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Disappearance of unknown origin in children

Univ.assistant Cristian-Eduard tefan Police Academy "A.I. Cuza "

Summary Throughout the article, the author presents the main issues in those disappearances of juveniles produced in suspicious or unknown circumstances. Also, for example, the author describes some cases of disappearance which produced a strong impact in civil society. Keywords: extinction, minor, unknown. The disappearance of a minor is considered of unknown origin, when the institutions involved in solving the case does not have sufficient information on the nature of extinction. These cases fall into the category alarming disappearance, not knowing the circumstances of the disappearance or where minors are present. In general, the judiciary must answer the following questions: a child left home voluntarily? was the victim of a crime or an accident? Has been lost, misplaced or suicide? Faced with these problems, all the institutional actors involved should focus in the early hours following the disappearance, working effectively to solve the case1. Unknown or undefined disappearances can be classified according to the evolution of each case (when new data and information obtained regarding the circumstances of the disappearance), in one of the other categories of deaths - or nealarmante alarming. Relevant in this case the child is AB, aged 15, resident within the locality Rotbav, Brasov county, whose disappearance was brought before the police Brasov on 24 April 2007. As the checks started, it was determined that it would be out because of disagreements with parents, due to a relationship of friendship that have approximately two months, with a couple of Mures County, that called AF, aged 27 years . The day the child disappeared, the man said he intended it to go to his house, Mures County, to escape the family discussions, leading it to do so by city Rotbav station. Two days later, however, the young man had changed her statement! Noting that police checks have extended as far as he was concerned, he testified that on April 22, 2007, on the Olt river, near a country road linking villages and Feldioara Rotbav, had sex with minor with its consent. Later, amid a spontaneous conflict, the man said he strangled her and threw a minor in river. As a result, police have started procedures to identify the corpse, but at the same time, searches have continued to identify the child. Thus, during the evening hours of April 30, 2007, around 20.30, minor AB was detected on the area municipality. Even if, initially, the teenager tried to hide his true identity (being ashamed to his parents), it was later determined that the missing children in Brasov is the same with minor Prahovan detected by the police. According to the child, A.F. It should be maintained in sexual intercourse with her, but without his consent, hit her and shoved her on the river Olt, but fell in the water, managed to escape and to continue to go without the young known. The minor has been entrusted to the family, the public prosecutor attached to the Juvenile and Family Court from taking legal action against Brasov called AF2. In judicial practice, the disappearances of minors are generally unknown causes (cases) long, whose solutions can be to find children in two situations - living or deceased. It
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is also possible to find missing children in the position of persons with unknown identity or bodies of unknown identity. In Canada, the "disappearance of unknown origin" is a term used by police when there is no previous record on missing children, in situations where it has not ever left home voluntarily, not lost nor bum disappearance prior to referral. Moreover, the use of this phrase is used when there is sufficient general information received the referral stage, in order to fit into a particular category disappearance3. The disappearance of the minor Madeleine McCann from Great Britain, aged 4 years, 3 May 2007 while on holiday with his parents in the resort of Praia da Luz (Algarve region) in Portugal, is a typical Disappearance of unknown origin. This is undoubtedly one of the most "popular" girl in the world, his photo is posted on all sites police and NGOs engaged in searching missing children, hoping that some person might see or identify a thereby helping the institutions involved in shaping it. Parents have told police the child that the child disappeared from the apartment located in the heart of Praia da Luz resort while they were in a restaurant located at 120 meters away, where dining. The initial investigation of the police led to the hypothesis that the girl had been kidnapped, the international media including parents telling the child that have been at some point in the circle of suspects of the police, but later was excluded. According to the Portuguese media, the judicial police has currently two major research directions of the minor extinction: a kidnapping carried out by an international network of pedophiles or kidnapping of a network of international adoptions4. Also, the practice of other countries, showed that police and is currently investigating deaths of unknown origin products in 1980, children missing at that time not find any so far. If they find in life, they would have at the moment of adult age. Thus, illustrate some cases of disappearances that took place in Switzerland with over 20 years ago5: On 22 September 1981, Peter Perjesy, a boy aged 14 years and a half, disappeared at the end of a tennis training camp conducted in schools located in Wattwil SG. He left his training around 20.00 hours, not found any so far. On May 12, 1984, around 12:00, Peter Roth, a minor aged 7 and a half years, returned from school, and on the road to his parents home, located in Aachmli Weiler, disappeared in unknown circumstances . The boy was last seen near Winteler grocery store, where he bought a bag of chips for him and a classmate. Empty packaging chips that were found near a barn located about 300 meters from his home. At that time he was also offered a reward of 10,000 francs to the police any useful information in order to find the child. On May 3, 1986, around 08.00, Trittenbass Edith, a girl aged 8 years, he left home for school located in the town Wolfikon. Minor never never reached its destination, disappearing in unknown circumstances. And this time offered a reward of 20,000 francs to find the child, who knows nothing about any so far. At national level, the Romanian Police investigating cases of disappearance of children of unknown origin, which may be encountered two cases - deaths that have been solved by the police or disappearances of minors, they have not been found so far, search activity is taking place and identifying them.

Unknown number of missing registered in Canada in 2008 a figure of 12,441 cases recorded an increase of 1225 compared to 2007 cases. Most cases involve children aged between 14 and 17 years. 4 5

The category of unknown origin missing solved by the police, pay attention present a case of disappearance of a minor, occurred in 1992, the minor was found 15 years later, in 20076. Thus, on 7 January 1992, called MR, domiciled in Bucharest, sector 2, Section 7 Police noticed the disappearance of his daughter's home, the minor NS, aged 6 years. Following checks carried out, it was found that the child disappeared from the address (a radius of property located on the 2nd of Capital) where he lived undocumented along with his grandmother. On the day of disappearance, the left concerned at this address, saying that children play in the gate house, he goes to the park in the Pearl Restaurant, District 2, located on Stefan cel Mare Road intersection with Route Dorobanilor. Versions of research followed by policemen involved in solving the case, have considered the following aspects: abduction of children by a person in the family circle, for purposes of revenge; sexual abuse of minor, it followed the kidnapping or murder and hiding a corpse; custody by the family, a person known to derive material benefits; The error minor outside known around the home, followed by its finding by unknown persons who have held it without notify police. Minor was once wanted, search for its activities being carried out continuously by the police, but are able to identify7. In June 2007, the Criminal Investigation Department of the District 2 Police were notified about the fact that the Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Cantacuzino", a person is hospitalized with unknown identity, female, stating that called NS and parents' names not known, because it was found on the street, when he was 7 years old, the family VE, domiciled in Bucharest, sector 5, which took care of it. In order to identify persons unknown identity, police workers have contacted the family VE and other knowledge of that family, who warn that, in 1992, and is located in the Pearl restaurant, family children VE have been met and played with a minor in question. On leaving the restaurant, the minor told he wants to go with them because you lost and not knowing where his parents, noting that is called NS He took her to his home in District 5, without notice to institutions. In further research, called N.S. (At its finding, aged 23 years) has been entrusted to his father, who took it at home, where they are today. At the same time, so there's no doubt about the identity of the person, and comparisons were made of DNA. Another case of disappearing from the category of unknown origin, widely publicized at the time of its production is minor and the MMO, a student aged 17 years, residing in the city of Brasov, in April 2007 and has posted Internet photos. Shortly after seeing these pictures on the site, called NGI entourage appeared minor It was made available to face, ensuring transport by car, apparently based on a relationship of friendship. This relationship helped her to know the minor, and the appearance that her family would receive a substantial amount of money in the trading of land. Called N.G.I. to maintain this relationship by presenting a distorted image in his

The case was widely publicized in the media. See this article "A girl in Bucharest was found 16 years after disappearing, " published in the newspaper edition "guardian" of 7 February 2008 and the article "disappeared in seven years, found at 23 with two Children "published in the newspaper edition" National Journal "of February 8, 2008. The case is detailed in detail at 7 According to the policemen involved in solving the case, "a minor living with parents on a street behind the Police Department in July. With our child's semnalmentele got the "brush" the entire area of responsibility. And not only because the data were immediately sent to other county inspectorates. Were on paper all the possible options, including that the girl had been sold. Therefore, checks were made including the Personal Data Records Service, Passport Service and the Civil Status Officer for the municipality. All our efforts, however, have tested negative, so that the child wanted was time. "See this article "rediscovered after 16 years ", published in the journal "Romanian Police" nr.5/2008.

part in all aspects: profession, income sources, assets, activities. Following the discussions that we had with minor NGI, presented his family that holds the sum of 125,000 dwelling Ron, from the sale of land. On August 30, 2007, the minor would have a meeting with a friend (called AB) and to move together in a guesthouse in the village of Bran, where NGI would have reserved a room for them. Minor was not present at the meeting set for 19.00, with an SMS asking for a postponement 21.00. At this time, the minor was not present at the venue. During this time, as dusk and did not know anything about her daughter, her mother called her, telling her that the minor is in front of the block and enter the house, as they announced the mood goes from parents. This was the last conversation with a minor who has not reached home, having closed cell thereafter. From the evidence given by prosecution, showed that on the night of 30/31 August 2007, defendant NGI applied within a few hours, the juvenile MMO, blows with a knife and an ax in the head, chest and the final blow, to cut the throat of the victim's death occurred, with the aim of the dispossessed located on it and also facilitate penetration of the building where the victim lived, located in the city of Brasov to steal an amount of 103.600 RON. After beating the victim, the defendant N.G.I. has learned from the two mobile phones found on them, and keys to the apartment where the victim lived, where he stole an amount of 103.600 RON8. Also, if the juvenile committing murder, the defendant kept in touch by phone with her parents, ensuring each time that their daughter is OK, but is ashamed to come home (parents present a defendant as the person who stole money from their home). However, during SeptemberDecember 2007, defendant sent many SMS on mobile phones of the minor, the written SMS its behalf, for you could mislead parents about their daughter's condition. Finally, parents have realized that the juvenile SMS not sent their daughter, in which case in October 2007, notified the police about the disappearance of their daughter. It should be noted that in this period the defendant was able to determine the minor's mother to give her three different times, the sum of 4,000 Ron, under false grounds that the child would need money to be able to return to family them. Minor corpse M.M.O. was found by police about a year of its disappearance, on 22 July 2008. The missing category of unknown origin in the police investigation, the missing children were found not far below describe some cases that echoed heavily in the media, is widely reflected. One of the oldest cases of disappearance, nor so far unresolved by the Romanian Police, LC refers to the disappearance of the minor, produced in 1973. On 20 October 1973, child 4 years old, disappeared without trace en route to 200 yards from the kindergarten back home. After 37 years of disappearance, the family hopes the boy, if alive, to keep the memories with them and give them a sign. Currently, the missing person would have 41 years. According to father's statement Disappeared, courtesy of a high dignitary, was a classmate of this, he succeeded in getting an ad in the newspaper: "There are no ads appear at the time of missing children in the Socialist Republic of Romania. On television - in any way. It was a rarity. Since we were not given any Militia Act, over time. For them it's an unsolved case, set apart for us - a permanently open wound. " Currently, file the missing person is at the Criminal Investigation Service of the Capital District 4. According to police involved in solving the case, "there were no people to be seen after he left the child near his mother. No information on the disappearance.

Information contained in the indictment by the High Court Prosecutor's Justice Department investigators and forensic, nr.1016/P/2008

Office of

Cassation and

Then were heard over 20 people, to no avail. Consider that, after so long, it's very hard to do anything, but at the time the file was very well done9. " In another case, on 14 November 1998, 22 policemen from the Police Department in Bucharest, were asked by the president of the tenants association of a block of flats in Sector 6, to move against him, to tell them A case of disappearance. In the place has gone a police squad that made contact with the person concerned has notified that a family living in blocks (family A) is in constant conflict and make a scene as a whole and for several days the children of this families have not been seen. Following checks carried out at the family apartment A., a young mother was found AC, aged 8 years and AI, 2 years old, told police he did not know where the kids. Subsequently, on 19 November 1998, at the Police Department was presented called AP 22, father children, who complained of the disappearance of his children at home. He said that on 11 November 1998, after an argument with his wife, left alone at home with her remaining children. He also said that his wife is mentally ill and has had several suicide attempts. At issue was made on-site investigation, during which the flat young mother was found unconscious on the bed with a tube of pills next to her. Beside the bed where she lay unconscious, police found a note left by her, saying that the AP raped his daughter only two years and that the kidnapped children. From the date of disappearance of minors 12 years have passed, and police are currently carrying out activities to identify the two missing children10. Also, in another case, on December 15, 2005, Miercurea-Ciuc City Police were notified about the disappearance of the minor's home, aged 8 years. First investigations carried out by the Harghita County Police Inspectorate, it was clear that the child had disappeared the same day, after emerging from a shop where he purchases, a fact confirmed by the images recorded by the camera fitted to the store (last image in the store was recorded at 18.57 hours). The case was classified as alarming disappearances, taking into account the fact that prior to disappearance, the minor has not been away from home without family knowledge. This disappearance has been widely publicized police carrying out search activities under the supervision of missing juvenile prosecutors. Cases of missing children in unknown circumstances and the drama is still not found their families, not knowing where children could learn if they are alive or dead. Often, families missing children and media have accused police have not made every effort to search activity and identification of the Disappeared, dealing with bias some cases, the expense of others. We understand in some degree the position of families missing children in previous years, especially during periods of time that the police lacked an efficient system of searching missing children, but now we can not agree with these accusations about police , whereas in 2007 the Romanian Police has implemented a new methodology domestic action line missing juveniles, which were introduced after a previous analysis based, including recommendations and suggestions received from civil society and media .

Ionela Gavriliu - "Child disappeared 36 years ago", article published in the newspaper edition "National Journal" dated 19 March 2009. For more details on this event, see website 10

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