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Barriers of Communication Case study

1. Identification of Barriers:
In problem 1 the barriers identified are Mechanical Barrier and Socio psychological barrier.
Mechanical barrier since the customer faced a disconnected call from the customer service.
Because there might be a faulty mechanism defect
Socio psychological barrier since refusal of the customer to listen to the problem or what actually
2. Causes of Mechanical barrier:
The causes of mechanical barrier could be there could be a defect in the device used by the call
center while communicating with the receiver and it was not within the control of the call center
The causes of socio psychological barrier could be snap reactions since the receiver jumped into
a conclusion that deliberately the call center was rude to the customer and the customer could
instead listened properly to the representative of why did the call get disconnected.
3. Alternative solutions:
The solutions for mechanical barrier could be the call center could have used an alternative
medium immediately once the call got disconnected like if the representative was talking through
a telephone and there was disruption he could have contacted him through the mail immediately.
The solutions for socio psychological barrier could be the customer should put himself in the
position of the representative then in that case he wouldn’t have spoken soo rude to the
4. Opting for the best solution:
The call center should appoint a person who keeps regular checks on the electric and telephone
lines and internet checks in order to avoid any such problems in future.
5. Follow up:
The call center since their main medium to communicate is telephone and other electronic
devices they should check their medium of devices every now and then.
1. Identification of Barriers:
In problem 2 the barrier identified is Cultural Barrier. As given in the case a table of proposal in
Britain meant to act on it which the meaning differs in United States since in US it means to
postpone or suspend a consideration.
2. Causes of Cross- Cultural barrier:
The main cause in the case the British manager was upset that they put off his proposal until next
week and later he realized that a table of proposal meant to postpone it and not act towards it.
The word proposed led confusions in the organization.
3. Alternative solutions:
The British managers is a part of large retail conglomerate it’s important for him to beware of the
background of people he is dealing with in a business.
4. Opting for the best solution:
The best solution could be to know the practices well before dealing into a business in order to
avoid such dissatisfaction which the Britain manager faced.
5. Follow up:
In order to not make the same mistake in future, it’s the duty of both the united states and British
manager to have a read on the business.

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