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History of "Acopia".

The town of Acopia is located at 3713 (three thousand seven hundred and thirteen) meters
above sea level. My grandfather told me that "Acopia" originated from the fall of two normal
eggs in the place where the two lagoons are today. The first place where people were
positioned was in the "Royal Street", years later Tupac Amaru II would walk those places. The
"Acopianos" participated in the revolution of "Tupac Amaru II", after the failure of the
revolution the Spanish sent the "Acopianos" to work in the gold mine.

Acopia was not already delimited when the independence of Peru ended, the inhabitants of
Acopia delimited their territory.

Years ago the houses had straws roofs, they did not have electric power, they used burnt bait
for lighting. The ashes were covered with clay plates so that the fire would not die.

On the other hand, every month they celebrated a party but I am going to tell you about the
party on July 28, Peru's independence day. That day the people of "Acopia" carried out
activities, for example they painted their houses and they all swept the streets, in the
afternoon the children danced the dance called "la función organizada". Another festival with
great attendance was the festival of San Jeronimo, every September 30 of each year they
performed as. the "bullfight", dances and the holy mass.

On December 24 at night, the "ayllu" and the church organized to put together the birth of the
niño Jesus, a person took charge to organize the activities to be carried out. A group of people
went to the hills to pick flowers, they brought flowers and first they arrived at the Church and
left the flowers there, then they went to leave flowers from house to house. On December 25
in the morning they went with new clothes to pray to the niño Jesus, and the godchildren went
to greet their godparents, who were waiting for them at home with food and “chicha”.

This is how the old acopianos lived, today it has changed a lot, for example we have electricity
to study, we have a clinic to be able to cure ourselves, we have a school where we study, we
colleagues have to take advantage, at the same time give thanks to those who are always with
us, Thank you ABC PRODEIM.

Sister ˈsɪstə Heydi Heydi , , dear dɪə teachers ˈtiːʧəz , , classmates ˈklɑːsmeɪts , , parents
ˈpeərənts and ənd guests gɛsts from frəm different ˈdɪfrənt institutions ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənz , , I aɪ
welcome ˈwɛlkəm you jʊ to tə the ðə twenty ˈtwɛnti - - fifth fɪfθ anniversary ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri of əv
our ˈaʊə didascalio didascalio school skuːl . . I aɪ am əm here hɪər in ɪn front frʌnt of əv you jʊ
to tə talk tɔːk about əˈbaʊt the ðə history ˈhɪstəri of əv Acopia Acopia . . The ðə text tɛkst I aɪ
wrote rəʊt has həz the ðə title ˈtaɪtl : : History ˈhɪstəri of ɒv " " Acopia Acopia ". ". The ðə town
taʊn of əv Acopia Acopia is z located ləʊˈkeɪtɪd at æt 3713 ( 3713 ( three θriː thousand
ˈθaʊzənd seven ˈsɛvn hundred ˈhʌndrəd and ənd thirteen ˈθɜːˈtiːn ) ) meters ˈmiːtəz above
əˈbʌv sea siː level ˈlɛvl . . My maɪ grandfather ˈgrændˌfɑːðə told təʊld me mi that ðæt " "
Acopia Acopia " " originated əˈrɪʤɪneɪtɪd from frəm the ðə fall fɔːl of əv two tuː normal ˈnɔːməl
eggs ɛgz in ɪn the ðə place pleɪs where weə the ðə two tuː lagoons ləˈguːnz are ə today təˈdeɪ .
. The ðə first fɜːst place pleɪs where weə people ˈpiːpl were wə positioned pəˈzɪʃənd was wəz in
ɪn the ðiː " " Royal ˈrɔɪəl Street striːt ", ", years jɪəz later ˈleɪtə Tupac Tupac Amaru Amaru II aɪ-
aɪ would wəd walk wɔːk those ðəʊz places ˈpleɪsɪz . . The ðiː " " Acopianos Acopianos " "
participated pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪd in ɪn the ðə revolution ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən of ɒv " " Tupac Tupac Amaru
Amaru II aɪ-aɪ ", ", after ˈɑːftə the ðə failure ˈfeɪljər of əv the ðə revolution ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən the ðə
Spanish ˈspænɪʃ sent sɛnt the ðiː " " Acopianos Acopianos " " to tə work wɜːk in ɪn the ðə gold
gəʊld mine maɪn . . Acopia Acopia was wəz not nɒt already ɔːlˈrɛdi delimited diːˈlɪmɪtɪd when
wɛn the ði independence ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns of əv Peru pəˈruː ended ˈɛndɪd , , the ði inhabitants
ɪnˈhæbɪtənts of əv Acopia Acopia delimited diːˈlɪmɪtɪd their ðeə territory ˈtɛrɪtəri . . Years jɪəz
ago əˈgəʊ the ðə houses ˈhaʊzɪz had həd straws strɔːz roofs ruːfs , , they ðeɪ did dɪd not nɒt
have həv electric ɪˈlɛktrɪk power ˈpaʊə , , they ðeɪ used juːzd burnt bɜːnt bait beɪt for fə
lighting ˈlaɪtɪŋ . . The ði ashes ˈæʃɪz were wə covered ˈkʌvəd with wɪð clay kleɪ plates pleɪts so
səʊ that ðət the ðə fire ˈfaɪə would wəd not nɒt die daɪ . . On ɒn the ði other ˈʌðə hand hænd ,
, every ˈɛvri month mʌnθ they ðeɪ celebrated ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪd a ə party ˈpɑːti but bət I aɪ am əm
going ˈgəʊɪŋ to tə tell tɛl you jʊ about əˈbaʊt the ðə party ˈpɑːti on ɒn July ʤu(ː)ˈlaɪ 28, 28,
Peru's pəˈruːz independence ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns day deɪ . . That ðæt day deɪ the ðə people ˈpiːpl of
ɒv " " Acopia Acopia " " carried ˈkærid out aʊt activities ækˈtɪvɪtiz , , for fər example ɪgˈzɑːmpl
they ðeɪ painted ˈpeɪntɪd their ðeə houses ˈhaʊzɪz and ənd they ðeɪ all ɔːl swept swɛpt the ðə
streets striːts , , in ɪn the ði afternoon ˈɑːftəˈnuːn the ðə children ˈʧɪldrən danced dɑːnst the ðə
dance dɑːns called kɔːld " " la lɑː funci funci ó ó n ɛn organizada organizada ". ". Another
əˈnʌðə festival ˈfɛstəvəl with wɪð great greɪt attendance əˈtɛndəns was wəz the ðə festival
ˈfɛstəvəl of əv San sæn Jeronimo Jeronimo , , every ˈɛvri September sɛpˈtɛmbə 30 30 of əv
each iːʧ year jɪə they ðeɪ performed pəˈfɔːmd as æz . . the ðiː " " bullfight ˈbʊlfaɪt ", ", dances
ˈdɑːnsɪz and ənd the ðə holy ˈhəʊli mass mæs . . On December 24 at night the "ayllu" and the
church organized to put together the birth of the niño Jesus a person took charge to organize

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