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To ensure that the bituminous layers mixed with sand are executed safely and in
accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/ control
activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are inspected and
conformance is verified and documented.

2.Scope of Work
 This procedure is applicable to the following works associated with the
 This method statement outlines the procedures to be followed in
construction of the bituminous layer mixed with sand.
 It shall be carried out in the site area of the project according to Technical
&General Specifications and approved drawings.
3. References
Technical and GeneralSpecifications.

4.Materials & Tools

 Warning tapes
 Safety Barriers
 Hand tools eg (spade)
 Sand
5. Plant & Equipment
The major equipment used for this construction works includes
 Concrete mixer that will be used to mix Bitumen and sand.
 Dumpers
 Water Bowser
 Hand Sprayer
 Survey Equipment - For setting out
 Hand Roller - For spreading
 Steel roller - For compaction.

6. HSE
 Where possible hazards may arise from mixing activities, the necessary
safety measures will be taken to prevent accident or injury at all times. This
may include hand wash facilities, stand by person incase of emergency who
will notify a first aider.
 HSE will enforce that Personal Protective Equipment be worn by site
personnel at all times during bituminous sand laying activities.
 Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade, will be in place.
 Prior to the commencement of laying of bituminous sand mix, the workforce
will receive an induction talk on the project site safety requirements. This
induction talk will include both activity safety issues, as well as general
safety requirements on laying of bituminous sand mix.
 HSE officer will ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is worn by site
personnel at all times during laying of bituminous sand mix activities.
7. Procedures
 Prior to the placement of bituminous sand layer, the final layer of the blind
sand will be sprayed with bituminous binder so as to be able to receive
bituminous sand layer.
 Sufficient time will be allowed for the curing of the binder material before
placing the 50mm thick bituminous sand layer.
 Bituminous sand mix will be prepared by mixing ratio 80 kg of bituminous
emulsion (Cut-Back) for 1m³ of sand (90%) and Portland cement (10%) in a
mixer and poured by means of crane, hand wheel barrow or buckets.
 Bituminous sand mix will be spread using hand spade and levelled by means
of straight edge and compacted by means of Steel roller compacted from
outside to the center in a circle so as to ensure the outside asphalts does not
loose outward.

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