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I : SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION the grapes.(VAIN) 1. The fox was unsuccessful in rea +The fox tried in vain to reach the ge 2. The crops were badly affected by the storm, (E +The storm had a badly effect on the crops. rr net : badly oyeced + ove 0 body gyect on 3. The project received w approval of the committee,(FAVOUR) “The whole committee wasiwere in favor of the project. unonimars approval * tn fore 4. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn't tell anyone that he had been in the prison avorD) the was sorry he hadn't said goodbye tb eee regretted not saying goodbye to her They ated to find out They didn’t succeed 2A. Mest tres will a6 ‘owt sores will accept ered card ovum avoid tooth detay by brisig your t 3) Sonat hice expressions make me think of my brother. (REMIND) 38) at the airport. the airport. solution to the problem. tive (0 cash. egularly. (PREVENT) is bridge was built? (OLD) When do you think ¢ How old do you think this bridg 3B) ‘That old typewriter is not worth repairi paving, that old typewriter is pointless (Fo) ‘Thicy share a lot of hobbies and interests. (COMMON, nd interest in common 2. (POINTLESS) 7 They havea lot of hobbies 28 29. MO, 3. @) & @) © 38. 39. 40, 41.) A don't re This train should have left 30 minutes ago. (ME = This train was meant to Feave 30 minutes ago, The president arranged for me to use his chauffeur-driven car whenever I liked. (DISPOSAL) +The president placed/put his chauffeur-driven car at my disposal. 052 St whonover db bko = place / The painting és worth $28,000. (VALUED) cath « vatued = The painting has been valued at $25,000, This passport ean be used im most countries: by igen = bo voldyer “This passport be valid for most countries. My hank manager and I get on toxether very well. (TERMS) 04 cn well = be onqood terms +1am on very good terms with my ager. That hotel is bit foo expensive for us, + That hotel isa bit beyond At . Absolute secrecy was erucial to the suceess of the mission. “Without absolute secrecy, the mission wouldn't have succeeded. Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded. “Hardly had he arrived home when a water-heater exploded. Jocsn't realize how serious her husband’s operation is going to be. +Little does Rita realize how ... A waiter spilled soup over Lydia's new dress last night. «Lydia had some soup spilled over her new dress by a waiter last night. Ic was the goalkeeper that saved the match for us. —+Had it not been for the goalkeeper, we would have lost the match. Tim insisted on being told the complete story. NT) at pedtats d sposal (REACH) Jane's husband will be returning from South America quite soon. aihailene, oi sit won't be long after Jane’s husband returns from S.A. a long ayer The permit expires at the end of this month. pxpite = nchvatid “The permit isnot valid after the end of this month. ly like her, even though I admire her ac Much as Ladmire her achievement, I don’t really lil Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second svements, ~-Only when A. and C. had their second child did they decide to move to a bigger house. Martin may not be very well but she still manages to enjoy life. Martin's poor health doesn’t prevent/stop him from enjoying life. ‘The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the At on overage Adj = overage MQ —The average depth of the Pacific Occan is greater than that of the Atlantic. Cad) > 6 Under no eireumstanees should you phone the polie * unchr na circunstances = ‘he fost thing couldn't find George anywhere. src} nd» bo oakare tobe yaund George was nowhere to be found. Provided your handwriting is legible, the examiners will accept your paper. provide (prowling So long as the examiners ean read your handwriting, they will aecept your paper. So long as ‘There are a lot of people depend on hi He has a lot of dependants. 1 /sb dapard on vb = sb have 0. oj copandorts J daren’t turn on the television because the baby might wake up. (FEAR) I daren't turn on the televisi The teachers There wa interest rates are +A reduct 1 don't perso —The last thing you should do is to phone the police. Ww cave = Jo" ror) new methods c situation may improve. (REDUCTION) ¥y improve the economic situation, not. (MATTE! It doesn’t n come or not. Local residents said they v st the new traffic scheme. (DISAPPROVAL) —sLoval residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic se reducer in qs ) (nc parsenally core « do (nd )-mottar eS ) Why isn't this TV working? 1 hat is wromg with this TV? 48, May Hhorrow your pen? +Hould yow lend me your pen? We must do something about the problem even if it costs a fot. +Cowly as/though it may be, we must do something about the problem. We should ban the use of pesticides, but we should also restrict the use of other chemicals. “dn addition to banning the use of pesticides, we should also restrict the use of other chemicals. You might fall ifyo Re careful or you will fal cdiately after his arrival, things went wrong, +No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong, Although Nam was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him. + Despite Wis being the stronger of the two, Nam was soon overpowered by The only reason the party was a success was that film star attended, Had it wot been for us film star, the party wouldn't have been a 6 +Galileo is regarded as the father 0 ttacker. ilo in considered to be the father of modern astronomy. be cenaidwc 10 be + be reqarchd as nodern astronomy isto train hard every day. The only way you ean become a goo +Only hard every day ean you become a good athlete. He speaks more persuasively than his brother. -He isa more persuasive speaker than his brother. He can hardly vead at all. (VIRTUALLY) : He is virtually unable (0 read. Fordly ¥ ata = wrbally unokla oF 66. He can speak French well enough to go tothe conference. (FLUENT) speak lonquoga well ~-Mis French is fluent enough to go to the conference. ia a 67. Mis arrival was completely unexpected. (TOOK) af op er § lus His arrival took us completely by surprise, Un®“Pactec! = take by supare 68. ‘The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness. (ONSET) ee Th te oe mre afelinge shown by a feeling of fantness. Re yr vai] = Racnse'a 69. Me began by giving us a summary of his progress 0 fir. OUTSET), 9.9 fo /dorttoV = ot hu of! erAt the outset, he gave usa summary of his progress so far. 4, Acan antidote to their disappointnient, he bought them ice-cream, (OFFSET) “To offset their disappointment, lie bought them ice-cream, ‘an ontdde to sh = togat FA. Itwas Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobaceos into England. The English owe the introduction of potatoes and tobaccos to W. R. aued to ob That rumour about the politician snd the construction contract is absolutely false vice fe absolutely no truth in tt rumour about the politician and the construction contract. 73. He was sentenced to six month vile received a six month sentence for his part in th 74, You can eat as much as you Tike for $5 at the new luneh-bar. ‘here ix no limit/restrietion on how much/what you cat for $$ at the for hi part i the ODE: agra to tse nj obbery 5 epcone a tra Stanan arf osruchos ole fare sro / bon on Raw much sv 76. You think that ft people are allyl, Dut YOU BFE WOME ay “Contrary to what you think, fat people aren" The einnel rarely allows appe aay dace the ouncao apps ain i Fens aacat good at aathematics. (FIGURES) 900 29 ahood jo pquss eaten ee ! J think we ought to permit him to do whatever he chooses, (HAND) qv: orm bond + think we should give hirm 9 free ha perv) th tor whotovar + choote $1, Margaret was offered a place on the co coutdn’t accept because she was ill. (TURN) +Margaret was offered a place on the course but had to turn down because ... 82, You'll just have to take a chance. (POT) +You'll just have to take pot nek. (Take pot luck: Anthi) foto o chanea » Hoke pot duck BS. Assombling the furniture is extremely easy. (PLAY) ih le Assembling the furniture Isa child's play fos ewe pd (A) I resoat the way that she clearly feels herself to he superior to me. (NOSE) veo dosh sD resent the way that she fooks iwi her nove at me, 8 attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF) to charge = 10 turnover a naw f have to turn over anew leaf if you want to succeed. " e 86, Many species of wildlife are threatened with extinction. (VERGE) be Frvatened with N > cr Ra verge an 1 species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction. im blew the roof off the house “The house had its roof blown off by the storm. BS.) ‘This is the quickest way to get into the town centre. There is no quicker way than this to get into the town centre. ved. (SIGN) ae Aner tra hour there waa all ne slgn of the bride, CraOrwe « Coe) Shea ‘Rosa found the heat quite intolerable. (BEAR) Rose couldn? bear the heat, 93. You were rude to that woman's husband, and she's upset now. p, ¢atue naan er wanutvhaschuaad yore rode wepatan, } "228 94, Are they likely to pass Proficiency’ . it a !Is there any likelihood that they pass Proficiency? Coc) Ukely to V > forais (no) likelihood Fat 6.000 pounds is a better offer than you have ever had before. “Vout have never had an offer betier than 6,000 pounds before, 96. Harry paid 50 pounds a week for bed and breakfast. gh poy jor tho stcost sb +Bed and breakfast cost Harry 50 pounds a week. eer 97 98. Be careful not to waste water. (ECONOMICAL) Be economical with water acc 99, Welhaven't sold many ears this month. (DEMAND) pf sala mony ca « be Ute cond jr cor “There has been litle demand for ears this month ‘ 100. Theaccident.sictimwas-havinginereasing.diffieulty:in-breathing, (DIFFICULT) ; a 101, Hetty is very happy to look after handicapped people. Me erased to looking after handicapped people, P#d%2Rd ‘© = Sevan Foppy (62) The devorators have finished the whole of the first floor. | Rove /qpt ah PF “live have had the whole ofthe first flour Finished by the decorators. } you want my adviee, I would forget about buyi house. ip were you, | would forget abort buying 2 new how The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition. Eliminate: chimditt oni: by united opposition can we eliminate world terrorism. 105, Evers body made fan of him because he'd lis hair eut so short. (MICKEY) ake yuna, sb ‘abe fe M Ererybods took the Mickey out of him because he had his hair cut so sho 106, 1 felt stupid when I realized What 'd done. (FOOL) ,,,\ ioe tat ach tool when tvclced what Fé done,” #2 #74" ay ‘cnerucat wih, Muckay af 9, a 107. She was very relieved when she realized that her hag hadn't been stolen. (BREATIIED) oShe breathed a sign of relief when she realized ... 108, Wout you like to contribu “Wath you Tike ition fe HM ea 109, Products which seem to ack credibility are not pop Weegee rhe = There is no eall for products which seem to lack credibility. be. (00 prpulor so (od call jar 110, ‘echt skits wre need to operate this mew machinery. (DEMANDS) “Operating the operation of this new machinery demands technical skills, M11. We have run out of small sizes. (STOCK) -We have no smal sizes in stock, / We are out of stock of small sizes. / Small sizes are out of stock run ait g th = hove nowh instock = be as 9 tockq sh» ch be ata fock 112, Intl probability we will finish the project on Thurstay. (CHANCES) yo ty sys thachones deter 138. She complains far too often for my liking. (FREQUENT) +She makes frequent complaint about my liking, Corplain jor too qtanyer st» eraka.jrequent weople necept that a storni is inevitable, (RESIGNED) caglants obad # © people are resigned to the fact that a storm is inevitable, O¢cOPt = by reqaad 42 Fe oct et (G40) he fridge is completely empty. (LEFT) s nothing left in the fridge 148, Money is of little value on a desert island. (COUNTS) +Money counts for little in the i Be oy bia volueen: count yor Gla un 146, Can you tell me where the Midland Hotel is? (DIRECT) +Can you direct me to the ... 42! uharo pla » direct sh ploce 147. The P Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement. (FIT) st coppropeate to¥ sa | Fock, ime Minister saw/ thought fit to make a statement. 0V JAS, I'd rather we started at seven, (PREPERE : —+My preference was for a seven G49) The accident wasn’t his fault. BLAME) _ +He wasn’t to blame for the acid 30) attuouzh ne seems friendly, he's not to be trusted. Friendly as he may seem, he's not to be trusted. Not until the body was found did the polie believe her 11 was only when the body was found that the police believed her. 152, “Whatever you do, don’t give up hope” they sid. yeosd (od) ~-They urged me not to give up hope 183. Serre rOpITTEDYUropainteeeerrenrTrTeretiypE Companson — Nav as many people live to retirement age in in Britain, December 12 rather = propronce bayor N si 154, We have no seats left for the eoneert : ' All the seats for the concert on December 12" have been booked, 40+ eosee'3 la! = all es ‘The foreigner declared his innocence. (DENIED) clectare. woe nfan , wnocence. wu trng books —The foreigner denied knowing anything about it, } Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer. (SUCCEEDED) --Only Jane succeeded in producing the correet answer. 157, An open fire can’t be compared to/with central heating. (COMPARISO! arrnor ln aomparton between an open ve and ental heating. | CSrPERSEN bev / ono 158. There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. (BOUND) woh That young man is bound to fal in this test 159, doa seared torte WineWhatreattytiought: (COURAGE) gaurogg (o) “1 didn't have enongh courage to tell him what I realty thought, Hot, Teachers think that hard work good for you. HARM) by gg yo Teachers think that work does/causes you no hart. ; 162, Becauseof-thedelay:wemissed-our connecting flight. (MEANT) 1 (HELP) take some of i) | 164, Most people regardeDrePetersae bing the best surgeon in his field. (WIDELY) j i Dr. Peters ts widely regarded as beiny ... 163. Don't wait to be asked if you want u sandwiel —-Hlelp yourself to a sandwich. sisi denials lat 165. dhe Prime Minister was determincdtoremaimineflige: othe Prime Minister hadwo intention of resigning wllice Tdon't know the first 166. raw the fog obad = be utterly «qreraxt 167 ¥ shoul have been severely punished students deserved severe panishivent for their ristous behaviour : 168. esare that the whole thing will haye been next term, *e choncas ore thes WM y/ikelihood the whole thing wil nal robe I Utel hod 9 ninly a he fs remarkably ae, ks ungainly, aby aie, 170. The numbers of ears on the rods must he reduced. (DOWN) “W th her of ears on the roads, 171. datereapting when someone issponking is rude. (CUT) on all pro (169) Despite his un Although he | raduca = cat dasa on re cut off. (BACK) lectricity supply. 172. We have an emergency electricity supply in ease w cox 1M we are cut off, we ean fall back on our emergenes 173) We've decided to leave early tomorrow ng to set off carly tomorrow morning, 174, I know you are hiding something fr ng back from Friday. Iv rsday or Friday, | tome, (DIFFERENCE) Paifference to me (PROGRESS) irprose o fot » make qrvat | good prowess —-Amanda has made great/good progress ce enrene otek eee ras completly unex —-His appearance was beyond our expectation, P8424 = haond aur arpectahen 180. Hes by no means smart boy. Soe ee He is not completely a smart boy, 4 °2 "#006 = oct coral» ec cxrtor 181 ak foram that hence. org fa N= vue tu = assume that he is 182, He won't let anyone toueh hs reeords, (OBJECTS) —+He objects to anyone else touching his records, #4 tO 4b Ving 183, He didn't think much ofthe musical show yesterday. ~ Head a low opinion ofthe mil show yesterday (asa) The concert was not as good as he had hoped. (EXPECTATIONS) — The concert failed to comelive up to his expectntions. 185. Thretmasieteachenwastheotynremberofstatfnotitonttendtheconcert, (1 CEPTION) nd thick «auch a = hove 0 Cow opinion 186. The impression most people have of him is that he is a good singer. (REPUTATION) + He has a reputation 187. He is suid t0 be a very good violinist. (COMES) ' over/across as a very good violinist. f the,concert because we had overslept. (CONSEQUENCE) as 0 consequent vn nning of the concert asa consequence of oversteeping. 5) — because op /7 226,) It was touch and go whether he recovered or not. (BALANCE) sb bock wp S “lt was in the balance whether he recovered or not. Which atthe two books would you prefer? (RATHER) “Which of the two books woul you rather read? 228, These hooks have been lent by the British Coun Hb These books have been on tan fom the Brith Cou 229. Lough a par of shoes this morning, They est 40 pounds. =+This morning spent 40 pounds on a pair of shoes. cost « sb epand on st (LOAN) 4 be last by ib Mt = st bo library. * 4 on toonyor shit 230. Mrs. Wilson says she is sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. send sh apologies rs. Wilson sends her apologies for not having attended the meeting yesterday > 21. most nine month sine stopped subscribing to that magazine. og Je at mb soph months ago. Si %! + tot Canberra, L wrote a letter home, ie 234. What Rachel does in her spare time doesn’t concern me, (BUSINESS) 5 «nana sh buns It’s none of my business what Rachel does in her spare time. nd onear 4 235. The final version of the plan was quite different form the initial draft. (RESEMBLANC ~The final version of the plan bore nofitl resemblance to the initial draft boxe ear crgyosance fo 236, They feel the same way about each other. (MUTUAL) — Their feeling about each other is mutual. : ate 237. The bottle must not be laid on its side. (UPRIGHT) got be oid! an fs side = ba kept (I = The bottle must be kept placed inn upright position. on ope psn . Not many peopl attended the mecting. (TURNOUT) |g “There was a poor turnout for the meeting. no! mony oer turnout igapore more than any other countries in the world, ~Singapore is the country I'd like to visit most. 240. She listens more sympathetically than anyone ese L know. “she isa person who listens more sympathetically than anyone ese I know. casuals ai , (CALL) tov ave the club, (REGRETS) he end, [elt had been right to : Ta eve no Figeds abait Ying wad mo eet about leaving the lb in the a (KNOWS) Ifsou don't apologize immediaccly, I'm leaving”, she told him. (THREATENED) ‘She threatened to leave if he didn’t apologize immediately. KI 350) 7 — When sire we suppo 257. His memory gradually failed as he grew old, 1 with you for the weekend 1e up for the weeke hey are letting the well-known pang, “The well-known gang leader is be Is this the only way to reach the city « any another way to reach the city center? Isn't thet Thave never seen sich a mes my life have T see The weat *There will probably be to change Vd made up my mind, bx last +H'd made up my Teouldn’t help V've never seen anyone play so skillfully before, (MUCH), I've never seen anyone play with so much skill before. P! the books we ordered last week? (SUPPOSED) ed to collect the books ... (wun te Mt n the weather. minute Host my co mind, but atthe fast minutes I gotta cold feet, h 2 when he fold me of his plan. (A STRAIGHT PACE) n't Keep a straight face when he told me of his plan. Con tbolp daughing > con't kaze o sroxght Sean + fee apt fa vprtan 19 (IMPRES +The older he got, the more his memory failed him. | 258. ‘Phe house has got everything-except for # largegarden. (LACKS) rly think she w ~—.There is little likelihood of her giv 260. 261. 268, 266, No ot 1's a foregone conclusion that Mausell will win this ye The only thing that makes this job worthwhile i th 7 In’t be worthwhile. |) He did the puzzle in two He found the solution to the puzsie in two minutes. My brother is not feeling terribly well. (UNDER) I remained neutral during their dis +1 didn't take sides during their diva A great many people will congrat —-She will be showered wit ‘m annoyed with he thought she had paid the bill bu 1¢ blew the roof off the \The ‘This affair doesn’t concern you. — This affair is no concern of yours. That dress has only the slightest mau —-1 can barely see any marks on -JJere it not for the money. the jo Jing you a pay rise. she hadn't house. ved! recently. (IMPROVEME? service recently ‘out of prison tomorrow. (RELEASED) (a! #6 cu! 9 sed! From prisa SION) Jay 60 slay 8) 11 be probably nett chonep * lence. ( | Dal compansen 4 pay rise. (LIKELIHOOD) “She was convinced that she had paid the bill but she hadn't, (268); ‘ left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting -- Rather than disturbing the mecting, [left without saying goody 316) The thief must have come in through the window. nie thief almost certainly eame in through the window 31 Driving at that speed is dangerous whether you aren experienced + However experienced a driver you are, driving a that speed isd (HB) The play isso popular that the theater i likey to be full every night. — Such is the popularity of the play that the theater is likely to be full every night. 319) All of you are likely to be able to enter college. (CHANC ~The chances are that all of you will beable to enter col 320, -y is clear and logical. (STANDS) theory stands to rease 321. Don’t panie about something so trivial. (MOUNTAIN) Do ‘out of the molehill. 322, Mass tourism has been one of the causes of the problem. (BLAME) Mass tourism is partly to blame for the problem. Teaching doesn't really suit her. (CUT) «She isn’t really cut out for teaching. caham spends all his time doing research. (DEVOTED) —-Grahani has devoted all his time to doing research, ©) You must aecept the fact that she bias left you. (RESIGN) ourself to the fact that she has left you. You must resi 326, My friend took no notice of my advice, (DEAF) je vas just as good ws they had thought, (CAM age came up to their expectations en ‘cil not annowntee the decision formally m was made’ given, {inant © Pay such a high price, he had no choice. rm rice, he hiad no choice. ors got so angry that they had to eancel the foot Sach waa the anger of the apectatere thas Feel They arrived af the station with only-n minute tos -athey arrived at the station in the nick of time. 434, She had completely forgotten him, (MIND) $6 “lle was completely out of hei ug. Them hem 136, Why you 1s Jackie to the party? (OBJEK 's your objection to inviting Jackie to the party’? _7. She is (00 busy to go shopping. (HANDS) ~sShe has her hands full so cannot yo shoppin, 338. Just thinking about his face at th matkes “The very thought of his face at th makes m 489. Their chanees of suecess are small, -sI1's not likely that they will succeed, “Mi, I’ve considered the advantages and disadva ve weighed up the pros and cons [ML This liouse is very different from the little flat we used to live in. (CRY) This house is a far ery from the little flat we used to five in, ML [really want to see her again, (DYING) -Lam dying to see her agai slowly coating the edge of the shore. Of the shore was becoming covere ¥y not be able to give the concert —The concert may have to be cancelled. Mé Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness. ~ Alan's illness wars the result off caused by her Working too hard at the office. (CONSEQUENCE) ss re. (NICK) nd ds me of my uncle, (BEARS) laugh. laugh, mome ces and ve decided not to go. (WEIGHED) wy, MA. There is no point in your phoning Caroline ~ sh ay, gt isa waste of time phoning ~ Who will inherit the estate? (HEIR) gp, hh ti the heir to the estate? ‘0. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (CALL) He likes people to call him “Professor”. The brochure gives hardly any useful information, *Precious little useful information is given in the brochure, That reminds me of the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji, ~That takes me back (o the time 1 climbed to the .. Myou find it necessary, you number. ~Sliould you find it necessary, YOU © 351, $8. My sriewa persuaded me to go to the party in faney dress. 355, Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you. Iris at Mr, Foster's request that 1 write this letter to you. 356. He gave me a detail necount of the ope : __Such was her attractiveness that every. 389, Despite the lak of ther financial support, we will have t sp SHE hve ee nae saporto tne No rm nae eon he nly promises won"t cat any ee with her B91, ‘The boy doer whatever bi “obedient way. (ATFENDANC ~The boy dances attendance on his father. 392, They have arranged tose the director tomorrow “They have made arrangement to see 393, I really regret to have lathe opportuni to get the promo 1 really regret to havermissed the boat foget the promot 394, He was finaly able to adjum himself othe Rew working co He finaly oti tes ro working condition 395. His 2 ‘now having an operation. (KNIFE) iis grandfather fs now 2396, His action wus ncomprelensibie te is parents. (LOSS) Cis patenis were ots loa wen they (let wassraten 397, You didwt attend yesterdays cis so you can’t do thin exercise now de ued ya aise yutrcag eka so cu oe ar 398. It will be necessary for him to try harder if he wants to win the prize. A ie wit have vey bavder In order foi We pea 309, Theses ovone here who would not ike toe in Sour plac. (BUT) aivjercts noone heve but would ike fo bein your space 400. You are broke. So am I. (BOAT) weyou are Broke. 1am fa thes 401, They fell in tove when they first Hey fell Tove at frst sight 402, We continued waving until the "wwe continued waving until het 403. We haven't heard from him for ages. (TOUCH) ost ouch with hie forages £00 ere dein have been ding something terrible while we've been out. (UP) aoe ce snuaren tare bedi gestagup ieaouelting tabs j 405, Vea , to hear that her condition was not serious. ipaes nth geen relief to ear that her 406. It is more than likely that she will suceced as an actress. Sie nas good ehance of succes as an sclress. 407, You must concentrate on your work mor yey must apply yourself to your work mre. ry out the project. Is morning. (ARRANGEMENTS) mn, (BOAT) ¢ boat. 1 each other. (SIGHT) in could not be se was out of si any more. (SIG! Pome 408. Ifyou weren't born in this country you ean’t vote in the election, _ police caught the burglay jy Mine barat “deny Fhe Tee IIMDY thie eee” Sent dang OAWNED) yw "sce 1 gr tet out OF bed on the jel uncomfortable in the hae 2a tate a th ont ek juss there when they admit “They admitted the (ruth in my 4 Shave done next to nothing wai am Hot t0 be disturbed 4 “Under no circumstance You will eventually appre, sin inte You will appreciate w 4 rd rather you didw’t go, “I'd prefer You not to go, 4 They'll arrive soo -ir won't be long before they arrive ‘There is a rumour that you stole it “Iris rumoured that you stole it 3 Lean't find the answer without ealeukuor. (OUT) 1 can’t work out the answer without a calculator ai, [didn’t expect to see Tim there! (LAST) ~The last person I expected to see there was Tim, Everyone who spoke to the victim isa suspect. (UNDER) Everyone who spoke to the victim is under suspicion This is none of your business! (DOESN"T) —-This doesn’t concern you! next move. (DO) { didn’t know what he was going todo next. Iwas only when T checked that I noticed the tyre was flat. (DID) Only when I checked the tyre did I notice it was lat %, Please inform the relevant authorities at once. (DELAY) -Please inform the relevant authoritics without cl She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard ~ However hard she works, she never seems t0 succeed &. Andrew is the most generous person I have ever met. “ve yet to meet anyone Who is nerous than Andrew. °. Tnever thought that I would win a prize. sd win 0 pre lla never crossed my mind that Would MINT es oop) don't think the television’s Tike ee np at any minute. ~sThere i little likelihood that the elevision wit io y This ear only cost me five hundred pounds. 210% ~! picked this ear up for only five hundred Ph Sonicone paid five thousands powssls for INT “The painting went for five thoussnds PON ‘e made neither a profit wor les We have broken even this ye 19 1967 programs began to be trast ~1967 saw the advent of the transm'S «the truth. PRESENCE) (EVEN) stor. (ADVENT) “lor. nitted in sion of programs k after the operation aa - would feel 30 963 Simon hadn't expected that he 436, He dian’ previ “Hemade nave 437. Wescreall abode y henna 438. Hind 1h fate an neat tehastou quite incompretensibe. L088) 49, aes ters Maro bhavioue seriousness of the erime. (PROPORTION) i. len way out of proportion tothe e yaa atl Owe problems are only just beginning (ICEBERG) 441, HOM Reulems are just the tp ofthe ceerg arian as Hot Riven details of the company's new projects. (DARK) Homas was kept in the dark about the eampany’s new projects. 442. Tas (on seared to tell hin what I realy thought. (LACKED) © 10 tll him what f really thought. 448. The police ended the fighting between the 2 gangs by arresting the leader. (STOP) +The potice put a stop to the fighting 444. Colin's inary tose the etting 440. Von afraid o (es from his necident, rable to make sound judgement. cetor can bring some positive changes into the French film 44s, Critics are hoping the new direetor can breathe new life into... 446. It is very difficult to give the exact value of a table like this. (FIGURE) ~ltis very difficult to put an exaet figure on the value of a table Tike this. 447. Five boys on a motorbike at the speed! of 60 mph are very likely to end up in hospital. (RECIPE) —+Five boys on a motorbike ... mph isa recipe for disaster: 448, Devcctives had stopped working on the Horsley murders three years previously Detectives had closed the book on 449. He is very good at cooking spaghetti (DAB) He is dab hand at cooking spag! 0. We all want to make him realise that h We all want to cut him down to size. 451, He really disappointed me when brea ‘He really Kieked me in the teeth when 2, He died, having nothing of his own. (NAME) He died with no thing €0 his name, 453, Have a look at this picture. If may help you to remember something. (JOG) “Have a look at this picture. It may help you (0 jog your memory. 454, He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. (NAME) “He is making a name for himself as an interviewer. 485, Social scientists find it hard to aecept that the fall in the birth rate is responsible for the old age. BOOK) nporiant as he thinks, (SIZE) 1 the promise to help me out. (Ti rH) a (Resistance) There is resistance among social scientists to the idea that the fall. 456, ‘The Minister gave no precise figures about the casualties. (GO INTO) The Minister didn’t go into detail sbout the easuallties 457, He doesn’t think very highly of politicians 458, One adv One point in favour of living in the. 459, Mary explained the problem surprisingly clearly “Mary explained the problem with surprising clarity 460, We have credited the money to your current account at this bank. “Ve have placed the money to the credit Of Your current account at this bank 461. Your silly questions distracted me. 462. [ike her a lot. (AFFECTION) AU have wl of afetion dye cs. For eymnustin wad linge eee “Sports such a gymnastce sear dct, 1 fn surprising that she “J would ave thougl that she oe 465. N new Ml c has by ; hoe tin is needed. Have liked + present the bepaning ofthe yer. he shoukin't marty her that he i 1 hit €0 prison for three y “Me was sentenced to three years in s. I'm sorry Fmissed Professor sim sorry attend attended | 469. “That's a lovely new dress, Wher moth -Jean's mother e os harlonety me

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