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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol.30, No.1, 55·-64, Mar.

Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering




A practical method for analyzing the load-settlement behaviour of bored cast-in-place plies
has been proposed. The method employs Kondner-type hyperbolic load-transfer functions,
by which non-linear behaviour can be simulated plainly and simply, for skin resistance and
end resistance. The parameters required may be determined from the results o:E usual in-situ
and/or laboratory tests. The procedure for determining the parameters is discussed in detail :
It is indicated that displacements needed to mobilize half of the ultimate skin resistance are
as small as 1/100 of those of the ultimate end resistance. One-dimensional finite element
formulation, which personal computers are enough· to solve, for the model proposed is
described. Analytical results of loading tests for large-diameter bored piles are discussed.
The method proposed may be useful for the following situations : the preliminary analysis
for planning an appropriate loading-test program and the back analysis of loading tests for
optimizing the design.

Key words : bearing capacity, cast-in-place pile, in-situ test, finite element method, friction,
load test, pile, settlement, vertical load (IGC : E 4/E 2)

(Whitaker, 1976 ; Kishida and Takano,

INTRODUCTION 1977 ; De Beer, 1988). As the ultimate bear-
Non-displacement piles, such as bored cast- ing capacity does not increase so much below
in-place piles, carry most of the applied a certain depth(e. g. Kerisel, 1964 ; Hirayama,
vertical load by shaft friction under the work- 1988), the ultimate bearing capacity at
ing load or design load. This situation the depth D, of a non-displacement pile is
arises from the large difference in required practically equal to that of a displacement
displacement between ultimate skin friction pile. While tip settlements required to mo-
and ultimate end resistance. bilize physical ultimate end resistance are
It is most reasonable to define physical about 10% of the base diameter for displa-
ultimate end resistance as the end resistance cement piles, they are more than one base-
of point A for displacement piles or point B diameter for non -displacement piles (Kerisel,
for non-displacement piles as shown in Fig. 1 1964 ; BCP Committee, 1971 ; De Beer, 1988).

i) Chief Research Engineer, Osaka Soil Test Lab., 3-1-23 Nishi-Hommachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550.
Manuscript was received for review on January 26, 1989.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before October 1, 1990, to the Japanese Society
of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayama Bldg. 4 F, Kanda Awaji-cho 2-23,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.

This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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and ultimate skin resistance. It has been

suggested that bored piles should be designed
End resistance: q by using the allowable value of settlement
taking into account the process of mobiliza-
tion of skin friction and end resistance (e. g.
Focht and O'Neill, 1985). A fair number of
theoretical methods for analysing load-settle-
ment behaviour have been proposed based on
the load-transfer, elastic-based, or finite-
element method (e. g. Poulos and Davis,
1980). Those proposals, however, seem not
(3) (2)
to be widely used in engineering practice
mainly because input data required are diffi-
cult to determine from the results of common
site investigation.
Among these methods, the load-transfer
method is a direct extension of the conven-
(1) jacked pile from ground surface tional design. That is to say, the conception
(1)' rebound/reloading of jacked pile of Qult=Qf.uu+Qe,uu is extended to Q(S) =
(2) displacement pile (embedded depth= n,) QJ(S) +Qe(S) ; where Q,=skin resistance,
(3) non-displacement pile (embedded depth = n1) Qe =end resistance, S =settlement at the pile
Fig. 1. Schema tic physical ultimate end head, and the subscript ult represents ulti-
resistance mate value. A large number of data on the
distribution of axial loads from instrumented
This large difference results from the pre- pile tests have been obtained, and have
stress conditions caused by pile installation revealed the load-transfer characteristics.
in the surrounding ground of the pile tip. Personal computers have been so widely
On the other hand, displacements required available that any non-linear transfer curves
to mobilize ultimate skin friction are only can be easily implemented. However, the
0. 5%-2% of the shaft diameter (Reese, non-linearity employed should be simple in
1978 ; De Beer, 1988), and are not influenced terms of input parameters.
so much by the method of pile installation This paper describes a practical load-trans-
(e. g. Komada, 1975). fer method employing hyperbolic transfer
Because of impractical tip displacements functions in which the constants required
required to mobilize ultimate end resistance for calculation can be determined from usual
for non-displacement piles, various bearing in-situ tests, such as cone penetration tests
capacity criteria which are empirical in na- (CPT) and standard penetration tests (SPT),
ture have been proposed and used by different and/or laboratory compression tests. Load-
researchers and design organizations (Vesic, ing tests of large-diameter bored piles are
1977). The values determined from these analyzed, and the results are discussed from
criteria are often called ultimate bearing the viewpoint of application to disign.
capacity, though they are far from the phys-
ical ultimate state for end resistance.
It has been pointed out that end resistance TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND PARAM-
of bored piles, especially long or large-diame- ETERS REQUIRED
ter ones, is not so contributive as has been Hyperbolic Load-Transfer Curves
assumed in the conventional design where Two-constant hyperbolas are preferable to
ultimate vertical resistance is calculated from other two-constant curves such as bi-linear
the sum of so-called ultimate end resistance curves for friction resistance and end resist-

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.......................................... --
~af 1
z q=---

i Zref,f ;zref,e
Pile shaft displacement: z Pile tip displacement: Ze

Fig. 2. Hyperbolic stress-displacement curves

ance (e. g. Clough and Duncan, 1971 ; clays.

Sabini and Sapio, 1981 ; Takahasi et al.,
1981). In addition, the method for deter- Determination of b1 and be
mmmg the constants of the hyperbola based The constants b1 and be can be determined
on measured data (e. g. Clough and Duncan, from
1971) is rather simpler in terms of calcula- bJ=1/fuu (3)
tion and judgement than methods of other
be= 1/ qult (4)
two-constant curves.
Therefore, for the relationships between where the subscript ult represents ultimate
skin friction f and pile shaft displacement value. Therefore, the values of fuu and
qu£t based on conventional local experience
at a certain point z, and between end resist-
ance q and tip displacement ze, the following are directly available. It should be noticed,
Kondner-type hyperbolic curves shown in however, that qutt is physical ultimate end
resistance as discussed in "INTRODUCTION"
Fig. 2 are employed :
and Fig. 1. Therefore, various conventional
z definitions of ultimate end bearing capacity
f ( 1)
for bored piles do not correspond to qutt in
q (2) Eq. ( 4). This will be discussed in detail in
"Determination of ae".
where af, bJ, ae and be are constants.
Skin friction sometimes decreases from a Determination of a1
peak value to a residual one in the cases of The constant a1 is the reciprocal of the
sensitive clays, stiff clays and dense sands. initial tangent as shown in Fig. 2, but the
In order to simulate this behaviour at least initial tangent is not easy to determine since
the other two parameters are needed : the it is very sensitive to soil disturbance, etc.
ratio of the residual value to the peak value In order to obtain overall agreement, the
and the displacement required to reach the displacement required to mobilize half of fuu
residual state. If data for some local stratum is defined as the reference displacement for
show such behaviour which is too significant skin friction Zref. J, and a1 is determined from
to neglect for load-settlement curves, these af=Zref.Jffutt as shown in Fig. 2.
parameters have to be introduced. In such Reese (1978) summarized the relationship
a case, however, it may be practical to between skin resistance in stiff clays and the
employ a reduction factor for the peak value. displacement of the shaft, and concluded
For example, Semple and Rigden (1984) that the displacement at which maximum
proposed a reduction factor termed a length skin friction is mobilized, Zfut.f, ranges about
factor, which is a function of pile length- 0. 5%-2% of the shaft diameter Ds ; i.e.,
to-diameter ratio, for driven pipe piles in Zfut.J~(O. 005-0. 02)D8 • It is also mentioned

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that the range of Zfuz. t in sands is similar which allows to evaluate the reference dis-
to that in clays. According to the results, placement for end resistance, Zref. e· The
the reference displacement for skin resist- results of loading tests for bored precast
ance, Zref.f, is about a quarter of Zfuz.f, piles in sands by BCP Committee (1971) are
i.e., Zref.!-::::::. (0. 001-0. 005)D8 • Later data (e. g., summarized in Table 1.
Goeke and Hustad, 1979 ; Anderson et al.,- Jamiolkowski et al. (1984) summarized the
1985 ; Sharma et al., 1986 ; Shibata et al., . relationship between q(for ze/De=O. 05) ;
1987) support the above-mentioned ranges of i.e., end pressure when tip displacement Ze
Zfuz.! and Zref.J, averaging Zfuz.t-:::::::.0. 01 Ds and is 5% of the base diameter De ; and cone
Zref.t-:::::::.0. 0025 D 8 • According to an elastic bearing capacity qc near the pile tip for eleven
analysis, Whitaker (1976) also suggested that bored piles having the tip embedded in sands.
Zfuz.t=O. 01 Ds. Judging from the above re- The results are as follows :
sults, at may be determined from q(for Ze/De=O. 05)Jqc=0.14-0. 24
Zret.t=O. 0025D8 (D8 =shaft diameter) (average=0.17) (7)
Reese (1978) suggested the relationship ex-
at=O. 0025 Dsffuzt ( 6) pressed by Eq. (8-a) between q(for ze/ De=
It should be noticed, however, that the 0. 05) and SPT N-value for bored piles in
value of Zre!.t may range (0. 001-0. 005)Ds sands based on seven data, while Meyerhof
depending on many conditions of the inter- (1956) proposed Eq. (8-b) for piles in satu-
face and the stress-strain behaviour of sur- rated very fine or silty sands (ton unit used
rounding soils : soil characteristics, stresses in the paper is short ton, private correspon-
of the ground surrounding the pile shaft, dence and Meyerhof, 1976) :
construction methods of bored piles, time q(for zef De =0. 05) =4 N/6 [short tfjft 2 ]
from construction to a loading test, loading
=64 N [kPa] (N ;::;,60) (8-a)
procedure and speed, etc. In the back analy-
sis of the results of loading tests, the values quzt=qc=4 N [short tfjft 2 ] (8-b)
of Zref.! may have to be changed from Eq. All the above-mentioned results ; i.e.,
( 5 ). Table 1, Eq. ( 7 ), and Eq. ( 8) ; are expressed
by the following relationship :
Determination of ae q(for Ze/De=O. 05) =quzt/6=0. 17 qult ( 9)
The displacement required to mobilize half
From Eqs. ( 2) and ( 9 ), we obtain the fol-
of qutt is defined as the reference displace-
lowing value of the reference displacement
ment for end resistance Zre!. e• and ae is deter-
for end resistance Zref.e, where q=O. 5 quzt
mined from ae =Zref. e/ quzt as shown in Fig. 2.
from. its definition :
Few loading tests have been carried out up
to the physical ultimate state of bored piles, Zret.e=O. 25 De (De=base diameter) (10)
Thus so-called ultimate end bearing capac-
Table 1. Summary of end resistance in ity determined from relative base settlement
loading tests carried out up to the
ze/De=0.10-0. 25 is estimated to be 0. 29
ultimate state (after BCP Committee,
quu-0. 50 quzt from Eqs. ( 2) and (10), and
the range of values appropriately explains
I Pile
Diameter :
I[kPa] I[kPa] Qo.os* I Qo.os I
q;;;; Zrtf,t
** q(for Ze/De=0.10-0. 25) = (1/3-1/2)qcCJamiol-
5C 11.0
0.20 27,000 4,000 0. 15 0.27D. kowski et al., 1984 ; De Beer, 1988). There-
3C 11.0 0.20 25,000 5,100 0. 20 0.22D, fore, the value of ae for a sandy layer may
4B 4.8 0. 20 6, 700 l, 400 0. 21 0.21D, be determined from Eq. (10) as follows :
1B 4.0 0.20 5, 500 700 0. 13 0. 42D,

J Average J 0.17 J 0. 28D,

* Qo.os=q(for z.;D.=0.05) However, the values of Zref.e range 0. 31
** Reference displacement for end resistance De-0. 16 De according to Eqs. ( 2) and ( 7 ).

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Table 2. A recommendation for estimating factor which is a simplified function of depth

fuu and qult of bored piles between the base and 2 De below. The
Ultimate skin I sand 15N (,:200 [kPa]) majority of the settlement is, however, due
resistance : fuzt [kPa] clay Cu or ION (:::;:150 [kPa]) to the strain in the region between the base
gravel fi. or 600N and 1 De below except ·when the soil be-
Ultimate end tween 1 De and 2 De is much weaker than the
sand Qc or 400N
resistance* : upper soil. A. I. J. (1988) recommeded 1 De
silt ilc or 250N
qull above and 1 De below the pile tip as the
clay 9cuo ii•. (or lOON)
influence zone for evaluating the bearing
* The values of q 0 , N, or c,. within lD, above and lD. below
capacity of cast-in-place piles defined by the
from the pile base (D,=base diameter) are averaged as
far as the load-settlement curve of z/ D 6 <0. 10 is con- settlement of 0. 1 De. Therefore, the
cerned. region of 1 De above and 1 De below the pile
tip is regarded as the influence zone. How~
The value of Zref. e may have to be modified
ever, the range up to 2 De below the tip
around this range in the back analysis.
has to be taken into account if there is rather
The values of Zref. e for stiff clays seem to
a weaker stratum below the above-ll).entioned
be much smaller than those of Eq. (10)
region. The values of qc, N, or Cu within
judging from data summarized by Reese
the region are averaged for estimating qult·
(1978). Thus Eq. (11) is a safe assumption
Since the qcfN ratio varies according to the
for preliminary analysis of bored piles whose
grain size distribution or soil type, the values
bases are embedded in cohesive soils.
shown in Table 2 (Barrett et al., 1985) may
be used for preliminary analyses.
Estimation of fult and qult
The constants bt, be, af, and ae are deter~
mined from Eqs. ( 3 ), ( 4 ), ( 6 ), and (11),
respectively. Thus actual data required are
fuu and qult· These values may be estimated
from local experience in the conventional A pile is discretized in to one-dimensional
design based on ultimate bearing capacity. finite elements taking into account surround-
As to fuw recommendations shown in ing strata or corresponding measuring points
Table 2 (J. R. A., 1980) based on the results of a loading test as shown in Fig. 3. The
of field measurements in Japan are useful for pile is modeled by elastic bar elements, and
preliminary analyses of bored cast-in-place the skin resistance and end resistance are
piles in Japan. represented by the non-linear springs acting
The value of qutt may be estimated from at the midpoint of each element and the
CPT-qc, SPT-N, and/or Cu (or qu/2) taking tip.
account of the scale effect, i.e. the difference The tangential spring constant for skin
in size of the influence zone between in-situ resistance of the i th element ktt is obtained
tests and actual piles. In the ultimate state, from Eq. ( 1 ) as follows :
the region of 4 De above and 6 De below the
pile tip may be the influence zone for end
bearing capacity (Hirayama, 1988). We where Ct and Lt are the circumferential
practically need, however, the load-settle~ length and the segment length of the i th
ment curve for a bored pile up to the set~ element, and zi=(zi+zi+ 1)/2. Hence the
tlement at the pile head being at most 10% element tangential stiffness matrix of the
of the pile diameter. Consequently, the i th element is given by
influence zone is smaller than that of the
ultimate state. For calculating the settle- k.,=[P.,+2St -Pt+St.J (1S)
ment of a rigid circular footing, Schmert- -Pt+St Pt+2St
mann et al. (1978) proposed an influence where Pt=AtEtfLt, Si=kftf6; A, and Ei are

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A computer program termed PILELS has

Incremental applied load: ll Q been written. If LlQ is small enough; i.e.,
less than 1/200 of the ultimate bearing capac-
ity, displacements of the practically same
T .6.zl 1 magnitude (differences are less than 0. 5%)
1 can be calculated for a given problem. The
~ computing time for the pile divided into
~ T .6.z2 ~
10-15 elements is about one minute by a
u d personal computer. Since the parameters

2 ~
required can be determined from usual in-situ
and/or laboratory tests and personal comput-
3 ers are enough for calculations, the applica-
~ T.6.z3 0
0 z
• ·~
tion of the model to analysis and design is
~ very practical.
d I:: U.)
(I) Q)
~ "'0 E ccS
z -


t T .6.zn n a
~ Analysis Based on SPT Results
n Loading tests for large bored piles (2-3 m
in diameter and 40-70 m in length) for
Bannosu Viaduct of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge,
west Japan (Takahashi et al., 1981) were
analyzed. Firstly, according to the results
of site investigation shown in Fig. 4, fuzt
and quzt were estimated as shown in Table
Fig. 3. One-dimensional non-linear finite-
3( a). The input constants required were
element model for a pile
calculated from Eqs. ( 3 ), ( 4 ), ( 6 ), and
the pile cross-sectional area and the pile (11). Secondary, the results of the above-
elastic modulus of the i th element (Tro- mentioned preliminary analysis were com-
chanis et al., 1987). If there are no data of pared with the measured results, and input
Ei, about 2. 6 X 107 [kPa] may be used for data were modified as shown in Table 3( b).
preliminary analyses. The calculated results and measured results
The tangential spring constant for. end are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The ratios of
resistance ke is obtained from Eq. ( 2 ) as the end resistance to total applied load (i. e.,
follows : 40 [MN]) are about 0% (T 1 -pile), 35% (T 2
-pile), and 0% (T 3 -pile) according to both
(14) measurements and calculations. The results
where An =the cross-sectional area of the indicate the importance of skin resistance of
nth element (i.e. base area). long and large-diameter bored piles, as has
The global tangential stiffness matrix K been pointed out.
is formulated from Eqs. (13) and (14), and
the following incremental form of non-linear Analysis Based on CPT Results
algebraic equations is obtained : Summarizing the results of six loading
tests of large-diameter bored piles (Ds =De=
KLlz=LlQ (15)
1. 2-2. 0 m) and CPT tests (Fugro cone) in
where LJzT = (Llz1, Llz2, ... , L1zn+ 1), the Osaka area, Sibata et al. (1987) and
LJQT = (LIQ, 0, ... , 0) Horikoshi (1987) suggested the following
(LlQ=incremental applied load). relationships between ultimate skin friction

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Table 3. Input data for analyses of Bannosu site

EL. from [m] +3 -2 -10 -14 -17 -20 -28 -32 -38 -48 -53
to [m] -2 -10 -14 -17 -20 -28 -32 -38 -48 -53 -67
Soil type sand sand sand sand sand clay clay sand clay clay sand
SPT-N 5 10 20 30 40 20 8 30 20 50 50
(a) Preliminary fult [kPa] 25 50 100 150 200 150* 80 150 150* 150* 200*
analysis Qult [kPa] 12,000 20,000
(b) Back fult [kPa] 30 60 100 120 160 120 80 225 375 375 500
analysis** Qult [kPa] 18,000 20,000
* Reduced according to Table 2 ** Reference displacements for skin friction (i.e., Zrsf,f) were changed from 0. 0025D3
(cf. Eq. (5)) to 0. 00125D3 for T 1-pile and T 3-pile, and to 0. 005D8 for T 2-pile

N-value T 'l T . T . N-value

0 50 2-Pl e 3-Pl1e rPl1e 0 50 EL.[m] 40
····· ·'.~;-:::.~· ~j; .... ? ... -''J-e_J T rPile .
---------- ~~---- ~~F---~ rf ------------At: . - --- ±o.o
2 1
M' ..:a.:······ ....... ,...-:- ~~···ll""l!."'l>:'''")
! ';d
...... ~···...
..... JT 3-p1le
-------- :cr-=="~,,-A_s___ _________ . , __.:::.. ·--- -10.0
:~ \·
Dg ~
."-fq,i11-f::~t--:_-:_-:_-:_-:.11f=}f=.-:_-:_-+tt_f,_k!_~~----t--t·t·:_·--_-:_---_---_-:_-:_-~--·~·· -zo.o ·~,
P.;f¥iffl;tii===+==! H---++-1 Dn~ls .. ' .. ':.~I
~. Ds
~: ·UI-·-------1----1-·.U~---------I-HD:::.:.:m:_HH-------------------~11:l:JJ·-l·-- - 30.0 ·•. \
. . '-a
~ ~ II L- Ds k Ds =De= 3.0[m]
~ ---------.1-~ · ~·--,-::..-Gl.A--0-m=-==:1-~~Hii:j:~-:-=l-- -40.0
L = 70(m]\ \ T 2-pile
Ds =De= 2.0[m] L=40[m]:~
Ds =De"' 2.0[m] L == 70[m] ~ ~
~I Mm ~·
~~tm~.j~- :..;:; :..;:; :..;:; :;..: ; :;..:; : ; ...; : ; ;..: ; :; :.-#iMs;;:;;.-t-_.;f,.~".;.:;;:.;;::;;..;:;;;..;:;;;:;:.;;:;;:;;:~;j:ffi~;;;j - 50, 0 0 T 1-pile )
0 T 2-pile Measured \
~ ~ ~- \

l::. T 3-pile \
"'" Preliminary analysis (cf. Table 3(a) ) :.
--- -60.0
--------------- ~- ~~:-·4-·.- --~ -----=~~~--
-:s:- - - Back analysis (cf. Table 3(b) ) ', c

ri' ,. Fig. 5. Comparison of load-settlement

p curves at pile heads
:;- IT]Made ground ----- ;:
·-- -70.0

l·f· Alluvium {IA!iiJ Cohesive soil

[]iJ Sandy soil ti;;

(16). The analytical and experimental re-

lt>· ---------
l]!!i] Cohesive soil.;-- g:· ·· I -
Diluvium ~ SPeadt 'I ~..-=c
__ d__ -80.0 sults are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Because
::.::; { tJ2Ju an y sor the input data based on local experience were
f [QiJ Gravel

. {[M!iil
Cohesive soil
· ·---------·-- ~htoyo [M§J Sandy soil --·-·fi~
1" used, the results of the analysis are thought
l Group [Mi!J Gravel ·
--· -90.0
to be more reliable than those based on
!;::~~~~ tti-1!1-+:-----+-- (Q!JG~anite ----L._,_
_. general data.
~-.. _ + ____:_;-_ _
+ ___ Gr _ _ _+_ _+___.:..
;-_ +
_:::__ -100,0
Application to Design
Fig. 4. Geological section of Bannosu site
There are a number of factors in the
(from Takahashi et al., 1981)
design of bored piles beyond computations,
fult and sleeve friction of CPT fc : and then loading tests as follows are signifi-
cant : loads are over ultimate skin resistance,
fuzt = fc : for sand (16-a)
and the distribution of axial loads as a func-
fuzt =2 fc : for clay (16-b) tion of depth is measured (Reese, 1978).
A loading test at North Osaka Bay (D8 = Another proper way to check the quality of
1. 5 m, D/=44 m) was analyzed by using Eq. a bored pile is to compare the CPT -qc

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Axial force [MN] Skin friction [kPa] diagrams in the immediate vicinity of a bored
D5 = 3[m] 0 10 20 30 40 0 80 160
0 pile with those obtained before the instal-
10 T 1 -pile :1 lation of the pile (De Beer, 1988).
20 Or.·~··: In general, the model proposed may be
a 30 I! useful for the following situations (Reese,
:5 40- L,, 1978) :
0. :' ., 1) For s1zmg of test shafts. The prelim-
&3 so ;~
inary analysis will allow the appropriate
70 !1 selection of shaft diameters and penetrations
for a loading-test program.
Axial force [MN] Skin friction [kPa] 2) For adjusting the size of the shafts
Ds~~~[m] 0
10 20 30 40 0
80 160 240
after the results from test loading are avail-
able. The input data modified by back
:;2o "-~~?·.::::; analysis will allow the reliable estimation of
load-settlement behaviour for piles whose
40 ! I sizes are different from those of test piles,

D5 = 2[m]

20 0 :t.r:;, ..., 10
...I :-: ... ····
a 30 ~--9···:
8 20
...::: 40
t. .. --:--, ..§.
:·: L_,
0. : I ] 30 experiment analysis
q 50 :
E o - - - pile head
r-u··: ...9
60 I
I 0
• ~ 40
....... pile tip
I :
I ;
·0 Measured 50
Preliminary analysis (cf. Table 3(a))
Back analysis (cf. Table 3(b) ) 60
Fig. 6. Comparison of axial forces and Fig. 7. Comparison of load-settlement curves
skin frictions along piles (1 tf=9.8kN)

2 2
qc[kgfI cm ] fJkgf I cm ] Q Load[tfj
0 .~ 0 100 200 0 2 4 r--.....----r--.-----,.-~iF-~--r--..,.----r--..,.-_;::;:::::.


o experiment
• analysis

40 ~;;.;~~:''"'20
I~ ....._....._L...-..J__,
Fig. 8. Comparison of axial forces (lkgfjcm2=98kPa, ltf=9.8kN)

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and these results may be used for optimizing D 3 =shaft diameter

the ·design. For instance, large-diameter f =skin friction (per unit area)
bored piles have often been used as under- fc=sleeve friction of cone penetration test
pinning for subway excavation in Japan. fult=ultimate skin friction
q=end resistance (per unit area)
The allowable settlement is very severe, and
qc=cone bearing capacity
settlement prediction is essential for the
qult=ultimate end resistance(cf. Fig.1)
design in such cases. The model demonstrated q(for ze/De=O. 05) =end resistance when Ze is 5%
the usefulness in such a case. of De
The better local data for estimating fuw Z=pile shaft displacement at a certain
qult• Zref. f, and Zref. e we can have, the more point
reliable preliminary analyses are. Such ze=tip displacement
examples are the studies on large-diameter zi(i=1,2, .. ·,n+1)=displacement of the ith nodal
bored piles in London clay (e. g. Whitaker, point in the one-dimensional finite
1976) and in the Osaka area (Shibata et al., element model
1987), etc. These kinds of data may allow Zful.f=displacement at which maximum skin
friction is mobilized
probabilistic determination of the input con-
Zref,e=reference displacement for end resist-
stants, so that the analytical results are dis- ance (i. e. tip displacement ze required
cussed in terms o± reliability or factors of to mobilize half of quu)
safety. Zret.t=Teference displacement for skin friction·
(i.e. shaft displacement z required to
mobilize half of fult)
Displacements needed to mobilize half of
the ultimate skin resistance are as small as REFERENCES
1/100 of those of the ultimate end resistance I) Architectural Institute of Japan (1988) : Re-
as indicated by Eqs. ( 5) and (10) when Ds= commendations for Design of Building Fou-
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