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Space-Time Symetry on the Verge of Φ , e, and π

Phytogorean Triangle that defines the Euclidian Geometry is the basis of all the geometry
and trigonometry we are employing today. In this study, we are using the Phytogorean
Triangle of Φ2 x e2 = π2 to probe Space-Time.

The intricate linear and rational relationship of e and Φ, (Φ, x e = Φ + e) naturally denotes to
a dimensional contraversy and this contraversy under the Phytogorean frame of of Φ2 x e2
= π2 depicts a space-time matrix, where time and space are interwoven with known
measures. Our model specifically gives the e/Φ and Φ/e ratios of light speed accerelations
and deccerelations for inflating and deflating architectures of the Universe, respectivelly.

Specifically, the Universal relationship of e and Φ, (e+ Φ = e x Φ), where the linear sum of e
and Φ is equal to their quadratic, 2D product denotes to a dimensional conflict. This conflict
is resolved with cone configurations of r= Φ, h=e and r=e, h= Φ, with surface areas π2 Φ
and π2e, respectivelly.

The unit cone structure defined by e x Φ x π =13.7 = 10/ α, gives us a universal value for the
extension of the space-time as the estimated of the age of the Universe, 13.7 billion years
(13.7 x 109) is defined by the same α, fine structure constant related number, 13.7. We
believe that 13.7 defines the extension rate of the Universe and the (x 109) defines the
extension cycles of the unit-cone model as defined in this work.

These two conical configurations (with r= Φ, h=e and r=e, h= Φ) represent two extending
dimensions that can be assigned to space and time, alternativelly. Since e > Φ , es/Φt

defines a Universe, where space (es) extends faster than the extension of the unit time (Φt).
Universe I.

Space e /Time Φ Universe is inflating as e/ Φ >1, whereas in the;

Universe II.

The Space Φ/ Timee is deflating as time is expanding faster than space as Φ/e < 1.

Our model suggest that not the change in lightspeed but the bending of spacetime, the
mandatory pathway for light to travell through, determines the observed light refractions as
mainly redshift or rarely blueshift. Our model is further supported with the visible light
spectrum where

Redlight/ Blue-light = 620nm/380nm = Φ,

Infra-Red light / Blue-light = 1032nm /380nm =e,


Far-infrared light / Blue-light = 1193nm/380nm = π

At large scales the Universe has only two dimensions as past and future. The fabric of spacetime
sets the frequency and wavelenght of light. The lightspeed is not only a function of spacetime but
the spacetime itself. Modelling spacetime with respect to e and Φ enables us to deliniate the
space and time components and to measure and to visiualze the Universial dynamics and its
coordinates in an Euclidian model on a cartesian coordinate system we are familiar with.
Spacetime Geometry

Φ x e x π = 1 /10α = 13.7

Φ2 x e2 = π2

e+ Φ = e x Φ

Φ π π

e e

Φ x e x π = 1 /10α = 13.7

Φ2 x e2 = π2

e+ Φ = e x Φ

e Φ

e/ Φ=1.618 ratio as a single data point in time, holds the information for both e=2.718 and
Φ= 1.618 and defines the 2D Phytogorean Triangle of Φ2 x e2 = π2 . The phytogorean
Triangle also defines a 3D volume in our euclidian-cartesian understanding of the universe.
Conservation of these ratios while maximizing space and time leads to a cone shape (Figure 2).

Figure 1.
Cone Architecture Represents Extension of Space-time as a Single Unit.

Surface Area of a cone (without base) with r= Φ, h=e is;

e π A= π2 x Φ

Surface Area of a cone (without base) with r= e, h= Φ is ;

A= π2 x Φ

e e

Figure 2.
Inflating (es/ Φt) and Deflating (Φs /et) Universes.

Universe I (Φs /et)

Time for Universe I

Φ Space for Universe II Φ

Time for Universe I Universe II (es/ Φt)

Space for Universe II



Figure 3.
Universe I.

Φ represents Space, ( Φs ) and e represents time( et)

C=Speed of light = Φs / et = Space / Time

Time extends faster than Space therefore speed of light (c) decreases in time with

(Φs / et )X . X time units are defined by periodic turns of the extension helix within
the cone.

Universe I is deflating.

Universe II.

e represents Space, ( es )and Φ represents time(Φ t)

C=Speed of light = es / Φ t = Space / Time

Space extends faster than time therefore speed of light (c) increases in time with

(es / Φt )X , X time units are defined by periodic turns of the extension helix within
the cone.

Universe II is inflating.
The Φ Helix Extending at - x Φ at Every π/2 (90 Degree) Turn.

e e

e Φ

The Phytogorean Triangle Φ2 x e2 = π2 defines every move/turn of the Φ -Helix. These

moves/turns are interwoven with Φ x e x π = 1 /10α = 13.7

Figure 4.
The e-Helix Extending at - xe at Every π/2 (90 Degree) Turn.

e Φ

The Phytogorean Triangle Φ2 x e2 = π2 defines every move/turn of the e-Helix. These

moves/turns are interwoven with Φ x e x π = 1 /10α = 13.7

Figure 5.
Light Diffraction with Respect to e, Φ and π.

Blue light = 380nm

Red light = 680nm

IR = 1032nm

Far IR = 1193nm

Φ = 620nm /380 nm = 1.618 Blue to Redshift

e = 1032nm / 380 nm = 2.718 Blue to IR-shift

π = 1193nm /380nm = 3.1415 Blue to Far IR -shift

Figure 6.
The most we can see as Far-IR-shift is 1193nm / 380nm is equal to π, the hypotenus
of the Phytogorean Triangle of Φ2 x e2 = π2. Beyond Φ2 x e2 = π2 the visible light is hidden.
We believe that this is one of the best explanations of the space time based bending induced
light diffraction. The Universe beyond that is continious but is invisible to us due to space-
time curvature.

Speed of Light (c) Based Calculation.

Assuming in an accerelating, inflating Universe c, Speed of Light started from 1km/s it

will take little more than 26 π/2 turns, (1.618) 26 to reach the current speed of light c= 300.000

26 π/2 turns represents 6.5 full 360 0C (2 π) turns starting from the origin of the
Universe, from the bigbang.

1.61826 = (e/ Φ)26 = 271294.787264

1.618 26.2 = 298701.327446

1.618 26.25 = 305975.095144

26 π/2 turns translates into 6.5 full helical turns to reach the speed of light today.

Since very early stages of the Univeree is tough to estimate/measure and since a
minor error of estimation/measurement amplifies geometrically we carefully estimate the full
helical turns of the (e/ Φ, expending) Universe to be little above 6.5.

We estimate that since the bigbang the space is expanded e26.2= 250.638.697.752x
and time is expanded 1.618 26.25 = 301589.851188x within the conical geometry as
described in this work.

Computer Simulations with accurate valueas (e= 2,71828182845904523536

Φ = 1.61803398875) will lead to more accurate estimations.

We are taking the e/ Φ value as 1.618 as Φ not to disturb the beautiful universal symetry
between e and Φ. We believe that an error of 3% (1.618-1.679) is just within the curves (not the
definite corners) of the Universe just like the minute difference between e= 2.718 and Φ 2=2.617 of
about 3%. Behind the sceens Φ2 = e is a beautiful symetry that is crutial to our model as well.

Detailed calculations are the work of Governments and Government relates Scientific
Institutes with necessary funds.

The expansion of the Universe is a vague concept. However, with these two models as

described in this work we put a solid definition of inflation and deflation in terms of

acceralating (e/ Φ) and deccerelating (Φ /e) Speeds of Light. Basically, if the time expands

faster than the space that particular universe deflates and also if the if the space extends

faster than the time that particular Universe expands.

The numerical value for the Unit cone e x Φ x π = 13.7 bridges the 13.7 billion years with the

10 x alpha constant.


The microwave background MB, the once mighty, energetic burst of γ-Rays seem to be

accumulated at a spacetime beyound ours, where light prefers to travell at microwave lenghts.

We probably see, hear the leakage from this reservoir. This is an indication that we are not at the

cutting edge of the Universe. It is also a strong hint for the fact that mighty γ-Rays can bypass

space-time fabric through shortcuts as the bigbang γ-Rays having originated before our region in

the baby Universe seem to be resting in the form of microwaves somewhere in the future of us,

beyond us. If they had followed the curved space-time matrix they were expected to be in our

past. This may open up the possibility to send information into the future using γ-Rays, in

spacetime. These γ-Rays will dissipate into UV, visible light, IR, far-IR and into microwaves.

Although huge energies are going to be needed for that, targeted beams can be engineered to

transmit information.
To be researched in the detail is the 1.618 -2.718 region of the primary Unitcone of the

bigbang as scientific intuition points to the most energetic and chaotic region of the creation

to be in there from the analogy of the blackhole halo between 1.618 and 2.718R distances

being the most energetic.

James Webb findings can be analysed accordingly.

Planet and ET search can be fine tuned with respect to the region of interest by calculating

light diffraction and universal geometry in detail.

Questions Arising:

1. Can γ-Rays bypass Spacetime fabric and travell in in straight lines ?

2. Do blackholes or wormholes form passages through Space_Time Matrix?

3. Is there a conection between the Universe I model (es/ Φt), where the speed of light

accelarates and the Universe II model (Φs/ et), where the speed of light decelerates.

Is there a traffick of EM and Matter inbetween these two ?

4. What was the EM spectrum preference of our neighbourhood 3 billion years ago when

cyanobacteria started to emerge. The name cyano-Blue and also “ Blue-green algea”

gives hints for this question.

5. Was the sun emmiting the same spectrum as of today and/or earth was recieving

blueshifted (as compared to today) sunlight 3 billion years ago.

6. What will be the EM spectrum in our cosmic neighbourhood in 1,2,3 and 4 billion

years. Do we need to adopt biologically? Or do we expect past lifeforms of the

spacetime to be seeing through UV light?

7. Can galaxies form in a future spacetime fabric, where spacetime is 100-1000 times

more spars and the favorite EM is the microwave ?


1. Π

2. e

3. Φ

4. Topological Mapping of a Black Hole Using e, phi and Π, 2020.

By Korkut Vata, (see attached)

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