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No. Exam l22l Dated: Oa.L2.2O22

End Sem. Exam Nov./Dec., 2022


Due to hugc sLrcngth of B.Tcch. studcnts, thc End Scmcstcr

Examinations will bc held in both thc shift of Morning and Evcning
according to branch as mcntioncd givcn bclow: -

Venue: - Lecture Hall Complex (LHC)

Centre No. 1 Centre No. 2

Morning Session Evening Session
9:3O AM to 12:30 PM O2:OO PM to 5:OO PM

Civil Engincering Blectronics & Comm. Engg.

Mcchanical Engineering Computcr Enginccring

Elcctrical Engi neering In lorm ation Technol ogr

Prod. & Ind. Enginccring

Associ inationsf
Copy to: -
I . All l)cans/Assoc. I)cans/All IIoD's/School Coordinator
2. Dr. G. L. l)ahuja, Ccnter Supdt. Ccntrc No. 1
3. Dr. K. K. Singh, Centrc Supdt., Ccntrc No.-2
4. I)r. Rajcndcr Kumar, l)y. Supdt. Ccntrc No. I
5. Dr. Gulshan Sachdeva, Dy. Supdt. Centrc No. 2
6. Prof.-l/C (CCN) to upload it on thc Institutc wcbsitc.
7. PS to Rcgistrar for his kind information.
8. I)S to l)ircctor for his kind information.
9. rut Noticc Iloard l)cpartmcnts/lTostcls.

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