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orders in ground-plan and character.

They were usually long

thick-walled muscular gizzard, the muscles radiating from

by collusive captures arranged between American traders

FIG. 9.--Intestinal Tract of Gorilla. S, cut end of

slightly elevated, and dotted with low hills, which gradually

even to Europe and North America, are often as active and as

it, he applied to the admiralty on Hansen's behalf for the

the resistances to balloon propulsion, but experiment showed

acknowledged the son of the god. The Egyptian Pharaohs of

cartridges are so placed and labelled that the required

sodawater is very often devoid of soda and is only carbonated

The Durani Dynasty.---In 1737-38 Nadir Shah both recovered

(see M. von Rohr, Theorie und Geschichte des photographischen

other methods and traditions than those which had brought

are of considerable bulk, or, like Macrocystis, of enormous

hardly yet been tried, namely, that of endeavouring to

right side, although this fact has no relation with the side

Africa and 25 in Mauretania Caesariensis. Ammianus Marcellinus,

the United States and of Lord Alverstone, whose action

leading American cases from the first to the latest volume of

a dry climate, are the dead, clad and surrounded with food,

velocity V of the optical undulations through that medium,

symbiotism between algae and fungi see FUNGI and LICHENS.)

had come to close quarters with the Russian columns, which

junipers and laurels, the myrrh and Other gum trees (gnarled

to mid-June, when the rains begin, is very great, the average

year and exiled to his estate of Fresnos in Brie, on account

possessions. In 1474 he married his daughter Barbara to Henry

ALONE. This adjective or adverb requires no definition for its

settled on the Northumbrian side of the Tweed, bringing with

under the kingdom of Naples, respectively bore the names

reserve, and the Vladimir regiment lost half of its numbers

America. Tremolite-schists consist essentially of white or

the eastern army corps. At Allahabad is published the

Neve minor, neu sit quinto productior actu

countess of Devon. She had two children, Thomas, who died

for the transport of cases from the front to the base, were

navigators. Some preliminary surveys have been made by the United

disinterestedness in respect of all the states of Europe which

became professor of chemistry at the Royal Military Academy in

motion. Unaware of Adams's work, he attempted a like inquiry,

Remains of a Roman thermal establishment exist near the principal

Correspondence, United States, No. 3 (1897), No. 1 (1898).

of the Academy of St Luke. Several of his most important

sea. It was founded (perhaps on the site of an early Sicanian

sun which never sets sends feeble rays that maintain a low

13. The Alps of Bavaria, the Vorarlberg and Salzburg (north of

(long, and of general interest): F. Knapp and R. L. Childe,

the relationship is less close. They constitute the

1894 the British government agreed to the South African

north, Jibuti (French), Zaila and Berbera (British) in the

4. B anan A

administration. Political topics were studiously avoided in

Survey of India, vol. xx. (1887), pp. 93-103, with map.

C6H4[CO]2N(CH2)5N[CO]2C6H4, which is finally hydrolysed

Col de Susanfe (Champery to Salvan), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . .8,202

enclosed groups called kampongs, and buried in a forest of

in most cases other means of uniting two pieces are available.

the emperor for three years, for whom Nero in 56 substituted

an embassy under Dom Rodrigo de Lima landed in Abyssinia.

which, although unfortunately incomplete, dealing only with

medical degree at Leiden. In little more than a month he had

material, whether wood or stone. They are used on a journey in

flocculent precipitate which is a true alloy of silver and

aether, in addition to its more familiar properties, and the

walls, and has the aspect of a fortress rather than of a

with the view of encouraging and promoting the fine arts.

kind where there is no express agreement, oral or written,

taken place direct from the Altai to the Alps seems excluded

since the days of King Offa, who died in 796, leaving to his

New World into existence to redress the balance of the Old.''

Yet the writer is, in fact, ending up most fitly on one

Smyrna. It is dirty and ill-built; but, standing on elevated

1903 34,007 3,152,159 4,294 521,725

was to be attached to him, as it was ``perfectly well known

Largest aperture; necessary corrections are--for the axis

matters of detail. The clauses in charter-parties vary, of

loss by the act of God or the king's enemies. The expression

verse. His poetry belongs more peculiarly to universal art,

Britannica the articles on the various languages and under

immaterial. Another difficulty, not peculiar to aesthetic

It is cultivated in the S., S.E. and S.W. provinces, and to

holding an already established position. Their institution

him to use a much more simple booster. The Entz booster

foreign politics and war was their competence restricted.

Plateau. The Alleghany Plateau is the north-westernmost

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