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Improving Rapido

About Founded by: Aravind Sanka, Pavan Guntupall,

Rishikesh SR

Rapido Bike Taxi

Problem Statement

You’ve recently joined as Head of Product at Rapido.

You have realized that even though your platform only provides bike
and auto services, you have to compete every day with giants such as
Uber and Ola for auto services.

You wish to launch 2-3 new features in the current app, which can
reduce the switching of users, and make sure they stick to your app.

Lets use Rapido

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User Experience Analysis

Users are majorly GenZ and

Navigation Issues:-People are facing issues in
millenials.Hence while doing navigation of Captains and routes while on ride
user research,they should
be heards Unavailability of Riders:- At certain locations there is
an unavailability of riders
Fare Issues:-Sudden hikes in final fare without any
prior intimation to the customer
Rapido Power Pass issues during paymen
Lack of Proper customer support
Solution 3 : Improving Customer Support

There are many complaints that Customer Support isn’t proper,improving this would help us to provide

better service to customers and more customer engagement on our platform.

Solution 4 : Creating an AI Integration in Captain App

At places there are different demands at different times and on different days.We can curate a data of

regular trends from places and can notify our captains that we frequently see more customer requests

from this area at this particular time on this day.This will help captain to get more rides,will reduce

availability problem and will also reduce bouncing of customers.

Solution 5 : User Data Scrapping

We can scrape user Data and provide him recommendations based on it,as well as we need to improve
our number of notifications to users because it makes a wide psycological impact on user while
choosing a Platform.

Users say that they get most travel

notifications from Ola.Which somehow forces
them to open Ola atleast once before
booking a bike/auto.

The major outcome required is increased User Adoption of Rapido and reducing

bouncing of users to other Platforms.

Engagement via Notification

Tracking user Analytics via Tool

Continuous Customer Feedback over newly introduced feature

Delivering better experience by AI integration

Yash Hatwar


Product Enthusiast
Yash Hatwar

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