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J Med Biochem 2018; 37 DOI: 10.


UDK 577.1 : 61 ISSN 1452-8258

J Med Biochem 37: 1 –10, 2018 Review paper

Revijski rad



Neda Milinkovi}1,2, Svetlana Ignjatovi}1,2, Zorica [umarac1, Nada Majki}-Singh3

1Center for Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
2Department for Medical Biochemistry, University of Belgrade, School of Pharmacy, Belgrade, Serbia
3Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Summary Kratak sadr`aj

An adequate assessment of the measurement uncertainty in Adekvatna procena nesigurnosti rezultata merenja u
a laboratory medicine is one of the most important factors biohemijskoj laboratoriji je jedan od najzna~ajnijih faktora
for a reliable interpretation of the results. A large number of za pouzdanu interpretaciju rezultata. Veliki broj standarda i
standards and guidelines indicate the need for a proper vodi~a ukazuju na neophodnost pravilne procene nesigur-
assessment of the uncertainty of measurement results in nosti rezultata merenja u rutinskoj laboratorijskoj praksi.
routine laboratory practice. The available documents gene- Dostupni dokumenti uglavnom preporu~uju u~e{}e u {e-
rally recommend participation in the proficiency schemes/ mama osposobljenosti/spolja{njoj kontroli kvaliteta, kao i
external quality control, as well as the internal quality control, svakodnevno merenje unutra{njih kontrola kvaliteta, kako
in order to primarily verify the quality performance of the bi se primarno proverilo izvo|enje metode. Mada svi do-
method. Although all documents meet the requirements of kumenti zadovoljavaju zahteve internacionalnog standarda
the International Standard, ISO 15189, the standard itself ISO 15189, sam standard ne defini{e jasno metodu kojom
does not clearly define the method by which the treba procenjivati nesigurnost rezultata merenja i ne postoji
measurement results need to be assessed and there is no harmonizacija u praksi. Tako|e, nesigurnost rezultata me-
harmonization in practice regarding to this. Also, the renja je podatak koji se odnosi na sam izmereni rezultat, ali
uncertainty of measurement results is the data relating to the treba uzeti u obzir sve faktore koji uti~u i na interpretaciju
measured result itself, but all factors that influence the izmerene vrednosti, koja se u krajnjem koristi za dijagnozu
interpretation of the measured value, which is ultimately i pra}enje le~enja pacijenta. Tako da u laboratorijskoj me-
used for diagnosis and monitoring of the patient's treatment, dicini odgovaraju}a procena nesigurnosti rezultata merenja
should be taken into account. So in laboratory medicine, an treba da ima za krajnji cilj smanjenje dijagnosti~ke nesi-
appropriate assessment of the uncertainty of the gurnosti. Ipak, dobra profesionalna laboratorijska praksa i
measurement results should have the ultimate goal of razumevanje analiti~kih aspekata testa za svaku pojedi-
reducing diagnostic uncertainty. However, good professional na~nu laboratoriju je neophodno da bi se adekvatno defi-
laboratory practice and understanding analytical aspects of nisala procena nesigurnosti rezultata merenja za specifi~na
the test for each individual laboratory is necessary to laboratorijska ispitivanja, ~ime se poma`e sprovo|enje
adequately define the uncertainty of measurement results for dobre klini~ke prakse. Tako|e, postavljanje dijagnoze u
specific laboratory tests, which helps to implement good medicini je dono{enje odluke sa odre|enim stepenom
clinical practice. Also, setting diagnoses in medicine is a nesigurnosti, pre nego statisti~ki i matemati~ki prora~unat
decision with a certain degree of uncertainty, rather than zaklju~ak.
statistically and mathematically calculated conclusion.
Klju~ne re~i: ISO 15189, laboratorijska medicina,
Keywords: ISO 15189, laboratory medicine, measure- nesigurnost merenja
ment uncertainty

Address for correspondence:

Neda Milinkovi}
Center for Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Center of Serbia,
Vi{egradska 26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Fax phone number: +381113615631
e-mail: nedanvkvcª
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2 Milinkovi} et al.: Uncertainty of measurement in laboratory

Evolution of the concept of According to the VIM document, MU is »not a

measurement uncertainty negative parameter that characterizes the dissipation
of quantitative values attributable to the measured
Measurement uncertainty is a metrological con- component, based on the information used« (section
cept that is used to objectively evaluate the quality of 2.26) (7). In laboratory medicine, it is accepted that
measurement results. The idea of measurement un- the MU parameter is associated with the result of
certainty dates back to the 16th century, when scientists measurement, which is characterized by the dissi-
from various applied sciences (astronomy, geodesy, pation of a value that could reasonably be attributed
experimental physiology, genetics and sociology) wanted to the measured component, i.e. the analyte to be
to show the quality of the results of their measurements. determined (6). MU is the data that ensures the
They mostly changed the measurement conditions and reliability of the result itself. Reliability of the results is
monitored the influence of various factors leading to the necessary in situations where clinically significant
final measurement result, which led to the development decisions are made and represent a quantitative
of the concept of mathematical modeling of these suspicion to the final outcome.
factors in order to assess the measurement uncertainty
of the results (MU) (1–3). The most frequently numerically represented
MU is the measured value ± extended uncertainty, U.
The introduction of the concept of MU in Extended uncertainty is the interval in which the result
routine laboratory practice began only in the 80s of is expected, with a certain degree of confidence
the last century (4). Due to the lack of consensus in (Confidence interval, CI). This is the product of the
the international scientific community on expressing standard combined uncertainty of u (uc) and the
the uncertainty of measurement, the International coverage factor k. The choice of the numerical value
Bureau for Weights and Measures (Bureau Interna- of the coverage factor depends on the desired
tional des Poids et Mesures, BIPM) established a reliability with which the MU should be presented. For
working group aimed at writing recommendations on CI approximately 95%, a coverage factor of 2 corre-
expressing measurement uncertainty (4). The document sponds, and for a CI greater than 99%, k is usually 3,
»Recommendation INC-1 – Expression of Experimen- where the degrees of freedom for uc are greater than
tal Uncertainty« was approved by the International 20.
Committee for Weights and Measures (Comité Interna-
In clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine,
tional des Poids et Mesures, CIPM) (5). CIPM suggests
MU assessment is required as a mandatory/optional
that the International Organization for Standardiza-
item in accordance with ISO 17025 (General
tion (ISO) develops a master document for measure-
Requirements for the Competence of Laboratory for
ment uncertainty based on the recommendations of
Testing and Calibration) and ISO 15189 (Special
the BIPM working group. The ISO Technical Advisory
Requirements for the Quality and Competence of
Group for Metrology (TAG 4) was responsible for
Medical Laboratories), original and supplementary
writing a guide, with seven organizations from various
editions (2, 3). The first edition for the ISO 17025
fields participating: BIPM, International Electro- standard was published in 1999, the supplementary
technical Commission (IEC), ISO, International Orga- edition was published in 2005 (translation of this
nization of Legal Metrology, OIML), the International standard into Serbian – SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2005).
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the The first edition of the ISO 15189 standard was
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics published in 2003, and the supplementary editions
(IUPAP) and the International Federation of Clinical were subsequently published in 2007 and 2012 (the
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), a repre- translation of the latest supplemented standard into
sentative for medical laboratories. TAG 4 defined Serbian – SRPS ISO 15189:2014).
Workgroup 3 (ISO/TAG 4/WG 3) with a panel of
experts from BIPM, OIML, IEC and ISO. The Guide to
the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) Models for calculating the measurement
was first published in 1993, and two years later
uncertainty of the results
corrected and re-printed. Since 2008, when BIPM re-
published the corrected edition of the original The literature data point to two general models
document, the GUM can be downloaded free of that can be used to evaluate the MU: the original
charge from the BIPM website (6). bottom-up model based on the recommendations of
the GUM document and the phenomenologically top-
It is important to note that the terminology used
down model based on quality control data.
in the GUM document on the assessment of measu-
rement uncertainty was taken from the International
Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM), which is also avail-
Bottom-up model
able on the BIPM website (7). However, the inter-
pretation of this dictionary is, until now, the main The only normative document, which is also
problem in the proper application and assessment of considered a »bible of uncertainty«, is the GUM do-
MU in routine laboratory diagnostics. cument. Theoretical modeling relies on the principles
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J Med Biochem 2018; 37 3

of the original document published in 1980 (4). The the interconnection of all sources of uncertainty that
basic principles explained in this document are as significantly affect the result. Significant systemic
follows: errors should be corrected and should not be taken
into account when calculating uncertainties. All major
– The uncertainty of the result of a measure-
sources that lead to the spread of uncertainty are
ment consists of several components, which
combined and the presented uncertainty is the
can be grouped into two categories according
to the way in which their numerical value is combined uncertainty ± the quantitatively presented
estimated: measured value.

Components that are assessed by statistical This so-called up model (bottom-up model),
methods (Type A), which the GUM suggests, is in function of various
inputs, i.e. factors leading to the final MU, i.e. has a
Components that are assessed by other means very large budget of uncertainty (a list of factors
(Type B). leading to MU) (9). It is necessary to define a large
– Classification in these two categories is not number of variations and covariances and use com-
always simple, so components are usually plex mathematical modeling, so it is not suitable for
defined as random and systemic uncertainties. use in routine laboratory medicine. Also, the effort
The concept of systemic uncertainty should be and cost of assessing the uncertainty of the measure-
avoided, as it may be misinterpreted. Each ment results should be proportional to the required
detailed uncertainty report should contain a clinical quality of measurement (10).
complete list of components and in particular The GUM document presents general rules for
emphasize the method by which the numerical assessing and expressing uncertainties in measure-
value of the uncertainty for each component ment, rather than detailed technological-specific
are obtained: instructions (6). Although the principles of this do-
– Components belonging to Type A can be cument are applicable to measurements in biology
represented by estimated variations (or esti- and chemistry, they were initially valid for measure-
mated standard deviation, SD) and number of ments in mathematics and physics. The document
degrees of freedom, v. Where appropriate, does not explain how an evaluated MU can be used
covariances should also be indicated. to match the result obtained with other similar results,
how to determine the limit of tolerance in the work
– The components belonging to Type B can be
process and assess what corrective actions should be
presented as quantitative values (which
roughly explain the assumed variations).
Quantitative values can be treated as varia- Because of all the previously mentioned, the
tions and as SD. In the same way, covariances GUM document indicates that specific standards
should also be treated. based on the GUM document (6) should be de-
– Combined uncertainty should be displayed as veloped for each specific area. These standards
a numerical value obtained by applying the should be a simplified version of the original GUM
usual method of combining variations. Com- document, but contain details that correspond to the
bined uncertainty and its components should level of accuracy and complexity of the corresponding
be expressed as standard deviations. measurement.
– If it is necessary to show the overall un-
certainty, the combined uncertainty should be Top-down model
multiplied by the factor, which should be
clearly indicated, and it is designated as Laboratory diagnostics is a medical discipline
extended uncertainty (4). that plays an important role in diagnosis, risk
assessment, treatment and monitoring of the patient.
Specified principles provide a methodology in Therefore, in laboratory medicine, precise and
which: accurate routine measurements are needed, which
– An uncertainty assessment should include a ensure the reliability of the measurement result itself,
combination of major sources of uncertainty and thus adequate management of the patient. There
are a large number of different pre-analytical,
– Uncertainties for random and systemic error analytical and post-analytical factors that influence
components should be treated as equal
MU in routine laboratory diagnostics, so the practical
– Uncertainty components are expressed as application of the GUM model is not possible.
combined standard uncertainty or extended
In 2000, Eurachem/CITAC published the
uncertainty (8).
Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement
The approach proposed by the GUM document (QUAM) paper, and in 2012, a supplement for a
is based on a model that is designed to understand unique application for assessing measurement
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4 Milinkovi} et al.: Uncertainty of measurement in laboratory

uncertainty in chemistry (11). This document examines – Quantify the MU for the control sample (Type
the practical experience in assessing the uncertainty A) (reproducibility within the laboratory, Rw)
of measurement in chemical laboratories, and and indicate potential impacts that are not
emphasizes the need to integrate procedures that covered by the control sample,
assess the uncertainty of measurement with measure-
– Quantify the bias for the method in the
ments of existing quality control carried out in labo-
ratories. In this way, the validation of the method in
the MU assessment was clearly enabled, and in full – Display uncertainty components as standard
compliance with the GUM document, which enabled uncertainty (SD),
the empirical approach or the top-down model of the
– Calculate the combined standard uncertainty
MU assessment in the routine medical laboratories
(uc, root from the sum of squares of individual
standard uncertainties),
The top-down model meets the need of che-
– Calculate extended uncertainty (U = 2 x uc),
mical laboratories, but it is often of little use for
methods used in medical laboratories. Nevertheless, – Show extended uncertainty as ± _%.
the concept of a top-down model is in accordance
If the control sample is unstable, reproducibility
with ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 standards, so the
can be achieved by analyzing the duplicate measure-
QUAM document is the appropriate reference for
ment in a patient sample (12). The results of the
supporting MU assessment in a routine medical
duplicate are analyzed and represented on the R map
laboratory (11).
(map for the range), to which the data of the differ-
Nordic countries Technical report, NordTest TR ence of two measurements are entered directly. This
537 and ISO 11352 standard, which explains the map can also be presented in the form of % of the
assessment of measurement uncertainty based on mean value for the analyzed pair of measurements in
validation and quality control data (ISO 11352 Water one sample. This approach is useful when concen-
Quality Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty trations of the analyte vary in a lot of controls that
Based on Validation and Quality Control Data) explain often change.
the phenomenological approach of the top-down
model in the MU assessment (12, 13).
In routine medical laboratories, the application Total error concept
of a top-down model is possible provided all factors of The concept of total error calculation (Total
impact are known and covered, but also repre- Error, TE) was introduced in 1974, with the aim of
sentative for all measurements by the same method. quantitative approach in assessing the acceptability of
Two major impacts on measurement uncertainty in the measurement procedure (16). TE represents the
routine medical laboratories are random and systemic expression of the overall deviation of the test result
effects (14). These two types of effects can be pre- from its exact value and is initially shown by the
sented within the intra-laboratory precision and the following formula: TE = bias + z × CVa. The esti-
residual bias of measurement, and are part of the mation of the TE takes into account both random and
analytical error in the medical laboratory. A random systemic errors: it means knowledge of the bias and
error is a measurement component that varies in an the analytical coefficient of variation (CVa). Bias is
unpredictable manner, while the systemic error calculated using the following formula:
remains constant, but the change can be predicted
Bias (%) = (x – y0)/y0 × 100
where x is the obtained value, and y0 is the
A top-down approach is practical for routine use,
target value. CVa represents the percentage of the
but it can override a systemic error of determination.
standard deviation of the mean value of the result
Although this is considered to have no significant
(SD/x × 100). However, data for imprecision can be
impact on the accuracy of the method, since
used instead of CV data. The statistical z value is a
commercial methods of determination with the same
table number describing the level of reliability of the
bias are used, in general. However, correction of the
result (which is usually about 95%) for a measurable
systemic error is often necessary – not only when
error, despite the remaining 5% chance that the test
using different methods, but also for estimating the
result may exceed this limit.
variation in the value of the blank test, the impact of
interference or incomplete recovery (15). A preferred total allowable analytical error (TEa)
in routine laboratory medicine can be calculated from
In this sense, it is necessary to display the
the following formulas:
following steps for the top-down model:
TEa = Bias + 1.65 × imprecision
– Clearly define which analyte is measured, in
which matrix, and by what method, TEa = Bias + 1.65 × SD
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J Med Biochem 2018; 37 5

If the value is Z = 1.65, one-sided data In order to achieve the objectives of MU it is

distribution with a CI of 95% is observed. For most necessary to achieve traceability. According to the
situations in routine work, the following formula VIM document, traceability is »Characteristic of
applies: measurement results so that the result can be linked
to references through a documented continuous
TEa < 0.25 × [CVi2 + CVg2]½ + z × 0.5 ×
calibration chain, each contributing to measurement
uncertainty« (7). Measurement uncertainty and bias
where CVi is a variation within a person (intra- are determined according to the metrological chain
individual variation), and CVg variations between of traceability (9). Accuracy, laboratory accreditation
individuals (inter-individual variation) (17). levels, and instability and material costs increase
significantly from medical laboratories to the top of
A critical error (Critical Error, CE) can also be the hierarchy, from routine medical laboratories to the
calculated based on the following formula (18): International System of Units (SI). On the contrary,
DCE = [(TEa – Bias)/SD] – 1.65 the measurement uncertainty of bias, and the
availability of materials are reduced from the bottom
The value of CE, i.e. changes of the TEa can be to the top. Due to the inaccessibility of reference
used in the assessment of results and the selection of materials and methods, this traceability chain has not
appropriate quality control (QC or EQA). been properly implemented in medical laboratories
The TE concept requires that the exact value of (21). Medical traceability is difficult to achieve due to
the result should be known, because the error is the physico-chemical complexity of the samples in
inherent in the measurement, otherwise TE cannot which the analyte is determined, which mainly results
be calculated (19). On the contrary, in the concept of from intra- and inter-individual biological variations
uncertainty of measurement, it is assumed that the (22).
exact value of the result cannot be known. Unlike the
TE concept, when estimating the MU method, the
lack of accurate value of the results is underlined, with Biological variability of the analyte
the assertion that there is a lack of accurate know- The biological variability of the analyte examined
ledge of the true value of the result (14). in the samples of patients in laboratory medicine may
Literature data indicate that the imprecision of be related to:
the method as an indicator of random error of – Variations during the course of life, resulting
determination is the main component of MU (20). from physiological changes, growth, aging,
Also, if bias as an indicator of systemic error is not pregnancy, menopause, or some other normal
negligible, i.e. clinically significant, can be removed circumstances,
by correcting the analyte or recalibration. When bias
cannot be removed or treated as any other source of – Predictable cyclical variations, which can be
uncertainty, it should be included in the calculation of daily, monthly or seasonal,
MU. If this is not possible, a medical laboratory may – Random variations, which depend on the
display QC data and apply the TE concept to the MU individual homeostatic mechanisms of each
assessment (14). individual (20).
Sources of random variation that affect the
Objectives in achieving measurement result of the analyte measured in the patient sample
uncertainty of the results are:

In routine medical laboratories, it is important to – Pre-analytical, which involve preparing a

set up and achieve appropriate goals for MU. This patient, collecting and handling the sample,
means that the uncertainty of measurement is to give – Analytical, which imply imprecision and bias,
the result and procedure within the clinically
acceptable limits, so that the results are of the appro- – Biological, which are the most important, and
priate quality and reliability for patient management. involve variation within the person.
Depending on the physiology of the analyte, the type In order to achieve the results of an appropriate
of sample and the clinical use of the determined re- quality, all sources of variation need to be minimized
sults, the goals can be based on the biological varia- by properly assessing the biological variation com-
tion or the recommendations and the professional ponents (within and between individuals). In everyday
opinions of the experts. There are limitations in meeting laboratory work, the result of the required parameter
targets in relation to the measurement characteristics for a diagnostic purpose is usually compared to the
of the procedures and the instruments on which the population reference interval or with the limit value
analyte is measured, which should be taken into for the parameter itself. Therefore, it is necessary for
account in the MU assessment. laboratories to maintain an appropriate, centered
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6 Milinkovi} et al.: Uncertainty of measurement in laboratory

distribution of results and minimize analytical bias. In The practical benefit of the reference values will
the case of monitoring the results, when the succes- be greater for analytes that have low II (>1.4),
sive results of the same analyte are examined, it is compared to those having large II (<0.6) (28).
necessary to minimize analytical imprecision as the
main source of variation in the laboratory (23). Knowing the data for RCV and II is of great
importance for clinical classifications (diagnosis,
In order to achieve the appropriate analytical prognosis or monitoring of the patient). To monitor
characteristics of the methods in routine laboratory the patient's condition, it is desirable that the analyte
diagnostics, it is necessary to define and analyze the has a lower RCV, which indicates a high sensitivity of
desirable characteristics for imprecision and bias, the test, and for the diagnosis it is desirable that the
which presents random and systemic effects that have analyte has a high II (23).
an impact on MU.
Also, biological variability data of the analyte
Literary data defines three levels of analytical can also be used to determine the optimum sample
goal for imprecision and analytical bias (17, 23–25). for analyzing a specific analyte, selecting the appro-
– Imprecision priate units and samples for displaying analytical
results, validating and verifying the method (23).
Optimal: CVa ≤ 0.25 × CVi (increases the
variability of the result by 3%) The most frequently used data for the preferred
characteristics for TE, imprecision and bias, calcu-
Preferred: CVa ≤ 0.50 × CVi (increases the lated on the basis of intra- and inter-individual
variability of the result by 12%) biological variations, are free available and shown in
Minimum: CVa ≤ 0.75 × CVi (increases the tabular form, although these values should be
variability of the result by 25%) updated over a specific time period (29).
– Bias
Optimal: Bias ≤ 0.125 (CVi2 + CVg2)1/2 Suggested practical models for
(increases the score outside the reference range assessing the uncertainty of
by 3.3%) measurement results
Preferred: Bias ≤ 0.250 (CVi2 + CVg2)1/2 The main reasons why a routine medical
(increases the score outside the reference range laboratory should assess the MU are:
by 4.4%)
– The need or requirement for the laboratory to
Minimum: Bias ≤ 0.375 (CVi2 + CVg2)1/2 display the result with the calculated MU
(increases the score outside the reference range values in order to achieve good laboratory
by 5.7%) practice,
In order to evaluate the characteristics of – The need or requirement of a medical labo-
analytical procedures in the laboratory, in addition to ratory for accreditation (ISO 15189),
calculating imprecision and bias, biological variability
data can be used to calculate the sigma metric, which – Necessary re-accreditation.
can predict for which tests it will be necessary to It is also necessary that MU data be made
implement a minimum quality control (26). The available by manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic de-
following formula is used to calculate the sigma vices in order to provide guidance for measurement
metric: uncertainty in their information documents (30).
r = (%TEa – %Bias)/ %CVa According to Technical Report 1/2007 of the
Biological variability data can be used in the European Federation of National Association for
assessment of a clinically significant change in two Measuring, Testing and Analytical Laboratories
consecutive results for the same analytic for the same (EUROLAB), four main approaches for evaluation of
patient, by calculating the Reference Change Value, uncertainty in measurement, which meet the basic
RCV (27). principles of uncertainty, are proposed:
RCV = 21/2 × Z × [CVa2 + CVi2]1/2 – Modeling,
The practical benefit of conventional population – Validation in a single laboratory (which
reference values can be estimated by analyzing includes Quality Control, QC),
biological variability data, i.e. by calculating the index
– Inter-laboratory comparison,
of individuality (II) for each analyte (23).
– External quality control data, i.e. laboratory
II = (CVa2 + CVi2)1/2 / CVg
scheme (External Quality Assessment, EQA /
≈ CVi / CVg (if CVa ≤ CVi) Proficiency Testing, PT).
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J Med Biochem 2018; 37 7

The laboratory remains on the basis of its own ISO 15189:2012 is for the time being the last
needs, selects and defines one of the mentioned updated standard, which is also the most important
proposal approaches, which will be used in routine document for defining the characteristics of quality
work for the assessment of MU. and competence of medical laboratories. This stan-
dard is a good guide to routine medical laboratories
that need to be accredited, re-accredited, but also to
ISO 15189 standard about measurement reviewers who work with accreditation bodies (31).
uncertainty of result However, after a thorough analysis of this document,
it is noticed that there is no clearly defined re-
Specific requirements for the quality and compe- commendation for a methodology for assessment of
tence of medical laboratories defined in the interna- the measurement uncertainty. Despite the binding
tional standard ISO 15189 in chapter 5.5, which requirements for calculating measurement uncertainty
relates to testing procedures in medical laboratories, in and the elapsed time of 24 years since the GUM has
section 5.5.1. explains the selection, validation and published a guide to expressing measurement uncer-
verification of test procedures, under point tainty, practical application has not been successfully
states that the laboratory is obliged to determine the adopted in medical laboratories, i.e. there is no har-
uncertainty of measurement for each phase of the monization in practice (32, 33).
measurement procedure test, which serves to express
the quantity of the measured value in the sample of
the patient. The laboratory is required to define the Systematization of measurement
requirements for determining the measurement un- uncertainty in medical laboratories
certainty for each measurement procedure and
regularly re-evaluates the MU (3). This points to the Since the publication of the GUM document on
necessity of the dynamics of estimating measurement measurement uncertainty assessment, several diffe-
uncertainty. The laboratory itself estimates the frequ- rent attitudes have been developed in professional
ency of the MU assessment in relation to the changes scientific circles (34). There are two expert currents
that lead to measurement uncertainty. that explain the importance of assessing the un-
certainty of measuring and/or computing the TE in
In addition to general information on MU, there order to present top quality characteristics and com-
are three notes to be considered in routine work: petencies of medical laboratories. However, in routine
– Note 1: Components that are relevant to laboratory work, a practical and easy approach is
uncertainty are those that relate to the current required, enabling the adoption of appropriate
measurement process, starting with the clinical decisions. Complex modular approaches that
sample used in the measurement process and are explained in literature are usually useful for re-
ending with the display of the measured value. agent manufacturers, while simple empirical models
are useful for medical laboratories (20). The results of
– Note 2: Measurement uncertainty can be the Global Survey on Measurement Uncertainty,
calculated using the quantitative values conducted in 2015, indicate the following:
obtained by measuring control samples under
precisely determined conditions that include – Most laboratories use, calculate, evaluate and
the default routine changes for the standard display MU data,
measurement procedure, e.g. change of lot of – Most laboratories use a simple formula for
the reagents or calibrators, different operators, assessing MU: they duplicate the imprecision
regular maintenance of the instrument. of a method that is monitored over a specific
period of time. There is no dominant formula
– Note 3: Examples of the practical benefits of
for calculating MU and most of the respon-
estimating measurement uncertainty are the
dents do not know how to count it,
confirmation that the measured values of
patients meet the quality objectives set by the – A small number of laboratories show the
laboratory and can be meaningfully compared calculated value for MU next to the results of
with the previous value or with a clinically the tests on the report, most labs do not show
significant value. routine MU data to clinicians,
The laboratory shall take into account the – The practical benefit of the MU assessment is
measurement uncertainty in the interpretation of the reflected in the increase in the monitoring of
measured result to the users. In cases where the the method, the more frequent contact with
testing process involves measurement steps, but not a the manufacturers of the tests, the change in
measured value report, the laboratory should the frequency of QC or the recalibration of the
calculate the uncertainty of each measurement step, method,
if they have an impact in assessing the reliability of – Most laboratories think that clinicians use MU
the test procedure or have an impact on the displayed data only once a year and that these data is
results. practically useless,
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8 Milinkovi} et al.: Uncertainty of measurement in laboratory

– MU data are considered to have an almost b (6). The complementarity of the measurement
negligible impact on the outcome of the uncertainty assessment and calculation of the TEa
patient, (46) is directly proposed in addition. However, in
practice, laboratories have a much more important
– Some laboratories do not evaluate MU be-
standardization in the implementation of good
cause ISO 15189 is not binding and the laboratory practice than the monitoring of current
regulations of their countries do not require an discussions on TEs and MUs, which are still not
estimate, i.e. it is up to the laboratory to harmonized in practice (47).
decide what to do or clinicians do not ask the
laboratory about the MU,
– Regulations and requirements for accredi- Assessment of diagnostic uncertainty
tation are the main reasons that the laboratory
The ultimate outcome of a complex process in
estimates MU, a very small number of labo-
routine medical laboratories is the result of an
ratories use this data due to their own practical
appropriate quality, i.e. accurate result. MU is a data
needs and demands of the clinician (35).
that relates to the measurement result itself, but it
There are a number of guidelines and regu- should take into account all the factors that influence
lations in the world that explain the importance of MU the interpretation of the measured value used for
assessment in medical laboratories and propose diagnosis and monitoring of the patient's treatment. In
different approaches (36–42). Most of these docu- laboratory medicine, an appropriate MU assessment
ments suggest a top-down model that implies the use should have the ultimate goal of reducing diagnostic
of biological variability data for the calculation of TEa uncertainty (48). Although the concept of error is more
or one of the proposed practical models in routine practical for a routine laboratory process, it covers only
laboratory diagnostics (QC, EQA, inter-laboratory part of a complex test chain in laboratory medicine.
comparison). For now, the only global guideline and The concept of uncertainty implies the likelihood of the
guidance for assessing MU in medical laboratories is impact of pre-analytical, analytical, biological and post-
the CLSI C51-A document, which is not free analytical causes on the outcome of laboratory me-
available. This is a newer version of CLSI EP 29-A dicine, which is a clinical response to the outcome.
(20). Nevertheless, literary criticism suggests that Also, measurement errors are usually a wider set of
most of this document comments on the bottom-up causes of measurement uncertainty (49). However,
model explained in the GUM document (43). The accepting the concept of error and the concept of
second part of this guide explains the use of QC data measurement is a prerequisite for achieving appro-
for the MU assessment. However, the Finnish Institute priate quality characteristics that are the basis of good
of Environment has provided a free program for laboratory practice and contributes to reducing
calculating MU based on the NordTest TR 537 diagnostic uncertainty.
principles (44). The problem of applying this comprehensive
Assessing the uncertainty of measurement in model in routine laboratory medicine is precisely the
one of the suggested ways, laboratories should complex calculation of the MU end-point and the
improve and demonstrate the characteristics of the corresponding interpretation, for which knowledge in
methodology they use to obtain the patient's result. mathematics and advanced statistics is needed. It is
Nevertheless, data of pre-analytical errors, which are considered that the measurement uncertainty
significant for the patient's own outcome, are not assessment should have a predictive value. Instead of
taken into account in the final assessment of MU. frequentist statistics and determining the frequency of
Also, ISO is one of the members of the editorial board a certain value with previously defined statistical sig-
of GUM and VIM documents, so that the principles to nificance, it is necessary to consider all the previous
be applied (propagating) rely on uncertainties in factors, i.e. influences on measurement uncertainty
measurement, rather than on the concept of TEa and on the basis of them are predicted by some
(34). possible factors that were not taken into account by
the original assessment (48). Knowledge of bio-
The proposed model that would be easier to logical, pre-analytical and post-analytical variation, as
understand in routine laboratories implies the calcu- well as analytical variation is necessary, so that proper
lation of TEa based on the following formula (45): use of the concept of uncertainty can contribute to
TEa = bias + k × uc the clinical benefit of measuring methods. Despite
the requirements for measurement uncertainty,
In addition to bias, the standard combined baseline data are used to determine the analytical
uncertainty is multiplied by the corresponding factor error, the question arises as to whether laboratories
(extended uncertainty) for the individual outcome, i.e. can combine the concept of measurement un-
result (34). Although the calculation does not fully certainty and the overall error of determination in
follow the GUM principles, it agrees with the model their routine work, while respecting the necessary
formula defined in part F.2.4.5 of this document: U + dynamics of the MU assessment?
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J Med Biochem 2018; 37 9

Methods for calculating MU are not detailed in certainty in the measurement in laboratory medicine.
the standards, accreditation bodies have accepted the Currently, ISO is implementing a new project on a
concept of error and measurement uncertainty. It is practical guideline for assessing measurement uncer-
on the laboratory that it defines which approach to tainty in medical laboratories (ISO/NP TS 20914
use in assessing and displaying the characteristics of Medical Laboratories – Practical Guide for the
the quality of its routine work. Current approaches to measurement of measurement uncertainty). Medical
measurement uncertainty that use imprecision and laboratories remain to continue to implement the
accuracy calculation using control samples and use of basic principles of good laboratory practice, thus
EQA/PT data relate to the uncertainty of the result of helping each other to implement good clinical
the control sample itself, i.e. uncertainty of the practice. Also, setting diagnoses in medicine is a
method. In order to evaluate the MU of the patient decision with a certain degree of uncertainty, rather
result it is necessary to use patient samples. In this than statistically and mathematically calculated
way, it could affect diagnostic uncertainty which is the conclusion.
ultimate goal of laboratory medicine. The question
arises as to whether this is practically possible?
Conflict of interest statement
The authors stated that they have no conflicts of
interest regarding the publication of this article.
In scientific circles, there is still no final con-
clusion on the methodology for evaluation the un-

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Received: December 10, 2017

Accepted: February 1, 2018

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