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“Infomercial About Bullying”

Leah: Whatever or whoever you are, we cannot deny the fact
that we wanted to have a life that flows just like a river,
or should I say, a life with no struggles. Yes, there is a
good thing in every challenges but in ourselves, we really
wanted to have a life that is full of happiness.
Student 2: Yes, we dreamed to have that kind of life, but maybe
we didn’t realize, that we might be the cause of
someone’s nightmare.
Student 3: School is a place for education and we spent 13% of
our life in this place. It is one of the main source to
learn how to live our lives to the fullest. However, it
can be also the place where challenges and
problems live. Yes, learning doesn’t only occur in
the school since we can also learn outside from it.
In the contrary, the same at school, problems and
challenges will also occur from the outside world.
Student 4: One example of the undying problem is “Bullying”.
It is said that 1 out of 5 students report being
bullied which is equivalent to 20.2 % out of 100%.


Student 5: School bullying, like bullying outside the school
context, refers to one or more perpetrators who have
greater physical strength or more power than their
victim repeatedly by acting aggressively toward their
victim. Bullying can be verbal or physical.
Student 6: Bullying has never been the source of the true
happiness since it doesn’t give good effects to
someone’s life. If you bully someone whether it is
physical or verbal abuse, these two can cause
depression and lowering their self-esteem.


Leah: Anyone might get bullied by their heights, size,

color, nationality, how you talk, who your family is,
who your friends are and what you believe in, it
could be anything that seems to be different.
Whatever the reason is, it’s not your fault. Why?
Bullying happens when the bully has a problem and
unhappy. For this reason, the bully wanted to get
attention or in simple speaking, bullies are attention
seeker, they wanted to be powerful and become
So, what are things that you can do to fight

“Beat A Bully Without Using Your Fists”

Student 2: First thing to do is “Do Not Fight Back!” Return

evil for evil to no one. Fighting back is not they key
to solve the problem, instead you are turning the
candle into a wild fire.
Student 3: Be prepared! Think beforehand what you wanted to
say. When you are doing this, act confident and you
could use humor to defuse this situation. Do not
bring expensive things at school and label your
Student 4: “Always Watch out!” If you can sense that the
bully is coming, it is wiser to avoid him/her. Avoid
places that bullying might happen and always walk
away to prevent yourself. Prevention is Better than
Student 5: “Don’t be Alone” Don’t distance yourself from
others. Make friends with people who surrounds
you that can be trusted. A true friend can help you
when you’ll get bullied. Always remember that
wolves hunt the out of the group sheep!
Student 6: “Be A Voice to Everyone”. Report the situation to
the adults or any trusted people. Seek for help and
do not fight the bully by yourself.

Leah: In order for us to have the best life that we can live,
the positivity must need to come from ourselves. Let
us ask ourselves, are we the bully or the bullied?
Always remember that no one will be bullied if no
one will bully. Always pay attention to our actions.
Do not bully anyone, it will cause catastrophe to
both sides.
Do not be afraid of bullies, because they are also
afraid when the bullied aren’t afraid of them. Always
“Bullying doesn’t make you cool, instead it
makes you looks like a fool!”

Visit “JW.Org” For more info. and find the video entitled:
“Beat A Bully Without Using Your Fists”

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