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The GEODISC Program: Research into

Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Australia
*Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
‡Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre, GPO Box 463, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

The GEODISC research program is being jointly funded by the
strategies for reducing emissions from existing operations
and to restrain those for planned developments. The Austra-
Australian government and several of the nation’s gas producers. lian Greenhouse Office (AGO) has indicated on their web-
It is designed to address key technical, commercial, and envi- site that Australia’s net greenhouse gas emissions in 1990
ronmental issues associated with geological sequestration of CO2 were 389.8 million tonnes CO2 equivalent, growing to
in Australia. Some of the largest point source emitters of CO2 in 455.9 million tonnes CO2 equivalent in 1998. With the addi-
Australia are liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants. As some of the tion of emissions due to land clearing, these numbers are
gas fields to be developed in the near future have higher CO2 493.3 and 519.9 million tonnes CO2 equivalent, respec-
content than currently producing fields, emissions are projected tively.
to increase. GEODISC is currently in year two of its planned GEODISC is a jointly funded program between the Aus-
4-year program. The results of the research will have application tralian government and most of the major gas producers in
both within Australia and internationally. The work is being done Australia, and is examining the potential for geological se-
initially at a regional scale, examining all potential sedimentary questration of CO2 in Australia. Cook et al. (2000) provides
basins in Australia, followed by detailed analysis at the most a detailed description of the objectives of GEODISC and
promising sites. Comparison of the sites at the regional scale is the rationale for considering geological sequestration in
being done using deterministic risk analysis. Data from Austra- Australia. GEODISC is being conducted through the Aus-
lian reservoirs show large variance to that used in the published tralian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC),
reservoir simulations from Europe. As such, research is being which comprises both government and university geologi-
focused into topics, such as storage efficiency, that are consid- cal research centers. Funding for GEODISC comprises al-
ered critical to the successful implementation of the findings most A$2.5 million per annum of cash and in-kind contribu-
from GEODISC. Results to date indicate that there is excellent tions.
potential to sequester CO2 in all of the major sedimentary basins
of Australia. Estimates to date from only 49 sites (ignoring the PROGRAM OUTLINE
specific economic viability of individual sites), indicate that GEODISC commenced on July 1, 1999 after extensive
there is a risked total pore volume capacity to store 1000 times consultation with industry regarding the issues, priorities,
the annual (1998) emissions of CO2 for Australia. The actual and available data. Wherever possible international research
total capacity value of sedimentary basins to sequester CO2 is and development experience is being applied and modified
likely to be several orders of magnitude higher than this figure. to suit the conditions that prevail in Australia. An example
of this is the current reexamination of the critical factor of
Key Words: Australia, GEODISC, sequestration, CO2, storage storage efficiency that will be discussed in detail later.
efficiency, risk. The first phase of the program is the identification of
those geological formations in each sedimentary basin with
the most appropriate parameters to sequester large volumes
Following the Conference of Parties to the Framework
of CO2. The parameters include the physical characteristics
of the target reservoir and seal formations, and also the tem-
Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto in December perature, structural setting, stress regime, and hydrogeology
1997, the outcome for Australia’s commitment to green- of the surrounding basin that directly affects those forma-
house gas emissions was an allowance of 8% growth in total tions. The major output from this work will be injectivity
emissions (expressed as CO2 equivalents) above 1990 lev- maps for each sedimentary basin.
els. Despite being an increase, this allowance represents a The second phase of GEODISC will involve more de-
considerable challenge and requires Australia to implement tailed studies at specific sites within key basins. This will
include prediction of CO2-trapping mechanisms from mod-
© 2001, AAPG/DEG, 1075-9565/00/$15.00/0
Environmental Geosciences, Volume 8, Number 3, 2001 166–176 eling of the water-CO2-rock interactions, economic model-

ing for transportation, compression and injection, examin- Geological Options for CO2 Sequestration
ing technology for monitoring the movement of the CO2, Figure 2 shows the various geological settings where CO2
and investigation of any environmental or safety issues. might be sequestered. The options include the use and stor-
Physical and chemical attributes of Australia’s naturally oc- age of CO2 in
curring CO2 accumulations will also be studied in support
1. enhanced oil recovery
of these predictions.
2. enhanced coal seam methane recovery
GEODISC thus comprises 10 specific projects, being:
3. depleted oil and gas reservoirs
1. regional analysis 4. deep unmineable coal seams
2. site-specific analysis 5. large voids and cavities
3. CO2 reactions and coupled model development (mass 6. deep unused saline water saturated reservoir rocks
4. petrophysics and geomechanics For various reasons, described below, some of these op-
5. reservoir simulation (mass flow) tions have no or limited application within the geological
6. monitoring settings in Australia. The application of each concept fo-
7. risk and uncertainty cuses on the technical, social, environmental, and economic
8. economic model viability as it relates to Australian conditions.
9. international collaboration
10. natural analogs
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) using injected CO2 has
As can be seen from Figure 1 the main projects that have been practiced in the oil industry for several decades. In
been operating to date and producing results include places such as the Permian Basin in Texas, CO2 is a valu-
Projects 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9. This article will focus on some of able resource that is piped hundreds of kilometers from Col-
the general outcomes from the existing research, but will orado to be injected into oil fields to increase the recovery
not deal with specific sites that have been examined as these of oil (Holtz et al., 2001; Stevens et al., 2001). However, in
currently are subject to confidentiality arrangements with Australia most of the crudes are light with good reservoir
the sponsoring group. characteristics, strong water drives, and high recovery fac-

FIGURE 1: GEODISC project timetable.


FIGURE 2: Options for the geological disposal of CO2 (from Cook, 1998).

tors, thus reducing the potential target volumes left in the two methane (CH4) molecules for each CO2 molecule. In pi-
ground. In 1990, the volume of remaining oil that could be lot studies this has been shown to be at least three methane
recovered in Australia using CO2 floods was estimated as molecules for each CO2 molecule (Gale and Freund, 2001).
being 709 million barrels at oil prices of US$20 per barrel In this way, injected CO2 can enhance methane production
(Wright et al., 1991). The amount of CO2 that would be re- from coal seams while sequestering CO2 at the same time.
quired to recover this 709 million barrels of currently eco- Stevens et al. (1999, 2001) reported that the Bowen Basin in
nomically recoverable oil would be of the order of 100–200 Australia rated highly in the world for ECSM.
million tonnes CO2. The actual sequestration capacity However, most of the ECSM activity is along the eastern
would depend on the details of each CO2 EOR flood and on coast of Australia, whereas the majority of CO2 production
whether an economic credit was available for CO2 seques- from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry is on the west-
tration. ern coast, which are thousands of kilometers apart. There is
To recover the additional technically feasible but cur- certainly potential for ECSM to become a viable option for
rently uneconomic EOR potential (1733 million barrels; sequestering CO2; however, it will rely on technology to re-
Wright et al., 1991) would more than double the amount of move CO2 from coal-fired power plants (Holtz et al., 2001),
CO2 that could be sequestered in the process of EOR. After and the potential storage volumes may be small compared
EOR flooding was complete, additional CO2 might be se- to the supply. Early investigations suggest that there may be
questered by continuing to flood the depleted reservoirs to problems with the economic viability of projects where
their spill point. To realize this sequestration potential large numbers of wells (hundreds) would be required to
would require access to major sources of CO2 for Austra- match the supply of CO2 from coal-fired power plants.
lia’s larger oil fields. This would include capture of CO2
from flue stacks from La Trobe Valley coal-fired power sta-
tions for injection into the Gippsland Basin oil fields and re- Deep Unmineable Coal Seams
injection of CO2 from Gorgon and other gas fields into oil In a similar way to ECSM, CO2 can be injected at depth
fields in the Carnarvon Basin. into coal seams that are unlikely to be mineable in the near
to long-term future. The CO2 will adsorb onto the coal and
be stored. Australia is richly endowed with coal, especially
Enhanced Coal Seam Methane throughout eastern Australia, and potentially this is a viable
Enhanced coal seam methane (ECSM) is an industry that option (Figure 3). However, discussion with state geologi-
is rapidly developing in North America (Gale and Freund, cal agencies suggest that the depths required to inject the
2001), but in Australia it is still is in its infancy. When CO2 CO2 without potentially sterilizing the future mining poten-
is injected into coal beds containing methane, the CO2 will tial of the coal resource will, in some basins such as the
preferentially adsorb onto the coal, theoretically releasing Sydney Basin, be in the order of 600 to 1000 m. At the up-

FIGURE 4: Gas depletion curves for Australia, both onshore and offshore (supplied
by AGSO—Petroleum Technical Advice Group, D. Wright and S. Le Poidevin).

are near or already depleted. In terms of volume, however, Fig-

ures 4 and 5 (gas and oil depletion curves for Australia) show
that Australia does not have many large fields (either gas or oil)
that will be depleted in the near future, and those that will be-
FIGURE 3: All basins with reported coal seams in Australia.
come depleted are not near major CO2 sources.

per range of depths it is dubious as to whether there will be

sufficient permeability in the coal seams to allow injection Large Voids and Cavities
of the CO2 at either a rate to match the supply of CO2, or at a In Australia there are no mining activities for salt that
cost that would be economic. Injection into sandstone units would produce large voids in salt caverns, such as exist in
underlying coal seams in this situation, however, may be an North America. Calculations for voids in abandoned under-
option requiring further study. ground coal mines suggest that the volumes available per
mine are very small (0.5  106 T of CO2), and hard rock
mines are even smaller. When combined with their often iso-
Depleted Oil and Gas Reservoirs lated location, they are not considered likely to be economic.
As documented in the Joule II report (Holloway et al., Of greater concern, however, is that many underground min-
1996; also see “Storage Efficiency”), depleted oil and gas ing activities in Australia use long-wall techniques, which by
reservoirs offer one of the more viable and secure options design fracture the roof during collapse. The issue of CO2
for sequestration of CO2. Depleted fields have a known vol- containment risk due to fracturing would pose significant
ume of recovered hydrocarbons, thus allowing accurate esti- problems, as would the shallow depth of the mines and many
mates of the maximum available pore volume into which adits and drill holes that penetrate them, all of which could
CO2 can potentially be stored, and they are known to have provide conduits for CO2 to escape to the surface.
been successful in securely storing hydrocarbon gases and
fluids over geological time periods (millions of years). To
maximize the storage potential, it is probable that there will Deep Unused Saline Water-Saturated
be a benefit from injecting CO2 into fields that are pressure- Reservoir Rocks
depleted rather than water drives. Pressure-depleted fields Deep saline reservoirs are widely recognized as being the
provide the opportunity to inject CO2 into lower pressure most viable option for sequestration of CO2 in terms of cost
reservoirs than would exist under normal geological condi- and capacity in Australia, as well as internationally (Linde-
tions. During depletion of water drive fields, the pressure
reequilibrates to normal geological conditions as ground
water flows in to replace the produced hydrocarbons, thus
making injection pressures higher than in pressure depletion
fields. Reservoir simulation in GEODISC will enhance the
understanding of the way the various parameters and per-
mutations of injection and storage capacity interact.
Unfortunately for CO2 sequestration, Australia has a pre-
ponderance of water drives in many of its largest hydrocar-
bon accumulations. However, there are many viable loca-
tions such as the Cooper Basin in South Australia where
FIGURE 5: Oil depletion curves for Australia, both onshore and offshore (supplied
pressure depletion is normal and many fields such as Gidgealpa by AGSO—Petroleum Technical Advice Group, D. Wright and S. Le Poidevin).

FIGURE 6: Sedimentary basins map of Australia showing sites that have been examined in stages 1 and 2 of Project 1, and basins being examined in stage 3.

berg and Holloway, 1999). It utilizes existing experience der of 500  106 T (9.3 Tcf), it is apparent why this op-
and technology developed in the oil and groundwater indus- tion is attractive.
tries for modeling the behavior of fluids in the subsurface.
Australia has over 300 known sedimentary basins, of which
at least 200 are over 1000 m thick (Figure 6). Of these over TERMINOLOGY, METHODOLOGY,
50 could be considered viable sites for study in terms of lo- AND FURTHER RESEARCH
cation (near CO2 source and acceptable water depth) and In the course of establishing GEODISC and Project 1
geological characteristics. across a vast and diverse geological province like Australia,
GEODISC has completed preliminary analysis of the 17 numerous conceptual issues and problems required resolu-
most significant petroleum provinces from both onshore tion. These included:
and offshore Australia, and by mid-2001 will have exam-
ined the remaining basins with CO2 sequestration potential. • how to describe suitable sites for study;
The initial results indicate that many of the reservoirs in • how to compare and contrast each of the sites for the
Australia have very favorable characteristics when com- purpose of ranking them; and
• identifying and addressing critical factors that were un-
pared to other petroleum provinces of the world (Figure 7).
certain or unknown, and that had the potential to limit
The risked total available pore volume of CO2 for the 49 in-
the implementation of the findings of GEODISC.
dividual sites from the 17 basins studied from Project 1 (i.e.,
the summed capacity of local sites, not total basin wide ca- Following are three brief examples of what has been done
pacity, and risked for uncertainty and chance of success and in GEODISC so far on these issues:
ignoring the economic viability of individual sites) is ap-
proximately 4.5  1011 T (8400 Tcf) of CO2. The total ca- • establishing appropriate terminology (ESSCIs);
pacity available, if basin wide sites are considered, will be • modifying oil industry methodology (prospect and play
many orders of magnitude higher than this figure. Given risk assessment); and
that Australia’s net total annual CO2 emissions are in the or- • research that needs verification (storage efficiency).

FIGURE 7: Kv vs. Kh for Australian reservoirs. Data is from 1626 data points from core plugs from 52 wells from Papuan, NW Shelf, and Gippsland Basins (from AGSO
RESFACS database).

Terminology: Environmentally Sustainable Site the natural resource into which they are considering injecting
for Carbon Dioxide Injection CO2. For this reason, and to minimize potential community
The literature on geological sequestration sometimes has dif- concern that an established resource may be sterilized, a neutral
ficulty describing the various conceptual options (as outlined term, “environmentally sustainable site for carbon dioxide in-
above) as to what type of site is being described, be it either a jection” (ESSCI), has been used as described below.
reservoir, aquifer, or coal seam. Different authors alternate be- Within the oil exploration industry the term “prospect”
tween these descriptions depending on what they believe to be relates to an individual site where hydrocarbons are be-

lieved to have accumulated. The term “play” is used to de- 2. Injectivity potential. The chance that the reservoir con-
scribe the interaction of reservoir, seal, source, trap, and rel- ditions will be viable for injection given consideration
ative timing, which combine to create a variety of similar of porosity, permeability, thickness.
hydrocarbon accumulations across a region. A group of 3. Site details. The chance that the site is economically and
closely related plays are also referred to as a hydrocarbon or technically viable given consideration of distance to
petroleum system, often being described as the source rock CO2 source, water depth, ESSCI depth, overpressure.
and all its known hydrocarbon accumulations (Magoon and 4. Containment. The chance that the seal and trap will
Dow, 1994). Within the groundwater industry, “reservoirs” work for CO2 given consideration of seal capacity and
are referred to as “aquifers.” For the purpose of sequestering thickness, trap, faults.
CO2, it was thought inappropriate to use the terms “play,” 5. Existing natural resources. The chance that there are
“reservoir,” or “aquifer” as it may give the false impression no viable natural resources in the ESSCI that may be
that an existing resource was potentially going to be com- compromised, such as proven or potential petroleum
promised. As such the term ESSCI was derived. Hence system, groundwater or coal, or other natural resource
ESSCI can be used in the same way for grouping the vari- (e.g., national park).
ous components of a CO2 injection site, as “play” or “pros-
pect” is used for the oil exploration industry. These ESSCI factors are mostly independent of one an-
other, but each is a required condition to successfully se-
quester CO2. This means that if one of them does not work
Methodology: Risking (fails) then none of the others are relevant, as the chance
To assess the potential ESSCIs over an area the size of that the ESSCI will fail is certain. Because the ESSCI fac-
Australia at a regional scale, it was necessary to develop a tors are independent, they can be multiplied through to get
methodology that would allow both the capture of detailed various factors, and then multiplied against the estimated
analyses for each ESSCI site, as well as maintaining rigor storage volume or capacity to get a risked capacity. This is a
and consistency to allow comparison between ESSCIs. The valuable tool in comparing different ESSCIs in different ba-
approach adopted was to modify the “play and prospect” sins. An example may be where two ESSCIs have the same
risk assessment that has been used in the oil exploration in- risk capacity, with Site A having a low geological risk and
dustry for many decades. This risking scheme follows the small capacity, whereas Site B has a high geological risk
well-documented principles of White (1987). It has been and a high capacity. In such a case, provided the high geo-
modified in a similar fashion to that documented in Austra- logical risk in Site B was not due primarily to containment,
lia in an example by Bradshaw et al. (1998). In this exam- then Site B may be the preferred site for further study as it
ple, the risking approach was applied to both the conven- would offer the largest potential. The multiplied factors
tional area of petroleum exploration, as well as to an used in this study are as follows.
example of site selection for quarries in the hard rock indus- ESSCI chance: product of all five individual ESSCI factors
try. Despite that the factors that needed to be assessed were risked capacity: ESSCI chance  total estimated storage
completely different, and included social and environmental capacity of CO2
issues, the consistent approach required by the methodology ESSCI rating: ESSCI chance/radius of 1 Tcf (53.65  106 T)
meant that it was readily adaptable and meaningful results CO2 at the site
could be used to compare and contrast each site. For the
ESSCIs, a similar approach was adopted to that used for the The ESSCI chance is the product of all five ESSCI fac-
hard rock industry, with a mix of geological, engineering, tors. The lower the ESSCI chance the greater likelihood that
economic, and social factors being assessed. it will fail. Thus an ESSCI chance of 0.2 means that it has a
Five factors were chosen to describe an ESSCI, each of one in five chance, or 20% chance, of working. It is impor-
which have subelements that are considered when assessing tant to remember that these riskings are not actual but rela-
the risk, mostly from a geological viewpoint. The factors tive and are used to create a seriatim of what is best and
used are all rated between 0 and 1, with 0 meaning that the what is worst among a variety of ESSCIs. When doing the
factor fails and 1 meaning that the factor works. The factors risk assessment, it is important to distinguish at which scale
are as follows. attributes are being risked: whether they are from the view
of a regional concept of the ESSCI, or the play level, or at
1. Storage capacity. The chance that the reservoir will the local or prospect level.
meet the volume requirements of neighboring, currently The risked capacity is a product of the ESSCI chance and
identified CO2 sources, given consideration of tempera- the total estimated storage capacity of CO2 that is likely to
ture, pressure, capacity, radius of 1 Tcf (53.65  106T) occur at the site or across the region that the ESSCI can be
of CO2 if injected at the site, area, pore volume. defined within.

The ESSCI rating utilizes a calculation made at the site the assumption that no single structure will be capable of se-
that determines the radius out from the injection site that 1 questering the CO2 that it produces. Such an analysis could
Tcf (53.65  106T) of CO2 will disperse, given factors such affect the viability of an entire project, as multiple injection
as the reservoir quality and thickness, depth, pressure, and sites for a single CO2 source in an offshore setting, would
temperature. This is simply an estimate of the theoretical make projects cost-prohibitive.
cylinder that the injection bubble would form, not the actual
shape of the bubble at each site, and is used only for com-
parison purposes. Where the radius is low, this means it is a Storage Efficiency Factors
better result as there is less likelihood of the CO2 spreading Most analyses of CO2 storage efficiency are based on res-
far from the site. This in turn means there is less chance of ervoir simulation modeling with several factors affecting
CO2 spilling away from and outside closure of the trap, or the result to varying degrees, including the following.
encountering lateral variations in reservoir conditions or • Reservoir properties: porosity, permeability (horizontal
seal, or intersecting fault planes that may act as conduits to and vertical)
the surface and breach the trap. Thus where there is less • Reservoir conditions: temperature, pressure, depth
chance of the ESSCI failing (a high ESSCI chance number) • Mobility ratio of CO2 vs. water: the greater the depth
and a low radius, the ESSCI rating will be very high. There- the lower mobility ratio and the higher the storage effi-
fore, the higher the ESSCI rating, the better the sequestra- ciency (van der Meer, 1995)
tion potential of the site. • Open or closed hydrological regime: affects ability to
inject CO2
Further Research: Storage Efficiency • Injection rate: the slower the rate the higher the storage
As was predicted in the initial planning of GEODISC, efficiency (modeled on dipping reservoirs, 10) (Holt et
many topics surfaced at the beginning of the project that had al., 1995)
the potential to influence a successful outcome. One critical • Supply rate from source: impacts on the number of
topic is that of rates, be it either rates of migration, mineral- wells and the injection rate
ization, or injection. However, at this stage in GEODISC, • Number of wells used for injection: requires trade-off
the largest uncertainty is that of storage efficiency and the of cost vs. injection rate vs. supply rate vs. storage effi-
actual volume of CO2 that can be injected into a reservoir. ciency
• Gravity segregation: relates to dip and height of closure
The Issue on structure
van der Meer (1993, p. 966) stated that: • Type of trap: the higher the dip the greater the storage
it is extremely difficult to predict any total CO2 storage efficiency (Holt et al., 1995), four-way dip anticlines
volume. . . . Present calculations regarding the storage imply shallow dip, fault-related structures imply higher
efficiency of an aquifer are subjective due to the lack of dip, salt piercement features imply higher dip, hydrody-
definition of the total pore volume available for CO2 namic (no meaningful assessment of storage efficiency
can be made especially if the system is open)
and van der Meer (1995, p. 513) • Type of drive: water (lower storage efficiency), pres-
There are two problems associated with the storage effi- sure depletion (higher storage efficiency and preferred)
ciency of aquifers. The main one is the impossibility of • Residual water saturation
arriving at one number that is universally valid, because
the conditions in the subsurface are too diverse. The
other problem is that even if such a number is arrived at, Simulation Results
people are likely to misuse it.
van der Meer (1992, 1993, 1995) and Holt et al. (1995)
However, despite these warnings, numerous reviews of documented a series of reservoir simulations. The principal
CO2 sequestration potential have simply requoted the early result from van der Meer (1992), using geological parame-
work with no apparent case-specific analysis of the actual ters from the Netherlands, was an estimate that only 2.28%
reservoirs at their proposed site. This raises a concern that of pore space (product of 3.05% 2-D volumetric sweep effi-
erroneous assumptions potentially may have been made in ciency and 75% horizontal sweep efficiency) would be oc-
some CO2 injection scenarios. Because the early work pro- cupied by CO2 before it escaped through the spill point of a
duced very low (2%) percentages (van der Meer, 1993, trap. The simulations were work undertaken in conjunction
1995), this could mean that the volume of CO2 that can be with the Joule II Project (Holloway et al., 1996). From the
sequestered in the subsurface is vastly underestimated. For results of these studies the Joule II report applied a series of
very large gas fields with high CO2 contents, such as those constraints for their assessment of the sequestration capac-
containing over 1 Tcf/53.65  106 T of CO2, it could lead to ity of reservoirs/aquifers, being

For aquifers: Unless known otherwise, the storage effi-

ciency of the aquifer is assumed to be 6% in aquifers
that are in open communication with the ground sur-
face, and 2% in aquifers that are closed (commonly but
not in every case, identified by overpressure). A storage
efficiency of 4% will be used where it is not known
whether the reservoir is open or closed.
For gas fields: The volume of the initially recoverable re-
serves is available for storage of CO2.
For oil fields: The volume of the initially recoverable re-
serves can be replaced by CO2.

While it is apparent that the 2% value comes from van der

FIGURE 8: Adapted from Figure 3 of Holt et al. (1995) showing the equivalent CO2
Meer (1992), it is not immediately obvious from where 6% saturation versus injection rate. Note Holt et al.’s (1995) Figure 3 has x-axis as log10
is derived. A range of 1–6% is mentioned in van der Meer but it is actually log normal.

(1995), but the 6% figure only appears in the conclusion and

not in the substance of the paper. A possible implication
from the wording in the Joule II report is that the work con- bonate cements are present in the fault zone. This will be
ducted by van der Meer was on closed systems rather than specifically addressed during the GEODISC program.
open systems. If they were closed, as many North Sea fields From these simulations a number of questions require
are, then low rates of storage efficiency would be expected. consideration in terms of how the various studies should be
If that is the case then the upper range of 6%, and how it interpreted, being either mutually exclusive or complemen-
was derived, assumes considerable importance. tary. Perhaps more importantly for GEODISC, how do they
Holt et al. (1995) simulated work associated with EOR apply to Australian reservoir examples given the large vari-
using CO2 in a water-flooded reservoir. In contrast to the ance in permeability? The answer we believe is to do our
work of van der Meer (1992, 1995), they obtained storage own specific reservoir modeling.
efficiency rates of 13–68% of pore volume (PV). Their sim- Reservoir simulation is a case-specific task and no uni-
ulation examined varying injection rates, permeability, and versal number for storage efficiency can be derived. Numer-
dip of the reservoir. Injection rates of 0.4% PV/year gave ous factors including depth, reservoir parameters, supply
high storage efficiency (30%) and at 1.6% PV/year gave and injection rate, remaining fluids, and pressure regime
16% storage efficiency. By varying the absolute permeabil- will all influence the result of the simulation.
ity, Kv/Kh, and relative permeabilities, while keeping the
injection rate constant (1.6% PV/year), they achieved a
range of 13–26% storage efficiency (Figure 8) CONCLUSIONS •
The work being undertaken in GEODISC will develop a
portfolio of potential CO2 sequestration sites for the major
Simulation Assumptions vs. Australian Conditions sedimentary basins of Australia. Fundamental research top-
Numerous assumptions were made in the documented ics that are critical to successful sequestration of CO2 will
simulations, including reservoir conditions where Kv/Kh ra- be undertaken as detailed work is conducted in the more fa-
tio ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 (van der Meer, 1992, 1995) and vorable locations. To adequately assess the sequestration
0.04–0.004 (Holt et al., 1995). This implied that CO2 would potential at a continent-wide scale, methodologies such as
migrate laterally rather than vertically after injection into risk assessment are being applied with development of a se-
the reservoir. The properties for Australian reservoirs indi- riatim for the most favorable locations. The results of these
cate that the modeled Kv/Kh ratio represents the lower 2% studies will have both local and international impact on the
of Australian reservoir conditions (Figure 7). viability of CO2 sequestration. Results to date indicate that
Some of the simulation studies have highlighted a prefer- there is excellent potential to sequester CO2 in all of the ma-
ence for steeper dips to maximize storage efficiency; how- jor sedimentary basins of Australia. Estimates to date from
ever, in practice such structures will normally be fault-re- only 49 sites (ignoring the specific economic viability of in-
lated features not four-way dipping anticlines. Fault-related dividual sites) indicate that there is a risked total pore vol-
structures have a risk of loss of containment because of the ume capacity to store over 1000 times the annual (1998)
potential for leakage of CO2. Even in depleted gas fields emissions of CO2 for Australia. The actual total capacity
with faults in the trapping style, uncertainty exists as to value of sedimentary basins to sequester CO2 is likely to be
whether the fault systems will seal CO2, especially if car- several orders of magnitude higher than this figure.

The authors would like to acknowledge the sponsors of
Mgmt, 36, 535–538.
Holtz, M. H., Nance, P. K., and Finley, R. J. (2001). Reduction of green-
GEODISC: Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO), BHP Pe- house gas emissions through CO2 EOR in Texas. Environmental
troleum (BHPP), BP, Chevron (Aust.), Chevron (Interna- Geosciences, 8, 188–199.
tional), Shell, and Woodside. The agencies contributing to Lindeberg, E., and Holloway, S. (1999). The next steps in geo-
GEODISC include: Australian Geological Survey Organisa- storage of carbon dioxide. In B. Eliasson, P. Riemer, and A.
tion (AGSO), Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Wokaun (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Confer-
Centre (APCRC), Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Re- ence on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (pp. 145–150).
search Organisation (CSIRO), Curtin University, National Oxford: Elsevier.
Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (NCPGG), Magoon, L. B., and Dow, W. G. (1994). The petroleum system—
and the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Consider- From source to trap. AAPG Memoir 60. Tulsa: American Asso-
able contributions and discussions were provided from re- ciation of Petroleum Geologists.
searchers from the agencies named above, who are currently Stevens, S. H., Kuuskraa, V. A., Gale, J., and Beecy, D. (2001).
working on the GEODISC program, including; Barry Brad- CO2 injection and sequestration in depleted oil and gas fields and
shaw, Jonathon Ennis-King, Steven le Poidevin, Victoria deep coal seams: worldwide potential and costs. Environmental
Mackie, Lincoln Paterson, Lynton Spencer, and Denis Wright. Geosciences, 8, 200–209.
Stevens, S. H., Kuuskraa, V. A., Spector, D., and Reimer, P.
(1999). CO2 sequestration in deep coal seams: Pilot results and
Bradshaw, M. T., Bradshaw, J., Weeden, R. J., Carter, P., and de
worldwide potential. In B. Eliasson, P. Riemer, and A. Wokaun
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Vries, D. F. H. (1998). Assessment—Translating the future into Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (pp. 169–180). Oxford:
numbers. APPEA Journal, 38, 528–551. Elsevier.
Cook, P. J. (1998). Carbon dioxide—Putting it back where it came van der Meer, L. G. H. (1992). Investigations regarding the storage
from. Australian Gas Journal, 40–41. of carbon dioxide in aquifers in the Netherlands. Energy Con-
Cook, P. J., Rigg, A., and Bradshaw, J. (2000). Putting it back vers Mgmt, 33, 611–618.
where it came from: Is geological disposal of carbon dioxide an van der Meer, L. G. H. (1993). The conditions limiting CO2 stor-
option for Australia? APPEA Journal, 40, 654–666. age in aquifers. Energy Convers Mgmt, 34, 959–966.
Gale, J., and Freund, P. (2001). Coal bed methane enhancement van der Meer, L. G. H. (1995). The CO2 storage efficiency of aqui-
with CO2 sequestration worldwide potential. Environmental fers. Energy Convers Mgmt, 36, 515–518.
Geosciences, 8, 210–217. White, D. A. (1987) Prospect and play assessment. Tulsa, OK: Oil
Holloway, S., Heederik, J. P., van der Meer, L. G. H., Czernichowski- and Gas Consultants International Inc.
Lauriol, I., Harrison, R., Lindeberg, E., Summerfied, I. R., Wright, D. J., Le Poidevin, S. R., Morrison, G. R., and Thomas, R.
Rochelle, C., Schwarzkopf, T., Kaarstad, O., and Berger, B. G. (1991). Potential from enhanced oil recovery applications in
(1996). The underground disposal of CO2, EC Joule II Programme Australia: Final report: National Energy Research, Development
Summary Report. Keyworth, UK: British Geological Survey. and Demonstration Program project 976: Australia. Bureau of
Holt, T., Jensen, J. I., and Linderberg, E. (1995). Underground Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. BMR Record
storage of CO2 in aquifers and oil reservoirs. Energy Convers 1991/020.


John Bradshaw Andy Rigg
John Bradshaw is project manager of Andy Rigg is the program manager for
Project 1 (Regional Analysis) in the GEO- the GEODISC research program with the
DISC research project at the Australian Pe- Australian Petroleum Cooperative Re-
troleum Cooperative Research Centre. He search Centre (APCRC) and is based in
has a B.Sc. (Honors) and Ph.D. in Applied Sydney. He has a B.Sc. andB.Sc. (Honors)
Geology from the University of New South in Geology (University of Sydney and Uni-
Wales. John is an exploration technologist versity of Tasmania). He has 30 years of
with a regional knowledge of Australian experience in the oil and gas industry. He
sedimentary basins and is employed as a principal research scientist was geological manager for Esso Australia before becoming general
at the Australian Geological Survey Organisation. He has also manager of exploration with Santos. From 1985 to 1997 he was gen-
worked for Esso (Aust.) and on staff exchange for a year with WMC eral manager of exploration for Ampolex Limited. He has been non-
Petroleum and Ampolex/Mobil. He has extensive fieldwork experi- executive director for several listed Australian oil and gas companies
ence throughout central Australia and Papua New Guinea, where he and occupies this position for Timor Sea Petroleum NLNatural Gas
consulted for several years. John has previously run major industry- Australia Ltd. and Methanol Australia Pty Ltd. He is a member of
funded research projects examining the petroleum systems of Austra- PESA (past federal president and distinguished member).
lia. He is a member of GSA, PESA, and AAPG.

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