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Net V4

IVR How to : Create and call a DLL in OnData

Hermes.Net V4/v5

Auteur : Hicham Lhachimi

Version: 1.0

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Hermes.Net V4


This technical note explains how to create a DLL in C # and use it in an IVR function.

Create a DLL

In Visual Studio, create a new project of type « Class Library »

In « solution explorer » window, select the file « Class1.CS » (of course this file can be renamed as you need to).

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Here is the code used in our DLL example.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Hello_DLL
public class CallClass
public static string SayHello(string name)
return("Hello" + name);

Once your code is completed (or for single test), then build the DLL

Result of the compilator :

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Use of the DLL in OnData

Copy the generated DLL in Ondata directory  "Hello_DLL.dll" in « d:\hermes_net_v4\OnData\Service\ »

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In IVR_PLUGINS subfolder, open "IVR_EXTERNAL_FCT.DEF" file and add following ligne

« D:\hermes_net_v4\OnData\Service\Hello_DLL.dll » and save. This will inform OnData the path of your new dll.

Open the file "IVR_EXTERNAL_FCT.CS" to add your function prototype provided by your DLL.

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Test of the DLL integration

For test purposes, you will find in folder "d:\hermes_net_v4\OnData\" a test program called
« Test_Ivr_Custom_Cde.exe ».
Fill function name and parameters and click Call, which will have the effect of calling the created function.

Same using Hello_DLL function described in your document.

To call this function from an IVR use document : 28_Custom_Functions_IVR_EN ».

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