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Eur. Polym. J. Vol. 19. pp. 71 79. 1983 0014-3057 83/010071-09503.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press Lid


Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

(Received 18 December 1981; in revisedJbrm 10 May 1982)

Abstract--Desulphuration of trimethylthiirane (TMT), catalyzed by anionic and cationic catalysts for

thiiranc polymerization, has been studied, The possibility of obtaining polymers having mono-, di- and
trisulphide bonds during TMT polymerization by typical cationic catalysts has been shown. Some
peculiarities of the desulphuration reaction during the PolYmerization of thiiranes by ionic catalysts have
been found. Differences in their catalytic action, shown by the formation of different quantities of both
disulphide --SS--bonds in polymer chain and alkene, are discussed from the point of view of HSAB
principle and symbiotic effect of ligands at the counterion. It is shown that desulphuration reactions
during the cationic and anionic polymerization of thiiranes have a similar electronic nature, consisting of
increase of coordinative state and the activation of the acceptor orbital of the thiirane sulphur atom. The
nucleophilic attack by thiirane (during cationic polymerization) or growing thiolate-ion (during anionic
polymerization) on the electrophilic sulphur atom of thiiranium intermediates

S--R or ~S + a--~ Li(AI, Znl

respectively, is accompanied by concerted fragmentation of these intermediates, giving the alkene and
disulphide fragment. Possible mechanisms have been suggested for thiirane desulphuration and
~SS-bond formation in products of the ionic polymerization of thiiranes. HSAB principle proved to be
very useful for discussion of experimental results and other aspects of thiirane polymerization.

INTRODUCTION larity changes E111 but not by the possible presence of

di- or polysulphide bonds in polymers.
The practical significance of the desulphuration reac- Since the known data on thiirane desulphuration
tion of thiiranes is usually limited by stereospecific reactions do not provide enough information on the
syntheses of alkenes [2]. We have extended the appli- nature of this phenomenon [21, we studied this reac-
cability of this reaction by synthesis of chiral thiiranes tion during ionic polymerization of thiranes. These
in the asymmetric desulphuration of their racemates data are useful for understanding the mechanism of
[3, 41, and by preparation of disulphide or trisulphide thiirane desulphuration, and necessary for a proper
polymers with uniform repeating units in the polym- choice of catalytic systems and optimum polymeriz-
erization of thiiranes by lithium alcoholates [-5, 6] or ation conditions for the selective synthesis of mono-,
by their complexes with lithium alkyls or thiolates di- or trisulphide polymers having uniform structure.
[-7, 81. The formation of 1,2,5-trithiepanes during the
cationic polymerization of thiiranes [-91 also should
be connected with realization of desulphuration reac-
tion. Trimethylthiirane (TMT) was obtained from trimethy-
Despite numerous examples of the desulphuration loxirane and potassium thiocyanate 1-12]: b.p. 106-108";
of thiiranes during their syntheses and chemical trans- 5Y/100 tort; d~,5 0.8842; n~5 1.4644. These constants, dif-
formations [21, until recently no detailed attention fering from the conventional for TMT (b.p. 145-150°; d o
was paid to the problem of realization of this reaction 0.927 [13] }, are in good accordance with those of members
of the homologous series of methyl-substituted thiiranes.
in the polymerization of thiiranes, For this reason,
TMT was identified by GLC, elemental analysis, u.v.-, i.r.-
differences in structure and properties of polythiiranes,
and PMR-spectroscopy. Before use, it was dried over
obtained with different catalytic systems, were either Call2 and condensed into reaction ampoules.
not discussed [10] or were explained by stereoregu- Catalysts n-BuLi [7], ZnEt 2 [7], CdEt2 [14], BF~Et20
[7] and thiolates of zinc, cadmium and mercury [15] were
* I. (a) In the polymerisation of thiiranes and cationic purified by known procedures. Vacuum technique and
cleawtge of polythiiranes, accompanied by alkene forma- argon atmosphere were used to avoid contamination by
tion, the term "thiirane dealkenylation'" would be more moisture and air during use and/or modification of cata-
appropriate. However, we use a more usual term "thiirane lysts. Catalyst modification was performed according to
desulphuration" because this reaction is well known [2]: reported procedures [7, 8] directly in reaction ampoules in
(bj The present study was reported at the Soviet*Polish compliance with the component mole ratios indicated in
Microsymposium General Peculiarities of the Ionic Polym- the tables.
erization of Heterocyclic Monomers, Moscow (September Solvents were purified and stored over suitable drying
1981). agents in calibrated vessels connected to the vacuum line.
72 A.D. ALIEVet al.

T M T desulphuration and polymerization were carried out binding of thiirane with different metal ions. This is in
in sealed ampoules, previously heated and degassed accordance with the facts that the MT desulphuration
(10-4 torr) under conditions excluding moisture and air. completely stops and the poly-MT stereoregularity
After reaction, the mixture was analysed by GLC to deter- reduced in the MT polymerization by organolithium
mine the formed alkene and unreacted TMT. The reaction and organozinc catalysts in THF or in the presence of
mixture was then treated with methanolic NaOH after amines. However, cadmium catalysts, which do not
which all volatile materials were removed by vacuum evap-
cause the MT desulphuration under various con-
oration (10-2torr). The dry residue was triturated and
decanted repeatedly with methanol to remove low molecu- ditions, yield the stereoregular poly-MT not only in
lar-weight fractions which were not studied since they are THF but also in the presence of amines.
not uniform products and the yield is not more than 20~o. These data indicate the existence of other reasons
After drying in vacuo, fractions insoluble in methanol are responsible for desulphuration during thiirane polym-
semi-solid, pale-yellow polymeric products, having intrinsic erization by different catalytic systems.
viscosity [r/] = 0.04-0.07 g/dl (measured in benzene at 25°). We examined the TMT desulphuration to examine
PMR-spectra were obtained with a Varian T-60 spec- the possibilities for thiirane desulphuration by differ-
trometer at 35° in CC14 (I0~ concentration). Chemical ent catalytic systems and to establish the real reasons
shifts were measured with TMS as internal standard.
for the unique action of organolithium catalysts in the
MT polymerization [5-8]. TMT was chosen because
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of its lesser tendency to anionic polymerization and
the relative ease of quantitative GLC analysis of its
I. Thiirane desulphuration durin9 anionic polymeriz- desulphuration product 2-methyl-butene-2.
ation Table 1 shows that, similar to MT [8, 17, 20], in the
It is known [6-8, 15] that the desulphuration of case of TMT the desulphurating ability of active
thiiranes by step-by-step generated growing lithium centres of the type ~ R S Me + ( ~ RS- -- the grow-
thiolate is an important stage of disulphide (scheme a) ing thiolate-ion; Me+ = the metal ion) also increases
and trisulphide (scheme b) polymer formation in the
polymerization of thiiranes by lithium alcoholates:

. . . . . "-
_~ CI- C -IS S ~n + n
",,C= / (a)
I I I I I C\

3n -C-C-S "~ .2,,c.c,, (b)
I I I I An

This reaction was unexpected because the data on

thiirane desulphuration by metal thiolates, which are
active agents both in ring-opening [2] and in poly- in the order of rig 2+ _~ Cd 2+ ,~ Zn 2+ < A13+ < Li +
merization [16] of thiiranes, are absent. However, and depends on the symbiotic action of anions and
investigation of data on the polymerization of thiir- donor ligands surrounding the metal ion.
anes and the structure of polythiiranes reveals that It seems that the electronic structure of thiirane [2]
under certain conditions other catalytic systems also during coordination with various metal atoms of the
cause the thiirane desulphuration. Thus, in polar or growing ion pair changed insufficiently. It is exhibited
even in weakly polar media and also in the presence in different behaviour of heterocycle-thiiranes which
of electron donor additives (amines etc.), the methyl- either are selectively desulphurated or take part in the
thiirane (MT) polymerization by various catalytic sys- ring-opening reaction. Noting a possible involvement
tems yields only the poly-(methylthiirane) (poly-MT) of the 3d-orbital of the thiirane sulphur atom in the
without formation of propylene and --SS---bonds in complexation with some metal ions (Hg 2+ and C d 2 +)
the polymer chain. However, in bulk or in nonpolar and also probable differences in the stability and
media, lithium alcoholates and their complexes with tightness of the formed metal-thiirane ("acid-base')
lithium alkyls and thiolates give MT polymers con- complexes, the order of Hg 2+ "-~ Cd 2+ ~ Zn 2+ <
taining up to 100~ of --SS---bonds [-5,7, 8] ; alumin- A13+ < Li + can be explained in terms of the HSAB
ium alkyls yield MT polymers having not more than principle, i.e. "hard acids (HA) preferentially combine
70~ of--SS---bonds [17-19], and in the presence of or form complexes with hard bases (HB), and soft
zinc alcoholates [15] and thiolates [20] the quantity acids (SA) with soft bases (SB)" [22].
of--SS---bonds in polymers reaches only 20~. Cad- Data on the MT polymerization and TMT desul-
mium alcoholates and thiolates under various polym- phuration by different catalytic systems suggest that
erization conditions do not cause the MT desulphura- desulphuration is improbable if thiiranes (SB) are
tion [21]. Thus, the thiirane desulphuration and the coordinated with Hg 2+ and Cd 2+ ions (SA). In this
formation o f - - S S - - b o n d s in polythiiranes depend case, together with the ordinary coordination bond,
not only on polymerization conditions [5-8] but also a dative d~-bond can be generated by d-electron
on the nature of the metal of the catalytic system. transfer from lower occupied d-orbitals of Hg 2+ and
The considerable influence of the nature of the Cd 2 ÷ to the vacant 3d-orbital of the thiirane sulphur
metal and reaction medium, indicating the coordin- atom, which is a more efficient d~-electron acceptor
ation mechanism of thiirane desulphuration, can be than sulphur atoms in ~ RS anion and thiol [23].
explained by change in degree of the coordination Such double-bonding intensifies the nucleophilic
Ionic coordination polymerization of thiiranes 73

Table I. The desulphuration of trimethylthiirane (TMT) in the presence of various catalytic

systems [21]*++

TMT Alkene
Exp. TMT/Cat Time conversion yield
No. Catalyst (mole ratio) (hr) ('~;i) (o~,)

43 BuLi. LiOR* 10 96 57 33
34 BuLl. LiOR* 20 96 50 28
37 AIEt3 + R*OH 20 96 43 25
36 AIEt3 + R*OH 20 192 ~2 56
41 ZnEt2 + 2R*OH 10 96 72 57
35 ZnEt 2 + 2R*OH 20 96 41 23
50 ZnEt 2 + 2R*OH 20 192 70 42
6 ZnEt 2 + 2R*OH 50 192 40 28
18 ZnEt 2 + R*OH 50 192 89 53
309 ZnEt 2 50 192 39 21
82 [n-C6H 13S)2Zn l0 96 29 13
83 (n-C6H 13S)2Zn 20 192 35 21
29 (CH2~CH--CH2S)aZn 20 192 49 39
85 (CH2~CH--CH2 S)zCd 10 96 22
55 (CH2~CH--CHzS)zCd 20 192 30 -
108 CdEt 2 + 2R*OH 25 336 6
84 (n-C6H13S)2Cd 10 96 16 -
74 (n -- C6H13S)zCd 20 96 6
72 (CH2~------CH--CHzS)zHg 10 96 19
73 (CHz=CH--CH2St2Hg 20 96 8

* Solvent toluene, toluene TMT = 5:1 (v:v), at room temperature, R*OH-( - ) menthol.
~ The desulphuration was carried out at 0 .
+ 21 .Zh. Zhumabaev, Dissertation, Moscow ( 1981).

character of thiirane sulphur atom, as the vacant The concerted mechanism of episulphurane frag-
3d-orbital of the sulphur atom is filled by d-electrons mentation provides a real possibility for the forma-
of Hg- and Cd-counter cations. This prevents the tion of highly reactive - R S S - anion in the form of
thiirane desulphuration because it makes it imposs- tightly bonded ion pair - RSS , Me + or mainly the
ible for ~ RS anion (SB) to attack a nucleophilic covalently bonded form - RSSMe. This is facilitated
thiirane sulphur atom (SB). On the other hand, such by the polymerization in n o n p o l a r media or in bulk
double-bonding leads b o t h to substantial weakening and by the nonionic character of ~ S ~ M e (Li, Zn,
of thiirane C - - S b o n d s and to the increase of the posi- A1) b o n d s (x >/ 1). The solvation of - RSSMe and
tive charge of the metal ion, which facilitate ring- RSS-, Me + (active centres of the thiirane ring-
opening of thiirane by ~ R S - anion:
" RS- ....... +Cd - -

~Rs-c-c-s-, +cd--

Desulphuration is possible if thiiranes (SB) are

coordinated with Li-, A1- and Zn-counter cations
opening reaction) by thiirane molecules is ac-
{HA), which have a higher positive charge and do not
companied by selective ring-opening of thiirane with
possess easily excited outer electrons. Such coordin-
the simultaneous formation of disulphide fragments
ation, not involving the vacant 3d-orbital of the sul-
and active centres of thiirane desulphuration reaction
phur atom, activates acceptor properties of the thiir-
of type
ane sulphur atom. In this case attack by - R S -
anion (SB) on the electrophilic thiirane sulphur atom
(SA) becomes possible. The formed transition state of R S S - - C - - C - - S - , Me" [8].
episulphurane type A, as in the thiirane desulphura-
tion by lithium alkyls [24], undergoes fragmentation
L q
by a concerted mechanism with the formation of
alkene and - RSSMe:

NRS-- Li + I" RS_ ~ Li

,,C ~ S Q / c 7 - - - " "c//\c/,,

~ S "" ---'4" ~RSSLi + C C

/ \ A
74 A. D. ALIEVet al.

Indeed, as distinct from ~ RS- anion, the ~ RSS- mixed complexes of type ~ RSLi.xLiOR* (x >~ 1)
anion should be more reactive and highly nucleophi- became possible [8].
lic in the thiirane ring-opening reactions due to the The symbiosis phenomenon also allows explana-
u-effect of the heteroatom [8, 25] and the fact that one tion of:
cannot take a conformation (~G~= 90°) with a lesser
overlapping of p-orbitals of unshared electrons of ad- (1) the shift to the right of the equilibrium:
jacent sulphur atoms [35].
Actually, the electronic structure of ~ RSS anion (~RSLi), + (LiOR*),, ~ ~RSLi.xLiOR* (m 7> n);
can be stabilized only by the formation of a-bonded
disulphide fragments of type the preferential formation and catalytic action of
mixed complexes, even if x = 1 (when m = n), are con-
I I firmed by the selective formation of disulphide poly-
mers on the complex system ~RSLi.LiOR*, despite
~ RSS---C--C--S-, Me +,
I I a higher rate of the MT polymerization by thiolates of
lithium ~ RSLi in the absence of LiOR* [8];
(2) the higher content of--SS---bonds in MT poly-
which can take a stable conformation with the di- mers, obtained by the use of Zn(OR*)2 [15], than in
hedral angle of ~ R - - S - - S - - R ~ bonds equal to ca. the presence of Z n ( S C H z - - C H ~ - - - C H z ) z [20] (R*O-
oJss = 90 °. is HB, while CH2~--~-CH--CH2S anion is SB);
Such an explanation agrees with the facts [5, 8] (3) the decrease of MT desulphuration rate and
that polymerization conditions and other factors even the stopping of propylene evolution with in-
(basicity, polarizability and a-effect [25]) resulting in crease of MT conversion by use of Zn(OR*)z [151
increase of nucleophilic reactivity of the active species and iso-BuaAl [16], which can be caused by the par-
( ~ RSLi or ~RSSLi) of the growing catalytic ticipation of hard R*O- and R anions in initiation
complex ( ~RSxLi'LiOR*; x = 1 or 2) are not favour- steps. This leads to the surrounding of metal ion by
able for the MT desulphuration, but favour ring- more soft ~ R S - anions:
opening reactions of MT [5, 8]. Indeed, in polar
media (THF and dioxane) or in the presence of amine
additives, the formation of episulphurane inter-
Zn(OR*)z MT , ~ R S - , +ZnOR* Mr , ( ~ R S h Z n .
mediate A is impossible since thiiranes (SB), unlike
ethers and amines (HB), have a smaller tendency to
coordinate with Li-, Zn- and Al-counter cations (HA). A low enantioselectivity of MT asymmetric poly-
(HA). merization on the system CdEt z + chiral alcohol or
High nucleophilic reactivity of ~ RSS- anion in diol, as compared to the corresponding organozinc
the thiirane ring-opening reaction (a-effect hetero- catalysts [26], may be explained by a faster trans-
atom) suggest that the thiirane desulphuration by formation of Cd(OR*) 2 to Cd(SR ~)2, as a soft metal
active species of the type ~ RSMe is a rate determin- ion (Cd 2+) is more strongly bonded with soft ligands.
ing stage for thiirane polymerization in processes of On the other hand, the high stereoregularity of
disulphide [7, 8] and trisulphide [6] polymer forma- poly-MT, prepared by cadmium catalysts even in
tion. This is confirmed by the low content of mono- polar media such as THF (HB) or in the presence of
sulphide units in the polymer chain and by the high hard donor additives (tertiary amines, ethers, etc), is
selectivity of disulphide polymer formation at differ- determined by the tendency of the soft cadmium ion
ent MT conversions [7, 8]. (SA) to coordinate preferentially soft electron donors
The concerted mechanism of episulphurane frag- (thiiranes and sulphur atoms of the growing polymer
mentation accounts for high stereospecificity [2,24] chain). Under the same conditions, organozinc cata-
and enantioselectivity [3,4] of thiirane desulphura- lysts yield amorphous polymers, because the hard
tion in the presence of nucleophilic agents. zinc ion (HA) coordinates more preferentially hard
The HSAB principle also explains a number of ex- ligands--THF and amines (HB) [26]. The increase of
perimental results on the stereospecific and asym- poly-MT stereoregularity with the enhancing of soft-
metric thiirane polymerizations by anionic coordin- ness of Me + counter cations in metal thiolates
ation catalysts. Quite a characteristic phenomenon is (Li + < AI3+ < Zn 2+ ~ Cd 2+) can be explained by a
the symbiotic effect of soft and hard ligands (anions more stable coordination of the soft metal ion (SA)
and donor molecules) at the metal ion. The symbiosis with thiiranes and/or with sulphur atoms (SB) of
phenomenon comprises the following concepts [22]: growing polymer chain.
(a) the surrounding of the metal ion by hard or soft It is known that the softness of transition metal
ligands increases, respectively, its "hardness" or "soft- ions increases with decrease of their oxidative state,
ness", and (b) the presence of hard or soft ligand(s) at which is stabilized by surrounding of the metal ion by
the metal ion facilitates the incorporation of anal- soft ligands. Thus, the observed formation of more
ogous ligands into its coordination sphere. Thus, in soft Cu ÷ ions, which is accompanied by a colour
the absence of hard donor ligands -LiOR* change of the reaction mixture [27] and the appear-
[Li+~{HA), and R*O --l-menthoxy group (HB)], ance of a bend in the MT conversion curve [16] dur-
the growing active species of type ~ RS-, Li + possess ing MT polymerization by the Cu 2+ acetylacctonate
an insignificant desulphuration ability [8]. The hard- [27] and Cu(SR)2 [16], could be related to the poss-
ness of Li + counter cation in ~ RS-, Li + increased ible redox reaction:
only after the addition of hard LiOR* molecules with
the result that the thiirane desulphuration by the ( ~ R S ) 2 C u ~ ~RSCu + ~RSSR
Ionic coordination polymerization of thiiranes 75

2. Thiirane desulphuration during cationic polymeriz- The formation of alkene and disulphide compounds
ation was also observed during cationic polymerization of
tbiiranes [9, 17-19]. For instance, in the presence of
The thiirane desulphuration is also caused by typical cationic catalysts (Et30+BF~, etc.) thiiranes
various electrophilic reagents; the mechanism remains and their polymers are transformed into 1,2,5-trithie-
unclear [2]. panes according to the scheme [9]:

] ~R

+ \C=C- + S S

MT polymerization by aluminium alkyls [17-19] [17-19], yields polymers with increased content of
and their water modifications [19], which are sup- - - S S - - b o n d s (up to 70~o [18]) by the scheme [19]:
posed to act according to the cationic mechanism

,___(, s-A1c, I
S,. / + C H 2 = CH +

CHs Xs/

These schemes show that an alkene is formed as a in accordance with the calculated data, showing a
result of polymer chain cleavage, but not by the thiir- higher stability of thiiranium ions than the corre-
ane desulphuration (or the thiiranium ion dealkenyla- sponding open-chain cationic intermediate by ca. 50
tion). However, true reasons exist for the thiiranium kcal/mol [30].
ion dealkenylation that are responsible for the forma- Indeed, the ambident behaviour of thiiranium salts,
tion o f - - S S - - b o n d s in polymer chain or 1,2,5-trithie- caused by the presence of electrophilic centres of the
panes in the thiirane polymerization and/or polythiir- two types (at carbon atoms and at sulphur atom
ane cleavage by typical cationic catalysts. This is [29, 30]) makes more probable the alternative possi-
facilitated by a greater probability of formation of bility of alkene formation not only in the cationic
thiiranium intermediate in the thiirane electrophilic polymerization of th'iiranes (path "a"), but also in the
reactions [2] and the thiiranium nature of active spe- cationic cleavage of polythiiranes (path "b");
cies in the cationic polymerization of thiiranes [28],

sL. s

)__s + ,',R- S ~ L .
76 A. D. ALIEVet al.

According to this simplified and general scheme, Evidently, factors facilitating the formation of
the positively charged thiiranium sulphur atom (SA) stable thiiranium salts I (the tightness of ion pair, the
is subject to nucleophilic attack by soft bases--the increase of steric effects at ring C-C bond, low reac-
thiirane (attack "a" in the case o f - - S S - - b o n d forma- tion temperature and nonpolar media [2]) rather than
tion in polymers) or the sulphur atom of growing the reaction product 1I, should also favour the desul-
polymer chain (attack "b" in the case of 1,2,5-trithie- phuration (path "a") in electrophilic transformations
pane formation). Such reaction paths, accompanied of thiiranes by this scheme. Actually, a hypothetical
by alkene evolution, are realized due to a higher con- RS + ion, which can be generated in the transition
centration of cationic charge at the thiiranium sul- state of concerted dealkenylation of growing ion pair
phur atom, achieved in its most favourable sp 3- and I, is a softer acid than the thiiranium ion 1, R3 S+ ion
p-configurations [29, 30]. and carbocations, and the thiirane is a softer base
The proposed mechanism of thiirane dealkenyla- than an alkene. Therefore, in corresponding reaction
tion is consistent with the fact that the reaction of conditions, the desulphuration and the formation of
cyclooctene-S-methylepisulphonium 2,4,6-trinitroben- disulphide fragments in the cationic polymerization of
zene sulphonate with a variety of nucleophiles occurs thiiranes would be a rule rather than an exception.
more often by attack at sulphur than at carbon [29]. This follows also from experimental data on the ca-
Data on chlormethylthiirane and 3-chlorthietane tionic polymerization of thiiranes [9, lib, 17-19, 32] if
interaction with some nucleophiles [31] also suggest these data are considered from the view point of the
the possibility of thiirane desulphuration and disul- proposed concept and general scheme for the cationic
phide fragment formation during cationic polymeriz-
ation of thiiranes in the above scheme:

(a)RO-K + / ~ RO- ( H B ) = H O . PhO. RCO0-

/ i I

+ R' SS ---J

Hard bases R O - attack the "harder" electrophilic

centre (CH +) of bicyclic thiiranium ion 1 (path "a'), polymerization of thiiranes and cationic cleavage of
whereas soft bases of type R'S- change the reaction polythiiranes.
path, attacking the "softer" electrophilic centres Based on the proposed general scheme and the
of ion I (path "b"). The increase of the softness of above order of soft organic cations, it can be assumed
the nucleophilic agents R'S- in the order that the probability of desulphuration by path "a"
(EtO)zP(S)S- < PhS- < BuS- leads to higher yield with the formation of the growing alkylthiothiiranium
of compound B: A/B = 100/0; 50/50; 5/95, respect- ion Ill, would increase only at certain acid-base ratios
ively. Compound B is a peculiar product of bicyclic of thiirane and components of the growing ion pair |.
ion I dealkenylation. These data lead to ranking the For example, the dealkenylation by path "a" can take
R3S ÷ ion in the following order of the softness de- place if the thiiranium sulphur atom has a greater
crease of soft organic cations (SA) [22]: softness than thiiranium carbon atoms (obtained in
the polymerization of more substituted thiiranes), and
HS + > RS + > CH~ > RCH~" /> R3 s+ the counter anion An is HB. In this case the prefer-
> R2CH + > R3C ÷ > Ph + ential ion-pairing between the hard counter anion
A n - and relatively hard thiiranium carbon atoms
which allows us to predict the reaction path (ring- ( ~- C + and /" CH +) promotes the nucleophilic attack
opening or dealkenylation of thiiranium cycle) or to by the thiirane (SB) on a more accessible and un-
change the latter by the choice of conditions for the screened (by A n - ) sulphur atom (SA) of the thiira-
cationic polymerization of thiiranes. nium ion.
To a first approximation, the thiirane desulphura- Steric and electronic factors should be unfavour-
tion reaction during cationic polymerization can be able for the dealkenylation by path "a", if the hard
considered as a reversible reaction between alkylsul- counter anion An- (HB) is disposed mainly at the
phenyl salts ~RS+An - and alkenes (SB) [2,30],
complicated by the presence of the softer base--thiir-
~RS + A n + ~C=C~ l, ~ RS~-@*"]'" An- 4 l, ~RS_..A//

+ ~C--C x
Ionic coordination polymerization of thiiranes 77

relatively hard thiiranium sulphur atom. The latter

can form in the polymerization of less substituted
thiiranes (thiirane, MT, 2,2-dimethylthiirane, etc.). In
this case the increase of the relative softness of thiira-
nium carbon atom(s) (+CH2 is a more SA, than
R3 S+) promotes the reaction path "b" due to the
preferential attack by thiirane (SB) on the thiiranium
carbon atom(s) (SA).
Thus, the probability of electrophilic desulphura-
tion during polymerization of more substituted thiir-
anes (TMT, 2,3-dimethylthiiranes, etc.) should in-
crease by use of catalysts generating the hard counter
anions An-. Such probability in the case of less sub-
stituted thiiranes (thiirane, MT, 2,2-dimethylthiirane,
etc.) can increase by the generation of the soft counter
d =
anion An-. This is confirmed by the comparison of t'--

data on the cationic polymerization of MT and TMT

.- m
by typical cationic catalysts, BF3'Et20 and
BF3"R*OH, generating the hard counter anions
[BF3OEt]-, BF2 and [BF3OR*] .
It turned out that, under the same conditions, only
a more substituted and basic TMT yields polymers
having the increased sulphur content (Table 2). The
calculated value of the sulphur content for the mono-
sulphide TMT polymers is 31.377o. It is achieved only t-
in the polymerization of TMT by organocadmium
catalysts, which do not cause the thiirane desulphura- g
tion [21].
The larger basicity of TMT in comparison with MT
follows from the much greater OD-i.r.-bandshift of
CH3OD in TMT (Yon= 2542cm- 1) and MT
(yon= 2599cm *t. Hence, the relative basicity of
TMT and MT, determined by difference of Yon values 2~
in CCl~(vo~ = 2689cm ~) and base [7], is equal to
Avon = 147cm ~ and 90cm ~, respectively. It is con-
sistent with the bathochromic shift of u.v.-absorption
maximum in the series thiirane (261nm), MT
(262.4 nm) and TMT (263 nm) [21]. Apparently, the
inductive effect of methyl groups in TMT favours the
increase of electron density at the sulphur atom.
Thus, the greater basicity of TMT, the relative soft-
ness of the sulphur atom in the growing thiiranium
ion, the generation of hard counter anion, and also
the significant steric hindrances for the TMT attack
by path "%" facilitate the thiirane desulphuration and
the formation of polymers with a high sulphur con-
tent during cationic polymerization of TMT.
The presence of trisulphide (-SSS-) bonds in TMT
polymers confirms the strong influence of steric
factors on the preference for the nucleophilic attack
by thiirane in concurrent reaction paths "a" and "b".
Indeed, the transformation of thiiranium ion I into
II ,,.a ~ o
thiothiiranium ion Iii should not favour the following m m m
dealkenylation of III due to the probable decrease of
the positive charge on the sulphur atom of cyclic ion ¢3 O

III. ,~+
Data on the microstructure of TMT polymers,
~z ~
given in Table 2, were obtained by comparison of
* ~ ++ II
PMR-spectra and microanalyses of polymers, which
are correlated with i.r.- and u.v.-data. These data are
also in satisfactory agreement with those of copoly-
mers of TMT and cyclic-Ss, obtained by study of their
PMR-, i.r.- and u.v.-spectra [21,33]. In particular,
microanalyses in combination with determination of
the average chemical shift (5~,.) of CH-S,-proton sig-
nals in PMR-spectra of polymers give reliable
78 A. D. ALIEVet al.

information on the average number of adjacent sul- intensity ratio of CH3-peaks at 1.26ppm and
phur atoms "x" in polymers of the type (1.48 + 1.50) ppm is c a , 1:2.
[CH(CH3)C(CHa)2-Sx] n [21, 33]. Thus, the downfield shift of the sharper and less
The broadening of CH-Sx-proton signals (Fig. 1), intensive signal at 1.26 ppm (when polymers with uni-
observed even at the same sulphur composition form structure are formed) or the appearance of ad-
(x ~ 2 and 6,v = 3.21ppm) of cationic polymers ditional peaks in this spectral region [observed in
(exps. 89 and 151, Table 2), indicate that polymers PMR-spectra of polymers, obtained by cationic cata-
consist of differing ratio of mono-, di- and trisulphide lysts (Fig. 1)], should be related to an increase of the
units, and not only disulphide units. polysulphidity degree "x" of the polymer chain.
This is confirmed by the PMR-spectra analysis of Actually, less intense and narrow peaks of methyl
methyl protons peaks which are split only when the protons at 1.26, 1.32 and 1.37 ppm, observed in spec-
structural uniformity of polymers changed, since tra of polymers with high sulphur content, should be
methyl protons are stereoinsensitive like those of attributed to polymer chain fragments with mono-,
mono- and disulphide polymers from MT [8, 343, and di- and trisulphide bonds, respectively. This is con-
the position of their signals does not depend on the firmed by the noticeable downfield shift of CH-Sx-
molecular weight of polymers (at least for n > 5). In protons with increase of sulphur content in polymers
the case of monosulphide polymers of TMT, obtained (Fig. 1) and agreed with the microanalytical data for
by cadmium catalysts, methyl protons are displayed polymers (Table 2). Insignificant downfield shift of
as two singlet signals of non-equivalent gem-dimethyl other methyl proton signals (from 6~v = 1.49 ppm for
groups (due to the presence of chiral centre) at x = 1 to 6,v = 1.52 ppm for x = 3) prevents this spec-
= 1.26 ppm and 1.48 ppm, and also the doublet sig- tral region from being used for the determination of
nal of CH3-CH-group at ~ = 1.50 ppm (Fig. 1). The "x" in TMT polymers.
Data on the polymer microstructure, given in Table
2 and obtained by estimation of the relative intensity
(mainly by height) of peaks at 1.26, 1.32 and 1.37 ppm,
are approximate.
The propylene evolution and the formation of
--SS---bonds in MT polymers may be possible only
with cationic catalysts, generating a less hard counter
anion An-, than [BF3OR ] - or BF2. The formation
of disulphide polymers (up to 70~o of - - S g - - b o n d s )
during MT polymerization on such cationic catalysts
as iso-Bu3A1 [17, 18], Et3A1 and its water modifica-
tions [19], and also some complexes of PdC12 and
PtCI2 [32], supports and above supposition.
The proposed scheme for the thiirane electrophilic
desulphuration enable us to explain also the preferen-
tial formation of polymer chain with alternating
--S--- and --SS--- units [19].
Thus, the electronic nature of the formation of tran-
sition state of episulphurane type and thiiranium
intermediates is essentially the same because of the
enhancement of coordinative state and the activation
/'11 I of acceptor orbital of thiirane sulphur atom under
certain conditions of the anionic and cationic polym-
erization of thiiranes. Nucleophilic and electrophilic
desulphuration of thiiranes are facilitated under con-
ditions (nonpolar reaction media, low reaction tem-
perature, etc.) leading to the formation of episulphur-
ane and thiiranium intermediates in covalent form or
in the form of tightly bonded ion pair. The ambident
behaviour of these intermediates, the dual reactivity
of which depends on the nature of monomer, reaction
medium and the counterion of growing polymer
chain, requires careful choice of catalytic systems and
polymerization conditions. Solution of this problem is
possible by the predicting character of the HSAB
principle and symbiosis phenomenon. The HSAB
principle allows an explanation, at present qualitative
I I but later perhaps quantitative 1-35], of the reasons for
4.0 3.0 2.0 i.o o selectivity of acid-base reactants in concurrent desul-
~, ppm phuration and ring-opening reactions of thiiranes
Fig. 1. PMR-spectra (in CC14) of trimethylthiirane poly- during ionic coordination polymerization. The sym-
mers, obtained by cationic catalysts (2, 3, and _4--exps 89, biosis phenomenon allows choice of the optimum
151 and 9 in Table 2, respectively) and on conditions and to establish suitable acid-base ratios of
Cd(SCHzCH=CH2)2 (1--exp. 55 ill Table 1). thiirane and components of the growing ion pair for
Ionic coordination polymerization of thiiranes 79

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.4cknowled{tements We thank Dr Zh. Zhumabaev for par- L~vsokomolek. Soedin. AI5, 2300 (1973).
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