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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to Sally’s daily routine and tick () the correct option. [áudio aqui]

1. Sally always wakes up at 4. She usually goes to school

a. 6:45 a.m. a. on foot.

b. 7:00 a.m. b. by bus.

c. 7:15 a.m. c. by car.

2. Then she has a shower and 5. In the afternoon she

a. brushes her teeth. a. goes to the park.
b. makes her bed. b. plays video games.
c. gets dressed. c. does her homework and studies.

3. After that, she 6. After dinner she

a. has breakfast. a. watches a film.
b. gets dressed. b. reads a book.
c. brushes her hair. c. chats on the phone.

B Listen again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? [áudio aqui]
1. Sally usually has breakfast in the kitchen.
2. School starts at 7:45 a.m.
3. She has piano lessons three times a week.
4. She goes to bed at 9:30 p.m.

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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the text about Sally and her family.

My name is Sally Ferguson and this is my family.

I’m eleven years old and I’ve got a brother. He’s
fourteen and his name is Dylan.

We live with our parents in Vancouver, Canada.

We attend the same school and we always take
the school bus.

My father’s name is Phillip. He’s forty-two years

old and he is a history teacher in my school.

My mother is Francesca. She’s Italian but she

lives in Canada. She is a photographer and she’s
forty-four years old.

My parents are great cinema fans and we usually watch films together.

My brother and I are very different. He is very tall and athletic. He has got short straight brown hair
and big brown eyes. I’m short and slim. I’ve got long wavy blonde hair and small green eyes.

We both love music. I play the piano and he plays the guitar. I have piano lessons twice a week.

We have got a cat and a parrot. Our cat, Cleopatra, is black and has got green eyes. Our parrot,
Romeo, is very noisy.

A Complete the table in note form.

1. Dylan’s age
2. Phillip’s job
3. Francesca’s nationality
4. Sally’s hair
5. Sally’s eyes
6. Cat’s name

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B Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.
1. Sally is fourteen years old. _________________________________
2. She has got an older brother. _________________________________
3. Sally’s father is Italian. _________________________________
4. Sally’s mother is a teacher. _________________________________

5. Sally’s parrot is noisy. _________________________________

C Answer the questions about the text.

1. What’s Sally’s surname?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Where do Sally and her family live?
_________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. How does Sally go to school?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. How often does Sally have piano lessons?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. How many pets has Sally got?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

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Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


A Complete the sentences with family members.

1. My grandmother’s husband is my _______________________.
2. My uncle’s wife is my ______________________.
3. My father’s daughter is my ______________________.
4. My uncle’s son is my ______________________.
5. My father’s son is my ______________________.

B Label the photos with the correct jobs.

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________

C Complete the table with the countries or nationalities. Follow the example.
Country Nationality

Portugal Portuguese

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A Complete the sentences. Use the possessive case.

1. Carol__ bike. 3. Thomas___ guitar.
2. My parents___ house. 4. The children___ toys.

B Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns or possessive determiners.
1. My parents are teachers. ____ are very hard-working . _____ names are Paul and Mary.
2. My brother and I are twins. _____love sports. _____ favourite sport is tennis.
3. Dorothy is from England. _____ lives in London but _____ favourite city is Barcelona.
4. Paul is my best friend. _____ is a great football player. _____ favourite colour is green.

C Complete the sentences. Use possessive pronouns.

1. This is Dylan’s guitar. It’s ______. 3. Sally and Dylan’s dogs are ______.
2. That is Sally’s piano. It’s ______. 4. I have got a blue bike. It’s ______.

D Put the words in the correct order to write sentences.

1. Sally / piano / twice / a week / the / plays /.
2. My / wakes / at / 7 o’clock / up / brother / usually / .
3. I / games / rarely / play / video / .
4. are / We / for / never / late / school / .
5. is / Miss Sunshine / happy / and / always / kind / .

E Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sue __________________ (like) apples but she ____________ (not like) bananas.
2. They usually _________________ (go) to bed at 9 o’clock.
3. My friend Luke _________________ (not play) handball. He ______ (play) football.
4. “______ you _______ (live) in Lisbon?” “No, I _______. I ______ (live) in Azeitão.”
5. “______ she _______ (play) the violin?” “No, she ________. She ______ (play) the piano.”

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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Write about your daily routine.











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