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What you Have to Know about Conscious Leadership.

What is Conscious Leadership?

Conscious leadership is a critical ingredient for developing a successful business. It is achieved by

constant practice. Essentially, conscious leadership entails incorporation of self into leadership. This
quality is characterized by an awareness of the entire organization. This type of leadership aims at
tapping the best out of people.

Conscious leaders focus on the bigger picture of the organization’s growth. Their attention runs
beyond the daily tasks in the business. This makes them good listeners. As a result of this, members
of the organization develop strong trust to these leaders.

What are the advantages of Conscious Leadership?

Conscious leadership helps members of an organization to shift their focus from the distractions of
the present situation. It is natural for people to react to situations around them. However, Conscious
leadership helps individuals form a subjective mindset. With this mindset, your mind will go beyond
the present challenges into the future.

In the long run, when you practice conscious leadership, you will realize that you place more
attention on the results. Indeed, this shift of focus will involve the adjustment of standards and
priorities. As a result of conscious leadership, you will end up making wiser decisions.

Interestingly, conscious leadership will help you to react more to situations that may affect the
outcomes you expected. Conscious leaders are prepared to react calmly to any unexpected
situations. They make quick decisions to deal with these situations.

How do you develop Conscious Leadership?


Conscious leadership is best achieved by having a relaxed mindset. The mind has to be trained to
move above the challenges of the present. Concentration exercises are the best to help individuals
attain this state of mind. Research has shown that meditation helps individuals develop a higher
functionality of their brains. It helps individuals to sharpen their focus. Besides, it contributes to a
reduction in stress and it also enhances creativity. There are many meditation exercises that you can
do. For example, you can sit in silence for about ten minutes, while or you can take a walk.
Whichever exercise you chose, do it as frequently as possible.

Understanding Oneself

Leaders should fully be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. However, conscious leadership
goes beyond this. To be a conscious leader, you must be able to know your thoughts and feelings.
You should also be able to apply these thoughts and feeling to your organization’s projection. For
example, you can ask yourself how you feel about your work. You can also invoke the feelings of
your workmates to increase your awareness.


To be a conscious leader, you must be rational. You must have a reason for every decision you make.
Conscious leaders have a drive. This spills into their private lives. All their actions are backed by
Focus on the four agreements

Jim Dethmer introduces the four agreements in his book, ‘the 15 Commitments of Conscious
Leadership.’ These agreements, he says, are the key ingredient to spice up good leadership. The first
one is the wise choice of words. To be a conscious leader, you should avoid using negative words in
your speech. You should also walk your talk. Conscious leaders practice what they say.

The second agreement is not taking anything personally. People may say and do things that you
might find offensive. You should note that by saying these things, they are expressing themselves as
they are.

Thirdly, avoid assumptions. Probe every situation. Ask questions and seek an understanding of every
situation. Conscious leaders address issues by getting to the root of them.

Lastly, do your best always. Yearn to bring out the best in you every day. You will turn out to be very
valuable if you stick to this.

Keep good Company

The company we keep has an influence over the performance of our lives. Positive influence will
help you develop good character that would make you be a conscious leader. This calls for an
analysis of your company. Eliminate bad influence.

In addition to that, the 15 commitments mentioned Jim Dethmer’s book will help you understand
better what it takes to be a conscious leader.

1. Responsibility: Commit yourself to take full responsibility of your life. Also support others to take
responsibility of their lives.

2. Curiosity: Are you alive to your environment? Are you making any attempts to make things better?
Increase your self- awareness.

3. Feelings: Do not try to suppress your feelings. Never feel sorry for how you feel over
circumstances. Be real.

4. Candor: Always speak the truth. Know what has to be said at specific times.

5. Avoid assumptions: Do not share another person’s weakness to another. Also encourage other
people to avoid sharing other people’s weaknesses. Instead, approach the people themselves.

6. Commit to walk your talk: Always keep your agreements. Strive to bring out the best in you.

7. Appreciation: Commit to appreciate everything in your life. Also make it a habit to always give

8. Genius: Commit to harness your full potential. Also encourage others to bring out their best.

9. Play: Commit to create a relaxed environment. Always have joy.

10. Take control of your life: Commit to seeing all your life become complete.

11. Approval: Commit to accept yourself. This is the first step to develop yourself.

12. Contentment and gratitude: Commit to the reality of what you have. Be grateful for it.

13. Develop allies: Commit to value those who are around you. Never forget that there is something
to learn from everybody.
14. Wholesome success: Always make decisions that will ensure everybody enjoys the success.

15. Provide solutions: Avoid being reactive. Instead, be proactive. Give a positive response to all


Success largely depends on how well we use our minds. The human mind has potential to do much.
The aim of having a conscious leadership is to create a culture of consciousness. This culture
promotes trust among members of organizations. In the long run, the organization will experience
growth and success.

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