလ ဆ d‚{dမ{ ၅

Key Terms

Workmen's Compensation - အလ ပသ
 မ လက

Dependant - မRခ
Widow - မ ဆ Aမ

managing agent - စPမခd န Tခ[သ

\ က
N ယ
A စ

Partial disablement - တစစတ

A တ
 စဒသ မသနစမ
[ မ{

total disablement - လ dဝ မသနစမ[ မ{

Appeal- အယNခEd ခင

Schedule - ဇယ (၁)

Assignment Questions

1. Define the following terms under the Workmen's Compensation Act :

(a) partial disablement.

(b) total disablement. (Chapter7)
2. Define the following terms under the Workmen's Compensation Act :
(a) Workman
(b) Employer
(c) Dependent (Chapter7)
3. When shall the employer be liable to pay compensation to the workman?
4. How is the amount of compensation calculated under the Workmen's
Compensation Act? (Chapter7)

5. How is the monthly wages of workman calculated under the Workmen's

Compensation Act? (Chapter7)
6. Maung Maung Khin was working at U Ba's mill since 1st Jan 2009. His wages
was 40000 Kyats per month. On the 1st of Feb. 2010, Maung Maung Khin had an
accident during working and his right arm below the elbow was amputated.
(a) Can Maung Maung Khin get compensation from U Ba?
(b) If Maung Maung Khin's injury was permanent total disablement, how much
compensation does he get from U Ba?
(Loss of right arm below the elbow = loss of earning capacity 60 percent). (Chapter7)
7. Aung Aung was working at U Mya's rice mill since 1st January 2010. His wages
was 40000 Kyats per month. On the 1st of June 2010, his wage was increased to
42000 kyats. On 1st November 2010 Aung Aung had an accident during working and
his left arm below the elbow was amputated. Can Aung Aung get compensation from
U Mya? How many amount of compensation does he get from U Mya ? (loss of
earning capacity of loss of left arm below the elbow is 50%) (Chapter7)
8. Ko Ko was working at U Maung's oil mill since 1st January 2011, and his wages
was 30,000 Kyats per month. On the 1st January 2012, Ko Ko met accident in the
course of his employment. How many amount of compensation can Ko Ko receive
from U Maung when the following events occurred?
(a) If Ko Ko was dead;
(b) If Ko Ko's injury was permanently total disable;
(c) If KoKo's injury was permanently partial disable (loss of left arm above the
elbow = loss of earning capacity 60%).(Chapter7)
9. State the review under the Order of a Commissioner relating to Workmen's
Compensation. (Chapter7)
10. Explain the methods of distribution of compensation under the Workmen's
Compensation Act. (Chapter7)

Short Questions

1. What is ''managing agent'''' under the Workmen's Compensation Act?

2. What is ''partial disablement'' under the Workmen's Compensation Act?
3. What is ''total disablement'' under the Workmen's Compensation Act?''
4. What is workman under the Workmen's Compensation Act?''
5. What is Outworker under the Workmen's Compensation Act?
6. How do you commute the half- monthly payments under the Workmen's
Compensation Act?

Chapter 8
The Social Security Law, 2012


8.1 Definition
8.2 Objectives
8.3 Social Security System and Benefits
8.4 Social Security System
8.5 The Government Servants
8.6 Social Security Fund
8.7 Effecting Insurance after Registration for Social Security and Contributions
8.8 Health and Social Care Insurance System Benefits
8.8.1 The Right to Take Medical Treatment for Sickness and Incurring of Expenses
Cash Benefits Relating to the Sickness
8.8.3 The Right toTake Medical Treatment for Insured Women in Cases Pregnan
and Confinement
8.8.4 Maternity Benefits
8.8.5 The Right to Take Medical Treatment for Pensioner
8.8.6 Funeral Benefit
8.9 Family Assistance Insurance System Benefits
8.10 Invalidity Benefit
8.10.1 Cash Benefit for Invalidity
8.10.2 Age Limit for Superannuation Pension and Cash Benefit
8.12.3 Contributions for Employment Injury Insurance System
8.11 Requirements for Unemployment Benefit
8.11.1 Unemployment Benefit Period and Benefits
8.12 Application to Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System

8.12.1 Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System and Registration

8.12.2 Contributions for Employment Injury Insurance System
8.12.3 The Right to Take Medical Care and Other Benefits Regarding Employment
8.12.4 Occupational Safety
8.12.5 Temporary Disability Benefit
8.12.6 Permanent Disability Benefit
8.12.7 Survivors' Benefit for Employment Death
8.13 Provisions Relating both to Social Security Fund and Employment
Injury Benefit Fund
8.13.1 Benefits not payable simultaneousl
8.13.2 Survivors’ Benefit
8.13.3 Time Limit to Claim for Benefit
Key Terms
Exercise Questions
Short Questions

Chapter 8
The Social Security Law, 2012

Nစ O Q၊လမဖ
The idea of a social insurance scheme was conceived just after the Second
World War when the Economic Planning Board drew up the "Two-year Plan of
Economic Development for Myanmar ".It stated that the national labour should be
directed, among other things, towards social insurance including unemployment
insurance. It asserted that social insurance is a matter of utmost important, but also
noted that organization and that financial resources required make it, of necessity, a
long- term plan.

လမ ရ!အWမခ စXမက

Z Q!ဆZင
 QရW သဘWတရW!သညQ ဒတယ
Z ကမcWစစQdပX!
နWကQ eမနQမWNZင
Q တ
 fငQ စX!ပfW!ရ!တZ!တကQဖdf ဖZg!မ(၂) NOစစ
Q မ
X က
Z Q!ရ!ဆfjရW တfငQ ပk
ပlကQလWပlသညQ။ အလပလ
Q ကQမမ
nj ရOZ ရ! အWမခအပlအဝငQ လမ ရ!အWမခမWO တစQမoZg!
 QရW အလပQသမW!မoW!သW eဖစQသညQဟ ဖWQeပခjသ
n ညQ။ လမ ရ!အWမခ
သညQအရ!qကX! ကZစrရပQအeဖစQ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q jdn ပX! အဖfj nအစညQ!ဖfj nစညQ!eခငQ!NOငnQ ဘsWငf
အရငQ!အeမစQတZ nကZ ရရOညစ
Q မ
X က
Z Q! အeဖစQသတQ မOတခ
Q ပ
nj lသညQ။
The introduction of Social Security Scheme will not be complete without the
extension of the scheme to the rural areas where over seventy percent of the work
force resides. The Government of the Union of Myanmar realizing the necessity of
grassroots organization and as a precondition for the development of rural population
who are most prone to exploitation has encouraged formation of voluntary and freely
elected peasants organization on the lines of (urban) worker" organization can be used
as facilities of administration the introduction of Social Security Scheme in the rural
areas is under consideration and will be implement as a term measure.

Z Q!၏အစတfငQ လပသ
Q W!အငQအW!(၇၀)ရWခZင
Q န
 Q! တညQရZO
သညQn ကo!လကQဒသအထZ ဆWငQရက
f N
Q င
Z eQ ခငQ!မရOပ
Z lက eပညQစ
n မ
 ညQမဟတQ xကWငQ!
n ညQ။ eပညQထWငQစe မနQမWNZင
Q  အစZ!ရအနeဖငQn အWကQeခအဖfj nအစညQ!

Q မW!မoW! အပlအဝငQ တWငQသလ

မoW!NOငnQ လယQယWအလပသ  ယQသမW! အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!
ကZ အeခခdပX! လမဖ
  ရ! စXမက
Z Q!ကZ အကWငQအထညQ ဖWQရနQeဖစQပlသညQ။
The Social Security Act was enforced with effect 1stJanuary 1956, within the limits of
the municipal areas of Yangon, Insein town council area, Mingaladon Airfield area,
and the town council areas of Kamayut, Thamaing, Kanbe and Thinganyun, all of
which are suburban satellite towns of the Yangon City,

  ရ!အကQဥပဒသညQ ၁၉၅၆ခNOစဇ
Q နQနဝlရX(၁)ရကQန nတfငQ စတငQ အW
ဏW သကQရWကQခnjရW ရနQကန
 eQ မ€နXစပယQဒသ အတfငQ!အငQ!စZန၊Q မဂ‚လWဒ၊ကမWရfတQ၊
 Q!၊ ကဘnj၊ သဃ‚နQ!က„နQ!NOငnQ ရနQကန
Q ငQeခဖ!ဒသ အW!လ!တZ nပlဝငQသညQ။
Subsequent to this the following areas were later extended in the scheme's
coverage: Mandalay Municipality Myitnge in Amarapura Twonship:

ဆကQလကQ၍ မN‡လ!eမ€နXစပယQဒသအတfငQ! eမစQငယQNင

O nQအမရပရ အထZတZ!
ခoj nသတQမတ
O ခ
Q ပ
nj lသညQ။
Mawlamyaing, Pathein and Bago, Monywa, Hinthada, Myingyan, Sittway, Pyay,
Meikhtila, Taunggyi, Pyinmana, Pakokku and Toungoo, Myanaung, Magway and
Phyu, Maubin and Myaungmya, Hpaan and Letpadan, Thayet and Bogale and
Paungde and Dawei.

ထZ neပငQ မWQလdမZgငQ၊ ပသZမQ၊ ပjခ!၊ မရWf ၊ ဟသ‚Wတ၊ eမငQ!eခ၊စစQတf၊eပညQ၊မZထ‡XလW၊

တWငQqကX!၊ ပoˆQ!မနW!၊ ပခက‰€၊ တWငQင၊ eမနQအWငQ၊ မကf!၊ eဖ€!၊ မအပငQ၊ eမWငQ!eမ၊
ဘW!အ၊ လကQပတ
 နQ!၊ သရကQ၊ ဘZက
 လ!၊ ပlငQ!တညQ၊ ထW!ဝယQအထZ အWဏWသကQ
nj lသညQ။
In all of these towns the area covered was limited to the respective

Z QရW eမ€နXစပယQဒသအတfငQ! ကoရWကQသညQn dမZg nမoW!အW!လ! ပlဝငQပl
ZO ညQ! စညQပငQသWယW နယQနမ
Z တ
Z က
Q Z အသ!eပgပlသညQ။

ထZ nxကWငQn ၂၀၁၂ခNစ

O Q၊ xသဂတလ
Q ၃၁ ရကQန nတfငQ eပညQထWငQစလ
‹ Q တWQက လမဖ
လ ရ!ဥပဒသစQကZ eပဌWနQ!ခjnရW NZင
Q  တWQသမတက အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစW ထတeQ ပနQ၍
အWဏWတညQမညQn ရကQကသ
Z တQမတ
O QရနQ eဖစQပlသညQ။ ၄ငQ!ဥပဒသစQမWO အWကQပlအ
 Q! eဖစQပlသညQ။
1(a) This Law shall be called the Social Security Law, 2012.

၁။ (က) ဤဥပဒကZ ၂ဝ၁၂ခနစQ၊ လမဖ

  ရ!ဥပဒဟ ခkတfငQ စရမညQ။
(b) This Law shall come into force commencing from the date of notification
determined by the President of the Union.

(ခ) ဤဥပဒသညQ NZင

Q တWQသမတ အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစWထတeQ ပနQ၍ သတQမတ
O သ
Q ညQn န n
ရကQမO စတငQအWဏWတညQစရမညQ။
(c) This Law shall continue to be in force in areas where the Social Security Act; 1954
has been in force. In addition to those areas, the areas where this Law shall extend to
apply may be determined, by notification, by the Ministry of Labor in co-ordination
with the Social Security Board with the approval of the Union Government.

(ဂ) ဤဥပဒသညQ၁၉၅၄ခနစQ၊ လမဖ

  ရ!အကQဥပဒအရ အကog!ဝငQသကQ ဆZင
Q nj
သညQအရပQဒသမoW!တfငQ ဆကQလကQ အကog!ဝငQသကQဆင
Z Q စရမညQ။ ဤဥပဒ ထပQမ
အကog!ဝငQ အရပQဒသမoW!ကZ အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQ!qကX!ဌWနက လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘Z
N’ငQ!၍ eပညQထWငQစ အစZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစW ထတeQ ပနQ၍
Q င
Z သ
Q ညQ။

8.1 Definition - အဓZပW” ယQဖင

f ဆZ
Z oကQ
2. The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given

၂။ ဤဥပဒတfငပ
Q lရOZ သW အWကQပlစကW!ရပQမoW!သညQ ဖWQeပပlအတZငQ! အဓZပW” ယQ
သကQရWကQ စရမညQ-
(a) Worker means a person who is employed permanently or temporarily in any
establishment and who earns a living with wages earned by physical or mental

capacity. In such expression, it also include apprentices and trainees whether they are
paid remuneration or not. However, it does not include members of the family of
employer who live together with and depend upon the employer.

(က) အလပသ
Q မW! ဆZသ
 ညQမOW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနတစQခခတင
f Q အdမjတမQ!eဖစQစ၊ ယW
ယXeဖစQစ၊ ကWယအW! သZ nမဟတQ ဉWဏQအW!ကZ အသ!eပgdပX! လပက
Q င
Z ၍
Q ရရOZ သW
Q eဖငQn အသကQမf!ကoWငQ!မ eပgနသကဆ
Z သ
Z ညQ။ ယငQ!စကW!ရပQတင
f Q လပခ
Q ရ
သညQeဖစQစ၊ မရသညQeဖစQစ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Z လ
Q oကQရZO သW အလပသ
Q ငQမoW!၊ ပညWသငQ
မoW!လညQ!ပlဝငQသညQ။ သZ nရWတfငQ အလပQရင
Q င
O nQအတနdပX! အလပQရင
O အ
Q ပk မOခ
X Z န
O ၏
Q မZသW!စမပlဝငQ။
(b) Employer means a person who is responsible to pay remuneration to an
employee, who employs a worker by employment agreement, or who manages on
behalf of the employer. Unless otherwise provided in this Law, such expression
includes a person who carries out private enterprise or joint venture enterprise,
inheritor, successor or legal representative when the employer is expired.

(ခ) အလပQရင
O Q ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပသ
Q မW!အW! လပခ
Q ပ!ရနQ တWဝနQရသ
ZO ၊ အလပခ
Q နQ n
ထW!မO သဘWတညခ
X oကQeဖငQn အလပသ
Q မW!အW! ခနQ nထW!သ၊ အလပQရင
O ၏
Q ကZယ
Q W!စXမ
Q ogပQသ တZ nကZဆ
Z ညQ။ ယငQ!စကW!ရပQတင
f Q ဤဥပဒ၌ အeခW!နညQ!eဖငQn သX!eခW!
eပ—WနQ!ထW! eခငQ!မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ကZယ
Q င
Z လ
Q ပ
Q နQ!လပQကင
Z သ
Q  သZ nမဟတQ အကoZg!တဖကQစပQ
Q နQ! လပက
Q င
Z သ
O nQအလပQရင
O Q သဆ!သညQn အခlယငQ!၏ အမfဆကQခသ
Q နQ!
  သZ nမဟတQ တရW!ကZယ
 စQ W!လOယQ တZ nလညQ!ပlဝငQသညQ။
(c) Insured person means a worker who is working at any establishment covered by
this Law and who has insured through registration under the Social Security System
and Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System, or a worker who is responsible to
insure, or a person who effects insurance voluntarily under the Social Security System
and Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System although he is not working at any
establishment covered by this Law.

(ဂ)  ညQမOW ဤဥပဒNOငnQ သကQဆင

အWမခထW!သ ဆZသ Z Q သW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWန တစQခခ
တfငQ လပက
Q င
Z လ
Q oကQရdZO ပX! လမဖ
O Qn အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn
အWမခစနစQတZ nတfငQ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! အWမခထW!ရOZသW အလပသ
Q မW!ကZ သWQလညQ!
ကWငQ!၊ အWမခထW!ရနQတWဝနQရZO သW အလပသ
Q မW!ကZ သWQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ဤဥပဒ
nQ ကQဆင
Z Q သW လပင
Q နQ! ဌWနတစQခခ
f Q လပQကင
Z eQ ခငQ!မရOZ စ ကWမလမ
  လ ရ!
NOငnQ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQတZ nတfငQ မZမတ
Z Z nဆN™အလoWကQ အW
Z က
 Z သWQလညQ!ကWငQ! ဆZသ
(d) Establishment means mills and organizations contained in sub-section (a) of
section 11. In such expression, it also includes any work- place working for the said

(ဃ) လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနဆZ
ဌWန သ Q ၁၁၊ပဒQမခfj(က)ပl အလပš
 ညQမWO ပဒမ Q N
O အ
nQ ဖfj nအစညQ!မoW! ကZ
 ညQ။ ယငQ!စကW!ရပQတင
f Q အဆZပ
Q နQ!ဌWန၏ အလပက
Q လ
Z ပ
Q င
Z Q သW အလပQ
 ညQ! ပlဝငQသညQ။
(e) Social Security Fund means health and social care fund, family assistance fund,
invalidity benefit, superannuation benefit and survivors’ benefit fund, unemployment
benefit fund, Social Security Housing Plan fund for insured persons in order that they
may have peacefulness in mind and not to have worry about the future, and other
social security fund specified by the Ministry of Labor, in co-ordination with the
Social Security Board with the approval of the Union Government.

(င) လမဖ
  ရ!ရနQပ ငf ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အWမခထW!သမoW! အတfကQ နWငQရ! စZတQ
အ!dပX! ပပငQသWကမရOZစရနQ စXမထ
 W!ရOZ သW ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ
ရနQပ ငf၊ မZသW!စ ထWကQပမ
n ရနQပ ငf၊ အလပခ
Q စ
nQ င
O nQ ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn
ရနQပ ငf၊ အလပလ
Q ကQမenj ဖစQမအ
 တfကQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQရနQပ ငf၊ လမဖ
  ရ! အZမQရWစXမ
ကZနQ!ရနQပ ငfကလ
Z ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လမဖ
 လ ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ
Z င
’ Q!၍ eပညQထWငQစအ
 စZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQ eဖငQသ
n တQမတ
O Q သW အeခW!လမဖ
လ ရ! ရနQပ ငf တZ nကZလ

(f) Employment injury means an injury, death or occupational disease occurred to a

worker in and out of workplace due to employment, or in relation to duty of the
employment, or in carrying out other works for the benefit of the employer, or in
travelling to or from the workplace. In such expression, it does not include injury
obtained due to willfully failure to abide by the orders and directives, regulations,
bye-laws relating to industrial safety, or discarding or not using prescribed safety
devices, or drinking alcohol or using drug.

(စ) အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပသ
Q မW!သညQ အလပခ
Q င
f အ
Q တfငQ!NOငnQအလပQ
ခfငeQ ပငQပတfငအ
Q လပက
Q Z အxကWငQ!eပg၍eဖစQစ၊ အလပတ
Q WဝနQNင
O nQ ဆကQစပQ၍eဖစQစ၊ အ
O ၏
Q အကoZg!ငOWအeခW!လပင
Q နQ!မoW! ဆWငQရက
f QရWတfငeQ ဖစQစ၊ အလပတ
Q WဝနQ
ထမQ!ဆWငQရနQ အလပခ
Q fငသ
Q Z nအသfW! သZ nမဟတQ အလပခ
Q င
f မ
Q အ
O eပနQလမQ!ခရX! တfငeQ ဖစQစ
eဖစQပkသW မတWQတဆထZခက
Z Q ဒဏQရWရရOမ
Z ၊ သဆ!မ သZ nမဟတQ အလပN
Q င
O nQ
Q ညQn ရWဂlရရOမ
Z က
Z ညQ။ ယငQ!စကW!ရပQတင
f Q လပင
Q နQ!ခfငအ
Q N‡ရWယQ ကငQ!ရOငQ!
ရ! NOငစ
nQ ပQလoˆQ!သညQnအမZနQ nNOငnQ ›‹နxQ ကW!ခoကQမoW!၊ စညQ!မoˆQ!စညQ!ကမQ!ခoကQမoW! ကZ
 နQ WရနQ တမငQပoကQကက
f eQ ခငQ! xကWငQnရရOZသညQn ထZခက
Z မ
Q  သWQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊ စXမ
Z ညQn ဘ!အN‡ရWယQ အကWအကfယQ၊ အတW!အဆX!ပစrညQ! ကZရယ
Z WမoW!ကZ ဖယQ
ရOW!eခငQ! သZ nမဟတQ အသ!မeပgeခငQ!xကWငQn ရရOZသညQn ထZခက
Z မ
Q  သWQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊
အရကQသစW သWကQစW!မ သZ nမဟတQ မ!ယစQဆ!ဝl!သ!စfမ
j  xကWငQn ရရOသ
Z ညQn ထZ
Q  သWQ လညQ!ကWငQ!မပlဝငQ။
(g) Invalidity means permanent incapacity for work arising out of injury or disease
obtained for any other causes including sickness and maternity but not for
employment accident.

(ဆ) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q!မရOမ
Z  ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn မဟတဘ
Q j
မကoနQ!မWမNOငnQ မX!ဖfW!မအပlအဝငQ အeခW!အxကWငQ! တစQစတ
 စQရWxကWငQn ရရOသ
Z ညQn
Z မ
Q  သZ nမဟတQ ရWဂlရရOမ
Z e ဖစQပkရWမO အdမjတမQ!အလပQ လပက
Q င
Q င
Z Qစမ
f Q!မရOZမက

(h) Employment injury benefit fund means a fund established by the employer’s
contributions for his workers to enjoy employment injury benefit.

(ဇ) အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q အ

Q နQပ ငf ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပQရင
O က
Q မZမအ
Z လပQ
သမW!မoW!အတfကQ အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! ရရOZ စရနQပ!သfငQ!သညQn
n ငQxက! ငfမoW!eဖငQn ထထWငQထW!ရOZ သW ရနQပ ငfကဆ
Z သ
Z ညQ။
(i) Social security and employment injury benefit means benefit paid under this Law
to insured persons from Social Security Fund and Employment Injury Benefit Fund.

(ဈ) လမဖ
nအQ လပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q အ
ငnQ ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အWမခထW!သ
မoW!အW! အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q Zခက
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQရနQပ ငfတZ nမO ဤဥပဒအရ ပ!သW
အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ မoW!ကZဆသ
Z ညQ။
(j) Wages means all remunerations entitled to be received by a worker for the work
done by him and employed by the employer. In such expression, it includes the
overtime-fee and other incomes which may be determined as income. However, it
does not include the travelling allowance, pension, and gratuity, annual bonus, and
income specified as irrelevant to wage by the Ministry of Labor with the approval of
the Union Government.

(ည) လပခ
Q ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပQရင
O က
Q ခZင
 Q!စသWအလပQကZ အလပသ
Q မW!က လပQ
 Q ဆWငQ ရfကQ ပ!သညQအ
n တfကQ ရသငQn သW အခxက!ငf အW!လ!ကZဆ
Z ညQ။ ယငQ!
f Q အခoZနပ
Q Zလပ
Q NOငnQ ဝငQငfအeဖစQသတQမတ
Q င
Z Q သW အeခW!အခxက!ငf
မoW!လညQ! ပlဝငQသညQ။ သZ nရWတfငQ ခရX!စရZတQ၊ အdငZမQ!စW!လပသ
Q ကQဆ ငf အလပQ
သမW!အW! NOစစ
Q ˆQအပZ ပ!သW ဆxက!ငfNင
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လပခ
Z ဟ
Q  eပညQထWငQစအ
 စZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn သတQမတ
O QသW အခ
xက!ငfတZ n မပlဝငQ။
(k) Medical certificate means medical examination certificate issued after medical
examination is carried out to an insured person or a person to effect insurance for the

matter of benefit contained in this Law, by a doctor appointed or recognized by the

Social Security Board.

(ဋ) ဆ!သကQသခလကQမတ  ညQမWO ဤဥပဒပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ကZစအ

O Q ဆZသ r လZ nငOW
  ရ!အဖfj nက ခနQ nထW!သညQ သZ nမဟတQ အသZအမOတeQ ပgသညQn ဆရWဝနQက အWမခ
ထW!သ သZ nမဟတQ အWမခထW!မညQသ
n အ
 W! ကoနQ!မWရ!စစQ ဆ!dပX!ထတQ ပ!သW
ကoနQ!မWရ! စစQဆ!ခoကQ ဆ!သကQသခလကQမတ
O Q ကZဆ
Z ညQ။
(l) Dependent means wife or husband of a worker or children of 18 years of age and
under of such worker or unmarried children of 21 years of age and under who pursue
education for full-time, or parents of such worker.

(ဌ) မOခ
X သ
Z  ဆZသ
 ညQမWO အလပသ
Q မW!ကZ မOခ
X Z နသW အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!၏ဇနX!
သZ nမဟတQ ခငQပန
f Q!ကZလ
 ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ထZအ Q မW!၏အသကQ ၁၈NOစQအWကQ သW!
သမX!NOငnQ အခoZနeQ ပညQn ပညWသငQxကW!နdပX! အZမQထWငQမeပgသ!သW အသကQ ၂၁
Q င
O Qn အWကQရသ
ZO ညQn သW!သမX!တZ nကZလ
 ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ထZအ
Q မW!၏မZဘကZ လညQ!
(m) Executive Committee means Executive Committee of the Social Security Board
formed under this Law.

(ဍ) အလပအ
Q မဆWငQကWQမတX ဆZသ
 ညQမWO ဤဥပဒအရ ဖfစ
j ညQ!သW လမဖ
အဖfj n၏ အလပအ
Q မဆWငQကWQမတXကZ ဆZသ
(n) Ministry of Labour means the Ministry of Labour of the Union Government.

(ဎ) အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWန ဆZသ
 ညQမWO eပညQထWငQစအ
 စZ!ရအဖfj n အလပသ
Q မW!
ဝနQqကX!ဌWန ကZဆ
Z ညQ။

8.2 Objectives - ရညQရယ

f ခ
Q oကQမoW!
Section (3) The objectives of this Law are as follows:
၃။ ဤဥပဒ၏ရညQရယ Q oကQမoW!မOW အWကQပlအတZင
f ခ  Q!eဖစQသညQ။
(a) to support the development of the State's economy through the development of
production by causing to enjoy more security in social life and health care by the

workers who are major productive force of the State by the collective guaranty of the
employer, worker and the State;

(က) အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!၏ ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!လZအ
 ပQခoကQမoW!ကZ eဖညQဆ
n ညQ!
 Q ရ!အတfကQ အလပQရင
O Q၊အလပသ
Q မW!NOငnQ NZင
Q  တWQကစပlငQ! အWမခdပX!NZင
တWQ၏အဓZက ကနထ
Q တ
Q မ
f Q!အW!စeဖစQသW အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!၏ လမဘ
 ဝလe ခgရ!
nQ oနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမမ
Z Z ခစW!ရရOZ စeခငQ!eဖငQn ကနထ
Q တလ
Q ပ
Q  တZ!
တကQ dပX! NZင
Q  တWQ၏ စX!ပfW!ရ!ဖf ndဖZg!တZ!တကQမကZ အထWကQအကeဖစQစရနQ၊
(b) to enjoy more security in social life and medical care by the public by effecting
their insurance voluntarily;

(ခ) အမoW!eပညQသတ
 Z nက မZမတ
Z Z n၏ဆN™အလoWကQ အWမခထW!ရON
Z င
Z dQ ပX! လမဘ
လe ခgရ!NOငက
nQ oနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမမ
 oW!ကZ ပZမ
Z စ
 Q စရနQ၊
(c) to raise public confidence upon the social security scheme by providing benefits
which are commensurate with the realities;

(ဂ) လကQတf nပကတZအeခအနNOငnQ ကZက

Q X သWအကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! ပ!eခငQ!eဖငQn
  ရ!စနစQအပk အမoW!eပညQသ ယx ကညQကZ!စW!မမoW! ပZမ
Z Z!ပfW! လWစရနQ၊
(d) to have the right to draw back some of the contributions paid by the employers and
the workers as savings, in accord with the stipulations;

(ဃ) အလပQရင
Q င
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW!တZ nက ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn အခoZg nသW ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!
ငfမoW!က စဆWငQ!ငfကသ
nj Z n သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညXeပနQလညQထတ
 Qယ ခစW!ခfငnQ
ရOZ စရနQ၊
(e) to obtain the right to continued medical treatment, family assistance benefit,
invalidity benefit, superannuation benefit, survivors’ benefit, unemployment benefit,
the right to residency and ownership of housing after retirement in addition to health
care and pecuniary benefit for sickness, maternity, death, employment injury of the

(င) အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!အW! ကoနQ!မWရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမN
O မ
nQ ကoနQ!မWမ၊မX!ဖfW!မ၊ သဆ!
O အ
nQ လပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z Zက
Q အ
 တfကQ ငfxက! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ တZ nအeပငQ အdငZမQ!စW!ယdပX!
နWကQ ဆ!ဝl!ကသမ ဆကQလကQခယ
f nQ၊ မZသW!စထWကQပမ
n  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ၊ သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW!၊ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊
Q ကQမအ
nj ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊ အZမQရWနထZင
Q fငN
nQ င
O ပ
nQ င
Z ဆ
Q င
nQ oW!ကZပ
 lရရOZ စရနQ တZ neဖစQပlသညQ။
8.3 Social Security System and Benefits

O nQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
nမQ oW!
The Establishments Applied သကQဆင
Z Q သWလပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!
Section 11 (a) The following establishments shall be applied with the provisions for
compulsory registration for social security system and benefits contained in this Law
if they employ minimum number of workers and above determined by the Ministry of
Labour in co-ordination with the Social Security Board:

၁၁။ (က)အWကQပlလပင
Q နQ!မoW!သညQ အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လမဖလ
  ရ!အဖfj n
nQ N
Z‘ ’ငQ!၍ သတQမတ
O QထW!dပX!အနညQ!ဆ! အလပသ
Q မW!ဦ!ရNOငnQအထကQ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q l ကဤဥပဒပl လမဖ
  ရ!စနစQNOငnQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQမ
n oW! အတfကမ
Q တ
O ပ
Q မ
မနရeပ—WနQ!ခoကQမoW!NOငnQ သကQဆင
Z Q စရမညQ-
(i) production industries doing business whether or not they utilize mechanical
power or a certain kind of power, works of production, repairing or services,
or engineering works, mills, warehouses, establishments;

(၁) စကQအW! သZ nမဟတQ စfမQ!အW!တစQခခ

 Z အသ!eပg၍eဖစQစ၊ အသ!မeပgဘj
eဖစQစ စX!ပfW!ရ!လပင
Q နQ!လပက
Q င
Z Q သW စကQမလကQမအ
Q WနမoW!၊ ပစrညQ!
Q ပ
Q ၊ eပgeပငQမ၊ ဝနQဆWငQမလ
Q နQ!မoW!၊ အလပš
Q မ
 oW!၊ သZ လOWငQšမ

(ii) Government departments, Government organizations and regional

administrative organizations doing business;

Q နQ! လပက
(၂) စX!ပfW!ရ!လပင Q င
Z Q သWအစZ!ရဌWန၊ အစZ!ရအဖfj nအစညQ!NOငQn ဒသ
 QရW အပခ
Q ogပQရ!အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!၊
(iii) development organizations;
(၃) စညQပငQသWသWရ! အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!၊
(iv) financial organizations,
(၄) ငfရ!xက!ရ! အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!၊
(v) companies, associations, organizations and their subordinate departments
and branch offices doing business;

(၅) စX!ပfW!ရ!လပင
Q နQ! လပက
Q င
Z Q သW ကမဏ
” X၊ အသငQ!၊ အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!NOငnQ
ယငQ!တZ n၏လကQအWကQခ လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!NOငnQ ယငQ!ဌWန၊ အဖfj nအစညQ!NOငnQ ဖကQ
စပQeဖစQစ စX!ပfW!ရ!အရ လပက
Q င
Z Q သW သယQယပ
 Z nဆWငQ ရ!လပင
Q နQ!မoW!၊
(vi) shops, commercial establishments, public entertaining establishments;
(၆) ဆZင
Q oW!၊ ကနသ
Q f ယအ
Q လပဌ
Q WနမoW!၊ အမoW!eပညQသ ဖoWQeဖရ! အလပQ
(vii) Government departments and Government organizations doing business
or transport businesses owned by regional administrative body, and transport
businesses carried out with the permission of such department, body or in joint
venture with such department or body;

Q နQ! လပက
Q င
Z Q သWအစZ!ရဌWန၊ အစZ!ရအဖfj nအစညQ!သZ nမဟတQ
 QရW အပခ
Q ogပQရ!အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW! ပZင
 Z nဆWငQရ! လပင
Q နQ!
မoW!NOငnQ ယငQ!ဌWန၊ အဖfj nအစညQ!မoW!NOငnQ ဖကQစပQeဖစQစ စX!ပfW!ရ!အရ လပက
Q င
သW သယQယပ
 Z nဆWငQ လပင
Q နQ!မoW!၊

(viii) construction works carried out for a period of one year and above under
employment agreement;

(၈) အလပခ
Q နQ nထW!မ သဘWတညခ
X oကQeဖငQn တစQNစ
Q င
O Qအ
n ထကQ လပက
Q င
Z Q သW
 Q ရ! လပင
Q နQ!မoW!၊
(ix) works carried out with foreign investment or citizen investment or joint
ventured businesses;

(၉) NZင
Q e ခW!ရငQ!NOX!eမ‘gပQNမ
O  eဖငQen ဖစQစ၊ NZင
Q သ
O  eဖငQen ဖစQစ
Q င
Z Q သWလပင
Q နQ!မoW!NOငnQ ဖပQစပQလပ
(x) works relating to mining and gemstone contained in any existing law;
(၁ဝ) တညQဆဥ
j ပဒ တစQရပQရပQပl သတ‡ gကfငQ!NOငnQ ကoWကQမoကQရတနW ဆZင
Q နQ!မoW!၊
(xi) works relating to petroleum and natural gas contained in any existing law;
(၁၁) တညQဆဥ
j ပဒ တစQရပQရပQပlရနNင
O nQသဘWဝဓWတQငf n ဆZင
Q နQ!
(xii) ports and out-ports contained in any existing law;
(၁၂) တညQဆဥ
j ပဒ တစQရပQရပQပl ဆZပက
Q မQ!မoW!NOငnQ eပငQပဆZပက
Q မQ!မoW!၊
(xiii) works and organizations carried out with freight handling workers;
(၁၃) ကနတ
Q ငQကန
Q o အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!eဖငQn လပက
Q င
Z Q သWလပင
Q နQ!အဖfj nအစညQ!
(xiv) Ministry of Labour and its subordinate departments and organizations;
(၁၄) အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနNOငnQ ယငQ!၏လကQအWကQခဌ
 Wန အဖfj nအစညQ!
(xv) establishments determined by the Ministry of Labour from time to time,
in co-ordination with the Social Security Board and with the approval of the
Union Government; that they shall be applied with the provisions of

compulsory registration for Social Security System and benefits contained in

this Law.

(၁၅) ဤဥပဒပl လမဖ

O Qn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnမoW!အတfကQ မOတပ
Q မ

တငQမနရ eပဌWနQ!ခoကQမoW!NOငnQ သကQဆင
Z သ
Q ညQဟ အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX! ဌWနက
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘ZNင
’ Q!၍ eပညQထWငQစအ
 စZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn
အခlအW!လoWQစWf သတQမတ
O Q သW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!။
(b)Any establishment which is applied with the provisions of compulsory
registration under sub-section (a) shall continue to be applied by this Law even
though any of the following situations occurs if it continues to carry out such

(ခ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမန eပ—WနQ!ခoကQမoW! NOငသ
nQ ကQဆင
Z Q သW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWန
 ညQ အWကQပlအeခအန တစQရပQရပQပkပlကQသWQ လညQ!ထZလ
Q နQ!ကZ
ဆကQလကQ လပက
Q င
Z Q နလ˜ငQ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQ ဆနQ nကoငQeခငQ!မရOZပl ကဤဥပဒ
nQ ကQလကQ၍ သကQဆင
NOငဆ Z Q စရမညQ-
(i) carrying out work by employing under stipulated minimum number of
workers but more than one worker;

(၁) သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW အနညQ!ဆ! အလပသ
Q မW!ဦ!ရ အWကQလoWnနညQ!၍
တစQဦ!NOငnQအထကQ လပQကင
Z eQ ခငQ!၊
(ii) changing the employer or changing the type of business.
(၂) အလပQရင
O Q eပWငQ!လjeခငQ! သZ nမဟတQ လပင
Q နQ!အမoZg!အစW! eပWငQ!လjeခငQ!။

8.4 Social Security System - လမဖ

13. The Social Security Board shall manage and keep the following social security
systems in accord with the stipulations that insured persons may enjoy social security

၁၃။ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nသညQ အWမခထW!သမoW!က လမဖ
  ရ! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ မoW!
ရရOZ ခစW!NZင
 Q ရ!အတfကQ အWကQပlလမဖ
  ရ! စနစQမoW!ကZ သတQမတ
O QခoကQမoW!NOငnQ
အညX စXမထ
(a) Health and Social Care Insurance System:
(က) ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ အWမခစနစQ
(i) medical care and cash benefits for sickness;
(၁) မကoနQ!မWမအတfကQ ဆ!ကသမ ခယခ
f N
nQ OငnQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(ii) medical care and cash benefits for maternity and confinement;
(၂) ကZယ
Q နQဆWငQမN
 OငnQ မX!ဖfW!မအတfကQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f N
nQ င
O nQ ငfxက!အ
(iii) continued medical care for insured persons after retirement;
(၃) အWမခထW!သမoW! အdငZမQ!စW!ယdပX!နWကQ ဆ!ဝl!ကသမ ဆကQလကQခ
f nQ၊
(iv) funeral benefit for death due to any cause.
(၄) မညQသညQn အxကWငQ!xကWငQမ
n ဆZ သဆ!မအတfကQ နWရ!စရZတQ ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(b) Family Assistance Insurance System:
(ခ) မZသW!စ ထWကQပမ
n အWမခစနစQ-
(i) education allowance benefit for the children of insured persons who earn
below the specified amount of income;

(၁) သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW ဝငQငfပမWဏအWကQ နညQ!သညQအ
n WမခထW! သ၏ပ
ညW သငQxကW!နသW သW!သမX!မoW!အတfကQ ပညWသငQစရZတQ ခစW!ခfငQn၊
(ii) health care and aid benefit in time of natural disaster;
(၂) သဘWဝဘ!အN‡ရWယQ xကgတf nသညQအ
n ခlကoနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမN
O nQ
n ည
X  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(iii) suitable benefit for dependent family members.

(၃) အလပက
Q အ
Z xကWငQ!eပg၍ မဟတဘ
Q j သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသအ
(c) Invalidity Benefit, Superannuation Pension Benefit and Survivors’ Benefit
Insurance System:

(ဂ) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
f Q!မရOZမ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငn၊Q သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!
nQ င
O Qn ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn အWမခစနစQ-
(i) invalidity benefit;
(၁) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q fမQ!မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(ii) superannuation pension benefit;
(၂) သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(iii) survivors’ benefit arising out of death not owing to employment.
(၃) အလပက
Q Z အxကWငQ!eပg၍ မဟတဘ
Q j သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသအကoZg!
(d) Unemployment Benefit Insurance System:
(ဃ) အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQ-
(i) medical care to persons who are entitled to unemployment benefit;
(၁) အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn ရOသ
Z မ
 oW!အW! ကoနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQခင
f nQ၊
(ii) cash benefit for unemployment.
(၂) လပင
Q နQ!ခfငမ
Q O အလပလ
Q ကQမnj eဖစQမအ
 တfကQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊
(e) Other Social Security System:
(င) အeခW!လမဖ
(i) the right of insured persons to live, hire and live, purchase, own or use the
Social Security Housings established under housing plans in accord with the

(၁) အZမQရWစXမက
Z Q!မoW!eဖငQn ထထWငQထW!သညQn လမဖ
  ရ! အZမQရWမoW!တfငQ
အWမခထW!သမoW!အW! သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX နထZင
Q င
f nQ၊ ငOW!ရမQ!နထZင
ခfငnQ၊ ဝယQယခ
f nQ၊ ပZင
Q င
Z ခ
Q fငnQ သZ nမဟတQ အသ!eပgခfငQn၊
(ii) Social Security System of compulsory registration and contribution
specified by notification issued by the Ministry of Labour, in co-ordination
with the Social Security Board, with the approval of the Union Government,
or other social security systems of voluntary contribution.

(၂) အလပသ
Q မW! ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘N
Z င
’ Q!၍ eပညQထWငQစ
အစZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစW ထတeQ ပနQ၍ သတQမOတQ သWမOတပ
မတငQမနရ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfပ!သfငQ!ရမညQn လမဖ
 လ ရ!စနစQ
သZ nမဟတQ မZမတ
Z Z n၏ဆN™အလoWကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQNင
Z QသညQn အeခW!လမဖ
  ရ! စနစQမoW!။

8.5 The Government Servants အစZ!ရဝနQထမQ!မoW!

14. The Government servants shall not be applied with the insurance systems
contained in sub-sections (c) and (d) of section 13. However, if the Government
servants voluntarily register and pay contribution to insurance system contained in
sub-section (c) of section 13, they shall be entitled to relevant benefits in accord with
the stipulations.

၁၄။ အစZ!ရဝနQထမQ!မoW!သညQ ပဒမ

Q ၁၃၊ပဒQမခfj(ဂ)NOငnQ(ဃ)တZ nပl အWမခစနစQမoW!NOငnQ
Z eQ ခငQ! မရOZ စရ။ သZ nရWတfငQ အစZ!ရဝနQထမQ!မoW!သညQ ပဒမ
Q ၁၃၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(ဂ)ပl
အWမခစနစQသZ n မZမတ
Z Z n၏ ဆN™အလoWကQ မOတပ
Q တငQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQxက! ငfပ!သfငQ!၍
အWမခထW!လ˜ငQ သကQဆင
Z QရW အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnမoW!ကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ရ
Q င
f nQ ရOZ စရမညQ။

8.6 Social Security Fund - လမဖ

  ရ!ရနQပ ငf
15. (a) The following funds are included in the Social Security Fund:
၁၅။ (က) လမဖ
  ရ!ရနQပ ငfတင
f Q အWကQပlရနQပ ငfမoW! ပlဝငQသညQ-

(i) health and social care fund;

(၁) ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ ရနQပ ငf၊

(ii) family assistance fund;

(၂) မZသW!စထWကQပမ
n  ရနQပ ငf၊
(iii) invalidity benefit, superannuation pension benefit, and ‘survivors’

benefit fund;

(၃) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ၊သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW!
အကoZg! ခစW!ခfငN
nQ င
O nQ ကoနQရစQသအ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ ရနQပ ငf၊
(iv) unemployment benefit fund;

(၄) အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရနQပ ငf၊
(v) other social security fund for social security system of compulsory

registration and contribution specifiedby the Ministry of Labour, in co-

ordination with the Social Security Board, according to clause (2) of sub-
section (e) of section 13;

(၅) ပဒမ
Q ၁၃၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (င)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၂)အရ အလပသ
Q မW! ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘N
Z င
’ Q!၍ မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမနရ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!
ငfပ!သfငQ!ရမညQဟ သတQမတ
O Q သW လမဖ
  ရ!စနစQ အတfကအ
Q eခW! လမဖ
လ ရ! ရနQပ ငfမoW!၊
(vi) other social security fund specified as to which contribution may be

paid after voluntary according to clause (2) of sub-section (e) of section 13;

(၆) ပဒမ
Q ၁၃၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (င)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၂)အရ မZမတ
Z Z n၏ဆN™အလoWကQ မOတပ
တငQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQxက! ငfပ!သfငQ!NZငသ
Q ညQဟ သတQမတ
O Q သWအeခW! လမဖ
ရ! ရနQပ ငfမoW!၊
(vii) fund for Social Security Housing Plan;
(၇) လမဖ
  ရ! အZမQရWစXမက
Z Q! ရနQပ ငf၊

(b) The employers and workers of establishments shall pay contributions to the funds
contained in clauses (1), (3),(4) and (5) of sub-section (a) after effecting compulsory

(ခ) လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!၏ အလပQရင
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!တZ nသညQ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj
ငယQ (၁)၊ (၃)၊ (၄)NOငnQ(၅)တZ nပl ရနQပ ငfမoW!သZ n မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမနရ မOတပ
Q တငQdပX! ထညQn
ဝငQxက!ငfမoW! ပ!သfငQ!ရမညQ။
(c) The contribution for family assistance benefit fund contained in clause (2) of sub-
section (a) shall not be specified in particular, but it shall be re-appropriated from
health and social care fund in stipulated ratio.

(ဂ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfjငယQ (၂) ပlမZသW!စထWကQပမ
n အ
 ကoZg!ခစW! ခfငnQ ရနQပ ငf အ
တfကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ သX!eခW!သတQမတ
O eQ ခငQ!မeပgဘjကoနQ!မWရ! NOငလ
nQ မ
ရOWကQမ ရနQပ ငfမO သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW အခoZg!အစW!eဖငQ လ‹j eပWငQ!သ!စfjရမညQ။
(d) The employers and workers of establishments may pay contribution voluntarily to
the funds contained in clauses (6) and (7) of sub-section (a).

(ဃ) လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!၏အလပQရင
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!တZ nသညQ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj
ငယQ(၆) NOငnQ (၇)ပl ရနQပ ငfမoW!သZ n မZမတ
Z Z nဆN™အလoWကQထညQn ဝငQxက!ငfမoW! ပ!
Q ညQ။
8.7 Effecting Insurance after Registration for Social Security and

Q တ
O ပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! အWမခထW!ရOeZ ခငQ!NOငnQ ထညQဝငQ
16. (a) The following employers shall effect insurance for the workers working at

their establishments by compulsorily registering at the relevant township social

security office and contribute to the social security fund contained in clauses
(1),(3),(4), and (5)of sub-section (a) of section 15 in accord with the stipulations to
enable to enjoy social security benefits:

၁၆။ (က)အWကQဖWQeပပl အလပQရင

O မ
Q oW!သညQ မZမZတZ nလပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!ရOZ အလပQ
သမW!မoW!အတfကQ လမဖလ
  ရ!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnမoW! ရရOခ
Z စ
 Q စရနQ သကQဆင
dမZg nနယQ လမဖ
  ရ!š!တfငQ မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမနရ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ကZ ပဒမ
၁၅၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၁)၊(၃)၊(၄)NOငnQ (၅)တZ nပl လမဖ
  ရ!ရနQပ ငfသZ n သတQမတ
ခoကQမoW!NOငnQ အညXပ!သfငQ!၍ အWမခထW!ရOZရမညQ-
(i) employers of establishments;
(၁) လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!၏ အလပQရင
O မ
Q oW!၊
(ii) employers of establishments employing the number of workers, including
the relatives of the employers except at least one worker and their wife,
husband, children and parents depending upon them, under sub-section(a) of
section 11;

(၂) အလပသ
Q မW!အနညQ!ဆ! တစQဦ!NOငnQ အလပQရင
O QကZ မOခ
X Z နသညQnဇနX!၊ ခငQပfနQ!၊
သW!သမX!NOငnQ မZဘတZ nမOအပ အလပQရင
O ၏
Q ဆfမoZg!မoW! အပlအဝငQ ပဒမ
Q ၁၁၊ပဒမ
Q ခfj
(က) အရသတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW အလပသ
Q မW!ဦ!ရ NOငအ
nQ ထကQ အလပလ
Q ပ
 Q ကင
သW လပင
Q နQ!မoW!၏ အလပQရင
O မ
Q oW!၊
(iii) employers of unpaid apprentices and trainees.
(၃) လပခ
Q မရရOZ သW အလပသ
Q ငQNင
O Qn ပညWသငQတZ n၏ အလပရ
Q င
O မ
Q oW!။
(b) employers and workers of establishments who are not applied to the Social

Security System, or persons under section 20, if they desire to enjoy social security
benefits under this Law, shall register voluntarily according to each insurance system
at the respective township social security office and contribute to the funds under
section 15 in accord with stipulations.

(ခ) လမဖ
  ရ!စနစQNOငnQ သကQဆင
Z eQ ခငQ!မရOZ သW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!၏ အလပQရင
Q OငnQ
Q မW!သညQ လညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ပဒမ
Q ၂ဝပlပဂgZ£ လQမoW!သညQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ဤ
ဥပဒအရ လမဖ
  ရ! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ ရရOခ
Z စ
 lက အWမခစနစQ တစQခ

 Q သကQဆင
Z QရWdမZg nနယQ လမဖ
  ရ!š!တfငQ မZမတ
Z Z n၏ ဆN™အလoWကQမတ
 ငQdပX! ပဒမ
Q ၁၅ပl ရNQပ
  ငfမoW!သZ n သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညXထညQသ
n fငQ!ရမညQ။
(c) before effecting insurance under sub-section(a) and (b) after registration, a person
to be insured shall undergo medical examination in accord with the stipulations and
shall submit the medical certificate when effecting registration as an insured person.

(ဂ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nအရ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX အWမခထW!ရOeZ ခငQ!မeပgမX အWမခထW! မညQn
သသညQ ကoနQ!မWရ!စစQဆ!မကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညXခယ
 d ပX! အWမခထW!သ
အeဖစQ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQသညQnအခ ဆ!သကQသခလကQမOတQ ကZတ
8.8 Health and Social Care Insurance System Benefits

ကoနQ!မWရ! NOငQ
ငnQ လမ ရ! စWငQ
nရOWကQမ အWမခစနစQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
nမQ oW!
21. Relating to the health and social care insurance system benefits:
၂၁။ ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ အWမခစနစQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQမoW!NOငnQ စပQ
လoˆQ!၍ -
(a) insured person may enjoy the following benefits in accord with the


(က) အWမခထW!သသညQ အWကQပlအကoZg! ခစW!ခfငမ

nQ oW!ကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQအ
ZO ညQ။
(i) health care, medical treatment, and cash benefits depending upon the type
of disease in times of sickness owing to any cause;

(၁) ကZယ
Q င
Z မ
Q ညQသညQn အxကWငQ!xကWငQn မဆZမ
 ကoနQ!မWမ အတfကQ ရWဂl
အမoZg!အစW!ကZ အeခeပg၍ ကoနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမခ
f nQ၊ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ
NOငnQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(ii) health care, medical treatment, and cash benefits in times of pregnancy

and confinement for woman insured person;


(၂)အမoZg!သမX!eဖစQပlက ကZယ
Q နQဆWငQeခငQ!NOငnQ မX!ဖfW!eခငQ!တZ nအတfကQ ကoနQ!မW
ရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမခ
 fင၊nQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
 င n OငnQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfင၊nQ
f QN
(iii) the right to infant care and cash benefit in times of confinement of

insured person’s wife;

n ခl မf!ကငQ!စကလ!အW! eပgစခင
(၃) ဇနX!eဖစQသ မX!ဖfW!သညQအ f nQNင
O nQ ငfxက!
(iv) the right to continued medical care after retirement of the insured


(၄) အdငZမQ!စW!ယdပX!နWကQ ဆ!ဝl!ကသမ ဆကQလကQခယ

f nQ။
(b) When the insured person dies, a person nominated by that person or if there is

no such nomination, dependent of that person or a person who incurred the expenses
of the funeral has the right to claim for funeral benefit in accord with provision
contained in section 30.

(ခ) အWမခထW!သ သဆ!သညQအ

n ခl ထZသ
 အမညQစWရငQ! ပ!သfငQ!ထW!eခငQ! ခ
ရသကeဖစQစ၊ ထZသ
 Z nအမညQ စWရငQ!ပ!သfငQ!ခjen ခငQ! မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZသ
 W! မOခ
X သ
သZ nမဟတQ နWရ!စရZတက
Q Z စZက
Q တ
 Q ပ!သကeဖစQစ၊ တWငQ!ခလWလ˜ငQ ထZသ
 Z nတWငQ!
ခလWသသညQ ပဒမ
Q ၃၀ ပleပဌWနQ!ခoကQNင
O အ
nQ ညX နWရ!စရZတက
Q Z ခစW!ခfငQnရZOသညQ။
8.8.1 The Right to Take Medical Treatment for Sickness and Incurring of

မကoနQ!မWမအတfကQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f N
nQ င
O nQ ကနက
Q oစရZတက
Q oခeခငQ!
22. In times of sickness, the insured person who had paid contribution to health and
social care fund:

ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမရနQပ ငfသZ n ထညQဝ

n ငQxက! ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သW
အWမခထW!သ မကoနQ!မWသညQအ
n ခl အWမခထW!သသညQ-

(a) has the right to take medical treatment at the permitted hospital or dispensary for a
period of up to 26 weeks starting from the date of treatment taken. However, for
repeated sickness, chronic disease and suffering more than a disease or sickness of
special importance, it has the right to take medical treatment up to 52 weeks or to a
period specifically prescribed by the Social Security Board;

(က) ခfငenQ ပgထW!သညQn ဆ!š၊ဆ!ခနQ!၌ ဆ!စတငQကသ

 သညQn န nမOရကQသတ‡ ပတQ
၂၆ပတQအထZ ဆ!ကသမ ခယခ
f nQရZOသညQ။ သZ nရWတfငQ ထပQတလjလj မကoနQ!မW သ၊နW
တWရOညQ ရWဂlNOငnQ ရWဂlတစQမoZg!ထကQ ပZ၍
 eဖစQပWf !မ သZ nမဟတQ အထ!အရ!qကX!
သW မကoနQ!မWမအတfကQ ရကQသတ‡ ပတQ ၅၂ပတQ သZ nမဟတQ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nက
သX!eခW! သတQမတ
O Q ပ!သညQn ကWလအထZ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ ရOသ
Z ညQ။
(b) has the right to take health care and medical treatment at the hospitals and clinics
owned by the Social Security Board or at the State owned or private hospitals and
clinics concluded agreement with that Board, or at hospitals and clinics arranged by
the employer;

(ခ) လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nပZင
 Q ဆ!š၊ ဆ!ခနQ!မoW!တfငလ
Q ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ယငQ!အဖfj n NOငnQသ
ဘWတ စWခogပQခogပQဆZထW!သညQn NZင
Q  တWQပင
Z Q သZ nမဟတQ ပဂလ
£ က
Z ပZင
 Q ဆ!š၊ ဆ!
Q ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အလပQရင
O က
Q စXမထ
 W!ရOZ သW ဆ!š၊ ဆ!ခနQ!မoW!တfငQ
လညQ!ကWငQ! ကoနQ!မWရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ ခယခ
f nQNင
O nQ ဆ!ကသမ ခယခ
f nQရသ
ZO ညQ။
(c) if he is unable to attend at the hospitals and clinics owned by the Social Security
Board or hospitals and clinics concluded agreement with that Board, has the right to
take health care and medical treatment by coming to the establishment where the
insured person works as arranged by the Social Security Board;

(ဂ) လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nပZင
 Q သZ nမဟတQ ယငQ!အဖfj nNOငnQ သဘWတစWခogပQ ခogပQဆထ
Z W!သညQn
ဆ!š၊ ဆ!ခနQ!မoW!သZ n မလWရWကQNင
Z ပ
Q lက လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj n၏ စXစˆQပ!ခoကQ အရ
အWမခထW!သ၏ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Z QရW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနသZ n လWရWကQ၍ ကoနQ!မWရ!
စWငQn ရOWကQမN
O Qn ဆ!ကသမပ!eခငQ!ကZ ခယခ
ZO ညQ။

(d) in taking health care and medical treatment in accord with section 21 and this
section, relating to the expenses incurred for health care and medical treatment, has
the right to enjoy from the health and social care fund in accord with the stipulations.

(ဃ) ပဒမ
Q ၂၁NOငnQ ဤပဒမ
Q တZ nအရ ကoနQ!မWရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမN
O nQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
တfငQ ကနက
Q oစရZတမ
Q oW!NOငnQ စပQလoˆQ!၍ ကoနQ!မWရ!NOငnQ လမ ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ ရနQပ
ငfမO သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ပZင
Q င
f ရ
nQ ZOသညQ။ မကoနQ!မWမNင
O nQ ဆZင
Q ညQn
ငfxက! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊
8.8.2 Cash Benefits Relating to the Sickness

O ဆ Z Q သW ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ င nQ oW!
23. The insured person: အWမခထW!သသညQ-
(a) has the right to enjoy sickness cash benefit only if he had worked at the
establishment for a minimum of six months before the starting day of sickness and
had paid contribution for a minimum of four months during the said six months;

(က) မကoနQ!မWမNOငဆ
nQ င
Z QသညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z မကoနQ!မWမ စတငQeဖစQ
သညQn န nမတZင
Q X အနညQ!ဆ!eခWကQလမO စတငQ၍လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနတfငQ လပက
Q င
Z Q ခjdn ပX! အ
 l eခWကQလအတfငQ! အနညQ!ဆ!လ!လအတfကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfပ!သfငQ! dပX!မO
သW မကoနQ!မWမNင
O nQ ဆZင
 QသညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရOသ
Z ညQ။
(b) on presentation of medical certificate for sickness and if reduction or suspension
of earnings involved, shall enjoy sickness cash benefit of 60 percent of average wage
of previous four months for up to 26 weeks in accord with the stipulations contained
in sub-section (a).

(ခ) မကoနQ!မWxကWငQ! ဆ!သကQသခလကQမတ

O Q တငQeပNZင
 dQ ပX! အလပမ
Q လပN
Q င
Z သ
Q eဖငQn
ဝငQငfလoWnနညQ!eခငQ! သZ nမဟတQ ဝငQငfရပQစej ခငQ!eဖစQလ˜ငQအလပမ
Q လပQ NZင
n Wလ
အတfကQ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQNင
O အ
nQ ညX လfနခ
Q nj သW လ!လအတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜
Q ၏ ၆ဝ ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!ကZ မကoနQ!မWမNOငဆ
nQ င
Z QသညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အeဖစQ
ရကQသတ‡ ပတQ ၂၆ပတQအထZ ခစW!ခfငQnရသ
ZO ညQ။

24. The Social Security Board may, on arising of any of the following matters as
regards insured person who is enjoying sickness cash benefit, suspend the said benefit
in whole or in part:

၂၄။ မကoနQ!မWမNOငဆ
nQ င Q ညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
Z သ nQ Z ခစW!နသW အWမခ
ထW!သက အWကQပlအxကWငQ! တစQရပQရပQ ပkပlကQသညQအ
n ခl လမဖ
အဖfj nသညQ အဆZပ
nQ Z လ!ဝeဖစQစ၊ တစQစတ
Z တ
Q စQဒသeဖစQစ၊ မပ!ဘj
Z Q!ထW!NZင
(a) wilfully provoking self-sickness;

(က) မZမက
Z ယ
Z က
Q မ
Z မ
Z Z တမငQမကoနQ!မWမ eဖစQအWငQeပgeခငQ!၊
(b) sickness as a result of own criminal act;

(ခ) eပစQဒဏQထက
Z သ
Q ငQnသညQn မZမ၏
Z eပgလပမ
Q  xကWငQn မကoနQ!မWeခငQ!၊
(c) willful failure without sufficient cause to avail himself of medical care or
to follow the instruction of the medical practitioner;

(ဂ) ဆ!ကသမခယ
 ရနQ သZ nမဟတQ ဆ!ကသပ!သW ဆရWဝနQ၏›‹နQ
xကW! ခoကQကZ လZက
 နQ WရနQ ခZင
Q  သW အxကWငQ!မရOဘ
Z j တမငQပoကQကက
f eQ ခငQ!၊
(d) making deceitful claim for sickness cash benefit;

(ဃ) မကoနQ!မWမNOငnQ ဆZင

Q ညQn ငfxက!အကoZg! ခစW!ခfငnQရရOZရနQ လZမလ
Q ညQ၍
 enj ခငQ!၊
(e) failure to carry out rehabilitation measures without sufficient cause;

(င) eပနQလညQထ ထWငQရ!ကZစမ

r oW! ဆWငQရက
f QရနQ ခZင
Q  သWအxကWငQ!
Z j တမငQပoကQကက
f eQ ခငQ!၊
(f) leaving for foreign countries for good;

(စ) eပညQပသZ n အdပX!အပZင

 Q ထfကခ
Q Wf သfW!eခငQ!၊
(g) failure to comply with other terms and conditions prescribed by the
Social Security Board.

(ဆ) အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW အeခW!စညQ!ကမQ!ခoကQ
မoW!ကZ လZက
 နQ WဆWငQရက
f QရနQ ပoကQကက
f eQ ခငQ!။ အWမခထW!သ အမoZg!သမX!၏
Q နQဆWငQမN
O nQ မX!ဖfW!မအတfကQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ၊
8.8.3 The Right to Take Medical Treatment for Insured Women in Cases
of Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Confinement

အWမခထW!သ အမoZg!သမX!၏ ကZယ

Q နQဆWငQမN
O nQ မX!ဖfW!မအတfကQ ဆ!
ကသ ခယခ
f nQ
25. Notwithstanding anything contained in the laws, rules, regulations, by-laws,
orders, and directives regarding Government servants, the insured woman worker has
the right to enjoy the following benefits in accord with the stipulations;

၂၅။ အစZ!ရဝနQထမQ!မoW!NOငnQ သကQဆင

Z သ
Q ညQn ဥပဒမoW!၊ နညQ!ဥပဒမoW!၊ စညQ!မoˆQ!
မoW!၊ စညQ!ကမQ!မoW!၊ အမZနQ nမoW!NOင›
nQ န
‹ xQ ကW!ခoကQမoW!တfငQ မညQသZ nပငQပlရOZ စကWမ အW
မခထW!သ အမoZg!သမX!အလပသ
Q မW!သညQ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX အWကQပlအ
ကoZg! ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ ခစW!ခfငnQရZOသညQ-
(a) the right to take free medical care at the permitted hospital and clinic in
cases of pregnancy and confinement;

(က) ကZယ
Q နQဆWငQနစˆQNင
O Qn မX!ဖfW!သညQnအခl ခfငenQ ပgထW!သညQn ဆ!š၊
ဆ!ခနQ!၌ အခမjn ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ၊
(b) the right to take medical care for her child for a period of not more than
one year after birth;

(ခ) မX!ဖfW!dပX! တစQNစ

O အ
Q ထZ မZမက
Z လ!ကZ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ၊
(c ) the right to enjoy maternity leave of six weeks before confinement and a
minimum of eight weeks after confinement, altogether a minimum of 14
weeks, moreover, another four weeks, after enjoying maternity leave, for child
care if it is the twin delivery;

(ဂ) မX!မဖfW!မX ရကQသတ‡ ပတQeခWကQပတQNင

O nQ မX!ဖfW!dပX!နWကQ အနညQ!ဆ! ရကQ
သတ‡ ပတQရစ
O ပ
Q တQ စစ ပlငQ!အနညQ!ဆ! ရကQသတ‡ ပတQ၁၄ပတQ အထZ မX!ဖfW!
nQ Z ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ။ ထZ neပငQ အမ‹Wကလ!မf!ပlက မX!ဖfW!ခfငnQ ခစW!dပX!
နWကQ ကလ!စWငQn ရOWကQရနQ ရကQသတ‡ ပတQလ!ပတQကZ ဆကQလကQခစW!
(d) the right to enjoy a maximum of six weeks as maternity leave in case of
miscarriage being not a criminal abortion;

(ဃ) eပစQဒဏQထက
Z သ
Q ငQnသညQn ကZယ
Q နQပoကQစeခငQ! မဟတဘ
Q က
j ယ
Z ဝ
Q နQ ပoကQ
n စ
Z တ
r င
f Q အမoW!ဆ!ရကQသတ‡ ပတQ eခWကQပတQအထZ မX!ဖfW!ခfငnQအeဖစQ
(e) the right to enjoy full remuneration for prenatal examination at the
permitted hospital or clinic, on the basis of one session per day and up to a
maximum of seven days;

Q နQဆWငQစˆQ ခfငenQ ပgထW!သညQn ဆ!š၊ဆ!ခနQ!၌ စမQ!သပQစစQ ဆ!eပ
 QရနQအတfကQ တစQqကZမလ
Q ˜ငQ တစQရကQNန
 Q!eဖငQn အမoW!ဆ!ခNစ
O Q အqကZမအ
Q ထZ
Q အeပညQn ခစW!ခfငQn၊
(f) if a child under one year of age is adopted in accord with existing law by
registration, has the right to enjoy leave not exceeding eight weeks for child
care, until that child has completed one year of age. Such leave shall only be
entitled for one adopted child. During such enjoyment period, cash benefit
under sub-section (a) of section 27 shall be entitled subject to the provision
contained in section 26.

(စ) တစQNစ
O Q အWကQကလ!ငယQ တညQဆဥ
j ပဒNOငအ
nQ ညX မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQ၍ မf!
စW!ပl ကထZက
 လ! တစQNစ
O eQ ပညQသ
n ညQအထZ eပgစစWငQn ရOWကQရ! အတfကQရကQ
သတ‡ ပတQရစ
O ပ
Q တQထကQ မကoWQသWခfငက
nQ Z မf!စW!ကလ!တစQဦ! အတfကသ
ZO ညQ။ အဆZပ
 l ခစW!ခfငnQ ကWလအတfငQ! ပဒမ
Q ၂၆ပl eပ—WနQ!ခoကQကZ

အထWကQအထW!eပgလoကQ ပဒမ
Q ၂၇၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က) ပl ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ
ကZ ခစW!ခfငnQ။

8.8.4 Maternity Benefits မX!ဖfW!မNင

O ဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ
26. The insured man and woman shall be entitled to enjoy maternity cash benefit
under section 27 and 28 only if they have worked a minimum of one year before the
commencement of leave period at the relevant establishment and paid contribution for
a minimum of six months within the said one year.

၂၆။ အWမခထW!သ အမoZg!သမX!NOငnQ အမoZg!သW!တZ nသညQ ပဒမ

Q ၂၇NOငnQ၂၈ တZ nအရ
O ဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z ခfငစ
nQ တငQခစ
 W!သညQn န n မတZင
Z QရW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနတfငQ အနညQ!ဆ! တစQNစ
O လ
Q ပ
Q င
Z Qခသ
nj  eဖစQရမညQအ
n eပငQ
 l တစQNစ
O အ
Q တfငQ! အနညQ!ဆ! eခWကQလအတfကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQငfxက!၊
27. The insured woman worker is entitled to the followings in accord with the
stipulations of medical certificate:

၂၇။ အWမခထW!သ အမoZg!သမX!အလပသ

Q မW!သညQ အWကQပlတZ nကZ ဆ!သကQသခ
O အ
Q ရ သတQမတ
O QခoကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ-
(a) 70 per cent of average wage of a year as maternity benefit during
maternity leave period entitled in accord with sub-section (c) of section 25;

(က) ပဒမ
Q ၂၅၊ပဒQမခfj(ဂ)အရ ခစW!ခfငnQရOZ သW မX!ဖfW!ခfငက
nQ Wလ အတfကQ မX!ဖfW!
O ဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငအ
nQ eဖစQ တစQNစ
O အ
Q တfင!Q ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q ၏ ၇ဝ ရW
Q န
(b) 50 per cent of average wage of a month as maternity expenses for
single delivery, 75 per cent of average wage of a month for twin delivery, and
100 per cent of average wage of a month for triplet delivery and above;

(ခ) ကလ!တစQဦ! မf!ဖfW!ပlက မX!ဖfW!စရZတQအeဖစQ ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ

Q တစQလ
Q န
 Q!၊ အမ‹Wကလ!NOစဦ
Q ! မf!ပlက မX!ဖfW!စရZတအ
Q eဖစQ ပoမQ!မ˜

Q တစQလစW၏၇၅ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!၊ အမ‹Wကလ!သ!ဦ! NOငအ
nQ ထကQ မf!ပlက
Q eဖစQ ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၁ဝဝ ရWခZင
Q နQ!၊
(c) 70 per cent of average wage which is entitled for the maternity leave period
in the case of miscarriage under sub-section(d) of section 25.

(ဂ) ပဒမ
Q ၂၅၊ပဒမ
Q ခfj(ဃ)ပl ကZယ
Q နQပoကQမ xကWငQn ခစW!ခfငnQရZO သW မX!ဖfW!
nQ WလအတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q ၏ ၇ဝ ရWခZင
Q န
28. An insured man is entitled to enjoy the following paternity benefit for
confinement of his wife in accord with the stipulations of the medical certificate:

၂၈။ အWမခထW!သ အမoZg!သW!သညQ ဇနX!မX!ဖfW!မအတfကQ ဆ!သကQသခ လကQ

Q ရ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQ အညXအWကQပl ဖခငQဘဝ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQရZOသညQ-
(a) 15-days leave to care for an infant on confinement of his wife who is an
insured person;

(က) အWမခထW!သeဖစQသW ဇနX!မX!ဖfW!သညQnအခl မf!ကငQ!စကလ! အW!

f nQ ၁၅ရကQ ခစW!ခfငQn၊
(b) the right to enjoy 70 per cent of average wage of previous one year as
maternity benefit for the leave period contained in sub-section (a) on
confinement of his wife who is an insured person;

(ခ) အWမခထW!သeဖစQသW ဇနX!မX!ဖfW!သညQnအခl ပဒမ

Q ခfj (က)ပl ခfငက
nQ W
လအတfကQ မX!ဖfW!မNင
O nQဆင
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငအ
nQ eဖစQ လfနခ
Q nj သW တစQNစ
အတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q ၏ ၇ဝ ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!ကZ ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(c) in addition to the benefits contained in sub-section (a) and (b), half of
maternity grant contained in subsection (b)of section 27 on confinement of his
wife who is not an insured person.

(ဂ) အWမခထW!သ မဟတQ သW ဇနX!eဖစQသ မX!ဖfW!သညQအ

n ခl ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က)
NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! အeပငQပဒမ
Q ၂၇၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(ခ) ပlမX!ဖfW!စရZတQ
ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ထကQဝကQခစ

8.8.5 The Right to Take Medical Treatment for Pensioners

 oW! ဆ!ဝl!ကသခfငQ
29. The insured Government servants , after having retired; or the insured person,
after having received invalidity benefit and superannuation pension benefit under
sections 33 and 35, have or has the right to enjoy medical care in accord with the
stipulations if it is involved with the followings:

၂၉။ အWမခထW!သW အစZ!ရဝနQထမQ!မoW!သညQ အdငZမQ!စW!ယdပX!နWကQတင

f Q သWQ
လညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အWမခထW!သသညQ ပဒမ
Q ၃၃NOငQ၃
n ၅တZ nအရ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q မ
f Q! မရOZ
nQ OငnQ သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnရရOdZ ပX! နWကQတင
f Q သWQ
လညQ!ကWငQ! အWကQပlအခoကQမoW!NOငnQ အကog!ဝငQလ˜ငQ ဆ!ဝl!ကသမကZ သတQမတ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ-
(a) being a person who had paid contribution for 180 months and above;

(က) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ကZ လပlငQ!၁၈ဝNOငQအ
n ထကQ ပ!သfငQ!ခjသ
n e ဖစQeခငQ!၊
(b) being a bearer of pensioner’s identity card issued by the township social
security office after retirement.

(ခ) အdငZမQ!စW!ယdပX!နWကQ dမZg nနယQလမ

  ရ!š!က ထတQ ပ!ထW!သW အ
dငZမQ!စW!စZစစQရ! သကQသခလကQမတ
O Q ကZင
 Q ဆWငQထW!သ eဖစQeခငQ!၊

8.8.6 Funeral Benefit နWရ!စရZတခ

Q စ
30. If an insured person dies of employment injury or any other cause, if a person
nominated by the insured person or if there is no such nomination, dependent of that
person or a person who incurred the expenses of the funeral, it is entitled to enjoy up
to a maximum of five times of the average of the wage for a month during the last
four months of that deceased person in accord with the stipulations.

၃ဝ။ အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  သZ nမဟတQ အeခW!အxကWငQ! တစQခခ
  xကWငQn အWမခ
ထW!သ သဆ!လ˜ငQ နWရ!စရZတက
Q Z အWမခထW!သက အမညQစWရငQ!ပ!သfငQ! ခjen ခငQ!
ခရသကeဖစQစ၊ ထZသ
 Z nအမညQစWရငQ!ပ! သfငQ!ခjen ခငQ!မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZသ
 အW! မOခ
X သ

သZ nမဟတQ နWရ!စရZတစ

Q ZကQ ထတQ ပ!ထW!သက တWငQ!ခလWလ˜ငQ eဖစQစ ထZ သဆ!
သ၏ နWကQဆ!လ!လအတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ အမoW!ဆ!ငl!ဆအထZ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQ အညXခစ
ZO ညQ။
8.9 Family Assistance Insurance System Benefits

n  အWမခစနစQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
nမQ oW!
31. (a) Relating to the education allowance for children pursuing education:

၃၁။ (က) ပညWသငQxကW!နသW သW!သမX!မoW!အတfကQ ပညWသငQစရZတQ ခစW!ခfငnQNင

O nQ
(i) if an insured person who has paid contribution for a minimum of 36 months
and who earns less than the specified amount of income, has the children
pursuing a full time education, it is entitled to enjoy education allowance from
family assistance fund in accord with the stipulations;

(၁) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ အနညQ!ဆ!၃၆လ ပ!သfငQ!ထW!dပX! သတQမတ
O QထW!
သW ဝငQငfပမWဏအWကQ နညQ!သညQn အWမခထW!သသညQ အခoZနeQ ပညQn ပညW
သငQxကW!ရနသW သW!သမX!မoW!ရOပ
Z lက ပညWသငQစရZတက
Q Z မZသW!စထWကQ
n  ရနQပ ငfမO သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ။
(ii) for the children who are born of an insured couple who earn less than the
specified amount of income, only one insured person is entitled to enjoy
education allowance contained in sub- sub-section (1).

(၂) သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW ဝငQငfပမWဏအWကQ နညQ!သညQn အWမခထW!သ ဇနX!
O Z nက မf!ဖfW!သW သW!သမX!အတfကQ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၁)ပl ပညWသငQစ
Q Z အWမခထW!သ တစQဦ!ကသW ခစW!ခfငnQ ရOZ စရမညQ။
(b) When the insured person and family encounter natural disaster, it is entitled to
enjoy the following health care, relief material and cash assistance from the family
assistance fund in accord with the stipulations:

(ခ) အWမခထW!သNင
O Qn မZသW!စကZ သဘWဝဘ!အN‡ရWယQ xကgတf nရသညQအ
n ခl
အWကQပl ကoနQ!မWရ! စWငQn ရOWကQမ၊ ကယQဆယQရ!ပစrညQ!NOငnQ ငfxက!ထWကQပn
X မ
 oW!ကZ မZသW!စထWကQပမ
n  ရနQပ ငfမO သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQ အညX ခစW!ခfငnQရZO
(i) the right to take medical treatment if it is suffered from physical and mental
injury or if it is contracted disease because of encountering natural disaster;

(၁) သဘWဝဘ!အN‡ရWယQ xကgတf nခစW!ရသညQn အတfကက

Q ယ
Q င
O nQ စZတက
Q ထ
 Q ဒဏQရWရရOလ
Z ˜ငQeဖစQစ၊ ရWဂlရရOလ
Z ˜ငQeဖစQစ ဆ!ကသမ ခယခ
f nQ ၊
(ii) if the contribution had been paid for a minimum of 36 months prior to
natural disaster and thereafter encountered the natural disaster and lost own
properties, 40 percent of average wage per a month within one year before the
day of such encountering natural disaster as cash assistance and relief
materials provided by Social Security Board.

(၂) သဘWဝဘ!အN‡ရWယQ မxကgတf nမX ထညQဝ

n ငQxက!ငfကZ အနညQ!ဆ!၃၆
လ ပ!သfငQ!dပX!နWကQ သဘWဝဘ!အN‡ရWယQ xကgတf nရသညQအ
n တfကQ မZမပ
Z င
ပစrညQ!ဥစrမoW! ဆ!š!လ˜ငQ ထZသ
 Z nxကgတf nရသW န nမတZင
Q X တစQNစ
O အ
Q တfငQ!
Q တစQလစW၏ ၄ဝရWခZင
 Q! ငfxက!ထWကQပမ
n  ခစW!ခfငN
nQ OငnQ လမ
ဖလ ရ!အဖfj nက ထWကQပသ
n ညQn ကယQဆယQရ!ပစrညQ!မoW! ခစW!ခfငnQ။
(c) The insured person is entitled to enjoy suitable benefits allowed by the
Social Security Board for his dependent family from the family assistance
fund in accord with the stipulations.

(ဂ) အWမခထW!သသညQ မZမZအW! မOခ

X သ
Z မ
Z W!စအတfကQ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj n
က ခfငenQ ပgသညQn သငQn လoWQသW အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ မZသW!စထWကQပမ
ရနQပ ငfမO သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငQnရZOသညQ။

8.10 Invalidity Benefit

Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
32. An insured person is entitled to enjoy invalidity benefit according to medical
certificate, in accord with section 33, if he is totally incapable to work not for
employment injury but for any other cause including sickness and maternity.

၃၂။ အWမခထW!သသညQ အလပတ

Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn မဟတဘ
Q j မကoနQ!မWမNင
O nQ
မX!ဖfW!မ အပlအဝငQအxကWငQ! တစQခခ
  xကWငQn အလပက
Q လ
Z ! ဝ လပက
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q!
မရOZ တWnလ˜ငQ ဆ!သကQသခ လကQမတ
O အ
Q ရ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
nQ Z ပဒမ
Q ၃၃NOငnQအညX ခစW!ခfငရ
nQ သ
ZO ညQ။
8.10.1 Cash Benefit for Invalidity

Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
 တfကQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
33. (a) When the insured person becomes totally incapable to work in accord with
section 32, he is entitled to enjoy the following benefits from the fund for invalidity
benefit, superannuation benefit, and survivors’ benefit in accord with the stipulations:

၃၃။ (က) အWမခထW!သသညQ ပဒမ

Q ၃၂NOငအ
nQ ညX အdမjတမQ! အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q fမQ!
Z ညQnအခl အလပလ
Q ပက
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊ သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အ
n င
O nQ ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရနQပ ငfမO သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQ အညX
အWကQပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ ခစW!ခfငQnရသ
ZO ညQ-
(i) if contribution has been paid for 180 months before the date of invalidity
allowed by medical certificate, the right to enjoy 15 times of average wage for
a month obtained by him during the period of such contribution in installment
or in lump sum according to his desire;

(၁) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOZ xကWငQ! ဆ!သကQသခ လကQမတ
O eQ ဖငQn ခfငnQ
eပgသညQn န nမတZင
Q X ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ!၁၈ဝ ပ!သfငQ!dပX! eဖစQလ˜ငQ
 WမခထW!သ ထညQnဝငQxက! ငfပ!သfငQ!ခjnသW ကWလတfငQ ရရOခ
Z njသညQn

Q တစQလစW၏ ၁၅ဆကZထ
Z ၏
 ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!
j ညQ!eဖစQစ၊ ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(ii) if contribution has been paid for more than 180 months, as regards such
period of contribution in excess, the right to enjoy in addition to benefit
contained in sub-sub-section(1) in accord with the stipulations;

(၂) ထညQဝ
n ငQငfxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ!၁၈ဝ ထကQပ၍
Z ပ!သfင!Q ထW! ပlကထZ
သZ nပZ၍
 ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ကWလNOငစ
nQ ပQလoˆQ!၍ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၁)ပl ခစW!ခfငnQ
တfငQ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ထပQပlငQ!၍ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(iii) in case where contributions have been paid for 12 months and above but
under 180 months, the right to enjoy 40 percent of employer's paid
contribution and contribution paid by that insured person together with interest
in accord with the stipulations;

(၃) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ ၁၂လNOငအ
nQ ထကQမO လပlငQ!၁၈ဝအWကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQ
ထW!သညQn ကZစတ
r င
f မ
Q  အလပQရင
O က
Q ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf၏
Q န
 Q!NOငQn ထZအ
 WမခထW!သက ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf
တZ nကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX အတZ!NOငတ
nQ ကf ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(iv) in case of contribution paid for less than 12 months, the right to withdraw
the money contributed by that person in lump sum.

(၄) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ ၁၂လအWကQနညQ!၍ ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ကZစတ
r င
f Q
 WမခထW!သ ပ!သfငQ!ထW!dပX!သW ငfမoW!ကZ တစQလ!တစQခj တညQ!eပနQ
Q ခ
f nQ။
(b) When the insured person obtains the right to enjoy invalidity benefit, the
employer has the right to obtain 25 percent of his contribution for 12 months and
above paid to the fund under clause (3) of sub-section (a) of section 15 together with
interest in accord with the stipulations.

(ခ) အလပQရင
O သ
Q ညQ အWမခထW!သက အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
 ကoZg!ခ စW!ခfငnQ
Z ညQn အခlပဒမ
Q ၁၅၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၃)ပl ရနQပ ငfသZ n မZမက
Z ၁၂ လNOငnQ
အထကQ ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf၏ ၂၅ ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!ကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!
nQ ညX အတZ!NOငတ
nQ ကf ရထZက
 ခQ င
f ရ
nQ သ
ZO ညQ။
.10.2Age Limit for Superannuation Pension and Cash Benefit

nအdငZမQ!စW!ယ ရမညQ
OငnQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
34. The pensionable age for superannuation pension of the insured person shall be
as specified by the Ministry of Labour, in co-ordination with the Social Security
Board, with the approval of the Union Government.

၃၄။ အWမခထW!သ၏ သကQeပညQအ

n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရရOမ
Z ညQn အသကQသညQ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငQn ည‘N
Z င
’ !Q ၍ eပညQထWငQစအ
 စZ!ရအဖfj n
၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn သတQမတ
O သ
Q ညQအ
n တZင
 Q! eဖစQစရမညQ။
8.10.3 Survivors' Benefit due to Death not from Employment Injury

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQမဟ
Q j သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသအ
36. When the insured person dies not for employment injury but for any other cause
before the completion of pensionable age for superannuation pension:

၃၆။ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn မဟတဘ
Q j အeခW!အxကWငQ! တစQခခ
  xကWငQn သကQ
n dငZမQ!စW! ယရမညQအ
n သကQ မeပညQမX အWမခထW!သ သဆ!သညQအ
n ခl -
(a) a person nominated by the insured person is entitled to enjoy survivors’ benefit
same as the invalidity benefits contained in section 33, in installment or in lump sum
as desired by that person in accord with the stipulations;

(က) အWမခထW!သက အမညQစWရငQ! ပ!သfငQ!ထW!eခငQ! ခရသသညQ ကoနQရစQသ

nQ Z ပဒမ
Q ၃၃ပl အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q Zငစ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! အ

 Q! ထZသ
 ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!တစQခတ
j ညQ!eဖစQစ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငQnရZOသညQ။
(b) if there is no nominated person contained in sub-section (a), dependents of the said
insured person in the following order are entitled to enjoy the benefit, same as the
invalidity benefit contained in section 33, in installment or in lump sum as desired by
that person in accord with the stipulations:

(ခ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl အမညQစWရငQ! ပ!သfငQ!ထW!eခငQ! ခရသမရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZအ
Q ကZ မOခ
X Z နထZင
 oW!သညQ အWကQပlအစXအစˆQအလZက
 Q ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!
nQ Z ပဒမ
Q ၃၃ပl အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z Qစမ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! အတZင
 ဆN™အရအရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!တစQခတ
j ညQ!eဖစQစ သတQမOတခ
Q oကQမoW!
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငQnရသ
ZO ညQ-
(i) wife or husband of the deceased person;

(၁) သဆ!သ၏ ဇနX! သZ nမဟတQ ခငQပန

f Q!၊
(ii) if there is no wife or husband of the deceased person, children of that
person ;

(၂) သဆ!သ၏ ဇနX! သZ nမဟတQ ခငQပန

f Q!မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZသ၏
(iii) if there is no wife, husband and children of the deceased person, mother
and father of that person;

(၃) သဆ!သ၏ ဇနX!၊ ခငQပfနQ!NOငnQ သW!သမX!မoW!မရOZလ˜ငQ ထZသ

(c) if there is a beneficiary entitled to enjoy benefits contained in clauses (a) and (b),
the employer has the right to obtain 25 per cent of contribution paid by him into the
fund for invalidity benefit, superannuation benefit,and survivors’ benefit for 12
months and above together with interest in accord with the stipulations;

(ဂ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQမoW!ကZ ရထZက
Q ရလ
ZO ˜ငQ အလပQရင
O သ
Q ညQ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊ သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!

nQ င
O Qn ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn ရနQပ ငfသZ n မZမZက၁၂လNOငnQ အထကQပ!သfငQ! ထW!
သညQn ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf၏ ၂၅ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!ကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX အတZ!NOငnQ
တကf ရထZက
Q င
f nQရOသ
Z ညQ။
(d) if there is no beneficiary entitled to enjoy benefits contained in sub-sections (a)
and (b), the employer has the right to withdraw his contribution paid into the fund for
invalidity benefit, superannuation benefit, and survivors’ benefit together with interest
in accord with the stipulations.

(ဃ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnမoW!ကZ ရထZက
Q မ
Z ˜ငQ အလပQရင
သညQ အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z Qစမ
f Q! မရOမ
Z အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfင၊nQ သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!
nQ င
O Qn ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရနQပ ငfသZ nမZမZက ပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn ဝငQxက!ငf
ကZ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!NOငnQအညX အတZ!NOငတ
nQ ကf eပနQလညQထတ
 Q ယခင
f nQရသ
ZO ညQ။
8.11 Requirements for Unemployment Benefit

Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခf
nQအတfကQ လZအ
37. The insured person shall be entitled to enjoy unemployment benefit if he has
paid contribution for a minimum of 36 months and involved with the followings:

၃၇။ အWမခထW!သသညQ ထညQဝ

n ငQxက!ငfကZ အနညQ!ဆ!၃၆လ ပ!သfငQ!dပX!သ
eဖစQသညQen ပငQ အWကQပlအခoကQမoW!NOငnQ အကog!ဝငQလ˜ငQ အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn
 Q စရမညQ-
(a) being unemployed not for voluntary resignation but for being removed
from work or job terminated because of permanent close-down of work;

(က) မZမသ
Z ဘWအလoWကQ Nတထ
Q က
f eQ ခငQ! မဟတဘ
Q j အလပထ
Q တ
Q ရeခငQ!
xကWငQen ဖစQစ၊ အလပအ
Q dမjပတ
Z သ
Q မ
Z Q!၍ အလပQရပQစj ခရeခငQ!xကWငQen ဖစQစ
Q ကQမenj ဖစQeခငQ!၊
(b) not being a person dismissed from work on conviction of work related
offence or not being a person dismissed or removed from work for

misappropriation, violation of Civil Service Regulations or intentionally

failing to a abide by the workplace regulations;

(ခ) အလပN
Q င
O စ
nQ ပQလoˆQ!၍ eပစQမe ပစQဒဏQ ထZက
Q ငQသ
n eဖငQn အလပထ
Q တ
သWQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အလfသ
j !စW!eပgမxကWငQen ဖစQစ၊ ဝနQထမQ!စညQ!ကမQ!
ဖWကQဖoကQမ xကWငQen ဖစQစ၊ အလပခ
Q င
f စ
Q ညQ!ကမQ!မoW!ကZ လZက
Q WရနQ တမငQ
f မ
Q  xကWငQen ဖစQစ၊ အလပမ
Q ထ
O တ
 QပစQeခငQ! သZ nမဟတQ အလပမ
Q Oထတ
ပယQeခငQ! ခရသသWQလညQ!ကWငQ! မဟတeQ ခငQ!၊
(c) being a person of good health, capable to work and willing to work;

(ဂ) ကoနQ!မWရ!ကWငQ!မfန၍
Q အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Z သ
Q  eဖစQရမညQen ပငQ အလပQ
Q င
Z လ
Q Z စZတQရသ
ZO e ဖစQeခငQ!၊
(d) being a person registered at the relevant township labour exchange office
in accord with the stipulations and reporting monthly to that office and
township social security office.

(ဃ) သကQဆင
Z QရWdမZg nနယQ အလပအ
Q ကZင
Q င
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW! ရOWဖfရ!š!တfငQ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညX မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQထW!သeဖစQdပX! အလပလ
Q ကQမenj ဖစQ
xကWငQ! ထZš
 !NOငdnQ မZg nနယQ လမဖ
  ရ!š!သZ n တစQလတစQqကZမQ သတငQ!ပZ nထW!သ
.11.1Unemployment Benefit Period and Benefits

Q ကQမအ
nj ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
nကQ WလNOငQ
ငnQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
38. The insured person, on receiving unemployment benefit in accord with section 37:

၃၈။ အWမခထW!သသညQ ပဒမ

Q ၃၇NOငအ
nQ ညX အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQရသညQn
ခl -
(a) if he has already paid contribution for 36 months, he is entitled to enjoy
50 percent of average wage for a month within the last one year as the
unemployment benefit up to two months. If he is a person who has paid
contribution for more than 36 months, one more month of unemployment

benefit shall be entitled for every additional 12 months of contribution paid.

However, total period of unemployment benefit shall be entitled only for up to
six months;

(က) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ ၃၆လထZ ထညQဝ
n ငQdပX!သeဖစQပlက နWကQဆ! တစQ
Q တfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၅ဝရWခZင
 QNနQ!ကZ အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!
ခစW!ခfငnQအeဖစQ NOစလ
Q အထZ လစˆQခစ
nQ သ
ZO ညQ။ ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ ၃၆လ
အထကQ ထညQဝ
n ငQထW!သeဖစQပlက ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf ၁၂လ တZ!တZင
 Q! အလပQ
လကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQကZ တစQလစXတZ!၍ ခစW!ခfငရ
nQ သ
ZO ညQ။ သZ nရWတfငQ အလပQ
nj ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn ကWလစစ ပlငQ!သညQ eခWကQလအထZသW ခစW!ခfငnQရZO
(b) if being a married person while unemployed, depending upon the
condition of dependents, cash not more than 10 per cent of additional
unemployment benefit contained in sub- section(a), awarded by the Social
Security Board shall be entitled during the above mentioned relevant period in
monthly installment;

(ခ) အလပလ
Q ကQမenj ဖစQခoZနတ
Q င
f Q အZမQ ထWငQရသ
ZO e ဖစQပlက ထZသ
X Z သ
မoW!၏ အeခအနကZ မတညQ၍ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nက ထပQဆWငQ!၍ ခoX!eမ‘ငnQ
သW ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl အလပလ
Q ကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ၁ဝရWခZင
 Q NနQ!ထကQမပZ
သညQn ငfxက!ကZ အထကQဖWQeပပl သကQဆင
Z QရW ကWလအတfငQ! လစˆQခစ
Z ညQ။
(c) if he suffers sickness; health care, medical treatment and cash benefit
contained in clause (1) of subsection(a) of section 21 and sub- sections (a) and
(b) of section 23 shall be entitled in accord with subsection(a) of this section;

(ဂ) မကoနQ!မWသeဖစQလ˜ငQ ပဒမ

Q ၂၁၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ(၁)NOင့်
Q ၂၃၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nပl ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ ဤပဒမ
Q ၏ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က)NOငnQ

အညX ကoနQ!မWရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမခ

f nQ၊ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f N
nQ င
O nQ ငfxက!
nQ Z n ရOသ
Z ညQ။
(d) for maternity and confinement; has the right to health care, medical
treatment, and cash benefit contained in clause (2) of sub- section(a) of section
21, section 26, section 27, and section 28, for a minimum of 2 months to a
maximum of 6 months in accord with sub- section(a) of this section;

(ဃ) ကZယ
Q နQဆWငQမN
O nQ မX!ဖfW!မအတfကQ ပဒမ
Q ၂၁၊ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfင
j ယQ
(၂)၊ ပဒမ
Q ၂၆၊ ပဒမ
Q ၂၇NOငnQ ပဒမ
Q ၂၈ တZ nပl ခစW!ခfငnQမoW!ကZ ဤပဒမ
Q ၏
Q ခfj(က)NOငအ
nQ ညX အနညQ!ဆ!NOစလ
Q မO အမoW!ဆ!eခWကQလအထZ ကoနQ!မW
ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမခ
 fင၊nQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
f N
nQ OငnQ ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ တZ n
Z ညQ။
(e) has the right to attend skill trainings allowed by the Social Security Board;

(င) လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nက ခfငenQ ပgသညQn က„မQ!ကoငQမသ
 ငQတနQ!မoW!သZ n တကQရWကQ
သငQxကW!ခfငnQ ရOသ
Z ညQ။
(f) if the insured person dies while enjoying unemployment benefit contained
in sub-section (a), funeral grant may be entitled in accord with stipulations.

Q ခfj(က)ပlအလပQလကQမnj အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQကခ
Z စ
 W!နစˆQကWလ အတfငQ!
အWမခထW!သ သဆ!ပlက နWရ!စရZတက
Q Z သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညXခစ
ZO ညQ။

8.12 Application to Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System,

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQNင
O သကQ
Z eQ ခငQ!၊
Employment Injury Benefit Fund and Benefits

Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
ငnQ ရနQပ ငfNငQ
OငnQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
nမQ oW!

Z eQ ခငQ!
45. The provisions contained in this Law relating to the employment injury benefit
insurance system shall apply to the following workers:

၄၅။ ဤဥပဒပအလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQNင
O nQ စပQလoˆQ!သညQn
Q မW!မoW!NOငnQ သကQဆင
eပ—WနQ!ခoကQမoW!သညQ အWကQပlအလပသ Z Q စရမညQ-
(a) workers at establishments which are applied to social security system
who have registered compulsorily in accord with sub-section (a)of section 16
and contributed to the social security funds contained in clauses (1),(3),(4) and
(5) of sub-section (a) of section 15;

(က) ပဒမ
Q ၁၆၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က) NOငအ
nQ ညX မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမနရ မOတပ
Q တ
 ငQdပX! ပဒမ
၁၅၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က)၊ ပဒမ
Q ခfjငယQ (၁)၊ (၃)၊ (၄)NOငnQ (၅)တZ nပl လမဖ
  ရ! ရနQပ ငf
မoW!သZ n ထညQဝ
n ငQxက! ငfပ!သfငQ!ထW!သညQn လမဖ
  ရ!စနစQNOငnQ သကQဆင
သW လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!ရOZ အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!၊
(b) workers specified as being applied to provisions of compulsory registration
for employment injury benefit insurance system by notification of the Ministry
of Labour, in co-ordination with the Social Security Board with the approval
of the Union Government.

(ခ) အလပသ
Q မW! ဝနQqကX!ဌWနက လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘N
Z င
’ Q!၍ eပညQထWငQ စ
အစZ!ရအဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစW ထတeQ ပနQ၍ အလပတ
Q င
f Q
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQဆင
Z QရW မOတပ
Q မ
 တငQမနရ eပ—WနQ!ခoကQ
မoW!NOငnQ သကQဆင
Z သ
Q ညQဟ သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သW အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!။

8.12.1 Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System and Registration

Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
ငnQ အWမခစနစQNငQ
OငnQ မOတပ
Q တ
47. The Social Security Board shall manage to avoid from paying to the employment
injury benefit insurance system by the employer in lump sum and to enable the
worker enjoy the following benefits in accord with the stipulations:

၄၇။ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nသညQ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အ
n Z အလပQရင
O က
Q ညQ!၊ တစQလ!တစQခတ
j ညQ! ပ!ရeခငQ!မO ရOWငQရWO !NZင
 Q စရနQNင
O nQ အWကQဖWQ
eပပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ အလပသ
Q မW!က ရရOခ
Z စ
 Q စရနQ အလZ nငOW အလပတ
Q င
f Q
Z မ
Q အ
 ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ အWမခစနစQကZ သတQမတ
O QခoကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညXစမ
X  ထW!ရOZရမညQ-
(a) medical treatment;

(က) ဆ!ကသမခယ
f nQ၊
(b) temporary disability benefit;
(ခ) ယWယX မသနQစမ
f Q!မ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(c) permanent disability benefit;

(ဂ) အdမjတမQ! မသနQစမ

f Q!မ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn၊
(d) survivors' benefit of death owing to employment.
(ဃ) အလပက
Q အ
Z xကWငQ!eပg၍ သဆ!မxကWငQn ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ။
8.12.2 Contributions for Employment Injury Insurance System

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  အWမခစနစQအတfကQ ထညQဝငQ
50. As regards employer’s contribution to employment injury benefit fund for the
worker’s entitlement to employment injury benefit under section 47, rates of
contribution shall be determined according to worker’s remuneration and degree of
possibility of occupational hazard, by the Ministry of Labour, by notification, in co-
ordination with the Social Security Board, with the approval of the Union

၅ဝ။ အလပသ
Q မW!က အလပQတင
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အ
 တfကQ ပဒမ
Q ၄၇ပl အကoZg!ခစWခfငnQ မoW!
ကZ ခစW!NZငQရနQ အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQရနQပ ငfသZ n အလပQရင
O က
Q ပ!
သfငQ!ရမညQ ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfNင
O nQ စပQလoˆQ!၍ အလပသ
Q မW!၏ လပခ
Q အလZက
 Q လပQ
ငနQ!ဌWနမoW!၏ ဘ!အN‡ရWယQရN
ZO င
Z Qမ အနညQ!အမoW!အပk မတညQdပX! ထညQဝ
n ငQရမညQn
NနQ!ထW!မoW!ကZ အလပQသမW! ဝနQqကX!ဌWနသညQ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငnQ ည‘N
Z င
’ Q!၍
 စZ!အဖfj n၏ အတညQeပgခoကQeဖငQn အမZနQ nxကWQeငWစW ထတeQ ပနQ၍ သတQမတ
8.12.3 The Right to Take Medical Care and Other Benefits Regarding
Employment Injury

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q အ
 တfကQ ဆ!ကသမခယ
Q ငQ

O nQ အeခW!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
52. (a) The insured person has the right, if the employment injury occurs, to take
medical care in accord with the stipulations and to enjoy other benefits contained in
this chapter.

၅၂။ (က) အWမခထW!သသညQ အလပတ

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q e ဖစQပkလ˜ငQ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW!
nQ ညX ဆ!ကသခခင
f nQရသ
ZO ညQအ
n eပငQ ဤအခနQ!ပlအeခW! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငလ
nQ ညQ! ရOZ
(b)The types of occupational diseases contained in sub-section (a) shall be as
specified by the rules and regulations.

(ခ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl အလပက
Q Z အxကWငQ!eပg၍eဖစQသW ရWဂlအမoZg!အစW!သညQ
နညQ!ဥပဒမoW!၊ စညQ!ကမQ!မoW!eဖငQn သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သညQn အတZင
 Q!eဖစQစရ မညQ။
8.12.4 Occupational Safety

Q နQ!ခfငQ ဘ!အN‡ရWယQကငQ!ရOငQ!ရ!
53. (a) The employers and workers shall co-ordinate, co-operate and carry out with
the Board or insurance agent departments in carrying out workers’ occupational safety
measures and keeping health plan in order to prevent employment accident, or

employment injury or disease contracting and death in addition to safety and

educational work of the workers.

Q င
O nQ အလပသ
Q မW!တZ nသညQ လပင
Q နQ!ဌWနမoW!၌ အလပသ
Q မW!မoW!
ဘ!အN‡ရWယQကငQ!ရOငQ!ရ! ပညWပ!လပင
Q နQ!မoW!အeပငQ အလပတ
Q င
f Q မတWQတဆ
eဖစQပWf !မ မoW!ကZလ
 ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQnဒဏQရW ရရOမ
Z  ၊ရWဂl
O Qn သဆ!မeဖစQပWf !eခငQ! တZ nကZလ
 ညQ!ကWငQ! ကWကfယQရနQအလZ nငOW ဘ!
အN‡ရWယQကငQ!ရOငQ!ရ!NOငnQ ကoနQ!မWရ!ဆZင
 QရW စXမခ
 oကQမoW! ထW!ရOeZ ခငQ!တZ nNOငnQ စပQ
လoˆQ!၍ လမဖ
  ရ!အဖfj nNOငenQ ဖစQစ ၊အWမခကယ
Z စ
Q W!လOယဌ
Q Wန မoW!NOငenQ ဖစQစ ည‘N
Z င
’ Q!
f QရမညQ။
(b) The costs of medical care regarding employment injury resulting from criminal
action or omission of the employer, or resulting from employer's failure to keep
occupational safety plans and protections; and other benefits under this Law shall be
borne without fail by the employer in accord with the stipulations.

O ၏
Q eပစQမe ပစQဒဏQထက
Z သ
Q ငQn သW eပgလပမ
Q သ
 Z nမဟတQ ပoကQကက
f မ
Q  xကWငQn
eဖစQစ၊ အလပQရင
O က
Q လပင
Q နQ!ခfငQ ဘ!အN‡ရWယQကငQ!ရOငQ!ရ! အစXအမမoW!NOငnQ အကW
Q oW!eပgလပQ မထW!eခငQ!xကWငQen ဖစQစ eဖစQပkလWသW အလပQတင
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
အတfကQ ဆ!ကသမ ကနက
Q oစရZတမ
Q oW!NOငnQ ဤဥပဒအရ ခစW!ခfငQnရသ
ZO ညQn အeခW!
nQ oW!ကZ အလပQရင
O က
Q သတQမတ
O QခoကQမoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ကoခရမညQeဖစQdပX!
f eQ ခငQမရOZ စရ။
8.12.5 Temporary Disability Benefit

f Q!မNငQ
Q င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
55. The insured person who, by reason of employment injury, became incapable to
work which involves reduction or suspension of earnings; free medical care and
temporary disability benefit of 70 per cent of average wage during four months prior
to employment accident shall be entitled, commencing from the date of incapacity for
work, to a maximum of 12 months upon medical certificate.

၅၅။ အWမခထW!သသညQ အလပတ

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn အလပမ
Q လပN
Q Zင၍
Q ဝငQငf
လoWnနညQ!eခငQ! သZ nမဟတQ ဝငQငfရပQစej ခငQ!eဖစQလ˜ငQ အခမjn ဆ!ကသမ ခယခ
f nQရOZ
n eပငQ ဆ!သကQသခ လကQမတ
O အ
Q ရ ယWယXမသနQစမ
f Q!မNင
O Qn ဆZင
Q ညQn အကoZg!
ခစW!ခfငnQအeဖစQ အလပQတင
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q မ
 eဖစQမX လ!လအတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q ၏ ၇ဝ
Q န
 Q!ကZ အလပစ
Q တငQ မလပN
Q င
Z သ
Q ညQn န nမO အမoW!ဆ!၁၂ လအထZ ခစW!ခfငnQ
Z ညQ။
56. (a) The temporary disability benefit under section 55 shall be terminated from the
date on which the insured person becomes capable for work within 12 months.

၅၆ (က) ပဒမ
Q ၅၅ အရ ယWယX မသနQစfမQ!မNOငဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငသ
nQ ညQ ၁၂
လအတfငQ! ထZအ
 WမခထW!သ eပနQလညQအလပလ
Q ပ
 Q NZင
Q ညQn န nရကQမစ
O ၍ ရပQစjရမညQ။
8.12.6 Permanent Disability Benefit

အdမjတမQ! မသနQစမ
f Q!မNငQ
Q င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
57. The insured person has the right to enjoy, owing to an employment accident,
permanent partial disability cash benefit if there is likely to cause partial loss of
capacity for work; or permanent total disability cash benefit if there is likely to cause
total loss of capacity for work. As regards that benefit, fixation for a month benefit
which may be enjoyed in accord with section 58 shall be calculated upon 70 per cent
of a months’ average wage during four months before employment injury occurs, in
relation to percentage of loss of capacity for work decided by the Medical Board.

၅၇။ အWမခထW!သသညQ အလပတ

Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn အလပလ
Q ပ
Q Zင
Q ညQn အငQအW!
Z တ
Q စQဒသ အdမjတမQ!ဆ!š!NZင
Q ယ
f QရW အxကWငQ!ရOလ
Z ˜ငQ အdမjတမQ!တစQစတ
တစQဒသ မသနQစမ
f Q!မNOငဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn ငfxက! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQက
n လ
Z ညQ!ကWငQ!၊ အလပQ
Q င
Z သ
Q ညQအ
n ငQအW! လ!ဝအdမjတမQ! ဆ!š!NZင
Q ယ
f QရW အxကWငQ!ရOလ
Z ˜ငQ အdမjတမQ!
လ!ဝ မသနQစfမQ!မNOငဆ
nQ Zငသ
Q ညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW! ခfငက
nQ လ
Z ညQ!ကWငQ! ခစW!ခfငnQ
Z ညQ။ ထZခ
n တfကQ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q မ
 eဖစQမX လ!လအတfငQ! ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
တစQလစW၏ ၇ဝရWခZင
Q နQ!ကZ ဆ!ဘကQဆင
Z QရWအဖfj n၏ အdမjတမQ! လပQအW!ဆ!š!မရW

Q န
 Q! ဆ!eဖတQခoကQအပk အeခeပg၍ တfကခ
Q oကQရရOမ
Z ညQn ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!
nQ Z တစQလအတfကQ ခစW!ခfငဟ
nQ  သတQမတ
O ၍
Q ပဒမ
Q ၅၈ NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ။
58. The person who suffers loss of capacity to work may enjoy permanent disability
benefit calculated basing upon 70 per cent of a months' average wage contained in
section 57, in relation to percentage of loss of capacity for work, as specified

58။ လပအ
Q W!ဆ!š!သသညQ ပဒမ
Q ၅၇ပl ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၇ဝ ရWခZင
Q န
အပk လပအ
Q W!ဆ!š!မ ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!ကZ အeခeပg၍ တfကခ
Q oကQရရOZ သW အdမjတမQ!မသနQ
O nQ ဆZင
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQက
n Z အWကQပlအတZင
 Q! သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQ မoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX
ZO ညQ။
(a) in cases in which the degree of incapacity is less than 20 per cent, the right
to enjoy monthly cash benefit entitled to such person for five years in lump

(က) လပအ
Q W!ဆ!š!မမWO ၂ဝရWခZင
Q န
 Q!NOငnQ အWကQ eဖစQပlက ထZသ
ရOZ သWလစˆQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ငl!NOစအ
Q တfကQ ရထZက
Q င
f nQရZO သW ငfxက!ကZ
j ညQ! ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(b) in cases in which the degree of incapacity is above 20 per cent to 75 per
cent, the right to enjoy monthly cash benefit entitled to such person for seven
years in installment or in lump sum, according to the desire of that person;

(ခ) လပအ
Q W!ဆ!š!မမOW ၂ဝရWခZင
Q န
 Q! အထကQမO ၇၅ရWခZင
 W!ခfငnQ ရOZ သWလစˆQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ခနစQNစ
O အ
Q တfကQ ရထZက
Q င
f nQ
ရOZ သW ငfxက!ကZ ထZသ
 ဆန္ဒအရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!တစQခjတညQ!
eဖစQစ ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(b) in cases in which the degree of incapacity is above 75 per cent, the right
to enjoy monthly cash benefit entitled to such person for nine years in

installment or in lump sum or in monthly installment until death, according to

the desire of that person;

(ဂ) လပအ
Q W!ဆ!š!မမWO ၇၅ရWခZင
Q န
 Q!အထကQ eဖစQပl ထZသ
 W!ခfငnQရZO သW
လစˆQအကoZg! ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ခနစQNစ
O အ
Q တfကQ ရထZက
Q င
f nQရZO သW ငfxက!ကZ ထZသ
၏ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!တစQခတ
j ညQ! eဖစQစ ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(d) if the medical certificate is submitted that permanently disabled person
contained in sub-section (c) requires the constant attendance of another
person, the right to enjoy the supplement of 10 per cent of his benefit in
installment, or in lump sum, or in monthly installment until death, according
to the desire of that person, in addition to the benefit contained in sub-section

(ဃ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(ဂ)ပl အdမjတမQ!လ!ဝ မသနQစfမQ!သကZ အeခW!သတစQဦ! တစQ
ယWကQ အdမjမeပတQeပgစရနQ လZအ
 ပQxကWငQ! ဆ!သကQသခလကQမတ
O Q တငQeပ
Q ခfj(ဂ)ပlခစW!ခfငnQအeပငQ ထZသ
 W!ခfငnQရZO သW အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၏ ၁ဝ
Q န
 Q!NOငnQ ညXမ˜သWငfကZ ထZသ
 ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ! တစQ
ခjတညQ! သZ nမဟတQ လစˆQ အသကQထကQဆ!eဖစQစ ထပQဆWငQ!၍ ခစW!ခfငnQ။
8.12.7 ‘Survivors' Benefit for Employment Death

Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQ
xကWငQn သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသအ
62. When the insured person died of employment injury:

၆၂။ အလပတ
Q င
f Q ထZခက
Z မ
Q  xကWငQn အWမခထW!သ သဆ!သညQnအခl -
(a) a person nominated by the insured person shall be entitled to enjoy survivors'
benefits in installment or in lump sum, up to the desire of that person, according to the
average wage based on contribution period within four months before the death of
that insured person as follows:

(က) အWမခထW!သက အမညQစWရငQ!ပ!သfငQ!ထW!eခငQ!ခရသညQ ထZအ

မသဆ!မX လ!လအတfငQ! ရရOZ သWပoမQ!မ˜ လပခ
Q အရ ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငf ပ!သfငQ!

ထW!သညQn ကWလကZအ
 eခeပg၍ အWကQပlအတZင
 Q! ကoနQရစQသအ
 ကoZg! ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!ကZ
 ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!တစQခjတညQ!eဖစQစ ရထZက
Q င
f nQရသ
ZO ညQ -
(i) if it is contributed for 60 months and under, 30 times of an average wage
for a month;

(၁) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ!၆ဝNOငnQ အWကQ ပ!သfငQ!dပX!eဖစQပlက ပoမQ!မ˜
Q တစQလစW၏ ၃ဝဆ၊
(ii) if it is contributed for above 60 months to 120 months and under, 50
times of an average wage for a month;

(၂) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ! ၆ဝ အထကQမလ
O ပlငQ! ၁၂ဝNOငnQ အWကQ
ပ!သfငQ!dပX! eဖစQပlက ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၅ဝဆ၊
(iii) if it is contributed for above 120 months to 240 months and under, 60
times of an average wage for a month;

(၃) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ! ၁၂ဝအထကQမO လပlငQ!၂၄ဝNOငnQ အWကQ
ပ!သfငQ! dပX!eဖစQပlက ပoမQ!မ˜လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၆ဝဆ၊
(iv) if it is contributed for above 240 months, 80 times of an average wage
for a month;

(၄) ထညQဝ
n ငQxက!ငfကZ လပlငQ! ၂၄ဝ အထကQပ!သfငQ!dပX! eဖစQပlက ပoမQ!
မ˜ လပခ
Q တစQလစW၏ ၈ဝဆ။
(b) if there is no nominated person under sub-section (a), persons who have
depended upon the earnings of that insured person shall enjoy the survivors' benefit in
installment or in lump sum according to the desires of those persons, in accord with
the stipulations in the following order :

Q ခfj(က)ပl အမညQစWရငQ! ပ!သfငQ!ထW!eခငQ!ခရသ မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ကZအ
သ၏ လပခ
Q ကZ မOခ
X Z နထZင
Q မ
 oW!သညQ အWကQပlအစXအစˆQအလZက
 Q ပဒမ
Q ခfj (က)ပl
ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z ထZသ
 ဆN™အရ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ တစQလ!
j ညQ!eဖစQစ၊ သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQ မoW!NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငQnရသ
ZO ညQ-

(i) wife or husband of the deceased person;

(၁) သဆ!သ၏ ဇနX! သZ nမဟတQ ခငQပန

f Q!၊
(ii) if there is no wife or husband of the deceased person, his children;

(၂) သဆ!သ၏ဇနX!သZ nမဟတခ

Q ငQပန
f Q! မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZသ
(iii) if there is no wife, husband and children; mother and father of that person.

(၃) သဆ!သ၏ဇနX!၊ ခငQပန

f Q!NOငnQ သW!သမX!မoW! မရOလ
Z ˜ငQ ထZသ
O nQ
8.13 Provisions Relating both
both to Social Security Fund and Employment
Injury Benefit Fund

  ရ!ရနQပ ငfNငQ
OငnQ အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ
ငnQ ရနQပ ငf NOစQရပQ
ငnQ သကQဆင
Z QသညQn eပ—WနQ!ခoကQမoW!
8.13.1 Benefits not Payable Simultaneously

တစQdပZgငQတညQ! မပ!ရသW အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQ

nမQ oW!၊
63. (a) The following benefits shall not be payable simultaneously to an insured

၆၃။(က)အWကQပlငfxက! အကoZg!ခစW!ခoကQမoW!ကZ အWမခထW!သအW! တစQdပZgငQ

တညQ! မပ!ရ-
(i) sickness benefit and maternity benefit;

O Qဆ
n င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငN
nQ င
O Q မX!ဖfW!မNင
O ဆ
nQ င
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခ
(ii) sickness benefit and temporary disability benefit;

(၂) မကoနQ!မWမNင
O Qဆ
n င
Z QသညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငN
nQ OငnQ ယWယXမသနQစfမQ!မ NOငဆ
nQ င
သညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(iii) maternity benefit and temporary disability benefit;

O nQဆင
Z သ
Q ညQn အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငN
nQ င
O Qn ယWယXမသနQစမ
f Q!မNင
O Qn ဆZင
(iv) sickness, maternity, temporary disability benefits and unemployment

(၄) မကoနQ!မWမ မX!ဖfW!မ၊ ယWယXမသနQစမ

f Q!မ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW! NOငnQအလပQ
nj ကoZg! ခစW!ခfငnQ၊
(b) In cases in which two of the benefits contained in sub-section (a) are payable but
their amounts are different,the beneficiary shall be paid the larger of the two amounts.

(ခ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)ပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQမ
n oW!အနကQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ NOစမ
Q oZg!ကZ ပ!ရမညQn
r oW!တfငQ ထZN
O မ
Q oZg!မOW ငfပမWဏNOစQရပQအနကQ မoW!ရWငfပမWဏကZ ပ!ရမညQ။
8.13.2 ‘Survivors’ Benefit

72. If an insured beneficiary dies, the remaining benefit which is due but not yet paid
up to the day of his death shall be nentitled to by enjoyed by the person nominated by
the insured person or, if there is no such nomination, his dependent in accord with the

၇၂။ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရထZက

 ခQ fငnQရZO သW အWမခထW!သ သဆ!လ˜ငQ ထZ သဆ!သညQn
န nရကQအထZ မပ!ရသ!သW အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQnကZ အWမခထW!သက အမညQစWရငQ!
ပ!သfငQ!eခငQ! ခရသသညQလညQ!ကWငQ!၊ ထZသ
 Z n အမညQစWရငQ! ပ!သfငQ!eခငQ! မရOခ
Z လ
nj ˜ငQ
 W! မOခ
X သ
Z သညQလညQ!ကWငQ! သတQမတ
O ခ
Q oကQမoW! NOငအ
nQ ညX ခစW!ခfငnQရသ
ZO ညQ။
8.13.3 Time Limit to Claim for Be

nမQ oW! တWငQ!ဆZရမညQ
မညQn ကWလကနQ
n ခoကQ
73. Relating to any benefit paid to the beneficiary from Social Security Fund and
Employment Injury Benefit Fund:

၇၃။ လမဖ
  ရ! ရနQပ ငfNင
O Qn အလပတ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z Zက
Q  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ရနQပ ငfတZ nမO
ခစW! ခfငnQရသ
ZO အ
 W! ပ!သညQအ
n ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ တစQရပQရပQNင
O Qn စပQလoˆQ!၍-

(a) if the benefit is granted in installment or monthly, the person who has the right to
claim shall claim, with documents attached, to the relevant township social security
office within the following period commencing from the date of entitlement;

Z ခ
Q င
f nQရZOသသ
 ညQ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငအ
nQ တfကQ အရစQကoeဖစQစ၊ လစˆQeဖစQ
စပ!ရနQ ခfငenQ ပgပlက ထတယ
Q ခ
f nQရသ
ZO ညQn န nမOစ၍ အWကQပl ကWလအတfငQ! သကQဆင
ရWdမZg nနယQ လမဖ
  ရ!š!သZ n အထWကQအထW!မoW!ပ!တf၍
j တWငQ!ဆZ ရမညQ-
(i) for superannuation pension benefit, one year from the day of completion of
the age, specified in accord with section 34 , of insured person;

(၁) သကQeပညQအ
n dငZမQ!စW! အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQn အWမခထW!သ ပဒမ
Q ၃၄ အရ
O Q သW အdငZမQ!စW!ယရနQ အသကQeပညQnသညQn န nမOစ၍ တစQNစ
O Q၊
(ii) for invalidity benefit, one year from the day of the issue of medical

(၂) အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z စ
Q မ
f Q!မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z ဆ!သကQသခ လကQ
Q တ
 Q ပ! သညQn န nမOစ၍ တစQNစ
O Q၊
(iii) for survivors’ benefit of death, not owing to employment, one year from
the day of death of the insured person;

Q Z အxကWငQ!eပg၍ မဟတဘ
Q j သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသအ
nQ Z အWမခထW!သ သဆ!သညQn န nမOစ၍ တစQNစ
O Q၊
(iv) for benefit of permanent disability due to employment, one year from the
day of accident of the insured person, or from the day temporary disability
benefit period terminated;

(၄) အလပထ
Q င
f ထ
Q ခ
Z က
Z မ
Q xကWငQn အdမjတမQ!မသနQစမ
f Q!မ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z အW
မခထW!သ ထZခ
Z သ
Q ညQn န n သZ nမဟတQ ယWယXမသနQစမ
f Q!မ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ ကW
Q !သညQn န nမOစ၍တစQNစ
O Q။
(v) for survivors’ benefit of employment death, one year from the day of the
death of the insured person.

Q အ
Z xကWငQ!eပg၍ သဆ!မအတfကQ ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငက
nQ Z
အWမခ ထW!သ သဆ!သညQn န nမOစ၍ တစQNစ
O Q၊
(b) For the rest of benefits under this Law except benefits contained in sub-section (a),
it shall be claimed within three months commencing from the date they should be
claimed, with documents attached, to the relevant township social security office.

Q ခfj(က)ပl အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငမ
nQ oW!မOအပ ဤဥပဒပl ကoနQအကoZg!ခစW!ခfငQမ
n oW!
အတfကQ တWငQ!ဆZသ
 ငQnသညQn န nမOစ၍ သ!လအတfငQ! သကQဆင
Z QရWdမZg nနယQ လမဖ
ရ!š!သZ n အထWကQအထW!မoW! ပ!တf၍
j တWငQ!ဆZရမညQ။
(c) Though the period specified under sub-sections (a) and (b) has been passed, the
claim may be made with sufficient cause. However, it shall not have the right to claim
if there is no sufficient cause.

(ဂ) ပဒမ
Q ခfj(က)NOငnQ(ခ)တZ nအရ သတQမတ
O ထ
Q W!သညQnကWလ ကoWQလန
f Q သWQလညQ! ခZင
သW အxကWငQ!eပခoကQeဖငQn တငQeပတWငQ!ဆZN
Z QသညQ။ ခZင
Q  သW အxကWငQ!eပခoကQ
Z lက တWငQ!ဆZခ
f nQ မရOZ စရ။

Key Terms

Social Security Law - လမဖ

social insurance scheme - လမ
X က
Z Q!
financial resources - ဘsWငfအရငQ!အeမစQ

a long- term plan - ရရOညစ

Q မ
X က
Z Q!
Insured person - အWမခထW!သ

Social Security Fund - လမဖ

  ရ!ရနQပ ငf
Wage - လပခ
Dependent - မOခ
X သ
Executive Committee - အလပအ
Q မဆWငQကWQမတX
Ministry of Labour - အလပသ
Q မW!ဝနQqကX!ဌWန
Social Care Insurance System - လမ
 ရ!စWငQn ရOWကQမ အWမခစနစQ
Maternity Benefits - မX!ဖfW!မNင
O ဆ
nQ င
Z QသညQအ
n ကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ
Funeral Benefit - နWရ!စရZတခ
Q စ
Invalidity Benefit - အလပလ
Q ပ
Q င
Q င
Z Qစမ
f Q! မရOမ
Z  အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ
Cash Benefit - ငfxက!အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ

Survivors' Benefit - ကoနQရစQသ အကoZg!ခစW!ခfငnQ

Unemployment - အလပQလကQမnj

Application - သကQဆင
Z eQ ခငQ!
temporary disability - ယWယX မသနQစမ
f Q!မ
permanent disability - အdမjတမQ! မသနQစမ
f Q!မ

Assignment Questions
1. What are the purposes of the Social Security Law? (Chapter8)
2. Describe the work place and workman applied in the Social Security Law.
3. Explain the Social Security Scheme under the Social Security Law. (Chapter8)
4. Explain the benefits under the Social Security Law. (Chapter8)
5. Discuss the employment injury benefit insurance system. (Chapter8)
6. Ma Phyu started work in Purified Drinking Water Factory and insured under Social
Security Law 2012. Then she earned maternity leave. Is her husband entitled to
maternity leave benefits also? Discuss. (Chapter8)

Short Questions
1. Who is insured person under the Social Security Law, 2012?
2. Define the term social security fund under the Social Security Law, 2012?
3. Define the term employment injury?
4. Define the term Wages?
5. What is medical certificate under the Social Security Law, 2012?
6. What do you means dependent under the Social Security Law, 2012?
7. What is the government servant under the Social Security Law, 2012?
8. What is Funeral Benefit under the Social Security Law, 2012?

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