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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188 (2020) 106863

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The mechanism of detecting water content in oil-water emulsions using

impedance spectroscopy
Meiyi Qing a, b, Huaqing Liang a, b, *, Jinjun Zhang c, Honglei Zhan d
State Key Lab of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, 102249, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
College of Information Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 102249, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban, 102249, Beijing, People’s
Republic of China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Optical Detection Technology for Oil and Gas, China University of Petroleum, 102249, Beijing, People’s Republic of China


Keywords: The water content of the oil-water emulsions has a significant impact on the flow pattern and pressure drop law
Impedance spectroscopy of oil-water two-phase flow, thus more theory and methods are necessary to improve the detection of emulsion.
Water content Impedance spectroscopy was employed to detect oil-water emulsions with different water contents. The diffusion
Oil-water emulsion
frequency extracted from impedance spectroscopy had a linear relationship with the water content of emulsions.
Distribution of droplets
In this study, polarization microscope was used to obtain the microstructure characteristics of oil-water emul­
sions. The increasing water content increased the logarithmic mean size of the droplets in a linear fashion. This
led to an increase in the concentration of charged ions in the diffusion layer of the ionic double layer, which
significantly influenced the time of the diffusion process. Consequently, impedance spectroscopy can be applied
to detect the water content of emulsions and contribute to further understanding the characteristics of multi­
phase flow in petroleum reservation and transportation industry.

been satisfactorily addressed; further research is needed to develop a

more simple and reliable technique that is practical and accurate.
1. Introduction
Impedance spectroscopy technology is widely used in component
analysis of materials in recent years. The technique is based on the
The formation of an oil-water emulsion is a general occurrence in the
measuring the impedance response to obtain the electrical characteris­
transportation of water-cut crude oil. It not only changes the effective
tics of oil–water emulsions in an alternating current (AC) field (Bar­
proportion of oil and water phases in the transported fluids but also
soukov and Macdonald, 2005). Due to the varying portions of the
increases the effective viscosity of the oil-water two-phase system. Based
constituents, oil-water emulsions exhibit varying impedance character­
on this, the water content of the oil-water emulsions has a significant
istics over a frequency range. Therefore, impedance spectroscopy has
impact on the flow pattern and pressure drop law of oil-water two-phase
generally been used as a tool to obtain the constituents and contents of
flow. Therefore, the study of the water content of oil-water two-phase
oil-water mixtures.
systems improves an understanding of the characteristics of multiphase
In a previous study, Jong-Ho et al. (2005) used an impedance
flow (Ahmed et al., 1999; Mohamed et al., 2003; Gamal et al., 2005;
analyzer to investigate the dielectric characteristics of the water in oil
Evdokimov and Losev, 2014).
(W/O) emulsion system. In this study, the linear relationship between
Many investigations have studied the water contents of oil-water
the relaxation time and the salt content in the water phase in the W/O
two-phase systems (Pal, 1994). There are many manual and direct
emulsions was proposed.
techniques has been used to characterize the phase content, such as
Goual (2009) studied the dielectric constant and the conductivity of
distillation, electric dehydration, capacitive, microwave-based, and
Boscan asphaltenes and maltenes, based on the impedance spectroscopy
spectroscopic techniques (Mcclements, 1991; Araujo et al., 2008; Huynh
in a low-frequency range. The results shows the alternating-current (AC)
et al., 2012; Zubair and Tang, 2014). These techniques contribute to
conductivity increases with increasing frequency below the frequency of
online water content measurements. Measuring the water content in the
105 Hz.
oil-water two phase system is a significant challenge that has not yet

* Corresponding author. State Key Lab of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, 102249, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
E-mail address: (H. Liang).
Received 24 August 2019; Received in revised form 16 November 2019; Accepted 23 December 2019
Available online 28 December 2019
0920-4105/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Qing et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188 (2020) 106863

Table 1
Nomenclature Physical properties of crude oil.
Properties Results
c Time variation of the number density 3
20 C Density (kg/m )

Cdl Double-layer capacitance Solidification point (� C) 10
fd Diffusion frequency Asphaltene content (%) 3.72
J Macroscopic particle flux Gum content 7.89
Rct Charge transfer resistance Wax content 3.5
50 � C Viscosity (mPa.s) 45.78
Rs Resistance of the emulsion
Zw Warburg impedance
μ Logarithmic mean of droplets size Digital Tachometer, IKA Labortechnik, UK), and a digital torque meter
σ Standard deviation of droplet size (MR-D Agitator, IKA Labortechnik, UK) (Qing et al., 2018). During the
σw Warburg coefficient sampling process, the temperature was kept at 25 � C by a water bath
system (HAAKE AC200 Water Bath, Germany). The torque of the sam­
ples were measured by a digital torque meter (D1-S1 Digital Torque
Meter, IKA Labortechnik, UK). The oil-water mixtures with different
Perini et al. (2012) measured the impedance response of the crude oil fractions of phase were placed in the sample pool of the stirring appa­
and oil-water emulsions under an AC field in the frequency range of 104 ratus. The stirring apparatus provided stable and continuous a shear
and 107 Hz. The results showed the significant differences of the force to the samples, which can realized the emulsification without an
impedance spectra between the dehydrated crude oil and emulsion. This emulsifier. Basing on the previous work, the stable emulsions can be
work proposed that the EIS can contribute to analyse the electrostatic obtained after 10min mechanical stirring at 500 rpm. For a stable
demulsification of water-in-oil emulsions. oil-water emulsion, the torque was maintained at a nearly constant
Shahidi et al. (2016) focuses on the stability and phase behavior of level, and no layering phenomenon was observed.
oil-water emulsions basing on the electrical impedance spectroscopy
(EIS). The established equivalent circuit contribute to study the capac­
itance and resistance characteristics of emulsions during the phase 2.2. Experimental methods
separation. It suggested that the EIS can be a effective method to sense
phase separation. The stable oil–water emulsions were immediately transferred to a
Previous works have demonstrated that impedance spectroscopy can sample cell with a volume capacity of 40 mL. The cell was a coaxial
characterize the constituents and phase content of oil-water emulsions. double cylindrical electrode of titanium alloy that consisted of an
Some parameters, such as the relaxation frequency and the equivalent external electrode and an internal electrode. As shown in Fig. 1(a), the
circuit, were proposed in this method. However, the problem was that internal electrode was a solid cylinder with a length of 55.0 mm and a
the corresponding theoretical model of the oil-water emulsion system radius of 41.6 mm. The external electrode was a hollow cylinder with a
impedance spectroscopy was not clear and is a deficiency of this method. length of 75.0 mm and an inner radius of 43.2 mm. There was a spacing
In contrast to previous works, this study focused on the characteristics of
the diffusion frequency of emulsions under an AC field. Then, the dis­
tribution of the droplets that determines the diffusion control of the
emulsion system was studied in depth by polarization microscopy.
In this work, the diffusion frequency of the impedance spectroscopy
of the oil-water emulsions with water contents of 2.90–44.40 v/v% are
discussed. The results show a linear relationship between the water
content and the diffusion frequency. In addition, it suggests that the
distribution characteristics of droplets, especially the logarithmic mean
size, are mainly controlled by the water content. The charged ion density
dominated by the size of the droplets determines the time of the diffu­
sion process, which is highly correlated with the water content of the oil-
water emulsion system. Therefore, this study indicates that using
impedance spectroscopy to evaluate the water content in emulsions is an
effective method for crude oil detection.

2. Materials and experimental methods

2.1. Materials

The oil-water mixtures used in this work were obtained by mixing

different volume fraction of crude oil to distilled water, with a water
content of 2.90–44.40 v/v%. The National Engineering Laboratory
provided the Beijiang crude oil and distilled water used for Pipeline
Safety (China University of Petroleum, Beijing). The physical properties
of the dehydrated oil samples are shown in Table 1. To eliminate its
shear and thermal histories, the oil sample was placed in a water bath at
80 � C for 2 h and then placed at room temperature (25 � C) in the shade
for 48 h.
The oil-water emulsion samples were produced by a fabricated stir­
ring apparatus, which composed of a designed sample pool, an agitator Fig. 1. (a). The coaxial double cylindrical electrode (b). Schematic diagram of
(MR-D Agitator, IKA Labortechnik, UK), a digital tachometer (RE 162 C the measurement system.

M. Qing et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188 (2020) 106863

of 0.8 mm between the internal and external electrodes. related to the diffusion process of the emulsion system (Muralidharan,
The measurement system was shown in Fig. 1(b). The sample cell 1997). In this work, the frequency where a semicircle turns into a
was placed and fixed into the test table of a torque rheometer system straight line on the complex plane is defined as the diffusion frequency
(Thermo Scientific HAAKE MARS II, Germany), which was connected fd. The fd is the highest frequency that diffusion control is dominant
with a water bath system (HAAKE AC200 Water Bath, Germany) to during the conduction this study and is obviously affected by the water
maintain 25 � C during the measurements. The sample cell was con­ content in the emulsion system.
nected to a PSM1700 frequency response analyzer (Newtons4th Ltd., There is an ionic double-layer at the interface between the electrolyte
England) with a frequency range from 10 5 to 106 Hz. A total of 64 fluid and electrode (Grahame, 1947; Bedzyk et al., 1990). The first layer
point-measurements were performed at a constant voltage level of 2V is dense layer that contains ions adsorbed to the surface of electrode. The
and without a DC bias. A frequency sweep from 1 to 5 � 105 Hz was second layer is a rather loose layer that is called diffuse layer. This layer
selected because the impedance spectroscopy of oil-water emulsion in composed of ions moving diffusively under the electrical circuitry. In an
the frequency range contained the electrical characteristics of oil-water equivalent electrical circuit, the effect of the accumulation of ions on the
emulsion based on the observation of the preliminary experiments. surface of electrode lead to the electrical capacitance effect of the ions
Polarizing microscopy is a conventional method widely used to double-layer. The transport resistance effect due to the moving of ions in
directly characterize the microstructure of a material. The droplet dis­ the diffuse layer. The capacitance of the double-layer generally be linked
tribution of the oil-water emulsion, including the size and number, was to the dielectric constant of the solution and the thickness of the ions
recorded by a polarizing microscope (Baloch and Hameed, 2005; Tansel double-layer. Based on the ionic double-layer theory, a Randles circuit
and Sevimoglu, 2006). In this work, a polarizing microscope (OPTI­ can be established to describe the impedance response of the emulsion
PHOT2-POL, Nikon, Japan) was used to observe the microstructure of system in our work. As shown in Fig. 3(c), the equivalent circuit is
the W/O system. The microscope was equipped with a CCD digital composed of a resistor (Rs) in series with a parallel circuit which is
camera (Cool SNAP 3.3 M, Roper Scientific, America). 10 to 15 images consist of a capacitor (Cdl) and a resistor (Rct) that have a Warburg
were captured in different regions of each smear sample. The droplets impedance Zw. Here, Rs, Rct, and Cdl represent the solution resistance of
with clear boundaries were counted and analyzed using NanoMeasure the emulsion, double-layer capacitance, and charge transfer resistance,
1.2 software. respectively.
The impedance of the equivalent circuit is:
3. Results and discussion
Z ¼ Rs þ (1)
1 þ jωCdl ZF
3.1. Impedance spectroscopy of emulsions
ZF ¼ Zw þ Rct
The impedance of oil-water emulsions were investigated for the
water content in oil. Every impedance includes real and imaginary part Here, Zw cannot be mimicked by any combination of resistors and ca­
measured by setting relative frequency of AC. The real versus imaginary pacitors, but (Bisquert and Compte, 2001; Shahidi et al., 2016):
part of the impedance of the oil-water emulsions with water contents
from 7.41 to 37.50 v/v% were presented in the Nyquist diagram in Fig. 2 σw jσ w
Zw ¼ (2)
(a). In terms of the Z0 -Z00 curve, there is only one semicircle, which in­ ω1=2 ω1=2
dicates a homogeneous distribution of the time constants of the emul­ The value of σ w is the Warburg coefficient, which is a constant in this
sion system. As shown in Fig. 2(b), a constant-phase trend starts to take work.
place and rapidly becomes dominant, which is shown as the line with a Thus, Eq. (1) can be described as:
slope of π/4. It is always considered the Warburg impedance Zw, which is

Fig. 2. (a) Nyquist diagram of emulsions with water content of 7.41–37.50 v/v%. The Z0 and Z00 were the real part and imaginary part of the impedance. (b) The
impedance of low frequency region of the oil-water emulsion with water content of 37.50 v/v%. (c) The equivalent circuit model of oil-water emulsions system.

M. Qing et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188 (2020) 106863

squared error of cross-validation (RMSECV) of 0.8% for a regression

between the water content (wt %) and the relative area of the water peak
in the transverse relaxation time (T2) distribution curve. (Zhao et al.,
2019) proposes the dual-frequency correction algorithm to measure the
water content of oil-water two-phase flows. It can be concluded that this
algorithm can effectively eliminate the effect of conductivity on water
content measurement compared to conventional algorithms. Compared
with the methods discussed above, the proposed method in this work
comes up with a lower requires at measuring frequency and time. It
demonstrates that the impedance spectroscopy would contribute to the
simple and practical detection of the water content in oil-water

3.2. Distribution of droplets in emulsions

The proposed linear function indicates that the frequency of the

diffusion process is changed by water content. The water in oil (W/O)
Fig. 3. Diffusion frequency dependence of water contents. The red line repre­ emulsions have different distributions of the droplets with various size
sents the fitting linear function of the fd and water content. R is the correlation and number, indicating different concentration distributions of reactive
coefficient of fitting function. (For interpretation of the references to colour in ions. Moreover, the distribution of charged ions dominates the diffusion
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) time of ions in the emulsion system under the AC field.
As shown in the inset in Fig. 4, the significant effect of water content
Rct þ σ w ω 1=2 on the distribution of droplets size was investigated. With the increasing
Z’ ¼ Rs þ 2 1=2 Þ2
water content of emulsions, the mean diameter of water droplets
ðCdl σw ω1=2 þ 1Þ þ C2dl ω2 ðRct þ σ w ω
increased from 3.74 � 0.03 μm to 5.60 � 0.27 μm. For the emulsion with
� 1=2 1=2
� water content of 7.40 v/v%, the size of droplets mostly concentrates in a
Cdl ω Rct þ σw ω þ σw ω Cdl σw ω þ1
Z 00 ¼ j 2
(3) range of 1.87–4.61 � 0.03 μm; while the size of the distribution of the
ðCdl σ w ω1=2 þ 1Þ þ C2dl ω2 ðRct þ σw ω 1=2 Þ2
droplets are concentrated in the range of 1.81–13.31 � 0.72,
In the low frequency ω→0 range,. The real and imaginary of the 1.06–13.27 � 0.45 μm, 1.23–15.18 � 0.27 μm with the emulsions with
impedance are water content of 16.67, 26.07, 37.50 v/v%. It is obvious that the size of
the droplets sensitively increases with the increasing water content. On
the other hand, the number of droplets shows an intuitive increasing
Z’ ¼ Rs þ Rct þ σw ω
trend from 472 from 756 in a captured image of 0.16 � 0.12 mm2. In this
Z} ¼ σw ω 1=2
þ 2σ 2w Cdl (4) way, the probability density distribution of droplets apparently affected
by the water contents as shown in Fig. 4. With low water content, the
then: size differences of droplets are small, while those become larger with
Z} ¼ Z’ Rs Rct þ 2σw Cdl (5) higher water content.
In a turbulent, the distribution of droplets size generally dominated
Eq. (5) illustrates that the impedance curve turns into a line with a by the droplets break-up and coalescence. The change of velocity of the
slope of 1 in the low-frequency range on the Nyquist diagram. external force leads to the deformation and rupture of the droplets. And
Fig. 2(a) shows that the frequency range of Zw is dominated by the the frequency of droplets collision and coalescence determined the
water content. Thus, the characteristics of Zw are different from each coalescence between two drops. When applied shear forces are suffi­
other, showing that the water content of the emulsion can be identified ciently long, there would be a stable balance between the drop breakup
using impedance spectroscopy. and coalescence (Angeli and Hewitt, 2000; Ahmed and John, 2018). In
The value of fd is extracted from the impedance spectroscopy. As
shown in Fig. 3, fd increased in a strong linear trend with increasing
water content. This relationship can be fitted well in a linear regression
equation with a R-square coefficient of 0.9490, indicating a feasible
method to detect the water content of the oil-water emulsions.
In a further study, a series of experiments were conducted to confirm
the accuracy of the impedance spectroscopy method. For the oil-water
emulsions with known water content, the samples can get a recovery
of 96.8% combining the linear function. It indicates a good accuracy of
proposed method, which can be a method for the analysis of water
content of oil-water two phase system.
Some spectrum methods can be found in the published literature that
focus on the measurements of phase content in the oil-water emulsion
system. (Jin et al., 2013) measured the water content (0.01%–0.25%
w/w) in crude oil emulsions using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
(THz-TDS). A linear relationship between the THz absorption coefficient
and the water content was proposed, which facilitates high-precision
measurements of the water content of crude oil. In addition, the
low-field NMR was used for the analysis of mixtures involving crude oils
and water (Silva et al., 2012). For mixtures between deionized water and Fig. 4. The distribution of the droplets of the emulsions with water contents of
7.40, 16.67, 26.07, 37.50 v/v%. The inset were the images of the microstruc­
petroleum, the experiments achieved excellent results, with root mean
ture of the oil-water emulsions with varying water contents.

M. Qing et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188 (2020) 106863

the oil-water two-phase flow, previous works have studied the distri­ the water content. A linear relationship was obtained between the dis­
bution of the size of the droplets. It has been proved that droplets size for tribution parameter μ and water content. The water content increased
oil in water mixture followed a log-normal distribution (Eley et al., the size of the water droplets, leading to an increase in the concentration
1988; Boxall et al., 2009; Voulgaropoulos et al., 2016). In this work, the of charged ions in the ionic double-layer, which influenced the diffusion
log-normal was employed to characterize the distribution of droplets frequency of the emulsions. Our work provides a theoretical explanation
size. The results have shown that the experimental data of droplet size for the relation of impedance and emulsions, indicating that impedance
can fit well with the log-normal function with an R-square coefficient of spectroscopy method could directly and effectively determine the water
98.7%. content of oil-water emulsions.
The Log-normal distribution function can be expressed as:
1 ðln x μÞ2 Credit author statement
f ðx; μ; σ Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi e 2σ 2 (7)
Meiyi Qing: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Writing
where μ and σ represent logarithmic mean and standard deviation of - original draft, Visualization, Investigation, Software, Validation.
droplet size. Huaqing Liang: Supervision. Jinjun Zhang: Resources, Project adminis­
According to Fig. 4, the μ values can be calculated for the emulsions tration, Funding acquisition. Honglei Zhan: Writing - review & editing.
with water contents from 2.90 to 44.40 v/v%. The points of μ versus
water content are plotted in Fig. 5 The μ increases from 1.14 to 1.57 in a Author contributions
significant linear increasing trend with increasing water content. For the
W/O two-phase system, the concentration of charged ions in the water The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All
phase is much higher than that in the oil phase. The increased size of authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.
water droplets leads to an increase in the concentration of the charged
ions in the diffusion layer. Notes
Based on ordinary diffusion theory, the continuity equation is a
fundamental conservation law relating the time variation of the number The authors declare no competing financial interest.
density c to the macroscopic particle flux J:
∂c ∂J Acknowledgement
¼ (8)
∂t ∂x
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
It can be supposed that with a high concentration of charged ions, the
of China (Grant No. 51534007 and 51134006), Science Foundation of
macroscopic charged particle flux J at location x increases. Thus, the
China University of Petroleum, Beijing (No. 2462017YJRC029 and
diffusion frequency strongly depends on the water content of the oil-
water emulsions. Therefore, the diffusion frequency based on the
impedance spectroscopy can be used to characterize the water content.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
4. Conclusion
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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