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Q1. Solve all NCERT questions of chapter 1 and 2 in notebook.
Q2. Complete the below mentioned worksheet in notebook.
1. Why do the electrostatic field lines not form closed loop?
2. Why do the electric field lines never cross each other?
3. Two point charges q1 and q2 are placed at a distance d apart as shown in
the figure.
The electric field intensity is zero at the point P on the line joining them as
Write two conclusions that you can draw from this.

4. Define dipole moment of an electric dipole. Is it a scalar quantity or a vector

5. Draw a plot showing the variation of electric field (E) with distance r due to a
point charge Q.
6. A proton is placed in a uniform electric field directed along the position X-
axis. In which direction will it tend to move?
7. In which orientation, a dipole placed in a uniform electric field is in (i) stable
(ii) unstable equilibrium?
8. Two point charges having equal charges separated by 1 m distance
experience a force of 8 N. What will be the force experienced by them if they
are held in water at the same distance? (Given, Kwater = 80)
9. A metallic sphere is placed in a uniform electric field as shown in the figure.
Which path is followed by electric field lines and why?

10. Point out right or wrong for the following statement. The mutual forces
between two charges do not get affected by the presence of other charges.
11. A dipole of dipole moment p is present in a uniform electric field E . Write
the value of the angle between p and E for which the torque experienced by
the dipole, is minimum.
12.An electric dipole of length 4 cm when placed with its axis making an angle
of 60° with a uniform electric field, experiences a torque of 4√3 Nm . Calculate
The intensity of electric field if it has charge ± 8 nC.
13. An electric dipole of length 2 cm when placed with its axis making an angle
of 60° with a uniform of electric field, experiences a torque of 8√3 Nm
Calculate the intensity of electric field if it has charge of ± 4 nC.
14. Two point charges 4Q and Q are separated by 1 m in air. At what point on
the line joining of charges, is the electric field intensity zero?
15. Two identical metallic spherical shells A and B having charges + 40 and
-10Q are kept a certain distance apart. A third identical uncharged sphere C is
first placed in contact with sphere A and then with sphere B, then spheres A
and B are brought in contact and then separated. Find the charge on the
spheres A and B.
16. Deduce the expression for the electric field E due to a system of two
charges q1 and q2 with position vectors r1 and r2 at a point r with respect to
common origin.
17. The sum of two point charges is 7 microC. They repel each other with a
force of 1 N when kept 30 cm apart in free space. Calculate the value of each
18. Figure shows two large metal plates and P2 tightly held against each other
and placed between two equal and unlike point charges perpendicular to the
line joining them.
(i) What will happen to the plates when they are released?
(ii) Draw the pattern of the electric field lines for the system.

19. Two charges + Q and -Q are kept at points (-x2,0) and (x1, 0) respectively, in
the XY-plane. Find the magnitude and direction of the net electric field at the
origin (0,0).
20. Two point charges + q and -2q are placed at the vertices B and C of an
equilateral triangle ABC of side a as given in the figure. Obtain the expression
for (i) the magnitude and (ii) the direction of the resultant electric field at the
vertex A due to these two charges.
21. Define the term electric dipole moment. Is it a scalar or vector? Deduce an
expression for the electric field at a point on the equatorial plane of an electric
dipole of length 2a.
22. Sketch the pattern of electric field lines due to
(i) a conducting sphere having negative charge on it.
(ii) an electric dipole.
23. A positive point charge (+ q) is kept in the vicinity of an uncharged
conduction plate. Sketch electric field lines originated from the point on to the
surface of the plate.
24. Deduce the expression for the torque acting on a dipole of dipole moment
p in the presence of a uniform electric field E.
25. An electric dipole moment p is held in a uniform electric field E.
(i)Prove that no translation force acts on the dipole.
(ii)Hence, prove that the torque acting on the dipole is given by pE sin θ
indicating the direction along which it acts.

1. Preparation of an investigatory Project for practical examination
2. Complete the Q/A of Haloalkanes and Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers
3. Try to visit atleast one manufacturing unit such as polymer or textile or
Paper or any factory.

Physical Education
According to regular discussions in our classes students need to make RECORD
FILE for the session 2022-23. Record File Content as follows-
Practical-1: Fitness tests administration. (Unit VI Test & Measurement in
Sports) Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school: o Age group 5-8
yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test o Age group 9-
18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach
flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys,
Modified Push-Ups for girls).
Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two
Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
Practical-3: Anyone IOA-recognized Sport/Game of choice (Football, Basketball,
Volleyball, Cricket) - Labeled diagram of Field & Equipment. - Rules -
Terminologies - Skills.

1. Sam has reached the third level as mentioned in the chapter. Develop a
dialogue between Sam and Charley’s grandfather where Sam talks about his
journey to the third level with imaginary stations (at least 3) which fell on the
way and Charley’s grandfather talks about Galesburg and the places of
interest which Sam can visit. (around 15-20 pairs of dialogues) Present it in
the form of  .ppt with pictures of Galesburg of 1894 and imaginary stations
encountered by Sam. Send to your subject teachers by 25 June 2022. (The
Third Level)

2. Make a collage/poster/sketch/painting depicting the impact of Russia-Ukraine

war on human beings and submit in the form of a hard copy to your subject
teacher. (The Last Lesson)


Make Project on the following topics(Any one):

Business Plan
Market Research
Market Survey

1. Prepare the project : select a topic , research and prepare the write up.
2. Read the chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4.
3. Draw the labelled diagrams given in chapter 2 and 3.
4. Solve the chapter end questions of NCERT textbook for chapter 1 and 2.

1. Project assigned
Suggested Topics for Project/ Case Profile:
1. Anxiety Disorder (any one: Separation Anxiety. PTSD, Generalised
Anxiety Disorder, Panic, OCD, Phobia
2. Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence, IQ vs E Q, Correlation between
Grades and IQ, Creativity and Intelligence, Giftedness
3. Self-concept, Self Esteem
4. Personality: Introverts vs Extroverts
5. Bipolar Disorders
6. Schizophrenia
8. EATING DISORDERS (any one: Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa)
9. Depression
10. Autism
11. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
12. Dissociative Identity disorder
13. Psychological Approach to Poverty, Social Disadvantage
14. Interpersonal Distance
15. Personal Space
16. Substance Abuse: Impact on Youths
17 Alcohol and its Consequences or Alcohol dependence
18. Perfectionism: Healthy or Unhealthy?
19. Insomnia / Dyssomnia
20. Stress
21. Claustrophobia
22. Internet addiction
23. Lockdown and Depression
24. Juvenile Delinquency
25. Consumer Psychology

2. Worksheets assigned from Unit 1 and 2

3. Practice Tests Given



Q1. Explain the notion of Self. 3

Q2. Distinguish between Personal and Social Identity giving relevant examples. 3
Q3. Describe Self as a Subject and Self as an Object. 2
Q4. Distinguish between Personal and Social Self. 4
Q5. What is self-Concept? 2
Q6. Explain Self Esteem. 2
Q7. Explain Self-Efficacy. 2
Q8. What is self-regulation? Explain techniques of Self-regulation giving relevant
examples. 4
Q9. How does Indian notion of Self differ from the Western notion of self? 3

Time Paper given to Elective 1
(GRP Students Elective 4 to solve it too )

Time: 1hour MM:20

Q1. Explain giftedness. Write the characteristics of gifted children. 4

Q2. Explain briefly the multiple intelligences identified by Gardner. 6
Q3. To what extent is our intelligence the result of heredity (nature) and
environment(nurture)? Discuss. 4
Q4. Explain the concept of I Q. 3
Q5. What is emotional Intelligence? 3


Time: 2 Hrs MM: 60

Q1. Explain Gardner’s Theory of Intelligence. 6

Q2. What is a Normal curve? 2
Q3. What are verbal, non-verbal and performance tests. 3
Q4. Distinguish between psychometric and Information processing approach. 3
Q5. Explain the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. 4
Q6. Explain the concept of I Q. 2
Q7. Differentiate between Intelligence and Aptitude. 3
Q8. What are Individual differences. 2
Q9. What is assessment? Describe any two methods of assessment. 4
Q10. Define Mental deficiency. 2
Q11. “Intelligence is the interplay of nature and nurture’ Explain 4
Q12. State any two characteristics of emotionally intelligent persons. 2
Q13. How is intelligence viewed in Indian culture? 4
Q14. Define giftedness. 2
Q15. How is creativity related to Intelligence? 4
Q16. How can you explain the variation in the potential of creativity? 3
Q17. Which of the two I Q or E Q do you think is more important6 for success in
life. 3
Q18. Distinguish between simultaneous and successive processing. 4
Q19. Differentiate between test of Intelligence and creativity. 3

Class 9 Artificial Intelligence
Watch the video and Write the answers of the questions given below
(Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Part 1 | Class IX (CBSE)- 417 BY Learning

This video throws light on:

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
2 Who coined the term Artificial Intelligence?
3. What are Applications of Artificial Intelligence?
4. Add at least 2 applications to the one told in the video
5. Name Best Robots in the world
6. Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence

Class 8 Game Coding in p5.js editor

Create a Pong game (bouncing ball and a paddle in the bottom) add scores when
the ball touches to paddle in p5.js editor. Connect paddle movement with
keyPressed function.

Class 12 Computer Sc. 083

Solve all the SQL queries given in the end of chapter UNIT 3 SQL on the online
editor and write them in the notebook.

Class VI

Make a Quiz (powerpoint presentation) where each question has 4 options. Amongst
the given options, only one option should be correct.  The presentation should
display whether the user has clicked on the correct option or not. 
Topic - Science Chapter MacroNutrients
No. of questions - 3 self made questions

Class VII

Find out the difference between a web site, web browser and a search engine. Make
a Canva page to clearly list the difference along with at least 2 examples for each.

Class X

1. Make complete Workspace of Maya in your notebook along with proper heading
and labels for each panel/window. Also, write one characteristic for every
panel/window created in the workspace.
2. Find answers to all multiple choice questions given in class for Chapter Self-

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