HKDSE THS Notes - Trends and Issues

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Sustainable lourid

Sustaineble owris
Lonccptof Sustainable Lounrism
It is a pvoLess to mec.t the needs of the present withont (onpvdnisinq the abil1ty of
future qentratons to meet theiv own needs..

DEconomit Sustainability
It means to gtntrateprosperity at ditferent levels ofSOL1ely Ond fo_address the cost
effectiveness ofall eLonomit achvites It is aboul the uiability of enterprits_and
aLtivibesAnd theiv abil1ty to be maintaned in the lonqferm.
t hmeans fo vespect human riqhts And equal opportun1tites for all in SoLiety. It requIr?s_An
equitabledatabution of bentfits with a founs on alltviabingpovety [htre a an ernphass_on
loLa Com munities maintaininq_and strengtheninq tht life Support systems vetognisinq and
Yespecting ditferent cultures and avoidinq any fovm exploitaban
3)Environmental Sustainablity
lt means fo Consevve And manage vesourts., especialy thase thal are nat ventswable. ov are
preLiousin fteems of life support Itvequits atbon fo ninimse pollution of ar landand
water. ond fo Lonsevebiolorcal_divesily And hatural heritage.
VNwro's Definitan of Snstainable Tourism
DMake optinal Se o fenvironmental esources that Lonstitue A key element in
fourism developmLnt. maintaining essential ecoloqiual proceiies and helpmg o conEe
natural hertage And biod versity

2) Respeut the s0LiQ-Cultwal anthentruity of host_commanitres.conserve their bault and.

livin Lustural heritage and fraditional vAluts. andcantibute to inter -Cultura
hnderstAnding And foleranLe

3)Ensinre viable, lona teym eLonomiL operalions providinq SOLiO eonomic benefits fo all
stakeholdevs thalarefavly dutibuted.intludinq stable_ekaplymeni _AndIntome_eanng
Opportunities and social Sevvne fn host communities, and_contibutinq to_poverly alleviation.
ItleAms af Suslaunahilily
DPhysttel nttaiy
To maintam and Cnhance the qualily of landsCapes. both urban andpural and_avod the
physitaland vilnadeqradation of the environnent.
2 Sioloanual Diversily
To Suppor the
conservaliano f hatural areas. hab1tals andwildlife, and minimue damage
to thtn
3) Resoure Efhuitnty
To miniamile tht useof scare and
hon: venewable resourtesin the development and opevatras
towrim faulitiesand Service

Environmtintal lurity
To minimise the pollutron of Alrwater and land and
the qeneration of wAste_ by tounim
eintepries AndviSitors.
5)SoLil Equity-
To Seeka wide spre adAnd faiv distribution of eLon omiu and
socialbenehts fom fourum
throughout the recipient (omm unity intludinqimprovinq opportunities,
htome_0und sevvies
Ovailable fo the poo
6)Visitor Ealfillmenf
Jo provide a Safe Satisfying andfulfillinq expevilnce fov visitorsAvailable io all without
dis.crinination by tnder. vAte disability ov n other ways
To enaaqe and empowey loca comm unitiesin planninqAnd deciAion makinq abaut the
man gement And future development of tourim n ther arra in consa ltation with
pther sake holders.
8) Community wulbeing
Io maintain and strtngthen tht quality_of life in loual_communitres.antludnq soLral stultures
and aLcess to yesourtes._menities and life Supportsysttmiavoidinq any fom of SoC1a
deqyhdation or exploitation.
) Caltural Riuhness
To vespett And enhunethehistoricheritage aulhentictlture traditions and diat1nttveneis
of host
10) Econokmic Vilhlity
To ensure the COnpetitiventss of tourism destinations and enterprises,5o that
vinbility and
they are able toCOntvnue to pvosperand delivey bentfits in the long ferm
n) Local Posperity
To maximie the tontibution of fouris to the economit prosperily_of the host

intludinq t h e poportion of vistor spendinq that 13etainedloLally

12) Employmeni uality Supportedhy tounin, intludinq
To strenqthen the number ahd quality of localohs cveated Gender,
And availablity t o all without distrimination by
thelevel of pay Londitions ofServite
rate. disability ov otherwhys
OUrm And Hospitaliby sSuesnduced by Globalsabon

Glohaluaton and lts Effeuts on ourlam
ommodifiua tonandtlvalsation of local Lultures
tulture is modifica fov (Ommertialisaton
2Americanisatian MtPonald s KEC Starbntks
3Caltura homoqenination/ Loss of Anthenticity
everylhing betowaes id ential.
Leakoqe noneyid leakedoutof the local econoic Systen
sDemanstraton effeut MEPCS influentes its culture /lifestyle to
6 Expansibnof LEDs
maltinational Comp.anies Small cOwmanes are bouqht Dut
) Use _of Western prodacts
Sat1sfyin touvist demands
DYivinqForzes of_Globalxaton
D Technoloqicaldevelopen Cnt
The developinen t o froansportation fechnoloqy has
reduted the tme and monelary
cOst of lonq distance travel by establuhing low
-cost caveies offeving low fares
The apid development of Intevnet technolagy has
pOmotedonline bookin facilitated
Lommunication_and enabled {uavelles fo explove atbrattons online
2)ELonomic divers
Yeoplein westevn countnes have ahigher dspat able intom e and
ann ual days of
VALation. 1hisServtsas push faltov t o pursue internhtional touvis
3) nure ased familiaritywi 0wn LOuntry
Sinte Westerners are moreexperientld and knowledgeable they have become
fammlsar with thev Own Surroundings. Hente,they lool for places that are new
Ond dIstantfom therv cOuntry ofov1gih

Cultural Homoqenisation
J t refevs to thetransfer ol ideas.valuesond festyles af the dominant
COuntries into o.Cher COuntme hroughoul the wovld. Hene. people_in hmajor
fourstsdestinations have SJmilav behefs and lifestyles, housever majory chan
the people'sfraditional lifestyle and the values of the younge4enera tions,
leadingfo demonstration effe
Negative nmpacs of CnlluralhomoqenisAOn
D Lowered divêxiity
2) People will lose theiv 1nttrest in trAvel
Fastosthat CausesCalkuralhomogCnuation

D Demonctraton effect
2) Branqin 1n Westenproducts
3) Extenson of multina bronal Covporations

Mass Iourism and Sustanablty tourishave

beach fOurism and masS_(wintlr spovls
Sulh as mass
MasS tourism
the enviohment dut to the large numbe of visitos.
Created Intense presSure on
natural SCenery a s wll aS CAstd
faulibes have affeuted
The construction of
dAmaqes fo the envivonmen
Resulbo maJs to m
2)Ecoloqucal disrupthon
3Prect dearadation
Linkagetoaloha tourit.
ef_a destination dechnes,it will beLome less popular to
Oncethe quality
o/hers Simlar fourst_atba clions. As a
There fore,they will visitotht.platts whuh
vesult, h edestination will he et with _degraded resources,
unde-utlsed failitie

And unfulfilled husIness Oppov.tunities.

Exploitabion and_Fav Trade

Factors of exploilatoa
LonLSS10ns4iven to multinatjonalcovap.anies
and developes to buld tourijSna
JActs As an 1nentMe fov n te rhatonal investors
developing COuntvies to tourists demands. Hince, tax
jnlrastulture n

vedues qOvenmlnt yeve nueOnd CIb2ens htome


2) LowpAId johs provid ld

Loca people in destination
reas doesh't have specifit qualifuubons and educa tion, and the
and Owpaid jobs/ seasonal jobs are
abSense of training schools Hence, only unguhlifhed
offered t0 ocl people
3 Demand onlacal natural es.orces
Touribm tnvestor may
ablige tht..govtnmtnl.. of the destnabion to follow ther
requtnens ano cOnditions given the lini ted bargaininq powerof the
Ceuntucs. A a reSul. natwal CSources developiog
are exploited
) Econoemiklcakoaqe
Most ef the tourishn operatons re handledby international(ompanieS Suth
providinqthe nbrepatkuge StruiteS to the travelles The loca Omaunity
Only qenerate itte intome from selling handliurafls and
Practses of transportation seruitls
Eoploymtnt of local resident and natives
2) Traning And
olevelopment at local COmmun/lty level
3Afav prile negotra ted in partnership wlth local
A competition behween fore1gn and
5)Shartd tOuri ka revenues U

Benthitsaf tAr trAde fo fouriim enterprils_

)Satshed custunlrs
2A hah quality tourishDOduct
3) A g00d reputabon attraLÚing in reased Consumer fust
rends in ouray And Hospitality


Eonomiual. Aspect
DPupasable unuo mc
It yefcs to minus all of the neucessaryexpenses. Whtn
o Lounbry have
dewehses resulting i n higher_ unbmployment
lew bsiaCasattivibies, the job vatancies

salavies. Hene, dunnq economit downtum. thee will be

rate And vCducbion 1n

declnein tournsm
the eonomy ded1nes, aschne
trafhc intreases. When
luhen the economy pr5persAirline
travel deskusks hst
Dunngrecess jon. the teendis that long haul
trathe d Curtases.
offers pAssenges ithh
Short haul ttavel ntreases. This i because low-(ost Caviees
ess xpensive aIK fres AS COmpartd to full- servile
3 Compehbons Among fowrish veceiuin Counbies
The push. and pull theorycontibutes fo tOunsts making an_atual destinaton
with tll- built Lourisen infrastudture _and the foundation of the ve nan
GDPin Chinahas
fourism the fourst flows intreases As a vesult, a huqe qvowth of
fnelled he explnsion ofthe nidolle classes fo puSue internatonal fravel
Sotio- Cultural hspeut
They pvefer fo escapewinterneather And seet restin4 and elaxing actnherHente
thty tnd to fake longertups than other generatiwns and preftr fravel_ouerstar
to escape from vealty
2)Baby boonBs
They fauou medital touvil_and health tourisn_as wellas seek exittment_by
participabing in adventurefavel In Add1tionthty like fo vistt bmuseums Siqhfieein
Dnd histonal sitesvisits
3)Generation X
They wnt the need of fun_and seek uniqne experitntes n their fravels fhrough
lRisre Advtnture And Sports fourilm They tvy t0 find puodntts that sfles the best
value O monly
Lhey Se.ek nove and fashioinable travelexperienes hy ViS1ting themeparS_gOin
niqht Clnbs and look fovShopping Theypefer h.gh_quality produtts evtn
it they nted
to pay An Add itonal amoun o
Enxicanntntal Aspeut
DClinate change
The Earth 3 SuYfate fem peratures haveVStn dne
to the qveenhouse etelt. IEsults
invinq emperaturesYSinqSea levels. intreased
Rvenb of Rxtvene_weathen et The
devtlopment trend of thefuture 4veen aircraft _and
4ovenm ent's polsty could hopefully
lower carbon d oxide emissions
2)Ehuiron nental Consevation
There at_a tew_fovmsof responsible
travel such as ecotourim qeotoursm responSible
tonris m Sustainable Ouium_ond ethical four ism lE aims to minimse
neanhve impatts,
bring about eLonomic benefits to hoSt communities_and preserve
Caltuvá and naturl
YesOurtes of the destinahon
TechnolaqrLal Aspest
Dmproves aperationa effiueny
Technoloqita advAancesbenefits Sevvite providevs as l l as Customers This because
informatien technology improves COst effectivenes3 provides An ease of purthase
provides more product Intormation and fosters he distribution channels.
2)Global Pistnhuton System
A Computer Keservatio System s used fo store _and vetieve information, and
Conduct transactions velated to travel.
The najor CSR operations that book and sel
fickets to Multiple Avlines known as GPS. 1Eths sevves as a shong network of
database whth provides ap fo date informabon of ditferent kinds of fravel produtts
to travtagtnts
AccommodaCion Settor
EonomiLa Aspec
D Limited-Sexwite hotels Holhday lan Expess Hatel lbii
d0esn't have restawrantO banauet facilites as only _Simple serue_And am Lnities

Are offered to guest. Foy example, business cenbre, a fhtness roo laundry 1aulity
indoor outdoor pool and Small meetingL00ms.Koom kates are uSually on the lowey
end of the stale due fo COyf conscious tvavelles needs.
2 Select- sevice hotels Novotel Hotel Meiopark Hotel
lt otlers {he fundamentals of limited servite hotels _with a selecbion of the services
And Amlnitiesin the catego-y of full- servte hoels o0lm Amenities Can approhth _or
meet {he levels fownd at fall servite_hole_whilekeep1ngpLes low
3)Fall gerile hotels Fou Seasons Sland Shanan-La
offes an abundanl provsran of FAB SCeues in additwn fo selectwe_amentities.
Such as SpAs. elaborate bunguet roons, valet pavking extended roo sevuites tonuerge
Stkuites and hiqh-end FRB outlets
Socio Cultural Aspeuf
D Vete(ans
They chouse_a hotel bused on safety
and seLurity vather than location orfaulhties.
The fauilibes pvovided by the hotel shouldthut recoghue thephysiLal limitabions
of theolder Customers
2) Baby booners
They plaue greuter imporfance _on comfovt value_and qualty of actokmmodatson fo
have high quality Ameniliesand stutes Hene, ihey look at the brandng_of hotel
Valat ptraonal_cartand struiles provnded by the hotel staff
3)(eneration X
Thêy like to stay in a trendy and stylsh_plare They _are _more de mand1ng of
hotel fatil1ties with col and high fech seruiues available to appeal to the
Ounger_ (ustomers.
Thty ant affordable fast foodnternet al and flat-Streen TVs They peher
hottls that ave eas ily aces51ble fo shopping faulities And Souveniv buying They
expett prompt multi Servites provided by hotel staff.
Gxeen hatels
They Are enuiron mentally -fitndly Prop.erties whose
mangers ae eager t o ihst tute
proqras thatSAve watlr, SAve
energy and vedute colhd waste In fhe prods_of
Savinqlnonty to proteut Our Earth.
COnmmdn CteuanCeLufLatbon pLOqras
1Acheving Carbonreduttion
2 Achitvang nergy redutfion
3 Achilving waler redlaction
4 Athieving waste reduchon
Technoloaiual Asperí
Front 0FhLe Applications
2. Back olhie Appliabons
3 Restaurant and
Banquet Management System
4 Guest-related
2)Peopety ManagtrotnlSyatem
It i an ihtearated COmputey System that
jintludes the compu.terisaion of the front
desk DvoLesses and the control of
virtuallyall operations in the hatel. Macros Dpera
And Hotel In formation Systemare two majoytypes
of PMS used by hotts in Hong Kong.
Avnvas and deputwres
2. VIP guests
3 Indvadual reservations
Front Desk and (ashey System
Regstrations and Changes
2 Postinq charaes
3. Paly report
Hosekeeping Sstepms
Daly housekeepin report
2. Chanqe voom statns
3 Inventory
Reseva bion Hodule
Availabil1ty/ foretashing
2. Reservatron recovds
3. Reservation ontivmabions
4 Room pviting
S Revenue munagement
General Managemen(
1 Revenue anhlysis
ues Attounbng Module
2. 0perubinq statsbes
Folio manngemenl
3 Finanual analysis
2. (redit montovin
Gues hstory veovd
3 TranS a chon fvatk1ng

Kooms Management Module

Room Status

2. Registration
asSiqn m ents
3 Rooms
4 Koom rhte informa tron

3)Computenstd keservation System

enables reservation staft fo checkthe voo Availahlity of al hote properties
tme. l
And pexfovwreservations by any terminals under the same hetwort in_real
this systecan redute operabonal costi.
bvings more benehib to hote chainsS i n t e
standardse the qual1ty of veservation SeruLes and eliminate the needs o
Amongstdifitrtnt properties.
4 GlohalDstrhuton Syatem
E is an extend ed yersion ok CRS whith enables hotels And enterprises Sellinq
fravt producta to share ther inven tories in one SIngle dstibution channel. 16 has
Alded Snoolh Seasonality _and An Inreuse in 0CLupunty
Food And Beverage Sector
Etonomiual Aspeut
Due tothe rapid developmenl of Aiv transp.ort 0an nreAse in supply_and deuree
Pies Cultural imperialhs n 0clurs.Cooking expevtscan be retruited bom o t h e
COunties and fo0d can he lmpov.tedlexported to different places of the wove.
How everit Ahreatens the local estauvanls that has been htre the4enerations
1 Change operational pratties
2 Aid n arowth and expansrOn
3. Leavn toadapt to markel chanqes
Souo cLaltural Aspert
They have beLom e morehealth constiaus dueto heallth conLe rhi. 1They appce.ciae i
mtnus with lowey PriLes And Smaller povtions They tend to visit family style
restauranls that ofles seniov di tounl And prefer food that they'e Familar with
2)Baby hoomer
They may like quality food experiences Suth as wine tasting [hey may visit
restaurants that PKovides An aprLale and fo rmal dining experience alongsíde
a famly tnendly atmosphere.
3)Gene rationX
They pre fer fast food andcite branded foodthe most. They wovry with the
Value and tAvouy qurtk servile yestawrants that o fevsall- you Can-eat Salad
hars and buffets.
4 Generation Y
Ihey are more budget constious in thev food choites They opt fov fast-food
and Guick -servite te ns Fov exumple, burger tranthises_and pi22a restanrants
AS thty Ane less ndmed than enerabon X to specrfru brands
Enuironhmlntal Aspect
Types 0f wastes
DDunin preparation
2) Leftove food of mtals
3)Unused food that_hequn fo rol
+)FoodAnd beverage preparation paper, crdboard organit waste, plasbc
Sowces of Nastage n the Food Chaun rore
)Production of food
2)Handling anoStorage of foo
3 Proce3SIinq and packagin of tooa
A Distebubion and marketinq of food
Redutun4 Food Wastage
Practuesfor V

Ovdey yAw matenals 1n appropniateqnantity
2 Ovdev food fron Approved Suppliers
3 Purthase producis with mnimal level
Keteivin and Storage
L InspeLE food qual1ty upon delhvery
2. Lontvel_storage procedures
3. mplement tvst-n first onf praltiSe

Develop daly production plans-
2 Propecly pre pare food
3Make g00d wse ofSurplas food
Provide Smaller portion SI2es

2. Provide eco fiendly take -awhy confalners

3 Remind stom to Avojd over ovdernng
haxiie fax ReducngLEBWaslc doung Peponlion
DUse tuuahleplastuccontaun
21.Previdin ecycling bins nkituhen And restaurantareas
3) Purchase nbulk with low
Replace disposal tems withreusable ones
S)Maninane the use o Canned food And beverage

Different (renerabons and Thev Likestyles

They are willing Ho spend thex money on
realbs tic thnqs and demand a specsal
pvOmotion strateqy They have a few phystual Limitations and less
shaluldprauide Floor hahting hande and ramps KestaArants Should provide_bite
Si2e fo0d and htalthy food Suth as steam frsh, beans and fofu
2)Hulti-4ntration tráxel
FAmly reunion travelln requires thetourism 1hdustey to appeal to he needs of
ditfertnt a4e 4r0 ups. The desbinaton should consistof a dvercsly of Actinty
optionspnd holels shold provide a varntty of chores and food ingrediená
with dstounb oflered jn restawrants
3)Single pArent famly frhvel
Pue to the inrensia4 dvorce rabe a single parenlhas to pay amuth
priLe ihan expected Hene. budget hotels provides reaJonable prELe wsth
childcare serviles_and free meals for younger children. IE allows th category
toehjoy qveat and affordable VALatron.
4)nrease ohe- child foamljes
With the_one-chld polity more focnshas been_put on the s ingle kid in
Suth_fanilies. Hotelssuth as resort hotels would have plenty ef activities
for sbronq bonding between_parents and kid suth as kids Swmming pool
playqround And kids prouramme
) More edutated CIUstOmers
As Custohts have oreexperiCnte and knowledge. thev expectalions have iSen.

move yesearth online fov enrithtd fravel experiente Therefore

Thty Condin An

holtls sholld be able to offer hrgh qualhty in Senuie_and high standard in

food Guality to athitve Customey sabsfaction.

6) Polaruabon o f founss tastes_and spend ng

lUxUryalommodabion whils others
Thereare visltorswho seeks comfort nd
end heeds as they effer
look ov budget travel Boutgue hotels satshes hiqh
alcOmmodation saishes budget
tAilor-made Services o pe:sOhalisation. Home stay
trAvelles needs
7 Emiration_and homeCoJmin4 viSIls
on VaLatson to viSut
Fmiqrants would SuallyCome bhtk to ther_home c0Unty
time and thns
tamlly and trends Thty would Stay fov a longer period af
KtquireALLommodationwith _amonthly ate, lexble housekeepinq serutes
And persohalsed Customer seruilLe.

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