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Letters to the Editor 371

Fixed Drug Eruption due to Propranolol

Elisa Zaccaria, Francesco Gualco, Francesco Drago and Alfredo Rebora
Department of Dermatology. DISEM. Universit)' of Genoa. Viale Benedetto XV n.7. IT-16100 Genova. Italy. E-mail:
Accepted March 13. 2006.

Sir, close relationship with the propranolo! treatment and

A 61-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to our its clearance after discontinuation suggest propranoiol
department because of a skin eruption of one-month as the most likely culprit, p-adrenoreceptor blocking
duration that had begun one month after the onset of agents, ineluding propranolol hydrochloride, have been
therapy with propranolol. She had been diagnosed as repeatedly reported to induce skin eruptions (1-3). The
having ehronie active hepatitis due to hepatitis C virus clinical features ofthe latter are variable (psoriasiform
infection, but denied any previous skin disorder. She had (2)., lichenoid ( 1 ^ ) , maeulopapular or with lupus-like
been treated for hypertension with 10 mg/day propranolol appearance (5)), but fixed drug eruption has never been
oraly for the previous 2 months. No other medications described.
had been taken and she had not previously received p- The number of drugs able to produce fixed drug er-
blocking therapy. uptions is very large. In the UK, they mostly include
On examination, she exhibited a sharply marginated, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and non-opioid
round, itchy plaque of erythema and oedema, 1.5x3 cm analgesics, sulphonamides and tetracyclines (6). This is
in size with violaceous and bullous centre, localized on the first case in which propranolol can be incriminated.
the external face of her right leg (Fig. 1). Laboratory dis- How p-blockers may induce skin lesions is unelear.
closed leukopaenia (2.6x 1071) with a nonna! differentia! Pochet et al. (7) demonstrated P-adrenoreceptors on
count, thromboeytopaenia (84x1071), a small increase both T- and B-lymphoeytes, but did not explain their
in liver enzyme activity, positive IgG FTA-ABS, and relationship with the sensitization to p-blockers. The
positive Treponema paUidum haemo-agglutination test expression of adrenoreceptors pi and P2 differ in vari-
(1/160). Hepatitis C virus serology was suggestive of ous tissues (8) and in various skin regions. The regional
previous infection. differences in their expression may explain the different
A skin biopsy specimen showed a sub-epideniial bulla types of skin reaction. Immunological mechanisms have
with acanthosis, focal parakeratosis, hypergranulosis been suggested to explain the cutaneous eruptions due
and focal necrosis of keratinoeytes. The upper dermis to p-blocking agents, but the evidence, which included
was infiltrated by lymphocytes and granulocytes, but various cutaneous tests (1), failed to clarify whether
signs of leukocytoclastic vasculitis were absent. These a type I or IV reaction is responsible. !n any case,
findings were compatible with the diagnosis of fixed dermatologists should be aware of the possibility of
drug eruption. The propranolol therapy was immedia- these side-effects in patients during treatment with
tely discontinued and after 2 months of treatment with p-blocking drugs.
topical methylprednisolone once a day, the skin lesion
had cleared.
Our patient had a skin lesion that both clinically and REFERENCES
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© 2006 Acia Dermato-Venereologica. ISSN 0001-5555 Acta Derm Venereol H6

DOI: 10.2340/00015555-0105

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