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Unit 12

Card 1: Friendship

Chau: Excuse me. You are Dung right?

Dung: Yes, I am. Who you are?

Chau: My name is Chau . I’m your partner in Speaking class. Nice to meet you

Dung: I’m also looking for you. Nice to see you too

Chau: Our exercise is discuss some proverbs about friendship. Are you free? Could we
do the exercise now?

Dung: I’m free…… Do have any ideas?

Chau: Yes. I think I will chose Birds of a feather flock together.

Dung: What does it mean?

Chau: The source of proverb is In nature birds of the same species in flight often form
group for various reason, such as to defend predators. It’s means that people who like
the same things and have similar personalities tend to enjoy spending time together. For
example, people who like sports will become friends and they often spend time with
each other


Chau: How about you? What proverb did you chose?


Chau: I have never heard that before. What do you think it means.


Chau: Oh, Is that so.


Chau: Ok, I will finish and send it back for you. See you later.
Card 2: Knowledge.

Chau: Excuse me. You are Dung right?

Dung: Yes, I am. Who you are?

Chau: My name is Chau . I’m your partner in Speaking class. Nice to meet you

Dung: I’m also looking for you. Nice to see you too

Chau: Our exercise is discuss some proverbs about knowledge. Are you free? Could we
do the exercise now?

Dung: I’m free…… Do have any ideas?

Yes. I think I will chose Early to bed, early to raise make a man healthy, wealthy, and

Dung: What does it mean?

Chau: : People believe that someone who gets enough sleep and start work early in the
day will have a successful life.. There is an idea that Early to bed and early to rise can
make you a mother. Yes, researchers say women who go to bed earlier and wake up
earlier are more likely to become pregnant than ‘night owls.’ Because they healthier and
few illnesses.


Chau: How about you? What proverb did you chose?


Chau: I have never heard that before. What do you think it means.


Chau: Oh, Is that so.


Chau: Ok, I will finish and send it back for you. See you later.
Card 3: Money

Chau: Excuse me. You are Dung right?

Dung: Yes, I am. Who you are?

Chau: My name is Chau . I’m your partner in Speaking class. Nice to meet you

Dung: I’m also looking for you. Nice to see you too

Chau: Our exercise is discuss some proverbs about knowledge. Are you free? Could we
do the exercise now?

Dung: I’m free…… Do have any ideas?

Yes. I think I will chose “money is the root of all evil”

Dung: What does it mean?

Chau: It means that the money is responsible for all the evil in the world. Everyone is
willing to do terrible things to each other for financial gain. But the true Money isn’t the
problem, it’s how much people love it, and what they will do to get it, that is the


Chau: How about you? What proverb did you chose?


Chau: I have never heard that before. What do you think it means.


Chau: Oh, Is that so.


Chau: Ok, I will finish and send it back for you. See you later.

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